
TabletsMary Kennedy-Moore & Brandon Kolvek


• Single panel personal computer

• Touch screen operated input device (Hand or stylus pen)

• Web browser

• Apps

• Combines laptop with size and convenience of smart phone


•• 10-inch Tablets: 9.8" x 7" x .5" @ 1.4 lbs.

Length, Height, Thickness Vary


1915- First patent for handwriting technology.

1956- First public use of tablet in place of a keyboard.

1968- Alan Kay invents the Dynabook, “A Personal Computer For Children Of All Ages.”

Early Modern Tablets

Apple's Graphics Tablet (1979) GridPad (1989)

Tablets Today

Industry Growth

• 3 out of 10 internet users own a tablet

• 820 million units sold in 2012, Projected 1.2 billion in 2013

• Surpass growth in notebook sales by 2016


• Transformation of Technological Use

• Ubiquitousness of tablets may make

Desktop PC's obsolete

• 62% of CEOs surveyed believe PC

will soon be redundant in office setting

Tablets in Business

How Common is Tablet Use in Business?

Tablet Use Projection

By 2016, more than 900 million tablets will be in the hands of users and as more consumers buy them, they then tend to bring them to the workplace and use them for their jobs – often led by executives.


Replacement for Laptops?


-'Ready at hand'

What Do Businesses Use Tablets For?

3 Main Uses

• File sharing

• Collaboration

• Communication

File Sharing

-File utilities for sharing and document distribution


-Good for meetings and one-to-one conversation

-Sales applications


-Social Media

-Corporate Email

Where Next?


-Some people would rather have a PC than a tablet

-Some people believe PC will become redundant in office setting


-Lack of standardized applications and compatibility issues


- Do you believe that companies will provide tablets to their employees in the future?

-What do you think the disadvantages of making tablets a standard in businesses are?

-Do you think that the ongoing success of tablets will cannibalize other technologies, such as PCs or smart phones?

Works Cited






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