Epidemiologic Study of an Outbreak of Clenbuterol ... · women (46 percent) and 61 men (64 percent), ages 8 to 73 years (mean age 37.15 ± 13.71 years). There was no statistically

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Epidemiologic Study of an Outbreakof Clenbuterol Poisoning in Catalonia, Spain


Dr. Salleras and Dr. Dominguez are with the Unit of PreventiveMedicine and Public Health, Department of Public Health andHealth Regulation, University of Barcelona. Dr. Salleras is Chiefand Dr. Dominguez is Associate Professor. Mr. Mata and Dr.Tabemer are with the State Public Health Office, Department ofHealth and Social Security, Generalitat of Catalonia. Mr. Mata isSubdirector of Health Protection and Dr. Tabemer is Subdirectorof Health Promotion. Mrs. Moro is Coordinator of Public Health atthe Health Territorial Delegation of Barcelona. Dr. SalvA isProfessor of Clinical Pharmacology and Chief of ClinicalPharmacology Service, University Hospital "Germans Trias iPujol" in Badalona, Barcelona.

Tearsheet request to Dr. Dominguez, Travessera de les Corts,131-159, 08028 Barcelona, Spain; tel. 93-339-11-11; FAX93-411-11-14.

Synopsis ....................................

In an investigation of 113 cases of clenbuterolpoisoning in Catalonia, Spain, in 1992, more than SO

percent of those affected were found to have hadsymptoms of nervousness, tachycardia, muscletremors, myalgia, and headache. There was nosignificant difference in the distribution of symptomsaccording to sex (P = 0.97). The period of incubationvaried between 15 minutes and 6 hours and theduration of symptoms between 90 minutes and 6 days.Clenbuterol was detected in 47 urine samples inamounts ranging from 1I to 486 parts per billion. Notraces of clenbuterol were found in serum samples.

Intoxication occurred in association with theingestion of veal liver, irrespective of the way inwhich the liver had been cooked. The associationbetween consuming liver and falling ill was statis-tically significant (P < 0.0001). In one family, thesuspected source of intoxication was meat (vealtongue) and in another canneloni. None of thepatients died as a result of the intoxication.

The findings reinforce the need to uphold theprohibition of the use of clenbuterol in cattle farmingin those countries and communities where it alreadyexists and to contemplate a stricter regulation of itstherapeutic use.

CLENBUTEROL, a ,3-agonist drug with affinity for 131and 12 receptors, is licensed as a bronchodilator foruse in human medicine in Spain and other countriesin the European Community (1-3). It is also used asbronchodilator and tocolytic for the treatment ofrespiratory disease in horses and cattle and to relaxthe uterus in cows at parturition (4-6).

The anabolic effects of clenbuterol on muscle massand body fat, however, have been exploited illicitly inmeat production (7,8). This agent causes regression inbody lipids, muscle growth, and weight gain and hasbeen illegally used in the past as a growth promoter('repartition factor') in young cattle (9-12). Itaccumulates in the liver and, to a lesser degree, inmuscle. Although the Commission of the EuropeanCommunity banned the use of this drug in animalfeeding (13), the benefits to be obtained by increasingthe ratio of lean to fat in the carcass by dosing the

animals with black market supplies of ,B-agonistsmust be tempting, since there have been a number ofoutbreaks of clenbuterol-related poisoning in the last3 years in Europe.

In 1990, there was an outbreak in France in which22 people were affected as a result of the consump-tion of clenbuterol residues in veal liver (14). In thesame year, a total of 135 cases were reported inanother outbreak that occurred in several autonomousregions in Spain. Veal liver was likewise the sourceof intoxication (15-17). During the first 3 months of1992, a further episode of clenbuterol poisoning wasregistered in Spain. Of a total number of 232 cases,113 occurred in Catalonia (an autonomous region innortheast Spain with a population of 6 million).The aim of this study is to present the results of

investigating the clenbuterol poisoning outbreak inCatalonia.

