EDUCATION - Portland State University€¦ · loss assessment and analysis software-MAEViz; led and coordinated the research on the short- to long-run economic impacts assessment

Post on 19-Apr-2020






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YU XIAO, Ph.D., AICP Current as of Sept 2019

Associate Professor, Nohad A. Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning, Portland State

University, 506 SW Mill Street - 320 Urban Center, Portland, OR 97201


Ph.D. Urban and Regional Planning, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,

Champaign, IL, 2008

Adviser: Edward Feser

Dissertation: “Local Economic Impact and Adjustment after a Natural Disaster:

Evidence from the 1993 Midwest Flood”

M.U.P. Urban and Regional Planning, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,

Champaign, IL, 2004

B.S. Urban Studies and Regional Planning, Peking University, Beijing, China, 2002

B.M. Electronic-Business, Peking University, Beijing, China, 2002


2017 to Associate Professor, Nohad A. Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning,

current Portland State University

2014 to Associate Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning,

2017 Texas A&M University

2008 to Assistant Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning,

2014 Texas A&M University

2006 to Research Assistant, Mid-America Earthquake Center

2008 Researched on building an economic impact module for the development of seismic

loss assessment and analysis software-MAEViz; led and coordinated the research on

the short- to long-run economic impacts assessment of the 1993 Midwest flood.

2002 to Research Assistant, Land Use Evolution and Impact Assessment Model, University

2005 of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Worked on economic models to estimate future economic conditions which serve as

driver for future land evolutions; led research on assessing fiscal impacts of projected

future land use evolutions in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area.

2001 to Research Assistant, Center for Landscape Architecture and Planning, Peking

2002 University

Worked on a master plan for the Zhangjiajie National Park in China; Participated in

field investigation, tourist survey, and digital graphic data processing.


Outstanding Doctoral Students, University of Illinois, 2009

Graduate Teacher’s Certificate, University of Illinois, 2008

Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, University of Illinois, 2007-2008

Creative and Performing Arts Fellowship, University of Illinois, 2002-2003


Honored Graduate, Peking University, 2002

Mary Kay Fellowship, Peking University, 2000-2001

XIYUE Fellowship for Excellent Students, Peking University, 1999-2000

Outstanding Student Honor, Peking University, 2000-2001 and 1999-2000

National Science Foundation Fellowship, Peking University, 1998-1999



Co-Principal Investigator, “Center for Risk-Based Community Resilience Planning”, National

Institute of Standards and Technology, 2015-2019, Project Total: $20 million, TAMU portion:

$ 1.17 million. TAMU site PI was Walter Gillis Peacock; and other co-PI was Shannon Van Zandt.

Principal Investigator, “Interdependency in Decision Making, A Holistic Approach to

Understanding Community Recovery from Catastrophes”, National Science Foundation

(CMMI-1333132), 2013-2016, Project Total: $390,094; TAMU (Lead Institution): $177,603.

Principal Investigator, “Collaborative Research: Developing an Intergovernmental Management

Framework for Sustainable Recovery Following Catastrophic Disasters”, National Science

Foundation (CMMI-1029805), 2010-2013, Project Total: $450,009; TAMU portion: $102,715.

Co-Principal Investigator, “Developing a Living Laboratory for Examining Community Recovery

and Resilience after Disaster”, National Science Foundation (CMMI-0928926), 2009-2013,

$374,036. PI was Shannon Van Zandt; and other co-PIs were Walter Gillis Peacock, Samuel Brody,

and Wesley Highfield.

Co-Principal Investigator, “Social Vulnerability and Urban Development Patterns: Impacts on

Community Resilience”, National Science Foundation (CMMI-0901605), 2008-2009, $144,671. PI

was Shannon Van Zandt; and other co-PI was Wesley Highfield.

Researcher, Texas Transportation Institute, National Waterways Foundation Project,

September-October 2008, $6,667


Principal Investigator, “Analyzing Impacts of Hurricanes on Business Establishments”, Texas

Census Research Data Center, 2012, $2,345. The co-PI was Walter Gillis Peacock.

Co-Principal Investigator, funded, organized, and chaired roundtable discussion on “Long-Term

Disaster Recovery and Resiliency in China and the United States: Toward a Framework for

Comparative Disaster Research” in the 2009 China-U.S. Relations Conference: Building on 30

years of China-US Relations: Looking Ahead, The Office of the Vice President for Research, Texas

A&M University, 2009, $10,000. The PI was Walter Gillis Peacock.



NSF Interdisciplinary Methods of Disaster Research workshop, National Science

Foundation (through the University of Michigan), 2017

Mary Fran Myers Scholarship, Natural Hazard Center, University of Colorado, 2007

(One of the three winners selected from 32 applications from 17 different nations.)

ACSP Book Fair Publisher’s Travel Scholarship, Association of Collegiate Schools

of Planning, 2007

ACSP PhD Workshop Scholarship, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning,


Travel Scholarship for U.S. Foreign Policy Colloquium, National Committee on

United States-China Relations, 2007


Note: * indicate the co-author was a student under the guidance of Dr. Xiao at the time of

manuscript preparation and/or review.

Xiao, Yu, Robert Olshansky, Yang Zhang, Laurie Johnson, Yan Song, forthcoming, “Financing

Rapid Community Reconstruction after Catastrophic Disaster: Lessons from the 2008 Wenchuan

Earthquake in China”, Natural Hazards, accepted.

