EULA for SaaS apps

Post on 08-Apr-2017






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You’ll most likely need a Terms and Conditions for your SaaS app, but you might not need an

End User License Agreement, or EULA.

The EULA agreement (1) is a legal agreement that grants users a license to install and use software

on their computers.

(1) Link to

EULA agreements are included with software programs that users can purchase and then install locally, such as on a laptop,

work computer, or mobile device.

Restrictions and limitations on the use of the license are included in the EULA agreement, such as:

No transferring or selling the license No renting, leasing or sublicensing the license No reverse engineering, modifying or using the code to create a derivative work

A Terms and Conditions (2), or Terms of Service, is a different legal agreement that contains terms that users must agree to before using a website,

app, service and more.

(2) Link to

Common clauses found in a Terms and Conditions agreement include the following:

Actions and activities that users are restricted from doing while using your website/app Governing Law clause Termination clause

Disclaimer of warranties Payment and subscription information, and Other terms that a user would need or want to know when using your app/service

The EULA agreement basically says

You can use our software so long as you adhere to this agreement. Here is your license to do so.

The Terms and Conditions agreement basically says

You can use our service so long as you adhere to this agreement. Here are

the terms of a subscription to access that service.

SaaS apps don’t have to give a license to the customer because a customer of a SaaS app is never actually

physically given a copy of the software.

Instead, customers are given access to a service that’s used to remotely access the software.

If your SaaS app comes with a desktop and/or mobile app that customers can download,

you’ll want some sort of a license agreement for the desktop/mobile app.

The EULA may be a good option for your ap in addition to a Terms and Conditions agreement

for the software licensing.

Which means it has an EULA agreement (3):

(3) Link to

SalesforceIQ’s EULA addresses licenses to the mobile app by letting users know that the app “is licensed,

not sold, to the Customer by Salesforce.”

Plus, it continues to inform users that the license is made only under the terms of the Master Subscription Agreement (4) and other documents from Salesforce.

(4) Link to

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