338 Public Health Reports

Materials and Methods

On January 28, 1992, the Department of Healthand Social Security in Barcelona (Delegaci6n Ter-ritorial de Sanidad de Barcelona) was notified thatfour patients had attended the emergency rooms oftwo hospitals in the town of Sabadell presentingsymptoms of tachycardia and muscle tremors. Allfour patients had eaten the same food at the samerestaurant in Sabadell the day before. The menuincluded soup, spaghetti with tomato sauce, andgrilled veal liver.

Epidemiologists from the health department inBarcelona contacted the health authorities in Sabadelland requested that urine and blood samples beobtained from the patients affected. An investigationwas made to determine the presence of other caseswith similar symptoms in all other hospitals in thetown. The same request was made to the healthauthorities in Terrassa, a town close to Sabadell thatshares similar health care resources.An epidemiologic questionnaire was drawn up for

each patient to register personal data such as name,surname, place of residence, clinical symptoms, dayand time at which symptoms developed, food con-sumed during the day symptoms appeared, and estab-lishments where liver and other bovine products-thesuspected sources of food poisoning-were con-sumed. Patients also were asked if they were undermedication with adrenergic agonists or antagonists.This epidemiologic inquiry also was conducted forcontrols chosen from the same families in which thecases occurred.A copy of the epidemiologic inquiry form was sent

to all hospital and primary care emergency services inthe area together with a case definition (16)developed by the Ministry of Health of Spain as aresult of the outbreak of clenbuterol poisoning thathad occurred in 1990. The definition read "ap-pearance of characteristic clinical manifestationssubsequent to ingestion of liver, with abrupt onsetafter a latency period of between 30 minutes and 6hours. The clinical profile is characterized by easilyobservable muscle tremors and palpitations-tachycardia, frequently accompanied by nervousness,cephalalgia, and myalgia, lasting for about 40 hours."

Instructions also were given for collected urine andserum samples to be sent to the Catalan Departmentof Agriculture Laboratory (Laboratori Agrari delDepartament d'Agricultura, Ramaderia i Pesca de laGeneralitat de Catalunya).

Based on data obtained from patients and restau-rant proprietors as to where the potentially contami-nated food was procured, local veterinary authorities

and personnel from the Department of Health andSocial Security examined official documents pertain-ing to the origin of the foodstuffs and authorizingtheir transportation. They also collected samples ofleftover food, eaten at home by those affected, foranalysis in the Department of Agriculture Laboratory.

Samples of serum and urine of the patients andsamples of the associated food were assayed for thepresence of clenbuterol using high-performance liquidchromatography (HPLC) (18,19). The samples werepurified with extraction column in solid phase (ChemElut) of diatomees soil sediment washed withn-hexane. Subsequently the clenbuterol was extractedby adding hydrochloric acid 0.01 N. The extract wasanalysed by HPLC in an inverse phase using a diodearray detector.

Samples of associated food were stored andtransported frozen at minus 200 C. Samples of serumand urine of the patients were stored and transportedat 40 C.

In all cases, the delay between the time the samplewas collected and the analysis was done was notmore than 48 hours. For all kinds of samples a testwas considered positive when clenbuterol at con-centrations of 5 parts or more per billion (ppb) wasidentified. This was the minimum level that could bedetected by the laboratory.

Study data were analyzed by the SPSS and Epi-Info statistical software packages. The chi-square testand the Fisher's exact test were used for thecomparison of proportions. Means were comparedusing the Student's t-test. Statistical significance wastaken as a less than 5 percent likelihood of occurringby chance.


A total of 113 cases met the definition. Weconducted a epidemiologic inquiry into these 113cases and 37 controls by direct face to face interviewor by telephone. Among the 113 cases, there were 52

May-June 1995, Vol. 110, No. 3 339

Table 1. Distribution of 113 cases of clenbuterol poisoningin Catalonia, Spain, 1992, according to age and sex

Age (years) Females Males Total

0-10 ................. 2 1 311-20 ................. 5 10 1521-30 ................. 9 12 2131-40 ................. 14 18 3241-50 ................. 12 12 2451-60 ................. 9 5 14Older than 60 ......... 1 3 4

Total ............ 152 261 113146 percent. 254 percent.