Finn, Donovan, Divya Chandrasekhar, and Yu Xiao, 2019, “A Region Recovers: Planning for

Resilience after Superstorm Sandy”, Journal of Planning Education and Research, DOI:


Xiao, Yu, Kai Wu*, Donovan Finn, and Divya Chandrasekhar, 2018, “Community Businesses as

Social Units in Post-Disaster Recovery”, Journal of Planning Education and Research, DOI:


Chandrasekhar, Divya, Robin Rothfeder, Yu Xiao, and Donovan Finn, 2018, “What Drives

Household Recovery after Disasters?” Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, DOI:


Xiao, Yu, Haotian Zhong*, Tao Zhou, and Yulin Zhou, 2018, “Rail Transit Development in Lagging

Regions: A Development-Oriented Investment and Financing Approach", Journal of Transport and

Land Use, 11(1): 1003-1024. doi:

Filippova, Olga and Yu Xiao, 2017, “Economic Effects of Regulating the Seismic Strengthening of

Older Buildings”, Building Research & Information. doi: 10.1080/09613218.2017.1357318.

Kwon, Mizzo*, Channam Lee, and Yu Xiao, 2017, “Exploring the Role of Neighborhood

Walkability on Community Currency Activities: A Case Study of the Crooked River Alliance of

TimeBanks”, Landscape and Urban Planning, 167 (2017): 302-314.

Xiao, Yu and Walter Gillis Peacock, 2017, “Do Hazard Mitigation and Preparedness Reduce

Physical Damage to Businesses in Disasters: The Critical Role of Business Disaster Planning”, Risk,


Disaster & Crisis(风险灾害危机研究), 2017 (1):165-184 (In Chinese).

Xiao, Yu and Maria Watson*, 2017, “Guidance on Conducting a Systematic Literature Review”,

Journal of Planning Education and Research, forthcoming.

Kwon, Mizzo*, Channam Lee, Yu Xiao, and William A McIntosh, 2017,

“Community Currency Activities, Community Attachment, and Quality of Life: A Case Study of the

Crooked River Alliance of TimeBanks”, Time and Society, 0(0): 1-40. doi:


Song, Yan, Chaosu Li, Robert Olshansky, Yang Zhang, and Yu Xiao, 2017, “Are We Planning for

Sustainable Disaster Recovery? Evaluating Recovery Plans after the Wenchuan

Earthquake”, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. doi:


Zhang, Yang, William Drake, Yu Xiao, Robert Olshansky, Laurie Johnson, and Yan Song, 2016,

“Disaster Recovery Planning after Two Catastrophes: The 1976 Tangshan Earthquake and the 2008

Wenchuan Earthquake”, International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 34 (2): 174-203.

Ouyang, Zhe, Jiuchang Wei, Yu Xiao, and Fei Wang, 2016, “Media attention and corporate disaster

relief: evidence from China”, Disaster Prevention and Management, 26 (1): 2-12.

Hong, Saheum* and Yu Xiao, 2016, “The Influence of Multiple Specializations on Economic

Performance in the U.S. Metropolitan Areas”, Sustainability, 8 (9): 963. doi:10.3390/su8090963

Xiao, Yu, Qunying Huang, and Kai Wu*, 2015, “Understanding Social Media Data for Disaster

Management”, Natural Hazards, 79(3): 1663-1679.w.

Huang, Qunying and Yu Xiao, 2015, “Geographic Situational Awareness: Mining Tweets for

Disaster Preparedness, Emergency Response, Impact, and Recovery”, International Journal of

Geo-Information, 4(3): 1549-1568. doi:10.3390/ijgi4031549.

Chandrasekhar, Divya, Yang Zhang, and Yu Xiao, 2014, “Non-traditional Participation in Disaster

Recovery Planning: Cases from China, India, and the U.S.”, Journal of American Planning

Association, 80(4): 373-384.

Xiao, Yu and Walter Gillis Peacock, 2014, “Do Hazard Mitigation and Preparedness Reduce

Physical Damage to Businesses in Disasters: The Critical Role of Business Disaster Planning”,

Natural Hazards Review, 15 (3): 04014007-1 to 04014007-11.

Xiao, Yu and Edward Feser, 2014, “The Unemployment Impact of the 1993 Midwest Flood: A

Quasi-Experimental Structural Break Point Analysis”, Environmental Hazards, 13(2): 93-113.

Xiao, Yu and Joshua Drucker, 2013, “Does Industrial Diversification Enhance Local Economic

Disaster Resilience?”, Journal of American Planning Association, 79(2): 148-160.


Xiao, Yu and Uttara Nilawar*, 2013, “Winners and Losers in Space: Analyzing Spatial Demand

Shift after Natural Disasters”, Disasters, 37(4): 646-668.

Xiao, Yu and Shannon Van Zandt, 2012, “Building Community Resiliency: Spatial Links between

Household and Business Post-Disaster Return”, Urban Studies, 49(11): 2523-2542.

Xiao, Yu, Jun Wan, and Geoffrey J. D. Hewings, 2011, “Flooding and the Midwest Economy:

Assessing the Midwest Floods of 1993 and 2008”, GeoJournal, DOI: 10.1007/s10708-011-9415-9.

Xiao, Yu, 2011, “Local Economic Impacts of Natural Disasters”, Journal of Regional Science,51(4):


Xiao, Yu, 2009, “Evaluating Short- to Long-run Economic Impact of Natural Disasters:

Quasi-experimental Design and Its Application”, China Regional Economics, 1: 116-123. (In


Edwards, Mary M. and Yu Xiao, 2009, “Annexation, Local Government Spending and the

Complicating Role of Density”, Urban Affairs Review, 45(2): 147-165.

Tschangho John Kim, Matthew Claus, Joseph S. Rank, and Yu Xiao, 2009, “Technology and Cities:

Processes of Technology-Land Substitution in the 20th Century”, Journal of Urban Technology,

16(1): 63-88.


