Essential Chemistry for Biology Chapter 2. Why Chemistry?? Chemicals make up everything! Body Environment Food.

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Essential Chemistry for Biology

Chapter 2

Why Chemistry??

Chemicals make up everything! Body Environment Food

Basic Chemistry

Matter Anything that takes up

space and has mass Can exist as a liquid,

solid, or gas Made up of atoms

Elements Basic building block of

matter 92 naturally occurring


Basic Chemistry

Only 6 elements that make up most of the body weight of organisms C CarbonH HydrogenN NitrogenO OxygenP PhosphorusS Sulfur

Trace Elements

Trace elements make up 0.01% of human body weight, but still very important

Each Element Consists of ONE Kind of Atom

Smallest unit that retains the properties of a given element And to enter a chemical reaction

Composed of subatomic particles: Protons (p+) Neutrons Electrons (e-)

Move @ atomic nucleus Usually (e-) = (p+)

Electrically neutral

Atomic Symbol

Atomic Mass = Number of Protons + Number of Neutrons

Atomic Number = The Number of Protons in the Nucleus

Why are electrons so important??

determine the chemical behavior of atoms Part of atom that comes close enough for

interactions associated with energy

the field of energy around an atom is arranged as levels called electron shells

Electron Shells

have specific numbers of orbitals that may be filled with electrons atoms that have incomplete

electron orbitals tend to be more reactive

atoms will lose, gain, or share electrons in order to fill completely their outermost electron shell

these actions are the basis of chemical bonding

Valence Shell

Molecules and Compounds

Molecules Chemical bonding that joins atoms Some contain atoms of only one element


Compounds Atoms of two or more different elements

H2O Mixture

Two or more molecules mingling together

Chemical Bonds

Atoms are held together by bonds 3 main types:

Ionic bond Accept or donate electrons

Covalent bond Share one or more electrons

Hydrogen bond

Ionic Bond

Atoms gain and lose electrons Balance between protons

and electrons shifts Become “ionized”

Ion Atom that has a charge Losing an electron results

in a net positive Gaining an electron results

in a net negative charge Ionic bond

Association of two ions that have opposing charges

Which will form an ionic bond?

Potassium (K)

Chlorine (Cl)

Helium (He)

Argon (Ar)

Can Mg and Cl form an ionic bond?

Magnesium (Mg)Chlorine (Cl)

Covalent Bond

Covalent bond Stable and stronger

than ionic bonds Atoms share

electrons Each atom will

have a completed outer shell

Bond Notation Single covalent

bonds are written as H-H

Double covalent bonds are written as O=O

A covalent bond can be nonpolar or polar

Nonpolar covalent bond Sharing of electrons

between atoms is fairly equal

Polar covalent bond Unequal sharing of


Hydrogen Bond

Hydrogen bond Weak attraction

Form and break easily

Occurs between polar molecules

Polar bonds have charges on either end and often attract to each other

Water molecules contain two covalent bonds

Chemical Reactions

Cells constantly rearrange molecules by breaking existing chemical bonds and forming new ones

Reactants Starting materials

Products End materials

Chemical reactions cannot create or destroy matter, They only rearrange it

Hydrogen Bonds Give Water Unique Properties

Heat Storage water temperature changes slowly and holds

temperature well Ice Formation

few hydrogen bonds break at low temperatures water becomes less dense as it freezes because

hydrogen bonds stabilize and hold water molecules farther apart

High Heat of Vaporization at high temperatures, hydrogen bonds can be

broken water requires tremendous energy to vaporize because

of all the hydrogen bonds that must be broken

Hydrogen Bonds Give Water Unique Properties

Water molecules are sticky cohesion – when one water

molecule is attracted to another water molecule

adhesion – when polar molecules other than water stick to a water molecule

Hydrogen Bonds Give Water Unique Properties

Water dissolves other polar substances

Solvent Ions and polar molecules

easily dissolve in it Solute

A dissolved substance Hydrophilic

water-loving molecules form hydrogen bonds with

water Hydrophobic

water-fearing molecules do not form hydrogen

bonds with water

Acids and Bases

When water ionizes, it releases an equal number of hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH-)

Some substances release more or fewer or each Acids - Excess hydrogen ions Bases - Excess hydroxide ions

Acidic and Basic Solutions

Acidic Solutions Sharp, sour taste Molecules that

dissociate in water Release

hydrogen ions (H+)

Basic Solutions Bitter taste Molecules that

either take up hydrogen ions (H+) or release hydroxide ions (OH-)

pH Scale

The pH Scale Ranges from 0 - 14

pH below 7 is acidic [H+] > [OH-]pH above 7 is alkaline [OH-] > [H+]pH of 7 is neutral [H+] = [OH-]

Buffer Chemical or combination of chemicals that

keeps pH within normal limits

Water Ionizes

The amount of ionized hydrogen from water in a solution can be measured as pH

The pH scale is logarithmic, which means that a pH scale difference of 1 unit actually represents a 10-fold change in hydrogen ion concentration

pH = -log[H+]

The pH scale

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