EMPLOYEE INDUCTION PACKausdebt.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/ADR-Employee-Inducti… · EMPLOYEE . INDUCTION PACK . This Pack includes the following ADR Documents: 1. Employee

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Australian Debt Recoveries Pty Limited


This Pack includes the following ADR Documents:

1. Employee Induction Checklist 2. Employee Personal Details Form 3. Employee Confidentiality and Intellectual Property Undertaking 4. Job Description – Account Manager 5. Employee Performance Review 6. Employee Performance Review (Monthly) 7. Asgard Superannuation Enrolment Form 8. Institute of Mercantile Agents: Code of Ethics and Conduct 9. Fair Work: Workplace Relations Fact Sheet 10. Fair Work: Notice of Termination and Redundancy Pay

In addition to the contents of this pack, all new staff must be provided with the following documents:

1. Offer of Employment 2. Tax File Number Declaration Form 3. Human Resources Policy

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ADR Employee Induction Checklist


Date Commenced:


ADR’s Internal Policies and Procedures HR Policy Reference

Description of Requirements *Where negative answers are given, comment should be made

explaining why.

Yes No Comments*

1.4 • ADR Code of Conduct – read and understood?

1.5 • ADR Confidentiality Policy – read and understood?

2.4 • Induction Training and Orientation – completed?

2.4 • ADR Staff Training Manual – availability and access?

3 • Performance Management Policy – read and understood?












• Conditions of Employment – read and understood?

1. Privacy of Information

2. Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity

3. Harassment

4. Occupational Health and Safety

5. Smoke Free Work Environment

6. Dress Code

7. Holding Second Jobs

8. Abandonment of Employment

9. Whistleblower Protection Program

10. Commercial Agents Licensing

5 • Salaries and Leave – policy read and understood?


6.2 6.5 6.6

• Computer Use, Internet and Email – read and understood, particular:

1. Access Codes and Passwords

2. Internet Policy and Use

3. Email Usage Guidelines

Australian Debt Recoveries Pty Limited

12 August 2011 Employee Induction Pack Page 3 of 12

ADR’s External Guidelines and Training Requirements

Description of Available Documents (Tick Yes when you know where to locate these documents on the Intranet)


• ACCC – ASIC: Debt Collection Guideline

• ACCC – ASIC: Dealing with Debt

• Compliance Test 1

• Compliance Test 2

• Privacy Commissioner Information Sheet: Taking reasonable steps to make individuals aware that personal information about them is being collected

• Privacy: Guide to Personal Information Privacy and Information Flow Chart

• Privacy: Compliance Self Assessment Guide

New Employee Forms for Completion Description of Forms

(Tick Yes when you have completed, signed and returned these forms to your Manager)


• Offer of Employment and Agreement

• Employee Confidentiality and Intellectual Property Undertaking

• Job Description (a copy of the Performance Review Form to be provided)

• Staff Personal Data and Information Form (Bank Account/Emergency Contact, etc)

• Superannuation Enrolment (Your own fund or ADR’s ASGARD Fund)

• Tax File Number Declaration Form

• Employee Induction Checklist

I have been made aware how to access ADR’s Human Resources Policy and the company’s other policies and procedures for future reference. I am also aware that, should I be in any doubt about the interpretation of a policy or procedure, I should consult a Director. I further acknowledge that the company’s policies and conditions of employment are revised on an on-going basis and that my acknowledgement also relates to any future revisions or additions. The company also undertakes to advise all employees of changes to policy or conditions of employment.

Signature of Officer

Signature of Manager


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ADR Employee Personal Details Form

Full Name:

Date Commenced:


Your Contact Details

• Full Residential Address

• Home Telephone Number

• Mobile Telephone Number

• Email Address

Your Bank Account Details • Name of Bank and Branch

• Account Name

• BSB Number

• Account Number

Your Emergency Contact Details • Full Name

• Residential Address

• Relationship

• Mobile Telephone Number

• Home Telephone Number

Your Superannuation Details • Do you wish to use ADR’s Super Provider (ASGARD) Yes No

If NO provide the details of your own Super Fund below:

• Name of Fund

• Postal Address of Fund

• Account Name

• Account Number

Signature of Officer


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I acknowledge the following as part of my conditions of employment with Australian Debt Recoveries Pty Limited (collectively referred to as “ADR”).

