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  • 8/12/2019 elipsemodsimmanual_enu


    2013 Elipse Software Ltda. All rights reserved. Version 1.0 (12/13/2013)

    Elipse Modbus Simulator User's Manual

  • 8/12/2019 elipsemodsimmanual_enu


  • 8/12/2019 elipsemodsimmanual_enu


    Table of Contents............................................................................................................... 41 Introduction

    ............................................................................................................... 52 Simulator

    ............................................................................................................... 63 Amount of PLCs

    ............................................................................................................... 74 Memories

    .............................................................................................................. 74.1 Coil

    .............................................................................................................. 74.2 Register

    ............................................................................................................... 85 I/O Driver

    .............................................................................................................. 85.1 Configuration.............................................................................................................. 135.2 I/O Tag

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    4/154 Introduction

    1 IntroductionCHAPTER

    Elipse Modbus Simulatoris a generator of random values for applications compatible with the Modbus RTU protocol. In

    addition, it al so all ows receiving writing messages performed by these appl ications .

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    2 SimulatorCHAPTER

    After s tarting the Simulator, the working area i s opened, as shown on the next figure.

    Main window of the Elipse Modbus Simulator

    The available options on the main window are the following:Available options on the main window of Elipse Modbus Simulator


    PLCs Quantity Number of PLCs to si mula te. NOTE: In the Demoversi on this

    fiel d has a l imi t of 10 PLCs.

    Initial Port Base port used for communication.

    Random Values Enables or disa bles a random generation of val ues.

    Interval (ms) Interval for val ue varia tion, in mill ise conds.

    After selecting the amount of PLCs and the ini tial port, start the simula tion by cl icking Start.

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    3 Amount of PLCsCHAPTER

    The Simula tor creates PLCs on ports consecutive to the value configured in the Initial Portfield. For example, when configuri ng

    three PLCs s tarting at port 502, the first PLC is avai la ble at port 502, the second one at port 503, and the third one at port 504.

    NOTE: PLCs created consecutively to the val ue configured in the Initial Portf ield only use the avai lable ports. In the previous

    exampl e, if po rt 503 is in use by another appl ication , then the PLCs a re crea ted in ports 502, 504, and 505.

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    4 MemoriesCHAPTER

    The Simulator provides 30 digital records (Coils) and 20 analog records (Registers). Writing values di rectly i n the Simulator is

    al lowed, by using the Value column on the respective grids, when the value vari ation for the PLC is turned off.

    With the Random Valuesoption selected, random values are generated in a ll memories every two seconds, as defined in the

    Intervalfield. The address of each PLC is a lways 1 (Device ID).

    4.1 CoilCoilsare digital memories avaliable for reading through the Modbus 01(Read Coil Status) function and for writing through the

    Modbus 05(Force Single Coil) function.

    4.2 RegisterRegistersare ana log memories that range from 0 to 65535 (Word). They are avai lable for readi ng through the Modbus 03

    (Read Holding Registers) function and for wri ting through the Modbus 06(Preset Single Registers) function or through the

    Modbus 16(Preset Multiple Registers) function.

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    5 I/O DriverCHAPTER

    An I/O Driveris the E3 module responsible for communicating with a certain device, by using Drivers provided by Elipse


    For communication between Elipse Modbus Simulator and E3 the Modbus Driver will be used, which is available for download

    at www.elipse.com.br.

    5.1 Configuration1. Right-click the Drivers and OPC folder and select the Insert I/O Driver inoption, and then select the project where the

    Driver must be i nserted.

    Adding an I/O Driver

    2. Select the Driver fil e (Modbus.dll ) on the dial og box that opens for fi le selection. The foll owing window is then opened to

    configure the Modbus Driver.

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    Operations tab

    3. On the Setuptab, configure the time the Driver wai ts for a response from the device i n the Timeoutfield (for example,

    1000 ms). Choose, on the li st of options of the Physical Layerproperty, the Ethernetoption.

    Setup tab

    4. After choosing the Physical Layeroption, all other tabs are disabled, and only the chosen interface must be configured. On

    the Ethernettab, type the IP of the computer running the Simulator. If the Simulator is running on the same E3's computer,

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    type "".

    Ethernet tab

    5. In the Portfield, type the number of the communica tion port. For example, type "504" to access the third Simulator's PLC.

    PLC Quantity

    6. On the Modbustab, select the RTU Modeitem on the Modbus Modesection and, on the Data Address Model Offsetsection,

    select the Data is addressed from 0i tem, because the first address of the Simulator is zero.

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    Modbus tab

    7. On the Operationstab, check the code of the operations for reading and wri ting that wil l be needed for readi ng PLC's


    Registers: Reading anal og values (Word) through the Modbus 03(Read Holding Registers) function and wri ting through the

    Modbus 06(Preset Single Registers) or Modbus 16(Preset Multiple Registers) functions. The operation 01executes the Modbus

    03 (Read) reading and Modbus 16(Write) writing of Word-type values (data).

    Coils: Reading digital val ues (Bit) through the Modbus 01function and writing through the Modbus 05(Force Single Coil)

    function. The lis t of standard operations does not have an operation with these settings, therefore a new operation must be

    added to it.

    Adding an operation

    8. The list of availabl e operations a fter inclusion is shown on the next figure.

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    List of available operations

    9. The operation codes 08 (Coils) and 01 (Registers) will be used later when configuri ng the I/O Tags.

    10. After configuring the Modbus Driver, cli ck OKto close the window. If users need to reconfigure the Driver, right-cli ck the

    object and select the Settingsitem.

    Driver configuration

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    5.2 I/O Tag1. Right-click the Driver and select the Insert - I/O Tagoption, or cl ick Add on Driver's toolbar.

    Adding an I/O Tag

    2. The next dialog box is then displayed, allowing to inform the amount and name of the I/O Tag or Tags. Create five Tags a nd

    name them Digital1, Digital2, Analog1, Analog2, and Analog3, respectively.

    Configuring the amount of Tags

    3. To configure I/O Tags, users must fil l in the N1, N2, N3, and N4properties, according to the instructions in the Modbus

    Driver User's Manual.

    N1: Address of the slave device (PLC) on the network. This address may range from 1 to 255

    N2: Operation code. References a writing or reading operation added on the Driver's configuration window

    N3: Additional parameter

    N4: Address of the register or vari able in the slave device (PLC) to read or wri te

    4. For the previously mentioned varia bles, the values for these properties are displ ayed on the following table.

    Values for I/O Tag properties

    N1 N2 N3 N4

    Digital1 1 8 0 1

    Digital2 1 8 0 2

    Analog1 1 1 0 1Analog2 1 1 0 2

    Analog3 1 1 0 3

    5. Right-click the Driver again and choose the Activate Communicationi tem to test the configurations , or cl ick Activate/

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    deactivate communication . If the configurations are correct, the Tag's row shoul d appear in blue.

    I/O Tags activated

    5.2.1 ScaleThe Simulator generates analog values ranging from 0 to 65535. If users need values ins ide other range, enabl e the scal e

    function. For example, for the Analog1Tag ranging from 0 to 100 and the Analog2Tag ranging from -20 to 20, these Tags must

    be configured according to the next figure.

    I/O Tag scale

  • 8/12/2019 elipsemodsimmanual_enu



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