Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc

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  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc



    Project Study Report


    Submitted in Partial fulllment for the degree of 

    Bachelor of business Administration





    A#$"YA RA%

      B!B!A! S&&S"&R $'

  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc



    (erticate that this project entitled EFFECT OF GLOBALIZATION ON E-

    COMMERCE  is a report of project )or* done independently by r! AKSHAY

    SHARA under my guidance and super+ision and that it has not pre+iously

    formed the basis for the a)ard of any degree, fello)ship or associate ship to



    AKSHA" A#$"YA RA%

    S!S! -A$. S/B%#H P!0! (%11&0&




  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc


    I hereby declare that the project report entitled EFFECT OF GLOBALIZATION ON E-

    COMMERCE i bona!ide record o! done by "e that it ha not pre#io$ly !or"ed the

     bai !or the a%ard to "e !oe any de&ree' aociate hip' !ello%hip' or other i"ilar title

    o! any other ociety(

      A)*+A, *+ARMA

    *(*( AIN *.BO/+ 0(G( COLLAGE


  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc



    I a" $in& thi opport$nity to e1pre "y &ratit$de to e#eryone %ho $pported "e

    thro$&ho$t the co$re o! thi BBA project( I a" than2!$l !or their apirin& &$idance'

    in#al$ably contr$cti#e critici" and !riendy ad#ice d$rin& the project %or2( I a"

    incerely &rate!$l to the" !or harin& their tr$th!$l and ill$"inatin& #ie% on a n$"ber o! i$e related to the project.

    F$rther"ore I %o$ld alo li2e to ac2no%led&e %ith "$ch appreciation the cr$cial role o! 

    "y !ac$lty &$ide Mr( A2hat Aditya Rao %ho &a#e the per"iion to $e all re3$ired

    e3$ip"ent and the neceary "aterial to co"plete the ta2( I ha#e to appreciate the

    &$idance &i#en by other $per#ior a %ell a the panel epecially in o$r project

     preentation that ha i"pro#ed o$r preentation 2ill than2 to their co""ent and


  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc


    $ . # & 3

    *(No( Content

    4( Introd$ction

    5( Indian e-co""erce landcape

    6( Objecti#e o! the t$dy

    7( Methodolo&y

    8( Li"itation

    9( *tatitic : Fact abo$t E-co""erce in India

    ;( Re$lt o! the *t$dy Re!erence


  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc


    The en#iron"ent !or"ed by the &lobali?ation and technolo&ical chan&e tri&&ered

     political' ocial and c$lt$ral chan&e all aro$nd the %orld by the econd hal! o! the 5>th

    cent$ry( A %ell a the ocial and c$lt$ral chan&e the &lobali?ation ha#e alo created a

    ne% &lobal econo"y %hich pro#ide opport$nitie !or the !ir" to acce to ne% "ar2et

    and participate in &lobal prod$ction net%or2( Beide the opport$nitie the ne% econo"y

    !or"ed a "ore co"petiti#e en#iron"ent !or the !ir" in %hich the %inner are the one

    that can adopt &lobal teleco""$nication and tranport lin2( The adoption the internet

    "a2e it cheaper and eaier !or !ir" to e1tend their "ar2et' "ana&e their operation

    and coordinate #al$e chain acro border( Red$ction in the cot o! tranaction and

    in!or"ation' technolo&y ha red$ced "ar2et !riction and pro#ided i&ni!icant i"pet$ to

    the proce o! broadenin& %orld "ar2et( ICT adoption !oter &lobali?ation by red$cin&

    the cot o! tranaction and coordination and creatin& ne% and e1panded "ar2et %ith

    econo"ie o! cale @Totonchi and )a2a"anhadi 5>445;4( Re&ardin& &lobali?ation and

    e-co""erce to&ether it i clear that &lobali?ation proce ha !or"ed bai !or e"er&ence

    o! e-co""erce( +o%e#er in the ne1t tep the relationhip bet%een &lobali?ation and e-co""erce i Contro#erial( In thi t$dy thi relation ha been e#al$ated( E#idence

     preented in the t$dy ho% that the !$rther &lobali?ation &oe e-co""erce di!!$e in the

    le de#eloped part o! the %orld( On the other hand the di!!$ion o! eco""erce alo

    $pport the de#elop"ent o! the &lobali?ation( In thi ene it can be aid that rather than

    an e!!ect o! &lobali?ation on e-co""erce or #ice #era "entionin& a "$t$al relation

    e1it( T$r2ih cae alo de"ontrate that internationali?ation o! the econo"y $pport

    the di!!$ion o! e-co""erce ho%e#er the direction o! the relation #arie dependin& on the

    technolo&ical de#elop"ent le#el o! the co$ntry in 3$etion(

    1. Globalization of the Economy

    By the econd hal! o! 5>th cent$ry econo"ic &lobali?ation i reco&ni?ed a one the "ot

     po%er!$l !orce that haped the "odern %orld( In thi period international trade and

    !inancial !lo% ha#e beco"e increain&ly i&ni!icant @Fran2el' 5>>>5( Globali?ation i

    not only characteri?ed by the &ro%th o! the International trade o! &ood and er#ice' b$t

    alo the political and ocial lin2a&e that acco"pany &ro%in& econo"ic inte&ration(

    O$t%ardly' the dri#in& !orce ee" to be the decline in ad"initrati#e barrier to trade'

    harp !all in the cot o! tranportation and co""$nication' !ra&"entation o! prod$ction

     procee and the de#elop"ent in in!or"ation and co""$nication technolo&y @Gaton

    and )halid' 5>4> 6( Globali?ation proce inte&rated the co$ntrie in econo"y j$t a

    the other "any !ield( A a nat$ral re$lt o! the inte&ration li3$idity o! 2no%led&e' labo$r'

    capital and &ood !airly increaed( Thi li3$idity bro$&ht ne% contr$ction procee

    to&ether( 0arallel to &lobali?ation' "acroecono"ic balance ha#e been reaonably

    a!!ected d$e to dyna"ic "o#e"ent o! !orei&n capital' in thi !ra"e%or2 &lobali?ation

    a!!ected econo"y deeply a %ell a c$lt$re and politic( The &oal o! &lobali?ation i to

  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc


     pro#ide or&ani?ation a $perior co"petiti#e poition %ith lo%er operatin& cot' to &ain

    &reater n$"ber o! prod$ct' er#ice and con$"er( Thi approach to co"petition i

    &ained #ia di#eri!ication o! reo$rce' the creation and de#elop"ent o! ne% in#et"ent

    opport$nitie by openin& $p additional "ar2et' and accein& ne% ra% "aterial and

    reo$rce @In#etopedia' 5>45(

    2. Globalization and E-Commerce

    OEC/ @5>>4 de!ine e-co""erce in t%o cope orted a broad and narro% one(

    Accordin& to the broad de!inition' e-co""erce i the p$rchae or ale o! &ood bet%een

    the b$inee' ho$ehold' indi#id$al' &o#ern"ent and other p$blic and pri#ate

    or&ani?ation o#er co"p$ter net%or2( Narro% de!inition on the other hand i al"ot

    a"e a the broad de!inition o! the e1ception that the intr$"ent o! trade i li"ited %ith

    the internet @OEC/' 5>>4(

    Globali?ation and e-co""erce are e1pected to chan&e econo"ic tr$ct$re o! nation( The

    e1pected $perior econo"ic tr$ct$re i "ainly in!l$enced by the abo#e t%o !actor( In

    literat$re the ne% tr$ct$re i &enerally re!erred a )no%led&e Econo"y' Ne% Econo"y

    or E-econo"y( E-co""erce not only red$ce co""$nication cot' b$t alo increae

    !le1ibility in locatin& acti#itie( The t$die in the $bject clearly ho% that internet

    technolo&y ha led to an increae in international trade @Totonchi and )a2a"anhadi'

