Epo esp@cenet final_beginners_en64

Post on 29-Oct-2014






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Presentación de EPO en el Cuarto curso de Capacitación Latipat del 26 al 29 de febrero de 2008. Panamá.


The European Patent Office

Contributing to a knowledge-based

economy in Europe

Wistre Rodriguez Feb. 2008

Background to esp@cenet

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Searching in esp@cenetDatabase content - Coverage

Searching in esp@cenetDatabase content - Coverage

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Coverage - Numbers

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Searching in esp@cenetLimitations

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Searching in esp@cenetLimitations

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Searching in esp@cenetLimitations

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Searching in esp@cenet

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Searching in esp@cenetHit lists and how to manage them

Searching in esp@cenetHit lists and how to manage them

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• Button "Refine search" to use in case of more than 500 results OR "0" result found

Searching in esp@cenetDocuments and how to navigate

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Searching in esp@cenetDocuments and how to navigate

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