Table 2. Distribution of symptoms in 113 cases of clenbuterolpoisoning in Catalonia, Spain, 1992

Yes No

Symptoms Number Percent Number Percent

Tachycardia ......... 106 93.8 7 6.2Muscle tremor....... 106 93.8 7 6.2Nervousness ........ 103 91.2 10 8.8Headache........... 78 69.0 35 31Myalgia ............. 73 64.6 40 35.4Retro-ocular pain.... 36 31.8 77 68.2Vomiting ............ 26 23.0 87 77.0Asthenia ............ 23 20.4 90 79.6Nausea ............. 14 12.4 99 87.6

Table 3. Concentration of clenbuterol in nine samples of vealliver taken during 1992 outbreak of poisoning in Catalonia,


Sample number Parts per billion

1................................... 1,9802. .................................. 6403. .................................. 504. .................................. 5,3955. .................................. 266. .................................. 887. .................................. 238. .................................. 3,6009. .................................. 19

women (46 percent) and 61 men (64 percent), ages 8to 73 years (mean age 37.15 ± 13.71 years). Therewas no statistically significant difference between themean age of women (38.02 ± 12.86 years) and men(36.15 ± 14.31 years) (P = 0.2). The distribution ofcases according to age and sex is shown in table 1.More than half of those afflicted presented

symptoms of tachycardia, muscle tremors, nervous-ness, myalgia, and headache (table 2). There was nosignificant difference in the distribution of symptomsaccording to sex (P = 0.97). The interval between

exposure and onset ranged from 15 minutes to 6hours (fig. 1). The duration of symptoms variedbetween 90 minutes and 6 days. None of the patientswere under medication with adrenergic agonists orantagonists.Of the 113 people affected, 91 went to hospital

emergency rooms. Six were subsequently admitted tothe hospital, three for observation, two for thetreatment of tachycardia, and one for the treatment ofsuspected carbon monoxide poisoning. All hospi-talized patients recovered and were discharged a fewhours after admission. None of the patients died.

Urine samples were collected from 45 patients andboth urine and serum samples from another 2patients. So, we were able to analyze 47 samples ofurine and 2 serum samples. Clenbuterol was detectedin the 47 urine samples in amounts ranging from 11to 486 ppb. No traces of clenbuterol were found inthe two serum samples. Onset of symptoms for mostcases occurred between January 25 and 29 (fig. 2).A study of the circumstances showed that intoxica-

tion occurred in 52 people from 32 families, 33 inconnection with one restaurant, and 28 from acompany canteen. Epidemiologic study revealed thatin the restaurant, the canteen, and in 30 of the 32families affected, intoxication occurred in associationwith the ingestion of veal liver, irrespective of theway in which the liver had been cooked. The rate ofattack among exposed subjects was variable (up to 97percent in the canteen).Comparing cases and controls, the association

between consuming liver and falling ill was statis-tically significant (P < 0.0001). In one family, thesuspected source of intoxication was veal tongue andin another canneloni, although it was not possible todetermine the precise ingredients used to fill thecanneloni. It is probable that liver was used becauseit is a usual practice in the preparation of canneloni.Moreover, we knew that the meat and the kidneys ofthe animals involved were sent to other regions ofSpain.With regard to the suspected source of contamina-

tion, 16 samples of veal liver were analyzed, andclenbuterol was found to be present in 9 of these inamounts ranging from 19 to 5,395 ppb (table 3).Three samples of meat obtained from establishmentswhere the affected people had purchased foodstuffsproved negative. None of these samples were fromleftover meals eaten by affected subjects.

Further investigation showed that in all cases theliver ingested came from animals that had beenslaughtered in a slaughterhouse in Sabadell onJanuary 23 and 24 and had been delivered to all theestablishments in question by the same distributor.