    5>445;6( In the co$re o! tranition !ro" the old econo"y to the ne% one' e-co""erce

    ha eli"inated the proble" o! ti"e and pace %hich in ret$rn ha lo%ered cot in

     prod$ction proce( Th$ e-co""erce ha beco"e a dyna"ic !actor in the ne% econo"y(Altho$&h electronic co""$nication technolo&ie ha been bein& $ed ince the

     be&innin& o! 4=' $e o! thoe technolo&ie !or trade ha beco"e %idepread ince the

    econd hal! o! the 4==>( Beca$e it rather ne%' it ha been percei#ed in e#eral %ay

     by di!!erent intit$tion' or&ani?ation and indi#id$al @*a#r$l and )DlD' 5>44584( E-

    co""erce conit o! the e1chan&e o! data to !acilitate the !inancin& and pay"ent( E-

    co""erce i the e1chan&e o! &ood and er#ice bet%een !o$r broad &ro$p o#er the

    Internet( Thi can happen bet%een b$inee and con$"er' b$inee and b$inee'

    intra-co"panie' and con$"er and con$"er( E-co""erce enco"pae any

    co""ercial acti#ity that ta2e place directly bet%een a b$ine' it partner or it

    c$to"er thro$&h a co"bination o! co"p$tin& and co""$nication technolo&ie( It

    ta2e into acco$nt ale' "ar2etin&' co""$nication' er#ice' and %or2!lo% @Roen'


    Re&ardin& the &lobali?ation i$e the ar&$"ent pro#ided abo#e raie the 3$etion

    %hether &lobali?ation $pport eco""erce or e-co""erce accelerate the &lobali?ation

     proce( The t$dy o! )rae"er et( al @5>>5 introd$ce that the internet i $ed "ainly !or 

  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc


    the in!or"ation e1chan&e %ith c$to"er and $pplier and e-co""erce ha a direct and

    "eanin&!$l e!!ect on &lobali?ation( Li2e%ie literat$re on the i$e ho% that !ir" $e

    the internet "ainly !or p$rchain& rather than ale( It "ajor reaon i that !ir" in their 

    !orei&n p$rchae !ace lot o! co"ple1 procee' alo p$rchain& !ro" !orei&n co$ntrie

    re3$ire coordination %ith thoe $pplier %hich ha#e a lon& ditance !ro" the"' and o

    electronic p$rchae #ia the internet ha#e o "any econo"ic ad#anta&e !or co"panie(

    Cone3$ently beca$e the e-co""erce concept i "$ch border then it percei#ed the

    relationhip bet%een &lobali?ation and e-co""erce i neb$lo$( Rather than tal2in&

    abo$t the e!!ect o! &lobali?ation on e-co""erce or #ice #era "entionin& a "$t$al

    relation %o$ld be "ore acc$rate additionally technolo&ical tr$ct$re o! a co$ntry !airly

    a!!ect the direction o! the relation(

    About %&(#

    The Or&ani?ation !or E$ropean Econo"ic Co-operation @OEEC %a !or"ed in 4=7< to

    ad"initer A"erican and Canadian aid in the !ra"e%or2 o! the Marhall 0lan !or the

    recontr$ction o! E$rope a!ter orld ar II( It tarted it operation on 49 April 4=7

  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc


    *ince 4=7=' it %a head3$artered in the Chtea$ de la M$ette in 0ari' France( A!ter the

    Marhall 0lan ended' the OEEC !oc$ed on econo"ic i$e(

    The Or&ani?ation !or Econo"ic Co-operation and /e#elop"ent @OEC/ @French

    Or&ani?ation de cooperation et de de#elop"ent econo"ie' OC/E i an international

    econo"ic or&ani?ation o! 67 co$ntrie' !o$nded in 4=94 to ti"$late econo"ic pro&re

    and %orld trade( It i a !or$" o! co$ntrie decribin& the"el#e a co""itted to

    de"ocracy and the "ar2et econo"y' pro#idin& a plat!or" to co"pare policy e1perience'

    ee2in& an%er to co""on proble"' identi!y &ood practice and coordinate do"etic

    and international policie o! it "e"ber(

    In 4=7

  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc


    *e#eral player ha#e etablihed their place in e-co""erce "ar2et j$t in !e% year( ith

    the riin& de"and o! di&ital co""erce' inno#ati#e tart$p are e"er&in& in all e&"ent(

    +o"e &ro%n player are tryin& to co"pete head-on %ith &lobal player %ho ha#e the

    ad#anta&e o! cale' technolo&y and deep poc2et( Accordin& to /eloitte t$dy JGlobal

    0o%er o! Retailin& 5>48' A"a?on contin$e to do"inate the %orld o! e-Co""erce

    %ith net prod$ct ale o! K94 billion in 5>46( Flip2art i the lar&et e-tailer in India %ith a

    #al$ation o! abo$t K44 billion and tryin& to raie !$nd to co"pete %ith &lobal bi&&ie

    li2e A"a?on and Alibaba( *napdeal i another ho"e&ro%n player %ith a #al$ation o! K8

     billion( 9 In October' *napdeal raied K95; "illion !ro" the apanee teleco" and "edia

    &ro$p *o!tban2' %ho alo ha a 6; ta2e in China e-co""erce leader Alibaba( Other 

    "er&in& player are Boo2My*ho% %ith al"ot => o! the online entertain"ent

    tic2etin& "ar2et 0ayt" %ith al"ot 5> "illion $er i leadin& pro#ider o! #irt$al %allet(

    The &lobal e-co""erce "ar2et i "ore ad#anced in ter" o! technolo&y' a%arene' and

     pay"ent yte"( A"a?on and Alibaba are t%o bi& player %hen it co"e to &lobal e-co""erce "ar2et( Alibaba acco$nt !or "ore than o! all online p$rchae in China

    and ha a &lobal preence( It "ana&e the "ar2etplace and ha co""iion baed

     b$ine "odel %ith no prod$ct o! it o%n( A"a?on' on the other hand' tarted a online

     boo2 tore and e1panded the b$ine a "ar2etplace and alo ell it o%n con$"er 

    electronic $ch a )indle eBoo2 reader' Fire Tablet' and Fire TP( Only t%o p$re play

    %eb-only e-tailer @A"a?on and / o! the top 8> e-tailer %ere lar&e eno$&h to ran2 

    a"on& top 58> retailer!

    &nabling "echnologies

    The &reater adoption o! Internet and "artphone i the bi&&et dri#er o! e-co""erce in

    India( Internet penetration i rapidly increain& %ith aro$nd 6>> "illion $er in 5>47(

    The "artphone i teadily &ro%in& and conit o! 68 o! the o#erall "obile phone

    "ar2et in the co$ntry( ; The $cce rate o! o"e o! the technolo&ie i directly

    connected to the $cce o! e-co""erce(

    (loud: ost of the e4tailers are depending on cloud technology for its

    5e6ibility, scalability, a+ailability, mobility, and e7ciency!

