EECS 470 Lab 5 - Linux Shell ScriptingI Calledfromsomecommandline/shell WhydoIcare? I Utilitiesformthebasisof“Linuxskills” I Usefulforautomation I Necessaryfortoday’slab (University

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EECS 470 Lab 5Linux Shell Scripting

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceCollege of EngineeringUniversity of Michigan

18th/19th February, 2021

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UNIXFilesUtilitiesConnecting Utilities

Bourne Again ShellVariablesFlow ControlFunctionsGlobbing



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ProjectsI Project 3 is due Thursday, 25th February at midnightI If you haven’t, you need to get started now!I You will find this lab extremely helpful for project 3.

We are available to answer questions on anything here. Office hours can befound on the calendar on the course website.

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What is UNIX?I Mainframe operating systemI Written by Dennis Ritchie, Ken Thompson and Rob Pike (among

others) at Bell LabsI The basis for many modern operating systems, e.g. Linux, BSD, Mac


History of UNIXI Written at Bell Labs in 1969I First version of BSD is installed in 1974I Last Bell Labs UNIX (Version 7) is published in 1979I The GNU Project is started by Richard StallmanI Linux Torvalds writes a monolithic kernel operating system in 1991

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UNIX Philosophy

“This is the Unix philosophy: Write programs that do one thing and do itwell. Write programs to work together. Write programs to handle textstreams, because that is a universal interface.”

– Douglas McIlroy

“Everything is a file descriptor or a process.”– Linus Torvalds

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UNIX Files


What is a file?I Anything referenced through a filesystemI Anything with a file descriptor

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UNIX Files

Types of Files

I Regular – Anything not in one of the following categoriesI Directory – Can contain other files and directories (read up on inodes

sometime)I Symbolic Link – A pointer to another fileI Pipe – Covered in a few slidesI Socket – Covered in EECS 482/489

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UNIX Files


r w x - - - - - -User Group Other

Table: UNIX permissions are representedwith one bit for each permission in eachcategory, e.g. 700.

Three PermissionsI ReadI WriteI Execute

Three CategoriesI UserI GroupI Other

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UNIX Utilities


What is a utility?I A program used to process text streams/filesI Called from some command line/shell

Why do I care?I Utilities form the basis of “Linux skills”I Useful for automationI Necessary for today’s lab

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UNIX Utilities

Navigation Utilities

pwdI Description: print working directory – where you areI Synopsis: pwd [OPTIONS]

lsI Description: list directory contentsI Synopsis: ls [OPTIONS]... [FILE] ...

cdI Description: change directoryI Synopsis: cd [OPTIONS] [PATH]

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UNIX Utilities

File Utilities

cpI Description: copy filesI Synopsis: cp [OPTONS]... SOURCE DEST

mvI Description: move filesI Synopsis: mv [OPTONS]... SOURCE DEST

rmI Description: remove filesI Synopsis: rm [OPTONS]... FILE...

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UNIX Utilities


DescriptionI Shows the line-by-line differences between filesI Good for checking if your output is correct

SynopsysI diff [OPTIONS] FILES

ExamplesI diff -uy ../project3_correct/writeback.out writeback.outI vimdiff ../project3_correct/writeback.out writeback.out

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UNIX Utilities

Graphical Diff

Alternatives to diffParsing output of diff is hard, so it might be useful to use some kind of“graphical diff” tool, like vimdiff, which opens up two files side-by-side inVim showing their differences. Try it and you’ll see how much easier toparse this.

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UNIX Utilities


DescriptionI Print lines matching a pattern


ExamplesI grep ’@@@’ program.outI ps -axfuw | grep "$USER" | grep "vcs"

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UNIX Utilities

Regular Expressions

I Really powerful/usefulI Complicated, and beyond the scope of this presentationI Read up on them

I at WikipediaI in the grep manual

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UNIX Utilities


DescriptionI An interface to the on-line reference manuals (pager)

SynopsysI man PAGE

ExamplesI man grepI man diff

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UNIX Utilities


DefinitionI A program which allows browsing of large text files by breaking them

into screen-sized chunks.

ExamplesI lessI man

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UNIX Utilities

Other Utilities

These will be useful. . .I cutI touchI teeI xargs

I tailI columnI findI less

These are harder, but even more useful. . .

