Enrichment & Intervention Programme 2019-20

Post on 19-Feb-2022






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Enrichment &




Dream Believe Achieve

Dear Parents and Pupils

Welcome to our Enrichment and Intervention curriculum programme.

On Thursday afternoons, we offer all of our pupils opportunities that will

enrich their education by building relationships through community involve-

ment and volunteering and achieving success in areas other than curricu-

lum subjects.

Each project has been linked to one of our school values: opportunity,

health, resilience, responsibility, respect, relationships and many of the

activities offered are not available in any other North Devon school. Many

of the activities are certificated or competition based which will enhance

future CVs and college/job applications. The variety of offers should

provide something for everyone whatever their interest.

Fundamentally, we want our pupils to become independent, resourceful

and responsible citizens of the future with broad experiences that enhance

their GCSE achievements to give them the widest opportunity for future

careers and life-long learning.

Yours sincerely,

Jacqui Royse

Deputy Headteacher


Dream Believe Achieve

Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Across the school year there will be three terms of enrichment and

intervention activities. Activities will run for 12 or 24 weeks and you will

need to choose your top three activities in each term.

Intervention will also happen during this time and some pupils will be

selected by curriculum areas to receive additional help and support with

individual subjects. All Year 11 pupils will be allocated intervention in term

3. This may be in addition to any other Maths, English or MFL intervention

they have been allocated in term 1 or 2.

You are strongly encouraged to choose a variety of activities, requests

submitted for more than one activity within the same area (i.e. sport, art,

etc) are unlikely to be granted.

We suggest that you read through all the offers first before making your

selections carefully. You need to complete the form at the back of the

booklet, making three choices in each term.

Allocations will be made on a first come first served basis from Friday 6th

July. Wherever possible we will endeavour to ensure that you receive your

first or reserve choices.


How to choose your activities

Dream Believe Achieve

Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Adventure Service Chall 12 weeks

Animal Enrichment * ^ 12 weeks

Animation * ^ 12 weeks

Climbing ̂ 12 weeks

Community Archaeology 12 weeks

Computer Programming ^ 12 weeks

Conservation * ^ 12 weeks

Cricket Academy ^ 12 weeks

First Aid ^ 12 weeks

Football Academy ^ 12 weeks

Golf ^ 12 weeks

Green powered Car 12 weeks

Hockey ^ 12 weeks

iDEA * ^ 12 weeks

Instructables ^ 12 weeks

Joinery ^ 12 weeks

Landscape Masterclass ^ 24 weeks

Latin ^ 12 weeks

Living Life to the Full 12 weeks

Llama Experience ^ 12 weeks

Media Studies 12 weeks

Meditation 12 weeks

Model Kit Building 12 weeks

Netball Academy ^ 12 weeks

Origami 12 weeks

Outdoor Leadership ^ 12 weeks

Outdoor Water Adventure ^ 12 weeks

Patisserie ^ 12 weeks

Plastic—not fantastic!* 12 weeks

Rhapsode Read Aloud 12 weeks

Robotics ^ 12 weeks

Rockets* ^ 12 weeks

Role Play Game Dev. ^ 12 weeks

Rounders Academy ^ 12 weeks

Rugby Academy ^ 12 weeks

Samba Drumming ^ 12 weeks

School Musical ^ 24 weeks

Sculpture ^ 12 weeks

Soap Making Enterprise 12 weeks

Sociology/Psychology 12 weeks

Strategic Board Games 12 weeks

Surf Club ^ 12 weeks

Ten Tors Prep ^ 12 weeks

Trampoline ^ 12 weeks

Wakepark Experience ^ 12 weeks

Wildlife Garden Pond 12 weeks

Woodwork ^ 12 weeks

World Film 12 weeks

Yoga ^ 12 weeks

Young Chef ^ 12 weeks

Young Journalist ^ 12 weeks

Young Leaders ^ 12 weeks

3D Printing ^ 12 weeks


* CREST Awards

^ Supports completion of Duke of Edinburgh Award Bronze/Silver

Choices available

Dream Believe Achieve

Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Adventure Service Challenge (GTS)

Staff Miss Rollick

Content – what does the activity involve?

This E&I is designed for those who are thinking

about participating in the Duke of Edinburgh Award

in Y9. The ASC is for you if you are someone who

enjoys: walking and camping; volunteering in the lo-

cal community; learning new skills; taking part in


There is a possibility of an overnight camp.

Learning outcome Duke of Edinburgh and/or Ten Tors ready!

