Epicor ERP Order Management Course 10.0.700.2

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Epior ERP Order Management


Epicor ERPOrder Management Course10.0.700.2


This document is for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. This document and itscontents, including the viewpoints, dates and functional content expressed herein are believed to be accurate as of itsdate of publication. However, Epicor Software Corporation makes no guarantee, representations or warranties withregard to the enclosed information and specifically disclaims any applicable implied warranties, such as fitness for aparticular purpose, merchantability, satisfactory quality or reasonable skill and care. As each user of Epicor software islikely to be unique in their requirements in the use of such software and their business processes, users of this documentare always advised to discuss the content of this document with their Epicor account manager. All information containedherein is subject to change without notice and changes to this document since printing and other important informationabout the software product are made or published in release notes, and you are urged to obtain the current releasenotes for the software product. We welcome user comments and reserve the right to revise this publication and/ormake improvements or changes to the products or programs described in this publication at any time, without notice.The usage of any Epicor software shall be pursuant to an Epicor end user license agreement and the performance ofany consulting services by Epicor personnel shall be pursuant to Epicor's standard services terms and conditions. Usageof the solution(s) described in this document with other Epicor software or third party products may require the purchaseof licenses for such other products. Where any software is expressed to be compliant with local laws or requirementsin this document, such compliance is not a warranty and is based solely on Epicor's current understanding of such lawsand requirements. All laws and requirements are subject to varying interpretations as well as to change and accordinglyEpicor cannot guarantee that the software will be compliant and up to date with such changes. All statements ofplatform and product compatibility in this document shall be considered individually in relation to the products referredto in the relevant statement, i.e., where any Epicor software is stated to be compatible with one product and alsostated to be compatible with another product, it should not be interpreted that such Epicor software is compatiblewith both of the products running at the same time on the same platform or environment. Additionally platform orproduct compatibility may require the application of Epicor or third-party updates, patches and/or service packs andEpicor has no responsibility for compatibility issues which may be caused by updates, patches and/or service packsreleased by third parties after the date of publication of this document. Epicor® is a registered trademark and/ortrademark of Epicor Software Corporation in the United States, certain other countries and/or the EU. All othertrademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. Copyright © Epicor Software Corporation 2014.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior written consent ofEpicor Software Corporation.




Revision: July 25, 2014 2:33 a.m.

Total pages: 67



Order Management Course...................................................................................................6Before You Begin....................................................................................................................7



Environment Setup..........................................................................................................................................8

Workshop Constraints..............................................................................................................................8

Overview.................................................................................................................................9Application Setup.................................................................................................................12Daily Sales Order Processing................................................................................................14

Sales Orders...................................................................................................................................................15

Workshop - Create a Basic Sales Order...................................................................................................15

Create a Sales Order........................................................................................................................15

Add New Lines................................................................................................................................16

Preview the Sales Order...................................................................................................................16

Review Allocations Using Time Phase Inquiry....................................................................................16

Workshop - Copy the Sales Order...........................................................................................................17

Workshop - Enter Mark For Address Information.....................................................................................18

Sales Order Tracker.................................................................................................................................18

Sales Orders with Multiple Releases................................................................................................................19

Workshop - Create a Sales Order with Multiple Shipping Releases...........................................................22

Add a New Line...............................................................................................................................22

Enter Releases with Multiple Ship-To's.............................................................................................23

Create Orders from Quotes............................................................................................................................25

Quote to Order.......................................................................................................................................25

Workshop - Pull the Quote into a Sales Order..................................................................................26

Quote Line to Order................................................................................................................................26

Workshop - Create a Sales Order from a Quote with Quantity Breaks..............................................27

Customer Shipments......................................................................................................................................28

Workshop - Ship the Sales Order............................................................................................................28

Workshop - Ship the Mark For Sales Order Line.......................................................................................29

Workshop - Ship the Sales Order with Multiple Ship-To Releases ............................................................30

Sales Order Pick List................................................................................................................................31

Scheduled Shipments Report..................................................................................................................31

(Optional) Invoicing........................................................................................................................................32

(Optional) Workshop - Invoice the Sales Order........................................................................................32

Post the Invoice...............................................................................................................................33

Process Orders for Sales Kits...........................................................................................................................33

Workshop - Update Sales Kit..................................................................................................................36

Workshop - Create a Sales Order............................................................................................................37

Create a Sales Order........................................................................................................................37

3Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

ContentsOrder Management Course

Enter Lines.......................................................................................................................................38

Change Kit Components.................................................................................................................38

Ship the Sales Order........................................................................................................................39

(Optional) Invoice the Shipment.......................................................................................................39

Create Jobs from Orders................................................................................................................................40

Order Job Wizard....................................................................................................................................40

Workshop - Create a Sales Order and Job Using the Order Job Wizard.............................................41

Create a Sales Order.................................................................................................................41

Add a New Line........................................................................................................................41

Create a Job.............................................................................................................................42

Review the Sales Order.............................................................................................................42

Job Manager..........................................................................................................................................42

Workshop - Create a Sales Order and a Job Using the Job Manager.................................................43

Create a Sales Order.................................................................................................................43

Add a New Line........................................................................................................................43

Add a New Release..................................................................................................................44

Use the Job Manager to Create a Job.......................................................................................44

Get Manufacturing Details.......................................................................................................45

Engineer and Release the Job...................................................................................................45

Schedule the Job......................................................................................................................45

Sales Reports.................................................................................................................................................46

Specialized Sales Order Processing.....................................................................................48Customer Part Cross Reference......................................................................................................................48

Workshop - Set Up a Customer Cross Reference Part..............................................................................49

Workshop - Create a Sales Order Using a Customer Cross Reference Part ..............................................49

Create a Sales Order........................................................................................................................49

Add a New Line...............................................................................................................................50

Enter a New Release........................................................................................................................50

Preview the Sales Order...................................................................................................................51

Counter Sales................................................................................................................................................51

Workshop - Process a Counter Sale.........................................................................................................52

Add a Sales Order............................................................................................................................52

Add the First Line............................................................................................................................52

Add the Second Line.......................................................................................................................53

Process the Counter Sale.................................................................................................................53

Multi-Level Capable to Promise......................................................................................................................54

Workshop - Duplicate a Part...................................................................................................................54

Review the Cumulative Lead Times for the Assembly Part and Subassemblies...................................55

Workshop - Enter a Sales Order for Part XXX-PAA...................................................................................56

Calculate Capable to Promise..........................................................................................................56

Pricing and Discounting.................................................................................................................................57

Price Group Maintenance.......................................................................................................................57

Workshop - Use Price Groups..........................................................................................................58

Add a Price Group....................................................................................................................58

Use the Price Group.................................................................................................................58

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Order Management CourseContents

Price Lists................................................................................................................................................59

Workshop - Use Price Lists...............................................................................................................60

Create a Price List.....................................................................................................................60

Assign the Price List..................................................................................................................61

Enter a Sales Order...................................................................................................................61

Price List Inquiry......................................................................................................................................62

Additional Functions......................................................................................................................................63


5Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

ContentsOrder Management Course

Order Management Course

This course discusses the Order Management module and how it facilitates the flow of manufactured items frominventory or jobs to the customer. A shipping transaction is performed whether items are shipped from stock orfrom work in process (WIP). Shipping transactions are captured during invoicing in the Accounts Receivable (AR)module, creating financial transactions that post to the general ledger (GL). Order entry and shipping are directlyaffected by the nature of the product and the process, specifically whether the items are built-to-order or shippedfrom stock.

This course explores both basic and advanced order entry processes, discusses additional related functionality,pricing, and discounting processes, and reviews pertinent reports and trackers. Workshops guide you throughrelated programs in the Order Management module.

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

• Use the features and functionality available in the Order Management module.

• Set up related maintenance programs and company configuration for the Order Management module.

• Enter different types of sales orders including a quick sales order, a sales order with multiple releases, acustomer part cross-reference sales order, a counter sales order, and a sales order with linked jobs.

• Use the Job Manager and the Order Job Wizard to link jobs to sales order lines.

• Pull quote lines into a sales order.

• Ship and invoice a sales order.

• Use the pricing and discounting features and functionality in the Epicor application.

• Use the applicable reports and trackers.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.26

Order Management CourseOrder Management Course

Before You Begin

Read this topic for information you should know in order to successfully complete this course.


Specific audiences will benefit from this course.

• Shipping and Receiving

• Sales Manager

• Order Entry Staff

• Customer Service Representative

• Sales Engineer/Pre-Sales

• Account Manager

• Sales Representative


To complete the workshops in this course, the necessary modules must be licensed and operating in your trainingenvironment. For more information on the modules available, contact your Epicor Customer Account Managerat EpicorCAM@epicor.com. It is also important you understand the prerequisite knowledge contained in othervaluable courses.

• Navigation Course - This course introduces navigational aspects of the Epicor application's user interface.Designed for a hands-on environment, general navigation principles and techniques available in two userinterface modes - Classic Menu and Modern Shell Menu. Workshops focus on each of these modes andguide you through each navigational principle introduced.

• Quote Management Course - This course uses three scenarios to cover the quoting process: make-to-stock,make-to-order, and engineer-to-order.

• Customers Course - This course introduces fundamental concepts pertaining to the creation of customerrecords. This course also covers various maintenance programs necessary to define a customer in the Epicorapplication.

• Manufacturing Foundations Course - The Manufacturing Foundations course introduces you to the principalbuilding blocks in establishing a strong manufacturing environment. This course discusses the necessaryprerequisites involved with efficient production floor configuration.

7Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Before You BeginOrder Management Course

Environment Setup

The environment setup steps and potential workshop constraints must be reviewed in order to successfullycomplete the workshops in this course.

Your Epicor training environment, in which the Epicor demonstration database is found, enables you to experienceEpicor functionality in action but does not affect data in your live, production environment.

The following steps must be taken to successfully complete the workshops in this course.

1. Verify the following or ask your system administrator to verify for you:

• Your Epicor training icon (or web address if you are using Epicor Web Access) points to yourEpicor training environment with the Epicor demonstration database installed. Do not completethe course workshops in your live, production environment.

Note It is recommended that multiple Epicor demonstration databases are installed. ContactSupport or Systems Consulting for billable assistance.

• The Epicor demonstration database is at the same service pack and patch as the Epicorapplication. Epicor's education team updates the Epicor demonstration database for each service packand patch. If your system administrator upgrades your Epicor application to a new service pack or patch,he or she must also download the corresponding Epicor demonstration database from EPICweb > Support> Epicor > Downloads and install it. If this is not performed, unexpected results can occur when completingthe course workshops.

• Your system administrator restored (refreshed) the Epicor demonstration database prior tostarting this course. The Epicor demonstration database comes standard with parts, customers, salesorders, and so on, already defined. If the Epicor demonstration database is shared with multiple users(that is, the database is located on a server and users access the same data, much like your live, productionenvironment) and is not periodically refreshed, unexpected results can occur. For example, if a courseworkshop requires you to ship a sales order that came standard in the Epicor demonstration database,but a different user already completed this workshop and the Epicor demonstration database was notrestored (refreshed), then you will not be able to ship the sales order. Epicor's education team has writtenthe course workshops to minimize situations like this from occurring, but Epicor cannot prevent usersfrom manipulating the data in your installation of the Epicor demonstration database.

2. Log in to the training environment using the credentials manager/manager. If you are logged in to yourtraining environment as a different user, from the Options menu, select Change User.

3. From the Main menu, select the company Epicor Education (EPIC06).

4. From the Main menu, select the Main Site.

Workshop Constraints

Below is a list of workshops in this course that can be performed only once in each instance of a restored (refreshed)database. Where applicable, a detailed explanation of the workshop constraints is documented in the workshopitself.

• Workshop - Set Up a Customer Cross Reference Part

• Workshop - Update Sales Kit

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.28

Order Management CourseBefore You Begin


The Order Management module virtually drives the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. From the time anorder is entered, its progress is tracked through final shipment while producing timely reports on demand. WithOrder Management, orders and change orders are effectively managed online, reducing chance for error andsmoothing out the entire order-to-delivery process for maximum customer satisfaction.

There are many powerful tools and features available within the Order Management module:

Blanket Orders

Establish multiple releases (set up as either firm or not firm) for each sales order line and pull parts directly frominventory or seamlessly integrate with Job Management to generate production orders.


Relate orders to jobs using one-to-one, many-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many production strategies.

Credit Checks

The ability to check whether a customer is on credit hold is available from the Opportunity/Quote Entry, SalesOrder Entry, and Shipment Entry.

