Elearning für selbstorganisierte Lerner

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Vortrag gehalten am 26. November in Hamburg auf der Campus Innovation 2009



eLearning für selbstorganisierte


Der Fall „CCK08“

Dr. Jochen Robes,

Campus Innovation,

Hamburg, 26. 11.2009

“One may be tempted to point to online classes or “e-learning” as teaching and learning‟s innovative response to the technological advances happening in the world outside higher education. Such a claim may have been valid in 1995 when e-learning was on the cutting edge of educational practice.

However, a claim that e-learning is innovative in 2009 may be inappropriate.”

David Wiley

Was ist ein MOOC?

Was ist ein MOOC?

= Massive Open Online Course

Massive Open Online Course on

Connectivism and Connective Knowledge

Zwei Facilitators

Stephen Downes (Kanada)

George Siemens (Kanada)

Einige Details

8. September –30. November 2008

[Neuauflage: 14. Sept. – 6. Dez. 2009]

Partner: Extended Education and Learning Technologies Centre,University of Manitoba (Certificate)

ca. 2.200 Teilnehmer(25 paid enrollments)

“This course will be a different type of

learning experience.”(CCK08 – Wiki)

“What makes this course unique is the combination of these elements: its large

size, its openness, and its for-credit status.”

(Stephen Downes)

Was die Facilitators getan haben …



Täglicher Newsletter

Wöchentliche Zusammenfassungen


Was die Teilnehmer taten …

MOOC als ein Beispiel für

Open Teaching:

“freely allowing people outside the university

to view course materials and informally participate

in the course”(David Wiley)

George Siemens/

Stephen Downes

David Wiley

Alec Couros

“Open Teaching” alskonsequenteWeiterentwicklungbestehender Modelle:

Open Educational Resources

Open Access

Open Content

“Open Teaching” als didaktischeHerausforderung in Zeiten des Web 2.0:

eine andere technische Infrastruktur: „Our goal is to provide a starting point forparticipants to build a distributed infrastructure forinnovative conversations.“ (George Siemens)

ein anderes Rollenverständnis:„Can a network replace a teacher?“ (CCK08 Teilnehmer)

ein anderes Lernverständnis:„CCK08 was an attempt to destabilize the concept of a course.” (George Siemens)

David Wiley

“When the costs of „open teaching‟ ... are so low, I ask myself a question.

Do we professors, who live rather privileged lives relative to the vast majority of the planet‟s population, have a moral obligation to make our teaching efforts as broadly impactful as possible, reaching out to bless the lives of as many people as we can?”

Kontakt: Dr. Jochen Robes

HQ Interaktive Mediensysteme GmbH, Wilhelmstr. 34, 65183 Wiesbaden, 0611 – 99 212-0, jr@hq.de jr@hq.de

Weiterbildungsblog: www.weiterbildungsblog.de

Xing: https://www.xing.com/profile/Jochen_Robes

Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/jrobes

Twitter: http://twitter.com/jrobes

Herzlichen Dank!


Slide 1: josemota http://www.flickr.com/photos/josemota/3203809484/

Slide 2: tomislavmedakhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/tomislavmedak/2737477497/

Slide 7: sbzondergeldhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/46407290@N00/87816520/

Slide 8: Trebor Scholz' Photoshttp://www.flickr.com/photos/treborscholz/430558130/

Slide 27: Fleep Tuquehttp://www.flickr.com/photos/fleep/2854065193/

Slide 18: smi1injhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/87491668@N00/2837698521/

Slide 34: Elie R. (is @ her piano)http://www.flickr.com/photos/elierice/3926775608/


CCK08 (Open Online Course on Connectivism andConnective Knowledge) (Link)

Downes, Stephen: Places to Go: Connectivism & Connective Knowledge, innovate (journal of online education), Vol. 5, Nr. 1, Oktober/ November 2008 (Link)

Downes, Stephen: Access2OER: The CCK08 Solution, Half an Hour, 16. Februar 2009 (Link)

“Openness and the Future of Higher Education”. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (IRRODL), Vol 10, No 5 (2009) (Link)

Wiley, David: Defining „Open“, iterating toward openness, 16. November 2009 (Link)

Wiley, David: Open Teaching Multiplies the Benefit but Not the Effort, The Wired Campus, 15. Juli 2009 (Link)

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