ENGL220 Tristan Chapters 30-40

Post on 13-Jan-2015






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TristanChapter 30: The Wedding

Tristan dithers and rationalizes over whether or not to marry white hands

Because he is lonely – and a bit angry – he proposes to white hands.

The wedding is planned

The wedding takes place

But the wedding night goes awry…

Tristan has imagined sexual satisfaction.

when he saw Isolde’s gold ring on his finger

Although he tried to be strong

He couldn’t do the deed.

White Hands is not pleased.

But Tristan tells her he has a painful old groin injury

Chapter 31: Cariado

The last Isolde had heard of Tristan, he had been wounded fighting a giant in Spain

Count Cariado comes to woo Isolde

Cariado tells Isolde that Tristan has a wife

Isolde tells Cariado she despises him.

Isolde is in despair.

Chapter 32: The Hall of Statues

Tristan captures a giant and orders him to carve statues inside a cave

The statues are of Isolde and Brangane

Tristan often goes into the cave and hugs the statue of Isolde.

Mark suffers, Isolde suffers, Tristan suffers, and Isolde of the white hands suffers.Who suffers the most?

Chapters 33-40

Chapter 33: The Bold Water

Tristan, Caerdin and White Hands ride to a festival

When crossing a stream, water splashes high on White Hands’ thigh

White Hands laughs

Caerdin wants to know the reason for her laughter

He threatens to withhold his love if she refuses to answer.

White Hands tells her brother the truth:

She laughed because the bold water traveled higher up her thigh than the hand of a man—including her husband—had ever reached!

Caerdin is shocked

Angry at this affront to his family honor, Caerdin demands an explanation from Tristan.

Tristan doesn’t use the “groin injury” excuse

He tells Caerdin he loves a far more beautiful Isolde.

Caerdin demands proof.

Chapter 34: Tristan’s Return

Tristan takes Caerdin to the Hall of Statues

He points out Brangane to Caerdin, then hugs the statue of Isolde.

Caerdin falls in lust with Brangane

Tristan promises Caerdin he shall “have” Brangane, and all is forgiven.

Family honor, apparently, doesn’t matter all that much, to Caerdin…

Disguised as pilgrims, Tristan and Caerdin head to England.

They spy on Mark’s retinue

Caerdin agrees that Isolde is more beautiful than his sister.

Caerdin takes Tristan’s ring to Isolde

Isolde tells Caerdin she will sleep at the next castle

Isolde feigns illness, and sleeps in a chamber near the forest

Tristan and Caerdin sneak into the chamber and join Isolde and Brangane

A night of revelry ensues, though Brangane slips a magic pillow under Caerdin’s head that makes him fall asleep early…

No nookie for Caerdin that night, and the next, but

Caerdin gets teased and is really bummed, so Brangane takes pity on him the third night.

Warned of the approach of enemies, Tristan and Caerdin flee in such a

hurry they cannot take their horses

Chapter 35: Brangane’s Revenge

Carido and his men find the horses

When the pages run, Carido assumes the runners are Tristan and his pal

Carido tells the ladies their lovers are cowards

Brangane is really angry, and curses both Tristan and Isolde. She brings up the fact that Isolde once ordered her killed.

Brangane vows revenge.

Brangane threatens to tell Mark all

She will recommend he cut off Isolde’s nose.

Brangane tells Mark that Isolde is in love with Carido!

Mark vows to rid the court of Carido.

Mark orders Brangane to watch Isolde 24/7.

Chapter 36: Reconciliation

Tristan disguises himself as a leper and heads back to Mark’s court.

(warning: tacky leper cartoon)

Tristan follows Mark and Isolde into the chapel

At first Isolde is disgusted by the leper

Then she recognizes the bowl as belonging to Tristan

Brangane watches as Isolde gives the leper her gold ring.

Furious, Brangane orders the leper removed from the chapel

Distressed and weeping, Tristan languishes under an old stairway in the castle yard.

The porter’s wife finds Tristan

The porter rescues Tristan and sends a message to the queen

After much begging, Isolde convinces Brangane to visit Tristan.

Tristan tells Brangane Carido lied; Brangane, reconciled, brings Tristan to


Tristan and Isolde enjoy a night of passion

At dawn, Tristan leaves the court and sails back to Brittany, where White Hands has

been pining in his absence

Chapter 37: Tristan returns again

Queen Isolde sorrows after Tristan leaves.

She wears a leather corselet as penance and punishment

Isolde sends a fiddler to Tristan to tell him how she suffers.

Tristan grows melancholy; he must see this corselet

Tristan and Caerdin set out for England disguised as penitents

The court is holding a tournament.

Tristan wins all the contests

Caerdin comes in second

A friend recognizes Tristan and provides horses for his escape

Caerdin kills Carido

Pursued, Tristan and Caerdin escape back to Brittany

Chapter 38: The Poisoned Spear

Back in Brittany, Tristan and Caerdin happily amuse themselves with hunts, tournaments, and many visits to the statues.

While hunting, they come across a knight who calls himself “dwarf Tristan,”

who is searching for “Tristan the amorous”

Dwarf Tristan is depressed, as his mistress has been stolen by Estult l’Orgillus

Estult keeps the lady captive in his castle

Tristan offers to set out early the next morning

Dwarf Tristan accuses Tristan of being an imposter—the real Tristan would understand love and sorrow, and would not delay.

Tristan sends for his arms and rides off with Dwarf Tristan

The haughty Estult and his six brothers engage the two Tristans in furious battle

The seven brothers are slain, but so is dwarf Tristan

And Tristan is wounded in the loins by a poisoned lance.

Tristan makes it home, but the venom spreads

Many doctors try to help, but nothing works.

Tristan swells up, turns black, and stinks.

Chapter 39: Caerdin’s Mission

Tristan and Caerdin consult about what to do.

White Hands, fearing Tristan has decided to become a monk (!), listens in.

Only Isolde can cure Tristan’s groin wound

Caerdin sails to go get her. He takes the ring.

He must return within 40 days, and if Isolde accompanies him, put white sails on the ship. If she cannot come, then black sails will be the signal.

Caerdin sails for England

Meanwhile, White Hands now knows all and seethes with anger.

She takes care of Tristan, but plots revenge.

Caerdin, disguised as a merchant, gives the news to Isolde

Brangane and Isolde sneak off in the night and sail on a fast ship

Chapter 40: The Death of Tristan and Isolde

Tristan, dying, waits for Isolde

First storms, then lack of wind delay the ship

Finally, White Hands tells Tristan she has seen her brother’s ship

She lies, saying the sails are black

Tristan says “Dearest Isolde” three times, then dies.

Isolde, anxiously waiting on board the ship, sees land, but also hears the toll of a bell

As Isolde races to Tristan’s bedside, the Bretons are struck dumb by her beauty

Isolde goes to him, lies down beside him, kisses him, and dies

Thus, Tristan dies for love, and Isolde for tenderness and pity

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