Element and Their Compund Ans

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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1.  No Mark Schemes available.


2. C[1]


3. B[1]


4. D[1]


5. A[1]


6. A [1]


7. D[1]


8. (a) (i) 2-bromo-2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethae

 ALLOW 1-bromo-1-chloro-2,2,2-trifluoroethae

 IGNORE  icorrect !uctuatio a" icorrect or"er of the

halo#e atoms 1



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(ii) $o"o (forces) % istataeous "i!ole % i"uce" "i!ole % "is!ersio %

va "er &aals' (forces) (1)

 !ermaet "i!ole (-!ermaet "i!ole) (forces) % "i!ole-"i!ole (forces)

% "i!ole (forces) (1)

 IGNORE  any refereces to h"ro#e bo"i# 2 

(iii) A one of the folloi# % a statemet e*uivalet to+

Ethanol is flammable

Note+ if a referece to only the halo#eoalkae bei# flammable

scores (0)

referece to #reater cotrol of heati# (e.#. 0to cotrol the rate of 

reactio % 0to !revet the reactio bei# too vi#orous % 0to !revet

the reactio #etti# out of cotrol)

 ALLOW  0so that the reactio takes !lace slol

0(reactio) miture is flammable%it is flammable

0Buse flame too hot % too vi#orous

0(Buse flame) oul" cause too much eva!oratio to occur

0(allos) costat heati#% 0eve heati# 1

Compound X  i flammable

 Just  “to pre!ent an e"ploion”

 Just  “to minimie the ri#”


(iv) Solvet (for both reactats)

3o "issolve (the reactats)

3o mi the reactats

 ALLOW  03o eable the miture to "issolve 1

 Just  “mi"in$”

“to acidif% the il!er nitrate”

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(v) Cream % off -hite % pale-ello precipitate


Cream % off -hite % pale-ello solid

 IGNORE  icorrect i"etificatio of this !reci!itate

 NO&E + both colour and state (of the A#Br) ee"e" 1

 Just  “'ello(” )precipitate* olid+


“white precipitate”


“(hite-%ello( precipitate”

(0) if contradictor% ober!ation $i!en, e$ “cream precipitate

and fiin$”


(vi) A#4(a) 4 Br 

 5  (a) 6 A#Br (s)

Must iclu"e state symbols ACCE.&  multi!les 1

 If NO/ 0 

 left on either ide


(b) (i) !ar" independently

#ame$ ethaol (1)

 ALLOW  0etha-1-ol

%tr&ct&ral form&la$

C78C727 or C2797 (1)

Allo "is!lae" formula ALLOW  brackets arou" the 7 2

C  2 3 O


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(ii) !ar" independently

1st mar"$

:er# of !ro"ucts, labelled, belo' that of reactats, labelled (1)

 Note if the or"s ;reactats' a" ;!ro"ucts' are ritte, i#ore a


 Note if the or"s ;reactats' a" ;!ro"ucts' are ot ritte, both

formulae of the reactats a" both formulae of the !ro"ucts must

 be #ive. (Na4 ios ca be omitte".)

2nd mar"$

Sha!e of !rofile ith oe ;hum!' (1)

3rd mar"$

Activatio eer# % 0 E a correctl sho 'ith a sinleheaded arro'

to the !eak (or close to it) (1)


 Maxwell-Boltzmann curve scores (0) for (b)(ii)

 Double-heae arro( ho(in$ E a


(c) (i) Chlorofluorocarbo

Acce!t ..flouro< s!elli# 1


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(iii) *+,

!ar" independently

1st mar"$

4 8 6 22

 IGNORE  a state smbols (1)



(chlorie free ra"ical acts as a) catalyst (1)

-ast 3 mar"s$

a three from+

= (the chlorie free ra"ical) !ersists i the atmos!here %

cotiues to attack % is re#eerate" % (starts) a chai

reactio (1)

 NO&E 4 chai reactio' ma be "escribe" i terms of a chlorie ra"ical

 breaki# "o ma % a lar#e umber of % a s!ecifie" umber of, e#

1>,>>>, 8 (molecules).

 NO&E5 As ritte, this res!ose also ears the scori# !oit relati#

to o?oe "e!letio.

= less o?oe % o?oe "ecreases % causes hole(s) i o?oe

laer % break"o of o?oe (laer) % "ama#es o?oe laer 

% "e!letes o?oe laer (1)

= / (reachi# :arth's surface) icreases % less @ absorbe"

% (more) / reaches :arth's surface (1)

= causes (ski) cacer%mutatio % DNA "ama#e occurs (1)

 IGNORE  a refereces to 0#lobal armi# % 0reehouse :ffect 9 If Cl6 and * or ClO6 left in e7uation


O/ 8 /O

 Just  )9:+ “harmful”


(") (i) 3he C- bo" is (ver) stro#

C- bo" is (much) har"er to break tha the C-Cl bo"


@%ra"iatio "oes ot have eou#h eer# %"oes ot have (hi#h)

eou#h fre*uec 1

 An% mention of electrone$ati!it%


mention of bond polarit% core (0)

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(ii) *+,

(lo# avele#th) / %ifrare" ra"iatio (1)

3he molecule is !olar 

(the molecule) cha#es its !olarit/ 

0!olar bo"s

vibratioal eer#%vibratios of the bonds % stretchi# or 

 be"i# icreases

(/ causes) bonds to vibrate (1)

!ar"s are stand alone 2

9: * ultra!iolet 

 Just $molecule !ibrate” (0)[22]


. C[1]


10. (a) B 1


(b) A 1


(c) D 1[3]


11. B[1]


12. A[1]


13. C[1]

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14. (a) M#C8(s) 4 27Cl(a*) 6 M#Cl2(a*) 4 72(l) 4 C2(#)

A$$& M#C8(s) 4 274(a*) 6 M#

24(a*) 4 C2(#) 472(l)

All formulae a" balaci# (1)

State smbols 5 mark i"e!e"etlE ca be #ive eve if e# M#Cl2

formula icorrect or for 72C8(a*)(1)


(s) 4 274(a*)6 C2(#) 472(l) (1 mark ma)

A$$& 1 missi#%icorrect state smbol 2


(b) A to from

Bubbles (of #as)% fi??i#% effervescece (1)

Soli" "isa!!ears% "isite#rates %#ets smaller %"issolves

/ M#C8 "isa!!ears (if #ive as soli" i (i)) (1)

N/: clear solutio formsMiture #ets armer%cooler / tem!erature cha#e occurs% heat

cha#e occurs(1) 2

Carbon dio"ide *$a $i!en off 

 .recipitate form )no &E for ;$Cl )++

 <ut “e"othermic”


(c) (i) Moles aci" F ((29 G 2% 1>>>)) F >.>9%>.>9> % 9 G 1> 52

#ore uits a" sf 1


(ii) Mass M# C8 F ((>.>9 G HI.8 J 2)) F 2.1>K9% 2.1>H %2.11%2.1 (#)

A$$& 3: from (c)(i) a" (a)

A$$& Moles aci" G HI.8 J 2 for 3:(from (i) (1) (I.2(19)) if factor 

of 2 missi# for 3: from (a))

#ore sf ece!t 1 sf 

#ore uits 1

* =1)$+


(iii) 3o esure all acid reacts% all acid is use" u! % to esure !ro"uct

is eutral% it (7Cl) is eutralise" 1

 All reactant ued up &o enure reaction i complete )(ithout

reference to 2Cl+ &o enure %ield i hi$h &o enure ma$neium

carbonate i in e"ce

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(iv) ilter  

A$$& cetrifu#e% "ecat% !our off % (use) filter !a!er 

#ore commets about heati# solutio first to cocetrate it 1


Collect ;$Cl  in filter paper 

9e filter paper to dr% cr%tal



(v) 1>>L iel" F (2>8.8 G >.>29) %9.>H(29)#) (1)

iel" F



K9.8(   ×

 F 74L (1)

Mol ma#esium chlori"e F)8.2>8


F >.>1HII9%>.>1HI9%>.>1HI%>.>1H (1)

iel" F >29.>

)>1HI9.>1>>(   ×

 F 74L (1)

Seco" mark ca be #ive as 3: if e!ecte"

iel" or umber of moles is ro#.

A$$& K8.H2%K8.KH%K8.H %K8. %other asers rou"i# to KIL

from earlier a!!roimatios %K2 (from >.>1H moles)

Allo 3: from (a) a" or (c)(i) a" or (c)(ii) f the ratio 7Cl toM#Cl2 is 1+1 as 8KL (2)

f moles of 7Cl i (c)(i) are ro# (2)

f (a) a" (c)(i) are correct 8KL scores (1)

f moles M#C8 F >.>9 allo 3: #ivi# 8K% 8.L #ore sf ece!t 1 sf 2



(vi) Some stas i solutio % losses o trasferri# from oe cotaier to

aother% loss o filteri# %crstals left behi"%some left o filter !a!er etc

A oe

A$$& correct asers ith other commets hich are ot icorrecte# 0there ma be some s!illa#e a" also <<. 1

 Incomplete reaction*ide reaction Lot a (ate product Lot

to en!ironment Lot in manipulation 2%drol%i Wei$hin$

error <ut “pilla$e”


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(") (i) Not 1>>L ioic %almost com!letel ioic

(!artial) covalet character% almost o covalec

Discre!ac i B7 values i"icates !olarisatio (of ios) (1)

 ;ar# can be $i!en if an(er here refer to bond tren$th and thean(er abo!e i included in )ii+ 1

 ;a$neium chloride i co!alent ;a$neium chloride i

 partiall% ionic

 <ut “polarit% of ion”


(ii) O&C


 lar#er (tha Cl-) (1)

so (io) easier to !olarise %"istort (1)

A$$& for 2"


icreases covalet character % more covalet tha M#Cl2 % coverse

for M#Cl2 % "escri!tio of !olarisatio istea" of the term

f clearl ios, allo referece to io"ie istea" of io"i"e (0io"ie

has a lar#er io)

/ea" i coPuctio ith (i). Direct com!ariso ot ee"e" if (i)

covers bo"i# i chlori"e. 2

>ie of atom rather than ion I  i lar$er than Cl 

 I  molecule are polaried ;$ 


 i polaried  Iodine more electrone$ati!e than chlorine


(e) (i)





 F 2 G 1> 58


A$$& >.>>2(#)

1%9>> (#)

2 G 1> 5


N/: L as uit 1

1@ 58

 D @=@@@


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(ii) (More) soluble (i ater)% (more) soluble i bloo" stream% ca be #ive

as solutio% o't !ro"uce #as i stomach % o't react ith stomach

aci"% "oes't !ro"uce C2 Coverse asers for M#C8

r other vali" asers

A$$& ca be #ive i li*ui" form 1

 ;$Cl  i a li7uid 

 ;$CO/ i too reacti!e



15. C[1]


16. (a) A 1


(b) D 1[2]


17. A[1]


18. C[1]


1. (a) D 1


(b) B 1


(c) C 1[3]


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20. (a) (i) 2M#(N8)2 6 2M# 4 IN2 4 2

Correct formulae (1)

Balaci# (1)

--+ multi!les or e*uatio "ivi"e" b 2 Seco" mark o correct

s!ecies ol #ore state smbols eve if icorrect



:tra o#e molecules o both si"es i a balace" e*uatio 2


(ii) Sta" aloe marks


 % Ma#esium ion smaller or feer electro shells % #reater 

char#e "esit (1)


Ma#esium ion has same char#e (as calcium io) but is smaller (1)

Causes more !olarisatio %"istortio of itrate % aio (electro clou"s)

% NQ (bo")(1)


M# !ro"uce" has stro#er lattice (1)


 !ro"uctio of M# is more eothermic (1)

  reverse ar#umet base" o Ca24


 ;a$neium * calcium * atom * molecule


(b) 2NaN8 6 2NaN2 4 2

--+ multi!les or e*uatio "ivi"e" b 2 #ore state smbols eve if icorrect


:tra o#e molecules o both si"es i a balace" e*uatio 1


(c) No as<.