Skills outcome Map reading; navigating; basic first aid; camp craft; hygiene + many more

Course length 12 weeks (Summer)

KS3 / KS4 Year 7&8 only—Max 24

Opportunity available in other ND schools Yes

Award/Certificated - ASC Senior Stage 1 & 2 Award Yes

Community, volunteering, citizenship Yes

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Animal Enrichment

Staff Mr Elfick, Mr Nicjolls, Mrs Cuthbertson

Content – what does the

activity involve?

Researching the natural habitats of wild animals and

what enrichment is provided for them by zoos.

Design some more devices using research. Linked to

and supported by Paignton Zoo.

Learning outcome Using research to design and build, trial and

evaluate effectiveness of devices.

Skills outcome Research, communication, design, evaluating.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 Max: 25

Opportunity available in other ND schools No

Award/Certificated - CREST—Bronze Award Yes

Community, volunteering, citizenship Yes

Business links Yes


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Animation

Staff Miss Neve-Scott

Content – what does the activity involve?

Design and film your own animated short story with the potential to gain a Bronze Crest award.

Learning outcome Become familiar with and use a range of examples you could use to make your own film.

Skills outcome Communication, collaboration, reflective, resilience

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 All - max 24

Opportunity available in other ND schools Some

Award/Certificated - CREST Bronze Award Yes

Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Climbing

Staff Mrs McCullough, Mr Bolton

Content – what does the activity involve?

To develop climbing movement skills and improve levels of ability. Learn rope-work and how to use equipment correctly.

Learning outcome Risk assessment and management skills. An under-standing of the sport, it’s history and future challenges.

Skills outcome Teamwork, communication, trust, personal achieve-ment.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 All - max 15

Opportunity available in other ND schools Yes

Award/Certificated No

Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Community Archaeology

Staff Mr Cloke and Emily Wapshott (Archaeologist)

Content – what does the activity involve?

Pupils learn from a local and experienced expert in the field of archaeology- an opportunity most do not get until they attend university!

Pupils will learn the basics of archaeological field-work and theory, using this knowledge by applying it to the archaeological environment of Torrington.

Learning outcome Pupils learn the basic theories and techniques of

archaeology as a discipline.

Skills outcome Cultural and community understanding.

Historical knowledge.

Scientific technique and use of evidence.


Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 KS3 - max 24

Opportunity available in other ND schools No

Award/Certificated No

Community, volunteering, citizenship Yes

Business links Yes


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Computer Programming

Staff Mr Whiterod, Beran Instruments

Content – what does the activity involve?

To achieve a grounding in how computer software is used in everyday life and work environments.

Learn how to write software.

Learning outcome Understand the use of software and how to write it.

Skills outcome Learn to program using a specific language.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 KS4: max 20

Opportunity available in other ND schools No

Award/Certificated No

Community, volunteering, citizenship

Forging links with a local business


Business links

Could lead to work experience opportunities and possible

apprenticeships. Beran are part of our Employers Forum.



Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Conservation (Merton Wildlife Reserve & Torrington Commons)

Staff Mr Rawle

Content – what does the activity involve?

Students will be investigating the biodiversity of the two sample sites using various survey techniques. At school they will be processing and analysing the samples collected. We will use the school minibus to get to the different locations.

Learning outcome Development of biodiversity knowledge and under-standing of habit management.

Skills outcome Practical skills—sampling techniques such as quad-rating, soil pH sampling and species identification.

Course length 12 weeks (Summer)

KS3 / KS4 All - max 15

Opportunity available in other ND schools No

Award/Certificated - CREST Bronze Award Yes

Community, volunteering, citizenship Yes

Business links Yes


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Cricket Academy

Staff Mr Cook

Content – what does the activity involve?

Further development of skills and game play

Improve confidence in game play

Enhance decision making & fitness levels

Improve performance in competition

Pupils who opt for the academy will be given preference when selection is made for school teams.

Learning outcome Become more effective; fitter and confident in competitive situations.

Skills outcome Improvement in cricket skills.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 Yr 9/10 - max 25

Opportunity available in other ND schools Yes

Award/Certificated No

Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links No

Dream Believe Achieve


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered First Aid

Staff Ms Booth

Content – what does the

activity involve?

Pupils will follow the St John Ambulance Student

First Aid Programme. They will learn and practise

the basic skills that could save a life in an

emergency. St John Ambulance believes that every

young person should have the chance to learn vital

life saving skills.

Learning outcome This course will provide pupils with the knowledge

and confidence to be the difference between a life

lost and a life saved.

Skills outcome Basic life saving knowledge and skills.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 Max: 20

Opportunity available in other ND schools Yes

Award/Certificated No

Community, volunteering, citizenship Yes

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Football Academy

Staff Mr Cooke, Mr Rhymer

Content – what does the activity involve?

