
Forensic Anthropology

Forensic Anthropology




Forensic Anthropology

Schooling Involved for a Forensic Anthropology Career

The bachelor of arts degree in anthropology is required to admit to graduate school, where the master of arts degree will be received also followed by the Doctorate pf Philosphy in anthropology.

How long does it take to earn these degrees

The time frame varies some students finish in two to three years others take as long as five to six. It all depends on what you want to take and the amount of time it takes to learn the field you are trying for.

How much do these Forensic Anthropologists make

There’s no direct answer to this question. It always varies on what type of forensic anthropology field you work in, and the location your in, the experience you’ve had and also where you were employed (college). But on average a Forensic Anthropologist makes 20,000 to 50,000.

To see what a typical day for a Forensic Anthropologist click on the link below

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