EFA NS 1 NG5 2010 2011

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EFA NS 1 NG5 2010 2011


Curso EFA Nível Secundário Iniciação – CLC Inglês

Formadora Sofia Martinho 1

Curso EFA Nível Secundário Iniciação – CLC Inglês

Formadora Sofia Martinho 2

Curso EFA Nível Secundário Iniciação – CLC Inglês

Formadora Sofia Martinho 3

Agrupamento de Escolas de Avanca – Prof. Dr. Egas M oniz

Ano lectivo 2010/2011 Inglês – Curso EFA NS

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ___/ ___/___

Formadora Sofia Martinho

Everyday GreetingsEveryday GreetingsEveryday GreetingsEveryday Greetings



- How are you?

- Great, thanks!

- Fine, thanks!

- Ok!

Good morning!

Good afternoon!

Good evening!


Good night!


Good night!


Personal IdentificationPersonal IdentificationPersonal IdentificationPersonal Identification

* What’s your name? My name is …

* How old are you? I’m …

* Where are you from? I’m from …

* What’s your nationality? I’m …

* Where do you live? I live in …

* What’s your address? My address is …

* What’s your telephone number? My telephone number is …

* What’s your job? I’m a …

Making questions:Making questions:Making questions:Making questions:

Now, write Now, write Now, write Now, write your presentation in Englishyour presentation in Englishyour presentation in Englishyour presentation in English!

Hi! My___________________________________________________.








What – para perguntar sobre COISAS ex: What nationality are you?

Who – para perguntar sobre PESSOAS ex: Who is your best friend?

Where – para perguntar sobre LOCAIS ex: Where do you live?

When – para perguntar sobre TEMPO / DATAS ex: When is your birthdaty?

How – para perguntar sobre o MODO / FORMA ex: How are you?


It’s sunny.

partly cloudy

It’s partly cloudy.


It’s cloudy.


It’s beautiful.


It’s hot. cold

It’s cold.


It’s hailing.


It’s raining.


It’s snowing.


It’s windy.


It’s stormy.


It’s clear.


It’s foggy.

MES-English - ESL/EFL Resources for Teachers

www.mes-english.com Weather

Agrupamento de Escolas de Avanca – Prof. Dr. Egas M oniz

Ano lectivo 2010/2011 Inglês – Curso EFA NS

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ___/ ___/___

Formadora Sofia Martinho





Days of the WeekDays of the WeekDays of the WeekDays of the Week

Cardinal NumbersCardinal NumbersCardinal NumbersCardinal Numbers

Ordinal NumbersOrdinal NumbersOrdinal NumbersOrdinal Numbers








1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

first second third fourth fifth sixth

7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th

seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth

13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th

thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth

19th 20th 21st 22nd 30th 31st

nineteenth twentieth twenty-first twenty-second thirtieth thirty-first


1 - one

2 - two

3 - three

4 - four

5 - five

6 - six

7 - seven

8 - eight

9 - nine

10 - ten

11 - eleven

12 - twelve

NUMBERS: 20- 100

10 - ten

20 - twenty

30 - thirty

40 - forty

50 - fifty

60 - sixty

70 - seventy

80 - eighty

90 - ninety

100 - One hundred

NUMBERS: 20- 29




23- twenty-three

24- twenty-four


26-twenty-six 27-twenty-seven

28- twenty-eight


NUMBERS: 13-19

13 - thirteen

14 - fourteen

15 - fifteen

16 - sixteen

17 - seventeen

18 - eighteen

19 - nineteen


When were you born?

I was born in May.

in 1970.

on (the) 16th (of) May.

I was born in the morning.

at night.

What’s the date today?

12-3 = It’s the twelfth of March. OR It’s March the twelfth.

Write the dates in full.

10-06 _____________________________________________________________________ 21-02 _____________________________________________________________________ 26-09 _____________________________________________________________________ 11-08 _____________________________________________________________________ 22-07 _____________________________________________________________________ 03-04 _____________________________________________________________________

Prepositions of timePrepositions of timePrepositions of timePrepositions of time

Complete with the missing preposition.

1- His birthday is _________ May.

2- She was born ______ 21st June.

3- He was born ________ the morning.

4- She was born _______ Saturday.

Answer the questions.

1 - What is your favorite day? _______________________________________________________ 2 - Today is ______________________________________________________________________ 3 - Yesterday was _________________________________________________________________ 4 - Tomorrow will be ______________________________________________________________



on at

parts of the day






at night

at the weekend

Exercise B

Exercise A

Exercise C



Many people think that your birthday affects your personality. This is called astrology and in newspapers it is often called horoscopes. There are 12 signs in the year and people with different birthdays have a different character. When were you born?