"ouble bo" oul" be shorter (tha si#le bo") % shorter tha "ative

(covalet) bo".


Structure has "ouble a" si#le bo"s (betee N a" )

Double a" si#le bo"s have "ifferet le#ths 1

 Implication that the in$le co!alent and dati!e co!alent bond

ha!e different len$th


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(") (i) Mark i"e!e"etl oes "arker (bro) (1)


oes broer 

#ore commets o miture first becomi# !aler if volume icreases

:*uilibrium moves i the e"othermic "irectio (1)


:*uilibrium moves left as forar" reactio is eothermic (1)

or seco" mark --+

:*uilibrium moves left to couteract a""itio of heat % icrease i



/eactio removes a""e" heat b movi# left (1) 2

 ro(n )$a e!ol!ed+


(ii) :*uilibrium moves ri#ht (A$$& forar"s) (so N2 cocetratio

"ecreases) (1)


/eactio re"uces !ressure (1)

As feer moles % molecules(A$$& !articles) (of #as) o /7S (1)

Sta" aloe marks 2


(e) At 32 more molecules%collisios have eer# #reater tha (or e*ual to) E A (1)

3his ca be sho o the "ia#ram b i"icati# areas to ri#ht of vertical lie

:er# must be at least E A for successful collisio % for reactio (1)

  So more collisios have sufficiet eer# to react (1)

#ore refereces to the avera#e eer# a" s!ee" of the molecules 2[12]


21. (a) (i) A h"rocarbo (solvet) % volasil % ame" h"rocarbo solvet %

tetrachloromethae ormulae 1

 Ethanol  Al#ene


(ii) /e" % bro %ora#e % amber % ello r a combiatio

 No 3: o icorrect % o rea#et 1


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(b) (i) i"atio umber of S i 72SI F (4)

i"atio umber of S i S2 F (4)I (1)

i"atio umber ha" "ecrease" (1)


S has #aie" electros for seco" mark 

Seco" mark sta"s aloe !rovi"e" oi"atio umbers have

"ecrease", eve if calculate" ro#l 2

 <ut 4> ha $ained electronF (ithout calculatin$ o"idation



(ii) Black % (shi) #re soli" (1)

Rur!le % violet % !ik va!our % fumes (1)

Smell of (ba") e##s (1)

ello soli" (1)


Bro li*ui" (1)A to 2

 .urple olid 


(iii) i"atio umber of S has re"uce" more % to 52 (i 72S) (1)

i"atio umber of S is loer i 72S (tha i S2)

f N of S i 72S is calculate" it must be correct 1


(c) Reo!le ca choose hether to take etra fluori"eA$$&

luori"e is ot release" ito the eviromet 1

 luoride can be monitored [8]


22. B[1]


23. A[1]


24. C[1]


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25. B[1]


26. A[1]


27. B[1]


28. C



2. (a)

elemet structure bo"i#

so"ium iant metallic


iant (atomic)


iant molec&lar



simple small






%8 molec&les

coalent or an

der +aals

forces -ondon







 IGNORE  the or" 0lattice   0crstallie

boes correct (3)

9,I boes correct (2)

8,2 boes correct (1)

1,> boes correct (0) 8


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(b) %i + covalet bo"s % ma bo"s%

stro# bo"s (betee atoms) (1)

% + eak forces %va "er &aals'

forces%$o"o forces%"is!ersio


forces%i"uce"-"i!ole forces (1)

(ee" to be overcome) 2

an% reference to intermolecular forces in %i 

 u$$etion that co!alent bond are bro#en


(c) *+,

Catios%ios "ecrease i si?e (from Na4 to Al



char#e icreases%char#e "esit o (cat)ios icreases% 0effectie

uclear char#e icreases (from Na4 to Al

84) (1)

more e 5 

 (!er atom i ;sea' of "elocali?e" electros) % more "elocali?e"



(force of) attractio betee (cat)ios%ucleus a" ("elocalise") electros

icreases (from Na to Al) (1)

 IGNORE  0uclear char#e icreases% 0icreasi# o. of !rotos 2

atoms decreae in ie

an% mention of “molecule”* 

“co!alent bond”* 

“!an der WaalF force”* 

“ionic bond” (0) o!erall 


(") (i) = A"" M# to aci"%react M# ith aci"%"issolve M# i aci" (1)

HNO&E + metio of heati# ot re*uire". #E ater bath%reflu

= ilter (1)

= 9eatboil filtrate %M#SI solutio (util volume re"uce"

 b half) (1)

= $eave to cool%leave to crstallise%eva!orate slol%leave

to eva!orate (1)

("ecat % filter % !ick out crstals, the)

$eave to "r%!at "r%"r betee filter !a!ers%!ut i a

ove%!ut i a "esiccator%"r the crstals (1) 9

 IGNORE a ashi# of crstals imme"iatel !rior to "ri# them

 <ut $warm&  the filtrate*;$>O olution

9e of a esiccant  )added to cr%tal+


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(ii) /ise ith (!let of) ater %use a "am! cloth or "am! (!a!er) toel %

a"" a (ame") eak alkali (e.#. soli" or a*ueous so"ium

h"ro#ecarboate) 1

 An% named tron$ al#ali*Jut “tron$ al#ali”

 (e) (i) nsol&ble stronti&m

s&lfateinsol&ble %r%4

(forms o the strotium carboate) 1


(ii) Sr  24(a*) 4 SI

25  (a*) 6 SrSI(s) s!ecies (1)

state smbols (1)

2nd mar" is c on first mar" 

Sr 24

(a*) 4 2Cl 5 

(a*) 4 2Na4(a*) 4 SI

25 (a*) 6 SrSI(s)

4 2Cl5(a*) 4 2Na4(a*)

scores (1)

SrCl2(a*) 4 Na2SI(a*) SrSI(s) 4 2NaCl(a*)

scores (1) 2[16]


30. D



31. C[1]


32. A[1]


33. B[1]


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34. (a) (i) 7"ro#e bo"i#

7"ro#e bo"(s)

7 bo"i#

7 bo"(s)


Acce!t !hoetic%icorrect s!elli# as lo# as the or" is reco#isable 1

 Not “h%dro$en” on it o(n Kipole-dipole bond .ermanent

dipole-dipole bond Co!alent bond !an der WaalF )force+

&emporar% dipole-dipole Induced dipole-dipole London force

 An% correct an(er in conJunction (ith an incorrect repone,

e$ h%dro$en dipoledipole bond=


(ii) (luorie atom) is more electroe#ative (1)

Because it has less shiel"i# % (bo"i#) electros closer to the ucleus%

smaller %has less shells (so #reater !ull from ucleus o bo"i#electros) (1)

so 7 has a (#reater) "i!ole momet%7T4

 o 7 (#reater tha o

7Br)%7 is (more) !olar (1) 8


(iii) Betee 19> 5 1H> (U)

Acce!t a ra#e ithi the ra#e e.#. ;19>-1K>' 1


(b) (i) Because !ro!aoe has both !olar a" o !olar characteristics%caform both $o"o forces a" 7 bo"s%ca form $o"o forces a"

"i!ole-"i!ole forces &33: (1)

$o"o forces ca be "escribe" as a "er &aals


3em!orar "i!ole-"i!ole stataeous "i!ole-i"uce" "i!ole 1


(ii) +ater$

7"ro#e bo"s ith the (o#e of the) carbol #rou!%7 bo"s to

the o#e (1)


$o"o forces ith methl #rou!s%carbo chai%C7 #rou!s% 7 atoms (1)

Both forces #ive allo (1) 2

Carbon atom[8]


35. (a) (i) @se of heat (1)

3o break "o (a reactat)%oe reactat ito more tha oe !ro"uct (1) 2


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(ii) CaC8(s) 6 Ca(s) 4 C2(#)

Allo correct multi!les 1


(iii) rou! 2 carboates are more (thermall) stable as ou #o "o the

#rou! (1)

as the catios #et bi##er%char#e "esit #ets less%catio has more shells (1)

So have less of a !olarisi# effect%"istortio o the carboate

(io)%less of a eakei# effect o C5 (1)

2" a" 8r" marks c* o first 8

 ;etal $et bi$$er*element $et bi$$er 

Carbonate molecule


(b) (i) ora#e 1


 An% colour in conJunction (ith oran$e


(ii) (1H.>%1>>> G >.1>>) F 1.H G 1> 58

 %>.>>1H%2 G 1> 58


 IGNORE  sf a" uits eve if icorrect 1


(iii) (9>%1>>> G >.1>>) F 9 G 1> 58


f ca"i"ate fails to "ivi"e b 1>>> i both (b)(ii) a" b(iii) !ealise

ol oce

Moles 7Cl reacte" F 8.2 G 1> 58

 (ca #et first mark here if 9 G 1> 58

ot sho above)

So moles Ca F 1. G 1> 58



Allo 3: from b (ii) 2


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(iv) Mass Ca F (1. G 1> 58

 G 9.1) F >.>HH # (1)

L !urit F >.>HH%>.121 G1>> F KI.2L (1)

Allo L calculate" i terms of moles e.# moles of Ca shoul"

 be >.121 G 9.1 F >.>>219H (mol) (1)

L !urit F >.>>1%>.>>219H F KI.2L (1)


F (1. 1> 58

 G 9)

F >.>H # (1)

L !urit F >.>H%>.121 G1>> F KI.>L (1)

Allo 3: of icorrect moles of Ca from (b)(iii)

Allo 3: from icorrect mass of Ca if aser is V1>>L

>.> # a" KI.IL is 1 out of 2 (rou"i# too soo) 2 An% M purit% (ithout / f for econd mar# 


(c) (i) (Clea) ichrome%!latium ire%ceramic ro"%silica%ickel%chrome ro" (1)

( coc.) 7Cl%7Cl(a*)%"ilute 7Cl (1)

7eat%!lace i (blue Buse) flame (1) 8

 ;etal loop*inoculatin$ loop*$la rod*il!er*patula

 .lace in %ello( unen flame*burn


(ii) Barium%Ba%Ba24



36. (a) (i) (1s2)2s




 ALLOW  subscri!ts

 IGNORE  ca!ital letters

 ALLOW  2! as ! ! !? ith to e- i each 1

 Noble $a core


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(ii) (1s2)2s





 ALLOW  subscri!ts

 IGNORE  ca!ital letters

 ALLOW  2! as ! !