I sedI awkI patchI vi(m)

I fmtI tmux

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UNIX Connecting Utilities

Program Features

Methods of CommunicationI Standard Text Streams

I stdinI stdoutI stderr

I Return value/code

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UNIX Connecting Utilities

Return Codes

What is a return code?I The integer value a program returns (e.g. return(0);)I Conventionally, returning zero indicates success, non-zero failureI Specific values other than zero mean different things for different


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UNIX Connecting Utilities

Standard Text Streams

stdinI The default input to a programI From a keyboard by default

stdoutI The default output of a programI To a display by default

stderrI The default error output of a programI To a display by default, requires additional effort to save

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UNIX Connecting Utilities

Connecting Utilities

Why do we want to connect utilities?I Combination jobs without intermediate filesI e.g. take the diff of two different grep operations (what you need to

do for today’s lab)

How can we connect utilities?I PipesI Redirection

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UNIX Connecting Utilities


What is a pipe?I Connects the stdout of one program to the stdin of anotherI Does not connect stderr

How do I use one?I Call a program on one side of the | and then call another on the other

sideI e.g. dmesg | less

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UNIX Connecting Utilities

Pipe: xargs

ProblemWhat if we want to pipe to utility that uses arguments instead of input?

Solution: xargsxargs splits input into individual items and calls the program that is itsargument once for each input.

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UNIX Connecting Utilities


What is redirection?I Allows for modification of the standard text streams

I stdin is 0I stdout is 1I stderr is 2

I Several types:0< Use a file instead of the keyboard for stdini> Use a file instead of the terminal for the stream i

i>> Like i>, but append to a file instead of overwritingi>&j Put stream i into the same place as stream j

Advanced Bash Scripting Guide: I/O Redirection

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UNIX Connecting Utilities

Redirection by Example

ExampleI ./vs-asm < test_progs/evens.s > program.mem

ExampleI make | tee 2>&1 build.out

ExampleI ./test 1>&2 2>&3

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Bourne Again Shell


What is a shell?I Before we had graphical environments, we had text shellsI Basically, an interpreter for commands, executing programs and saving

informationI Possibly a Read-Execute-Print-Loop (REPL)

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Bourne Again Shell

Bourne Again Shell

What is BASH?I Stands for the Bourne Again ShellI Created in 1989 by Brian FoxI Default shell in most Linux distributions and Mac OSX

Why BASH?I What I learned firstI Default in CAEN Redhat, finally

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Bourne Again Shell


WarningEverything after this slide will be specific to BASH. Other shells behavesimilarly, but not identically. If you want to use something else (e.g. ZSH,TCSH, etc.), please find other resources.

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Bourne Again Shell Variables


BASH VariablesI Store dataI Contain text, for the most partI No type system

SyntaxI Assignment/Declaration

I variable=valueI Referencing

I $variableI ${variable}

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Bourne Again Shell Variables

Variable Scope

ScopeI Variables exist inside the shell they’re inI Unless exported

e.g. export EDITOR=vimI This is very important in scripts, particularly the shell startup scripts

(.bashrc, .bash_profile)

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Bourne Again Shell Variables

Special Variables

$# The number of command line arguments$0 The name of the script/function called$1 The first argument to the script/function$? The return code of the last program run in this shell

$USER The current user$HOME The user’s home directory

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Bourne Again Shell Flow Control

Flow Control


if [ var -eq "string" ]then

commandelif [ var -eq "string2" ]then



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Bourne Again Shell Flow Control

Flow Control


case "$var" inval)


command;;( * )



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Bourne Again Shell Flow Control

Flow Control


for file in ./*; docommand $filecommand2


for (( a=1; a <= LIMIT; a++ )) docommandcommand2


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Bourne Again Shell Flow Control


TestingI Testing happens in [ ]I String tests are different than arithmetic testsI Generally use -lt, -gt, -le, -ge, -eq, -neI Tests for files are special, e.g. [ -x simv ] makes sure that the

binary simv has execution permissions

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Bourne Again Shell Functions


FunctionsI Packages of commandsI Arguments are referenced by positionI Useful for packaging up commonly reused bits


function (){


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Bourne Again Shell Globbing

File Globbing

What is globbing?I File name wildcarding in the shellI Expansion is done, and then passed to the command to be executedI e.g. test_progs/*.s

Why should I know globbing?I Superior to parsing ls output in everywayI Can get more complicated, see this page of the BASH manual.

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1. Write a series of shell commands into a text file2. On the first line of the file, specify an interpreter

e.g. #!/bin/bash3. Name it something appropriate

e.g. test.sh4. Add execute permissions

e.g. chmod +x

5. Run the scripte.g. $ ./

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Lab Assignment

I Assignment is posted to the course website as Lab 5 Assignment.I If you get stuck. . .

I Ask a neighbor, quietlyI Put yourself in the help queue

I When you finish the assignment, sign up in the help queue and markthat you would like to be checked off.

I If you are unable to finish today, the assignment needs to be checkedoff by a GSI in office hours by the end of the next lab session.

I You should try this lab as soon as possible. You will find it extremelyhelpful for project 3.

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