CAPRICORN These people are organized, Dec. 22/20 Jan. patient and hardworking. They are sometimes pessimistic. They are serious, shy and quiet. They like routines and to be alone. They don’t like sports. They don’t like new ideas and inventions.

AQUARIUS Aquarius people like modern 21 Jan./19 Feb. life very much. They have many strange ideas. They like to change or make things and they are sometimes a bit crazy! They can be rude but also romantic. They are friendly and they like crowds.

PISCES They are sensitive and 20 Feb/20 Mar. sympathetic, but many Pisces people are moody and lazy. They are artistic and are really good workers when the job needs imagination. They are not good business people. They sometimes forget things.

ARIES Aries people are impatient 21 Mar./20 Apr. and aren’t careful. They are good leaders, but some of them are bullies. Some Aries people are rude. On the other hand, they aren’t afraid and are never late. They walk fast and like dangerous sports.

TAURUS Taurus people like good food 21 Apr./21 May and comfortable things. They are patient, but also stubborn and selfish. They are jealous and careful with money. They don’t like change. Taurus people are good gardeners and musicians.

GEMINI Geminis are very curious 22 May/21 Jun. and active. They like travelling but they don’t like routine work. They are funny, but many Geminis are moody, and some people think they are two-faced.

CANCER Many Cancer people are 22 Jun./22 Jul. nervous and afraid. They like to feel safe. They like to stay at home, and they don’t like travelling very much. They are good cooks but they are messy. They don’t like to throw things out.

LEO Leo people are vain and they 23 Jul./22 Aug. often think they are wonderful. Leos are stylish and fashionable. They love power. They are creative They aren’t shy. Leos are also generous and romantic. They like expensive restaurants.

VIRGO Virgos are tidy and perfectionists. 23 Aug./23 Sep. Some Virgos are two-faced. They are not very romantic, but they are honest. They are calm. Virgos can remember small things. Many Virgos like Science.

LIBRA Libras are charming, 24 Sep./23 Oct. sociable and romantic, but some Libras are cold and unfriendly people. They aren’t selfish. They like nice smells. They also like art and dancing.

SCORPIO Scorpios are very strong, 24 Oct./22 Nov. but they are also jealous and stubborn. They don’t trust people and some Scorpios are cruel. They can be brave but also dangerous. They aren’t always honest. They are individualist and they don’t like working with other people.

SAGITTARIUS They are open-minded, 23 Nov./21 Dec. but they are also rude. Sagittarians are impatient, but they are also generous and optimistic. They are not careful with their money. They like travelling, sports and outdoor hobbies.


1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8.


9. 10. 11.



Computer Devices Pictionary

__scanner ___keyboard __printer ___monitor ___touch pod ___loudspeakers ___microprocessor ___joystick ___graphics tablet ___mouse ___microphone ___webcam ___projector ___motherboard ___hard disk ___floppy disk ___USB flash drive __CD-ROM ___CD (compact disk) ___headphones ___digital memory card

Match the names of

computer devices from

the box with the


sound card

video card




15. 16.

17. 18.




1. to boot ( up )

2. to click (on)

3. to surf

4. to delete 5. to minimise

6. to upload

7. to download 8. to drag

9. to format

10. to copy and paste

11. to save 12. to scroll

13. to insert 14. to enter

15. to edit 16. maximize

17. to double click

18. to log in

a. To__________ is to move text up and down so that you can see different parts of a document.

b. To__________ is to press the mouse button and release it immediately. Sometimes you double_________ an icon - to open a file, for example.

c. If you want to move a block of text, you can________ it with the mouse to a different position.

d. You can __________ more characters or data into a text that is already on the screen.

e. If you are going to use a new disk, you may have_______ it first.

f. To _________the net means to look at internet pages.

g. When you transfer a file from your computer to another computer or server you ____________it. If you transfer a file from the internet you _____________it.

h. To ____________is to turn a computer on and have it load the operating system into memory.

i. You need a password to___________.

j. To copy data from memory and to put it on a disk means to __________it.

1.Use some of the verbs from the

box to fill the gaps in the

sentences on the right:

1. URL 2. HTML 3. CPU 4. RAM,

ROM 5. WWW 6. WYSIWIG 7. USB 8. FAQ 9. DVD-ROM 10. MB 11. GB

a) Central Processing Unit. This is a PC's heart or 'brains'. b) ROM- reads info from DVD (digital versatile disc) c) Frequently asked questions d) Hyper Text Markup Language. The document format used on the Internet. e) Uniform Resource Locator. The address that defines the route to a file on a Web server. f) Two types of memory. RAM (Random Access Memory) is the main memory used while the PC is working. RAM is temporary. ROM (Read Only Memory) is for information needed by the PC and cannot be changed. g) World Wide Web. Internet. It lets you access millions of pages through a system of links. h) a Giga Byte-100megabytes(1000000 kilobytes) i) Universal Serial Bus-high speed port that can connect most type of devices- printers, mice, joystick, mp3 players j) 'What You See Is What You Get.' With a WYSIWIG program, if you print a document it looks the same on paper as it looks on the screen. k) Mega Byte- 1000000 bytes.