? ith to e- i each

 ALLOW  8! as ! ! !? ith to, to, oe ei

each 1

 Noble $a core


(b) (i) M#(s) 4 Cl2(#)  M#Cl2(s)

S!ecies a" balaci# (1)

State smbols CO o correct s!ecies (1)



 4 2Cl(#)


 scores (1) 2


(ii) oic % electrovalet

 IGNORE  0lattice%bo"i#%#iat 1


(iii) Correct umber of electros o each io (1)

Correct char#es a" smbols for each io (1)

Correct ratio of ios (1)


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 '"  all "ots or all crosses

 '"  correct char#es sho outsi"e the ios

 '"  Cl 5 

 correctl ith 02 i frot or after the Cl 5 


 An% co!alenc% ho(n (0)

i=e= an% o!erlap of circle )e=$= ;$ (ith a Cl or a Cl (ith a Cl+

 core (0) overall  , e!en if correct char$e on ion and*or 

ratio of ion ha been ho(n


(c) (iat) metallic % metal 1


(") *+,

Ma#esium ion % M#24

 has a lar#er char#e ("esit) (tha the so"ium io % Na4)


Ma#esium%M#%M# atom%M#24

 (io) cotributes to electros%more electros

(to the 0sea of electros) (1)

ma#esium ios % M#24

 smaller (tha so"ium ios) (1)



 is smaller tha Na4 oul" score first 2 marks above

ma#esium ios % M#24

 have #reater attractio for (0sea of) electros

(tha so"ium ios % Na4)


More eneryheat re*uire" to overcome (attractive) forces%bo"s

(betee catios a" 0sea of electros) i ma#esium (com!are"

to so"ium) (1)

Mark each !oit i"e!e"etl 8

 An% reference to the bondin$ bein$ ionic core (0) o!erall 

 An% reference to “molecule”*intermolecular force core

(0) o!erall 

 J*%+  “tron$er bond in ;$”

 J*%+  “tron$er bond in ;$”[12]


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37. (a) :thal! % (heat) eer# % heat re&ired


ethal! % (heat) eer# % heat chane (1)

to remove oe electro (1)

from each atom of one mole of aseo&s atoms +::E (1)

(e.#. 0eer# re*uire" to remove oe mole of electros from oe mole

of #aseous atoms scores all three marks)


3he e*uatio+

W(#)  W4

(#) 4 e 5 

scores the last t'o marks. 8

“Ener$% ,iven out =”

 for firt mar#= If an incorrect e7uation i $i!en

after a correct definition, (2)



(b) Na4

(#)  Na24

 (#) 4 e 5 


 Na4 (#) 5 e

 5   Na

24 (#)

S!ecies (1) '"  0e; for <e; State smbols (1)

2" mark is CO o 1st

3he folloi# score ma (1)+

W4 (#)  W

24 (#) 4 e

 5  (1)


W4 (#) 5 e

 5   W

24 (#) (1)

 Na(#)  Na24

 (#) 4 2e 5 


 Na(#)  Na4 (#) 4 e

 5  (1)


 Na4 (#) 4 e

 5   Na

24 (#) (1)


 Na4 (#) 5 e

 5   Na

24 (#) 4 e

 5  (1) 2



 )$+ B e 0 

  NaB )$+ (0)


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(c) (i)

Correct lie aloe ca score all 8 marks ith o !oits s!ecificall

 !lotte" 8


(ii) *+,

More !rotos % #reater uclear 

char#e%!roto umber icreases (1)

 ALLOW  0effective uclear char#e icreases across the Rerio"

o&ter electros i same shell % eer# level   same shiel"i#   similar shiel"i#   "ecrease i atomic ra"ius   outer electro closer to

ucleus   attracti# the same umber of (occu!ie") electro shells %

eer# levels (1)

#reater (force of) attractio betee ucleus a" (outer) electro(s) %

(outer) electro(s) hel" more stro#l b ucleus (1)

Mark each !oit i"e!e"etl 8

 Just  “increain$ atomic number”


(iii) (utermost) electron i (8-)p

s&b-shell%s&b-level%orbital (1)

of hi#her eer#

  (sli#htl) shiel"e" b (8-)s (electros)

  (sub-shell) further from ucleus (1)

 N3:+ Realise use of the terms 0s-shell or 0!-shell once ol. 2


(") S 5 

 S S4



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38. A[1]


3. C[1]


40. D[1]


41. C



42. B[1]


43. B[1]


44. C[1]


45. D[1]



(46. A[1]


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47. A[1]


48. A[1]


4. (a) (i) Rroce"ure+ l oe titratio carrie" out% o check o

accurac of titratio

1>>> cm8 volume to lar#e to fit i titratio flask (1)

/ecor"i#+ Di" ot recor" burette rea"i#s to >.>9 cm8

%1 "ecimal !lace % sufficiet !recisio % recor"i#ol oe si#ificat fi#ure i a titratio rea"i# (1) 2


(ii) I.9 G 1> 59

 % I.K G 1> 59

 % >.>>>>I9 % >.>>>>IK (mol) 1


(iii) 2.8 G 1> 59

 % >.>>>>28

/ ca"i"ates aser to (ii) "ivi"e" b 2 1


(iv) 2.8 G 1> 59

 % >.>>>>28 mol "m 58

/ ca"i"ates aser to (iii) 1


(b) (i) O&C

edo= as chlorie removes%#ais electros from the metal

(a" is re"uce") (1)

A" metal #ives%loses electros to the chlorie (a" is oi"ise") (1)

/e"o is essetial i or"er to score both marks

3he #ai % loss of electros ca be aar"e" from to ioic

half e*uatios. 2


(ii) Chlorie is (hi#hl) toic%!oisoous%irritat

/ chlorie has a u!leasat smell (1) 1


(iii) Ca(Cl)2 (1) 1


(iv) O&C

Cl is oi"ise" from 4I (i Cl2) to 49 (i 7Cl8) (1)

a" is re"uce" (from 4I) to 41 (i 7Cl) (1) 2


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(c) *+,

A of the five !oits belo as lo# as the are lo#icall coecte"

a" use correct scietific termiolo# !lus 1 mark for a e*uatio

to a maimum of marks.

= CCs are #reehouse #ases= because their "i!ole momet cha#es he the vibrate

= a" so cotribute to #lobal armi#

= "e!letio of the o?oe laer 

= causes less o?oe to absorb @ ra"iatio (from the su) %

icrease i @ reachi# the earth's surface

= causes ski cacer % mutatios

= CCs ("ecom!ose !hotolticall to) !ro"uce free ra"ical

chlorie atoms% Cl ra"icals

= /eco#itio that oe Cl ra"ical ca cause the "estructio

of ma thousa"s of o?oe molecules % or metio of 

chai reactio

:*uatios Cl= 4 8 → Cl

= 4 2

Cl= 4

= → Cl

= 4 2

:ither e*uatio or other relevat e*uatio (1) [17]


50. (a)

i r s t i o i s a t i o e e r # ( o f t h e e l e m e t s $ i t o N e

I > >

M > >

H > >

1 > > >

1 2 > >

1 I > >

1 M > >

1 H > >

2 > > >

2 2 > >

2 I > >

$ i B e B C N . N e

: l e m e t s




   r   #



eeral icrease, starti# ith carbo above boro (1)

Di! from N to ol (1) 2

 Accept line Joinin$ point do not need to be dra(n in=

 Accept a !er% mall drop from N to O


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(b) = 3he n&clear char#e%!roto umber icreases % becomes more !ositive (1)

= 3he (ier shell) shiel"i# is the same%same umber of ier shell

electros% o or little icrease i shiel"i# (1)


= &ter electro closer to ucleus %atomic ra"ius "ecreases %si?eof atom "ecreases


= electros bei# remove" are i same shell


= &ter electros are i same shell (1) 8

 ReJect Atomic Number increain$ 


(c) boro the etra electro is i a ! orbital %e sub-shell (1)


&hich has etra shiel"i# (b the s orbital electros)


&hich is at a hi#her eer# (level tha the s orbital i Be) (1) 2

 Accept re!ere ar$ument for ber%llium

 ReJect hell for ub-hell 

 ReJect an(er that refer to full hell bein$ left do not core

 econd mar# 

 urther from the nucleu[7]


51. (a) (i) (!ale) #ree 1

 Accept apple $reen

 Accept %ello()%+ $reen

 ReJect blue $reen


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(ii) Crimso 1

 Accept red 

 Accept carlet 

 Accept carmine

 Accept depth of red colour e=$=

 Kar# red  Keep red 

 .ale red 

 Li$ht red 

 ri$ht red 

 ReJect red (ith an% other colour e=$=






(b) Ba






F >.92 F 1.1H

1 2

 Accept di!idin$ b% / core (0) unless their table i headed b%

O , then an(er aO core ()

Correct orki# lea"i# to aser Ba2 (1)

but if thi i the cae aO core (0)

&orki# must be sho a" fial formula #ive for 2 marks

Ba2 ithout orki# 1 mark 2

 ReJect an% an(er di!idin$ b% atomic number (0)

&hi lead to aO


(c) (i) Ba 4 272 6 Ba(7)2 4 72

#ore state smbols eve if the are ro# 1

 Accept multiple

 ReJect e7uation baed on aO


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(ii) = ets arm

 Accept heat produced 

= :ffervescece%fi??i#% bubbles%mist

 Accept bubble of h%dro$en

= Ba siks%moves u! a" "o %Does ot float

Gi!e one mar# for ober!ation from each bullet point to ma" of

8 asers #ive, oe ro# scores (1)

8 asers #ive, to ro# scores ?ero

#ore metio of Steam%steam fumes

Ba #ets smaller 

Ba "isa!!ears

oes clou" % !reci!itate

as%h"ro#e evolve" is ot a observatio 2

 ReJect reference to flame ReJect melt

 Kahe about on urface are (ron$ an(er


(iii)  Red litmu (#oes) blue% 0(6) blue


blue litmu ucha#e"%stas blue%o effect%othi# 1[8]


52. (a) (i) I$iN8 6 2$i2 4 IN2 4 2

S!ecies (1)

Balace (1)

 Not sta" aloe co"itioal o correct s!ecies 2

 Accept or fraction* multiple


(ii) 2CsN8 6 2CsN2 4 2

Correct balace" e*uatio 1

 Accept or fraction* multiple


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(b) (i) 3here must be a commet about both barium a"

calcium to score both marks

Barium oul" react to !ro"uce a (colourless)%(clear)

solutio "oes ot #ive a !!t.% clear (1)

 Allo( a and Ca in ar$ument 

 Accept barium h.roxie diol!e

 ReJect $oe colourle

Calcium oul" #o clou" %#ive (hite) !!t. (1)

:.#. Calcium oul" #o clou" but barium (#oes) clear (2) 2

 ReJect other colour


(ii) soluble% soli"%laer % coati# of bari&m s&lphate

forme" (1) allo e*u ith BaSI(s)

Must sa hat the coati# is sice *uestio sas use

iformatio i table

&hich !revets acid #etti# to surface (of barium) (1)


 mark co"itioal o 1st ee" some i"ea that a

substace is forme" that #eerates a barrier to further reactio 2

 If candidate ue (ord ppt mut be clear that thi i on the

 urface of the barium or caue interference

 ReJect a>O unreacti!e

 ReJect barium diappear

 An% reference that implie barium all ued up or (a a !er%

 mall piece or acid not in e"ce or reaction o!er core ero

 ReJect reference to other la%er uch a o"ide*h%dro"ide


(c) soluble (1) 1


(") Ca(s) 4 274(a*) 6 Ca

24(a*) 4 72(#)

1 mark for e*uatio

1 mark for state smbols 2

 Accept tate %mbol mar# for correct molecular e7uation

Ca)+ B 2Cl)a7+ 8 /a/l 2(a) B 2  )$+ core ()



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53. (a) A statemet that meas the umber #ets less


Decrease (i oi"atio umber of a elemet)

/e"uctio of N

$oeri# of N

N becomes more e#ativeN becomes less !ositive 1

 ReJect 4JutF Gain of electron


(b) (i) 2NaBr 4 372SI 6 2 Na7SI 4 S2 4 Br 2 4 272

2NaBr 4 372SI 6 2 Na7SI 4 <S2 4 < Br 2 4 272

2NaBr 4 372SI 6 2 Na7SI 4 1S2 4 1Br 2 4 272 1


(ii) 72SI + 4 % % % 4

7SI 5 

+ 4 % % % 4

S2 + 4I%I% % I4

72S + 52 % 5 % 25 

All four correct 2 marks

A 8 correct 1 mark 2

 ReJect upercript B e=$ > 3B


(iii) Cha#e i N of S icreases "o (hali"e) #rou! (1)

$ik all three cha#es to actual umbers ith hali"e (1)

Cose*uetial o asers to !art(ii) 2

Correct an(er referrin$ to onl% t(o halide core 1 mar# 

 If ref to halo$en loe econd mar# [6]


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54. (i) :thal! cha#e he 1 mol of #aseous ios (1)

 Accept ener$% or heat 

 ReJect an% implication of an endothermic proce

e=$= ener$% re7uired 

 ReJect “=1 mol of $aeou atoms”

is "issolve" such that further "ilutio causes o

further heat cha#e (1)