Xiao, Yu, 2017, “Using Urban Planning as a Tool for Hazard Mitigation: Learning from a Century

of Development in Disaster Management in the United States”, Science & Technology Review,

35(5): 24-30. (In Chinese).


Grace Chikoto-Schultz, Paul Manson, Maryam Amiri, and Yu Xiao, 2019, Non-Profit Sector

Organizational Actions on Risk Reduction Practices, Policymaking Participation, Community and

Social Contributions, and Recovery, in Natural Hazard Science, Oxford Research Encyclopedias.

DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780199389407.013.203.

Finn, Donovan, Divya Chandrasekhar and Yu Xiao, 2016, Planning for resilience in the New York

metro region after Superstorm Sandy: International and Comparative Perspectives, in Spatial

planning and resilience following disasters: International and comparative perspectives, Greiving,

Tesliar, and Ubaura, eds. Policy Press.


Mohamad Aghababaei, Maria Koliou, Maria Watson, and Yu Xiao, 2019, "Modeling Business

Recovery after Natural Disasters: The Case Study of Lumberton, NC following Hurricane

Matthew", Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure,

June 23-26, Chania, Greece.

Almufti, Ibrahim, Cynthia Kroll, Anne Wein, Heidi Tremayne, Shizza Fatima, and Yu Xiao, 2016,


“Quantifying Business Interruption, Downtime, and Recovery following the 2014 South Napa

Earthquake and Identifying the Causes”, Proceedings of the Structural Engineers Association of

California (SEAOC) Convention, Maui, Hawaii.

Xiao, Yu, Saheum Hong, and Walter Gillis Peacock, 2014, “Understanding the intercorrelation of

business socioeconomic vulnerability, disaster readiness, and recovery”, Proceedings of the 3rd

International Conference on Urban Disaster Reduction, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute,

Boulder, CO, USA.


Xiao, Yu, 2017, “Hazard Mitigation: Harmonize the Human, Natural, and Built Environments”,

China National Land Resource News, September 16.


Miles, Scott, Liesel Ritchie, Chris D. Poland, Yu Xiao and Nick Hedley, 2016, “EERI Resilience

Observatory Case Study Report: Use of Data for Measuring and Monitoring Recovery following the

Canterbury Earthquake Sequence”, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute.

“Understand the Situation: Hazard Risks and Socioeconomic Vulnerability Assessments for Marion

and Cass Counties, TX.”


Note: * indicate the co-author was a student under the guidance of Dr. Xiao at the time of

manuscript preparation and/or review.

Watson, Maria*, Patricia Thornton, and Yu Xiao. 2019. "Time Will Tell: Sequencing

Institutional Logics to Aid Business Recovery after Natural Disasters", to be presented at the 79th

Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August, 9-13, Boston, Massachusetts

Aghababaei, Mohamad, Maria Koliou, Maria Watson*, and Yu Xiao, 2019, “Bayesian Approach to

Developing Business Recovery Models After Disaster Events: An Application Study for the

Community of Lumberton, North Carolina Following Hurricane Matthew”, poster presented at the

44th Natural Hazards Workshop, July 14-July 17, Broomfield, Colorado.

Aghababaei, Mohamad, Maria Koliou, Maria Watson*, and Yu Xiao, 2019, "Modeling Business

Recovery after Natural Disasters: The Case Study of Lumberton, NC following Hurricane

Matthew", presented at the 2nd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure, June

23-26, Chania, Greece.

Watson, Maria*, Patricia Thornton, and Yu Xiao. 2018. “Institutional Logics and the Value of

Time: Using organizational theory to explain the paradox of aid and recovery after natural

disasters”, Presented at the 58th Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) Annual

Conference, October 25-28, Buffalo, New York.


Wu, Kai* and Yu Xiao. 2018. “The Effect of Social Capital on Post-Disaster Recovery: A Case

Study of 2012 Hurricane Sandy”, Presented at the 58th Association of Collegiate Schools of

Planning (ACSP) Annual Conference, October 25-28, Buffalo, New York.

Xiao, Yu. 2018. “How to Conduct a Systematic Literature Review”, Presented at the 12th

International Association for China Planning (IACP) annual conference, June 30- July 1, Xi’an,


Xiao, Yu. 2018. “Monitoring Business Resilience after Earthquakes: EERI Pilot Programs in CA

and OK”, Presented at the 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering (11NCEE), June

24-29, Los Angeles, California.

Watson, Maria*, Yu Xiao, Walter G. Peacock, and Shannon Van Zandt. 2018. “The Impact of Loans

on Long-Term Business Recovery”, Poster presented at the 43rd Annual Natural Hazards Research

and Applications Workshop, July 8-11, Broomfield, Colorado.

Watson, Maria*, Yu Xiao, Jennifer Helgeson, Kai Wu*, Maria Dillard, Sara Hamideh, Elaina Sutley,

John van de Lindt, Maria Koliou, Karim Farokhnia, Andre Barbosa, Derya Deniz. 2018. “An

Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding Business Recovery after Disasters”, Presented at

the 43rdAnnual Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop, July 8-11, Broomfield,


Sutley, Elaina, Tori Tomiczek, Maria Dillard, Maria Koliou, Derya Deniz, Sara Hamideh, John va

de Lindt, Judith Mitrani-Reiser, Andre Barbosa, Maria Watson, Yu Xiao, Jennifer Helgeson. 2018.

“The Role of the Interior in Accurately Classifying Flood Damage to Homes and Businesses.”

Presented at the 43rdAnnual Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop, July 8-11,

Broomfield, Colorado.