  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc


    obile Applications: ore than 89 million people in $ndia access internet

    through mobile de+ices! "his is the primary reason for e4tailers to focus their

    e;orts on mobile app penetration across the country!

    #igital Ad+ertisements: "he digital ad+ertisement industry is gro)ing rapidly

    as there is a gro)th in digital communication de+ices around the )orld! "heincrease in smartphones, tablets is enabling ad+ertisers to reach a )ider


    Search &ngine %ptimi: 2ith thousands of products in the digital

    catalogues, the e4commerce players nd it easy to be +isible )ith the help of 

    S&% technology!


  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc


    &4tailing =electronic retailing>: E-tailin& @le !re3$ently etailing  i the ellin& o! retail &ood on the Internet( *hort !or Helectronic retailin&'H and $ed in Internetdic$ion a early a 4==8' the ter" ee" an al"ot ine#itable addition to e-"ail' e- b$ine' and e-co""erce( E-tailin& i ynony"o$ %ith b$ine-to-con$"er @B5C


    4tailing: Mobile de#ice are re#ol$tioni?in& hoppin& in India and brand that e"brace

    "obility a a pri"ary "ar2etin& plat!or" co$ld potentially do$ble or triple their ale in

    the hort and "edi$" ter"' accordin& to reearch by creati#e and di&ital co""$nication

    a&ency /ra!t!cb India( *o co""itted are Indian "obile phone $er to "obile hoppin&'

    8; o! people $r#eyed aid they %o$ld b$y anythin& on a "obile phone' #er$ the

    &lobal a#era&e o! 7=(

    Fro" proprietary reearch co""iioned by /ra!t!cb acro ei&ht "ajor &lobal

    econo"ie' China ha the "ot acti#e "art phone "ar2et in the %orld %here people $etheir "obile de#ice !or "ore !$nction than in other co$ntrie( On a#era&e' Chinee

    "art phone $er e"brace 7(= acti#itie' %ith the .*A a#era&e at 7(; and India $er at


    &4commerce: The internet ha been li2ened' in it ability to chan&e the nat$re and

    operation o! "ar2et' to $ch pat epochal e#ent a the ad#ent o! railroad and the

    introd$ction and &ro%th o! the telephone yte"( Globali?ation ha been de!ined a the

     proce by %hich "ar2et and prod$ction in di!!erent co$ntrie are beco"in&

    increain&ly interdependent d$e to the dyna"ic o! trade in &ood and er#ice and !lo%

    o! capital and technolo&y( Globali?ation can be de!ined a any econo"ic tranaction

    %here the b$yer and eller co"e to&ether thro$&h the electronic "edia o! the Internet'

    !or" a contract$al a&ree"ent concernin& the pricin& and deli#ery o! partic$lar &ood and

    er#ice' and co"plete the tranaction thro$&h deli#ery o! pay"ent and &ood and

    er#ice a contracted( E-Co""erce re!er to a %ide ran&e o! online b$ine acti#itie

    !or prod$ct and er#ice

    4commerce: The phrae mobile commerce %a ori&inally coined in 4==; by )e#in

    /$!!ey at the la$nch o! the Global Mobile Co""erce For$"' to "ean Hthe deli#ery

    o! electronic co""erce capabilitie directly into the con$"er hand' any%here'

    #ia %irele technolo&y( Many chooe to thin2 o! Mobile Co""erce a "eanin& Ha retail

    o$tlet in yo$r c$to"er poc2et(

    Mobile co""erce i %orth .*K56> billion' %ith Aia repreentin& al"ot hal! o! the

    "ar2et' and ha been !orecat to reach .*K;>> billion in 5>4;( Accordin& to BI

    Intelli&ence in an$ary 5>46' 5= o! "obile $er ha#e no% "ade a p$rchae %ith their 



  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc


    %B-&("$'&S %? "H& S"/#Y

    4 Analy?e the 0rod$ction proce acro di!!erent co$ntrie(

    5 /ecribe the inte&ration o! trade by &lobali?ation(

    6 Lit the !actor that ha#e enabled Globali?ation(

    7 To decribe the preent tat$ and !acilitator o! E-Co""erce in India(

    8 To analy?e the preent trend o! E-Co""erce in India(

    9 To e1a"ine the barrier o! E-Co""erce in India(

    4( Analy?e the prod$ction proce acro di!!erent co$ntrie(

    .ntil the "iddle o! t%entieth cent$ry' prod$ction %a lar&ely or&ani?ed %ithin co$ntrie(

    Only ra% "aterial' !ood t$!! and !inihed prod$ct %ere e1ported to other co$ntrie(India e1ported ra% "aterial and !ood t$!! and i"ported !inihed &ood( Trade %a the

    "ain channel connectin& ditant co$ntrie( To%ard the end o! 5>th  cent$ry lar&e

    co"panie called M$lti-National corporation @MNC e"er&ed on the cene( A MNC i

    a co"pany that o%n or control prod$ction in "ore than one Nation( MNC et $p

    o!!ice and !actorie !or prod$ction in re&ion %here they can &et cheap labo$r and other 


    5( /ecribe the inte&ration o! trade by &lobali?ation(

    For a lon& ti"e !orei&n trade ha been the "ain channel connectin& co$ntrie( E#en a

    early a

  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc


    ditance at lo%er cot and in the "o#e"ent o! people !ro" one co$ntry to

    another in a hort ti"e(

    (b) In!or"ation and co""$nication technolo&y In!or"ation and co""$nication

    technolo&y @or IT in hort ha played a "ajor role in preadin& o$t

     prod$ction o! er#ice acro co$ntrie( Many MNC are er#ice baed

    co"panie there!ore the tran!er o! in!or"ation i #ery #ital to the"(

    5( Liberali?ation o! !orei&n trade and In#et"ent policy

    (a) Re"o#in& Trade Barrier %hen the &o#ern"ent on i"port i"poe ta1 it i

    called a trade barrier( Go#ern"ent $e the trade barrier to increae or 

    decreae @re&$late !orei&n trade and to decide %hat 2ind o! &ood and ho%

    "$ch o! each ho$ld co"e into the co$ntry(

    (b) Liberali?ation o! In#et"ent policie Barrier on !orei&n in#et"ent %erere"o#ed to a lar&e e1tent enablin& "any MNC to et $p their !actorie in

    India( Th$ the rapid i"pro#e"ent in technolo&y and the liberali?ation o! 

