



My site is within the red color outline .


Side view for my site


A lot of pebbles can be found at the site

There’s a sand platform in the middle of the site.

Insects that I’ve investigated on


Water strider Scientific name: Gerridae

Animal specie’s details

Scientific classification

Kingdom Animalia

Phylum Arthropoda

Class Insecta

Order Hemiptera

Family Gerridae

Water strider

Life cycle of a water strider

Ability to walk on water: Gift of a long,

hydrophobic legs to help them stay above water.

The tiny hairs on the legs provide both a hydrophobic surface as well as a larger surface area to spread their weight over the water.

Nature ability


Image taken from

Blackmailing The male water strider(w.s.) will

black mail the female w.s. by tapping his legs on the surface of the water that will lure predator to come.

During the foreplay, male mounts on top of the female and if she resists, he will tap the water surface more actively and since the female is underneath, there’s a high chance she’ll be eaten by the predator.

So most likely she will have no choice but to follow what the male wants

Plant that I’ve investigated on


Sow thistleScientific name: Cicerbita alpina

Plant specie’s details

Scientific classification

Kingdom Plantae

Order Asterales

Family Asteraceae

Tribe Cichorieae

Subtribe Lactucinae

The branches for the

plant is often thin. The leaves are thin

as well. Most of the yellow

flowers located at the end of the branches

Sow Thistle

Flowers: To attract insects

Leaves: To absorb sunlight

Roots: To hold firm to the ground

Flowers are insect

pollinated. Vegetative

reproduction occurs via its rhizome system.


The Five Senses

What I saw

Morning I saw a river with clear water

and are free flowing. The river is very shallow. At the top of the river

stream, there’s a tiny water fall with a lots of big rocks around it.

Night Saw an eclipse of the

moon Pitch black at the site

Around the resort’s lobby (morning) Bird chirping sounds Sounds created by cicada

Around the site (morning) Water flowing sound Rustling sounds produced by the leaves

What I hear

Around the resort’s lobby (night) Heard some cricket’s sound Frogs’ croaking sounds

Around the site (night) Heard cricket’s sound Frogs’s croaking sounds Owl’s “hoo-hoo-hoo” sounds

What I hear

Pebble Licked a pebble that found at

the site. Taste: Tasteless

What I tasted

River water Tasted a little bit

clear river water Taste: Tasteless

FRESH AIR EVERYWHERE, especially in the woods

What I smelt

What I felt

The water in the river is very chilly

It’s windy during the nighttime

It feels very sandy when

walking on the river. Sometimes there’s tiny rocks

in it as well, which made my legs felt irritating

What I felt

There’s some woods in the river covered with mosses.

It feels very smooth to touch

Understanding of ecosystem

The ecology is a biodiversity which included

both living things and non-living things. Living things such as insects, birds, fishes and

etc. While non-living things are things like sand,

water, rocks and etc. In most of the case, the non-living things will

provide shelters to the living things and we can also say that it will becomes ones living thing’s habitat.


Day one

The students gathered at the Taylor’s University

around 7 morning. Had some delays due to some students are missing

in action and depart to Riverstone Eco Resort around the time of 8.15 am

We reached out destination, Riverstone Eco Resort around 9.30, slightly off the time planned at the itinerary.

The lobby of the resort

After the students put all their stuff at their

dorms, we gathered at a open air hall and our lecturers talked about the brief of the ENBE project one.

After the lecturers are done, The worker, Miss Amirah gave a short talk about the do and don’t as well as rules and regulation that we have to follow throughout the whole stay at Riverstone Eco Resort.

Around 10.15 am, we’re off to the surrounding to select our own sites in our own small units.

My unit took the site (left) after

looking around the surrounding for awhile.

The reason we picked that as our site is because it consists of both land and water, and there’s a sand platform at the middle of the site as well.

On the side note, we could found many different kinds of species around the site too.

After we marked out site and look around it, we had our first lunch at the resort at 12pm.

The lunch was great and we continued our job at the site around 1pm.

Finding different kind of species, sketching the sites, collecting materials to create a logo during the night and etc, everything was going smoothly, until…

We started to play at the river around 4 in the


The students in the river kept on trick the other students

that just came back from their site about we are having a “meeting” and when they came down, we just splashed them with water.

We ended the fun session about 6pm and we

went back to our dorm to get washed and then we had our dinner that provided by the lady in charged of Riverstone Eco Resort.

After that, we were asked to start creating the logo with the materials we got from the nature in the morning.

The logo that we’ve created.

9.00pm, we’re all worn out but still all the units did the logos and presented them to the others around 9.30pm.

After the presentation, we had a short tutorial

sessions with our lecturers at the lobby of the resort.

We had our supper, some bubur chacha and deserts as well before the light’s out due to the management will turn off the electricity generators.

Even though the lights were offed around 12 am, some of the students are still awake and most of them went to sleep after 1am.

Day Two

We woke up around 7 in the

morning on the next day. After washed ourselves, we

had a stretching session in front of the resort’s lobby.

After that, we had our breakfast and then we went for a obstacle challenges and river rafting organized by the management people.

My unit skipped the activities

because we had a few things left to do with the site, if we don’t skipped it, we wont be having enough time to do it anymore.

Around 9am, my unit went back to our site for the last site observation.

Besides that, we used the time we had left to filmed our ENBE project 1 video.

Around 11.30am we all went back to the

dorms to pack our stuff and ready to gathered at the lobby.

The lady in charged provide us a lunch too before we went back to Taylor's university.

We took some group photos before we left the resort around 1.00pm.

After the trip

After the trip, we started to look up info related to our

findings to do our group part, “The Info graphic boards”. We did those boards with the theme “Reproduction”.

The EndThank you for watching

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