Credit limits are established in the Accounts Receivable (AR) module, but the ability to present warnings or preventorders and/or shipments is embedded in the Order Management module.


Orders automatically create backorders for lines shipped incomplete. Backorder flexibility enables customer-specificbackorder parameters for complete order lines or complete orders to be set.

Sales Commission

Manage sales commission calculations for both direct and indirect sales teams. Optionally allocate commissionpercentage over multiple sales entities per order line.

This feature is available when the Accounts Receivable (AR) module is licensed.

Price Lists

Generate customer, product group, warehouse, and product-specific pricing hierarchies while matching the enduser currency with flexibility. For global enterprises that share and distribute pricing, company, site, andwarehouse-specific pricing, it offers further flexibility in pricing products.

Order-Based Discounts

Apply order-based discounts on an order value or product quantity basis. Optionally, override and lock pricing.

Miscellaneous Charges

Enter miscellaneous charges or credits on each order header or order line. These charges are printed on the orderand carried over to invoicing.

9Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

OverviewOrder Management Course

Order Tracker

As a single source for the activity about an order, use the Order Tracker to see a summarized view of the orderthen drill down on selected items to see greater details (lines, releases, shipments, charges, bookings, audits, andpayment information). Based on technology used in the Dashboard, optionally use real-time data to link to otherparts of the system.

Order Job Wizard

Quickly generate appropriate jobs for new orders in a single step that enable the user to create, plan, schedule,and release jobs against multiple lines and multiple releases.

Fulfillment Workbench

The Fulfillment Workbench allows material quantities for an order release to be either automatically or manuallyreserved and can be accessed from Order Entry to process the entire order. This is beneficial when trying to satisfydemand material quantities through jobs or stock in a sequence that matches allocation priorities assigned tocustomers.

The Order Fulfillment sheet allows releases to be viewed and processed by order. It includes the ability toselect/deselect releases, override the reservation priority, display the fulfillment percentage and remainingpercentage, and roll up the weight and volume.

An ability to reserve, unreserve, select for picking, release for picking, and assign the pack out warehouse isavailable from the action menu. Extended selection parameters enable flexibility when pulling in order releasesfor processing.

This functionality was previously called Order Allocation and is only available when the Advanced MaterialManagement (AMM) module is licensed.

Project Management

Link sales orders, jobs, purchase orders (POs), field service calls, tasks, milestones, and budget information tomanage projects.

Tax Connect

There are various programs within the Order Management module that contain fields and commands applicableto using Tax Connect functionality. Tax Connect eliminates the tedious, complex work of determining sales taxjurisdictions of ship-to addresses, maintaining tax codes and rates, and dealing with jurisdiction-specific andcommodity-specific taxation rules. The Epicor Tax Connect service provides these capabilities for the United Statesand Canada and uses hosted, on-demand address validation, sales tax calculation, and sales tax reporting andreturns generation. The service is powered by Avalara® AvaTax®, the leading on-demand sales tax managementservice.

The application includes the ability to enable an interface to the AvaTax service. To leverage this functionality,you need a license for the Avalara AvaTax service for access to this tax service's functions and features and alicense for Epicor Tax Connect to both prepare and automatically send your sales tax data to the AvaTax service.

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Order Management CourseOverview

11Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

OverviewOrder Management Course

Application Setup

There are several primary maintenance programs used during the order entry process. Some of these recordsmay already be established during the application implementation of other modules. In addition to the maintenanceprograms, there are system-level configurations for Order Management that must be defined prior to using themodule.

This course covers pre-existing maintenance program data and does not walk through the setup of eachmaintenance program used in the Order Management module. Other master files commonly used are notnecessarily required but are typically defined through the setup of other modules.

There are many additional code tables that can be used during the processing of orders through the application.Navigate to the Order Management Setup folder to review the entire listing.

Company Configuration

The Order sheet in the Company Maintenance contains settings that directly impact the processing of ordersin the application. Once in the Company Maintenance, navigate to the Modules > Sales > Order sheet.

Customer Maintenance

Many of the settings defined in the Customer Maintenance are used as the default in the Order Entry. Bill-toaddress, payment terms, ship via, salespersons, and contacts are just a few examples of information that defaultsinto quotes (and orders) once the customer ID is selected.

Bill-to, Ship-to, and Alternate Bill-to

A customer record has a bill-to address and the potential for multiple ship-to addresses and alternate bill-tocustomers. There are times when the Bill-To may not simply be a different billing address but is a differentcustomer/entity from the customer ordering/receiving the goods, for example, a leasing company or head office.

A valid customer created in Customer Maintenance can be defined as an alternate bill-to customer. An alternatebill-to designated as the Default Bill To automatically defaults into the order header when the customer sold-tocode is entered. The default can be overridden on the order by selecting a different authorized bill-to customer.

If alternate bill-to's have not been set up for the customer, the billing information (bill-to) on the sold-to customeris used. Credit is based on the bill-to customer selected for the order. For example, if the customer (sold-to) ison credit hold but the alternate bill-to customer selected on the order has not exceeded their credit limit, theorder is not placed on credit hold.

When there is no ship-to address defined on a customer, the bill-to address information is used as the default inthe Ship-To Address section. When a Customer Maintenance record has a ship-to address defined as the PrimaryShip To then that address is used as the default for the shipping address on orders entered for the customer.The ship-to address can be overridden at order entry time.

If the Invoice Address option is enabled, the address from the alternate customer is printed as the invoiceaddress. If the option is not enabled, the invoice is sent to the bill-to-address on the sold-to customer, but theaccounts receivable (AR) account for the alternate bill-to is updated by the posting. If alternate bill-to's have notbeen set up for the customer, the billing information (bill-to) on the sold-to customer is used.

Setting up customers and bill-to's should be coordinated with the accounting/credit department within anorganization. For more information on setting up customers, review the Customer course.


Contacts identify the people who are related to a customer you communicates with. Once a customer record iscreated, contacts can be entered and associated with the customer using Customer maintenance.

Contacts flagged as the Primary Purchasing Contact are used as the default contact in order entry.

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Order Management CourseApplication Setup

Part Maintenance

The definition of the Part Maintenance is not a prerequisite to using the Order Management module; however,it is an integral part of the application as a whole. An order may be created for a part that is not in PartMaintenance; this is sometimes referred to as a part-on-the-fly. This enables order entry personnel to enter anorder for an item before it has been engineered or built.

Sales kits or phantom products are created in Part Maintenance and can be included on a sales order, but theydo not exist as a whole within the warehouse. These items can exist on a price list and display as a single line onthe sales order and the Sales Order Acknowledgment Report. The processing of a sales order for a kit providesvisibility to the component items, and flexible parameters are available to manage the kit and components.

Creating and processing an order with kit items is covered in more detail later in the course.

Typically, parts have already been established in the application when the Order Management module isimplemented. Therefore, the course does not cover the part creation.

Product Groups

Product groups are used to classify the different types of parts sold. The product group is then assigned to eachpart in Part Maintenance. These classifications are used for general ledger (GL) and sales analysis purposes. Inaddition, product group records can contain the GL account for a user's cost of sales.

When entering a sales order for a part that is not in Part Maintenance, a product group may be assigned to thesales order line.

Miscellaneous Charges

Miscellaneous charges are additional costs like expedite fees and freight charges which can be included on salesorders, quotes, and invoices. Once set up, the charges can be selected for use on the headers and detail lines ofthese records.

These miscellaneous charges are not the same charges that are set up through the Purchasing module. Purchasingmiscellaneous charges are paid to suppliers. These miscellaneous charges are paid by customers. Use MiscellaneousCharge/Credit Maintenance on the Purchasing Setup menu to create purchasing charges.

Sales Categories

Sales categories are used to group and organize records for reporting or analyzing purposes. Categories canoptionally have a department associated with them.

Some examples of sales categories could be International, Domestic, Wholesale, Retail, and Distributor. Salescategories can be updated on the Sales Order Line Detail sheet or on a Customer Group record.

13Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Application SetupOrder Management Course

Daily Sales Order Processing

This section of the course describes sales order processing that takes place during a typical work day. This includesentering sales orders, generating sales orders from quotes, generating jobs from orders, and customer shipments.

The basic sales order process consists of three steps: enter the sales order, ship the goods, and invoice thecustomer. The shipping and invoicing functions are not actually part of the Order Management module, butthese processes play an important role in the entire order processing cycle.

Orders may be created for make-to-stock (MTS) items, as well as make-to-order (MTO) items. For items notstocked in inventory, jobs can be created to fulfill each order release.

Because the application treats a sales order separately from a job, customer orders can be filled in different ways.For example, assume a customer submits a Purchase Order that requests 12 releases of an ordered part quantity- one quantity for each month during the upcoming year. Some of the options include:

• A single job that runs the parts at once but ships release quantities each month from inventory.

• Four jobs that build the quantity for three months.

• Twelve jobs that ship directly from the manufacturing center.

Note This section of the course covers the creation of a sales order for a make-to-stock (MTO) item. Inthis scenario, request an item in inventory that has a standard price associated with it.

A sales order contains answers to the following questions:


Who is the order for?Who?

What is being ordered?What?

Where should the order be shipped?Where?

When is the delivery date?When?

How is the order shipped?How?

What is the quantity of goods?How Many?

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.214

Order Management CourseDaily Sales Order Processing

Sales Orders

To create a sales order, use the Summary sheet of Sales Order Entry. This sheet contains all the fields that arerequired on the order header and line detail. Many of the header fields automatically default in from CustomerMaintenance.

The Summary sheet can be used in three ways:

1. Review a sales order's primary information as it gives the total amounts, important dates, order lines, andother overview details.

2. Enter quick orders. This sheet allows the creation of an order's header and order lines. If desired, you maythen create jobs, pull the part's manufacturing details into these jobs, release the jobs to the manufacturingcenter and then schedule them.

3. Create counter sales. A counter sale is a walk-in purchase that occurs over the counter. All on one sheet,you can record the sale, print out the packing slip and then print out the invoice. The parts are then pulleddirectly from inventory and handed over to the customer.

The first step in entering an order is to enter the order header information. The header defines who the order isto be sold to and shipped to, what the payment terms are, and the specified ship via, among other things.

Once the sold-to customer is entered on the order header, details from this customer record default in fromCustomer Maintenance.

Workshop - Create a Basic Sales Order

In this workshop, create a basic sales order with two lines, and view the Sales Order Acknowledgment Report.

Create a Sales Order

Navigate to Sales Order Entry.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Entry

Tip The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > GeneralOperations > Order Entry

1. From the New menu, select New Order.

2. In the Customer field, enter Dalton and press Tab.

3. In the Ship To field, search for and select the Dubuque, Iowa site.

4. In the PO field, enter any number.

5. In the Need By field, enter the date one month from today.

6. In the Ship By field, enter the date two days before the Need By date.

7. Click Save.

8. From the Sales Order field, record the sales order number __________.

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Daily Sales Order ProcessingOrder Management Course

Add New Lines

1. Navigate to the Lines > Detail sheet.

2. From the New menu, select New Line.

3. In the Part/Rev field, search for and select part DSS-1010.

4. In the Order Quantity field, enter 10.

5. In the Tax Category field, select Products.

6. Click Save.

7. From the New menu, select New Line.

8. In the Part/Rev field, search for and select part DSS-1020.

9. In the Order Quantity field, enter 10.

10. In the Tax Category field, select Products.

11. Click Save.

Preview the Sales Order

1. From the Actions menu, select Print Sales Order Acknowledgment.

The Sales Order Acknowledgment Report window displays.

2. On the Standard toolbar, click Print Preview.

The Sales Order Acknowledgment window displays.

3. Review and close the Sales Order Acknowledgment report.

4. Close the Sales Order Acknowledgment Report window.

Review Allocations Using Time Phase Inquiry

1. Verify the Lines > Detail sheet displays.

2. In the Line Number field, select line 1.

In the Part/Rev field, part DSS-1010 displays.

3. In the Part/Rev field, right-click and select Open With > Time Phase.

The Part DSS-1010 Time Phase Inquiry window displays.

Note The information in the Inventory pane defines the minimum and maximum on hand quantityrequired for this part. Once inventory is below the defined minimum quantity requirement, a purchaseorder suggestion is sent out to notify the quantity is below the requirement.

The information in the Manufacturing pane defines the minimum and maximum quantities to produceto replenish inventory.

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Order Management CourseDaily Sales Order Processing

4. In the grid pane, in the Order column, search for and select the row for the sales order created in theprevious tasks.

5. Review the Required Qty column for your sales order.

The defined quantity of 10 displays. This is the required quantity for the part you specified to fill this salesorder.