Van de Lindt, John W., Navid Attary, Hussam Mahmoud, Steve Smith, Stephanie Pilkington, Maria

Koliou, Sammy Zahran, Harvey Cutler, Sara Hamideh, Elaina J. Sutley, Walter Peacock, Nathanael

Rosenheim, Yu Xiao, Maria Watson. 2018. “Community Level Damage and Recovery Hindcast:

The 2011 Joplin Tornado”, Presented at the Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, May

29-June 1, 2018, MIT.

Watson, Maria* and Yu Xiao. 2017. “Systematic Review Results: Individual Business Impacts

and Recovery.” Presented at the 42nd Annual Natural Hazards Research and Applications

Workshop, July 9-12, Broomfield, Colorado.

Wu, Kai* and Yu Xiao. 2017. “Can Households Invest in Social Capital to Achieve Better

Recovery Outcomes? A Case Study of 2012 Superstorm Sandy”, Presented at the 57th Association

of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) Annual Conference, November 12-15, 2017, Denver,


Chandrasekar, Divya, Donovan Finn, and Yu Xiao. 2017. “A longitudinal analysis of household

recovery after 2012 Hurricane Sandy”, Presented at the 57th Association of Collegiate Schools of

Planning (ACSP) Annual Conference, November 12-15, Denver, Colorado.


Xiao, Yu and Maria Watson*. 2017. “Guidance on Conducting a Systematic Literature Review”,

Presented at the 57th Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) Annual Conference,

November 12-15, Denver, Colorado.

Silvia Mazzoni, Erica Fisher, Forrest Lanning, Dave Brunsdon, Yu Xiao, and Michael Mieler, 2017.

Learning From Earthquakes (LFE), presented at EERI 69th Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon

(March 7-10)

Finn, Donovan, Divya Chandrasekar, and Yu Xiao. 2016. “Planning after Sandy: How do We

Rebuild for a More Resilient Region”, Presented at the 56th Association of Collegiate Schools of

Planning (ACSP) Annual Conference, November 3-6, 2016, Portland, Oregon.

Chandrasekar, Divya, Donovan Finn, Yu Xiao, and Robin Rothfeder. 2016. “What Drives

Household Recovery after Catastrophic Disasters? Lessons from New York City after the 2012

Hurricane Sandy”, Presented at the 56th Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP)

Annual Conference, November 3-6, 2016, Portland, Oregon.

Xiao, Yu, Kai Wu*, Divya Chandrasekar, and Donovan Finn. 2016. “Understanding Community

Post-Disaster Recovery: the Interdependence of Household and Business Recovery Decisions After

Hurricane Sandy”, Presented at the 10th International Association for China Planning (IACP) annual

conference, June 30- July 3, Beijing, China.

Xiao, Yu, Divya Chandrasekar, and Donovan Finn. 2015. “Disaster Aid and Household Recovery in

Post-Hurricane Sandy NYC”, Presented at the 55th Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning

(ACSP) Annual Conference, October 22-25, Houston, TX

Chandrasekar, Divya, Donovan Finn, and Yu Xiao. 2015. “The Interdependence of Household and

Business Recovery Decisions after Hurricane Sandy”, Presented at the 55th Association of

Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) Annual Conference, October 22-25, Houston, TX

Finn, Donovan, Yu Xiao, Divya Chandrasekar. 2015. “Rebuilding, recovery and resilience:

Innovations in post-disaster planning after Sandy”, Presented at the 55th Association of Collegiate

Schools of Planning (ACSP) Annual Conference, October 22-25, Houston, TX

Xiao, Yu and Tao Zhou. 2015. “Financing Urban Development through Transit Investment in

Lagging Regions: A Case Study of Chongqing, China”, Presented at 9th International Association

for China Planning (IACP) annual conference, June 19-21, Chongqing, China.

Xiao, Yu, Divya Chandrasekar, Donovan Finn, 2014, “Comparing recovery of households and

businesses in post-Hurricane Sandy New York”, Presented at the 54th Association of Collegiate

Schools of Planning (ACSP) Annual Conference, October 30- November 2, Philadelphia,


Chandrasekar, Divya, Donovan Finn, and Yu Xiao, 2014, “The effect of recovery capacity on

household decisions to stay or relocate after Hurricane Sandy”, Presented at the 54th Association of


Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) Annual Conference, October 30- November 2, Philadelphia,


Xiao, Yu, Saheum Hong*, and Walter Gillis Peacock, 2014, “Understanding the intercorrelation of

business socioeconomic vulnerability, disaster readiness, and recovery”, Presented at the 3rd

International Conference on Urban Disaster Reduction, Sept 28-Oct 1, Boulder, Colorado.

Maria Watson and Yu Xiao. 2014. “Post-Hurricane Business Recovery Financing” Poster Presented

at the APA Conference, April 26-30, Atlanta, Georgia.

Xiao, Yu and Tao Zhou. 2014. “Financing Urban Development through Urban Infrastructure

Planning in Western China: Government Behavior and the Effects on Urban Spatial Form”

Presented at the Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual meeting, April 8-12, Tampa,


Hong, Saheum* and Yu Xiao. 2014. “The Influence of Multiple Specializations on Regional

Economic Performance” Presented at the 44th Urban Affairs Association Conference, March 19-22,

San Antonio, Texas.

Xiao, Yu and Walter Gillis Peacock. 2013. “Hazard Mitigation, Preparedness, and Physical Damage

to Businesses in Disasters” Presented at the APA Texas Chapter Conference, October 2-5, Galveston,


Xiao, Yu and Walter Gillis Peacock. 2013. “Do Hazard Mitigation and Preparedness Reduce

Physical Damage to Businesses in Disasters: The Critical Role of Business Disaster Planning”

Presented at the International Research Committee on Disasters Researchers Meeting, July 17,

Broomfield, Colorado.