    !orei&n policie pa#ed the %ay !or &lobali?ation in India(

    7( To decribe the preent tat$ and !acilitator o! E-Co""erce in India

    Today e-co""erce i a by%ord in Indian ociety and it ha beco"e an inte&ral

     part o! o$r daily li!e( There are %ebite pro#idin& any n$"ber o! &ood and er#ice(

    Then there are thoe' %hich pro#ide a peci!ic prod$ct alon& %ith it allied er#ice(

    Facilitator o! E-Co""erce in India(

    • In!or"ation directorie

    • Ban2

    8( To analy?e the preent trend o! E-Co""erce in India

    India i de#elopin& rapidly and i! de#elop"ent i to be "ea$red' ho% can %e i&norethe role o! eco""erce in it( The internet $er bae in India "i&ht till be a "ere 4>>

    "illion %hich i "$ch le %hen co"pared to it penetration in the .* or .) b$t it

    $rely e1pandin& at an alar"in& rate( The n$"ber o! ne% entrant in thi phere i

    ecalatin& daily and %ith &ro%th rate reachin& it ?enith it can be pre$"ed that in year

    to co"e' c$to"ary retailer %ill !eel the need to %itch to online b$ine(

  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc


    9( To e1a"ine the barrier o! E-Co""erce in India

    *o"e o! the in!ratr$ct$ral barrier reponible !or lo% &ro%th o! eco""erce in India

    are a !ollo%( *o"e o! thee e#en preent ne% b$ine opport$nitie(

    a 0ay"ent Collection hen &et paid by net ban2in& one ha to end $p &i#in& a

    i&ni!icant hare o! re#en$e @7 or "ore e#en %ith a b$ine o! thin "ar&in(

    Fra$d$lent char&e' char&e bac2 etc( all beco"e "erchant reponibility and

    hence to be acco$nted !or in the b$ine "odel

     b Lo&itic ,o$ ha#e to deli#er the prod$ct' a!e and ec$re' in the hand o! the

    ri&ht &$y in ri&ht ti"e !ra"e( Re&$lar pot doent o!!er an acceptable er#ice

    le#el co$rier ha#e hi&h char&e and li"ited reach

    c Pendor Mana&e"ent +o%e#er ad#anced yte" "ay be' #endor %ill ha#e to

    co"e do%n and deal in an ine!!icient yte" !or in#entory "ana&e"ent( Thi %ill

    lo% do%n dratically( Mot o! the" %ont carry any di&ital data !or their  prod$ct( No nice loo2in& photo&raph' no di&ital data heet' no "echani" to

    chec2 !or daily price' a#ailability to 2eep yo$r ite $pdated(


  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc


    For the p$rpoe o! reearch' o$r "ethod need analyi o! certain indicator %hich can

     brin& the clearer pict$re on relationhip bet%een e-co""erce and &lobaliation(

    Analytical preparation %ill need !ollo%in& "ethod(

    4( Inter#ie% %ith an opti"al a"ple pace %hich %ill #ario$ly incl$de &eneral

     pop$lace' trade analyt' "edia' &o#ern"ent etc(

    5( Findin& correlation bet%een #ario$ trend $ch a r$ral-$rban diparity'

    increain& con$"eri" and per capita e1pendit$re' trend o! conpic$o$

    con$"ption' etc(

    6( /oin& peronal e1peri"ent and readin& to identi!y array o! para"eter' $ch

    a thoe related to cah on deli#ery' &ood ret$rn' %indo% hoppin& etc(

    7( All the abo#e "ethod %ill need data collection at pri"ary and econdary


    Follo%in& i the lit and e1a"ple o! certain indicator %hich %ill be analyed in the ne1t


    a( I"pact on "all and "edi$" ind$trie(

    E-Commerce brings in significant opportunities for the Small and Medium-

    sized Enterprises (SME) sector in India which accounted for more than 8 per

    cent of the !" in #$%&. 'otwithstanding the contribution to the Indian

    econom onl a miniscule percentage of enterprises in this sector are present

    on the web.

     b( Eae o! pendin&(

    "ersonalized e*perienced is a great wa to encourage customers to fill their

    shopping carts. Man customers are unsure or are too laz to loo+ through all

    the possible options on a website. ,he are more li+el to use our initial

    naigations to get to the part of our website that has something li+e what

    the are loo+ing for. rom there the ma scan through some options.

    c( Ta1ation(

    E-co""erce ector i b$??in& %ith deal and ale( B$t %hen it co"e to ta1ation

     policy' the ector doe not i??le' epecially on the B$d&et day( The only par2 %a the Go#ern"ent pled&e to i"ple"ent the "$ch-delayed Good and *er#ice

    Ta1 @G*T by April' 5>49 and the i"pro#e"ent aociated %ith debit and credit

    card tranaction(

  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc


    d( Rie in "obile(

      A"on& the "obile phone $er' the percenta&e o! *"artphone $er i e1pected

    to increae dratically( There %ere aro$nd 4(46 billion *"artphone $er in 5>45 i(e(

    aro$nd 54;.

    e( 0er capita inco"e

    It is expected that Internet penetration to increase from 32% in 2015 to 59% in

    2020, translating to a near-doubling of the Internet user base, the !" ban# said.

    It estimates India $ill hae almost 320 million online shoppers b& 2020 compared$ith 50 million in 2015.

    'er capita incomes are li#el& to double b& 2025 and this should drie higher 

    aspirations of the Indian consumer.


  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc



    The t$dy done ha "any li"itation both !oreeen and $neen( The i?e and co"poition

    o! a"ple pace i a #ery co"ple1 ta2 to chooe and analye !ro"( Men' %o"en' &irl'

     boy' rich' poor' r$ral' $rban' all ha#e di!!erent de"and and ched$le %hich enable

    di!!erent e1perience o! $ch procee li2e e-co""erce( It i not opti"al to do the

    a#era&in& !ro" $ch trend and hence prone to de#iant error(

    The inter#ie% proce i $ed a one "ode o! "ethodolo&y( *$ch a "ethod i alo prone

    to error o%in& to e1pertie o! inter#ie%er' credibility and interet o! the reponder' and

    other $ch proble"(

    The "ethodolo&y alo in#ol#e peronal t$die and readin& !ro" #ario$ o$rce' %hich

    %ill th$ brin& ele"ent o! $bjecti#ity in the t$dy and re$lt can th$ be biaed to o"ede&ree depite bet e!!ort(

    F$rther the !ield o! e-co""erce i yet not o e#ol#ed and i chan&in& on daily bai(

    *t$dy loo2in& !or $re concl$ion %ill th$ ha#e it li"itation(

    $arketplace model and in%entory model

    The "ar2etplace "odel pr$n& into the #irt$al hori?on a an alternati#e epecially to

    addre the do%nide o! the !$ll in#entory "odel(

    &ew entrie in e-commerce market

  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc


    *t$dy i cond$cted in India' %hich ha one o! the !atet pace o! chan&in& #al$e in

     para"eter $ch a "obile penetration' "artphone $er' chan&in& la%' o"e a"o$nt

    o! in!le1ibility %ith re&ard to !orei&n entry o! trade@a i the cae %ith A"a?on( Th$

    India ha it inherent di!!ic$ltie %ith re&ard to t$dy on the $bject(

    'ack of erification $eare

    Once a c$to"er i&n $p in an e-co""erce portal' the portal i $na%are abo$t the

    c$to"er e1cept the in!or"ation hehe entered( The credibility o! the c$to"er i

    3$etionable( Thi hei&hten %hen the c$to"er i$e a Cah-on-/eli#ery @CO/ p$rchae beca$e the b$ine i $n$re %hether the c$to"er i &en$ine or not( Thee

    ha#e re$lted in h$&e re#en$e loe !or "any e-co""erce player !

