Essential Lessons for Entrepreneurs & Business Owners

Post on 11-Feb-2017






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Essential Lessons For

Entrepreneurs &

Business Owners

Things will not always fall into place on

your rise to success, especially when you’re

an entrepreneur

It’s better if you can teach yourself some of

the essential skills that could help you to

survive before committing 100% of yourself

to the entrepreneurial journey

How To Deal With Failure

Once you decided to become an

entrepreneur, always keep in mind that

tasting failure will be an inevitable part

of your life from that point onwards

It’s essential that you learn how to accept

failure but not succumb to it

Learn how to look at & treat failure as a

part of your learning process that will help

you to become a better entrepreneur for

even more success in the future

How to Raise Money

Being the leader of your own business,

you must learn how to effectively deal

with all the paperwork & meetings with

investors & banks,…

… all the while successfully coming up

with a detailed & realistic business

plan that will produce great results

that will satisfy everyone in the end

How to Budget

It’s crucial that an entrepreneur must have

the ability to budget expenses for the next

6 months, a year, or even longer to keep

the business on the ground running

Have “Pivot” as 1 of Your Options

Change is inevitable in life, so remind

yourself to never be afraid of it

If, maybe, at one point, you figure out that

what your business is focusing on is wrong,

make the needed change with confidence

Questions, Comments or Clarification?

Contact: Maverick Mentoring For Business


Phone: 61 3 9005 8275

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