340 Public Health Reports


The clinical and epidemiologic characteristics ofthe cases studied, the epidemic time curve, and thehigh levels of clenbuterol observed in blood samplesare relevant findings. Both the case definition usedand the presence of high concentrations of clenbuterolin positive samples were of particular value in thediagnosis, since the characteristically short incubationperiod and clinical symptoms of muscle tremors,tachycardia, nervousness, headache, and myalgia wereobserved in almost all cases. Other chemicals werenot assayed because clenbuterol was the onlya-agonist employed in the feeding of animals inCatalonia.

Because HPLC is a reference method for confirma-tion and quantification of clenbuterol recognized bythe European Community and because all the resultswere clear, no single result was confirmed by massspectrometry. Besides, HPLC is an easier techniquethan mass sprectrometry (19,20).With regard to the case definition used in our

study, two aspects are of particular significance-theduration of symptoms and the fact that the onset ofsymptoms occurred after the ingestion of liver. Itshould be borne in mind that in some patients clinicalmanifestations have been known to last several days(up to 6). Consequently, the case definition should bemodified to include the observation that symptomsmay last several days.

Likewise, the results of our study show that liver isnot the only source of clenbuterol-related poisoning.In some of our patients, veal tongue and canneloniwere the source of poisoning. Although urine sampleswere not obtained from these patients, it is highlylikely, given the connection of these persons withothers in whom the presence of clenbuterol wasanalytically confirmed, that the meat consumed camefrom the same animals whose livers were involved inthe outbreak.

Since concentrations of clenbuterol observed inliver samples were very high, greater than 5,000 ppb,(traces amounting to 125-250 ppb are normally foundafter therapeutic dosing), it is probable that sufficientamounts of clenbuterol to cause intoxication may bepresent in tongue or other muscle mass of theinvolved animals, because clenbuterol, after beingmetabolized in the liver, passes to the blood and fromthe blood to the muscle mass.Cinnamon used in locally made desserts was

implicated in an earlier clenbuterol-related outbreakthat occurred in Aragon, Spain, in 1991 affecting 59persons. Accidental contamination of the cinnamon,obtained in an establishment where the proprietors

Figure 1. Time elapsed between food consumption and theonset of clinical manifestations of clenbuterol poisoning of 105

persons1 in Catalonia, Spain, 1992



1/ 1 11/2 2 21/2 3 4 5 6Time in hours

'For 8 persons, the interval was unknown.

Figure 2. Epidemic time curve1 of an outbreak of food poison-ing following the consumption of clenbuterol-containing veal

liver, Catalonia, Spain, 1992

Cases5550 Notification of

45 1l Restaurant the outbreak4 Company canteen

40 D Family353025 - Start of food

control measures


171819 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 2829303 1 2 3 4January-February 1992

'In 1 case, the day of onset was unknown.

were also cattle farmers, was postulated as the sourceof poisoning (21). In view of these data, it would beadvisable to exclude the type of food consumed fromthe case definition of clenbuterol-related foodpoisoning.

In relation to the epidemic time curve, it should benoted that three cases had already occurred byJanuary 17, 11 days before the outbreak was reportedto the health authorities. The delay with which thesecases (without analytical confirmation) were reported,despite the fact that they conformed to the casedefinition of clenbuterol poisoning used, wouldindicate that probably they were not related to theanimals raised by the same cattle farmers andslaughtered on January 23 and 24. In contrast, thefour cases that occurred on February 3 are clearlyassociated with the latter, since it was possible to

May-June 1995, Vol. 110, No. 3 341

show that the liver they consumed on that date wasbought on January 29.A rapid resolution of the outbreak occurred once

health authorities had been notified and food qualitycontrol measures had been put into effect. Inagreement with other authors (14,22,23), cooperationbetween epidemiologic and veterinary surveillancesystems is considered to be of fundamental impor-tance in the prevention of further cases ofclenbuterol-related food poisoning.

In summary, the findings of this study reinforce theneed to uphold the prohibition of the use ofclenbuterol in cattle farming in those countries andcommunities where it is already fed to animals and tocontemplate a stricter regulation of its therapeuticuse.

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