Eli Wiesel By Tiana Wilkinson Please click the mouse button to advance to the next slide.

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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Eli WieselBy Tiana Wilkinson

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The Beginning….Eilie was born in Sighet, Transylvania in 1928, to His father Shlomo and mother Sarah Wiesel. He was the only son of four. Elie was very involved in his Jewish faith, the torah, cabala, and the Talmud.

A world of difference…• Elie was 15 years old when he and his

family were deported to Aushwitz-Burkenau.

• The camp complex consisted of three main camps: Auschwitz I (the administrative center), Auschwitz II (The extermination camp), and Auschwitz III (The work camp).

• 90% of the Jewish population was killed here. About 1-2 million

• Elie’s mother and younger sister died in the gas chamber at Auschwitz during the first night of their arrival to Auschwitz.

• The top picture is a picture of Auschwitz and the bottom picture is one of the gas chambers at Auschwitz


• Elie and his father were later transferred to Buchenwald

• Elie’s father died in Buchenwald before the camp was liberated on April 11, 1945

Other Camps• There were 6 recognized extermination camps

– Auschwitz II (Auschwitz-Birkenau) – Bełżec – Chełmno – Majdanek – Sobibór – Treblinka

•The deaths at these camps was as follows•The number of people killed at these death camps has been estimated as follows.•Auschwitz II: about 1,400,000 •Belzec: at least 436,000 •Chelmno:at least 152,000 •Majdanek: 78,000[6]–235,000 •Sobibór: at least 170,000 •Treblinka: at least 800,000 •Jasenovac: 500,000–840,000[citation needed] •Maly Trostenets: at least 60,000

The Man in-charge of the Madness

• Adolf Hitler was born April 20, 1889

• Hitler came to power in 1934 after the death of the Chancellor of Germany passed in 1934. Using propaganda and oratory needs he appealed to the lower and middle class people.

• By the end of the Holocaust Hitler had killed over 11 million people

– The genocide of 6 million Jews– By the end of the war more than 45 million

had perished

• In the final days of the war– Hitler and his wife comitted suiced in an

underground bunker

Elie After Liberation

• After the war Elie was placed in a french orphanage– There he learned the

french language– He also taught Hebrew

before becoming a professional journalist

Putting it into words…• Even ten years after the war was over, as

many survivors Elie could not put his experiences into words. Until he met Nobel laureate in Literature Francois Mauriac. Who became a great Friend to Elie and persuaded him to write a book on his experience in the Holocaust.

– The book was first 900 pages, which he later shortened into a 127 page version

• At first the book did not sell well, Elie originally had a hard time finding a publisher to publish his book

• After this Elie continued to write in the U.S. – He wrote 40 books both fiction and non-fiction

whish won may literary przes

Nobel Prize Winner…

• Elie Wiesel won the Nobel peace prize in 1986– He won for speaking

out against racism, repression and violence.

Eli & Family

• Elie has been living with his wife Marion rose since 1969

• He continues to speak and deliver his messages with people like Oprah and special seminars

Works sited

"Night by Elie Wiesel." Chicago Publice Library. Chicago Public Library. 12 Apr. 2007 <http://www.chipublib.org/003cpl/onebook_night/author.html>.

"Buchenwald." 12 Apr. 2007 <http://www.hhs.utoledo.edu/dachau/buchintro.html>.

"Hitler... & Elie Wiesel." Wikepdia. Wikepedia. 12 Apr. 2007 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler>.

"Elie Wiesel." Academy of Achievement. 1997. Acadaemy of Achievement. 13 Apr. 2007 <http://www.achievement.org/autodoc/photocredit/achievers/wie0-009>.

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