1. I assign to ADR all existing and future intellectual property rights in all things, materials and information created or generated by me (whether alone or with “ADR”, its other employees or contractors) for use by ADR, including without limitation, all inventions, models, drawings, plans, artwork, designs, logos, software, reports, proposals and records (‘Materials’). I understand this means that now, all such existing rights are vested in ADR, and on their creation or generation, all such future rights will vest in ADR.

2. I must disclose to ADR all Materials (as defined in clause 1) as they are created or


3. Some Materials (as defined in clause 1) will be confidential information of ADR, and some may include confidential or personal information of third persons. I owe obligations of confidence to ADR for its “Confidential Information”, meaning the following information in any form:

a. all confidential information (including without limitation, trade secrets and

confidential know how) relating to ADR, and b. all other confidential information and know-how of which I become aware (both

before and after the day I sign this Undertaking) or generate in the course of, or in connection with, my employment with ADR.

I understand that the words ‘Confidential Information’ when used in clauses 4 to 7 have the meaning given to them in this clause.

4. I may use Confidential Information solely to perform my employment duties.

5. I must not disclose Confidential Information to anyone except to perform my employment

duties, and then only to persons who have a need to know; and are either:

a. other employees or contractors of ADR who have signed an undertaking or agreement similar to this Undertaking; or

b. persons approved in writing by ADR.

6. On termination of my employment with ADR, I must return to ADR:

a. all Confidential Information in material form (eg, on paper or disk);

b. those parts of notes and other records based on or incorporating Confidential


c. all copies of Confidential Information and those parts of notes and other records referred to in clauses (a) and (b); and

d. all ADR property (eg, equipment, software, manuals and documents), in my

possession or control at that time.

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7. At any time after termination of my employment, I must not:

a. use or disclose to any person:

i. any Confidential Information that is a trade secret; or ii. any other Confidential Information, except information that is part of my

general skill and knowledge;

b. record an Confidential Information into any form (including without limitation electronic form); or

c. sell or otherwise transfer any Confidential Information

…………………………………………… ………………………………………….. Employee’s Signature Employee’s Name (Printed) Date: …………………………………………...

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Australian Debt Recoveries Pty Ltd Job Description

Job Title: Account Manager Date: 15 August 2011 Reports to: Portfolio Manager Position Summary: (Brief summary of the reason for the role’s existence—what has to be accomplished and why.) This position is primarily responsible for leading the collection efforts on the behalf of our clients ensuring that debts are collected in an efficient, cost effective and timely manner in order to achieve all set objectives and KPIs and in doing so observing ADR’s policies and all legislative requirements. Required Competencies:

• Good negotiation skills – uses a range of tactics to influence and presents complex ideas and concepts effectively to get a result.

• Team Player – creates good morale, shares wins, has good relationship with other team members, and has developed trust.

• Good written and verbal communication skills. • Has excellent attention to detail and ensures accuracy. • Good computer skills, including word and excel. An ability to learn new systems. • Able to withstand pressure and work in an environment of constant growth and change. • Debt Collection knowledge and experience (including privacy and other regulatory requirements). Major Accountabilities and Responsibilities: Collections Management

• Achieves individual collection targets and KPIs. • Takes personal responsibility for your collection queues and portfolio. • Confirm balances, action accounts in the appropriate manner and follow up actions after the

appropriate time period has lapsed. • Collect arrears amounts in full or any variations of payment able to be made by negotiation. Listen

to any objections and work with the debtor to overcome them. • Promptly respond to any queries or disputes a debtor may have. • Identify and record accounts with inaccurate address or employment information. • Maintain and update all relevant information on ADR’s collection system and individual debtor

files. • Ensure the accuracy and objectivity of all information logged on to the system ensuring it is factual,

non-discriminatory and complies with all Privacy Act requirements in every sense. • Recommend accounts for legal action as appropriate and in terms of internal and client policies.