6. Review the Balance column for your sales order.

This column displays the inventory balance as of the time you execute Time Phase. As long as the balanceis above zero and fulfills your order request, inventory for this part can be pulled and shipped to the customer.

7. Close the Part DSS-1010 Time Phase Inquiry window.

8. In the Line Number field, select line 2.

9. Use steps 3-7 as a guide to review the demand for the second line of your sales order.

10. Remain in Sales Order Entry.

Workshop - Copy the Sales Order

In this workshop, copy the sales order created in the Workshop - Create a Sales Order.

Maximize Sales Order Entry.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Entry

Tip The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > GeneralOperations > Order Entry

1. Navigate to the Summary sheet.

2. From the Actions menu, select Order > Copy Order.

The Copy Order window displays.

3. In the Copy Order window, accept the defaults and click OK.

When selected, a new order is created and displayed with the following exceptions:

• Transactional data, such as quote number and job number, are not copied.

• Multiple releases are not copied.

• Order lines are created for the entire open quantity and one release is created for each line.

4. From the Sales Order field, record the sales order number _______________.

The Epicor application automatically assigns the next sequential order number to the copied order.

5. In tree view, select the second line (DSS-1020) and press the Delete icon.

For the next workshop, only the first line (DSS-1010) is needed.

6. Click Save and remain in Sales Order Entry.

17Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Daily Sales Order ProcessingOrder Management Course

Workshop - Enter Mark For Address Information

Use the Mark For sheet as needed to identify the final destination of the goods for the sales order release. Youwould typically use this sheet when you ship an item to a distribution center instead of directly to a customer,and the distribution center requests that the item be marked with a name and address for reshipment to one oftheir customers. The Mark For information prints on shipping labels and packing slips.

In this workshop, use the Mark For functionality to identify the final destination of Line 1 (DSS-1010), of the salesorder you created in the Workshop - Copy the Sales Order. This is a customer named Fred Miller.

1. Navigate to the Releases > Detail sheet.

2. In the Line Number field, verify 1 displays.

3. In the Release Number field, verify 1 displays.

4. Navigate to the Releases > Mark For sheet.

5. In the Customer field, search for and select Fred Miller.

6. Navigate to the Summary sheet.

7. Select the Ready To Process check box.

8. Click Save and exit Sales Order Entry.

Sales Order Tracker

The Sales Order Tracker displays read-only information about open and closed sales orders, including shipmentactivity, invoice activity, header and line item information, as well as sales order advances and deposit balances.

Each tracker can contain sheets from the primary entry program and supplemental sheets unique to the tracker.Information on primary sheets and fields is included in the Application Help for the entry program. Supplementalsheet information is included in the Application Help for the specific tracker.

Menu Path

Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:

• Executive Analysis > Trackers > Order Tracker

• Financial Management > Accounts Receivable > General Operations > Order Tracker

• Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Order Tracker

• Production Management > Scheduling > General Operations > Order Tracker

• Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > General Operations > Order Tracker

• Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Tracker

• Sales Management > Quote Management > General Operations > Order Tracker

• Service Management > Field Service > General Operations > Order Tracker

For CRM users, the Main Menu appears as:

• Customer Relationship Management > Sales and Marketing Management > General Operations > OrderTracker

• Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Tracker

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.218

Order Management CourseDaily Sales Order Processing

• Customer Relationship Management > Quote Management > General Operations > Order Tracker

Sales Orders with Multiple Releases

Each order created in Order Entry can have multiple order lines, and each order line can have multiple orderreleases. Use the Header, Lines, and Releases sheets to enter the customer information, as well as the neededlines and releases for a sales order.

Header Sheet

Detail Sheet

The Order Entry > Header > Detail sheet contains the header information visible on the Summary sheet, inaddition to several other fields including: the User ID of the person who entered the order, the case numberrelated to the order, the order hold status, the global Alert On Shipment flag, and the Ship Order Complete flag.

Bill To Sheet

The Order Entry > Header > Bill To sheet indicates which customer billing location makes payments on thecurrent sales order. Each customer record can have multiple Bill To locations. These locations are also called BillTo Customers.

A billing location of a customer can be a different company from the one making the purchase. A customer mayuse an alternate bill to location, for example, when a leasing company is actually charged instead of the customerthat is purchasing the parts.

If the customer selected on the current sales order has multiple bill to locations, you can select the location youneed on this sheet.

Credit Card Sheet

The Order Entry > Header > Credit Card sheet stores customer credit card information.

This information is transferred to the accounts receivable (AR) invoice when the Get Shipments function is runin Invoice Entry.

Order Misc Charges Sheet

The Order Entry > Header > Order Miscellaneous Charges sheet is used to enter additional costs for exampleexpedite fees and freight charges which can be included on a sales order. The charges added to the Order MiscCharges sheet are applied to the entire sales order.

Miscellaneous charges are created and maintained in Miscellaneous Charges Maintenance.

Salespersons Sheet

On Order Entry > Header > Salespersons sheet identify the salespersons involved with this specific sales order.The salespeople and commission rates selected are the default values on each order line. The commission ratesselected on this sheet do not have to be used on the entire order; however, they can be changed on each orderline.

Order Totals Sheet

The Order Entry > Header > Order Totals sheet displays a summary view of the charges, discounts, and totalamounts of the sales order in focus. In addition, it displays deposit balance, advance balance, and commissionamounts that apply to the sales order.

Comments Sheet

Use the Order Entry > Header > Comments sheet to enter user-defined notes that describe additional aspectsof the sales order. Comments can be created for the sales entire order and each order line. Comments can also

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be created for service contract lines. They display on various query windows and print on the sales acknowledgmentreport, pick list, packing slip, and AR invoice.

Both the Order Comments and the Line Comments sheets have four sheets:

• Sales Order: A comment entered here prints on the Sales Order Acknowledgment report.

• Pick List/Job: Select this sheet to enter manufacturing comments. These comments are printed on the picklist and become job comments for jobs linked to this sales order or order line.

• Packing Slip: A comment entered here prints out on the packing slip.

• Invoice: A comment entered here prints out on the accounts receivable (AR) invoice.

The general order comments print before order lines on report forms. Line comments, however, are printedbelow each order line item. The comments may also be duplicated so that they display on the report forms.

Manifest Info Sheets

Use the Order Entry > Header > Manifest Info sheets to establish carrier options for the order or for internationalshipments, to setup billing options for the order, or to enter freight information settings for FedEx Corporationor United Parcel Service, Inc.

For the most part, the options on these sheets default into the customer and ship-to record for the first orderthat is packed, but they can be changed later. This information is then sent to the manifest system where theresulting Pack ID is freighted.

Tax Sheet

The Order Entry > Header > Tax sheet displays the taxes that are to be levied against this sales order. The SalesTax grid shows each tax locality's information, including the rate used and the amount of tax that is calculated.

If your company uses Epicor Tax Connect, this tax information is automatically calculated by the Avalara® AvaTax®

service. You can also use the Tax Connect option under the Actions menu to make sure that the address of thecustomer works with the tax service, and to review the results of the automatic tax calculations.

Lines Sheet

The Order Entry > Lines sheets contains the information pertaining to what is being ordered, when it needs tobe delivered, and how many are required.

Detail and List Sheets

The Order Entry > Lines > Detail sheet contains the required line item information on a sales order line. Inaddition to the part number, order quantity, and delivery date, there are many fields that provide more detail onthe order line.

The Order Entry > Lines > List sheet contains a grid view of the line items on the sales order.

Misc Charges Sheet

Use the Order Entry > Lines > Misc Charges sheet to add miscellaneous charges to the specific order line, butnot to the order as a whole.

If the Get Opportunity/Quote function is used to create order lines from quotes, miscellaneous charges enteredfor the quote are automatically pulled into the order. This feature is discussed in greater detail later in the course.

Book Details Sheet

The Order Entry > Lines > Book Details sheet automatically documents the updates made to order lines. Noneof the details on this sheet can be edited as they are only displayed for informational purposes.

Sales Order Entry recognizes four types of order line changes:

• New: A new line was added to the sales order.

• Chg: A price or quantity changed on the order line.

• Del: The order line was deleted from the order.

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• Void: The line was closed on the order, and it had an outstanding quantity that was not shipped.

For example, an order line needs a quantity of 50.00. On April 5, 2010, a quantity of 25 is added, for a totalquantity of 75.00. The book details reveal two chg transactions, where the first displays a negative 50.00 quantity,and the second displays a positive 75.00 quantity. The date for the entries is 04/05/10, and the book detail lineincludes the time this update took place.

Commissions Sheet

The Order Entry > Lines > Commissions sheet defines the specific commission rates calculated for eachsalesperson on this order line. Each order line can have commission rates that are different from what is assignedto each salesperson on the order header.

Before this feature can be used, the salespersons that can receive commissions on this order must be entered onthe Salespersons sheet. The selected salespersons displays on the Commissions sheet by default, along with theircommission percentages. This sheet allows you to make necessary changes to the default commission rates.These changes only affect the current sales order line.

This sheet is only available if the Commissionable check box is selected on the Lines > Detail sheet.

Comments Sheet

Use the Order Entry > Lines > Comments sheet to enter line comments specific to an order line item. Line itemcomments can optionally print on the sales order, pick list/job, packing slip, and invoice.

Line comments print below each order line item. The comments may also be duplicated so that they display onthe report forms.

Kits Detail Sheet

The Order Entry > Lines > Kits Detail sheet is used to view details for parts that are components of a kit. TheEpicor application automatically downloads details of kit components into the Kits Detail sheet after a kit isselected on the Order Entry > Lines > Detail sheet, the Order Entry > Lines > List sheet, or the Order Entry >Summary > Lines Detail sheet. You might be able to edit the details displayed on the Kits Detail sheet if the kitis set up in the Part Maintenance record's Sales Kits sheet to allow component updates.

Releases Detail Sheet

Use the Order Entry > Releases > Detail sheet to create and edit multiple order releases for each order line.An order release provides detailed shipping information about each order line. At least one order release mustbe created for each order line. When creating an order line, its accompanying release is also automatically created.

The Lock Line Quantity check box on the Lines > Detail sheet keeps the line quantity constant, regardless ofthe number of releases added. This field defaults from the option to Keep Line Quantity Constant set in CompanyMaintenance.

Important If the Lock Line Quantity check box is selected and you close the Master Release (Release 1)of a multiple release sales order line, remaining open releases for that line will automatically close. To avoidthis situation, always use the final shipment date for Release 1. You will receive a warning message if youattempt to close Release 1 when the other releases have not already shipped. If you unintentionally closeRelease 1, you must manually reopen the closed releases that have yet to ship.

Order release quantities can be filled in three ways - the quantities can be manufactured directly on a job, pulledfrom inventory, or both.


When a part in Part Maintenance is flagged as a non-stock item, the Make Direct check box automaticallyis selected when an order is placed for the part.

If the quantity is filled through a job, select the Make Direct check box. However, this must only be usedas an exception. Parts must be set up as stock/non-stock so the order entry person rarely has to modifythis field. This concept is discussed in more detail in the Advanced Order Processes section of the course.

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Detail and List Sheets

The Order Entry > Releases > Detail sheet contains the fields available to modify or create a line item release.In addition to quantities and dates, the Destination fields can contain a different ship-to address and ship viathan the order header. The From fields allow references to the site and warehouse from which the release ispicked and shipped.

The Order Entry > Releases > List sheet contains a grid view of the releases per line on the sales order. Selectthe line item from the Detail sheet, and the List sheet displays the releases for that line.

Once a site and warehouse is selected on a release on the Detail sheet, the on-hand quantities and availablefields are populated with current part information. The Jobs field displays linked jobs as they are created fromthe order.

Tax Sheet

The Order Entry > Releases > Tax sheet is used to establish tax information for the order release. When youcreate an order line, its accompanying release is also automatically created. You can use the Release Detail sheetto create multiple order releases for each order line. You can also use this sheet to edit each order release. Usethis sheet to enter reportable order amounts and the currency.

Workshop - Create a Sales Order with Multiple Shipping Releases

In this workshop, create a sales order with multiple shipping releases.

You perform the following:

1. Create a sales order with multiple shipping releases.

2. Demonstrate the process of locking the order quantity.

3. Review the purpose and importance of the make direct functionality.

Navigate to Sales Order Entry.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Entry

Tip The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > GeneralOperations > Order Entry

1. From the New menu, select New Order.

2. In the Customer field, enter Dalton and press Tab.

3. In the PO field, enter any number.

4. In the Need By field, enter the date three months from today.

5. In the Ship By field, enter the date two days before the Need By date.

6. Click Save.

7. From the Sales Order field, record the sales order number __________.

Add a New Line

1. Navigate to the Lines > Detail sheet.

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2. From the New menu, select New Line.

