Essential Mobile Analytics Monetization and User Retention Services

Post on 07-Oct-2015






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Essential mobile analytics, monetization
and user retention services
BAMBOOAPPS is an award-winning vendor with 3+ years experience in delivering
comprehensive, end-to-end mobile app development services, including UX/UI
design, prototyping and programming across all major mobile platforms. For more
information, please visit our website.
approachable undertaking, which in turn makes
things a lot more complicated. Thousands of apps are
uploaded in app stores by big publishers, indie
developers, small businesses and the list goes on. No
matter who you are but before building a killer app you
should learn some essential tools that give you a bigger
chance to meet business goals like growth of awareness,
users engagement and revenue.
gathered and categorized a list of powerful SDK’s, app
development tools and services for you to utilize before,
during and after you've completed a project. The
effective combination of these instruments will give your
mobile app the best shot at becoming the next big thing.
Flurry is a pretty complete tool for mobile app analytics and the best part - it’s
free. For each app, you can either use the “classic” dashboard or create up to 10
custom dashboards. The integration of Flurry Analytics SDK into your apps
provides a view into your total unique users, cross-usage of apps, and app-to-app
conversions. By using this tool each developer gets a deep understanding of
everything your users are doing with your apps.
Core features
- App usage stats: active users, sessions, session lengths, frequency, retention,
- App audience description: interest of users (your other apps + category),
personas (type of your users – defined by Flurry), demographic.
- Technical stats: devices, carriers, firmware versions, errors.
Essential mobile analytics, monetization
and user retention services
- Events definition: see user paths, create funnels.
- Depending on the data/charts you’re looking at, you can filter via segments (age,
first session, usage, country, etc), app versions and dates.
User case
Discount mass merchant Inc. boosted its number of in-app sales
by 25% after deploying Flurry’s free mobile analytics tool on its iPhone and iPad
apps. Driving that growth was a 70% increase in the number of purchases from
iPhone searches and a 30% increase in purchases stemming from customers
tapping product images on the iPad, according to Flurry.
The mobile analytics tool revealed that Overstock’s iPhone shoppers conduct
four to five times as many specific product searches per session compared to
iPad shoppers, which led Overstock to update its search process on the
smartphone app. On the iPad, Flurry reported that shoppers scroll through a list of
products three times as often as they do on the iPhone; Overstock responded by
making its product images on the iPad larger and more colorful.
“Using Flurry Analytics, we have been able to greatly improve our apps and
in-app purchase rates,” says Overstock CEO and chairman Patrick Byrne. “We
now know what users want in the app and can provide that with confidence.”
Founded in 2011, AppsFlyer is a leading mobile app tracking and attribution
analytics platform that allows app developers, brands and agencies to manage,
measure and optimize their entire mobile user acquisition process. AppsFlyer’s
NativeTrack™ technology is now measuring billions of mobile actions and
analyzing the drivers of these actions and conversions.
Core features: 
- Official PMD for both Facebook & Twitter.
- Provides access to over 470 sources of traffic to ensure each campaign reaches
its intended target audience.
- Enables accurate monitoring and measuring of campaigns for Return On
Investment (ROI), Lifetime Value (LTV) and Payback period.
- Allows finding the most profitable channels for each campaign and adjusting
budgets based on real results in real-time.
Essential mobile analytics, monetization
and user retention services
Organic and more.
User case
Nordeus, a leading and award winning European game developer, approached
Appsflyer when they were looking for a tool that measures the value of different
traffic sources. AppsFlyer assisted by providing a simple yet powerful solution.
One SDK enabled Nordeus to integrate their game Top Eleven with over 400 Ad
Networks and be able to set-up, control and track everything in one place.
Nordeus got an ability to pull the data from AppsFlyer via the API directly to their
analytics system. All that gave a great insight into cpompany’s marketing efforts.
Nordeus learned how to optimize campaigns by figuring out which media source
brings the most valuable users. Appsflyer SDK integration helped them make
better decisions towards future campaigns and budget spend.
of any of these SDK’s.$
App Annie is a great tool to track your app downloads and revenues, it’s also very
useful to do market research and validate your app idea. This is an easy-to-use
platform for everything, from app market analysis to app store optimization. App
Annie solves the problem of monitoring the app ecosystem (including your
competitors) and provides each app developer with powerful visualizations to
analyze their app stores dynamics.
Core features:
The dashboard provides you with charts and tables, where you may get two kinds
of stats: general store stats and app analytics.
The store stats section helps to monitor:
- Rank history, app descriptions, feature data for over 3 million apps.
- Track the rise and fall of competitors’ apps, hour by hour, in every app store.
- Track your app store optimization via keyword rankings for your app and your
competitors’ apps.
- Revenue and downloads during the date range of your choice.
- Break-down per country (pretty useful to evaluate the need for localization).
- Tables with your app daily ranks.
- Reviews written on your app.