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Maintain a positive and professional attitude at all times. Maintain company and client confidentiality inside and outside the office.

control systems and security.

Regulatory Compliance

ently on the day of receipt and reported to your Ensure any debtor complaints are handled effici


• Manager.

• Ensure compliance with all legislation, private sector privacy rules, ASIC guidelines and internal


• Ensures compliance with all corporate policies and procedures, and the code of conduct. • •

Full compliance with external regulatory framework. es (subject to monthly review). Achievement of all non-financial objectiv

Delivery of all time-bound and fina

Key Performance Indicators

: • ncial objectives and KPIs (subject to monthly review to

Portfolio Manager). • •

August 2011 August 2011 Account Manager Portfolio Manager (your name) (name and title of manager)

_________________________________ ___________________________________

Australian Debt Recoveries Pty Limited

age 1 of 4 P Employee Induction Pack 12 August 2011






Probationary �� One-off �� Six - Monthly ��TYPE OF REVIEW:

�� �� ��



55 An excellent overall performance.

uirements. Clearly exceeded KPIs/Objectives and competency req

4444 A highly commendable overall performance.

Exceeded KPIs/Objectives and competency standards.


An effective overall performance.

Met KPIs/Objectives and competency standards.

2222 improvement. A marginal overall performance.

chieved and require KPIs/Objectives and competency standards were not a

1111 required.An unacceptable overall performance.

are well below the standard KPI/Objective outcomes and competency requirements

Summary of Overall Performance

ATINGVERALL : __________________________ OIGNATURES ANAGER M

’ S R :

Results Against Key Performance Indicators

Australian Debt Recoveries Pty Limited

age 2 of 4 P Employee Induction Pack 12 August 2011

Monthly KPI’s Target Actual % of Target

Monthly Rev

IC Calls

Outgoing Calls


Payments in Full

Comments on KPI outcomes:

Monthly Progress Report and Review

What areas have I done well? •




What’s working and what is not? •




Where are my areas of Improvement? •




focus? Action Plan – How can it be achieved – what is the •




(difficult debtor/action options, etc) would like manager assistance List any specific areas or individual accounts you •




Australian Debt Recoveries Pty Limited

age 3 of 4 P Employee Induction Pack 12 August 2011

encies Review of Roles and Responsibilities and Key Compet


OMMENTSC Collections Management


Regulatory Compliance

Personal Motivation/Behaviours

ll make a difference to my performance? What is one small thing I can do this month that wi

Employee’s Overall Comments

ATE DIGNATURES MPLOYEE____ _________________________________ ______________

E ’ S

Australian Debt Recoveries Pty Limited

age 4 of 4 P Employee Induction Pack 12 August 2011

Name of Officer


Name of Manager

Results Against Key Performance Indicators

Monthly KPI’s Target Actual % of Target

Monthly Rev

IC Calls

Outgoing Calls


Payments in Full

Comments on KPI outcomes:

Monthly Progress Report and Review

What areas have I done well? •



What’s working and what is not? •



Where are my areas of Improvement? •



focus? Action Plan – How can it be achieved – what is the •



(difficult debtor/action options, etc) would like manager assistance List any specific areas or individual accounts you •




ATE D IGNATURE S ANAGER M IGNATURES MPLOYEE_____________________ ___________________________________________________

E ’ S ’ S


Asgard Employee Super AccountBulk Member Enrolment

3. Employer signature

Signature Date

| | Signedbytheemployeronbehalfofthenamedemployees.

OFFICE USE ONLY AsgardClientRelationshipCentre

Complete this form in BLOCK LETTERS and:• post it toAsgard,POBox746�,CloistersSquare,PerthWA6850

onServicesInvestorAsgardCallQuestions? asgard.investor.services@asgardwealthsolutions.com.auemailor1800 998 185 Note:Privacylawsprotectyourprivacy.PleasereadourPrivacyBrochureformoreinformation.AcopycanbeobtainedfromAsgardInvestorServices.




