ENGL220 Bullfinch Chapters 12-16

Post on 30-Oct-2014






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The slides contain various depictions of characters and scenes from the stories.


Bullfinch, Chapter 12-16

Cadmus, Thebes, MyrmidonsCadmus, Thebes, Myrmidons

Zeus abducts Europa

Map of Greek Thebes

The Dragon!

Cadmus fights the Dragon

Cadmus kills the dragon

Cadmus Plants Dragon Teeth

The two armies fight

Cadmus and Harmonia

Cadmus and Harmonia turn into snakes

Inventing the Alphabet

Around 1600 B.C. the Phoenicians invented 22 ‘magic signs’ called the alphabet, and passed them onto the world. The Phoenicians gave the alphabet to the Greeks who adopted it; the evolution of the Phoenician Alphabet led to the Latin letters of present-day.

Phoenician king Cadmus gives the Phoenician Alphabet to the Greeks

The Alphabet Family Tree

The Myrmidons

Temple in Aegina

The hardworking men of Aegina

Ants turn to men

Battle of the Myrmidons

Seven Against ThebesEteocles goes to confront his brother

Antigone mourns her brothers

Bullfinch Ch. 13

Nisus and Scylla

Echo and Narcissus


Hero and Leander

Scylla and Nisus

Scylla spots Minos

Scylla falls for Minos

Scylla defects

Minos rejects the traitor

Scylla hangs on to the ship

Echo and Narcissus



Narcissus admires himself

Narcissus sees his reflection

Echo admires Narcissus, who admires himself

Echo fades

Narcissus, again


Hero and Leander

Hero waits for Leander

Leander departs

Leander swims back to Europe from Asia

One night, as Leander sets out, a storm erupts

Leander drowns

Hero is distraught

Hero joins him in death

If only…

Bullfinch, Ch. 14

Athena, Arachne, Niobe


Born out of the head of Zeus

Athena and Centaur

Athena/Minerva and the Muses


Arachne at her loom

Arachne challenges Athena

Arachne and Athena have a spin-off

Don’t challenge the gods!

Arachne loses

The original spider woman!

Arachne begins to morph

Arachne’s fate


Niobe and child

Niobe and Amphion

Niobe’s children

Apollo and Artemis begin the slaughter

Niobe pleads

Niobe in despair

Niobe morphs

Bullfinch, Ch. 15

Gorgons, Perseus

The three "old women" or "gray ones" from Greek mythology.

They are the daughters of Phorcys and Ceto, sisters and guardians of the Gorgons. They were gray-haired from birth and have only one eye and one tooth, which they share among them.

They are Enyo ("horror"), Deino ("dread") and Pemphredo ("alarm").

Exchanging their one eye

Perseus hides the eye


THE GORGONES were three powerful winged daimones:- the mortal Medousa, and her two immortal sisters Stheno and Euryale. They were depicted as women with broad faces, serpent entwined hair, wide staring eyes, the tusks of swine, red tongues that lolled from their broad mouths, flaring nostrils, and short coarse beards. Their faces were so hideous that a glimpse of them would turn a man to stone. They were also armed with sharp claws of bronze claws and golden wings.


Hair—always a problem for women


Zeus as golden shower

Hera knows her husband all too well…

“Have you seen my husband, he’ll be a bull, a swan or a shower of gold.”

Danae and Perseus shut up in box

Danae begs for pity for her baby


Perseus Armed

Perseus must get Medusa’s head

Medusa turns men to stone

Perseus beheads Medusa

Perseus runs off with Medusa’s head

Gorgons chase Perseus

Perseus runs

Gives medusa head to Athena

Perseus and Atlas



Andromeda’s parents chain her to a rock by the sea

Here comes Perseus


Thanks, Big Guy

Perseus turns Phineas (in yellow) and others to stone

Perseus, a hero

Warning: Medusa Cartoons!

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