 Accept “added to (ater”*”react (ith (ater” intead of


 ReJect Jut “h%drated”

 ReJect Jut “completel% h%drated”

N/: 0sta"ar" co"itios

 Accept i diol!ed to form an infinitel% dilute olution

OR I diol!ed in a lar$e*e"ce*infinite amount of (ater 

!ar" each aspect independently 2


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(ii) E:9E 

X 2 >OLN  F (5X 2  LE  4 X 2  2'K) (1)

:!ressio *uote" or correctl use" i at least oe of 

the calculatios belo

 Accept an(er onl% (ith no (or#in$ ()

X 2 >OLN   ;$>OI F 5(52HKI) 4 (512>)

F 49I (kY mol 51

) (1)

X 2 >OLN  F a>OI F 5(528KI) 4 (518>)

F 41>1I (kY mol 51

) (1)

 Accept an(er onl% (ith no (or#in$ ()

:thal! of solutio of M#SI less e"othermic%more

eothermic%more e#ative tha for BaSI, so M#SI

more soluble tha BaSI (or reverse ar#umet) (1)

 ReJect  !ust “olubilit%*2  oln depend on a balance bet(een

lattice and h%dration ener$ie”


(both) lattice eer#ies and h"ratio ethal!ies

"ecrease from M#SI to BaSI (or "o #rou!) (1)

 Accept “&he h%dration ener$ie decreae fater==”

 ReJect )0+P@@ and )0+P3@ tated (ithout further e"planation

(but) lattice eer#ies cha#e less (1)

X 2 >OLN  F (5X 2  LE  4 X 2  2'K) (1) state" i or"s or smbols

 ReJect  !ust “olubilit%*2  olution depend on a balance bet(een

lattice and h%dration ener$ie”

so X 2 sol less eothermic%more e"othermic%more

 !ositive for BaSI so less soluble

/ so X 2 sol more eothermic%more e#ative%less

e"othermic for M#SI so M#SI more soluble (1) I



55. (a) (i) Br  2(a*) 4 72(l) 274(a*) 4 Br 

 5 (a*) 4 Br

 5 (a*)

formulae (1)

 balaci# (i#ore state smbols) (1) 2

 Accept 2 B)a7+ B r 

 0 )a7+ B 2rO)a7+* rO2 

 2 B)a7+ B rO

 0 )a7+ B 2r )a7+

 If 2r B 2rO, 2 B mut be croed out 


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(ii) reactio is reversible%e*uilibrium (reactio)

ca #o backar" a" forar"%ca #o both as%occurs i

 both "irectios 1

 Accept re!erable ()

 (iii) bromie has bee both oi"ise" a" re"uce" (1)

must metio bromie (Br%Br 2 for first mark)

from > to 41 a" 51 (1) 2

 Accept r o"idation number both increaed and decreaed

 *$oe up and do(n

 ReJect bromine $oe to B1 and 01

mut ho( from @

 ReJect ar$ument baed on OILRIG

 Incorrect identification of o"*red i=e= o" i @ 8 01 

(iv) Cl2(#) 4 2Br  5 

(a*) 6 2Cl 5 

(a*) 4 Br 2(a*)

formulae (1)

 balaci# a" state smbols (1)

seco" mark "e!e"et o first uless correct but o ioic

e*uatio #ive

Cl2(#) 4 2UBr(a*) 6 2UCl(a*) 4 Br 2(a*) 2

 Accept r )l+

 Accept multiple

 ReJect Cl )a7+

 ReJect r  )$+ rQ)a7+


(b) (i) Sul!hur from 4I to 4 %I4 to 4 %I to (1)

Bromie from > to 51 (1)

Acce!t ame or smbol (S or Br or Br 2) 2

 Accept o"idation and reduction tranpoed but correct number

( out of 2)

 Element correctl% identified but incorrect number

(out of 2) Accept ulfur, ulpher, ulfer 


(ii) Br  2 4 272 4 S2 6 I74 4 2Br 

 5  4 SI

25 1

 Accept multiple[10]


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56. (a) (i) Ba 4 272 6 Ba(7)2 4 72

 IGNORE tate %mbol 1

 Accept multiple

 ReJect a B 2 O 8 aO B 2 


(ii) NaCl 4 72SI 6 Na7SI 4 7Cl


2NaCl 4 72SI 6 Na2SI 4 27Cl

 IGNORE tate %mbol 1

 Accept multiple

 ReJect 2Na>O


(b) (i) ree%!ale #ree%a!!le #ree 1

 Accept %ello(-$reen

 ReJect an% mention of blue e=$= blue $reen OR an% other colour 


(ii) /e" 1

 Accept deep*dar# red * carmine*crimon *carlet 

 ReJect lilac

 ReJect an% mention of lilac e=$= lilac-red OR an% other colour 

 (c) Electrons (absorb heat%eer#) a" are !romote" to hiher eer#

levels (1)

as the drop back%"o (1)

:mit ra"iatio (of characteristic colour)

OR emit li#ht (1) 8

 Accept “e"cited*$o” intead of “promoted”

 Accept “orbital*hell” intead of “ener$% le!el”

 ReJect if an% reference to aborption pectra

e=$= li$ht aborbed (0) ReJect )produce+ colour (0)


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(") Rerceta#e o#e (F I9.1) (1)

J Ar (1)

:m!irical formula F U2 (1)


Rerceta#e of o#e F I9.1 (1)


9I. I9.1 (1)

8 1

1.I1 2.H2

U2 (1) 8

 Accept ue of atomic number 2 max 

 Accept ue of “O” ;r / but onl% if $i!e formula SO )for 1

mars +

 ReJect mole calculation 0 then in!erted, no cone7uential

mar#in$ on formula[10]


57. (a) 72SI 4 NaCl 6 Na7SI 4 7Cl%

72SI 4 2NaCl 6 Na2SI 4 27Cl 2

 Either !erion

>tate %mbol )I$nore thee+


 2 2>OI B NaCl 8 Na>OI B 2 2 Cl )@+

Correct formulae (1) Balace" (1)

Seco" mark "e!e"s o first bei# correct

correct formulae (ith an additional e"itin$ molecule

e$ 2 2 , >O2 ;a" 1


(b) (i) Sul!hur+ from 4 to 4I (1)

Bromie+ from 51 to > (1) 2

 Accept i$n after !alue, Roman numeral

 Incorrect i$n


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(ii) crease i o umber of bromie F 2 G 1 % 2 (1)

ne S "ecreases i o umber b 2 (1)

Must be clear that oe S atom is ucha#e"%ol oe S

cha#es for seco" mark.

$ook for oi"atio o. ritte u"er elemets i e*uatio 2

 Accept increae in o"idation number of r D decreae ino"idation number of >, (ithout pecif%in$ !alue ()

 ReJect e"planation in term of electron


(c) (i) oi# "o #rou!

 Number of electros icreases (1)

 Accept re!ere ar$ument $oin$ up $roup

 ReJect ar$ument baed on 7uantum hell=

So a "er &aals force (betee molecules) icreases (1)

 I$nore comment on radiu of atom 2

 ReJect !d( for :an der Waal


(ii) Boili# !oit betee 2>> a" 8>> (U) (1)

 0?/ to B? if !alue 7uoted in ZC 

7"ro#e bo"i# is !reset (1)

Stro#er forces betee molecules %stro#er itermolecular 

forces (tha i other h"ro#e hali"es.) (1) 8

 Accept pt 1PP 0 1?P)S+ (ith e"planation that there are fe(er

electron in 2 for ma"imum 1 mar#= Accept boilin$ point in correct ran$e, (ith comment on much

 tron$er dipole in 2 and tron$er intermolecular force (2)[11]


58. (i) /e"%brick-re"%ora#e-re" (1)

 NO&  ;ra#e' o its o

ello (1) 2

 ALLOW oran$e 

(ii) electros !romote" (b heat%flame to a hi#her level) (1)

 NO& electros ecite"

fall back "o%retur (1)

emit li#ht (1) 8[5]


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5. (a) Ar

8 " I s



8 " I s


Allo istea" of a" ↓ istea" of 2


(b) orms ion(s) hich have a !artiall / a icom!letel fille"

d -(sub)shell / d-orbital(s) 1


(c) (i) Dative (covalet) / co-or"iate (1)

Covalet (1) 2


(ii)  Ni( 2 2O)24

 4 2 N2 8 →  Ni(O2 )2( 2 2OI) 4 2 N2 +I


 Ni( 2 2O)24

 4 2 N2 8 →  Ni(O2 )2 4 I 2 2O 4 2 N2 +I


 Ni( 2 2O)24

 4 2O2  5 

 →  Ni(O2 )2( 2 2OI) 4 2 2 2O


 Ni( 2 2O)24

 4 2O2  5 →  Ni(O2 )2 4  2 2O

 IGNORE  state smbols

 IGNORE  missi# s*uare brackets i a formula 1 

(iii) 74 remove" (b N78 / 7

 5 ) (1)

rom (72) liands (1)

 N3 Pust from 0com!le 2


(iv) $i#a" echa#e

/ li#a" re!lacemet

/ li#a" substitutio 1


(v)  Ni(O2 )2( 2 2O)I 4  N2 8 →  Ni( N2 8)24

 4 2O2  5 

4 I 2 2O


 Ni(O2 )2 4  N2 8 →  Ni( N2 8)24

 4 2O2  5 

Allo formatio of  Ni( N2 8)I24

  /  Ni( N2 8)I( 2 2O)224

catio forme" (1)

 balaci# e*uatio (1) 2


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(c)  IGNORE tate %mbol

W+ 272 4 2 4 Ie(−)

 → I7− (1)  OR [ this OR multi!les (1)

+ e → e24

 4 2e(−)

 % e − 2e(−)

 → e24


 I and ' not identified (out of 2)iro() h"roi"e  (1)

 ALLOW  e(7)2 % e(7)2(72)I 8


(") covalet bo"s labelle" (1)

"ative bo"s labelle" OR sho as arros (1)

 ALLOW dot and cro dia$ram (2)

>tructure (ith e-e bond doe not core firt t(o mar#

3etrahe"ral (arou" e) (1)

 ALLOW $ood /-K dia$ram dependent on co!alent*dati!e bond around e

 If Al Cl 3  ALLOW  ma= 2 (o&t of 3)

 An% mention of ionic 0 (o&t of 3) 8


(e) (i) a"" (a*ueous) so"ium h"roi"e % ammoia (1)  ALLOW 7 5 


re"%bro%fo re"%re"-bro%rust !!t%soli" (1)


a"" (a*ueous) !otassium heacaoferrate()%heacaoferrate()

ios (1)

(Rrussia) blue pptsolid (1)   ALLOW reult for near mi pellin$ of rea$ent 


a"" (a*ueous) !otassium thiocaate (1)

 bloo" re" (solutio) (1)  NO& !!t 2


(ii) e84

 !olarises the (7 bo" i ater) li#a"s (1)


 4 72 → e(7)(72)924

 4 784

OR in (ord

e# "e!rotoatio (of the li#a") by the (solvet) ater  (1)

the 784 % 7

4(a*) ios make the solutio aci"ic (1)  stan alone 8



61. (a) A set of !ro!erties%!atter%tre" hich is re!eate"% recurs (1)

 or the 1 t 

 mar# there mut be an idea of repetition

each !erio"%after a iterval (1)

 ALLOW  0after ever ei#ht%ei#htee elemets

0 Repeatin$ trend each period  (2) 2


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(b) 7i#h values o left% for metals and lo values o ri#ht% for o-metals

 ALLOW  "ecrease across !erio"%icrease from rou! 1 to 8, the


 ALLOW  0hi$h !alue on the left of the taircae, lo( on ri$ht 

 NO&  Pust 0increae then deceae 1


(c) Melti# !oit% boili# !oit%(first) ioisatio eer#% atomic volume%

X 2 fusio%X 2 va!orisatio

 ALLOW  "esit% electroe#ativit% ioic ra"ius% atomic ra"ius% thermal


 NO&  state% t!e of bo"i#% umber of electros% mass 1[4]


62. (a) Ca 4 272 6 Ca(7)

2 4 7

2formula Ca(7)2  (1)

correct e*uatio (1)

i$nore tate %mbol

incorrect %mbol for calcium, penalie once

 'n. one from each line (max 2)

ets arm (1)

:ffervescece % fi??i#%bubbles % mist%steam % bobs u! \ "o (1)

hite !!t % hite soli" % clou" % milk % hite sus!esio (1)

Ca "isa!!ears % #ets smaller % "issolves (1)

 If more than t(o an(er $i!en and one or more (ron$  ma= 1 I


(b) creases 1


(c) (i) 2I.I % I> F >.1 1K.1 % 1I F 1.22 9H.9 % 1 F 8.

if rounded to 1dp, mut be correct 

(>.1 % >.1) F 1 (1.22 % >.1) F 2 (8. % >.1) F

(3herefore it is CaN2)

 penalie ue of atomic number once

 OR first correct L (1), et to correct (1) e.#.