2.Match these computer

and internet acronyms

and abbreviations with

their definitions in the



Escola EB 2, 3 Professor Dr. Egas Moniz

Curso de Educação e Formação de Adultos – Nível Secundário

Ano lectivo 2010/2011

Formadora Sofia Martinho

Competências Específicas/

Domínios de Referência Critérios de Evidência

Temas / Situações de

Comunicação Actividades Tempo

DR1 – Contexto Privado

Operar com as comunicações em

contexto doméstico adequando-

as às necessidades da

organização do quotidiano e

compreendendo de que modo

incorporam e suscitam diferentes

utilizações da língua.

DR2 – Contexto Profissional

Lidar com a micro e macro

electrónica em contextos

socioprofissionais, identificando

as suas mais valias na

• Actuar no contexto privado

compreendendo e distinguindo as

diferentes formas de utilização da

língua e respectivos símbolos e

códigos face às tecnologias de

informação e comunicação


• Actuar comunicando através dos

meios tecnológicos disponíveis em

contexto privado, compreendendo os

diferentes símbolos e suportes de

comunicação utilizados.

• Actuar face aos dispositivos

tecnológicos informáticos

- American and British Culture.

- Everyday Greetings.

- Personal Identification.

- The Weather.

- Seasons, Months and Days.

- Dates and Numbers (Cardinal /


- “Computers” (computer devices

and computer vocabulary).

- Visualização e exploração de apresentações powerpoint. - Preenchimento e/ou realização de Guiões Formativos. - Exercícios de aperfeiçoamento da escrita e da leitura em Língua Inglesa de diferentes tipos (ex.: text reading and writing, question answering, definition reading, matching, filling, multiple choice, sentence completion, true or false, information reading, etc.). - Exercícios de aperfeiçoamento da oralidade em Língua Inglesa de diferentes tipos (ex.: listenning, pronunciation, dialogue reading e role-play, etc.). - Visionamento de filmes.

15 Horas

De 14/10 a


ÁREA DE COMPETÊNCIA-CHAVE: Cultura, Língua e Comunicação – Língua Estrangeira Iniciação e Continuação – Inglês

PLANIFICAÇÃO DO NÚCLEO GERADOR 5: Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação


sistematização da informação,

decorrentes também da

especificidade de linguagens de

programação empregues.

DR3 – Contexto Institucional

Relacionar-se com os mass

media reconhecendo os seus

impactos na constituição do

poder mediático e tendo a

percepção dos efeitos deste na

regulação institucional.

DR4 – Contexto Macro-


Perceber os impactos das redes

de internet nos hábitos

perceptivos, desenvolvendo uma

atitude crítica face aos conteúdos

aí disponibilizados.

reconhecendo os recursos linguísticos

na utilização de linguagens específicas

de programação.

• Actuar face aos diferentes meios de

comunicação social compreendendo o

seu desenvolvimento e relacionando-o

com a evolução das tecnologias de

informação em contexto profissional.

• Actuar face aos diferentes meios de

comunicação social identificando as

diferentes formas de texto utilizadas e

a sua construção em língua


• Actuar relativamente a conteúdos

disponibilizados na rede de internet,

através da produção e/ou interacção

com esses mesmos conteúdos, em

língua estrangeira.

- Aquisição de informação sobre British and American festivities/traditions sempre que for oportuno.

Competências-Chave em Língua Estrangeira

- Compreender textos em língua estrangeira, reconhecendo os seus significados implícitos, as suas tipologias e respectiva funcionalidade.

- Compreender as ideias principais de textos em língua estrangeira e expressar-se oralmente e por escrito com à-vontade sobre diferentes temáticas.

- Evidenciar conhecimento sobre várias linguagens, em diferentes suportes, que lhe permitam perceber as diferenças socioculturais, sociolinguísticas e técnico-

científicas, visando uma tomada de consciência da sua própria identidade e da do outro.

- Evidenciar competências interculturais que lhe proporcionem uma maior abertura e aceitação de novas experiências linguísticas e culturais.

- Perspectivar a dimensão da Cultura enquanto sector articulável com outras esferas de intervenção.

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