
EMV & EFC Technologies

Credit Card Information

Europay, Mastercard, & Visa

The EMV Standard was developed by Europay, Mastercard, and Visa

Advanced credit card technology being implemented in 2015

EMV in the USA

EMV Credit Card processing will become common in the United States.

Security & Compatibility

EMV is a technology standard that uses smart cards to provide enhanced security and worldwide compatibility to transactions involving credit cards.

Microchip: Smart Cards

A smart credit card contains an embedded microchip that has a memory and microprocessing ability

No more Magnetic Strips

It’s possible to steal data with magnetic strips and suffer from fraudulent transactions

Smart Cards vs. Magnetic

The difference in data transmission method is that with smart cards, some unique data is transferred during every transaction to provide security. With magnetic? It’s possible to get your data stolen!

Future Transactions

EMV is now the standard. All future transactions will not look for this standard – and customers will look for this security from their preferred stores.

Protect and Win Customers

Protect yourself, your customers and your business. Win the business of customers who use smart credit cards. EMV is here.

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