Xiao, Yu. 2013. “Business Continuity Planning Against Natural Disasters: What Works and What

Doesn’t?” Presented at the 7th International Association for China Planning (IACP) annual

conference, June 29-July 1, Shanghai, China.

Xiao, Yu and Josh Drucker. 2012. “Enhancing Local Economic Disaster Resiliency through

Industrial Diversification? Evidence from the 1993 Midwest Flood.” Presented at the 53rd

Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) Annual Conference, November 1-4,

Cincinnati, Ohio.

Xiao, Yu and Yang Zhang. 2012. “Financing Post-Disaster Community Recovery: Lessons Learned

from Wenchuan Earthquake.” Presented at the 53rd Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning

(ACSP) Annual Conference, November 1-4, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Xiao, Yu and Yang Zhang. 2012. “Financing Post-Disaster Community Recovery: A Case Study of

Wenchuan Earthquake.” Presented at the 6th International Association for China Planning (IACP)

Conference, June 17-19, Wuhan, China.

Xiao, Yu and Edward Feser. 2012. “The Unemployment Impact of the 1993 Midwest Flood: A


Quasi-experimental Structural Break Point Analysis.” Presented at the Association of American

Geographers, February 24-28, New York, NY.

Xiao, Yu and Uttara Nilawar*. 2011. “Winners and Losers in Space: Analyzing Spatial Demand

Shift after Natural Disasters.” Presented at the 58th Annual North American Meetings of the

Regional Science Association International (RSAI) and 2nd Conference of the Regional Science

Association of the Americas, November 9-12, Miami, Florida.

Xiao, Yu and Walter Gillis Peacock. 2011. “Business Disaster Preparedness: Lessons Learned from

Hurricane Ike.” Poster presented at the ACSP 2011 Annual Conference, October 13-16, Salt Lake

City, Utah.

Xiao, Yu. 2011. “Growth, Urbanization, and Vulnerability to Natural Hazards: A Case Study of

United States.” Presented at the 5th International Association for China Planning (IACP) Conference,

June 17-19, 2011, Beijing, China.

Olshansky, Robert, Yu Xiao, Yang Zhang, Yan Song, Laurie Johnson. 2011. “Intergovernmental

Management of Recovery Following Catastrophic Disasters: The Case of the 2008 Wenchuan

Earthquake.” Presented at the 5th International Association for China Planning (IACP) Conference,

June 17-19, Beijing, China.

Xiao, Yu, Shannon Van Zandt, Wesley Highfield, Walter Gillis Peacock, and Samuel Brody. 2010.

“Community Recovery and Resilience after Disaster: Links between Jobs and Household

Recovery.” Presented at the 2010 Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, April

14-18, Washington, DC.

Xiao, Yu. 2010. “Hurricanes and the Louisiana Economy.” Presented at the 49th Western Regional

Science Association Conference, February 21-24, Sedona, Arizona.

Xiao, Yu, Jun Wan, and Geoffrey Hewings. 2009. “Flooding and the Midwest Economy: Assessing

the Midwest Floods of 1993 and 2008.” Presented at the 56th North American Regional Science

Association International Conference, November 18-21, San Francisco, California.

Van Zandt, Shannon, Walter Peacock, Wesley Highfield, and Yu Xiao. 2009. “Housing Inequalities

and Social Vulnerability to Natural Disasters: Findings from 2008’s Hurricane Ike.” Presented at

the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning 50th Anniversary Conference, October 1-4,

Crystal City, Virginia.

Xiao, Yu. 2009. “Economic Impact of Hurricanes: A Comparative Study of Katrina/Rita and Ike.”

Presented at the International Research Committee on Disasters Researchers Meeting, July 18-10,

Broomfield, Colorado.

Xiao, Yu. 2009. “Local Economic Impact of Disasters.” Presented at the Western Regional Science

Association Annual Conference, February 22-25, Napa, California.

Xiao, Yu. 2008. “Community Economic Adjustment, Post-disaster Mitigation, and Long-term


Economic Recovery.” Poster presented at the Annual Hazards Research and Applications

Workshop, July 12-15, Broomfield, Colorado.

Xiao, Yu. 2008. “Community Economic Adjustment after Major Disasters: Framework and

Analysis.” Paper presented at the ACSP-AESOP Joint Congress Conference, July 8-11, Chicago,


Edwards, Mary and Yu Xiao. 2008. “Annexation: A Route to Municipal Efficiency?” Paper

presented at the ACSP-AESOP Joint Congress Conference, July 8-11, Chicago, Illinois.

Xiao, Yu and Edward Feser. 2008. “The Unemployment Impact of the 1993 Midwest Flood: A

Quasi-Experimental Intervention Analysis.” Presented at the Southern Regional Science

Association Conference, March 27-29, Washington D.C.

Xiao, Yu and Edward Feser. 2007. “The Unemployment Impact of the 1993 Midwest Flood: A

Quasi-Experimental Intervention Analysis.” Presented at the Association of Collegiate Schools of

Planning Conference, October 18-21, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


2019. Panel Discussion on 100 year anniversary of May 4th movement, Portland State University,

Portland, Oregon (May 10)

2016. Panel Discussion on Smart Cities, Resilient Cites, and Sustainable Cities, 10th Annual IACP

Conference, Beijing, China (June 30 to July 3).

