Ephesians Lesson 4. Contrast of your former life Walked by the prince of the power of the air Walked in the lusts of the flesh Sons of disobedience Children.

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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EphesiansLesson 4

Contrast of your former life• Walked by the prince of the power of the air• Walked in the lusts of the flesh• Sons of disobedience• Children of wrath

BUT NOW:• Saved by God’s grace, mercy and love• Made alive• Seated in the heavenly places with Christ• Created to walk in good works

Ephesians 2:11-22• Recipients: Gentile believers• Why did Paul write? • To explain the mystery of Jew and Gentile in one

CovenantAbrahamic:• Gen. 12:1-3 God Promised…• To bless Abram• Make his name great• Bless those who blessed Abram• Curse those who cursed Abram• In Abram ALL families of the earth would be

blessed• Gen. 15:1-18 God Promised….• A son from his own body• God preached the gospel and Abram believed

Covenant• Gen. 17:1-14 This covenant is everlasting• Circumcision was the sign

Fulfillment of the Covenant:• Jer. 31 He will be their God, they will be His

people• Write His law ON their hearts• Forgiveness of sin• New Heart and a New Spirit within• Eph. 1 Gentile believers sealed with the

“promised” Holy Spirit• Both Jew and Gentile now have access to the Father

Covenant• Heb. 10 Jesus’ body was the fulfillment of the New

Covenant• Luke 22 His blood was the blood of the covenant

Davidic Covenant• 2 Sam. God promised David a house, family line,

and a kingdom forever• Romans and Revelation: Jesus was descended from

David’s line. King of Kings and Lord of lords

Jesus’ blood• Eph. 2 It brought the Gentile believers near• Prince of peace broke the dividing wall • Abolished the enmity between Jew and Gentile• Abolish: katargesas: to render inoperative, make of

no effect, sever, make invalid, deprive of force or authority

• Enmity: echthran: enemies, hostile, hostility• He made the two one new man• New: kainon – new in quality, not found exactly

like this before, fresh

Reconciliation• Apokatallaxe: change from one state of feeling to

another. To set up a relationship of peace not existing before; the restoration of a relationship of peace which has been disturbed

• Romans People and God were reconciled• Colossians Jesus reconciled ME to be presented

holy and blameless and beyond reproach• 2 Cor. Believers are given the ministry of

reconciliation – leading others to have peace with God and giving the gospel to the lost

The Building• Ephesians 2 Gentile believers are :• No longer strangers and aliens• Fellow citizens with the Jewish saints• God’s household• Foundation made up of apostles and prophets• Whole house is living stones, being built together

into a temple, a dwelling place of God• God’s house is built on Jesus, the cornerstone

Cornerstone• Akrogoniaiou: placed at the extreme corner.• Webster: a stone that forms the base of the corner of

a building joining two walls. Important because all other stones will be set in reference to this stone.

• Is. 28:16 God laid in Zion a precious cornerstone• Romans 9 Whoever believes in Him is not put to

shame• I Pet. 2 Jesus: a living stone, rejected• We are now living stones, a chosen race, a royal

priesthood, a holy nation. • People for God’s own possession called out of

darkness into glorious light

Application• Why have I been called out of darkness?

To proclaim God’s excellencies

To be an ambassador of Christ

To carry on the ministry of reconciliation

To walk in a manner worthy of the gospel

To be a priest

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