User case
Storm8 uses App Annie to identify opportunities, monitor competition and guide
strategy, allowing their team to make informed decisions not possible without app
store market data. Storm8 uses this platform to discover new markets, define app
categories properly, use reasonable pricing and focus on the monetizable mobile
The integration of this tool doesn’t require the installation of an SDK.
BugClipper is an in-app bug reporting tool that makes it easy report issues and
gather client feedback and saves more than 70% of the reporting time.
Core features:
- Screen recorder that creates a video of screen activity on the device with user's
voice & highlights all the taps.
- Users can report issues with screenshots, highlight and annotate them inside
their app with just one tap.
- Detailed bug reports with all the system and environment information included
for the developer to pinpoint the exact problem.
- Notifications. Once you have fixed the issue, your testers get notified in the app,
so you don't have to email them.
- Bug tracker. All the bug reports become actionable tasks on a bug tracker.
Essential mobile analytics, monetization
and user retention services
MindSparx integrated BugClipper in their NameMyWorld app - a mobile
application that helps parents decide a suitable name for their newborns. To save
their testers’ time MindSparx needed a tool that grabs in-app screenshots and
annotates them easily. MindSparx uses BugClipper to make detailed bug reports,
where real user sessions are recorded and every screen tap, swipe and action are
highlighted. So MindSparx can see exactly how users are using NameMyWorld
app in real time and what problems they are experiencing.
This ebook won’t
Appsee is an advanced mobile analytics platform that enables app developers to
measure, understand and improve the user experience in their mobile app.
Traditional mobile analytics don’t reveal the full story, emphasizing numbers
instead of reasons. Appsee enables app developers to put themselves in their
users’ shoes and visually understand exactly how users interact with their app.
App Developers leverage Appsee's user recordings, touch heatmaps and
real-time in-app analytics to optimize their apps and increase engagement,
conversions and in-app monetization.
- User recordings. Provide recordings of real user sessions, which enable
understanding of all the actions users perform in the app and what problems they
- Touch Heatmaps - enable to see exactly how users interact with the app by
visualizing every touch they make. This feature helps you find out which elements
Essential mobile analytics, monetization
and user retention services
users focus on the most within your app.
- Realtime In-App Analytics - provides key metrics to help you understand how
engaged your app users are, their activity overtime, which device and OS they
use and their geographic breakdown.
- Conversion Funnels - enables you to configure conversion funnels for relevant
processes within your app, measure the conversion rates, and understand the
reasons for the success or failure of each process.
- User Retention - enables you to understand how often your users return to use
your app in a given time frame. The information is presented through cohort
- Crash Recordings - detect and record crashed sessions automatically. You can
see the exact sequence of actions that resulted in a crash with your own eyes and
identify the single UI element causing the crash.
User case
GroundLink, an established aggregator and solutions provider to the ground travel
industry, uses Appsee to increase revenues and deliver better UX. The usage of
Appsee SDK enables GroundLink to detect shifts in the behavior of their user
experience and adjust their develpment strategy accordingly. Following a
successful implementation of the Appsee’s Mobile Solution GroundLink were able
to achieve the folloeing results:
- Tripled the amount of booked rides via mobile.
- A prominent reduction of 70% in app crashes.
- Improved usability and customer satisfaction (app rating went up from 3 stars to
4 stars on the App Store).
80% of apps are deleted after first use. Retention and discovery are two of the
biggest issues in the mobile world. Giving users an easy in-app method to give
private feedback and resolve issues will improve the overall business. Using
Helpshift's SDK, a developer can see device information, app session logs, and
more to easily help users. Users, meanwhile, have a better UX with in-app
messaging and searchable FAQs. Rating/feedback prompts can also entice the
user to leave ratings, reviews, or privately submit an issue. All of this ties together
to help with product developement and improve overall user retention.
Core features:
Essential mobile analytics, monetization
and user retention services
- Internationalized Knowledge Base (can pick up from device info to support local
User case
Pixelberry Studios is the publisher of a top grossing game in the Apple App Store
called High School Story. It continues to be in the Top Grossing apps and has
maintained an impressive 4.5 star rating. Pixelberry Studios were early adopters of
Helpshift and have integrated this tool for engaging their users and maintaining
their high star ratings and chart position.
As answering game play questions is a priority for the publisher, an “auto
follow-up” system provided by Helpshift was implemented to solve this problem.
As a result the time to respond to High School Story players went down twice and
it helped to turn almost 100 000 of one-time players into loyal game evangelists.
Apptentive helps app developers improve retention, get better ratings, get more
reviews, and increase feedback for their mobile apps. Many mobile apps have
trouble receiving feedback from customers, receive negative reviews in the app
store, and don't understand how they can improve their app. By integrating the
Apptentive SDK, app developers are given the tools to intercept negative
feedback, improve their star ratings in the app store, and grow a community of
loyal app customers. This tool provides customers with a better app experience
by giving you a direct channel to hear their feedback and have conversations that
enable to turn an app into something customers love to use.
Core features:
- In-app prompt
User case
Urbanspoon integrated Apptentive one year ago. Their rating in the App Store
went from four stars to five stars, and stayed there. They now receive over 11x the
number of daily reviews than they did previously, and they consistently rank in the
Top 10 for the Food & Drink category in the US App Store.