2013. Panel Discussion on “Disaster Recovery” Texas APA Conference 2013, Galveston, Texas

(October 2 to October 5)

2013. Panel Discussion on “Emergency Management in China.” 38th Annual Natural Hazards

Research and Applications Workshop, Broomfield, Colorado (July 13 to July 16)


Watson, Maria*, Yu Xiao, Walter G. Peacock, and Shannon Van Zandt. 2018. The Impact of Loans

on Long-Term Business Recovery. Presented at the National Institute of Standards and Technology

Center of Excellence Semi-Annual Meeting, May 3-4, Fort Collins, Colorado

Watson, Maria* and Yu Xiao. 2017. “Systematic Review Results: Individual Business Impacts

and Recovery.” Poster Presented at the National Institute of Standards and Technology Center of

Excellence Semi-Annual Meeting, Fort Collins, Colorado, April 27-28, 2017.

Xiao, Yu. 2016. “Understanding post-disaster community recovery: the linkage between

households and businesses.” Presented at the Business School Department of Property Seminar,

University of Auckland, New Zealand (August 1)

Xiao, Yu. 2015. “Applying for Graduate Schools in the United States” Presented at Beijing


Jiaotong University, China (November 19)

Xiao, Yu. 2015. “Disaster Management” Presented at Beijing Jiaotong University, China

(November 19)

Xiao, Yu. 2015. “Disaster Management” Presented at Beijing Normal University, China

(November 20)

Xiao, Yu. 2015. “Use of Big Data in Disaster Management” Presented at Peking University, China

(November 23)

Xiao, Yu. 2015. “Understanding Disaster Management from the Angle of Individual Households

and Businesses” Presented at Tsinghua University, China (November 23)

Xiao, Yu. 2015. “Understanding the Interdependency of Businesses and Households in

Post-Disaster Recovery” Presented at China University of Science and Technology, China

(November 26)

Xiao, Yu. 2015. “Disaster Management in the United States and the Frontiers in Disaster

Management” Presented at Tongji University, China (November 30)

Xiao, Yu. 2015. “Use of Big Data in Disaster Management” Presented at Chongqing University,

China (December 3)

Xiao, Yu. 2015. “Land Use and Disaster Management” Presented at Zhejiang University, China

(December 16)

Xiao, Yu. 2013. “Integrated Community Recovery after Natural Disasters.” Presented at Chongqing

University, Chongqing, China (May 29)

Xiao, Yu. 2013. “Urban Planning and Urban Development in the United States.” Presented at

Training on Urban & Rural Planning and Construction, Banan Municipal Government, Chongqing,

China (May 28)

Xiao, Yu. 2013. “Assessing Impact of Hurricanes on Business Establishments.” Presented at Texas

Census Research Data Center, College Station, Texas (March 7).

Xiao, Yu and Shannon Van Zandt. 2011. “Building Community Resiliency: Spatial Links between

Households and Businesses in Post-Disaster Recovery.” Presented at Texas Southern University,

Houston, Texas (October 21).

Xiao, Yu. 2011. “Post-Wenchuan Earthquake Recovery Research: Policy and Urban Design.”

Presented to the University of Washington-Sichuan University Urban-Rural Integration

Experiencing Team, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China (July 19).

Xiao, Yu and Yang Zhang. 2011. “Hazard Risk Management.” Keynote speaker for the Third


Youth Leadership Social Development Summer Camp, Southwest University of Finance and

Economics, Chengdu, China (July 9).

Xiao, Yu. 2011 “Business Recovery after Hurricane Ike.” Presented at Rice University, Houston,

Texas (March 25).

Xiao, Yu. 2010. “Economic Impacts of Hurricanes: Understanding Labor Market Adjustment When

Facing the Unexpected.” Presented at the Regional Research Institute Seminars, West Virginia

University, Morgantown, West Virginia (March 18).

Xiao, Yu. 2009. “Role of Businesses in Hazard Reduction and Recovery.” Presented in an invited

talk on Hazard Reduction and Recovery—Social Science and Policy Making in the United States,

Beijing University, Beijing, China (October 20).

Xiao, Yu. 2009. “Economic Impacts of Natural Disasters and Trajectories of Adjustment.”

Presented at Resilience in the 21st Century Hazard Reduction& Recovery Center 20th Anniversary

Celebration, College Station, Texas (January 31)

Xiao, Yu. 2003. “Modeling Land Use Evolution and Assessing its Impacts.” Presented at China

Center for Economic Research, Beijing University, Beijing, China (May 28)





GIS for Community Development. This course provides an overview of the use, application,

and representation of geographic data in the field of community development. It covers the

theoretical foundation, historical developments, and practical applications of GIS.


Research Design. This course serves as an introduction to interdisciplinary research relevant

to urban studies and planning. It covers basics of research design, systematic literature

review, qualitative and quantitative research methods, and research ethics.

Data Analysis II. This course introduces students to applied linear regression modeling,

covering dummy variables, interactions, nonlinear relationships and diagnostics. In addition,

the course offers a quick introduction to modeling non-continuous data including count and

discrete data.



Term Course


Course Name Credit


No. of


Winter 2018 USP 452 GIS for Community Development 4 15

Winter 2019 USP 452 GIS for Community Development 4 16


Term Course


Course Name Credit


No. of


Winter 2018 USP 630 Research Design 4 11

Fall 2018 USP 630 Research Design 4 8

Fall 2018 USP 654 Data Analysis II 4 8



Structure and Function of Cities and Regions/ Urban Form & City Planning/Structure and

Function of Urban Settlements (new preparation). This course introduces students to urban

spatial structure and function, its evolution over time, and forces that influence change. It

covers theories of urban expansion, history of urbanization and suburbanization in the

United States, and local and global forces that shape urban structure.