1>>I>LCa   =









1>>2HL N




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(ii) Catio%#rou! 2 io (ra"ius) lar#er (1)

same char#e state" or sho (1)

loer char#e "esit%char#e+si?e ratio of io aar"   (1)

of first to marks

 !olarises % "istorts

aio % itrate % e#ative io (1)

 NO&  Pust 0!olarisi#


$: of oi"e a" itrate "ecrease "o the #rou! (1)

$: of oi"e "ecreases faster (1)

So itrate becomes more stable relative to oi"e (1) 8[10]


63. (a) Substace hich acce!ts%#ais electros (from aother s!ecies) %

hich removes electros 1


(b) (i) luorie % 2

 ACCE.&   lourie % lurie % lorie

 NO&   or l2 1


(ii) (/e" % bro % ora#e (or combiatio) a" % or volatile) li*ui" 1


(c) /e"%bro % ora#e or combiatios of these colours NO&  ello or a other colours

Steam % mist (fumes)

 NO&  hite

 If incorrect product lin#ed to ober!ation (0) 1


(") 41 % 14 % 4 % 4 %

49 % 94% 4 % 4 %

04 can be ub or upercript  2


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(e) 27 5 

 4 Cl2 6 Cl 5 

 4 Cl 5 

 4 72


7 5 

 4 8Cl2 69Cl 5 

 4 Cl8 5 

 4 872

Chlorie s!ecies ie Cl2 , Cl 5 

 , Cl 5 

  or Cl2 , Cl 5 

, Cl8 5 


 ALLOW  Cl2, NaCl, NaCl % NaCl8

Balaci# (1)

Correct ionic e7uation onl%, pectator ion  (0)

:!laatio i terms of oi"atio umber e.#. chlorie

(allo Cl2 % Cl) is oi"ise" > to 41 (1)  a" is re"uce"

from > to 51 (1)

 ALLOW f chlorie 0#oes from > to 41 a" > to 51 (1 o&t of 2)

Cone7uential on the diproportionation e7uation I


(f) (i) Cl(#) 4 e 5 

 6 Cl 5 

 (#)s!ecies (1)

state smbols (1) > onl% for correct e7uation and 

W(#) 4 e 5 

 6 W 5 

 (#) ma= 1 2


(ii) (io a" electro) both e#ativel char#e"

OR electro a""e" to a e#ative io

(eer# re*uire" to overcome) re!ulsio 2[14]


64. (a) (i) orms ions hich have !artiall fille" d -orbitals


orms ios hich have a !artiall fille" d -subshell 1


(ii) Sca"iur % Sc and ]ic % ] 1


(b) (i) e24

 Ar 8"


 Ar 8"9

  (1)  for both correct  1

(ii) e84

 is 8"9 % half fille" d -subshell hich is more stable tha 8"



 is (alrea") 8"9 (hich is more stable tha 8"

I) (1) 2


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(c) Sha!e (1)

Bo"i# to correct atoms (1)

(I5) (I5)

 N C

 N C






. /

 N C


 N C







(") 3o As atoms oi"ise" from 48 to 49 !er mole of As28

(loss of Ie 5 

) (1)

∴if 9 moles oi"ise", total 2>e 5 

 $ost % cha#e i oi"atio o. F 2> (1)

∴I moles MI 5 

 re"uce", total 2>e 5 

 #aie" % cha#e i oi"atio o. 2>

∴each M() #ais 9e 5 

 % cha#e i oi"atio o. 9 (1)

∴M(ll) % M24

  (1)   NO& tandalone mar#  I


(e) (i) 8 5 

 4 274 % 278

4 → 2

4 4 72 % 872 1

(ii) No because oi"atio o. of is 49 i 24 % i"atio o. of

ucha#e" (at 49) 1

(iii) irst #ree colour + 24 and 

24  (1)

Seco" #ree colour + 84

 % (72) 84


iolet colour + 24

 % (72) 24

, (1) 8



65. (a) 8Cl 5 

 → 2Cl 5 

 4 Cl8 5 


chlorie (i Cl 5 

) is (simultaeousl) oi"ise" from 41 to 49 (1)

a" re"uce" from 41 to 51 (1)

 If onl% o"idation number $i!en ma= 1 (o&t of 2)

 If o"idation number omitted ma= 1 (o&t of 2) 8


(b) (i) blue % black to colourless 1


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(ii) o. moles−2

82S use" F 12.9 G >. 1 % 1>>> F 1. 29 G 1>

 58  (1)

o. moles 2 F 1.29 G 1> 58

 % 2 F .29 G 1> 5I


o. moles Cl 5 

 F o. moles 12  (1)

o. moles Cl 5 

 i ori#ial 1> cm8

 F 1> G .29 G 1> 5I

 F .29 G 1> 58


o. moles Cl 5 

 i 1 "m8 F 1>> G .29 G 1>

 58 (1) F >.29 9


(iii) mass Cl2 F >.29 G K1

F II.I (#)

mar# cone7uentiall% on )ii+

mut be /=f= in final an(er  1


(c) Cl2 is the stro#er oi"isi# a#et because Cl2 oi"ises S from

(4)2 to (4) (1)

 but l2 oi"ises S from (4)2 to (4)2.9> (1) 2


O&C (") 2 oi"ises U % io"i"e to l2. or balace" e*uatio (1)

ll2 reacts ith starch % !a!er to #ive blue % black (1) 2



66. (a)

R r o t o s: l e c t r o s N e u t r o s

1 H1 H2 2

( 1 )

( 1 ) 2


(b) Rositio "e!e"s o !roto umber% atomic umber (ot mass) % Ar 

atom has 1 less !roto tha U atom.

 IGNORE refereces to umber of !rotos F umber of electros 1


(c) Avera#e F 8 G 1.8I 4 8H G >.1 4 I> G H.9

1>> (1)

F 8. (1)

 01 for more or le than / > 

 IGNORE unit 2


(") 1s2 2s

2 2!


2 8!


 Numbers folloi# letters ca be subscri!t or su!erscri!t 1

s a" ! ca be u!!er or loer case


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(e) (i) Ar(#) 6 Ar  4 (#) 4 e

(5) ((#))

OR Ar(#) 5 e(5)

((#))6 Ar 4 (#)

>%mbol of Ar mut be correct  1


(ii) Rotassium value ell belo sul!hur i ra#e 29>-K9> (1)$o ioisatio eer# as electro hich is remove" is more

shiel"e" % further from the ucleus % i a hi#her eer# level (1)

 N3 Pust ;because electro is i fourth shell' 2


(iii) Sul!hur has I electros i (8) ! % !hos!horus has 8 (1)

 .lu an% one from5

:lectros i share" ! orbitals re!el (so are lost more easil)   (1)

half-fille" sub-shells are (more) stable (1)

 !hos!horus has half-fille" sub-shell (1) 2


(iv) Chlorie has more !rotos%#reater uclear char#e (1)

Shiel"i# ucha#e" %electros i same shell% electros same

"istace from ucleus (1)

Could be an(ered in term of > ha!in$ fe(er proton 2


(f) Ar#o iert % ureactive so filamet ca't react% va!orises less easil%

lasts lo#er (1) 1[14]


67. 25 

 4 72 6 27 5 

 IGNORE tate %mbol

 ALLOW if ;$ B

 ho(n on both ide 1[1]


68. (a) as % # #ree%!ale #ree%ello (1)

$i*ui" % l bro%re"-bro % ora#e % re"-ora#e  NO&  re" aloe (1)Soli" % s ("ark) #re ALLOW  black   NO&  !ur!le (1) 8

 IGNORE hin% * il!er 

 An% combination of allo(ed colour


(b) (i) UCl 4 72SI 6 U7SI 4 7Cl


2UCl 4 72SI 6 U 2SI 4 27Cl

 ALLOW multiple

 IGNORE tate %mbol 1


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(ii) i"atio umbers+ -1 (4) % (4)

 > (4) I % (4)

Char#e ca be either si"e of umber 

(1) mark for a to correct oi"atio umbers (2)

i"isi# A#et+ (cocetrate") 72SI (1)

 NO&  "ilute

i"atio o. of bromine % bromi"e % Br cha#es from -1 to > % rises


i"atio umber of s&lph&r% S cha#es from 4 to 4I % falls (1)

 ALLOW &=E= for incorrect o"idation number in the correct direction I


 IGNORE electron if in correct direction


 mar# not a(arded if incorrect o"idiin$ a$ent $i!en ETCE.& ulphur [8]


6. (a) (i) L of o#e F I9.1L (1)

9I.%8 F 1.I1 a" I9.1%1 F 2.H2 (1)

1.I1%1.I1 F 1 a" 2.H2%1.I1 F 2 (hece U2) % 1.I1 + 2.H2 ^ 1 + (1)


 ;9>& ha!e ome (or#in$ /

Correct inducti!e reaonin$ (1)

(ii) ->.9 % 5 [ % -.9 1


(b) UN8 because U 


 % !otassium io has lar#er ra"ius % is lar#er - ion eential  (1) but same char#e - tated  or S 

B and Li

B $i!en

loer char#e "esit scores 1 out of the first to marks

0Char#e "esit on it o(n (1) 9NLE>> term i e"plained  (2)

 !olarises%"istorts itrate%e#ative io%aio less (1)

OR eakes bo"s i itrate less

 N3 eakes ioic bo"

f $iN8 more stable (0) 8



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70. (a) (i) e Ar



or 8"Is2

or 8"Is2

or Is28"


e24  Ar


or 8"

or 8"Is

> (1)

 Letter d mut be lo(er cae

A a""itioal letters of umbers (0) 2


(ii) &he mar# i for the hape

 ALLOW bond to 2 of 2 O )e"cept on left ide if O2   i $i!en+

 IGNORE char$e unle incorrect  1


(iii) e(72)24

 4 27 5 

 → e(7)2(72)I 4 272



 4 27 5 

 → e(7)2 4 72

/ e*uatios ith 2Na7 as reactat a" 2Na4

 as !ro"uct IGNORE tate %mbol 1


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(iv) ree !reci!itate % soli" → fo-re" % re"-bro % bro % ora#e

 oth colour and precipitate * olid needed 

 NO& "arkes 1


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(v) N2 4 872 → % 2N78

OR e*uatio ith Cl2 1


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(b) (i) :mf of cell % !otetial "ifferece of cell cotaii# e24

 a" e (1)

and sta"ar" h"ro#e electro"e % half cell  NO&  ;S7:'

OR h"ro#e electro"e a" 1 mol "m 58

 74 a" 1 atm 72 (1)

