
Grundtvig Project: DIGITCLASS

February 2012

European citizenship

Why should we offer such a subject?

•There is the factor of non-identity except by contrast, a lack of pride Europe wide continues to be our cultural guideline. It remains a common experience for a catalan, a swede, a norwegian,a scottish, a turkish or a german to be recognised as “european”only when travelling outside Europe.

•A noble desire from the Grundtvig project is to build a European awareness at the same time remaining connected to one's own land and traditions (the eternal conflict between local and global, between tradition and innovation).

•We want our students to reflect on those issues.

The subject is designed to address a number of key issues and objectives (7):

Key 1 of 7

•to learn more about the new european environment as it is viewed both externally and internally. How do they see themselves? What role they want to play, even if small?With whom?Do they accept Brussels as their interlocultor?

Key 2 of 7

•To further develop our own perspectives on waht it might be to be European.

Key 3 of 7

•To reflect on the relationship of our national situation to the wider region.

Key 4 of 7

•To offer information about what is happening in European institutions with respect to exchanges, language study, work abroad...

Key 5 of 7

•To teach them the tools they need to apply for a grant or a work in Europe.

Key 6 of 7

•To learn from each other concerning national educational,vocational and working possibilities

Key 7 of 7

•To translate this subject into action plans for our students that could be realistically achieved.

Key 7 of 7

•To translate this subject into action plans for our students that could be realistically achieved.

Possible structure of the subject 1. European identity 2. European institutions and their functions

3. European mobility

4. Dealing cultural diversity

5. Final Project

1. European identity ( critically explore the meaning, relevance and implications of European citizenship in all its dimensions: cultural and linguistic diversity, history, geography...)

2. European institutions and their functions: The Council of Europe, the European Commission and other european

3. European mobility: work and study in Europe (grants, europass CV...)

4. Dealing cultural diversity: Learning to work in a multicultural environment

5. Final project: using digital tools for self-assessment and assessment ( e-portfolio...)

- Pressure exists on young people to be mobile, yet few are: they do not have the information nor the support they need.

- We could help them...

- Political union requires a citizenship

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