3. In the Part/Rev field, search for and select part DSS-1040.

4. In the Order Quantity field, enter 30.

5. Select the Lock Line Quantity check box.

You select this check box to indicate that you want the sales order quantity to remain constant; even whenyou add multiple releases.

Important If the Lock Line Quantity check box is selected and you close the Master Release (Release1) of a multiple release sales order line, any remaining open releases for that line will automaticallyclose. To avoid this situation, always use the final shipment date for Release 1. You will receive awarning message if you attempt to close Release 1 when the other releases have not already shipped.If you unintentionally close Release 1, you must manually reopen the closed releases that have yet toship.

6. In the Tax Category field, select Products.

7. Click Save and remain in Sales Order Entry.

Enter Releases with Multiple Ship-To's

You are asked to ship part DSS-1040 in three shipments of 10 to different Dalton Manufacturing sites. The MasterRelease (Release 1) is scheduled as the final shipment, to be shipped in three months to the site in Wisconsin.Release 2 is scheduled to be shipped in one month to the Iowa site. Release 3 is scheduled to be shipped in twomonths to the Minnesota site.

1. From the New menu, select New Release.

The Releases > Detail sheet displays.

2. In the Order Quantity field, enter 10.

3. In the Need By field, enter the date one month from today.

4. In the Ship By field, enter the date two days before the Need By date.

5. In the Destination pane, in the Ship To field, enter Plant2 and press Tab.

6. In the Contact field, select Jim Shipler.

7. Click Save.

8. From the New menu, select New Release to enter the next release.

9. In the Order Quantity field, enter 10.

10. In the Need By field, enter the date two months from today.

11. In the Ship By field, enter the date two days before the Need By date.

12. In the Destination pane, clear the Ship To field and press Tab.

13. In the Contact field, select Jerry Lanier.

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14. Click Save.

15. In the tree view, select Order Number > Order : XXXX > Lines (3) > DSS-1040 > Releases (3) (whereXXXX is your sales order number) and review the releases.

A quantity of 10 should display for each of the three releases.

16. Exit Sales Order Entry.

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Create Orders from Quotes

Sales Order Entry contains functionality that allows you to pull an entire quote directly into a sales order orselect individual lines from a quote to convert.

If the Customer Relationship Module (CRM) is installed, the quote must be accepted before the order line canbe created from the quote. If the quote is accepted and used to create an order line, the quote is marked as awin. The tasks are also closed and the quote is marked as ordered.

Quote to Order

The Get Opportunity/Quote functionality provides the ability to search for and select a quote from the databaseto convert into a sales order. This function takes the entire quote and converts all the lines onto the sales order.

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Workshop - Pull the Quote into a Sales Order

In this workshop, use the Get Opportunity/Quote functionality to convert a quote into a sales order.

Navigate to Sales Order Entry.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Entry

Tip The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > GeneralOperations > Order Entry

1. From the Actions menu, select Get Opportunity/Quote.

The Create Order From Quote window displays.

2. In the Quote field, enter 1012 and press Tab.

3. Click the Create Order button.

In Sales Order Entry, Dalton Manufacturing's information populates.

4. In the Need By field, enter the date two weeks from today.

5. In the Ship By field, enter the date two days before the Need By date.

6. Click Save.

The Do you want to refresh the lines and releases with the changes? message displays.

7. To the message, click Yes to refresh changes.

This refreshes the changes.

8. Record the sales order number ____________.

9. Exit Sales Order Entry.If the Order has made direct releases without a job link, return to order? message displays, click No.

Quote Line to Order

To pull individual lines into a sales order, from the New menu, select the New Line from Quote option. In orderto pull lines from a quote, there must first be a customer assigned to the sales order header. The Get Quote Linefor Order window displays and allows the searching of a particular quote line. This window also allows changesthe original quote line quantity and unit price. The quote number and line number are written to the sales orderline and display on the Line > Detail sheet.

If the quote lines brought into a sales order contains manufacturing details, a job created for the order lines canoptionally pull the details from the linked quote.

The sales kit parent item is available for selection from the Create Order From Quote wizard but not theindividual components. When the sales order/line is created for the kit, it also creates the individual componentitems as sales order lines with the same Line/Display Seq. numbering convention discussed earlier in this course.

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Workshop - Create a Sales Order from a Quote with Quantity Breaks

In this workshop, pull individual quote order lines with quantity breaks into a new sales order. The quote containsan item that has a price of 23.00 for an order quantity between 1 - 10 units, a price of 22.50 for an order quantitybetween 11 - 100 units, and a price of 21.75 for an order quantity of 101 units or more.

Navigate to Sales Order Entry.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Entry

Tip The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > GeneralOperations > Order Entry

1. From the New menu, select New Order.

2. In the Customer field, enter Dalton and press Tab.

3. In the PO field, enter any number.

4. In the Need By field, enter the date two weeks from today.

5. In the Ship By field, enter the date two days before the Need By date.

6. From the New menu, select New Line from Quote.

The Get Quote Line For Order window displays.

7. In the Quote/Line field, search for and select the quote number 1021 line 1.

8. In the Quantities grid, select the row with the Quantity of 10 (second row).

9. In the Order Quantity field, enter 30.

10. In the Unit Price field, verify 22.50 defaults and click OK.

11. Click Save.

12. Navigate to the Lines > Detail sheet to review the information that was pulled in from the quote line.

In the Discount %, Discount Amt, and Total Price fields, notice the quantity break discounts.

13. Exit Sales Order Entry.

14. If the Order has made direct releases without a job link, return to order? message displays, click No.

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Customer Shipments

Use Customer Shipment Entry to process shipments in the Epicor application. Once a sales order (SO) is entered,the items are shipped to the customers. Shipments can be made from inventory or manufacturing if there is ajob linked to the sales order. In each case, the transaction is basically the same; however, the Epicor applicationtreats the costs of sales differently for items shipped from work in process (WIP).

Shipment from Stock

Sales orders for inventory items allow material shipments directly from stock.

Shipment from Work in Process (WIP)

Sales orders for items flagged as non-stock parts in Part Maintenance are manufactured and shipped directlyfrom the job (or WIP).

The Epicor application allows sales orders to be shipped from any job in the database; however, this is onlyavailable when the Allow Shipment from any Job check box is selected in the Orders sheet in CompanyMaintenance.

Use the Job button to search for and select a job from which to ship the materials. Enter a new line on thepacking slip to ship an item on an sales order that has a linked job. Select the line/release from the sales orderto ship; the linked job number defaults in automatically and displays in the From Manufacturing pane on theLines > Detail sheet.

Menu Path

Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:

• > Customer Shipment Entry-Load Planning

• Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Customer Shipment Entry

Workshop - Ship the Sales Order

A shipment must now be processed for the sales order created in the Workshop - Create a Basic Sales Order.

In this workshop you perform the following:

1. Push a sales order through the shipping process.

2. Complete the shipping process with an additional miscellaneous charge.

Navigate to Customer Shipment Entry.

Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Customer Shipment Entry

1. From the New menu, select New Pack.

2. In the Order Number field, search for and select the sales order created in the Workshop - Create a BasicSales Order.

3. Click the Mass Shipment button.

In the Shipment Lines gird, the order lines populate.

4. Click the Ship All button.

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5. Click the Update button.

6. Navigate to the Header > Misc Charges sheet.

7. From the New menu, select New Misc Charge.

8. In the Charge ID field, select Freight.

9. In the Charge Amount field, enter 50.

10. Navigate to the Summary sheet.

11. Select the Shipped check box.

In the Status field, the value changes to SHIPPED.

12. Click Save and record the Pack ID number _______.

13. Remain in Customer Shipment Entry.

Workshop - Ship the Mark For Sales Order Line

In this workshop, ship one line of the sales order created in the Workshop - Copy a Sales Order.

Maximize Customer Shipment Entry.

Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Customer Shipment Entry

1. From the New menu, select New Pack.

2. In the Order Number field, search for and select the sales order created in the Workshop - Copy a SalesOrder.

3. Navigate to the Lines > Customer Shipment Entry > Detail sheet.

4. From the New menu, select New Line.

5. In the Order Number field, enter the sales order number created in the Workshop - Copy a Sales Orderand press Tab.

6. In the Line/Rel fields, enter 1 and 1, and press Tab.

7. In the Our Ship Qty field, verify 10 displays.

8. In the From Inventory pane, in the Warehouse field, verify a default warehouse for this part displays.

9. In the From Inventory pane, in the Bin field, verify a default bin for this part displays.

If the Bin does not display, select it.

10. Navigate to the Lines > Customer Shipment Entry > Mark For sheet and in the Customer field, verifythe Miller Fred defaults.

11. Click Save.

If the This transaction will result in a negative onhand quantity message displays, click Yes.

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12. Navigate to the Summary sheet and select the Shipped check box.

In the Status field, the value changes to SHIPPED.

13. Click Save and record the Pack ID number ________.

14. Minimize Customer Shipment Entry.

Workshop - Ship the Sales Order with Multiple Ship-To Releases

In this workshop, you ship the individual releases for the sales order with multiple Ship To releases.

Maximize Customer Shipment Entry.

Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Customer Shipment Entry

1. From the New menu, select New Pack.

2. In the Order Number field, search for and select the sales order created in the Workshop - Create a SalesOrder with Multiple Shipping Releases.

3. Click Save.

The Pack ID number displays.

4. From the New menu, select New Line.

The Lines > Customer Shipment Entry > Detail sheet displays.

5. In the Order Number field, search for and select the sales order created in the Workshop - Create a SalesOrder with Multiple Shipping Releases.

6. Click the Line/Rel button, search for and select Line 1 and Release 2 of the sales order, and click OK.

Release 2 is for the earliest shipment of this multiple release line. As the Lock Line Quantity check box wasselected for this sales order, the Master Release (Release 1) is scheduled to be the final shipment.

7. In the Our Ship Qty field, verify 10 displays.

If the Our Ship Qty field does not default with 10, enter 10 and press Tab.

8. Verify the Shipped Complete check box is selected.

9. Click Save.

10. Navigate to the Summary sheet.

11. Repeat steps 1-10 for Release 3.

Tip For releases that involve different Ship-To addresses, you must create a new pack for each release.You must have a separate Pack ID for each location to which you ship your product.

12. Repeat steps 1-7 for the Master Release (Release 1).

Note that the Shipped Complete check box is not selected for Release 1.

13. Navigate to the Summary sheet.

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14. Select the Shipped check box.

15. If the Partial Shipment message displays, click Yes.

16. Verify the Status field value changes to SHIPPED.

17. Click Save, then exit Customer Shipment Entry.

Sales Order Pick List

Use the Sales Order Pick List to display open sales order releases due within the date range you select.

The order information displays in a format you can use to pick the quantities to ship. This report also includesPick List comments for each sales order release. The Sales Order Pick List only displays the quantities that havenot been shipped yet. The printed Release Qty is the open quantity; this is equal to the original release quantityless the quantity shipped to-date (if any). It includes Buy-to-Order parts but does not include drop shipment items.

Logic Release Quantity = Original Release Quantity – Quantity Shipped to Date

The Quantity on-Hand value also displays for your information.

Use the Selection sheet to select the report parameters. Use the Filter sheet(s) to select the specific records toinclude on the report. For more information, refer to the Filters Overview topic in the Application Help.

Important For more information on how to review the status of a report you print, preview, or generate,refer to the System Monitor Overview topic in the Application Help.

Menu Path

Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:

• Material Management > Inventory Management > Reports > Sales Order Pick List

• Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > Reports > Sales Order Pick List

• Sales Management > Order Management > Reports > Sales Order Pick List

For CRM users, the Main Menu appears as:

• Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > Reports > Sales Order Pick List

Scheduled Shipments Report

The Scheduled Shipments Report lists outstanding order releases in order by Due Date, Order Number,Order Line, and Order Release.

Important The Scheduled Shipments Report only displays the quantities marked as Shipped on thepacking slip.

The outstanding order release quantity is calculated by subtracting both the Shipped Quantity and the Shippedfrom Stock Quantity from the Order Release Quantity. If this value is negative, the outstanding quantity is set tozero.

Logic Outstanding Quantity = Order Release Quantity – (Shipped Quantity + Shipped from Stock Quantity)

Use the Selection sheet to select the report parameters. Use the Filter sheet(s) to select the specific records toinclude on the report. For more information, refer to the Filters Overview topic in the Application Help.

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Important For more information on how to review the status of a report you print, preview, or generate,refer to the System Monitor Overview topic in the Application Help.