1. Employee details and application


2. ‘At Work’ certification


. Allconditions of the Master Policy applicable to this group and certifies that:� employeeslistedoverleafwere,ontheirrespectiveEntryDates*,activelyatworkperformingtheirusualdutiesand,to

the best of our knowledge and belief, were medically fit to carry out all the duties required of their respective occupations. Any employees not meeting these criteria are listed below, with the date and reason the employee was first absent, the date returned

transferring4. All

3. No

to work (if applicable) or, if the employee is medically unfit but still at work, the reason. 2. No employee’s entry date or level of benefits has been determined by use of the employer’s discretion. (If any discretion has been



employeescoveredundertheMasterPolicyofthepreviousinsurerare totheMasterpolicyprovidedbyPrefSureLifeLimited.


applicable).(ifleaveannualongoingemployeethetopriordaytheorday,workingschedulednextthethenday,workingEntry Date means the date on which an employee is first eligible to become a member of the Employer’s Group Life Plan; if this is not a scheduled *


Employees not satisfying the above Reason for absence














































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(1, 2

or 3

































































It is a condition of membership that applicants subscribe to the following codes:

Code of Ethics & Code of Conduct

the development and well being of the industry as a whole. representing the industry in all activities associated with d National bodies in the development of the Institute inMembers of the Institute support their State, Territory an

independent industry body and agree to be bound by any findings of the body. initiated by either the public or members through anMembers of the Institute support the resolution of disputes

delegate assigned tasks to unqualified persons. ications, capacity, experience and abilities or knowinglyMembers of the Institute shall not misrepresent their qualif

credibility at all times in their dealings with the public, clients and fellow members. Members of the Institute seek to maintain a high standard of business practice and to exercise honesty, integrity andmercantile agency and to adhere to all legislation relating to Consumer and Fair Trading practice.

rritory and Commonwealth laws relating to the operation of aMembers of the Institute agree to be bound by all State, Te

Code of Ethics

members and clients alike. manner and that I will honour my commitment to fellowresponsibility to conduct my business in an honest and fair

having accepted its Code of Ethics, I accept that I have aAs a member of the Institute of Mercantile Agents Limited and

Code of Conduct

service in all areas which have been desiI undertake to provide efficient and effective

Services 1


I undertake to provide all those services whichas covered by the agency.


2have been clearly

I undertake to accept no performed by the agency.

advertised as services

3 gratuities from clientswhich may be perceived as impairing

I undertake not to represent mprovision of an efficient and effective service.


4 y agency byutilizing either stationery or any

I undertake to make monthl

inference asbeing a law firm or solicitor.

5 yaccounts or as determined b

settlement of clientsy mutual agreement

I undertake to honour all awith the client.

6 gindividual clients and to exercise pruden

reements made witht

business practice in the exercising of theseagreements.

I undertake to protect the interests of m

Cl ient Relat ionships 7 y clients and

will give prompt and dilig

prompt and diliI undertake to initiate clients’ instructions in a

ent attention to all mattersreceived.

8 gent manner, providing

I undertake to be selective, where possible, in

suchinstructions are reasonable and legitimate.


I undertake not to speak dispara

may engage in questionable activities. instructions from firms or individuals who

Genera l

10 gingly

which the client’s best interest will be served b I undertake not to supply an opinion on matters in

members and their business activities. about fellow

11 y

referral to an appropriate legal person or law firm.


adult, such as a parent, co-sign their workplace

People under the age of 18 must have a responsible

doesn’t pass the Fairness Test

Employees cannot be sacked because an agreement

to sign a workplace agreement

A current employee cannot be sacked for refusing

employee agrees

agreement, although this can be waived if the

a union representative or a friend

negotiating an agreement. It could be your spouse,

negotiating your Australian workplace agreement:

There is a range of support available to help you when

collective agreements.

agreements for employees earning under $75,000 and all

The Fairness Test applies to Australian workplace

employer will have to make up any back pay.