    *rodct +etrn and +efnd

    hen prod$ct are ret$rned beca$e c$to"er are $nati!ied %ith the prod$ct' it car

    the b$ine %ith hea#y lo on hip"ent and rep$tation( Cot o! lo&itic ha#e al%ay

     been an i$e !or e-co""erce player epecially !or thoe %ho deli#er !or !ree(

    'ack of ,nte!ration

  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc


    Order "ana&e"ent yte"' c$to"er $pport yte"' dipatch yte"' order trac2in&

    yte"' etc are application that can trea"line the e1perience o! the c$to"er acro the

     b$yin& jo$rney( B$t i! thee yte" are diparate it co$ld r$in c$to"er e1perience

    Cu!"#$% Iu$ G"&' U''"!&$*

    Bein& in an ind$try %here c$to"er can ta2e their b$ine ele%here in a blin2 o! an

    eye' c$to"er er#ice &oe a lon& %ay( E-co""erce b$ine recei#e a lot o! inbo$nd

    interaction %ith "ore than ;8 bein& co"plaint or concern( hen thee concern &o

    $nnoticed' it co"pro"ie the tandard o! 3$ality o! yo$r b$ine' and tarnihe yo$r 


     Cu!"#$% L"+,!+

    E-co""erce ind$try i an ind$try %here the cot o! %itchin& i pretty ini&ni!icant( A

    lot o! player ha#e lot c$to"er beca$e their ri#al ha#e a better 3$ality o! c$to"er 

    er#ice' or better dico$nt( )no%in& that

  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc


     Mot B5B relationhip are the reponibility o! a ale tea"( O!ten' thi incl$de

    coordination bet%een inide ale and o$tide ale or independent

    repreentati#e( ebite content and e-commerce can be inte!rated %ith CRM

    ol$tion' incl$din& *ale!orce(co"' to in!or" the ale tea" o! c$to"er interet and to

    &i#e credit !or el!-er#ice p$rchae

    Too many prodct with only li!ht %ariation

    Thi h$rdle can be ol#ed %ith a rob$t ite earch !$nction( *arametric earch allo%

    ite #iitor to earch !or an ite" baed on peci!ic para"eter or partic$lar attrib$te a

    &ran$lar a ite" di"enion or "aterial co"poition( hen a B5B b$ine o%ner can

     brin& #al$e to a co""odity ite"' $ch a a n$t or a bolt' they#e done their job and then


    Secrity/ *ri%acy

    /i!!ic$lt to en$re ec$rity or pri#acy on online tranaction(

    S"AS"$S"$(S A.# ?A("S AB%/" &4(%&R(& $. $.#$A

  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc


    The !at de#elop"ent o! teleco""$nication technolo&y in the pat !e% decade i

    chan&in& "any apect o! o$r li#e ho% %e earch !or in!or"ation' ho% %e tra#el and

    not at leat ho% %e b$y prod$ct or er#ice( Altho$&h claic hop-baed retail i till

     pre!erred' e-co""erce or electronic co""erce' na"ely the b$yin& and ellin& o! 

     prod$ct and er#ice e1cl$i#ely thro$&h electronic channel' i &ainin& &ro$nd( The

    "ot %ell-2no%n !or" o! e-co""erce or electronic co""erce i online hoppin&' alo

    2no%n a b$ine to con$"er e-co""erce @B5C' %here pri#ate c$to"er can order 

    #ario$ prod$ct %hich they then recei#e by co$rier or potal "ail( Another cate&ory o! 

    e-co""erce !oc$e on tranaction bet%een co"panie' $ch a "an$!act$rer and a

    %holealer or %holealer and retailer and i called b$ine to b$ine e-co""erce

    @B5B( The third cate&ory o! e-co""erce in#ol#e tranaction !ro" con$"er to

    con$"er @C5C' a in the e1a"ple o! A"a?on or other i"ilar %ebite(

    ith an e1pected 66 percent o! the &lobal "ar2et in 5>48 and o#er 6; percent in 5>4(= percent o! all retail ale in

    India' b$t thi !i&$re i alo e1pected to &ro% in the near !$t$re' reachin& 4(7 percent in

    5>449 a n$"ber o!  986 "illion people in the Aia 0aci!ic re&ion are e1pected to b$y

    &ood and er#ice online' a !i&$re %hich tranlate into o#er 7< percent o! internet

    $er in the Aia 0aci!ic re&ion p$rchain& prod$ct or er#ice online( *o"e o! the

    "ot  pop$lar prod$ct cate&orie a"on& online hopper in the re&ion incl$de airline

    tic2et and reer#ation' baby $pplie' co"etic' clothin&' acceorie and hoe' a

    %ell a co"p$ter hard%are and o!t%are( Accordin& to recent data' the n$"ber o! di&ital

     b$yer in India alone i e1pected to reach 74 "illion by 5>49' repreentin& o"e 5;

     percent o! the total n$"ber o! internet $er in the co$ntry( F$rther"ore' a &ro%in&

    n$"ber o! people in the Aia 0aci!ic area are increain&ly $in& their "obile de#ice !or 

    online hoppin&( In India' o"e = percent o! the co$ntry pop$lation had "ade

    a  p$rchae #ia "obile phone %ithin the pat "onth' a o! the !o$rth 3$arter o! 5>47(

    The "ot $cce!$l e-retailer in India i abon&(co"' a !ahion and Li!etyle Co"pany

    peciali?ed in apparel' !oot%ear' !ahion acceorie' bea$ty prod$ct' ho"e acceorie

    and other !ahion and li!etyle prod$ct( ith 59(59 "illion $ni3$e in October 5>47


  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc


    alone' abon&(co" "ana&e to $rpa A"a?on' the %orld "ot $cce!$l e-retailer(

    In the ne1t 48 year India %ill ee "ore people co"e online than any other co$ntry( Lat

    year e-co""erce ale %ere abo$t K49 billion by 5>5>' accordin& to Mor&an *tanley' a

     ban2' the online retail "ar2et co$ld be "ore than e#en ti"e lar&er( *$ch ale are

    e1pected to &ro% !ater in India than in any other "ar2et( Thi ha attracted a !lood o! 

    in#et"ent in e-co""erce !ir"' the i"pact o! %hich "ay &o !ar beyond j$t diplacin&

    o!!line retail(

    India "all b$inee ha#e li"ited acce to loan "ot o! it con$"er do not ha#e

    credit card' or !or that "atter credit( The e-co""erce co"panie are in#etin& in

    lo&itic' helpin& "erchant borro% and &i#in& con$"er ne% tool to pay !or &ood(

    A"it A&ar%al' %ho r$n A"a?on(in' hold o$t the hope that Je co$ld act$ally be a

    catalyt to tran!or" India ho% India b$y' ho% India ell' and e#en tran!or" li#e(

    The 0ewel in the crown

    A"a?on %ant to "a2e India it econd-bi&&et "ar2et' a!ter A"erica( For the ti"e

     bein&' tho$&h' %ith j$t 45 o! the "ar2et' it la& behind the ho"e-&ro%n $ccee'

    Flip2art @78 and *napdeal @59( All three' a %ell a o"e "aller co"petitor' are

    pendin& at a bliterin& rate( A &lobal "ar2et dip and *ilicon Palley $nicorn t$"ble'

    the international !$ndin& that "a2e thi poible "ay dry $p( /o$bt abo$t the

    $tainability o! the co"panie preent plan %ere $nderlined %hen' on Febr$ary 59th'

    one o! Mor&an *tanley "$t$al !$nd "ar2ed do%n the #al$e o! it ta2e in Flip2art by

    5;( I! the propect o! chan&in& India a billion deli#erie at a ti"e i a be&$ilin& one' it

    i not !or the !aint-hearted(

    India #iionarie 2eep their pirit $p by re"e"berin& the e1a"ple o! China( Chinee e-

    co""erce &re% by nearly 9>> bet%een 5>4> and 5>47' "a2in& the co$ntry the bi&&et

    e-co""erce "ar2et in the %orld today( It "ana&ed thi lar&ely thro$&h the &ro%th o! 