The report includes parts that have been set up as kit components only if the kit is configured in Part Maintenance- Sales Kits to allow components to ship separately.

Menu Path

Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:

• Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > Reports > Scheduled Shipments

• Sales Management > Order Management > Reports > Scheduled Shipments

For CRM users, the Main Menu appears as:

• Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > Reports > Scheduled Shipments

(Optional) Invoicing

Customers are billed through AR Invoice Entry. In this program, you create invoices that are linked to salesorders and update the general ledger (GL) information. Invoices can also be created as credit memos, which arenot linked to a sales order.

There are several different invoice types; however, for the purpose of this course, the focus is on the shipmenttype of invoice. In this scenario, invoices are generated by the Get Shipments function found on the Actionsmenu of the Invoice Entry. The invoices are linked to a customer's packing slips.

Invoices are organized by groups. An invoice group must be active before entering or changing invoice information.Sometimes called batches, an invoice group contains invoices that occur during the same fiscal time period.

Menu Path

Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:

• Financial Management > Accounts Receivable > General Operations > Invoice Entry

(Optional) Workshop - Invoice the Sales Order

In this workshop, create and post a new accounts receivable (AR) invoice for the shipments you have created ina previous workshop.

Navigate to AR Invoice Entry.

Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Receivable > General Operations > Invoice Entry

1. From the New menu, select New Group.

2. In the Group field, enter XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab.

3. From the Actions menu, select Get > Shipments.The Get Shipments window displays.

4. Click the View ALL Packing Slips button.

The Packing Slip Browse window displays.

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5. Review your previously created packing slips and click OK.

6. Click the Manual Selection button.

The Packing Slip Browse window displays.

7. In the Packing Slips grid, select the packing slip created in the Workshop - Ship the Sales Order andclick OK.

8. To the Are you sure? message, click Yes.

9. To the information message, click OK.

In the Invoice grid the invoice information displays.

10. From the Actions menu, select Group > Print Invoices.

The Print Group window displays.

11. On the Standard toolbar, click Print Preview to review the invoice.

The AR Invoice Form displays.

12. Review the AR Invoice Form.

13. Close the AR Invoice Form and Print Group windows.

Post the Invoice

1. From the Actions menu, select Group > Post.The AR Invoice Post Process window displays.

2. On the Standard toolbar, click Submit.

3. Exit the AR Invoice Post Process window.

Note When the post process is complete, the current group in the AR Invoice Entry windowautomatically clears.

4. Exit AR Invoice Entry.

Process Orders for Sales Kits

Sales kits facilitate the use of phantom-type items. Phantom items are products that do not physically exist withinthe warehouse but exist on a price list and need to appear on sales orders/sales order acknowledgments as singleline items. However, when the sales order is picked for shipment, the warehouse personnel picks a number ofrequired stocked products to fulfill the kit requirements for the sales order line item.

For example, a kit could be a computer system sold and includes a specific processor, monitor, keyboard, andmouse. This would be defined as a Standard Kit. In another example, a computer system could be selectedwhere the end user can choose the hard disc size and monitor size. In this case, the kit would contain all possibleoptions and be defined as a Custom Kit. A sales kit can also be configured using the Product Configuratorwhich determines a set of rules that then determine the actual individual kit components.

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You identify items as kit items by selecting Sales Kit as the inventory type in Part Maintenance.

When you select a part as a kit item, you enable additional parameters to allow configuration on how the kit isprocessed. The additional parameters are available from the Sales Kits sheet under the sites sheet in PartMaintenance. The configuration options include:

• The ability to change kit components during order entry.

• A designation to ship the kit complete.

• An option to backflush kit components.

• An option to print kit components on customer documents.

• The designation to print kit components on the packing slip.

• A pricing method.

• The option to allow these parameters to be changed on individual sales orders.

Marking a sales kit as Non-Stock signifies the part is not normally stocked and all requirements are satisfied byjobs. If the requirement is from a sales order, that order is linked to a job that satisfies the demand. Marking asales kit as Stock indicates that all requirements are satisfied from inventory and creating allocations to pull thesales kit on its need date. Requirements include any minimum, maximum, and/or safety stock levels, as well asrequirements from sales orders or other jobs.

Order Entry

Order Entry identifies when a part is a sales kit. The most recently approved revision of the sales kit's bill ofmaterial (BOM) is exploded. Each kit component creates a sales order line and is associated to the originatingparent sales order line by the display sequence. For example, if Kit A, with two components, B and C, is enteredas line one on the sales order, Kit A would be line one, B would be line two, and C would be line three. Therelated display sequence numbers would be 1.000, 1.001, and 1.002, respectively.

Price list quantity breaks do not apply to kit components. If the selling quantity is modified for a kit componentor kit parent, the price breaks are recalculated. When the selling quantity of a parent is updated, the price breaksfor all the components are recalculated. When an individual component is updated, only that component's pricebreak is recalculated.

The following flowchart provides an overview to processing a sales kit on a sales order.

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Depending on the pricing method selected, the price is taken from the sales price list for the kit parent item orthe rolled priced of the individual component sales prices.

Order Shipments

Based on the sales kit parameters selected in Part Maintenance, Customer Shipment Entry can backflush thecomponent items and require the kit to be shipped complete.

The following flowchart provides an overview to shipping a sales kit.

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Based on the configuration of the sales kit, the following actions take place in Customer Shipments:

• If the kit is flagged as Ship Complete and the components are backflushed, the quantity of the kit parentitem being shipped is entered. The quantity for each of the kit components is calculated based on the parentquantity and all of the kit children order detail lines are processed and added as shipped lines.

• If the kit is flagged as Ship Complete but the components are not backflushed, the quantity of the kit parentitem is entered, the children lines are added, and the picking location entered. The quantities for the kitcomponents cannot be changed.

• If the kit is NOT designated to be Shipped Complete, then the individual kit components can be selected asshipment lines. The picking location and the quantity shipped can be entered.

Packslip and Invoice Printing

Packing slip and invoice printing can be configured to either print the individual kit items or just the kit parentitem.

For more information on sales kits, refer to the Sales Kitting course.

Workshop - Update Sales Kit

In this workshop, update the sales kit to allow component updates.

Important This workshop can be performed only once in each instance of a restored (refreshed) database.Once this has been performed, use this workshop as a review of the part.

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Navigate to Part Maintenance.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > Setup > Part

Tip The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > Setup > Part

1. In the Part field, search for and select SHLF-C100 and press Tab.

2. Navigate to the Part > Sites > Sales Kits sheet.

3. Select the Allow Component Update check box.

When you select this check box, users are able to update kit components when entering a kit order line.

4. Click Save.

5. Exit Part Maintenance.

Workshop - Create a Sales Order

Creating and processing an order for a sales kit item is very similar to an order entry for manufactured or purchasedparts.

In this workshop, identify the functionality associated with managing the sales of a kit item.

Create a Sales Order

Navigate to Sales Order Entry.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Entry

Tip The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > GeneralOperations > Order Entry

1. From the New menu, select New Order.

2. In the Customer field, enter Dalton and press Tab.

3. In the Ship To field, search for and select the Dubuque, Iowa site.

4. In the PO field, enter any number.

5. In the Need By field, enter the date one month from today.

6. In the Ship By field, enter the date two days before the Need By date.

7. Click Save.

8. From the Sales Order field, record the sales order number __________.

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Enter Lines

1. Navigate to the Lines > Detail sheet.

2. From the New menu, select New Line.

3. In the Part/Rev field, enter SHLF-C100.

4. In the Order Quantity field, enter 10.

5. In the Tax Category field, verify Products defaults.

6. Click Save.

7. From the Unit Price field, record the unit price ___________.

Change Kit Components

1. Navigate to the Lines > Kits Detail > List sheet.

All kit components display.

2. In the Sales Kits grid, expand the Part column width to display the complete part number.

Although there are additional duplicate type components on the kit, you must not remove any of the othercomponents for the sake of the workshop. Additional changes can be made as desired.

3. From the Sales Kits pane, select the first row with a part ending in 48.

4. On the Standard toolbar, click Delete.

The Delete this record? message displays.

5. To the message, click Yes to confirm.

6. In the Sales Kits grid, delete all other parts ending with 48.

Note You must select and delete each line individually.

7. Click Save.

8. Navigate to the Lines > Detail sheet and review the information for the SHLF-C100 kit.

The price is based on the updated components list.

9. Exit Sales Order Entry.

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Ship the Sales Order

Navigate to Customer Shipment Entry.

Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Customer Shipment Entry

1. From the New menu, select New Pack.

2. In the Order Number field, search for and select the sales order number created in the previous Create aSales Order workshop topic.

3. Click the Mass Shipment button.

4. Click the Ship All button.

5. Click the Update button.

Note If a message of negative on-hand quantity displays, click Yes to continue.

6. Select the Shipped check box to complete the shipment.

7. Click Save and record the created Pack ID number _______.

8. Exit Customer Shipment Entry.

(Optional) Invoice the Shipment

Follow the next steps to create and post an accounts receivable (AR) invoice for the shipment created in the Shipthe Sales Order workshop topic.

Navigate to AR Invoice Entry.

Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Receivable > General Operations > Invoice Entry

1. From the New menu, select New Group.

2. In the Group field, enter XXX1 (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab.

3. Click Save.

4. From the Actions menu, select Get > Shipments.

The Get Shipments window displays.

5. Click the Manual Selection button.

The Packing Slip Browse window displays.

6. In the Packing Slips grid, select the packing slip created in the workshop topic Ship Sales Order and clickOK.

7. To the Are you sure? message, click Yes.

8. To the information message, click OK.

In the Invoices pane, the shipment information displays.

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9. From the Actions menu, select Group > Print Invoices.

The Print Group window displays.

10. On the Standard toolbar, click Print Preview.

11. Review and exit the AR Invoice Form and Print Group.

12. From the Actions menu, select Group > Post.

The AR Invoice Post Process window displays.

13. On the Standard toolbar, select Submit.

14. Exit the AR Invoice Post Process window.

Note When the post process is complete, the current group in the AR Invoice Entry windowautomatically clears.

15. Exit AR Invoice Entry.

Create Jobs from Orders

There are two different tools available to create jobs for direct items on sales order lines. The Order Job Wizardand the Job Manager are both available directly from Order Entry and allow the user to create, engineer, andschedule the job quickly and efficiently when the sales order is entered.

Order Job Wizard

The Order Job Wizard allows you to quickly create jobs for a sales order. This program allows you to createeither a job for the order line or a job suggestion that displays in the Planning Workbench.

The Order Job Wizard is only available on sales orders that have at least one line selected to be made direct andfor which a Ship By date has been entered for the corresponding order release. When you select the Make Directcheck box, it indicates the release quantity is manufactured directly instead of being pulled from inventory.

Tip If you select the Buy To Order check box for a sold part in the Releases > Detail sheet, the sold itemdoes not display in Order Job Wizard and is not included in MRP processing. If a part does not exist in thepart master file or the part is a non-stock part, the Make Direct check box is automatically selected.

To display Order Job Wizard from Sales Order Entry and the Planning Workbench do the following:

• In Sales Order Entry, from the Actions menu, select Order Job Wizard. To activate this option for the salesorder line, enter the Need By and Ship By dates on the Releases > Detail sheet, select the Make Directcheck box, and save the sales order.

• In the Planning Workbench, click the Order Job Wizard button. To activate this button, select a job suggestion.

The Order Job Wizard initially selects the Make Direct check box for each order line. If you clear this check box,you can then manually select the releases and the jobs that satisfy these release quantities.

From the Actions menu, select Create Job to turn your selections into jobs or job suggestions.

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Workshop - Create a Sales Order and Job Using the Order Job Wizard

In this workshop, create a sales order, enter release lines, and create a job using Order Job Wizard.

Create a Sales Order

Navigate to Sales Order Entry.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Entry

Tip The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > GeneralOperations > Order Entry

1. From the New menu, select New Order.

2. In the Customer field, enter Dalton and press Tab.

3. In the Ship To field, search for and select the Dubuque, Iowa site.

4. In the PO field, enter any number.

5. In the Need By field, enter the date one month from today.

6. In the Ship By field, enter the date two days before the Need By date.

7. Click Save.

8. From the Sales Order field, record the sales order number __________.

Add a New Line

1. Navigate to the Lines > Detail sheet.

2. From the New menu, select New Line.

3. In the Part/Rev field, search for and select DCD-100-SP.

4. In the Order Quantity field, enter 100.

5. In the Tax Category field, select Products.

6. Click Save.

7. Navigate to the Releases > Detail sheet.

8. Select the Make Direct check box.

When selected, this check box specifies that this release quantity is being manufactured using a job insteadof being pulled from inventory.

