Election Workshop Working Class Students

Post on 12-Apr-2022






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Working Class Students Election Workshop


1. Explore the roles available to you and what running for election involves.

2. Hear from the inspiring Connor Drake, YUSU’s first Working Class Officer

3. Explore the barriers to participation in YUSU democracy and also the opportunities.

Why are we doing this workshop?

● Working class students are underrepresented in YUSU officer roles - particular Sabb positions.

● We want to proactively encourage working class students to run in YUSU elections - it will make YUSU better for everyone!

● But, we don’t want to be tokenistic, we want to better understand the barriers to participation and how we can address them in the long-term.

Access and Participation: Data, Targets and Cool stuff


● Access - in 2017/18 the % of York’s students from POLAR4 Q1 and Q2 (students with the lowest household income) was 20% - 6% below the Sector average. York does well on the % of students from state schools - but the vast majority of those students are from Q4 and Q5.

● Continuation - Q5 (the most well off) have consistently higher rates than all other students - 97%. Rates for Q1-2 students is 95%.

● Attainment - For the least well off students (Q1,2 &3), York performs above the Sector. However, there is an attainment gap between Q1,2,3 and Q5.

● Continuation - There is a progression gap between the least and most advantaged students at York, but it is only small and York is in the top quartile for the Sector.


● Increase the proportion of young, full-time, first degree entrants from LPN POLAR4 Q1 by 2.5% - from 7.8% to 10.3% by 2024/5 and from Q2 to 14.7% from 12.2%.

● Reducing the ratio of the most and least well off from 5:1 to 3.6:1.

● Raising the attainment of LPN Q1-3 students by 2% from 79.7% to 81.7% by 2024/5

Cool Stuff1. Working Class Network2. Funding for Network development - Working Class, BAME, Disabled3. Funding for a student-staff member to support Network development4. Funding for a full-time staff member (from Autumn 2020-2022) at YUSU to

work on widening access and participation activities5. Student Expert Panel6. University’s First Gen Network

What’s all this election stuff about?

Roles, nominations and support

Roles available to youFull-time Sabbatical Roles

● Union President● Academic Officer● Activities Officer ● York Sport President● Community and

Wellbeing Officer

Part-time Officers

● BAME● Disabled● Mature● LGBTQ● Women & Non Binary● International● Working Class● Volunteering● Environment & Ethics● RAG

Non-Officer Roles

● Arts and Humanities Faculty Rep● Social Sciences Faculty Rep● Sciences Faculty Rep


Nomination and Campaigning● Manifesto - after you have submitted your

manifesto you have a whole extra week to develop your manifesto. The best manifestos are simple - Just think about what matters most to you, what change you want to make and why you want to do the role.

● Workshops ● Campaigning period - Challenging, but

lots of fun! Online campaigning begins on the 12th Feb and then physical campaigning begins on the 17th.



Candidate HubUseful



Staff Support


Connor DrakeThe life and times of YUSU’s first Working Class


Connor Drake

Why you should run in the YUSU elections

My background

2012 - 2016

Spent time in college after doing badly at school.


Came to York and moved from Bradford - felt like I didn’t fit in.

Early 2017

Began to notice that others felt the same as me and backed a motion for a working class officer at York.

Late 2017 - 2018

Successfully campaigned for the officer position, before becoming part of the first working class officer team at York!

2018 - 2019

Organised the UK’s first student led conference on social class.

I made a difference.

Why should you run?As I said in my previous slide, everyone has their own interests, passions and ideas for the role.

This is precisely why you should run for an officer position - no matter what position you run for.

Through running in the elections twice (and winning once), I gained a wealth of skills, including:

● Communication skills, including public speaking and social media skills;

● Experience of building coalitions and forming a coherent manifesto;● Events management skills;● Built a varied network including academics, campaigners, creatives and

charity professionals.

Perhaps most importantly however, I made friends for life; people I know are there for me when I need them (and vice versa).

What can running give you?

Summing up...Everyone has their own individual passions, drives and interests and with that, their own visions for where to take the role.

These differences should be celebrated - particularly when considering that everyone will be united by a common vision to make lives better.

You will gain a wealth of experience that is useful for future positions.

Students need people like you!

ActivityExploring barriers and opportunities


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