    indi&eno$ co"panie "i&hty A"a?on "erely nip at the heel o! ho"e-&ro%n &iant

    Alibaba and /(co" eBay ha all b$t le!t the ta&e( And in the proce China top e-

    co""erce !ir" ca"e to o!!er an atonihin& ran&e o! er#ice(

    Alibaba' !o$nded by ac2 Ma in 4=== and no% #al$ed at K4

  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc


    Alibaba i no% b$ildin& er#ice centre in re"ote area %here hopper can order' pic2 

    $p and ell &ood' a %ell a pay their bill( It i a !$rther tep in it atte"pt not "erely

    to bene!it !ro" the &ro%th in Chinee con$"ption' b$t to hape and accelerate it( The

    de&ree to %hich it ha $cceeded $&&et that the earlier an e-co""erce co"pany

    arri#e in a co$ntry de#elop"ent' the %ider it role "i&ht be(

    India i in "any %ay a to$&her "ar2et !or e-co""erce than China( It pop$lation i

     poorer and it in!ratr$ct$re %ore( B$t it propect loo2 re"ar2able( Inco"e per peron'

    %hich in 5>47 %a K4'8;>' co$ld be t%ice that by 5>58( T%o-third o! Indian are

    yo$n&er than 68' and their phone &i#e a h$&e n$"ber o! the" acce to the internet( In

    /ece"ber 5>47 "artphone acco$nted !or one in !i#e Indian "obile' accordin& to

    Gold"an *ach( $t i1 "onth later' they acco$nted !or one in !o$r @ee chart 4(

    Mor&an *tanley e1pect internet penetration to rie !ro" 65 in 5>48 to 8= in 5>5>(

    By 5>6>' India i projected to be a one-billion-peron di&ital "ar2et(

    The propect o! a econd "ar2et &ro%in& to a near-Chinee i?e attract thoe %ho "ade

    a pac2et the !irt ti"e ro$nd( Bob #an /ij2' the chie! e1ec$ti#e o! Naper' a *o$th

    A!rican !ir" that bac2ed /(co" and Tencent' China lar&et ocial-"edia co"pany'

  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc


    ay he loo2 !or co$ntrie %ith bi& pop$lation' riin& "artphone $e and !e% retail

    chain( India' %here "all' $per"ar2et and branded chain' or %hat analyt call

    Jor&ani?ed retail' acco$nt !or j$t 4> or o o! the total "ar2et' !it the bill per!ectly(

    The middlemen

     Naper o%n a 4; ta2e in Flip2art other /(co" in#etor' incl$din& Ti&er GlobalMana&e"ent' in Ne% ,or2' and /*T Global' a R$ian !$nd' ha#e alo bac2ed the

    co"pany( apan *o!tban2' a bi& in#etor in Alibaba' ha bac2ed *napdeal ince 5>46'

    and Alibaba itel! !ollo%ed $it lat A$&$t( Mean%hile Alibaba Ant Financial o%n a

    5> ta2e in India 0ayt"' %hich be&an a a "obile-%allet co"pany and no% co"pete

    %ith *napdeal and Flip2art a an online "ar2etplace( The three !ir" ha#e a co"bined

    #al$ation o! al"ot K58 billion(

    In contrat to thoe in#etor tryin& to recapit$late their Chinee $cce' A"a?on i

    ee2in& to "a2e $p !or it !ail$re( Red$ced lat year to the i&no"iny o! ha#in& to open a

    hop on Alibaba T"all ite' e!! Be?o i deter"ined that thi ti"e' %ith "oree1perience and in a "ore open "ar2et' thin& %ill be di!!erent(

    hen Flip2art %a !o$nded' in 5>>;' A"a?on %a ob#io$ly it "odel( The co"pany

     be&an a a boo2eller the t%o en&ineer %ho tarted it' *achin Banal and Binny Banal

    @not related' had %or2ed !or A"a?on( Mr( Be?o' tho$&h' i o! the opinion that i! anyone

    i! &oin& to be the A"a?on o! India' it ho$ld be A"a?on( In 5>47' hortly a!ter Flip2art

    anno$nced a K4 billion ro$nd o! !$ndin&' Mr( Be?o donned Indian clothe in Ban&alore'

    hopped aboard a rainbo%-colo$red tr$c2 and handed Mr( A&ar%al a K5 billion che3$e( A

    !ir" %hich earned o#er K4>> billion in 5>48 and ha hareholder content to ee "ore or 

    le nothin& by %ay o! pro!it can a!!ord $ch lar&ee(

     Neither Flip2art' A"a?on' nor any o! the other bi& co"petitor are !ollo%in& the retail

    trate&y that led to A"a?on $cce in the et( Indian re&$lation bar !orei&n-bac2ed

    e-co""erce !ir" !ro" o%nin& in#entory' and o actin& a a trai&ht!or%ard retailer i

    not an option( A a re$lt India top e-co""erce co"panie loo2 "$ch "ore li2e

    Alibaba( Flip2art ha beco"e a "ar2etplace %here eller o!!er e#erythin& !ro" "obile

     phone to %ahin& "achine to handba&( *napdeal' A"a?on and 0ayt" r$n

    "ar2etplace too( The !ir" co"pete !e#erihly on price' o!!erin& dico$nt that cho"p

    a%ay their o%n "ar&in( In the lon& ter"' they "$t di!!erentiate the"el#e by honin&

    er#ice !or eller and hopper ali2e' and o!!erin& a better' broader ran&e o! prod$ct to

    "ore Indian than %o$ld ha#e the" other%ie(

    The !irt tep to that &oal i to boot the n$"ber o! eller on the co"pany plat!or"Uit

    i the eller' a!ter all' %ho pay co""iion and hippin& !ee( *o co"panie o!!er a

    ran&e o! er#ice to l$re b$inee to their ite( Flip2art pro&ra" ran&e !ro" teachin&

    eller ho% to "ana&e pea2 ale d$rin& Diwali to ad#iin& !ahion brand on trend and

  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc


     prod$ction( In Febr$ary A"a?on anno$nced a tra#ellin& t$dio-on-%heel' o!!erin&

    trainin&' photo&raphy and other er#ice to help hop-o%ner co"e online(

    B$t the "ot i"portant help they o!!er i in eain& acce to credit( *"all b$inee'

    &i#en their carce !inancial tate"ent and li"ited credit hitory' ha#e lon& had tro$ble

    obtainin& loan !ro" India ban2( They o!ten rely on e1peni#e loan !ro" nei&hbor or 

    !a"ily( The e-co""erce co"panie ha#e tron& incenti#e to "a2e the" better o!!erU 

    and beca$e they ha#e acce to online-ale data they are in a pri#ile&ed poition !ro"

