Essential GRE Words: Level 1 Lesson 2

Post on 24-May-2015






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Ultimate Vocabulary's Essential GRE Words is a video lesson series specifically designed to help you boost your GRE score. This is the fastest and easiest way to improve your GRE score - because you are learning the words that appear most frequently on the GRE Exam. Includes definitions, synonym/antonyms, and examples all sourced from the Ultimate Vocabulary software. To view the video, visit



WORD LIST Accessory Adjacent Apparent Conventional Diversity Facilitate Finale Fusion

Hybrid Kernel Parallel Query Rue Transparent Travail

ACCESSORY NOUN: clothing that is worn or carried, but not part

of your main clothing SYNONYM: accoutrement “When taking a fresh look at your wardrobe, editing

it to suit your lifestyle, don’t neglect to amass a good accessory selection.”


ADJECTIVE: having a common boundary or edge

SYNONYMS: conterminous, contiguous, neighboring

“The church gets its name from the adjacent hospice where pilgrims on their way to or from Rome once stayed.”

APPARENT ADJECTIVE: clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or

judgment SYNONYMS: evident, manifest, patent, plain, unmistakable “Over the next four years, no work of any kind was carried out

and it became increasingly apparent that senior officials had decided that The Grange should not be restored after all.”


ADJECTIVE: conforming with accepted standards

SYNONYM: established

“Yet when a wisdom becomes as conventional as this one, it is time to question it and even to think the opposite.”

DIVERSITY NOUN: noticeable heterogeneity SYNONYMS: diverseness, multifariousness, variety “Their diversity and the richness of species is most

apparent in the lowland neotropical rainforests found in Amazonia and in Australia, which have more than 2,000 living species.”


VERB: make easier, increase the likelihood of

“It follows that it is the applied linguists’ task to facilitate mediation since their role precludes any direct engagement with this process on their own account.”


NOUN: the concluding part of any performance

SYNONYMS: close, closing curtain

“Listening to the Finale in particular, I was struck by the lack of driving force there is behind it in this performance.”

FUSION NOUN: the state of being combined into one body SYNONYM: coalition “Other forms of mental handicap may be attributed

to genetic factors, where the fusion of the parents’ genes creates an irregularity in the chromosomal mix.”

HYBRID ADJECTIVE: produced by crossbreeding SYNONYM: intercrossed “This hybrid bike from Raleigh combines popular

mountain and road bike features making it perfectly suited for people who like mountain bikes but have no intention of going near a mountain.”

KERNEL NOUN: the choicest or most essential or most vital part of

some idea or experience SYNONYMS: substance, core, center, essence, gist, heart

and soul “The kernel of the unconscious system is the whole set of

instinctual wish-impulses which may be represented to consciousness by dream images.”

PARALLEL ADJECTIVE: being everywhere equidistant and not

intersecting ANTONYMS: perpendicular, oblique “A large truss rod cover above the nut hides a very

substantial dual truss rod system; two rods lie parallel along the neck, keeping the whole assembly firmly in shape.”


VERB: pose a question

SYNONYM: question

“We are unable to provide personal query answering service to readers by post.”

RUE VERB: to feel sadness associated with some wrong done

or some disappointment SYNONYMS: sorrow, regret “She might live to rue this impetuous decision, but at

least she’d never look back with regret on what might have been if only she’d had the courage to dare.”


ADJECTIVE: easily understood or seen through (because of a lack of subtlety)

“Really, Muggeridge was one of the worst and most transparent liars he had ever encountered.”


NOUN: use of physical or mental energy

SYNONYMS: effort, elbow grease, exertion, sweat

“Why does this inspirational man demand so much travail from his damaged body?”


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