9. Click Save.

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Create a Job

1. From the Actions menu, select Order Job Wizard.

The Order Job Wizard - XXXX (where XXXX is your sales order) displays.

2. In the Order Lines grid, highlight the row for part DCD-100-SP.

3. Select the following check boxes:

• Create Job

• Get Details

• Schedule Job

• Release Job

This gets the methods as well as schedules and releases the job for production.

4. Click the Create Jobs button.

5. If the Part Validation message displays, click Yes to continue.

In the Jobs pane, in the Jobs grid, the new row for the job displays at the bottom.

6. Record the job number _________________.

7. Click Save and exit Order Job Wizard.

Review the Sales Order

1. Navigate to the Releases > Job sheet.

2. Click Retrieve.In the Jobs grid, the new job displays.

3. Click Save and exit Sales Order Entry.

4. If the Order has made direct releases without a job link, return to order? message displays, click No.

Job Manager

Use the Job Manager to review, create, and update the supply and demand for a selected part.

The Job Manager allows you to review links that explain the source of a demand or supply for the selected part.

• The Supply/Demand grid displays the source for each pending job, including order release, job assembly,or job material.

• The Demand/Supply grid displays the quantity requirements for the current part, along with the source foreach requirement. The source defines the link within the database for the supply or demand entry.

You can change the supply and demand links, create a job to satisfy demand, or pull the demand quantity fromstock. You can also completely remove the supply and demand links.

Job Manager tasks include the following:

• Determine if demand can be met by pulling from stock.

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• Determine if demand can be met by linking to an existing job.

• Unlink demand and supply.

• Create a new job to satisfy demand.

Note You can refresh the Job Manager by using the Refresh icon located on the Standard toolbar. Forexample, if you search for and select a part in the Job Manager > Detail > Part field and then create ajob for this part in Job Entry, the newly created job will display in the Job Manager > Supply sectiononce you click Refresh.

Menu Path

Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:

• Production Management > Job Management > General Operations > Job Manager

Workshop - Create a Sales Order and a Job Using the Job Manager

In this workshop, create a sales order and use the Job Manager to create a linked job. The sales order line is fora new part that is not in Part Maintenance. Once a job is created for the item, method details from a similar itemin Part Maintenance are pulled into the sales order.

Create a Sales Order

Navigate to Sales Order Entry.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Entry

Tip The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > GeneralOperations > Order Entry

1. From the New menu, select New Order.

2. In the Customer field, enter Dalton and press Tab.

3. In the Ship To field, search for and select the Dubuque, Iowa site.

4. In the PO field, enter any number.

5. In the Need By field, enter the date one month from today.

6. In the Ship By field, enter the date two days before the Need By date.

7. Click Save.

8. From the Sales Order field, record the sales order number __________.

Add a New Line

1. Navigate to the Lines > Detail sheet.

2. From the New menu, select New Line.

3. In the Part/Rev field, enter DCD-100-SP-XXX (where XXX are your initials).

4. In the Description field, enter XXX Frame Rail (where XXX are your initials).

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5. In the Order Quantity field, enter 100.

6. In the Unit Price field, enter 65.00.

7. In the Tax Category field, select Products.

8. Select the Lock Line Quantity check box.

Important If the Lock Line Quantity check box is selected and you close the Master Release (Release1) of a multiple release sales order line, any remaining open releases for that line will automaticallyclose. To avoid this situation, always use the final shipment date for Release 1. You will receive awarning message if you attempt to close Release 1 when the other releases have not already shipped.If you unintentionally close Release 1, you must manually reopen the closed releases that have yet toship.

9. Click Save.

Add a New Release

1. Navigate to the Releases > Detail sheet.

2. From the New menu, select New Release.

3. In the Order Quantity field, enter 50.

4. In the Need By field, enter the date two weeks from today.

5. In the Ship By field, enter the date two days before the Need By date.

6. Click Save.

Use the Job Manager to Create a Job

1. From the Actions menu, select Order Line > Job Manager.Job Manager displays.

2. In the Demand pane, select Release 2 (due in two weeks) created in the workshop topic Create a SalesOrder.

3. Click the Create Job button.

The New Job Number window displays.

4. In the New Job Number window, click the Next Job button.

In the New Job field, the new job number displays.

5. Record the job number ______________.

6. Click OK.

7. In the Supply pane, in the Supply grid, in the Prod Qty column verify 50 displays.

8. In the Demand pane, select Release 1, due to ship in one month.

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9. Click the Link button.In the Supply pane, in the Prod. Qty column, the quantity increases to 100.

Get Manufacturing Details

1. In the Supply pane, in the Supply grid, select your job.

2. Click the Get Details button.

The Get Details window displays; you use it to pull in the method of manufacturing for the part.

3. In the Part field, enter DCD-100-SP and press Tab.

4. In the Revisions grid, in the Rev column, select line B and click OK.

Engineer and Release the Job

1. Verify the Job Manager displays.

2. In the Supply pane, in the Supply grid, select your job and click the Job Entry button.Job Entry displays.

3. In the Job sheet, select the Released check box.The Engineered check box is automatically selected.

4. Click Save and exit Job Entry.

Schedule the Job

1. Verify the Job Manager displays.

2. In the Supply pane, click the Schedule button.

The Schedule Job XXXX (where XXXX is your job number) window displays.

3. In the Schedule Job window, accept the Backward scheduling option and click OK.

4. Exit Job Manager.Verify Sales Order Entry displays.

5. Navigate to the Releases > Job sheet.

6. Click Retrieve.

In the Jobs grid, job information displays.

7. Click Save and exit Sales Order Entry.

8. If the Order has made direct releases without a job link, return to order? message displays, click No.

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Sales Reports

This section describes the reports available in the Epicor application that are not covered in other sections of thiscourse.

Sales Order Backlog

Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > Reports > Sales Order Backlog

Tip The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > Reports > SalesOrder Backlog

The Sales Order Backlog report prints either the dollar value or the quantities of outstanding order releases.Use the filters and the report options to define the orders to display on the report.

There are five filters available:

• Customers

• Customer Groups

• Parts

• Product Groups

• Regions

Sort options include:

• Customer Name/Date

• Customer Name/Part

• Customer Group/Name

• Part Number/Date

• Product Group/Part

• Sales Region/Name

Sales Analysis Report

Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Receivable > Reports > Sales Analysis

The Sales Analysis report displays the sales that occurred during a specific date range. This report prints outthe details on each invoice line including the part number, part revision, invoice date, invoice number, shippedquantity, unit price, and extended price.

There are three different use methods available at runtime. Select List Price, Unit Price, or Net Price to be usedto calculate the final sales amounts. The different use methods define how order-based pricing and discountsare calculated with the final prices.

Overpayments are not included on the report.

Sales Gross Margin

Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Receivable > Reports > Sales Gross Margin

The Sales Gross Margin report prints cost of sales (COS) and work in process (WIP) information for the invoicescreated during the selected date range.

The costs are pulled from either the Part master file or job transactions. The costs for parts shipped from stockare taken from the Part master file. The report displays the current costs for the parts at the time the shipment

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was created. The costs for parts shipped from jobs are taken from labor, burden, material, subcontract, andmaterial burden costs posted against each job.

Note that the COS and work in process (WIP) activity is automatically captured before this report is generated.Because of this, it can take some time to process this report. For more information on what occurs during thisprocess, refer to the Capture COS and WIP topics in the Application Help.

WIP is an accounting term for incomplete work on the production line. The costs associated with WIP are acompany's direct materials inventory, work still on the production line, and finished work ready for sale.

Note Only the amounts from shipment invoices are calculated and displayed on this report.

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Specialized Sales Order Processing

This section of the course describes special sales order management capabilities of the Epicor application. Thisincludes customer part cross-references, counter sales, the capable to promise functionality, and pricing anddiscounting.

Customer Part Cross Reference

Use Customer Part Cross Reference to create customer part cross references for internal parts.

Each customer can have unique part numbers and revisions they use to define specific parts. These cross referencescan be selected on specific quotes and order lines. These customer part numbers (optionally) display on quotes,sales order acknowledgments, and packing slips.

Example A customer orders a part recorded as WIDG123 in your part master file. This customer, however,refers to this part as 111-WDGT. You enter WIDG123 in the Part Number field for the order line, but youselect 111-WDGT in the order line's Customer Part Number field.

For serial tracked parts, this program also allows you to establish alternate serial number masks that can be usedwhen creating jobs in Job Entry. This facilitates situations in which serial masks for a given part differ accordingto their intended use by your customers. This is often a requirement when you act as a supplier to branches ofthe military.

Menu Path

Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:

• Sales Management > Order Management > Setup > Customer Part Cross Reference

For CRM users, the Main Menu appears as:

• Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > Setup > Customer Part Cross Reference

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Workshop - Set Up a Customer Cross Reference Part

In this workshop, create a customer cross reference part for Clarke Construction for part DCD-100-SP.

Important This workshop can be performed only once in each instance of a restored (refreshed) database.Once this workshop has been performed once, use this workshop as a review.

Navigate to Customer Part Cross Reference.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > Setup > Customer Part Cross Reference

Tip The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > Setup > CustomerPart Cross Reference

1. In the Customer field, enter DALTON and press Tab.

2. Click New.

3. In the Part Number field, enter DCD-100-SP and press Tab.

This is the original internal part number that will be cross referenced with the customer's unique part number.

4. In the Customer Part Number field, enter FR-10-S.

5. In the Description field, enter Frame Rail-S.

6. Click Save.

Internal part DCD-100-SP can now be cross referenced to your customer Clarke as part FR-10-S.

7. Exit Customer Part Cross Reference.

Workshop - Create a Sales Order Using a Customer Cross Reference Part

In this workshop, create a sales order utilizing the customer cross reference part functionality.

Create a Sales Order

Navigate to Sales Order Entry.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Entry

Tip The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > GeneralOperations > Order Entry

1. From the New menu, select New Order.

2. In the Customer field, enter Dalton and press Tab.

3. In the PO field, enter any number.

4. In the Need By field, enter the date two weeks from today.

5. In the Ship By field, enter the date two days before the Need By date.

6. Click Save and record the sales order number ________.

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Add a New Line

1. Navigate to the Lines > Detail sheet.

2. From the New menu, select New Line.

3. In the Part/Rev field, enter DCD-100-SP and press Tab.

In the Customer Part field, the cross reference part FR-10-S populates.

4. In the Order Quantity field, enter 10.

5. Select the Lock Line Quantity check box.

Important If the Lock Line Quantity check box is selected and you close the Master Release (Release1) of a multiple release sales order line, any remaining open releases for that line will automaticallyclose. To avoid this situation, always use the final shipment date for Release 1. You will receive awarning message if you attempt to close Release 1 when the other releases have not already shipped.If you unintentionally close Release 1, you must manually reopen the closed releases that have yet toship.

6. In the Tax Category field, enter Products.

7. Click Save.

Enter a New Release

1. Navigate to the Releases > Detail sheet.

2. From the New menu, select New Release.

3. In the Order Quantity field, enter 5.

4. In the Need By field, enter the date two weeks from today.

5. In the Ship By field, enter the date two days before the Need By date.

6. Click Save.

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Preview the Sales Order

1. From the Actions menu, select Print Sales Order Acknowledgment.

The Sales Order Acknowledgment Report window displays.

2. On the Standard toolbar, click Print Preview.

The Sales Order Acknowledgment window displays.

3. Review Sales Order Acknowledgment.

Note Notice in the Line Part Number / Description Rev section, the customer cross reference partnumber FR-10-S and description display. The original internal part number also displays.

4. Exit Sales Order Acknowledgment report.

5. Exit the Sales Order Acknowledgment Report window and Sales Order Entry.

6. If the message displays, click No.

Counter Sales

The Counter Sales feature allows you to complete walk-in purchases that occur over the counter. On a countersales order, the sale is recorded, the packing slip is printed, and the invoice is generated. The parts are then pulleddirectly from inventory.

A job may not be created for a counter sale. If you need to create jobs for the sales order, use the Quick Orderfunctionality. You can also create sales orders using the Summary sheet.

General Parameters

To ensure the counter sales transaction is handled properly, there are several general parameters to the CounterSales. Since the customer is walking out with the parts, the lines on the sales order are automatically marked asShipped Complete. Only one release is allowed per order line. The part must have a record within the Partmaster file. The customer must also have a record in Customer Maintenance. Cash or a credit card may not beapplied directly in order to pay the invoice. A miscellaneous invoice can be created, however, with a miscellaneouscharge that references a Visa™ or Cash Clearing account for reconciliation. A miscellaneous charge can also beused for credit card sales.

