ESERO Teachers’ Conference 2013 Dr Michaela Livingstone Special Projects Manager.

Post on 21-Jan-2016






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ESERO Teachers’ Conference 2013

Dr Michaela Livingstone

Special Projects Manager

20 million participants every year

ASDC Vision

A society where people are intrigued, inspired and involved with the sciences

ASDC Mission

To bring together the ASDC membership to play a strategic role in the nation’s engagement with science

To inspire a new sense of excitement amongst young people around the physical sciences by sharing the amazing stories and technologies of STFC

By training, equipping and supporting 10 science and discovery centres and 50 scientists to run outstanding activities in this area

Caption style

The Project vision

And STFC have a broad research portfolio …

From the exploration of everything that is beyond our planet … to learning about our planet when looking back in…

To exploring the very nature of matter , to the structure of molecules and materials...

…Plus developing and running the amazing technology and facilities that enable them to carry out their investigations.

1. An exceptional set of adaptable hands-on equipment

2 High end master class for 14-16 year olds

3. Schools workshop for 10-13 year olds

4. A family show for 8-13 year olds and


5. A meet the expert format and introductions

6. A national training programme to train 50

STFC scientists

7. A national training programme to train staff

from 10 science centres

8. A host of other resources, including social


9. Project evaluation

Key project outputs

The Key Audiences

1. School students 10-16 in formal curriculum linked activities, and their teachers

2. Young people 8-13 with families (informal)

3. STFC staff and science centre staff to embed these workshops for the future.

• The National Space Centre, Leicester

• Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre

Two expert partners

1. At-Bristol

2. Catalyst in Cheshire

3. Dundee Science Centre

4. Glasgow Science Centre

5. INTECH in Winchester

6. Observatory Science Centre in East Sussex

7. Our Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh

8. Royal Observatory Greenwich

9. Satrosphere in Aberdeen

10. Science Oxford

10 Partner Science Centres

Contains everything:

• Briefing sheets for all equipment & activities

• The equipment lists

• Powerpoints for Workshops

• Evaluation (by Justin Dillon’s group)

• Marketing and logo usage

• Technical details

The Handbook

11 it made me feel... (Career)


The latest science from role models

Independent evaluation by King’s College London (Prof Justin Dillon)

• 4000 Students

• 500 teachers

• 200 families

• Interviews and surveys

Results: January 2014

Project evaluation


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