Plan/Policy Implementation (new course developed). This course introduces students to

techniques for implementing plans. It covers the legal aspects of plan implementation

including conventional zoning, alternatives to zoning (i.e. form-based codes), subdivision

ordinances, and other codes, and then discusses the basics of public finance, budgeting,

fiscal impact assessment, and the traditional and alternative tools for financing plan




Hazard Mitigation and Disaster Recovery (new preparation). This seminar course focuses

on practical and theoretical issues of hazard mitigation and disaster recovery. It covers

disaster recovery at household, business establishment, and community levels. It also covers

various approaches to hazard mitigation, including community protection works, building

practices, land use planning, and insurance. Students work with communities recently struck

by natural disasters to understand the complexities and challenges of disaster recovery, and

perform risk assessment and social vulnerability mapping to help communities plan for

long-term disaster resilience.

Structure and Function of Urban Settlements/ Structure and Function of Cities (new

preparation). This course introduces students to forces that originated and shaped urban

areas. It helps students to understand what a city is, how cities work, why and how cities

evolve. It covers in-depth examination of transportation and urban form, urban sprawl,

economy and urban form, and discussions on cities for a sustainable future.

Analytical Methods II. This course teaches students regression analysis. Content covered

includes how to perform multiple regression analysis (MRA) and interpret the results; use

diagnostics to select the correct model specification for MRA; correctly specify and interpret

limited dependent variable models such as Logit, Probit, and censored and truncated

regression model; and correctly specify and interpret panel data models.

Research Methods in Planning and Design (new preparation). This course covers basic

empirical research methods used in planning and design research including experimental,

survey and case study designs; comparisons of the various methods; and application of

techniques in sample selection, data collection and analytic approaches.

Special Topics in Regional Economic Development (new course developed). This course

introduces students to the fundamental theories about state and local economic growth and

provide students with a toolbox of strategies and policies. This course introduces students to

various state and local economic development theories and traditional and innovative

economic development strategies.

Directed Study on Economic Vulnerability and Resiliency (new course developed). Through

this directed study, students review journal articles, book chapters, and other scholarly

publications on the definitions of vulnerability and resiliency by various disciplines (i.e.,

ecology, sociology, and economics), the factors that affect economic vulnerability and

resiliency, and research designs to study vulnerability and resiliency.

Directed Study on Sustainable Economic Development (new course developed). Through

this directed study, students review scholarly publications on the definitions of sustainable

development and sustainable economic development, factors that affect economic

sustainability, and theoretical framework to study sustainable economic development.




Term Course


Course Name Credit


No. of



score (out of 5)

Spring 2009 URSC 489 Structure and Function of Cities

and Regions

3 7 4.57 a

Spring 2009 URSC 458 Plan/ Policy Implementation 3 14 3.52 a b

Summer 2009 PLAN 360 Structure and Function of Cities

and Regions

3 16 4.60 a

Spring 2010 PLAN 401 Plan/ Policy Implementation 3 23 3.92 a

Spring 2011 URSC 201 Urban Form & City Planning 3 26 3.99 a

Spring 2011 URSC 401 Policy Implementation 3 25 4.04 a

Spring 2012 URSC 201 Urban Form & City Planning 3 28 4.38 a

Spring 2012 URSC 401 Policy Implementation 3 28 4.12 a

Spring 2013 URSC 201 Urban Form & City Planning 3 15 4.71 a

Spring 2013 URSC 401 Policy Implementation 3 20 4.57 a

Spring 2014 URPN 201 Urban Form & City Planning 3 11 4.63 a

Spring 2015 URPN 201 Evolving City 3 18 4.85 a

Spring 2016 URPN 201 Evolving City 3 68 4.61 a

Spring 2017 URPN 201 Evolving City 3 47 4.69 a

Note: a Required core course; b New course developed.


Term Course


Course Name Credit


No. of



score (out of 5)

Fall 2009 PLAN 610 Structure and Function of Urban


3 23 4.69 a

Fall 2009 PLAN 647 Hazard Mitigation and Disaster


3 7 4.76

Spring 2010 URSC 689 Regional Economic Development 3 5 4.15 b

Fall 2011 PLAN 610 Structure and Function of Urban


3 30 4.02 a

Fall 2011 PLAN 647 Hazard Mitigation and Disaster


3 5 4.82

Fall 2012 PLAN 610 Structure and Function of Urban


3 29 4.67 a

Fall 2012 URSC 632 Structure and Function of Cities 3 10 4.80 a

Fall 2012 PLAN 647 Hazard Mitigation and Disaster


3 7 4.59

Fall 2013 PLAN 610 Structure and Function of Urban


3 20 4.81 a

Fall 2013 PLAN 689 Regional Economic Development 3 11 4.88

Spring 2014 URSC 642 Analytical Methods II 3 11 4.87 a

Fall 2014 PLAN 647 Hazard Mitigation and Disaster


3 15 4.82

Fall 2014 URSC 632 Structure and Function of Cities 3 12 4.99 a

Fall 2015 CARC 602 Research Methods in Planning 3 10 4.70 a


and Design

Fall 2016 URSC 632 Structure and Function of Cities 3 15 4.16 a

Spring 2016 CARC 602 Research Methods in Planning

and Design

3 11 4.70 a

Fall 2016 URSC 681 Ph.D. Seminar 1 5 4.66 a

Spring 2017 CARC 602 Research Methods in Planning

and Design

3 3 5.00 a

Note: a Required core course; b New course developed.