It is possible to create a negative miscellaneous charge for the total order amount. For reference, the credit cardauthorization should be referenced. This creates a zero balance invoice against which a cash or Visa paymentwould not need to be applied.

Sales Order Defaults

When a new counter sales order is created, the Epicor application automatically defaults the Order, Need, andShip By date fields to the current date. Once the part is selected, the program also defaults in the bin location.If parts are serial or lot tracked, however, the program prompts for the serial numbers or lot numbers.

Warning Messages

If the new counter sale causes the quantity on-hand to go negative, a warning message displays when salecompletion is attempted.

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Company Maintenance

To set up the Counter Sales feature, parameters on the Order sheet in Company Maintenance must first bedefined. Because the customer takes the parts directly out of inventory, it is necessary to set up a default ShipVia-like Customer Pick Up (PU) that handles the transaction. An AR invoice group prefix must also be established;this causes the counter sales invoices to be grouped together in an area separate from other shipments.

Packing Slip

Select the Packing Slip check box to indicate that you would like to print a packing slip for the sale.


The Invoice check box is used to invoice the parts at once. The customer billing days routine and packing sliplogic normally followed on typical sales orders is ignored. The invoice is placed within an accounts receivable (AR)group that posts these invoices during the next posting cycle. These invoices have a special prefix that is set upwithin the Company Maintenance's sales orders.

Process Counter Sales Button

Once the sales order is entered and the customer is ready to leave with the materials, click the Counter Salesbutton to initiate the inventory transactions.

Workshop - Process a Counter Sale

In this workshop, process a counter sale for part 38X075B, to be issued directly from inventory.

Add a Sales Order

Navigate to Sales Order Entry.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Entry

Tip The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > GeneralOperations > Order Entry

1. From the New menu, select New Order.

2. In the Customer field, enter Dalton and press Tab.

3. In the Counter Sale pane, select the following check boxes:

• Counter Sale

• Pack

• Invoice

4. In the PO field, enter XXX Pick up (where XXX are your initials).

5. Click Save.

Add the First Line

1. From the New menu, select New Line.

2. Navigate to the Summary > Counter Sale Detail sheet.

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3. In the Part field, enter 38X075B and press Tab.

4. In the Order Quantity field, enter 100.

5. In the Doc Unit Price field, enter 0.10.

6. Click Save.

Add the Second Line

1. From the New menu, select New Line.

2. Verify the Summary > Counter Sale Detail sheet displays.

3. In the Part field, enter 38X150B and press Tab.

4. In the Order Quantity field, enter 100.

5. In the Doc Unit Price field, enter 0.10.

6. Click Save.

Process the Counter Sale

1. Click the Process Counter Sale button.

2. To the Is this pack ready to ship? message, click Yes.

The New Pack: XXX message displays (where XXX is the new pack number).

3. Record the new pack number _______.

4. To the message, click OK.The Print Packing Slip/Labels - XXX (where XXX is your pack number) window displays.

5. On the Standard toolbar, click Print Preview.

The Packing Slip Print displays.

6. Review and close the Packing Slip Print.

7. Close the Print Packing Slip/Labels - XXX (where XXX is your pack number) window.

The New Invoice XXXXX message displays (where XXXXX is your invoice number).

8. Record the invoice number______________.

9. To the message, click OK.

The Print Invoice: XXXXX (where XXXXX is your invoice number) window displays.

10. On the Standard toolbar, click Print Preview.

The AR Invoice Form window displays.

11. Review and close the invoice form.

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12. Exit the Print Invoice: XXXXX (where XXXXX is your invoice number) window.

13. Exit Sales Order Entry.

Multi-Level Capable to Promise

The Capable to Promise (CTP) selection on the Order Entry Actions menu calculation determines the date bywhich a sales order quantity can be delivered (promised) to the customer. These dates are calculated for a currentorder selected within Sales Order Entry. You can also (optionally) create jobs for the demand calculated if theMake Direct check box has been selected for an order release in the Order Entry > Releases > Detail sheet.

The Multi Level CTP check box in the Capable to Promise (CTP) Actions menu selection designates that Availableto Promise (ATP) dates/quantities calculated for subassemblies should also be considered when the Epicorapplication calculates the Capable to Promise date for the part for this order release. The application checks theavailability of the components via BOM explosion of the parent item before committing to the delivery date ofthe order. It takes into account the lead time of the components (purchased and manufactured parts) as well asa resource capacity. It is enabled for access if the part is a stocked Manufactured item and the Make Directcheck box in the Order Entry > Releases > Detail sheet has been cleared, but is disabled in all other cases.

Workshop - Duplicate a Part

In this workshop, duplicate an existing plan as assembly (PAA) part, approve the revision of the duplicated assemblyand review the cumulative lead times for the parent assembly and its subassemblies.

Navigate to Part Maintenance.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > Setup > Part

Tip The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > Setup > Part

1. In the Part field, enter PAA-200-ML and press Tab.

2. From the Actions menu, select Duplicate.

The Duplicate Part PAA-200-ML Details window displays.

3. In the Part field, enter XXX-PAA (where XXX are your initials).

4. Click OK.

5. Navigate to the Part > Revisions > Detail sheet.

6. Select the Not Approved check box.

The Description of Change window displays.

7. In the Description of Change pane, enter Approved and click OK.

The revision status changes to Approved.

8. Click Save but remain in Part Maintenance.

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Review the Cumulative Lead Times for the Assembly Part and Subassemblies

In this workshop, review the cumulate lead times calculated for the parent assembly part you duplicated fromPAA-200-ML, and for its material parts CA10 and CA20. Part CA10 contains manufactured subassembly CM10,while part CA20 contains purchased part CM14.

1. Navigate to the Part > Detail sheet.

2. In the Part field, enter CA10 and press Tab.

3. Navigate to the Part > Sites > Planning sheet.

4. In the Manufacturing Lead Time pane, in the Cumulative Time field, review the following:


90Cumulative Time

8This Level Time

This value results from the Manufacturing Lead Time Calculation process run for the PAA-200-ML part. ForCA10, the cumulative lead time of 98 days is calculated as the sum of the lead time for subassembly CA20(90 days manufacturing lead time) plus the lead time at this level of the assembly for CA10 (8 days of actualmanufacturing lead time).

5. Navigate to the Part > Detail sheet.

6. In the Part field, enter CA12 and press Tab.

7. Navigate to the Part > Sites > Planning sheet.

8. In the Manufacturing Lead Time pane, in the Cumulative Time field, review the following:


21Cumulative Time

7This Level Time

For CA12, the cumulative lead time of 28 days is calculated as the sum of the lead time for purchased partCM14 (14 days lead time) plus the lead time at this level of the assembly (2 days of actual manufacturinglead time).

9. Navigate to the Part > Detail sheet.

10. In the Part field, enter XXX-PAA (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab.

11. Navigate to the Part > Sites > Planning sheet.

12. In the Manufacturing Lead Time pane, in the Cumulative Time field, review the following:


60Cumulative Time

1This Level Time

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This value results from the Manufacturing Lead Time Calculation process run for the part PAA-200-ML (thisis the part from which you duplicated your parent assembly). The Epicor application always takes the highestlead time into consideration when calculating manufacturing lead time for the parent part. In the exampleabove, the parent part XXX-PAA (where XXX are your initials) has a cumulative lead time of 61 days. It doesthis by adding the cumulative lead time of 60 days for part CA10 plus the lead time at this level of theassembly (1 day of actual manufacturing lead time).

13. Exit Part Maintenance.

Workshop - Enter a Sales Order for Part XXX-PAA

In this workshop, enter a sales order for the XXX-PAA (where XXX are your initials) part and use the Capable toPromise (CTP) functionality to review the calculated dates for this sales order.

Navigate to Sales Order Entry.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Entry

Tip The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > GeneralOperations > Order Entry

1. From the New menu, select New Order.

2. In the Customer field, enter Dalton and press Tab.

3. In the Need By field, enter the date two weeks from today.

4. In the Ship By date, enter the date two days before the Need By date.

5. Navigate to the Lines > Detail sheet.

6. From the New menu, select New Line.

7. In the Part/Rev field, enter XXX-PAA (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab.

8. In the Order Quantity field, enter 200.

9. In the Unit Price field, enter 16.

10. Click Save.

Calculate Capable to Promise

1. From the Actions menu, select Capable To Promise.

The Capable to Promise window displays.

2. In the Order Lines grid, select your order. Scroll to the right and verify the CTP check box is selected andthe Multi Level CTP check box is cleared.

3. Click the Calculate button.

4. In the Order Lines grid, scroll to the right to display the CalculatedCompDate field.

5. Record the date ________.

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6. Exit the Capable to Promise window.

7. To the Confirm Cancel message, click Yes.

8. Exit Sales Order Entry.

Pricing and Discounting

The Epicor application utilizes a pricing system that gives you great flexibility for determining prices. It is designedto work with a variety of business practices. By partly or fully using this feature set, you can define a regularprocedure for creating and maintaining prices for their products.

There are two kinds of discounting processes available - quantity-based discounts and value-based discounts.You can employ a quantity-based discount system, value-based discount system, or both. If both systems areused, the Epicor application first calculates the quantity-based discounts. After this discount is applied, theapplication next compares this new amount with the value breaks.

You can also define discount limits on the customer or ship-to location record. These fields are located in theCustomer Billing Detail sheet in Customer Maintenance. If the order exceeds these limits, a different discountpercent is applied to the sales order. An additional discount can be added after the quantity- and value-baseddiscounts is calculated.

There are two types of discounting available in the Epicor application:

• Quantity-Based Discounting reviews the quantity on the order line and compares it to the quantity breaksset up on a price list. The application then applies the discount that matches the quantity break.

For quantity-based discounting, the application uses the pricing hierarchy to search for the first available pricelist. Once it finds a price list for the parts, it uses that unit price for the quote or order detail line.

• Value-Based Discounting takes the total amount on the sales order and compares it to the value breaksset up in a price group. The application then applies the discount that matches the value break.

Price Group Maintenance

Use Price Group Maintenance to create and update price groups in the Order Management module.

Use price groups to establish discounts based on the order value, quantity, or both. Price groups provide apowerful pricing strategy when used with product groups. The relationship between a price group and a productgroup provides pricing for the parts that belong to that specific product group.

A price group can have multiple product groups assigned to it. A product group can only belong to one pricegroup. You can override pricing on specific quote and order lines.

Menu Path

Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:

• Sales Management > Order Management > Setup > Price Group

• Sales Management > Quote Management > Setup > Price Group

For CRM users, the Main Menu appears as:

• Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > Setup > Price Group

• Customer Relationship Management > Quote Management > Setup > Price Group

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Workshop - Use Price Groups

In this workshop, create a price group that contains both order-based value and quantity discounts for a specificproduct group.

Add a Price Group

Navigate to Price Group Maintenance.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > Setup > Price Group

Tip The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > Setup > PriceGroup

1. From the New menu, select New Price Group.

2. In the Price Group field, enter XXXMB (where XXX are your initials).

3. In the Description field, enter XXX Machine Building (where XXX are your initials).

4. Select the Order Based Value Discount check box.

5. Click the Add All Available Product Groups button.

6. In the Product Group List grid, select the DATA group row.

7. On the Standard toolbar, click Delete.

The Delete this record? message displays.

8. To the message, click Yes.

9. Delete the groups except for Machine Building Parts.

Only the Machine Building Parts group must display in the Product Group List grid. Deleting the productgroups from this list does not delete these group records from the Epicor application.

10. From the New menu, select New Order Value Break.

11. In the Order Value field, enter 1000.

12. In the Discount % field, enter 12.

13. Click Save and exit Price Group Maintenance.

Use the Price Group

Navigate to Part Maintenance.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > Setup > Part

Tip The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > Setup > Part

1. In the Part field, enter DSS-1010 and press Tab.

2. In the Group field, verify Machine Building Parts displays.

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3. Click Save and exit Part Maintenance.

Price Lists

Use Price List Maintenance to assign a specific price or discount to a part or product group. The Price ListMaintenance can be defined as part of the Quote Management module or Order Management module. However,once a price list is created, the pricing defaults are used in both Opportunity/Quote Entry and Sales OrderEntry.

Once created, a price list must be assigned either to a specific customer (in Customer Maintenance) or a customergroup which is then assigned to a customer; it defaults into quotes or sales orders for that customer based uponthe parts on the lines. Price lists require that a start date is defined; however, there is no required end date forthe effectivity of the pricing.