The Applause SDK enables mobile developers to know precisely how their apps
are working in the test lab and in the wild, in both pre-production and production.
A single library enables over-the-air app build distribution, real-time crash reports,
in-app bug reports and in-app user feedback. Now developers can discover
precisely what’s working and what’s not – in real-time - with their iOS, Android,
Windows Phone and Unity apps. When combined with Applause in-the-wild
testing services, developers can distribute their apps to Applause global
community of 150K+ professional testers from 200 countries and territories.
Developers can have their apps tested on any combination of device types,
operating systems, locations and languages that best match their end users. The
Applause community is familiar with the SDK reporting tools and can begin testing
right away.
Core features. 
over-the-air to designated devices.
Essential mobile analytics, monetization
and user retention services
- Real-Time Crash Reporting. The Applause SDK generates automated, real-time
crash reports filtered by OS version, device and other parameters from production
and preproduction users, publishing this information into custom modules within
the Applause 360 App Quality™ Dashboard.
- In-App Bug Reporting. Testers can submit bug reports directly from the app
which will be tagged with recent device activity and info making it easier to
reproduce the exact steps that triggered the bug.
- In-App User Feedback. Users can submit feedback directly from the app,
enabling developers to easily spot trends, discover issues and receive new ideas
from end users.
- Cross-Platform Support. You get all this from a single set of libraries that support
iOS, Android, Windows Phone and Unity apps.
User case
DigitasLBi, an international digital agency part of the Publicis Groupe saw new
opportunities to fit testing into their development schedule. The company first
worked with internal testers, but found that this approach could be improved.
DigitasLBi needed to find a flexible and professional solution for testing which
could allow its team to focus on developing great products delivered on time.
Applause brought the flexibility to deliver a product for testing overnight or over
the weekend. Besides that, Applause offered a wide variety of browsers, devices
and testing know-how. The level of tester feedback and the quality of the bug
reports made it easier for DigitasLBi to fix issues without spending extra time
reproducing issues. Testing in-the-wild has also turned up some “not-so-obvious
issues” that would likely have cost time and money.
DigitasLBi Project Managers share testing results with clients, which helps their
clients feel more confident in the work DigitasLBi delivers. Ultimately, since
starting work with Applause, DigitasLBi has seen fewer post-launch bugs and
receives less negative feedback from clients.
Appoxee is a mobile marketing automation platform designed to increase
engagement, retention and revenues to apps. Appoxee works with leading
brands, agencies and publishers to serve more than 400 million users worldwide
with over a billion messages per month. Appoxee empowers marketers to do
more on mobile, providing self-service marketing automation tools to activate and
engage app users. Appoxee SDK offers a rich set of features including push
notifications and in-app messages, audience segmentation and targeting,
message creation and message testing.
Core features
- Push Messages
custom data fields you have on hand
- Robust Analytics platform to measure effects of your campaigns: sends, opens,
clicks. Hourly and daily activations
- Best Time To Send: Best Time To Send is Appoxee’s own proprietary
self-learning algorithm that analyzes each user’s past app activation history as well
as interactions with past notifications, then learns when they are most likely to
open a message. Messages are then scheduled to arrive at these optimal times,
resulting in higher open rates.
User case
Social Point, a social gaming company with over 50+ million active monthly users,
uses Appoxee to drive increased revenue and app opens with promotions and
special offers. In a recent experiment to see if they could win back dormant
players, the company tested three messages to “wake up” these users: one with a
general “come back” message, and two which included an offer for two different
rewards. All three offers got a lift in activations, and the two freebie offers caused
users to make more in-app prchases. In fact, 60% of users that made an in-app
purchase after receiving the offer did it for the first time! This one test alone gave
the gaming company a 2-3x increase in revenues.
Crashlytics is a cloud-based crash reporting solution. It is a full-stack service,
meaning that the framework provides both client-side and server-side parts.
Crashlytics dashboard provides you with all the issues reported, number of
crashes, and the number of users affected. It also shows the distribution of
crashes over time. Each crash is classified by application version to avoid any
confusion. You can integrate Crashlytics with third party bug trackers and project
management tools.
Core features.
- Deep analysis
User case
Twitter team started using Crashlytics as an internal crash reporting framework in
2013. With the help of Crashlytics SDK Twitter diagnose and fix different types of
bugs and crashes. Twitter engineers were perplexed by crashes that were
affecting a small number of users, and the Crashlytics tool set eventually helped
them figure out those users were on jailbroken iOS devices. Moreover the tool let
Twitter collect crashes from employee dogfood builds, which dramatically reduced
the feedback cycle. Now instead of iterating on several public releases, they
quickly address the crashes internally, and then ship a better version to users.
Essential mobile analytics, monetization
and user retention services
aking app design is just an initial stage of development process. The set
of cutting-edge mobile tools and services we overviewed in our ebook,
provides a great opportunity to increase your app quality and productivity to the
next level at minimal money & time costs.
and free quotes. We’d love to talk.
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