Further development of skills and game play

Improve confidence in game play

Enhance decision making & fitness levels

Improve performance in competition

Pupils who opt for the academy will be given preference when selection is made for school teams.

Learning outcome Become more effective; fitter and confident in competitive situations.

Skills outcome Improvement in football skills.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 Year 7-9: max 25 in each group

Opportunity available in other ND schools Yes

Award/Certificated No

Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Golf

Staff Mr Bolton

Content – what does the activity involve?

This is a beginner’s guide to golf. If you have a desire to play golf and are not currently a member of a club then this is the course for you! It will be run at Torrington Golf Course (transport provided) with the help of their coaching staff. The golf pro from The Royal North Devon Club will also be on hand to provide coaching.

Learning outcome By the end of the unit you should have the full range of skills and understanding required to play a round of golf.

Skills outcome Learning a new set of skills, ball striking, hand eye co-ordination for example and potential for lifelong participation.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 All—Max 15

Opportunity available in other ND schools Yes

Award/Certificated No

Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links Yes


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Green Powered F24 Car

Staff Mr Beams

Content – what does the activity involve?

Work like a Formula One team to build and then ultimately race an F24 car. From the electrical system, through to the brakes, and steering etc, to driving and racing the finished car.

Making decisions over materials and processes

opens up real engineering discussions on the merits

and pitfalls of each option. It is real life, it is hands

on and there are real consequences to your choices

and mistakes.

Learning outcome Decision making.

Build a green power F24 car.

Skills outcome Real engineering, in a real life environment, working

and thinking like actual engineers.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 All - max 12

Opportunity available in other ND schools Yes

Award/Certificated No

Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links Yes


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Hockey Academy


Content – what does the

activity involve?

Further development of skills and game play

Improve confidence in game play

Enhance decision making & fitness levels

Improve performance in competition

Pupils who opt for the academy will be given

preference when selection is made for school

Learning outcome Become more effective; fitter and confident in

competitive situations.

Skills outcome Improvement in hockey skills.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 KS3 max - 25

Opportunity available in other ND schools Yes

Award/Certificated No

Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered iDEA

The Duke of York Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award

Staff Mrs Bryant

Content – what does the activity involve?

iDEA is an online programme that helps to develop

digital, enterprise and employability skills. You will

earn badges by doing various challenges and activi-

ties online.

Learning outcome Digital awareness, safety and ethics – cyber security, e-safety, cloud computing and more.

Collaboration, design.

Skills outcome Improved digital skills, resilience and independence.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 All—max 25

Opportunity available in other ND schools Yes




Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links Yes


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Instructables - Opportunity to create a design project of your choice.

Staff Ms Fisher

Content – what does the activity involve?

To independently design and develop your skills in Design and Technology to create your project. Examples of projects may include small wooden toys, mobile phone stands, trinket boxes or even jewellery. Opportunity to compete in the North Devon Manufacturing Awards.

Learning outcome To design a project with various design ideas.

Develop your chosen design idea.

Create a final outcome based on your initial design brief.

Skills outcome Independent thinking and working. Development of fine motor skills and hand eye coordination. Devel-opment of cognitive and creative skills to problem solve and create an outcome to a high standard.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 All - max 22

Opportunity available in other ND schools Yes

Award/Certificated - NDMA Awards Yes

Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links Yes


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Joinery - basic skills and investigation of how this

fits within the construction industry

Staff Mr Walsh

Content – what does the activity involve?

Students will develop their joinery skills by manufac-turing a wooden slot together stool for use the home. Students will work to dimensioned drawings and on completion will explore and apply appropri-ate finishing processes.

In addition, students will be introduced to the differ-

ent trades within the construction industry. Under-

pinning all this work will be knowing the importance

of health and safety in the workplace, particularly in

a workshop.

Learning outcome Increased understanding of the construction industry, with a focus on the tools and equipment used within joinery and carpentry and sectors (transition to post 16 education).

Skills outcome Basic joinery techniques demonstrated and put into practise.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 All—max 22

Opportunity available in other ND schools No

Award/Certificated No

Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links Yes


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Landscape Masterclass

Staff Mrs Kevern

Content – what does the activity involve?

To paint the local landscape in the style of the old masters.

A team of artists who are willing to commit to the task, will explore the process and techniques of landscape painting to create your own masterpiece. The local area will be the main focus with the aim to create work that can be used in a GTS calendar. The work will also be part of the GTS Art Exhibition in the Plough Arts Centre in May 2020.

Learning outcome To complete an acrylic painting on canvas.

Skills outcome Drawing, painting, time management.

