
Making Google AdWords Work


• Introductions

• What are Google AdWords?

• Why use AdWords?

• What is the process?

• How do I avoid wasting money?

• Where next?

What is our message?

Who are eGenie?

eGenie – “3 wishes – more customers, more sales, more profit”

Working with local SMEsBing & Google certifiedDelivering increased profit

How does it work?

We fix two problems that all website owners face:

Visitors do not come to my site…

Visitors do not convert into Customers…

What are AdWords?

And how can your business benefit from them?

What are AdWords?

What are AdWords?

Product Listing Ads

Display Ads

Display Ads

Call Only Ads

Hotel Ads

Video Ads

Why use AdWords?

• People search on Google

• They see your ad

• You get more customers

Why Use AdWords?

AdWords On AdWords Off AdWords On

AdWords work………..

Why Use AdWords?

Targeted ads bring customers who are looking to make a purchase

What do AdWords cost?

You Decide!

•Pay for results•Auction basis • Set a maximum • Set daily budget• Flexible

Getting started with AdWords

Setting up a new AdWords campaign

Getting started with AdWords

1a) Create an AdWords account

• N.B. You don’t need a gmail account – any will do!

Getting started with AdWords

1b) Create an AdWords account

Getting started with AdWords

1c) Create an AdWords account

Getting started with AdWords

An AdWords account has a hierarchical structure:

What are Keywords?

Ads are displayed when a search matches your keywords

Need to research 100’s of words to trigger your ads

Getting started with AdWords

2a) Keyword Research

• Search for new keyword ideas• Get search volumes• Get traffic forecasts• Repeat all the above…

Use “Keyword Planner” within Google AdWords

Getting started with AdWords

2b) Keyword Research

Getting started with AdWords

2c) Keyword Research – pick match types

•Broad match

•Broad match modifier

•Phrase match

• Exact match

Match Type Examples

Match type Example keyword Example searches

Broad match women's hats buy ladies hats

Broad match modifier +women's +hats hats for women

Phrase match "women's hats" buy women's hats

Exact match [women's hats] women's hats

Negative match -women baseball hats

Getting started with AdWords

3) Write Ads

Three parts:

• Headline (25 characters)• Display URL (35 Characters)• Description (35 characters per line)

Ad Extensions - Site Links

Ad Extensions - Reviews

Ad Extensions – Call Outs

Ad Extension - Call

Add Extension - Call

Ad Extensions - Locations

Ad Extensions - App

How to optimise your campaign…

… and not waste money!

Tracking Conversions

Keywords & Match Types

•Use “Long Tail” keywords

•Avoid Broad-Match

•Review actual search queries

•Keyword: Hedge Fund IT

•Query: Buy Hedge Trimmer

Negative keywords (-)

•Negative keywords enable you to prevent your ad from showing for certain terms

•Make sure your Ad doesn’t accumulate unwanted clicks and impressions

•Can be used in conjunction with other match types

Negative Keywords - Removals

Tattoo Waste Jobs Stain

Negative keywords stop your ad from showing for irrelevant searches.

Don’t waste money!

Decide where you want your ads shown

Don’t waste money!

Decide where you want your ads shown

Quality Score

•CTR: Appealing & Relevant Ads

• Landing Page: Relevant landing page

•Ad Relevance: Ad contains keywords

Bid Adjustments - Device

Bid Adjustments - Location

Bid Adjustments – Day / Time

Ad Rotation

Top Tips - Weekly

1. Review queries & add negative keywords

2. Review queries & add positive keywords

3. Optimise Underperforming Ads & keywords

4. Review costly keywords

5. Split AdGroups

6. Optimise bids


•Ads take a variety of forms

•Ads can generate significant ROI

•Keyword research is extremely important

•Measure what matters to you

•Review account weekly

What Next?

•Review Your Existing AdWords Account

• Free Advice

•Create & Manage AdWords Account

Any questions?

01245 790388

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