    %hich to help lender j$d&e credit ri2(

    Ta2e *$"it A&ar%al @no relation to A"a?on Mr( A&ar%al' a yo$n& entreprene$r %ho

    tarted an online hoe b$ine in 5>44( In hi %areho$e in Ne% /elhi %or2er pac2 and

    can hip"ent a"on& to%er o! hoebo1e( The early day %ere $ncertain hi !a"ily

    reaction %hen the !ir" tarted' he ay' %a Jhat the hell i thi &$y doin&V No% it i

    eaier !or $ch entreprene$r to !ind the capital %ith %hich to &ro%( hen Mr( A&ar%al

    lo& into hi eller acco$nt on A"a?on(in hi creen o!!er a col$"n o! hort-ter"

    loan' their rate calc$lated $in& data !ro" hi tranaction( Other e-co""erce !ir"

    ha#e i"ilar che"e( In an$ary *napdeal anno$nced that the *tate Ban2 o! India %o$ld

    appro#e loan o! $p to K6;'>>> intantly i! it li2ed the loo2 o! the data that *napdeal

     pro#ided on the borro%er(

    Once a ite ha eller' the econd challen&e i to help con$"er b$y their %are( Anil

    carrie a cl$n2y credit-card reader %ith hi" on hi ro$nd' b$t "ot people pay cah( The

    e-co""erce ite %ant to chan&e that( 0ayt" let c$to"er add "oney to a di&ital %allet

    that can then be $ed to hop online' top $p a "obile phone' lend "oney to a !riend' pay a

     bill or $e a er#ice $ch a an .ber ta1i( It ha 45>" di&ital-%allet acco$nt' nearly i1

    ti"e India n$"ber o! credit card( *napdeal bo$&ht it o%n "obile pay"ent co"pany

    in April( A"a?on p$rchaed an online-pay"ent er#ice in Febr$ary(

    fine balance

    I! a con$"er doe b$y a prod$ct' the ne1t ta2 i deli#erin& it( /eli#ery itel! i nothin&

    ne%( Indian ha#e lon& been able to ha#e a deli#ery boy !ro" the local kirana Uthe

    corner hop that do"inate Indian retailUbrin& the" a tic2 o! b$tter( B$t bein& able to

    deli#er on a lar&er cale i a challen&e( The co$ntry "ail er#ice' India 0ot' i ill-

    e3$ipped to %ait %hile a hopper trie on a kurta and ponder ret$rnin& it( *o ne%co"er

    are b$ildin& net%or2( B$t India tra!!ic i hellih and it addree #a&$e(

    A tart$p na"ed /elhi#ery ha hired "ore than 48'>>> ta!!' !ro" de#eloper to

    e1ec$ti#e poached !ro" Faceboo2 and poh con$ltancie( It head3$arter in G$r&aon

    are o pac2ed that en&ineer pill onto an o$tdoor porch' tappin& their 2eyboard

    !$rio$ly( /elhi#ery' %hich %or2 %ith a n$"ber o! e-co""erce !ir"' i $in& "achine

    learnin& to $bdi#ide India potcode' the better to "ap idioyncratic decription(

    Jell 2no% the ho$e %ith the yello% door ne1t to the te"ple' ay *andeep Baraia'

  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc


    the "ana&in& director( The co"pany "o#e &ood to ;>> or o "all ditrib$tion centre

    o#erni&ht to a#oid con&eted "ain road d$rin& b$ine ho$r( Tho$and o! deli#ery

     boy then dah to and !ro" the ditrib$tion centre thro$&ho$t the day' bearin& "ore than

    5> 2ilo on their bi2e(

    E-co""erce co"panie are de#iin& their o%n ol$tion' too( *o"e in#et"ent' $ch a%areho$e' are trai&ht!or%ard( Other are le o( Flip2art lat year be&an $in&

    M$"bai !a"o$ net%or2 o! dabbawallas' or l$nch-deli#ery "en' to drop o!! pac2a&e

    %hen they pic2ed $p c$to"er l$nch tin( A"a?on ha a pilot 0ro&ra""e that let

    c$to"er order &rocerie online and ha#e the" deli#ered !ro" the nearet kirana(

    To&ether' e-co""erce !ir" ay' thee e1peri"ent co$ld create a ne% tr$ly national

    "ar2etplace( Neel2anth Mihra o! Credit *$ie' a ban2' point o$t that road

    contr$ction' electri!ication and "obile phone ha#e to2ed bi& increae in r$ral %a&e'

    and th$ de"and !or &ood @ee chart 5( Flip2art ay that abo$t hal! it ale co"e !ro"

    o$tide India bi& citie( *napdeal clai" "ore than 9>( It recently la$nched e#en

    re&ional-lan&$a&e #erion o! it %ebite(

    A they b$ild o$t their "ar2et the !ir" tr$"pet their aitance to "all b$inee(

    J*o"e o! the bi& eller on A"a?on only had a hop in a corner o! Ban&alore they %ere

    happy ellin& to !i#e 2ilo"eter aro$nd each hop' declare A"a?on Mr( A&ar%al(

    JNo% they are hippin& order to )ah"ir and eatern India( A"a?on i helpin& "ore

    than 9'>>> Indian b$inee e1port' a %ell( *napdeal )$nal Bahl i e3$ally e1pani#e

    JO$r a"bition i to be a &reat ocial' econo"ic and &eo&raphic e3$ali?er !or the "all

     b$inee o! India a they cale $p(

    All thee bold plan are clo$ded by t%o obtinate !act( Firt' pendin& on dico$nt'

    "ar2etin& ca"pai&n and ne% hire "ean none o! the co"panie ha yet "ade "oney(

    Piit any !ir" lobby and yo$ %ill "eet herd o! job applicant( /eli#ery boy li2e Anil

    are in hot de"andUa top per!or"er in hi branch' he earn abo$t 47'>>> r$pee @K5>>

    each "onth(

  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc


    A"a?on i' predictably' o$tpendin& it co"petitor( Lat year it ale %ere t%o-third

    the i?e o! it loe( Mr( A&ar%al i not bothered by a lac2 o! pro!it( JThe priority i

    &ro%th' he e1plain( An2it Na&ori' Flip2art chie! b$ine o!!icer' ay that the "ot

    i"portant "etric !or hi co"pany are not "ar&in b$t the n$"ber o! ne% c$to"er'

    ho% o!ten they hop' ho% "$ch they b$y and the peed o! deli#ery( JI! yo$ ol#e !or thee !o$r thin&' he contend' Jthen the top line and botto" line %ill !all in place(

    billion deli%erie more

    The econd proble" i re&$latory( Forbiddin& !orei&n-bac2ed !ir" !ro" o%nin&

    in#entory ha cot( Co"panie ha#e li"ited control o#er the 3$ality o! prod$ct on their 

    ite' point o$t Mor&an *tanley 0ara& G$pta' and they can do little to trea"line the

    co$ntry !ra&"ented $pply chain( Flip2art ha beco"e a tan&le o! interlin2ed entitie'

    incl$din& a holdin& co"pany in *in&apore' in an atte"pt to obey India r$le %hile

    "a1i"i?in& pro!it(India &o#ern"ent "ay nonethele co"e $nder protectionit pre$re( Traditional

    retailer alle&e that the online "ar2etplace !lo$t r$le a&aint !orei&n direct in#et"ent(

    Faceboo2 recently c$ttled plan to o!!er Indian !ree internet er#ice' incl$din& it

    o%n' par2ed a !$rore o#er the ri2 o! Jdi&ital coloniali"(

  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc


    O!!line retailer are %atchin& all thi intently( Kiranas are relati#ely protected' than2 to

    "ea&re ta1 bill and li"ited carryin& cot @they tore little( Bi& hop and "all are

    another tory @ee chart 6( Jhat i re"ar2able !or "e i that in a #ery hort ti"e' e-

    co""erce ha beco"e hal! o! %hat the or&ani?ed "ar2et i' ay Abhee2 *in&hi o! the

    Boton Con$ltin& Gro$p( JT%o year do%n the line' three year do%n the line' the e-

    co""erce "ar2et co$ld be lar&er(

    Bi& !orei&n retailerU$ch a I2ea' a *%edih !$rnit$re co"pany' %hich a!ter year o! 