Course length 24 weeks

KS3 / KS4 All - max 18

Opportunity available in other ND schools No

Award/Certificated No

Community, volunteering, citizenship Yes

Business links Yes


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Latin Course (Cambridge)

Staff Mrs Fawcitt

Content – what does the activity involve?

Facilitated course of e-learning introducing basic Latin: comprehension of the Latin language for reading

purposes; to develop an understanding of the history and

culture of Roman civilisation; to encourage a wide range of approaches to

language learning through the use of high quality audio-visual resources.

Learning outcome To learn and comprehend basic Latin.

Skills outcome Independence, understanding.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 All - max 20

Opportunity available in other ND schools No

Award/Certificated - Cambridge Certificate Yes

Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Living life to the full

Staff Mrs Stevens

Content – what does the activity involve?

Learning how to deliver the Living Life to the Full programme -

team building

emotional and mental health

Learning outcome To group will eventually be able to deliver an inter-active programme that will support emotional intel-ligence and positive mental health. This initial group will hopefully end up as mental health mentors.

Skills outcome Identifying positive mental health and emotional intelligence. Teaching skills and group work.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 All - max 12

Opportunity available in other ND schools No

Award/Certificated Yes

Community, volunteering, citizenship Yes

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Llama Experience

Staff Miss Davey-Wright

Content – what does the activity involve?

Learn all about and meet many woolly llamas (and

new-born cria (baby llamas))! Develop skills in

haltering and leading llamas, as well as grooming

and feeding. Transport will be provided, however,

pupils will be asked to contribute towards the

costs, which will be £60. This activity will return to

school at about 4.30pm.

Learning outcome Become experienced in handling llamas; learn how to care for llamas and manage a llama farm.

Skills outcome Llama handling and husbandry.

Course length 12 weeks (Summer)

KS3 / KS4 All—max 15

Opportunity available in other ND schools No

Award/Certificated : No

Community, volunteering, citizenship Yes

Business links Yes


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Media Studies

Staff Mrs Tillier

Content – what does the activity involve?

Understanding how the media in Britain affects our lives. How do the images of women and men affect our self-worth and self-esteem? Is the media begin-ning to have a negative impact on the young? Are we being lied to? If you take this course we will explore media language; analyse a media text and create a media text.

Learning outcome To understand how media can control us and how to use media carefully, creatively and cautiously.

Skills outcome Creating media texts – what it takes to design: film posters; album covers, websites; magazines etc.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 KS4 only—max 24

Opportunity available in other ND schools Yes

Award/Certificated No

Community, volunteering, citizenship Yes

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Meditation

Staff Mrs Sparrow

Content – what does the activity involve?

We will be trying a variety of different meditation techniques and exploring the benefits of mindful-ness.

Learning outcome To explore a range of meditation techniques.

Skills outcome Pupils will be able to practise meditation on their own and use as a daily tool to improve health & wellbeing.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 All—max 16

Opportunity available in other ND schools No

Award/Certificated No

Community, volunteering, citizenship Yes

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Model Kit Building

Staff Mr Cloke

Content – what does the activity involve?

Pupils can build their own plastic model kits (e.g. Airfix kits) and get help on how to achieve great re-sults from an experienced model builder.

Alternatively, pupils can contribute to a team effort

building a large model. Last year we built a 70cm

long Titanic!

Learning outcome Pupils learn to follow diagrams and instructions and practice creative skills to produce accomplished models.

Skills outcome Craft skills such as cutting, gluing, painting and tool safety.

Teamwork and individual skills.

Numeracy - paint numbers, mixing paints, part numbers, sequences and scales.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 All - max 20

Opportunity available in other ND schools No

Award/Certificated No

Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Netball Academy

Staff Mrs Miller-Marshall

Content – what does the

activity involve?

Further development of skills and game play

Improve confidence in game play

Enhance decision making & fitness levels

Improve performance in competition

Pupils who opt for the academy will be given

preference when selection is made for school

Learning outcome Become more effective; fitter and confident in

competitive situations.

Skills outcome Improvement in netball skills.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 KS3 max - 25

Opportunity available in other ND schools Yes

Award/Certificated No

Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Origami for beginners

Staff Mrs Lomax

Content – what does the

activity involve?

Did you know that origami came from the Japanese

words ‘Oru’ meaning ‘to fold’ and ‘kami’ meaning


You will learn the basic folding techniques to

transform a plain square piece of paper into some-

thing amazing.

Learning outcome To be able to follow instructions to create a variety

of origami shapes and models.

