Engineering vs Marketing: 5 Rules For Peaceful Coexistence

Post on 11-Aug-2014






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It may seem like a clich, but in many companies around the world, Marketing and Engineering often dont see eye to eye. Whether its a marketer taking offense because Engineering says a potentially world-changing new product idea cant be produced and sold for less than a small fortune, or Engineering accusing Marketing of exaggerating the technical capabilities of a new design, weve all been on one side of the divide at some point. Can the relationship between Marketing and Engineering be constructive? Based on years of observation, we believe the answer is yes. It may not be easy, but we have some suggestions sure to facilitate peace, love and understandingnot only between Marketing and Engineering, but across your organization as a whole. See the complete article at:



Stereotypes: They’re fun because they’re true!

Engineering vs. Marketing5 Rules for Peaceful Coexistence


Marketeerish to Engineerian TranslationMarketer: “It needs more sex appeal…”

Marketer: “We need something disruptive*…” (*insert marketing buzzword of the month)

Marketer: “The market study we purchased says…”

What Engineering hears: “I have no idea what I want. Now go do it!”

What Engineering hears: “I read the dust cover on a Malcolm

Gladwell book this morning. The words sounded smart, which made

me feel empowered.”

What Engineering hears: “We spent your annual salary on some charts illustrating common sense!

Carry on.”


Engineerian to Marketeerish TranslationEngineer: “It’s a program risk.”

Engineer: “It’s technically infeasible.”

Engineer: “How are you going to pull that out of the mold tool?”

What Marketing hears: “That sounds like work.”

What Marketing hears: “That sounds like a lot of work.”

What Marketing hears: “When will you openly worship

my innate superiority?”


RULE No.1: Use plain English (or your language of choice)One plain-English sentence is worth a thousand industry buzzwords. All too often, we try to hide a lack of real insight by using important-sounding lingo.


RULE No.2: Cede all authority outside your areas of expertise

Allowing competent professionals to do what they do best. Marketing

serves a crucial role in a successful business, as

does Engineering. For these to mesh well

together, strong, mutual respect is vital.


RULE No.3: Assume every request is difficult

Nothing makes an engineer angrier than when someone in management asks if he or she might “just” do something with a design. When making requests, I find it’s best to always assume that it will require a herculean effort on the part of the person being asked, and to show appropriate gratitude for the work involved.


RULE No.4: Be forthright

When one group feels they can’t trust

the other—as is all too often the case—

it’s impossible to collaborate effectively.

Whatever!?! Sure!?!Is thatTrue???


RULE No.5: Humility wins the day

If there’s one thing common to all productive exchanges, it’s humility. When smart people sit down together believing that their collective intelligence is greater than that of any one individual, good things happen.


See the full article at:

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