If an agreement doesn’t pass the Fairness Test it will have

Rest breaks

These are:

that have had certain conditions removed or changed.

industries or occupations where an award usually applies

The Fairness Test applies to employees’ agreements in

a higher rate of pay.

compensation in return. Usually, the fair compensation will be

award conditions, such as penalty rates, you must get fair

conditions. It means that if you trade existing protected

fair compensation if they agree to change key award

against a Fairness Test to make sure employees get

The Workplace Authority checks workplace agreements

collective agreements and awards. There are protections in

workplace agreements, collective agreements, union

Under the workplace relations system there are a variety

Know your agreement

Workplace Infolineworkplace.gov.au

Whether you’re an employee or an employer, there’s one

understand their workplace entitlements and agreements.

employees and employers about the workplace relations

The Workplace Authority provides independent advice to

Know where you stand

Whether employers have provided pay slips.

Keeping records of employee entitlements

workplace agreement

Whether an employee has been forced to sign a

ensure that employers meet their obligations and has the

There is a Workplace Ombudsman to assist employees and

complete time and wage records kept by their employer.

age, disability, religion, pregnancy, family responsibilities or

Employees cannot be sacked because of their race, gender,

wage rates, casual loadings and unpaid carer’s leave.

hours of work. Casual employees are guaranteed minimum

One year unpaid maternity or paternity leave

Two weeks personal/carer’s leave

All full-time employees are protected by a key set of pay and

As an employee, you should know where you stand.

required to follow.

rules and obligations that all employers in the system are

Australia’s federal workplace relations system has a set of

Know your rights

conditions which cover:

Guaranteed minimum wage rates

Maximum working hours

Four weeks paid annual leave

Part-time employees get similar entitlements based on their

trade union membership.

Employees have the right to join, or not join, a union.

Employees must be issued pay slips and have accurate and

power to take legal action on such issues as:

Whether employees have been underpaid

system. It has a particular focus on helping young employees

place you can go for information, help and advice.

1300 363 264

of working arrangements available, including Australian

place for all these arrangements.

Penalty rates, including working on public holidays and


Shift and overtime loadings

Monetary allowances

Annual leave loadings

Public holidays

Incentive-based payments and bonuses.

to be changed so that it gives fair compensation, and the

Employees can have someone with them when

Employees have 7 days to consider their workplace

Speech to speech relay services - 1300 555 727

Translation and Interpreting Service - 13 14 50National Relay Service - 13 36 77

Your rights and obligations

Workplace Relations Fact Sheet

ISBN: 1921148578 FS-WR-020707

ute, Holding Redlich 2009 1© Australian Human Resources Instit

Supporting partners

Fair Work |

the end of the day the notice is given Employee’s period of continuous service with the employer at

his or her employment:

or pay in lieu of an employer’s intention to terminate An employee will be entitled to the following period of notice

rmination of payment in lieu

nue to apply for terminations prior to 1 January 2010. minimum statutory notice was not given, which will conti

Act provides for an unlawful termination remedy if the Workplace Relations Act (WR Act). However the WR

provided in the Australian Fair Pay and Conditions Standard contained in There is no corresponding entitlements

only apply to national system and Victorian employers.

to all Australian employers. The redundancy pay NES will January 2010. The notice of termination NES will apply

and redundancy pay. These will come into operation on 1 2009 (Cth) (FW Act) dealing with notice of termination

ns in the Fair Work Act oyment Standard (NES) provisioThe information in this sheet explains the National Empl

Fact Sheet

Notice of Termination and Redundancy Pay

Requirement for notice of te


Not more than 1 year 1 week

More than 1 year but not more than 3 years 2 weeks

More than 3 years but not more than 5 years 3 weeks

More than 5 years 4 weeks

employee’s last known address.

send it by pre-paid post to the at the employee’s last known address ornotice to an employee personally, leave it

entitlement is new. In order to be e

itten notice of the day of termination. Ho

additional week’s notice.

