Post on 08-Jan-2017






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IntroductionIndia is the seventh largest (by area) and the second most populous country in the world, with roughly one-Sixth of its population, of about a billion and a quarter.India is a big country and hence needs to be governed in a proper and an effective way. The representatives Chosen by the people are the ones who take major decision pertaining to the development of a country. Democracy is the best kind of government .


And all democratic countries hold elections at regular time of intervals because:

To bring about peaceful transition from one government to another .

To ensure that no government is elected for life and misuses its power.

To bring about participation of the people in the political process.

What is democracy


Democracy is the form of

Government in which the people

rule , either directly or

through elected representatives

What is election

An arrangement of citizen to choose their representatives is

known as an ELECTION

An election is a formal decision making process by which a population choose an individual to hold public office. Election have been usual mechanism by which modern representative democracy has operated since the 17th century.

Types of election

General elections

Mid-term elections


Which body is responsible for conducting the

elections ? The election commission of India.

Election commission of India•The Election Commission of India is an autonomous, constitutionally established federal authority responsible for administering all the electoral processes in the Republic of India.

•Under the supervision of the commission, free and fair elections have been held in India at regular intervals as per the principles enshrined in the Constitution.

•The Election Commission has the power of superintendence, direction and control of all elections to the Parliament of India.

Composition of election commission

It consists of a chief Election commissioner and some other members. They are appointed by the president of India. Their term and condition of service are determined by the parliament.

Election commissionersElection Commissioner of India is a

member of Election Commission of India. He is usually a member of the Indian civil service and mostly from the Administrative service.The Election Commission

currently consists of a Chief Election Commissioner and two Election Commissioners.

Functions of election commissioner of India

•Delimitations of constituencies•Preparation of electoral rolls

•To recognise political parties•Allotment of symbols to political parties and independent

•Conduct of election of members of parliament and state legislatures

•To order fresh election

•Conduct of election of president and vice - president

• The stages of the election process of India include delimitation of constituencies wherein the entire area is divided into constituencies. • After the demarcation of constituency, the voters'

list of each constituency is prepared and published and nomination papers are filed by the candidates. • Thereafter, nomination papers are scrutinized. • The next stage is the campaign by all the

candidates and the parties. The election campaign ends 48 hours before the polling. The last step is the counting of votes and declaration of result.

Election process in india……………..

Who is eligible to vote?The democratic system in

India is based on the principle of UNIVERSAL ADULT FRANCHISE that any citizen over the Age of 18 can vote in election (before 1989 the age limit 21).The right to vote is irrespective of caste, creed, religion or gender. Those who are deemed unsound of mind, and people convicted of certain criminal offences are not allowed to vote.

Challenges :• USE OF MONEY :

Candidates and parties with a lot of money may not be sure of their unfair over small parties victory

but they do enjoy a

big and independents.


In some parts of the country, candidates with criminal connection have been able to push others out of the electoral race and to secure a ‘ticket’ from major parties.

•NEPOTISM: Some families tend to dominate political parties; tickets are distributed to relatives from these families.•CORRUPT POLITIANS:

Most of the selected candidates are corrupted.

Weaknesses (defects) in Indian electoral system

•Preparation of Electorals rolls: The election commission depends on a

state government for preparing and publishing the electoral rolls the state government generally deputes primary school teachers, patwari and other government servants.•The increasing roll of money in elections

The use of black money in election has corrupted the political system in the country and has also denied the equality of opportunities. Drinking parties are held, votes are bought and sold.

•Misuse of official machinery

•Voting on basis of caste and religious In India , there are large number of voters who vote on the basis of caste and religion, political parties , while fielding candidates for the election, keep the cast and religion of the candidates as well as the voters in the constituencies in their mind.

Because of the power patronage and resources at its disposal the ruling party contests the election from a position of advantage.

•Absence of votersOur election system is that a large number of voters in our country do not cast their votes .

•Use of muscle power and criminalization of politics.

•Delay in deciding election petitions .

Use of muscle power is assuming a dangerous trend in the various elections held in India. During elections some candidates and their supporters are physically assaulted by their more strong opponents.The present system for the disposal of

election petitions consumes a lot of time. Though the electoral law provides for speedy disposal of an election petitions and its decisions with in 6 months from the date of representation to the high court.



•Our system of elections should be changed from the FPTP to some variant of the PR system. This would ensure that parties get seats ,as far as possible, in proportion to the votes they get.•There should be a special provision to ensure that atleast one- third women are elected to the parliament and assemblies.•Their should be stricter provisions to control the role of money in electoral politics.

•There should be complete ban on the use of caste and religious appeals in the campaign.•There should be a law to regulate the functioning of political parties and to ensure that they function in a transparent and democratic manners.

•Candidates with any criminal case should be barred from contesting elections , even if their appeal is pending before court.

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