Skills outcome Watching, listening and following instructions. Team


Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 All - max 24

Opportunity available in other ND schools No

Award/Certificated No

Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Outdoor Leadership Award

Staff Miss Anstee

Content – what does the

activity involve?

Do you enjoy outdoor activities? Do you have what

it takes to be a leader? Do you fancy raft building?

High ropes? Gorge scrambling? If your answer is yes,

then this is the E&I for you! See Miss Anstee for

more info. There is a cost of £80 for this activity.

Learning outcome At the end of this course you will be able to plan,

prepare and lead team building activity days for GTS

pupils. What a fantastic opportunity to build your

leadership skills (and your CV) as well as experienc-

ing a variety of outdoor activities. As a result, you

may find this expands your horizons about future

work/employment possibilities.

Skills outcome By the end of this course, you will have developed

employability skills to include; communication, lis-

tening, organisation, high levels of empathy, resili-

ence, creativity, the importance of planning and

preparation, teamwork.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 Year 9 –10 ONLY - max 24

Opportunity available in other ND schools No

Award/Certificated Yes

Community, volunteering, citizenship Yes

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Outdoor Water Sports Adventure

Staff Miss Anstee

Content – what does the

activity involve?

Do you enjoy outdoor activities? Do you like a bit of

thrill seeking and adventure? Do you want to have

some serious fun? If yes, this is the E&I for you!

There is a cost of £100 for this activity.

Learning outcome At the end of this E&I activity you will have experi-

enced a range of outdoor activities to include:

kayaking, canoeing, paddle boarding, and raft build-

ing! You will have gained a valuable experience of

water sports activities and how to be safe on the


Skills outcome Develop and/or enhance your water sports skills and

knowledge and understanding about safety on


Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 Year 7 –10 : Max 20

Opportunity available in other ND schools No

Award/Certificated No

Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links Yes


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Patisserie

Staff Miss Fisher

Content – what does the activity involve?

High level pastry and sugar craft work aimed at KS4 pupils interested in developing presentation skills, sugar craft and high end pastry work in line with career aspirations. Although not solely aimed at Hospitality and Catering students, it would be an ideal enrichment course for those wishing to apply for apprenticeships within the hospitality and cater-ing sectors or pursuing a related course after Year 11. There will be a £5 cost for each pupil for consumables.

Learning outcome Learn how to present patisserie to a high standard expected within the hospitality and catering sector.

Skills outcome To develop presentation and sugar craft skills within patisserie.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 KS4—max 22

Opportunity available in other ND schools No

Award/Certificated: No

Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links Yes


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Plastic, not so fantastic!

Staff Miss Holleran

Content – what does the activity involve?

Exploring why it is important to recycle, making products using recycled plastic bottle tops. Looking at the impact that humans are having on the envi-ronment and how we can stop it.

Learning outcome To develop an understanding of the importance of recycling, where plastic comes from and ideas for the future.

Skills outcome Communication, developing, independence, science.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 All—max 25

Opportunity available in other ND schools No

Award/Certificated: - CREST Bronze Award Yes

Community, volunteering, citizenship Yes

Business links Yes


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Rhapsode Read Aloud

Staff Miss Rollick

Content – what does the

activity involve?

Did you know that research has shown that children who are regularly read aloud to are usually the very best readers in the classroom, acquire large vocabu-laries, write well, and do better in other subjects ar-eas? THIS COULD BE YOU! Join this E&I and sit back and relax as a rhapsode reads to you. As you listen, close your eyes and enjoy the rich tapestry of this ‘theatre in the mind’ experience!

Learning outcome Enrich your vocabulary; develop your background/

cultural knowledge .

Skills outcome Develop and improve your comprehension and criti-

cal thinking skills, your concentration span, and your

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 Yr7-8 ONLY- max 24

Opportunity available in other ND schools No

Award/Certificated No

Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Robotics

Staff Mr Bryant

Content – what does the

activity involve?

Design, develop and program robots to solve a range of problems. With the national Robot-sumo as an inspiration, we will endeavour to create our own league within the school.

A range of programming languages will be used in-cluding python, scratch and Legos own block code. There is also the possibility for us to enter a team into the national Lego Mindstorm league contest in the near future.

Learning outcome Python programming, block language programming.

Task orientated design principles.

Skills outcome Logic, programing, problem solving skills, team


Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 All - max 24

Opportunity available in other ND schools Yes

Award/Certificated No

Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Rockets—how do they work?

Staff Miss Neve Scott

Content – what does the activity involve?

In this project you will make and test a model rocket measuring the height reached by the rocket and fac-tors/variable that can affect this.

Learning outcome Considered and refined rocket design for the high flying rocket with the potential to gain a Bronze CREST Bronze Award.

