Elevated thoughts

Post on 11-May-2015






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Having your thoughts elevated means living elevated life..Thoughts only become action,..action becomes habit..habit becomes your character & finally character becomes your destiny.. So you yourself & your elevated thoughts built s up your destiny..Therefore its very important to discard all the negativeness from your mind & make your mind pure & serene ..


Points To Be Remembered To create Positive, Pure andElevated thoughts.

If some people find it difficult to cooperate with us, let us try to show them by example And cooperate with them. We should be flexible and ready to change when needed.

Self-education is indispensable. Steal some time everyday for self-improvement as a necessity. Have company of good people who support you in your efforts for a positive change in life.

Each person has his own unique way of approaching and doing a work. We must safeguard ourselves from the negative thoughts and vision influencing thoughts and vision.

Easy nature makes the self and others easy. Accept things as they are without trying to change them .Allow yourself to just be. Just go with the flow.

Visualize images of a positive future. We must stop listening to the fears, doubts and limiting beliefs and have more self-belief. Visualize and believe in the BEST.

Have a strong sense of gratitude by focusing on what you have rather than on what You don’t have. Count your blessings and see more beauty in your life.

Let us not place limits of ‘I cannot,’ ‘Its impossible. Have positive affirmation like‘everything is possible’, ‘ I can’, and ‘ I will’.

It is said that failure are the stepping stones to success. Failures allow us to Introspect and become bold, active and vigilant. Learn from failures and continue self –improvement.

Do not hurt yourself and others, by holding on to past events and situations. ‘Let go and let be’.

Time is wealth, time is life and time is opportunity. Let us realize the importance of every moment of time and make the best use of it.

Inspire everyone with our virtues and give them an experience of love, peace and good wishes when they experience our virtues, they will be willing to bring about achange quickly.

Thank youInculcating all these elevated thoughts lets make our life Healthy, Wealthy , Happy and Wise. Valuable like Diamond

Presented by Deepika.

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