eMarketer Webinar: Digital Advertising Trends for 2013

Post on 08-May-2015






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Join eMarketer as we cover a variety of digital advertising trends for the year and address the industry’s ever-increasing complexity.


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Digital Advertising Trends for 2013

David HallermanPrincipal Analyst

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What we’ll look at today…

7 trends that are shaping your world:

1.Big data: it’s everything

2.Real time: it’s always

3.Content marketing: it’s value

4.Native advertising: it’s coherent

5.Tablet video advertising: it’s better

6.Social-mobile shift: it’s everywhere

7.A “multi” audience: it’s multiscreen, multitasking

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The buzzwords that animate the trends: words vs. actions

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Three key factors to note when you look at the 7 trends

The trends are not buzzwords. To what extent do these trends mirror real changes vs. being today’s fashion?

The trends are intertwined.That reflects the ways marketing and media usage are increasingly connected.

The trends are not all that new. The more things change, the more they remain the same.

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Are you following trends because they work for you? Or for other reasons?

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Big Data

(building 21st century data management platforms)

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Getting your arms around big data can be both perplexing and liberating

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Why is big data at the core of every other trend? How does that work?

Big data isn’t quantity, it’s control.Audience insight. A core element of all advertising and marketing—the need to know who you’re targeting, what they want and how to reach them.

More isn’t better. Only when marketers can harness all these datapoints is “BIG” worthwhile.

The biggest challenge. To meld and then derive meaning from the super-abundance of information.

Pushes buttons. Many people see big data as a threat.

Constantly changing. One company’s big data is another’s data snack.

Defined from your POV. Can’t help but be subjective.

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Big data’s wide and subjective range of definitions makes it a moving target

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Many definitions, many companies too Today’s big data landscape is crowded

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Insight that’s greater and better—if you can access and interpret the big data

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Big data is much like excellent ingredients and a great recipe—you still have to cook it

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Big data can help marketers can uncover value in several areas

Boost performance: by helping companies make more informed decisions

Integrate channels: by bringing together information from across multiple touchpoints

Target better: by making segmentation narrower for more precisely tailored messages

Beat out the competition: by figuring out implications of these massive data sets

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BIG NOTE: The growing use of big data, and the term being spread in the mainstream media, can push privacy buttons for many people

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One takeaway: What big data means for advertisers

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Real Time

(marketing, ad buying, more)

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Real time is an umbrella term that covers a multitude of advertising and marketing methods

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Real-time marketing encompasses a wide range of activities

Real-time buying (RTB): automated method of buying and selling ad impressions

Dynamic creative optimization: method of automatically changing ad creative

Social CRM: using social media to rapidly respond to customers who comment or complain

Content marketing: using insights from social analytics to quickly develop digital content

Trend marketing: creating content, posts or other marketing materials themed to news events or topics

Ad campaign rebalancing: using insights gleaned from online conversations about ad campaigns to make on-the-fly changes in media mix or creative

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Real time isn’t new, it’s just faster than ever before

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Be aware of incomplete equations: real-time bidding is just one element of real-time marketing

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Linked trends: Real time, big data, and social interactions come together

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One takeaway: What real time means for advertisers

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Content Marketing

(breaking through consumer resistance)

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Content marketing as the main focus: soaring from 18.9% to 34.8%

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Content marketing is, like big data and real time, multifaceted, tricky to define

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Today’s audience wants stories, in the broadest sense, a desire that content can feed

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How can something as established as content marketing be a trend?

Basic ideas behind content marketing:

Lose your ego. Your brand or product is not the point.

Create value. Your consumers must want the content.

Be yourself. Reflect your values, your voice.

Think like a media company. Create content often.

Tell a story. Build engagement, attract an audience.

Choose the correct channel. It’s not just social.

Quality matters. How it looks and reads is a big deal.

Encourage sharing. That increases its power greatly.

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In the multiscreen world, creating social engagement has great value as content

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Content marketing that could engage me, for example, would likely feature a cute golden retriever puppy

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Linked trends: Content marketing and social are two peas, one pod

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One takeaway: What content marketing means for advertisers

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Native Advertising

(ads that suit each space)

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What is native advertising? And why is it more than just the latest hype?

Divergent defintions can confuse, but…Native to the environment. Such as promoted tweets on Twitter, AdWords on Google, sponsored stories on FB

Unique to specific channel. Certainly by content, and often technical choices, such video on video sites.

Often created by publisher or website or app. A way to entice advertisers and build more content integration.

Advertorial for the digital age. This is the more snarky definition, and when done poorly, sort of true.

Designer content marketing. Made more for the audience and destination, and less so for the brand.

Perhaps it’s not so new, but the buzz is still loud. Even so, fitting in will be increasingly important.