An employee who is more than 45 years old and who has completed 2 years’ continuous service is entitled to an

Employees will be entitled to wr wever, the day of termination cannot be

before the day that notice is given. This ffective, employers will need to deliver

ute, Holding Redlich 2009 2© Australian Human Resources Instit

Notice of Termination and Redundancy Pay

Supporting partners

bankruptcy of the employer. because of the insolvency or

and customary turnover of labour; or except where this is due to the ordinary

heir job to be done by anyone, ployer no longer requires t at the initiative of the employer because the em

entitled to redundancy pay if their employment is Employers who employ 15 or more employees will be

Redundancy pay

make continuing employment unreasonable. in the circumstances the conduct did not

the employee can show that are not serious misconduct if employment contract. However, these kinds of conduct

hat is consistent with the struction by the employer tintoxication and refusal to carry out a lawful and reasonable in

the employer’s business. Serious miscreputation, viability or profitability to

hat causes serious and imminent risk to OHS or the continuation of the employment contract or conduct t

our by the employee that is inconsistent with the Serious misconduct includes wilful or deliberate behavi

ly by seasonal factors. employment is determined sole

th the meat industry and whose termination of weekly hire employees working in connection wi

y in connection with the slaughter of livestock; daily hire employees working in the meat industr

daily hire employees working in the building and construction industry;

other employees who will be named later in Regulations

the duration of the training arrangement; and a specified period of time or is limited to

ng arrangement applies and whose employment is for employees, other than apprentices, to whom a traini

casual employees;

nated for serious misconduct (see below); employees whose employment is termi


a specified task or for the duration of a specified employees employed for a specified period of time, for

led to notice under the notice NES: The following employees are not entit

What employees are excluded from the notice NES?

which may be inclusive of loadings, penalties, overtime payments and allowances.

period if his or her employment had not been terminated, the earnings that he or she would have received for the

ployee’s full rate of pay reflecting lieu of notice calculated upon the emEmployees will be entitled to payment in

onduct refers to theft, fraud, assault,


ute, Holding Redlich 2009 3© Australian Human Resources Instit

Notice of Termination and Redundancy Pay

Supporting partners

Redundancy pay period employer on termination Employee’s period of continuous service with the

following amounts of redundancy pay:

hose circumstances, he or she will be entitled to the If an employee’s employment is terminated in one of t

At least 1 year but less than 2 years 4 weeks

At least 2 years but less than 3 years 6 weeks

At least 3 years but less than 4 years 7 weeks

At least 4 years but less than 5 years 8 weeks

ss than 6 years 10 weeks At least 5 years but le

ss than 7 years 11 weeks At least 6 years but le

ss than 8 years 13 weeks At least 7 years but le

ss than 9 years 14 weeks At least 8 years but le

ss than 10 years 16 weeks At least 9 years but le

At least 10 years 12 weeks

on substantially similar terms and conditions. the employee rejects an offer of employment

the employee’s prior service is recognised; or

redundancy pay where:

employer to another, employees will not be entitled to In the event of a transfer of employment from one

ordinary hours of work. rate of pay for his or herRedundancy pay will only be based on an employee’s base

to redundancy pay.

calculating an employee’s entitlement employer before that date will not be ta

fore 1 January 2010, an employee’s service with an not already provide for redundancy pay immediately be

ee and his or her terms and conditions of employment do However, where an employee is award or agreement fr

ken in to account for the purpose of

ute, Holding Redlich 2009 4© Australian Human Resources Instit

Notice of Termination and Redundancy Pay

Supporting partners

other employees who will be named later in Regulations.

ic redundancy scheme in the modern award; and the employee is covered by the industry-specif

award that is in operation; and enterprise agreement from a modern

that is incorporated by reference into the the scheme is an industry-specific redundancy scheme

h contains an entitlement to redundancy pay under a employees covered by an enterprise agreement whic

c redundancy scheme in a modern award; employees covered by an industry-specifi

the duration of the training arrangement; and a specified period of time or is limited to

ng arrangement applies and whose employment is for employees, other than apprentices, to whom a traini

casual employees;

terminated for serious misconduct; employees whose employment is


a specified task or for the duration of a specified employees employed for a specified period of time, for

The following employees are not entitled to redundancy pay under this NES:

om the redundancy pay NES? What employees are excluded fr

Work Australia to reduce the amount.redundancy, the employer may apply to Fair

ployee elsewhere or cannot pay the amount required for If an employer obtains acceptable employment for the em

scheme if:



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