Ens Phillip Pestano Shooting Case Report by Dean Artemio Panganiban Jr and Erdulfo Grimares

Post on 29-Jul-2015






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"SUMMARY: The following are point by point summary evaluations and interpretations of Physical Evidences found and recovered at the shooting scene, Medico-Legal and Chemistry Reports and other possible occurences that PHILLIP PESTANO could not have committed suicide or shot in his room: 1. The absence of burning, smudging around the wound of entrance of Phillip Pestano's head an indication of distant firing of more than 12"; 2. The position of the victim and lack of sufficient amount of blood under the victim's head, abnormal in shooting incident with thru and thru bullet wound which indicate the body has been moved; 3. The absence of blood spatters on any part of the room, impossible to have none in a thru and thru bullet wound on the head, on walls or articles in a small room; 4. The position of the alleged firearm and magazine used in shooting found on the floor and in between victim's foot, with detached magazine when recovered, a sign of intentional positioning; 5. The contusions on the right temporal area of the head and injury on the left ear, the origin of which was not accurately established, are signs of foul play; 6. The position of the empty shell on top of the bed, is not likely to happen due to the presence of curtains hanging on the wall, facing ejection direction from the gun, prevent the shell from bouncing; 7. Characteristic folding of the alleged suicide note, was taken from a shirt pocket which victim's does not wear; 8. The blood on the bed sheet cover and pillow, characterized by blood stains flows of drops, that could not have come by blood spattering from the head and or oozing blood on body's way to fall on his back on the bed; CONCLUSION: Phillip Pestano did not commit suicide in his room and he must have been shot and killed elsewhere." - Pages 41-42 of Report by Dean Artemio Panganiban Jr and Erdulfo Grimares, registered Criminologists.


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