Skills outcome Scientific, collaborative, reflective, design.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 All - max 24

Opportunity available in other ND schools Yes

Award/Certificated - CREST Bronze Award Yes

Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Role Play Game Development

Staff Mr Bryant

Content – what does the

activity involve?

RPGs are among the most popular and influential

genres of games in the world. Be it on PC, console,

board games or paper back role-play books, at some

point most people have played them.

During this E & I we will be investigating world build-

ing, player options and storylines, develop mechan-

ics and stats with the goal of planning our own RPG.

Learning outcome Story telling, flow charts, interactive story telling,

mindmaps and planning.

Skills outcome Planning, creative writing and story telling, flow

charts and branching story creation. Logic and for-

ward thinking. Problem solving and testing. Team

work and communication skills.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 All - max 24

Opportunity available in other ND schools No

Award/Certificated No

Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Rounders Academy

Staff Mrs Miller-Marshall, Mrs McCullough

Content – what does the activity involve?

Further development of skills and game play

Improve confidence in game play

Enhance decision making & fitness levels

Improve performance in competition

Pupils who opt for the academy will be given preference when selection is made for school teams.

Learning outcome Become more effective; fitter and confident in competitive situations.

Skills outcome Improvement in rounders skills.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 All: max - 30

Opportunity available in other ND schools Yes

Award/Certificated No

Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Rugby Academy

Staff Mr Cooke, Mr Atkinson, Mr Poorman

Content – what does the activity involve?

Further development of skills and game play

Improve confidence in game play

Enhance decision making & fitness levels

Improve performance in competition

Pupils who opt for the academy will be given preference when selection is made for school teams.

Learning outcome Become more effective; fitter and confident in competitive situations.

Skills outcome Improvement in rugby skills.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 All - max 25

Opportunity available in other ND schools Yes

Award/Certificated No

Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Samba Drumming

Staff Mr Marriott

Content – what does the activity involve?

Learning various samba rhythms, trying out the many samba instruments and grooving with the ensemble!

Learning outcome Playing together in a group. Listening to the ensem-ble. Performing together!

Skills outcome Playing in time, listening to other rhythms, learning instrument technique.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 All - max 20

Opportunity available in other ND schools No



Community, volunteering, citizenship


Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Sculpture - ‘How to make your Dragon’

Staff Mrs Witney

Content – what does the activity involve?

Think ‘How to Train your Dragon’ ‘Game of Thrones’

and ‘The Hobbit’. Mysterious, mythical and magical

dragons-this activity will draw heavily on your imagi-

nation and creativity! We will explore dragons in

folklore, film & books. By researching and under-

standing the imagery and storytelling behind these

mythical creatures we will design and create our

own large sculptural magical beasts. You will need to

have a real interest in drawing, sculpture and de-

sign, as you will be creating your own planning

sheets with annotation and visuals to work from. An

interest in magic and mystery is a must!!

Learning outcome The final outcome will be a series of dragon sculp-tures to be sited in one of the school garden areas.

Skills outcome Problem solving skills, modelling, painting, descrip-tive writing and sculpture techniques.

Course length 24 weeks (Spring & Summer)

KS3 / KS4 All - max 16

Opportunity available in other ND schools No

Award/Certificated No

Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered School Musical – ‘Back to the 80s’

Staff Mr Pluckrose, Mr Robillard, Mr Jake Beams

Content – what does the activity involve?

Students will audition for and rehearse our next school musical, ‘Back to the 80s’ This will then be performed to the public at the end of the Spring term

Please note – You MUST be able to commit to after

school rehearsals on Thursdays during the spring

term as well as some weekend rehearsals in March.

It is vital that you are also able to commit to the

performances in the evenings during the last week

in March.

Learning outcome Students will gain knowledge of production and re-hearsal processes as well as performance skills.

Skills outcome Team work, listening, focus, direction, working with text, character, choreography, vocal, voice, singing, rehearsal, performance, presentation, confidence.

Course length 24 weeks—Autumn and Spring

KS3 / KS4 All

Opportunity available in other ND schools Yes

Award/Certificated No

Community, volunteering, citizenship Yes

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Soap Making Enterprise

Staff Mrs Miller

Content – what does the activity involve?

Have fun designing and making novelty soaps which you can sell at fairs.

Research and develop your business skills to pack-age, promote and sell your product to friends and family.

Learning outcome You will learn how to design, make, package and market a soap product to meet the needs of a specific customer base.

Skills outcome Research, team work, business , enterprise and presentation skills.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 All - max 24

Opportunity available in other ND schools No

Award/Certificated No

Community, volunteering, citizenship Yes

Business links Yes


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Sociology and Psychology—an introduction

Staff Mrs Tillier

Content – what does the

activity involve?