1 mol "m 58


 IGNORE temperature 8


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O&C_(ii) :mf of h"ro#e electro"e is ?ero 5 tated or implied (e.#. if 

calculate :cell F 4>.II()) (1)

e 4 274 → e

24 4 72 (1) > e7uation tand alone

Rotetial for the reactio is !ositive so reactio is feasible (1)


74 a" ([)72 has a more 4ve electro"e !otetial tha e24 a" e (1)

74 ill oi"ise e % 7

4 is a oi"isi# a#et % e is a re"uci#

a#et for 74 % other correct re"o statemet (1)

e 4 274 → e

24 4 72 (1) > tand alone 8


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(iii) 7i#h E a so slo reactio % reactats are kieticall stable

 IGNORE an% mention of non-tandard condition 1


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(c) 2e84

 4 2 5 

 → 2e24

 4 2 or or"s :> F (?) 0.23 (1)

So  5 

 oul" re"uce e84

 % e84

 oul" oi"ise  5 

 % :> !ositive so reactio

$ → / (1)

OR reverse ar#umet (2)


84 a" e

24 has a more !ositive electro"e !otetial tha 2 a"

 5  (1)


 ill re"uce e84

 % e84

 ill oi"ise  5 

 (1) 2[15]


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71. (a) (i) M#4(#) 6 M#

24(#) 4 e

(`)((#)) % M#

4(#) - e

(`)((#)) 6 M#


:*uatio (1)

State smbols (1)


 mar# dependent on 1 t 


 0 e on (ron$ ide OR 0 1

 t  or /

rd  ioniation ener$% e7uation 7uoted OR

 0 cumulati!e 1 t 

 and nd 

 ioniation ener$% 7uoted  2

(ii) B % b 5 can be  ho(n on  $raph 1


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Dots a" crosses (1)  0 all dot* croe acceptable

 Enure that all electron are bein$ ho(n

Char#es (1) 5 nd 

 mar# independent of 1 t 


  U ion and 7uare brac#et not eential 

 ALLOW “l” for “”

 If  one of  the ion i completel% correct  )electron V char$e+ 1 (o&t of 2) 2[5]


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72. Dia#ram shoi# correct covalet a" h"ro#e bo"s (1)

$iear arou" 7 a" ater sho 0 sha!e" (1)

T4 7 a" T5  (1)

"ue to "ifferece i electroe#ativities % because both atoms small %

"escri!tio of ivolvemet of loe !air  (1) I



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(ii) Because 7 has more electros (1)  NO&  io"ie%io"i"e

 NO&  because atoms are bi##er%heavier 

it has stro#er%lar#er ind&ced "i!ole % v"& % $o"o % "is!ersio

forces (1)

more eer# is re*uire" to se!arate the molecules%break%overcome v"&

forces (1) 8


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(c) (i) Ca(s) 4 27Cl(a*) → CaCl2(a*) 4 72(l)

e*uatio (1)

state smbols cone7uential on correct e7uation (1) 2

(ii) Because the surface of the calcium oi"e #ets coate" ith

 insol&ble%s!ari#l soluble % im!ermeable calcium sul!hate

0A !rotective laer of <. ̂ im!ermeable a" coate" 1[10]


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74. Ma#esium or berllium 1[1]


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75. (a) <2!8s




2(1) I!


2(1) 2

(b) (i) Sr(#) 6 Sr  4(#) 4 e


ormulae (1)

State smbols (1) 2(ii) A$$ icreasi# (1)

Yum! betee seco" a" thir" lar#er tha betee a other !air (1) 2


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(c) Rrovi"e re" colour 1

(") (i) Sr  24


(ii) Sr(7)2 1


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(e) (i) Sr(s) 4 272() 6 Sr(7)2(a* or s) 4 72(#)

ormula, 72 a" balaci# (1)

State smbols (1) 2

(ii) Sr(7)2(s) 4 27Cl(a*) 6 SrCl2(a*) 4 272()

ormulae a" balaci# (1)

State smbols (1) 2


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(f) A umber from H to 12 iclusive 1[14]


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76.  ALLOW multiple in )i+, )ii+ and )iii+ and )c+

(a) (i) Ca → Ca24

 4 2e 5 

 % Ca 5 2e 5 

 → Ca24


(ii) 272 4 2e 5 

 → 72 4 27 5 


(iii) Ca 4 272 → Ca24 4 72 4 27 5 

r → Ca(7)2 4 72

 NO& cone7uential on )i+ and )ii+ 1


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(iv) (i#orous) bubbles%fi??es%effervesces (1)

(hite) !!t.%sus!esio % clou" % milk (1)

 IGNORE 0#as evolve"% 0h"ro#e !ro"uce"% ames

 IGNORE calcium "issolves%#ets smaller 

 If flame decribed 1 ma= 2


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(b) creases 1

(c) 2Na 4 Cl2 → 2NaCl

s!ecies (1)

 balaci# (1) 5 dependent on 1 t 

 mar#  2



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77. (a) o"ie% 2 OR astatie % At2 1

Bromie%Br 2 1

Chlorie % C12 / fluorie%2

 If halide $i!en ma= 2

 If %mbol for atom $i!en ma= 2 If %mbol for ion $i!en 0 1


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(b) (i) os !ro"uce" (1)

to hich 72 bo"s %become h"rate" (1) 2

(ii) 74 forme" (i solutio) % 78



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(c) h"ro#e bo"i# i 7 (1) - tand alone

stro#er tha v"&%"i!ole-"i!ole%"is!ersio forces i 7 (1) - mut be an

identified intermolecular force NO& “2I doe not ha!e h%dro$en bondin$” 2

(") 41 , 49 % 14, 94 % , (2)

1, 9 (1) > 1, 59 (0)

>upercript plue penalied once e$ Cl4, C1

94 (1)

 9& Cl4, Cl

84 (0) ie t(o error 2



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78. (a) (i) 1s22s






2acce!t a or"er 1

(ii) 1s22s





1>Cose* o (a) (i) 1

(b) dbloc" + last (a""e") electro is i a "5(sub) shell % orbital (1)

#ot transition+ "oes ot form ions ith !artiall fille" "-(sub) shell %

orbitals (1) 2

(c) 8D-"rai# e.#. e"#es % hatches or !ers!ective "ia#ram (1)

$abels covalet bo" ithi ater molecule (1). 3his must be "ra

out %use of a ke is acce!table.

Shos "ative covalet bo" from ater to cetral ]24


$abels a >Z a#le (1)

#ore absece of char#e o io I


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(") (i) &hite !reci!itate %soli" %sus!esio (1) N3 !o"er 

Colourless solutio (i ecess ammoia) N3 0clear (1) 2

(ii) ](72)24

 4 2N78 → ](7)2(72)I4 2N7I4



 4 27 5 

 → ](7)2(72)I4 272r


 4 27 5 

 → ](7)2 4 72



 4 2N78 → ](7)2 4 2N7I4 4 I72 (1)

](7)2(72)I 4 IN78 → ](N78)I(72)224

 4 27 5 

 4 272


](7)2 4 IN78 → ](N78)I24

 4 27 5 

(1) for catio forme"

(1) for balaci# e*uatio ith the correct s!ecies (2) 8


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(e) (i) "-(sub) shell % orbitals are full % 8"1>

 arra#emet of electros (1)

 No Pum!s of "-electros %o "-" trasitios (1)

A metio of e 5 

 falli# back "o or 0o s!litti# of "-orbitals a"

seco" mark is ot aar"e" 2

(ii) Cr is a trasitio metal % Cr ca have "-" trasitios %CrI25 

 isello % Cr(4) or Cr() is ello 1



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7. 1> 1[1]


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Correct umber of electros o each io (1)

Correct char#e o each io (1) 2


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(iii) Smaller (ith some Pustificatio) (1)

feer shells%eer# levels (1)

icrease" relative uclear char#e !ulls remaii# electros closer to

ucleus (1) 8


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(b) rou! 2 (1)

Si#fficat % lar#e % bi# icrease i : betee 2"

 a" 8r"

 electro remove" (1) 2


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(c) Small "i! i : because

electro is i same *uatum level%shell (1)

 but is i hi#her eer# sub level%shell (1) 2[11]


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81. (a) (i) (1s2)2s


OR  2s22!G





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(ii) 2s22!






 % 2s









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(c) (i) Sam!le bombar"e"% fire" at b electros% electro #u (1)

Uocks out% loses% removes electros from the sam!le

r e*uatio (1) 2

(ii) :lectric%electrostatic fiel"% (e#ativel) char#e" !lates% !otetial

"ifferece 1(iii) Ma#etic fiel"% (electro)ma#et 1



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(b) (i) Mass F (>.>21H G) 85 (1)

F1.H9 (#) (1)

 An(er could be in #$ but unit mut be 7uoted  2


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(ii) ol F (2I G) >.>1>H (1)

F >.21 ("m) (1)

Can 7uote !olume in an% feaible unit 

 In )a+ and ) b+ intermediate !alue )if tated+ and final an(er to

calculation mut be $i!en to 0 =f=

 .enalie > once 2


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(c) Stabilit icreases folloe" b a attem!t at a e!laatio (1)

 because char#e "esit of catio% metal io% #rou! 1 io "ecreases

OR si?e icreases but char#e stas the same (1)

so !olarises%"istorts% eakes bo"s ithi itrate% e#ative io% aio less (1) 8


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(")   8N














(2+1+8) ie U 2C8 (1)f J 1 i first ste! ie U IC8  2 (o&t of 3) 8

)(or#in$ mut be ho(n+[12]


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83. (a) (i) 4K%K4 % 1

(ii) 4K%K4 % 1


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(b) (i) S24

 → SI4

 4 2e(5)

 OR S24

 5 2e(5)

 → SI4


2 4 2e(5)

 → 21 5 

 (1) 2


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(ii) S24

 4 2 → SI4

 4 2 5 

 IGNORE tate %mbol 1[5]


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84. (a) (i) 1s22s







(ii) 1s22s







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 N i

. 7

. 7. 7

. 7

7 .

7 .


2 2



2 (1)

>hape mar# 

 ;ut be /0K ie (ed$e or dahe

labelle" covalet betee 57 OR  arro to 72a" labelle" covalet

 bo" (1)

labelle" "ative covalet betee atom a" io (1) 8


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(c) (i) Ni(72)I(7)2

 ALLOW Ni(7)2 1


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(ii) De!rotoatio (1)

to successive "e!rotoatios % eutral s!ecies !ro"uci# isoluble

com!ou" (1) 2


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(iii) $i#a" echa#e (1)

#ivi# (soluble) Ni(72)> or  2(N78) or  I24

 OR in (ord (1) 2



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(ii) /e"uctio of e24

 has hi#h activatio eer# % kieticall stable 1


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(b) (i) M I 5 

 4 9e24

 4 H74 → M

24 4 9e

84 4 I72

S!ecies (1)

Balace (1)

A state smbols i#ore". 2


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(ii) !ur!le colour of MI 5 

 lost (1)

e" !oit he ello % colourless solutio (1)

 becomes (!ermaetl) !ik (1) 8


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olume MI 5 

 for e84

, hich has bee re"uce" b ?ic (1) 8r"


F 29.8 cm8 5 1H.2 cm

8 F >.>298 "m

8 5 >.>1H2 "m

8 F >.>>K1 "m

8 (1) I



Amout of MI 5 

 F >.>>K1 "m8 G >.>2>> mol "m

 58 F 1.I2 G 1>

 5I mol (1) 1



Amout e84

 re"uce" b ?ic F 9 G above value F K.1> G 1> 5I

 mol (1) 2"


Amout ?ic ee"e" F [ G K.1> G 1> 5I

 F 8.99 G 1> 5I


mass of ?ic ee"e" F 8.99 G 1> 5I

 mol G 9.I # mol 51

 F >.>>282 # (1) 9th

 !oit 9


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(") (i) e(72)24

 4 72 → e(72)974 4 78


784 i e*uatio (1)

other io i e*uatio (1)