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The user experience is a key way native advertising differs from the usual

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Linked trends: There’s big data, too, for improving the customer experience

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Done right, native advertising allows marketers to whisper their messages

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Linked trends: Sharing—a social and content marketing indicator—was a top-ranked KPI for native video advertising

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One takeaway: What native advertising means for advertisers

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Tablet Video Advertising

(likely the best mobile environment for brands and the publishers they love)

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What kind of impact will tablets make on video advertising?

Tablets are terrific digital screens.Greater attention. Tablets are attractive to both audiences watching video and advertisers looking to reach them.

Better mindset. Much video consumption occurs when people are relaxing, say in the evening.

Native advertising opportunities on apps. Each app is is its own environment, great for custom advertising assets.

Attractive demographics. At this point, tablet users tend to have higher incomes than smartphone users.

Larger screen, more time. The audience tends to spend more time with video on tablets than on smartphones.

Better for longer form ads. Tablets support content well.

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Publishers increasingly selling video ads on tablets, more web now but apps will catch up

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Linked trends: Video, social media, content marketing

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One takeaway: What tablet video advertising means for advertisers

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The Social-Mobile Shift

(how anywhere, anytime changes everything)

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The desktop will no longer be at the heart of people's social media experiences

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This year, over 61% of US social network users will come in via mobile phone, rising rapidly each year thereafter

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As social time shifts to mobile, what does that mean for marketers?

Other trends can help make this work.Develop new touchpoints. Make it easy for mobile users to access content, regardless of what device they use.

Deal with convergence. Combine location data with social media initiatives to catch the attention of mobile users on the go.

Make it sing. Lean toward using imagery instead of text.

Build in value. Overhaul Facebook strategy to focus less on promotions tied to a brand page and more on the content delivered to the newsfeed.

Go there first. Sometimes a mobile-first strategy will be the best bet for social marketing, say when a brand wants to communicate in real time.

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Marketers expect to increase their attention on mobile and social media this year

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Can marketers encourage the favorable attitudes toward TV ads to rub off on social and mobile?

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Linked trends: What do social-mobile users want from TV? It’s a real time…

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Social-mobile TV is often real-time TV, and it’s also multitasking TV

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One takeaway: What the social-mobile shift means for advertisers

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A “Multi” Audience

(an audience that’s harder and easier to reach)

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The new way of life: Multiple screens used by the multitasking audience

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How can you reach the multiscreen, multitasking audience?

A difficult mix of same and different.Be everywhere. Develop cross-channel campaigns that are as silo-free as possible. Aim to be seamless.

Be consistent. The basic messaging needs to remain the same, even as screens and assets vary.

Be flexible. Even as a brand’s look and feel is consistent, the specific advertising assets that work on one screen may not be best for all screens.

Be helpful. Give the audience good reasons to spend time with your brand.

Be understanding. Use data mining to fathom your audience’s motivations and preferences—how to reach them on various screens, at various times, and in various locales.

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The more screens people own, the more they might be found anywhere

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Linked trends: Big data managed through a DMP is a prime factor for advertising to today’s fragmented audience

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One takeaway: What the multi-audience trend means for advertisers

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Main Takeaways

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All these trends make it far more complicated than ever before to create, organize and deliver today’s ad campaigns

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Many trends look to put new pop in the same old machines

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No trend stands alone, so integration may be the most important buzzword

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Adobe Media Optimizer

Justin Merickel

© 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential.© 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

Twitter announced API Partners February 20th

Adobe one of the first partners to work with TwitterLevis, Threadless, and Adobe marketing all early participants with Media Optimizer

Cost per follow decreased by 60% for Adobe after launching a scalable campaign via Media Optimizer

Volume spiked to over 400 followers per day

How can Marketers keep up with the pace of change?

© 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential.© 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

The New Super ChannelProactively developing digital campaigns ofthe future by thinking of goals, not channels.

© 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential.© 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. © 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential.

Advertisers are no longer confined to a single channel or constrained by inventory

© 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential.© 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

Unified Data RepositoryAll your customer’s data, from online to offline, housed and protected in a single place

© 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential.© 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

Action to Consumer Experience

© 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential.© 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

Smart Group CollaborationSimplify digital marketing for everyone in the workflow using tools and technology to enable a streamlined language

© 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential.© 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

Adobe Media Optimizer


Align your rich audience segments with broad inventory reach, dynamic creative delivery, and an optimization system using real-time conversion data.


Seamlessly turn your brand presence and engagement into influence and action across the largest social networks: Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.


Strengthen results through automated bid management built on accurate predictive modeling to allocate investment across complex campaigns.


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Q&A Session

Digital Advertising Trends for 2013

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Adobe Media Optimizer

You will receive an email tomorrow with a link to

view the deck and webinar recording.

David Hallerman

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