Do you fancy doing these A Levels in Years 12/13?

Do you know what they involve? No? Well here’s

your chance to find out! You will be required to

complete a piece of work to show what you have


Learning outcome To feel informed about these A Levels and what is


Skills outcome To be able to choose these A Levels with some

understanding of what is required.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 Years 10 & 11 - max 24

Opportunity available in other ND schools No

Award/Certificates No

Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Strategic board games

Staff Miss Higgs

Content – what does the activity involve?

Learning and developing your skills at Strategy Board Games such as; Chess, Backgammon, Risk & Draughts.

Compete in a Chess/Backgammon/draughts ladder and enter inter-schools and House competitions.

Learning outcome To learn how to play or to have improved your skills in a game.

Skills outcome Improved thinking skills and concentration.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 All—max 24

Opportunity available in other ND schools Yes



Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Surf Club

Staff Mr Heath

Content – what does the activity involve?

Learning to surf with qualified instructor. Developing board skills, water confidence and how to stay safe in the water.

Transport will be provided, however, pupils will be asked to contribute towards the costs which will be in the region of £150. This activity will return to school about 6.00pm. Payments will be collected during the autumn term in order to reserve places.

Learning outcome Competent on a surf board.

Skills outcome Being able to surf and aware of safety in the water.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 All - max 45

Opportunity available in other ND schools Yes

Award/Certificated - British Surfing Association Surf Award Yes

Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Ten Tors Prep

Staff Mr Beams

Content – what does the activity involve?

This E&I is designed for those who are thinking

about participating in the Ten Tors Challenge in May

2020. This course is for those of you who enjoy

walking and camping, learning new skills and

working as part of a team.

You will learn map reading, navigation and basic first


Learning outcome Ten Tors ready!

Skills outcome Map reading; navigating; basic first aid; camp craft; hygiene + much more

Course length 12 weeks (Spring)

KS3 / KS4 Year 9/10 only—Max 24

Opportunity available in other ND schools Yes

Award/Certificated No

Community, volunteering, citizenship Yes

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Trampoline Skills

Staff Mr Rhymer

Content – what does the activity involve?

Learning, practicing and developing skills on the


Improving fitness and stamina and learning simple


Learning outcome Learn new skills and become fitter and competent in


Skills outcome Learn and develop skills on the trampoline.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 All—max 20

Opportunity available in other ND schools Yes

Award/Certificated No

Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Wakepark Experience

Staff Mr Atkinson

Content – what does the activity involve?

Wakeboarding is similar to surfing and snowboard-ing but on water! You will be coached by a UK pro tour champion and the course is accredited and licensed. Transport will be provided, however, pupils will be asked to contribute towards the costs which will be in the region of £150. This activity may re-turn to school later than 3.10pm Payments will be collected during the autumn term in order to reserve places.

Learning outcome Competent on a wakeboard.

Skills outcome Being able to use a wakeboard and aware of safety in the water.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 All - max 30

Opportunity available in other ND schools Yes

Award/Certificated No

Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Wildlife Garden & Pond

Staff Mrs Weaver

Content – what does the activity involve?

Weeding, planting and maintaining the school’s wildlife garden and pond.

Learning outcome To gain an understanding of how to create a natural area that encourages wildlife and supports a range of native species. Work towards RHS Schools Gar-dens Award.

Skills outcome Students will learn how to identify some species of native British flora and fauna, use gardening tools to maintain the plot of land and gain conservation skills for protecting native British plants and animals.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 All - max 12

Opportunity available in other ND schools No

Award/Certificated - RHS School Gardens Award Yes

Community, volunteering, citizenship Yes

Business links Yes


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Woodwork

Staff Mr Klingenstein

Content – what does the activity involve?

We will be building/making one of these projects:

* a board game (chess, draughts, solitaire etc.)

* a trebuchet (including targeting competition at the

end) for pupils to take home

There will be a small charge for materials, approx.

£15 per pupil.

Learning outcome Practical woodworking skills, applied Maths, safe workshop and tool routines/usage. A board game or trebuchet!

Skills outcome Woodworking skills. Transferring a technical plan in-to a real project.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 All - max 22

Opportunity available in other ND schools No

Award/Certificated No

Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered World Film

Staff Mr Rawle / Mrs Furness

Content – what does the activity involve?

Pupils watch and discuss a variety of films from around the world, with requests for films consid-ered. In the past, films from China, Japan, South Af-rica, Germany, France, The USA and the UK have been shown.

Learning outcome Pupils learn to appreciate a broader range of films, including those that portray other cultures and/or are shown in a different language.

