
Remember, fiction is an entertaining, make-believe story that is not real; non-fiction is true information that gives you facts to explain something.

Practice exercise: Following stories is Fiction or Nonfiction:

Sarah Jane is my cow. Last week she told me a story about how she got her blue spots. She

said when she was little, all she would eat was blueberries. Blueberries for breakfast,

blueberries for lunch, and blueberries for dinner. One day, she woke up and she had blue


Many kids ride the bus to school so it is important to know how to be safe on a bus. The most important way to be safe while riding on a bus is to always sit down in your seat. If you are standing up and the bus stops quickly, you could fall and get hurt. Another way to be safe when riding the bus is to always listen to your bus driver. He or she will tell you when it is safe to cross the street.

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