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EPF News


EPF NewsDaily

Złocieniec, 23th July 2015 number 4/2015www.epf.zlocieniec.pl

Michelle visits the editorial team of EPF News page 2

Spaghetti eating champions page 2

Time travel

page 4

Lucyna said: “Pol-ish tradicional vodka – „hooch” by Doro-thy tasted better than Scotch whiskey.” Bread with lard tasted like the

News from Polish eurovilage

proverbial hotcakes and the cake was so deli-cious that melted in the mouth.


Wednesday was a day off for the participants of EPF, there were no Team gameplay, so they could spend their time explor-ing the area and resting after busy days filled with the program. Ger-man and Belgian groups chose the rest in the bo-som of nature on “Sołty-sia” island in Lubiesze-wo. The groups took part in canoeing down the Drava river. The weath-

er was great, as well as the moods. The partic-ipants were very satis-fied despite the fatigue and effort that they had to put in rowing. They admired our intact, al-most wild nature. Two rescuers watched over safety of the group. After returning to the island we all ate a delicious dinner. Those who did not participate in canoe-ing, benefited from the

island’s sun and water. Despite 125 insect bites, minor abrasions of legs and a small dump into the water, everybody re-turned safe and sound, happy but also tired. After the canoeing trip the groups got fresh, cold beer - as a reward of course.

Marta and Lidka

Drawa river, kayaks and cold beer

EPF News


page 2

On Tuesday morning I was trying to get information from each country - What first come to Your mind when I say: Poland?Answers: Latvia- apples, colours, shopping Germany- Podolski, holiday, Wałęsa Italy-cold, friendly, landscape Spain-cold, vodka, hospitality Hungary-friendly, smiling ,blonde Scotland-food, football, alcohol France-kindness, open-minding, sweet girls Denmark-vodka, volleyball, pastry Belgium-vodka, team spirit, shooting Luxemburg-cheap, green, bumpy roads Lithuania-neighbours, friendship, beer Ireland-beautiful women, cold, friendly


About Poland in three words

announced for eating spaghetti on time. First place went to a group

Spaghetti eating champions

from Germany, Italians second and the third Polish. Congratulations!

While the pasta party competition organized by a group of Italian was

On Wednesday evening on the main amphithe-atre stage there were teams from Latvia and Lithuania. As first the band “Dziga” from the city of Rezekne in Lat-via appeared. In beauti-ful costumes, to Latvi-an music Latvian they danced traditional danc-es. The audience joined the fun clapping and

Folklore in Lithuanian- Latvian release

twitching to the rhythm of music. At the end of their dynamic and very energetic performance the audience rewarded Latvians with thunder-ous applause. Next a dancing folk group from the Lithuanian town of Radviliškis appeared on stage. Their performance was also very spectac-ular - folkloric, dance-

able and to the beat of lively music. There was polka of course, and the “churns dance” was very interesting. “Oire” and “Transveras” aroused interest of the audience who enjoyed dancing together with the Lithu-anians. So to sum up, the evening performances of both teams entertained the audience. Ania

Today was special for the participants of the festival because they had time for private travel and seeing nearby at-tractions. Thus, for ex-ample, a group of nine Scots went to the Island of Ostrow on the Sieci-no Lake. Walking in the

Scotish Islandwoods, swimming and playing on the beach - the leading value of our region proved to be great entertainment for our international guests who didn’t hide their joy with so spent time.

Magda and Piotr

EPF News


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Yesterday, each partici-pant of EPF had a chance to spend a day according to his or her own plan. Some chose the Baltic Sea. Others struggled canoeing. There were also people who filled cosy cafes in Złocieniec.It was a time of rest, even for volunteers. Guard-

Master of your own fate

ians of groups as well as those responsible for or-ganization of the event had the opportunity to exchange their previous-ly acquired experience and could talk about all kinds of funny stories and jokes.

Iza, Agnieszka,  Kasia, Julia, Kasia

Very important in life, the sheer volume of dai-ly duties is to find mo-ments to talk with new-found persons. These

There are things for which we can find time ever

situations show us how important it is to orga-nize such projects as the European People Festi-val.