Skills outcome Cultural understanding.

Articulacy in discussions.

Literacy and language comprehension (especially when reading subtitles under films.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 KS3 / KS4: max 24 in each group

Opportunity available in other ND schools No

Award/Certificated No

Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Yoga

Staff Miss Holman

Content – what does the activity involve?

Yoga; postures, stretching, breathing, meditation

and relaxation techniques.

Learning outcome Greater sense of body self-esteem and appreciation for alternative exercise.

Skills outcome Greater knowledge and understanding of mental and physical wellbeing.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 All - max 22

Opportunity available in other ND schools Yes

Award/Certificated No

Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Young Chef

Staff Mr Anderson

Content – what does the activity involve?

This competition aims to encourage young people


Cook a healthy meal

Develop food presentation skills

Consider food hygiene issues

Develop their organisational and planning skills

Develop their ability to cope in a demanding


Learning outcome Learn how to plan, cook and present food. Achieve Food Hygiene Award.

Skills outcome Being able to prepare, cook and store food safely.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 All - max 22

Opportunity available in other ND schools Yes


Rotary Young Chef Competition


Community, volunteering, citizenship Yes

Business links Yes


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Young Journalist

Staff Miss Le Petit

Content – what does the activity involve?

Reading quality newspapers and magazines, focus-ing on current affairs.

Deciding topics important to the class; researching those topics in depth.

Allocating roles to work as a news team – features

writer/editor, news writers and editor.

Learning outcome To draft, plan and organise publication of a ‘Young Journalist’ news sheet for publication by the class.

Skills outcome To develop pupils’ intellectual curiosity, awareness of current affairs issues and non-fiction writing skills.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 All: max 24

Opportunity available in other ND schools Yes

Award/Certificated - Young Journalist Certificate Yes

Community, volunteering, citizenship Yes

Business links Yes


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered Young Leaders

Staff Mr Rhymer, Mr Poorman

Content – what does the activity involve?

Leadership training that supports Young Leaders working with young people. You will be involved in teaching games and activities, to lead others and work with Torrington Learning Community to run and organise sports festivals with the primary schools. You will understand the role of the Young Leader and how to make appropriate decisions around space, task, equipment, and organisation of people and safety.

Learning outcome Able to plan and lead small groups of younger pupils in various activities.

Skills outcome Improved leadership skills/confidence/building rela-tionships.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 Years 7-9: max 40

Opportunity available in other ND schools Yes


Young Leaders Award


Community, volunteering, citizenship Yes

Business links No


Enrichment & Intervention 2019-20

Dream Believe Achieve

Activity offered 3D Printing

Staff Mr Walsh

Content – what does the activity involve?

This course is related to 3D computer aided design and 3D printing. You will learn how to use and program the printer to print your 3D designs.

Learning outcome Print your own design using a 3D printer and CAD software. Complete the Challenge Certificate.

Skills outcome Learn how to use CAD software.

Course length 12 weeks

KS3 / KS4 Years 8-9: max 20

Opportunity available in other ND schools Yes

Award/Certificated - Challenger Certificate (EATON) Yes

Community, volunteering, citizenship No

Business links Yes

Enter your choices below - at least three () in each column:

My enrichment activity choices

Autumn Activity 3 Spring Activity 3 Summer Activity 3

Animation Animal Enrichment Adventure Service Chall.

Climbing Computer Prog (KS4) Animal Enrichment

First Aid First Aid Community Archaeology

Football Hockey Conservation

Green Powered Car Instructables Cricket

Landscape Masterclass Joinery First Aid

Latin Latin Golf

Living life to the full Media Studies iDEA

Meditation Meditation Instructables

Netball Model Kit Building Joinery

Outdoor Leaders Origami Latin

Origami Outdoor Water Advent. Llama Experience

Patisserie Plastic—not fantastic! Meditation

Plastic—not fantastic! Rhapsode Read Aloud Rockets

Robotics Rugby Role Play Game Dev.

Rugby Yr 7 Samba Drumming Rounders

Samba Drumming Sculpture Sculpture

School Musical Strategic board games Soap Making Enterprise

Sociology, psychology Ten Tors Surf Club

Wildlife Garden Pond Trampoline Wakepark

Woodwork World Film Wildlife Garden Pond

World Film Yoga Woodwork

Young Chef Yoga

Young Journalist Young Leaders (KS3)

3D Printing



Tutor Group:


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Parent/Carer signature:


This form should be posted into the box in the Library by Friday 5th July

Enrichment form

Dream Believe Achieve

Enrichment & Intervention 2019—2020

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