    2er!$!!le "ay !inally be openin& an Indian toreUcannot ell directly online( Matter are

    i"pler !or Indian retailer' b$t their co$re re"ain clo$dy( Reliance Ind$trie' a

    con&lo"erate %ith o#er 4" 3$are "etre o! hop !loor' i plannin& it o%n e-co""erce

    #ent$re( F$t$re Gro$p' %hich pioneered hyper"ar2et in the co$ntry' i o$t!ittin& "all

    hop-o%ner and entreprene$r %ith di&ital catalo&$e o that con$"er can order 

    F$t$re Gro$p prod$ct in place %here there %ill ne#er be a tore( +o%e#er the !ir" hacaled bac2 o"e o! it "ore a"bitio$ plan !or e-co""erce( JThe "ore ale yo$ do'

    the "ore "oney yo$ loe' "$e )ihore Biyani' F$t$re Gro$p !o$nder( J,o$ need to

    ha#e contin$o$ !$ndin& and o"eone to bac2 yo$(

    For the ti"e bein&' the bi& co"panie in the ector are ha#in& thoe need "et( J,o$

    ha#e at leat three' potentially !o$r lar&e player %ith deep eno$&h poc2et' ay Mr(

    *in&hi( JIt &oin& to play o$t at a #ery hi&h cot( Co"panie li2e Alibaba and A"a?on

  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc


    ee that cot a %orth payin& in part beca$e' j$t a they applied %hat they learned in

    China to India' o they %ill $e their Indian e1perience in the ne1t "ar2et they "o#e

    into( Alibaba' not content to bac2 0ayt" and *napdeal' i alo co$rtin& Indian b$inee

    directly( In /ece"ber it aid it %o$ld help Indian !ir" %ith !inancin& and lo&itic o

    they "i&ht $e Alibaba plat!or" to e1port to China and beyond( E#ent$ally' Mr( Ma

    li2e to ay' any con$"er ho$ld be able to b$y !ro" any eller' any%here in the %orld(

    The "ore o! thoe p$rchae &o thro$&h one o! hi !ir"' the better(

    And e#ery%here thee &iant &o' ho"e-&ro%n entreprene$r %ill be hopin& that their 

    local ac$"en %ill &i#e the" an ed&e and loo2in& !or o#erea in#etor to bac2 the"(

    Many o! the" %ill !ail India doe not yet o!!er an e1a"ple o! ho% to "a2e a pro!it' and

    it "ay be a lon& ti"e be!ore it doe( B$t a lon& a o"e o! thee e!!ort $r#i#e' they

    %ill er#e to peed pro&re' and inno#ation' in de#elopin& "ar2et( A A"a?on Mr(

    A&ar%al ay' JI! "illion o! "all' "edi$" enterprie o$t there' "an$!act$rer and

    retailer' can(((ell their prod$ct any%here in the %orldUthat tran!or"ational(

  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc


    R&S/1" %? "H& S"/#Y

    4( The !$t$re o! "obile hoppin& and plan !or "obile net%or2 &ro%th(

    5( +o% !at $er o! "obile net%or2 e1pect hoppin& %ebite to load(

    6( The projected &ro%th o! "obile de#ice and it i"pact on e-co""erce(

    7( The brea2do%n in "obile ite re#en$e !ro" "obile #( de2top hopper(

    E-co""erce bene!it &lobali?ation thro$&h t%o channel

  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc


    • 0hyical location' "$t$al procee or other e1peditin& !$nction are $bcribed

     by e-b$ine practice(

    •  Fir" !acin& !orei&n co"petition are $nder pre$re to adopt technolo&ie $ch

    a e-co""erce that enable to protect or e1pand "ar2et hare and operate "ore


    • Fir" doin& b$ine o$tide their o%n co$ntry "ay be "ore "oti#ated

    to their o%n tranaction cot by $in& in!or"ation technolo&y(

    • .in& the internet !or tranaction and coordination a#e ti"e and "oney on

    deli#ery o! &ood by $in& rich in!or"ation !lo% to i"pli!y and trea"line the

    !lo% o! phyical &ood in the $pply chain(


  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc



    Thi reearch ho% the relationhip bet%een &lobali?ation and e-Co""erce( The

    !indin& i"ply that e-Co""erce %ill rein!orce e1itin& international co"petiti#e

    ad#anta&e rather than le#elin& the playin& !ield and enablin& local !ir" to co"pete %ith

    &lobal !ir" in international "ar2et( /oin& b$ine acro national border in#ol#e

    "ore than i"ply ettin& $p a %eb ite and o!!erin& prod$ct or er#ice to the %orld( The

    #irt$al %orld o! co""erce "$t be $pported %ith phyical' !inancial and in!or"ation

     procee that &lobal !ir" are "ore li2ely to already ha#e in place' and %hich local !ir"

    cannot d$plicate eaily or cheaply( In !act local !ir" "ay ha#e #al$able reo$rce that

     p$t the" at a co"petiti#e ad#anta&e in their ho"e "ar2et( Thee incl$de local

    2no%led&e' tron& brand na"e' ditrib$tion channel and er#ice in!ratr$ct$re( Theereo$rce can be an ad#anta&e in B5C e-Co""erce and are not eay !or &lobal !ir" to

    replicate in each national "ar2et aro$nd the %orld( Thi i"plie that le &lobal !ir" can

    loo2 !or opport$nitie in local "ar2et rather than tryin& to $e the Internet to reach !ar-

    !l$n& international "ar2et( I! thee !ir" do %ant to e1pand into &lobal "ar2et' they are

    "ore li2ely to do o by adoptin& B5B eco""erce to brea2 into the &lobal prod$ction

    net%or2 !or "$ltinational Corporation than by tryin& to ell directly to !orei&n


    S(%P& %? S"/#Y

  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc


     (fter man& months of rumors and speculation, the $orld)s largest online retailer   (ma*on entered

    India on +ednesda& $ith a mar#etplace model that sidesteps Indian regulations preenting

    foreign retailers from selling online merchandise in India. (ma*on.in, the Indian edition of the

    retailer, $ill not o$n the merchandise but store it and sell it on behalf of those $ho sho$case their 

    products on the $ebsite. (mit (gar$al, ice-president and countr& manager, told in an

    interie$ that (ma*on)s model is full& compliant $ith Indian la$s.

    Amazon.com is a company of online stores. Amazon.com increasing their stores day by day so

    for the opening of new stores Amazon.com have the need of new platform where they have

    suffer less competition. For the future scope India is that platform where Amazon.com can

    open there stores. So looking for the future scope in India Amazon.com open there online store

    in India as Junglee.com.



  • 8/17/2019 Effect of globalization in E-commerce final report .doc


    Fran2el e!!rey A( @5>>>(Globali?ation o! the Econo"y' NBER or2in& paper No( ;47' Globali?ation o! E-co""erce'

    http%%%("eal(p$(ed$cdtcdtebrcp$bpreentation2are"er(pd! (




    The econo"it ti"e http%%%(econo"it(co"ne%brie!in&549=6=54-ne1t-48-year-




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