In order for discounts to automatically apply on a sales order, select the Apply Order Based DiscountsAutomatically check box on the Summary sheet in Sales Order Entry. This value defaults from the setting inCompany Maintenance for the Sales Management module.

If this check box is not selected on the sales order, there is an option available from the Actions menu to applyorder-based discounts automatically. For a price list pricing to default into sales orders or quotes, the price listmust be assigned to a customer (bill-to or ship-to) or customer group.

Export and Import Price Lists

Price lists can be exported to an external file and imported back into the Epicor application using the Price ListImport and Export tools from the Actions menu.

The export feature allows exporting a given price list and save the file on a local machine. The file can be savedas a .txt file or a .csv file. This allows exporting price lists, manipulate the prices using other tools (Microsoft®

Excel®, for example) and then import them back into the Epicor application.

Price List Overrides

Price lists can be overridden on the detail line window. By selecting the Override Price List check box, the Epicorapplication allows the selection of a different price list from a drop-down field. This allows selecting from thedifferent price options available for the part.

Locking Prices

The Price Lock feature in Sales Order Entry allows freezing the original price the Epicor application calculated,making sure the price is used on the entire sales order.

When selected, the Price Locked icon displays indicating that automatic pricing is disabled for this order line. Thisprevents the Epicor application from changing the price of the order line.

If this order line was pulled from a quote line, the Lock Unit Price check box is automatically selected. This isbecause quantity and value discounts are already applied to the price.

This feature may be used for orders filled during separate fiscal periods. If the price list expires between periods,this feature allows honoring the discounts originally set up for this customer. This feature also allows overridingthe price. They can enter whatever price is needed, and the Epicor application does not automatically changethe price. A value-based discount, however, can still be applied to the locked price.

For example, in a sales order, the order line's base price is $400. You can manually override the line's price to$375. If they change any field on this line, however, the application automatically returns the original price of$400. To prevent this original price from returning, select the Lock Unit Price check box. The price stays at $375.

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Price List Inquiry

The Price List Inquiry, located in Sales Order Entry, provides a direct link from a sales order to its correspondingprice list by customer and part number. This program is also accessible from the menu.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Price List Inquiry

Tip The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > GeneralOperations > Price List Inquiry

Workshop - Use Price Lists

In this workshop, create a price list for the Machine Building Parts product group and enter two quantity breakswith discounts. Once the price list is created, assign the price list to one of your customers, Dalton Manufacturing,and enter a sales order using the new price list.

Create a Price List

Navigate to Price List Maintenance.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > Setup > Price List

Tip The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > Setup > PriceList

1. From the New menu, select New Price List.

2. Enter the following information:


XXX (where XXX are your initials)Price List

XXX Machine Building Discount (where XXX are your initials)Description

Today's dateStart Date

The last day of the current yearEnd Date

United States DollarCurrency

3. From the New menu, select New Product Group.

The Product Group > Detail sheet displays.

4. Enter the following information:


MBLD (Machine Building Parts)Group


20Base Unit Price

5. From the New menu, select New Product Group Quantity Break.

The Product Group > Discounts sheet displays.

6. Enter the following information:

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Data 2Data 1Field

500200Quantity Break

Discount %Discount %Discount Type

1510Discount Pct

Note In the last field of the Product Group Discounts grid, press Tab to add a new row with thesecond set of data.

7. Click Save and exit Price List Maintenance.

Assign the Price List

Navigate to Customer Maintenance.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > Setup > Customer

Tip The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > Setup > Customer

1. In the Customer field, enter DALTON and press Tab.

2. From the New menu, select New Customer Price List.

The Billing > Price Lists sheet displays.

3. Right-click in the Code field and select Open With > Price List Search.

The Price List Search window displays.

4. Search for and select the new price list XXX Machine Building Discount (where XXX are your initials) youcreated previously.

5. Click Save and exit Customer Maintenance.

Enter a Sales Order

Navigate to Sales Order Entry.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Entry

Tip The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > GeneralOperations > Order Entry

1. From the New menu, select New Order.

2. Enter the following information:



Any numberPO

The date two weeks from todayNeed By

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The date two days before the Need By dateShip By

3. Click Save.

4. Verify the Apply Order Based Discounts Automatically check box is selected.

5. Navigate to the Lines > Detail sheet.

6. From the New menu, select New Line.

7. Enter the following information:



100Order Quantity

ProductsTax Category

8. Click Save.

The unit price is 20.00. The order value exceeds 1000 and the Total Price reflects the 12% Order BasedValue Discount. This, in addition to the 2% discount from the Header sheet, results in a total discount of14% and Unit Price.

9. In the Order Quantity field, enter 200.

10. Click Save.

The unit price changes for 18.00 that reflects 10% discount due to product group quantity break for 200EA.

11. Exit Sales Order Entry.

Price List Inquiry

Use the Price List Inquiry Tracker to review, evaluate, and change pricing information. Leverage this tracker tosearch for price lists based on specific criteria. You can then modify the price lists in a what-if mode, enablingyou to experiment with different pricing scenarios.

When you are satisfied with your pricing, you can save your changes to the selected price list. The system willthen use this pricing on future sales orders.

Tip To learn how to create price lists, read the Price List Maintenance topics.

Menu Path

Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:

• Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > General Operations > Price List Inquiry

• Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Price List Inquiry

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For CRM users, the Main Menu appears as:

• Customer Relationship Management > Sales and Marketing Management > General Operations > Price ListInquiry

• Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > General Operations > Price List Inquiry

Additional Functions

Many additional features and tools are available in Sales Order Entry.

Miscellaneous Charges

Miscellaneous charges are additional costs, such as expedite fees and freight charges, that can be included onsales orders, quotes, and invoices. Once set up, charges can be added on these records. The charges can bespecific to the line or quantity and can be applied to all shipments, the first shipment, or the last shipment.

If the Get Opportunity/Quote function was used to create order lines from quotes, miscellaneous charges enteredfor the quote are automatically pulled into the order.

Miscellaneous charges are created and defined in the Miscellaneous Charges Maintenance located in the OrderManagement Setup folder on the Main menu.

Header Miscellaneous Charge

Charges added to the entire order are added to the header and are called Order Miscellaneous Charges. Fromthe New menu, select the New Header Misc Charge option. In the Order Miscellaneous Charges sheet, enterthe charge ID, description, amount, and frequency.

Line Miscellaneous Charge

Charges added to the Line Miscellaneous Charges sheet only apply to the specific order line. From the Newmenu, select New Line Misc Charge. On the Line Miscellaneous Charges sheet, enter the charge ID, description,amount, and frequency in the Line Specific Miscellaneous Charges region.

Credit Card Authorization

During sales order processing, a credit card can be used to pay a portion of an order or the entire order. Ideally,a customer can provide the credit card information at the time an order is initiated. While the order is beingentered, authorization can be performed on the credit card ensuring the information is valid and the customerhas an available credit limit in the account to cover the amount of the sales order.

There are other steps within the sales order process where credit card authorization may be needed for individualbusiness practices. The following flowchart includes the numerous areas where credit card authorization isavailable.

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If a deposit is required, the credit card information can be used to process the deposit for the order. A depositinvoice and cash receipt is created for the order deposit, and the funds are captured from the customer creditcard account. For the remainder of the order value, the funds are captured from the customer's credit cardaccount as the product is shipped.

It is possible a significant amount of time transpired since the order was taken and the original authorizationcould have expired. There are two options to deal with this situation. The Epicor application can be configuredto re-authorize the credit card before the order is picked, or the credit card could be re-authorized from the salesorder form before picking and shipping.

It is likely an entire order may not be shipped at the same time. The Credit Card Authorization can be configuredto re-authorize the remaining balance of the order. When the remainder of the order is shipped, the funds areavailable to be captured from the credit card account of the customer.

When the product is shipped, the funds to cover the amount being shipped are captured from the customer'saccount using a Deposit or Sale transaction.

Credit cards can also be processed as part of the cash receipt to be applied to invoices.

Close and Reopen Orders, Lines, and Releases

• Close Orders, Lines, and Releases

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When a sales order is partly or completely closed, transactions made against the selected item's quantity andamount are no longer allowed. Normally, the Sales Order Entry closes items on a sales order automatically. Ifan order, line, or release needs to be manually closed, use the functionality found on the Actions menu inthe Order, Order Line, or Order Release sub-menus.

Closing a sales order, line, or release freezes the transactions for the order and frees open inventory allocations.

• Reopen Orders, Lines, and Releases

If changes need to be made to a closed sales order, it can be manually reopened. Use the reopen functionalityfound on the Order or Order Line sub menu to reopen an order, order line, or order release.

Reopening a closed order only changes the sales orders status, allowing manual changes to the order header'sinformation. It does not adjust inventory or make other automatic changes to the sales order. If the orderlines and releases need editing, these must also be manually reopened.

Remove PO Link

Sales orders can be created through an inter-company purchase order (PO). When a sales order is created in thisway, it is linked to the original PO. As changes are made to the sales order, these changes are also made to thelinked PO within the external company’s database. If it is necessary to cut this order's link to the PO, use theRemove PO Link command found under the Actions menu. Once the link is removed, changes made to the salesorder no longer update the original PO.

Note This feature is only available when the Multi Site Management module is licensed.

Tax Connect

If your company uses the Tax Connect functionality to automatically generate tax amounts on sales orders, youcan activate this functionality on specific sales orders. When the release quantities, discounts, and other informationon the sales order is reasonably complete, you select the Ready to Process check box. This check box is availableon either the Summary or the Header sheets within Sales Order Entry. Selecting this check box causes the Epicorapplication to run a number of processes against the sales order and then send the tax amounts out to theAvalara® AvaTax® website.

Be aware you should only select this check box if you are reasonably sure the sales order is complete. Each timeyou save a sales order designated as ready to process, the TaxConnect processes run and the resulting calculatedamounts are automatically sent to the Avalara® AvaTax® website.

You typically will have better order entry performance when the Ready to Process check box is clear, as thisprevents the additional processing and Internet data transfer from placing demands against your networkresources.

The following describes what calculations are run when this check box is selected and the sales order is saved:

• If the record contains updated sales tax amounts, the entire order is recalculated line by line. When thecalculations finish processing a line, the program automatically launches TaxConnect, uploading the sales taxamount due on this line to the Avalara® AvaTax® website.

• If the record is a transfer sales order, selecting this check box causes data from the sales order header recordto be recalculated and recorded.

• The Restrictions on Hazardous Substances (RoHS) compliance process is initiated. The process moves throughthe sales order releases to check for RoHS compliance.

• The general ledger book updates with the recalculated amounts on the sales order.

Tip This check box can be automatically selected by default through the Company Configurationprogram. You define this option on the Orders Configuration sheet. To learn how to do this, review theCompany Configuration>Orders Configuration topic within the application help. For an overview of theTax Connect functionality, review the Epicor Tax Connect topic within the application help.

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Incoming Linked PO Suggestions

The Send Inter-Company Purchase Order Suggestions allows you to both create and email suggestions to acompany that sent them an inter-company PO.

This feature is only available when the Multi-Site Management module is licensed.

This functionality improves communication between the two companies. As suggestions are sent against thesales order created from an inter-company PO, the inter-company trader's PO record automatically updates withthis information.

The company can reject or accept these suggestions through the Change PO Suggestions option. The sales orderwithin the database is then updated with the response to the suggestions. These suggestions can also beinterpreted by this company as forecast information.

Change Log

The Change Log viewer is available from Order Entry to review changes made to a sales order. The Detail sheetdisplays the User ID of the person who made the change, the time, and the field information that changed.

This feature is only available if changes are being tracked in the sales order tables in the Business Activity Manager(BAM).


Memos provide an area for miscellaneous comments or notes to be attached to an order line. Memo categoriescan also be assigned to organize memos for reporting purposes. Memos are available in many programs in theEpicor application.


There are Comments fields available on both the order header and order line levels. Order header commentsprint on the Sales Order Acknowledgment form just above the line items.

Comments entered at the line item level are printed on the order line. If quote lines are pulled into an order linewith comments, they can optionally be duplicated on a job created from the order using the Order Job Wizard.

Order Tracker

The Order Tracker is an inquiry-only version of the Order Entry with additional related information. The OrderTracker contains additional sheets for shipments, invoices, and miscellaneous shipments related to the sales ordersin focus.


Congratulations! You have completed the Order Management course.

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Order Management CourseConclusion

Additional information is available at the Education andDocumentation areas of the EPICweb Customer Portal. To access

this site, you need a Site ID and an EPICweb account. To create anaccount, go to http://support.epicor.com.

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