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Post on 03-Dec-2014






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The Dangers of Freemanson


  • 1. PRESENTER :

2. THE STRUCTURE EnteredApprenticeFellow Craft Master Mason 3. THE MISSIONS TakeSpreadingEliminationPalestinian ideology ofof all landilhadiyahgovernment 4. The symbols of G- stands for both theGeometry under TheGreat Architect of theUniverse.Means-towardsmankindMeans-towards the heaven 5. Secret Evolve in thesociety revolutionCare oforphans, the sickProvoke a warand the agedTo suppress the Economicstruggle ofdominationMuslim 6. DeMolay The InternationalEnvolve with Order of Rainbow for youth Girls 7. Honor the decendants of Jews only Set upSpread all thepropagandaand the Principlesevil and glorifying the revolutionsexBring to the entertainment 8. Politic : 1) Establishing a democratic system 2) Control the selection of national leadersSocial : 1) clothing 2) Entertainment 3) The Film 4) Sex 5)Free MixingNutrition : 1) introduce many western franchise companies in thecountries of Islam. 2) Many food which doubt the status of halal have been sold at market Muslims: pushed them out of religion 9. We can understand that the mindsof Freemasonry and to the conclusion that themove is very dangerous because they deny the existence of religion and they areslowly trying to destroy Islam by a number of ways. Actually what they proclaim isonly Jewish tricks to dominate the universe and play havoc with the world (Goyim).

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