) !olarises the 57 bo" i li#a" (1) 8


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(ii) e(72)84

 more aci"ic tha e(72)24



 hi#her char#e "esit tha e24



 io if more !olarisi# (1) 8[20]


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86. (a) (i) Same umbers of !rotos%electros (1)

Differet umbers of eutros (1) 2

(ii) @ G %1>> 4 (1>> 5 @) G K1 %1>>

F .H Metho" (1)

 @ F >L Aser (1) 2


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(c) (i) aCl8 % a2Cl 1

(ii) Co"uctivit measuremet % electro"es a" sim!le circuit %

electrolse solutio (1)

(7i#h) rea"i# for electrical co"uctivit % bulb li#hts% hi#h meter 

 rea"i#% C12

 forme" (1)

Microsco!e sli"e, filter !a!er etc % @-tube metho" 5 

 !rovi"e" "etaile" 1 ma=

A$$& A#N8(a*) (1) hite !!t (1) 2



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87. (a) &rend  - boili# !oit icreases "o the #rou! % from 7e to We or / (1)

 Reaon 5 umber of electros (a" !rotos) icreases (1)

crease" stre#th of va "er &aals'% "is!ersio % $o"o forces % tem!orar

"i!oles % i"uce" "i!oles % attractio betee ucleus a" electros o other 

atom (1) 8


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(b) (i) R or S or Cl % RI, S2, SH, Cl12 % ames 1

(ii)   • 3he atoms of silico are hel" to#ether b covalet bo"s across the

hole structure (1)

• 7i#h eer# re*uire" (to break bo"s) (1) cose*uetial o

i"icatio of covalet. Metio of ioic or metallic or va "er &aals'forces loses both marks. 2


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(iii)   • 1. Ma#esium io has lar#er char#e ("esit) tha so"ium %

ma#esium cotributes to electros !er atom to the ;sea' of 

electros. (1)

• 2. 7ece ma#esium (ios) have #reater attractio for (sea of) electros

tha so"ium. (1)• 8. Melti# re*uires eer# to overcome this attractio, hece

#reater attractio meas hi#her melti# tem!erature (1)

3his mark is cose*uetial u!o the coce!t of metallic bo"i#. 8[9]


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88. (a) L o#e 1>> 5 (81.HI 4 2H.H) F 8.1H (1)

U Cl

81.HI%8 2H.H%89.9 8.1H%1 Divi"e b Ar  (1)

>.H1I >.H18 2.IIH Divi"e b smallest

  1 1 8M u s t b e 2 o r m o r e s i # i f i c a t f i # u r e s

Alterative multi!l b Ar  4 S@M (1)  Calc L (1)  8.1H for > (1) 8


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(b) /atio of moles or mass (1)

Moles of A or relative mass of A (1)

G 2I or volume of 2 (1) (ot sta" aloe)


2 moles of A #ives 8 mols of o#e (1) 1.># of A 1.>>%122.9 moles of A

therefore 1.>> G 8%122.9 G 2 moles of o#e

volume of o#e F 1.>> G 8 G 2I % 122.9 G 2

  F >.2I "m8


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1.>># of A #ives >.81H # of o#e (1)

>.81H # of o#e F >.>81H%82 moles of o#e F >.>122 moles (1)

>.>122 moles of o#e F >.>122 G 2I "m8 of F >.28 "m

8 (1)

2-I si#ificat fi#ure i aser alloe" 8[6]


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8. (a) Br   5 

  or bromi"e care 5 clearl bromi"e io (1) 1


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(b) A colourless solutio % a #reeish-ello #as % #reeish-ello solutio (1)

3ur to a bro% re"-bro solutio% #ives a black or #re soli" (1)

#: re" % ello % ora#e

f 0solutio ot i"icate" but colourless → bro (1)

f either state is i"icate" a" colourless → black (0) 2


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(c) (i) (Simultaeous) oi"atio a" re"uctio of same s!ecies (i the same


#: atom, elemet, !article, substace, io 1

(ii) Selects C (1) - co"itioal o a attem!t at a e!laatio

8 chlorie oi"atio umbers 41, 49, 51 (1)

$ika#e 41 to 49 i"etifie" as oi"atio AND 41 to 51 i"etifie" asre"uctio (1) 8



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0. (a) (i) M#(s) 4 27Cl(a*) → M#Cl2(a*) 4 72(#)

1 mark e*uatio 5 ioic e*uatio must iclu"e s!ectator ios

1 mark state smbols 2

(ii) Ca valece electros further aa from ucleus % less attractio

of ucleus o valece electros % more shiel"i# (1)

$oer : % loses outer electros more easil (therefore faster reactio) (1) 2

(iii) Calcium sul!hate (1)

orms a isoluble % !rotective layer (1) #: free sta"i# if 

icorrect com!ou" 2


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(b) (i) 2UN8 → 2UN2 4 2 (1)

2Ca(N8)2 → 2Ca 4 IN2 4 2

1 for s!ecies

1 for balace 2

(ii)   • Calcium itrate less (thermall) stable % "ecom!oses more easil tha !otassium itrate (1) "e!e"et o attem!t at e!laatio

• Calcium ion smaller (1) d (1) for #reater char#e "esit

• Calcium ion has do&ble char#e (1) d

• 3herefore #reater !olarisi# !oer % #reater !olarisatio of itrate (1)

• Bo"s i itrate more easil broke % oi"e io % o#e atom more

attracte" (1) 9[14]


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1. (a) (i) 1

(ii) 1

Allo si#le hea"e" arros or other suitable otatio

Mark (ii) cose*uetiall o (i)


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(b) (i) Covalet (1)

Coor"iate or "ative (1) 2

(ii) De!rotoatio or aci"-base 1

(iii) Cr(72)8(7)8 or Cr(7)8 1

(iv) $i#a" echa#e or li#a" substitutio 1

(v) Cr(N78)84

 or Cr(7) (72)(N78)?char#e


 " 4 % 4   F , ? at least oe, correct char#e ill be betee > a" 48, " F ma 8


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(c)   • d > orbitals%subshell%eer# level s!lit (i eer# b

li#a"s)%"ia#ram to illustrate (1)

• :lectro trasitios%Pum!s from lo'er to hiher eer# level (1)

• bsorbs li#ht i visible re#io%referece to hite li#ht (1) 8

 If impl% or tate that emiion i occurrin$, onl% the firt

mar#in$ point i a!ailable[11]


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(b) /elative atomic mass

F 1>>

 2.M1)(K.>2K.8)(M.>2   ×+×


.9 (must be three s.f.) (1) 2


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(c)   • Di! Rt % ichrome ire i soli" a" !lace i hot%blue flame (1)

•  Na salt #ives ello colour  (1)

• $i salt #ive "ee! % ma#eta re" % crimso colour  (1) 8



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3. (a) A elemet ith its hi#hest eer# electro i a p orbital (1) 1


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(b) (i) Colour bro (1)

>tate+ li*ui" (1) 2

(ii) 3he solutio #oes (from colourless to) "ark bro % black soli"

 !ro"uce" (1) 1


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(c) (i) Br  2 4 2e− → 2Br 

 5  (1) or [ this 1

(ii) e24

 → e84

 4 e− (1) 1

(iii) Br  2 4 2e24

 → 2Br − 4 2e

84 (1) 1

or [ this


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(") (i) Br  2 4 2Na7 → NaBr 4 NaBr 4 72 (2)

1 mark for correct bromie !ro"ucts 2

oic e*uatio acce!table

(ii) Dis!ro!ortioatio (1) 1


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(e) (i) UBr −1 (1) UBr8 49 (1) Br 2 >(1) 8

(ii)   • i"isi# a#et+ UBr8 (1)

• i"atio umber of Br i UBr8 #oes "o (1) 2



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4. (a) (i) Ar8" (1) 1

allo( 1 etc


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(b) (i)   • ] % ro (1) ot the ?ic io or iro io

• more e#ative !otetial tha ->.2H (1)

 N thi mar# mut ho( e!idence of ue of the data

1 #ives 4: for re"uctio reactio (1)

cone7uential on econd mar#  8


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(ii)   • rate too slo % activatio eer# too hi#h % kieticall stable %

allo oi"e laer if metal electro"e s!ecifie" (1)

• o-sta"ar" co"itios (1) 2


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(c) (i) Co(72)24

 (1) 1

(ii) :am!le+


 4 ICl− → CoClI

2− 4 72

A vali" e*uatio that shos a li#a" echa#e but be#is ith

Co(72)24 (1)

li#a" echa#e correctl balace" (1) 2[9]


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5. (a) A elemet that has at least oe of its ions has a icom!lete " shell (1) 1


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(b) (i) Coloure" ios % com!ou"s% com!lees% solutios (1)

variable oi"atio states (1) 2


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(ii) Cr(72)24

 % hea a*ua chromium () io (1)

 Not Cr B

 or Cr)II+= 1


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(c) (i)

  C r1 N . 9 % 9 2  > . 8 K 9  > . 8 K 9 % > . 8 K 9  1

  C lI > % 8 9 . 9  1 . 1 2 K1 . 1 2 K % > . 8 K 9  8

  7 I > . 9 % 1 H

2 . 2 92 . 2 9 % > . 8 K 9

( 1 )

  ( 1 )



 N method mar#


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(ii) iolet Cr(72)84

.8Cl− (1)

ree is Cr(72)9Cl24

2Cl−.72 (1) 2

 N for mar# mut ma#e clear (hich i (hich and mut be a

 alt (hich add up to Cr)2 O+3 Cl /



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6. (a)  romine 5 li*ui" (1)

o"ie 5 soli" (1) 2


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(b) A#N8 (a*)+ ello !!t  soli"  sus!esio ith

 Nal (1)

Cream  !ale ello  off hite  ivor

 !!t  soli"  sus!esio ith NaBr  (1)

 Not 4cloud%F not (hite=

A"" ammoia solutio +

 !!t. isoluble  stas the same. Nal (1)

 !!t. (!artiall) soluble NaBr  (1) I

f sas "ilute ammoia must sa ;!artiall' soluble for A$r=

 If a% conc ammonia mut a% oluble for A$r=[6]


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7. (a) (i) 2Ca 4 2 → 2Ca (1) 1

(ii) Na2 4 72 → 2Na7 (1) 1

(iii) Na2 4 27Cl → 2NaCl 4 72

S!ecies (1) Balaci# (1) 2


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(b) (3hermal stabilit) icreases (1) (ith some

attem!t at a reaso)

(cat)io si?e icreases  (cat)io char#e "esit

"ecreases (1)

 !olarises or "istorts carboate io % aio %

electro clou" less. (1) 8[7]


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8. (a)

S c , A r -

C r , A r -

C r , A r -8 4

Cr /B

 cone7uential on tructure for Cr  8


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(b) :lectroic cofi#uratio "iffers from !revious elemet b a

electro i a " (sub) shell % electros are filli# the "-shell  (1)

trasitio elemets have oe io ith !artiall-fille" "-shell (1) 2

 Not  4hi$het ener$% hell i the 4dF-hell 

outer electron in 4dF hell 


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(c) (i)

, A r -

$ i # a " e l e c t r o s


Correct electro structure for com!le io (1)

li#a" electros i"etifie" (1)  !airs i"etifie" sta" aloe mark 

Cone7uential on tructure of Cr /B


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7 . . 7

7 . . 7. 7

C r

. 72 2

2 2




&here mut be ome attempt to ho( a /-K tructure

4OctahedralF could recue a poor dia$ram


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(") (i) ree precipitate (1)

("ee!) #ree sol&tion i ecess so"ium h"roi"e (1) 2


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(ii) De!rotoatio % aci" base (1) 1[14]


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. (a) (i) fi??i#% effervescece

metal "isa!!ears %#ets smaller 

floats% moves arou" o surface

melts% turs ito ball

any 2

"o ot allo ;"issolves' 2


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(ii) 2Na 4 272 → 2Na7 4 72

s!ecies (1) balace (1) 2


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(b) amout Na F 8.>128 F >.18 mol (1)

amout 72 F >.>9 mol (1)

vol 72 F >.>9 G 2I "m8 F 1. ("m

8) (allo 1.9, 1.9K or 1.99) (1)

an(er cone7uential on e7uation in )a+)i+

 If unit 7uoted and are (ron$ final mar# lot  8



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100. (a) (i) NaCl 4 72SI → Na7SI  4 7Cl (1)


2NaCl 4 72SI → Na2SI  4 27Cl (1) 1


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(b) (i) a"" silver itrate (solutio) % correct formula A#N>8 (a*) (1)

hite !!t %soli" (1)

soluble i "ilute ammoia %ammoia solutio (1)


a"" lea" itrate%ethaoate (solutio) (1)

hite !!t. (1)soluble i hot ater  (1)

 An% feaible correct chemical method can core the mar# here 8


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(ii) "issociates %reacts%lioises%cha#es ito ios (as it "issolves) (1)

formi# 74 ios % 78

4 ios% "oates a !roto to ater.