On Tuesday we met at the editorial office of EPF News sympathetic Michelle - zodiac Scor-pio. She comes from Ireland, she is 41 years old and is a cheerful, positive person. She says about herself that she is a really happy person. Ev-ery day she works with young children and that brings her a lot of satis-faction. She has many interests - from art and

music to photography. When asked whether she likes our city, she replies, “beautiful city, friendly people, great at-mosphere.” In the future she would like to come here for holiday and show this beautiful place to her relatives, among others to her 22-year-old daughter Nicole. We asked if she knew any Poles living in Ireland. Her spontaneous reac-

tion was: “Of course I know - I have five Polish friends who come from Łomża and with whom I got close”. They spend a lot of time together, vis-it and contact with each other. It was really nice to meet Michelle - an open, happy and smiling person. Michelle - we wish you many positive feelings connected with the Euro-pean People Festival.


Michelle visits the editorial team of EPF News

The volunteers met To-bias from Spain. He spent free time actively on the Drawsko Lake.

Tobias from Spain

He was on the canoeing trip. Tobias was tired but satisfied and he had a smiling face. Tobias

spent a nice time in a lovely place. Generally it was nice to. Natalia, Zuzia and Karolina

EPF News


page 4

Project co-financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as part of the “Cooperation in the field of public diplomacy 2015”. The publication express-es the views only of the author and can not be identified with the official stance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Poland.

THE FESTIVAL NEWSPAPER is published daily and edited by Agata Bożek, Monika Kuczyńska, Małgorzata Rostek, Anna Pokrzywnicka, Anna Styrska, Wioleta Szczecińska, Marek Zyśk and volunteers. email: epfnews@wp.pl

Wednesday, 22nd July 2015. Free day at the fes-tival. Our guests spend that day very differently. We go back in time ... ..

I met Eckhard two years ago during the EPF in Luxembourg. There I learned that he was born in 1940 in Neu Stettin, today Szczecinek. A year

later, during last year’s EPF, when we met in Bad Segeberg, it came to our mind the idea that during a festival in

Poland we should visit the world of his child-hood. And just today, on Wednesday 22nd July at 10:23 in the courtyard of the palace in Siemczyno

we get into the car and go back in time ....Relaxed atmosphere during the way, we joke, we share our experienc-

es with the festival. The situation changes in Szc-zecinek, when Eckhard become a little nervous. When we pass Szc-zecinek and follow the signs to Turow (Turov) where he lived, he be-gins to look closer and talk about his terrible childhood memories, memories of the war. After a short time we get to Turow. We are going very slowly. Eckhard tells the story of almost every house, I know where a church was, a restaurant, a cemetery. We drive up the house and before we get out of the car Eck-hard asks, “Peter, do you think I can ask if I can enter this house?” We

approach the gate and a charming mutt (as it later turns out it was res-cued from a shelter and here found home) greets us. And then a woman with a charming smile on her face appears. In a few words we explain who we are and why we are here. It turns out that the woman’s mom and Eckhard used to play together in childhood. Unfortunately, they will not meet again, the old lady passed away 3 years ago. We do not ask the question that troubled

us. Our hosts invites us inside and offers cof-fee, tea. When water’s in the kettle, Eckhard climbs the stairs to the top and visits a small room in which along with his family he spent the first five years of his

Time travel life. Tears of emotion. Stories about where a tiled stove was, a cot of his younger sister, who did not survive the trip in a cattle car in freez-ing cold. I do not quite know how to behave .... I pass a handkerchief and hug him. When emo-tions slightly fall, we go down to our hosts. We sit over coffee. Many questions from each side. We see pictures, old prewar documents. The Woźniaks host us in an old Polish manner. We exchange emails, phone

numbers, find mutual friends. Almost two hours pass away. We say goodbye to good friends, old friends. On the way back we visit a few places from Eckhard’s childhood. The way passes al-most in silence, but I see that in my passanger’s mind there are thousands of thoughts and memories. When we say goodbye at the

Palace in Siemczyno, he hugs me very tight and quietly says: thank you. In his eyes I can see the rain. Summer, warm, pleasant rain. Rain of re-lief and solace.


Krystian from Złocieniec brought sweet bread for EPF News editorial team.

FANS! Today a great match! Cheer on your team! Start at 9:00 am at the stadium in Złocie-niec.

If you want more PHOTOS, MOVIES and NEWS about EPF in Złocieniec


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