Effect of Media: Learning from the Story of Joseph All things are lawful for me but all things are not helpful (1 Corinthians 6:12)

Post on 29-Mar-2015






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Effect of Media: Learning from the Story of Joseph

“All things are lawful for me but all things are not helpful” (1 Corinthians 6:12)

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Effect of Media: Learning from the Story of Joseph

The Media

Forms of Media:

TV, Radio, Internet, Movies.

How much time do you spend

everyday interacting with one or

more forms of the media?

Media a Constructive Tool in our Lives

Educational – learn about the advancements in technology.

Awareness to events around us e.g. the News.

Christian movies- touches our hearts. Makes us look at Christ in a new light.

Helps us to know about good people around the world.

People inspired by God e.g. Mother Teresa.

Internet can be a good source of knowing more about the Coptic faith and Christian educational information.

Media as a Destructive Tool in our Lives

Exposure to inappropriate scenes and violence.

How can we keep our mind and hearts pure?

Exposure to hearing dirty language.

We become used to a way of talking because our society makes it like it’s no big deal.

When in fact it is a big deal, because we are disrespecting God as well as ourselves.

Media as a Destructive Tool in our Lives(Cont.)

Waste of valuable time!!! They want you to be stuck on the

sofa 24/7.

Missing out on the beautiful things in life.

Experiencing a Christian life by giving your time to God, your family, your friends and others who are in need of your help.

Become obsessed with celebrities.

We are too preoccupied with their way of living, that we forget our own lives!

The Effect of the Media and the Story of Joseph

The story of Joseph begins when he was taken away from his family and away from his "comfort zone", in a strange land.

Just like Joseph, we too as Christians, are living in a strange land out of our "comfort zone", which is up in heaven in the arms of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Effect of the Media and the Story of Joseph (cont.)

Now Joseph had been taken

down to Egypt and bought as a

slave by Potipher, an Egyptian who

was one of the Pharaoh’s officials.

The Lord was with Joseph and

he prospered and lived in the

house of his Egyptian master. Now

his master’s wife took notice that

he was handsome and wanted to

sin with him.

A Christian Thought Have you ever noticed that out society and the media seems to try to sell us things and ideas that are attractive to our senses?

This is always done in an unhealthy and unclean way. They make it seem so harmless but PLEASE do not be FOOLED!

You do not have to give in to the pleasures of this world. Joseph did not! He refused to “do such a wicked thing and sin against God” (Genesis 39:9).

The Story of Joseph continues

One day Joseph went into the house to attend to his duties, and none of the household servants were inside.

The master’s wife caught him by his cloak and wanted to make sin with him. But he left his cloak in her hand and had run out of the house.

A Christian Thought The media is persistent in getting it’s unclean message across. You may try to refuse it multiple times but they may find you alone and make you believe no one will ever know.

But PLEASE don’t be FOOLED but rather run away.

If necessary, literally run like Joseph did to keep his righteousness.

Run by:Getting up and away if something you

see in the movies, on TV, etc is not appropriate.

Leaving a gathering that you know Jesus would not be there.

Changing the station on the radio because the words may lead you to inappropriate thoughts.

That decision cost Joseph a lot: his job and his freedom . But he was brave enough to handle it. Are you?

The Story of Joseph continues So Joseph was sent to live in prison, after being so successful and even though he did nothing wrong.

It seems unfair, right? No, the Lord was always with Joseph even in the prison.

In his lowest point, in his most troubled time, God had allowed him to acquire a talent of interpreting dreams.

A Christian Thought

We won’t be popular for not

“going with the flow” of the media.

But God will always be with us

and give us the strength to conquer

anything and reward us!

We will live in peace with God

and enjoy the blessings He has

given us.

The Story of Joseph continues Joseph was able to interpret the dreams that distressed Pharaoh.

When all of Pharaoh’ s dreams came true and Egypt was able to prosper because of Joseph’s wisdom, he was able to see God’s work through Joseph.

“ Can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the spirit of God?” So Pharaoh said to Joseph “ I hereby put you in charge of the whole land of Egypt”. (Genesis 41:41)

A Christian Thought Let the media see you as the image of Christ.

Life may have seemed unfair to Joseph and sometimes we feel life is unfair to us.

But remember Joseph, who was faithful in little things and was in return given much.

So you also must be faithful in little things so that God can prepare you for GREATER things.

How do we avoid the destructive impact of the media?

Fill your free time with God and His word by praying and reading the bible.

Watch how much time you are spending with God and how much time you are spending in front of the TV or on the Internet. You want God to be a priority!

We have to realize that our time here on earth is temporary and that our #1 goal is to be with our Loving Lord, Jesus Christ.

How do we avoid the destructive impact of the media?

Guard your senses of what they receive and protect your heart, soul and mind.

Remember, whatever you put in… must come out! So don’t think these images/ words/ ideas are harmless.

They can and WILL be damaging in the long run.

Remember how Joseph was faithful in the little things. Let us use him as an example to keep us strong so that God prepares us for greater things.

Conclusions and Applications

We have to realize that every minute of our lives count towards our eternal life.

Father Youstos El Anthony was known for frequently asking the question “What is the time?” to remind himself that he is continually getting closer to the last minute in his life and reminding others around him.

This will make us appreciate the value of time. Limit the time you spend in front of the TV as a practice for this week and try to make this a habit.



Q1- The media and the internet should beused



in a constructive way

with no restrictions

to know celebrities news

for long time everyday


Q2-Joseph was sent to live in a dungeon because


he was bad

he wanted to kill the king

he wanted to leave Egypt

he refused to commit sin


Q3- God rewarded Joseph and made him

OKgo back to his home

a king

have control over the land of Egypt

revenge from his brothers

Q4-Joseph is the son of







Q5- What can we learn from Father Youstos El Anthony’s question “What is the time?”?


Sleep Early

Asking about the time

Appreciate the value of time OK

Wear a watch


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