3his makes the solutio a aci" (1) 2


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(i) "am! litmus !a!er   (1) bleache" (1)


"am! starch-io"i"e !a!er  (1) #oes blue (1)

Dis!lacemet acce!table 2


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(ii) 4I −1 (1)

42 −1 > (1)

 poiti!e char$e not eential  2


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(") (h"ro#e) io"i"e is more easil oi"i?e" % loses electros more

easil tha (h"ro#e) chlori"e (1)

 because lar#er (tha chlori"e) (1)

Could ar$ue from the reducin$ po(er of the iodide * chloride

 for the firt mar#  2



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101. (a) (i)

 Na M# Al Si R S Cl Ar 

m.!.%ZC+ H 9> > 1I1> II 11 51>1 51H

structural t!e #iat % metallic #iat (covalet)%macromolecular  Sim!le % sim!le molecular %molecular (covalet) (mo)atomic%si#le atoms

2 mar"s for fo&r correct ans'ersA 1 mar" for three correct 2


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(b) Na lar#est atom % io % catio


 Na4 smallest char#e o io% or com!ariso of the char#es o the three ios (1)

So"ium has oe % feer "elocalise" electro others have more


So"ium has oe % feer electros i metallic bo" !er atom,others have more (1)

melti# !oit lo because eaker (metallic) bo"i# (1)

&he final mar# i for the relation of the bondin$ to the meltin$ point  8


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(ii) SH has stro#er va "er &aals' forces tha RI (1)

Because it has more electros%bi##er molecules (N3 mass) (1)

 E"planation of !an der WaalFforce rather than name

acceptable 2[8]


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102. (a) (i) Ca brick re" or ora#e re", Ba (a!!le) #ree (1) each 2


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(ii) electros ecite" % !romote" (1)

fall to loer eer# level % orbital (1)

#ive out eer# i the visible re#io % i form of li#ht (1) 8


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(b) 2Ba(N8)2 → 2Ba 4 IN2 4 2 (2)

s!ecies (1) balace (1) 2


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(c) (i) abilit (of a catio) to "istort % cha#e sha!e of  (1)

the electro clou" arou" a aio (1) 2


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(ii) Si?e %ra"ius %ioic ra"ius (1) char#e (1) 2


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(iii) M#24

 % ma#esium ion smaller tha Ba24

% barium ion



 has hi#her cha#e "esit (1)

Rolarisi# !oer icreases% M#24

 able to !olarise the itrate

io more effectivel tha Ba


 (1)this eakes the bo"s i the itrate % bo"s i itrate more

easil broke (1) 8[14]


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103. (a) B (1) 1

(b) $imeater turs milk∴C2 (1)

M#C8 "ecom!oses o heati# to C2 ∴label correct % e*uatio (1) 2


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(c) Substace o ire i flame (1) ot bur or heat (i test tube)

(Rale) #ree flame for barium (1)

 No colour for ma#esium (1)


a"" "ilute sul!huric aci" (1)

 barium h"roi"e "oes ot "issolve (1)ma#esium h"roi"e "issolves % forms colourless solutio (1)


ali" chemical test 8


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(") (bro #as is) itro#e "ioi"e (1)

(#as reli#hts a #loi# s!lit) o#e (1)

2M#(N8)2 → 2M# 4 IN2 4 2

s!ecies (1) balace (1) I[10]


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104. (a) (i) 3he !otetial "ifferece betee a sta"ar" h"ro#e electro"e

a" the (half-) cell (1)

all cocetratios measure" at 1 mol "m 58

 a" a #ases are at 1 atm !ressure (1)


(ii) luorie or 2 (1)



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(b) (i) all%liste" (1) 1

(ii) io"ie and bromie (1) 1

(iii) &hi an(er i cone7uential on part )ii+

Mi solutio of Cr() - blue ith the oi"isi# a#et #ive i (ii) (1)

#oes #ree a" stays #ree % but "oes ot #o ora#e (1) 2[7]


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105. (a) (i)   • $iCl re"%scarlet%crimso%carmie re" (1)

•  NaBr ora#e%ello (1)

• U lilac%!ur!le%mauve%!ik%violet%lave"er (1) 8

(ii)   • :cite" electros (1)

• Move "o eer# levels (1) 2


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(b) (i)   • $iCl - hite%steam fumes

•  NaBr - bro%ora#e va!our or li*ui"

• Ul - !ur!le va!our % "ark soli" or li*ui" or resi"ue I

(ii) $iCl(s) 4 72SI(l) → → $i7SI(s) 4 7Cl(#)formulae (1), states (1)

or 2$iCl(s) 4 72SI(l) → → $i2SI(s) 4 27Cl(#)

formulae (1), states (1) 2[11]


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106. (a) (i) $oss of electros 1

(ii) A substace hich #ais%removes%acce!ts electros 1

(iii)   • Chlorie (is stro#er oi"isi# a#et)

•So it ca acce!t electros from Br 


%so it ca "is!lace Br 

 5 % so ca oi"ise Br 

 5 2


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(b) (i) 8Cl 5 

 →→  Cl8 5 

 4 2Cl 5 


formulae 4 char#es (1), balaci# (1) 2

(ii) Dis!ro!ortioatio 1


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(c) (i) S2+ 4I


+ 4 2

(ii) i"ise" because oi"atio umber of S becomes more !ositive%sul!hur loses

electros 1

(iii)   • Starch%a ame" o !olar solvet+ heae, chloroform, volasil

• Blue-black%!ur!le 2



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107. (a)

M , A r -

M , A r -2 4

8 " I s



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(b) (i) M(72)24


(ii) M(72)24

  4 2N78  →  M(7)2  4 2N7I4  4 I72


M(72)24  4 2N78  →  M(72)I(7)2 4 2N7I4 



  4 27 5 

  →  M(7)2  4 72



  4 27 5 

  →  M(7)2(72)I 4 2 72

ny of aboe score 2 mar"s as follo's+(1) mark for s!ecies (1)  mark for balace

De!rotoatio or Aci" %base (1) 8


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(iii) (M() is ) oi"ise" % u"er#oes oi"atio (1)

to M() % M() % to hi#her oi"atio state% ill icrease (1)

ariable oi"atio states (1)

coloure" com!ou"s (1) I

(c) (i) from 4I to 4% u! b 2 % 42 1

(ii) Amout of UMI  F >.>22H G >.>21 mol 1

F I.29 G 1> 5I



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(iii) Amout of S825 

 i 29cm8 F 9%2 G I.29 G 1>

 5Imol 1

F 1.281 1> 58


(iv) Amout of S825 

 i 29>cm8 F 1> G 1.281 G 1>

 58 mol (1) 

F 1.281 G 1> 52

 molMass of !ure Na2S8 F 12 1.281 G 1>

 52 # (1)

F 1.991# 2

(v) Rurit of sam!le F (1.991#% 1.K9#) 1>>L

F HH.L 1[16]


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108. (a) formal char#e 1

a atom oul" have i a com!ou" if ioic 1

umber of electros lost or #aie" 1

cotrol of % use" for bo"i# 1


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(b) (i) > 41 51 (i#ore everthi# else) 1

(ii) e of the chlories i each molecule (> to 41) has lost

a electro % bee oi"ise" 1

3he other chlorie i the chlorie molecule has

#aie" a electro % bee re"uce" to 51 1a sim!le statemet % "efiitio of "is!ro!ortioatio ma 1


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(c) reacts % cha#es % "issociates % ioises %

7Cl "oates a !roto to the ater 1

74 (a*) or 78

4 (a*) ios 1


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(") hite precipitate (1)  soluble i ammoia. (1) chlori"e cream ppte (1)

sli#htl soluble i ammoia (1)  bromi"e ello ppte (1)

isoluble i ammoia (1)  io"i"e

if ol 8 colours ithout a metio of !!te ma 1 out of 3[13]


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10. (a)

2 9 >

2 > >

1 9 >

1 > >

9 >

>> 9 > 1 > > 1 9 >

M o l a r m a s s



     i     l     i   






I correct !oits (2 mar"s) 8 correct !oits (1mark) 2


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(b) (i) icrease i umber of electros i molecule or icrease i si?e of molecule

(1) not mass

icrease"( v"& )forces of attractio betee molecules

( ee" to be overcome ) (1)

3hese are to se!arate !oits e.# bi##er molecules have #reater v"& forces

scores 2 marks 2

(ii) 29> 5 2> (1) i#ore uits 1


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(") (i) eer# re*uire" (i kY) mol-1

to remove a mole of electros (1)

from a mole of #aseous atoms  (1) 2

3here must be some metio of  mole for full marks.

A e*uatio ca be use" to recover the seco" mark 

A full e*uatio ith referece to ∆ 2  kYmol


 scores 2 marks


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(ii) electro cofi#uratio 2,H,I (1)

a sesible use of "ata (1)

 e#(bi# )Pum! to 1>>> su##ests I electros i outer shell

et (bi#) Pum! to 289>>> after H electros the 2 2[14]


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110. (a) (i) 2Ca(N8)2 →  2Ca 4 IN2  4 2

formulae correct (1) balace (1). #ore a state smbols.

3he balace mark is not sta"5aloe. 2

(ii) steam % fi??i# sou" % crumbles  (1)

soli" sells u! % milk li*ui" !ro"uce" % commet about s!ari#l solublesubstace (1)

Ca 4 72 → Ca(7)2  (1) i#ore a state smbols 8

(iii) less (1) 1


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(iv) (Cat)io si?e icreases "o the rou! % char#e "esit "ecreases (1)

(ot atom si?e)

3he !olari?i# !oer of the catio "ecreases "o the rou!  (1).

3he less !olari?e" the aio is b the catio the more "ifficult the itrate is to

"ecom!ose (1).Rolarisatio mark coul" come from ;the less the electro clou" is "istorte"<'


tre" i catio si?e (1)

com!ariso of the lattice eer#ies of the itrate a" the oi"e (1)

 balace i favour of oi"e at to! of #rou!

a" the itrate at the bottom (1) 8


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(b) (i) same umber of !articles i a smaller volume % #as "esit icrease" (1) 1

(ii) commet relate" to the umber of molecules o each si"e to e!lai a shift to

l.h.s.  (1) (ot Pust ;"ue to $e Chatelier<')

so at hi#her !ressure e*uilibrium moves to favour N2I  (1) 2


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(iii)  S  !  F  p(N2)2


3here must be some smbolism for !ressure, a" o 1

(iv) ( S  !

  F p(N2)2  F IH)


 p(N2)2  F IH G >.19 F K.2 (1)

 p(N2) F 2.K  (1) atm (1) acce!t 2.H8 % 2.H % 2.K

Aser a" uits co"itioal o (iii). 8[16]

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