Non-classroom courses:

Term Course No. Course Name Credit


No. of


Fall 2009 PLAN 685 Directed Studies 3 1

Fall 2010 PLAN 693 Professional Study Cr 1 1

Spring 2011 PLAN 685 Directed Studies 3 2

Fall 2011 PLAN 691 Research 3 2

Spring 2012 URSC 693 Professional Study Cr 1 1

Spring 2012 URSC 691 Research 3 and 9* 2

Fall 2012 URSC 691 Research 9 1

Spring 2013 PLAN 685 Directed Studies 3 2

Spring 2013 PLAN 693 Professional Study Cr 1 1

Spring 2013 URSC 691 Research 9 1

Summer 2013 PLAN 691 Research 3 1

Spring 2014 PLAN 693 Professional Study Cr 1 2

Spring 2014 URSC 691 Research 3 and 9* 2

Fall 2014 URSC 685 Directed Studies 3 1

Fall 2014 URSC 691 Research 6 1

Spring 2015 PLAN 693 Professional Study C 1 2

Spring 2015 URSC 691 Research 3 1

Fall 2015 URSC 685 Directed Studies 3 1

Fall 2015 URSC 691 Research 3 1

Fall 2016 PLAN 684 Professional Internship 1 1

Fall 2016 URSC 691 Research 6 and 9 3

Spring 2016 URSC 685 Directed Studies 3 3

Spring 2016 URSC 685 Teaching Practicum 3 7

Note: * One student enrolled for 9 credit hours and the other for 3 credit hours.



Student Name Degree Faculty


Date of


Title of Project

Kai Wu Ph.D. Chair TBD

Maria Watson Ph.D. Chair May 2019 Influence of SBA Loans on Business

Recovery in Galveston, TX after

Hurricane Ike

Saheum Hong

Ph.D. Chair August


Effect of Economic Structure on Local

Economic Performance

Mizzo Kwon Ph.D. Co-Chair1 August


Socialspatial Relationships: The Role of

Neighborhood Walkability on

Community Currency Activities



Ph.D. Member TBD

Edna Ledesma Ph.D. Member December


Place Attachment in Four

Selected Latino Vendor

Markets: Case Studies of

California and Texas



Ph.D. Member May 2015 Consequences of

commute patterns and

the structure of food

retail markets for snap

redemption: implications

for food access

Boah Kim Ph.D. Member May 2015 The Conversion of

Urban Vacant Land: The

Case of Fort Worth,


Xingjxian Chen MUP Chair May 2017 A systematic review of

regional economic

impact of high speed rail

Ethan Harwell MUP Chair May 2017 A systematic review of

social vulnerability index

methodologies and


Xue Mou MUP Chair August Factors affecting


2017 business hazard

mitigation and

preparedness decisions

Salem AlJoaib MUP Chair May 2015 The agglomeration effect

on real estate

investments in Dammam

Metropolitan Area

(DMA) in Saudi Arabia

Kyujae Lee MUP Chair May 2014 The Relationship

between Shopping Malls

and Community Changes

in Texas

Maria Watson MUP Chair May 2014 Business Recovery

Financing: Galveston,

TX after Hurricane Ike

Wenjing Jiang MUP (Univ. of


Co-director August


Towns Undergoing

Changes: A Case Study

on the Recovery After

the Wenchuan

Earthquake, China

Dongjin Han MUP Chair December


The Location Pattern of

Malls in Texas

Long Chen MUP Chair May 2013 Business Site Selection Strategies &

Regional Economic Development---A

Case Study of Companies in Oil &

Gas Industry Headquartered in

Houston, TX

Xingliang Tong MUP Chair August


Determinants of Business’s

Vulnerabilities to Physical Impacts of

Hazards: Lessons Learned from

Hurricane Ike

Uttara Nilawar MUP Chair December


Economic Assessment of Hurricane

Katrina using GIS and Regression


Kalen Herring MA in


Member May 2015 Comprehensive Exam only. No



Ridvan Kirimli MUP Member May 2015 Community Development within

Angel’s Gate: Affordable Housing

Units in Bryan/College Station, Texas

Joel Mendez MUP Member May 2014 The Effect of Light Rail Transit on

Employment: A Case Study of Dallas,


Boya Dai MUP Member May 2013 Social Equity Study of Denver

Bicycle Program

Saeyoung Lee MUP Member December


Examining the Relationship between

Open Space Land Use Regulations

and Flood Impacts in Two Flood

Prone Coastal Cities: Friendswood

and League City



MUP Member August


The Social Amplification of Risk:

Modern Technological Influences on

Risk Culture and Perception

Dustin Henry MUP Member May 2010 Patterns of Post-Disaster Housing



Mikikumar M.


MUP Member May 2010 An Analysis of Unmet Housing and

Sheltering Needs of Disabled and Ill

over Time and Location during

Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in Texas

Kunal Shah MS in



Member May 2010 Evaluating Building’s Perceptions of

the Cost and Benefits of

Deconstruction versus Demolition of

Residential Construction in Brazos

Valley County, Texas

Lishan Li MS in



Member August


Correlation between Contingency

Allowance and Change Orders

1: Co-chaired with Dr. Chanam Lee

Job Placement of Ph.D. Graduates:

Saheum Hong: Korea Research Institute for Human Settlement

Mizzo Kwon: Community Wellbeing Research Center in Seoul National University, Seoul, South




Date Topic Audience

11/1/2018 Introduction to Disaster Management Students in USP 313U Urban

Environmental Issues, Portland State


10/5/2017 Introduction to Disaster Management Students in USP 313U Urban

Environmental Issues, Portland State


2/3/2016 Work-life balance Students in URSSO, Texas A&M


12/16/2015 Land Use and Disaster Management

Faculty and students at Zhejiang

University, China

12/3/2015 The Use of Big Data in Disaster


Faculty and students at Chongqing

University, China

11/30/2015 Disaster Management in the United States

and the Frontiers in Disaster Management

Faculty and students at Tongji

University, China

11/26/2015 Understanding the Interdependency of

Businesses and Households in

Post-Disaster Recovery

Faculty and students at China

University of Science and Technology,


11/23/2015 Understanding Disaster Management from

the Angle of Individual Households and


Faculty and students at Tsinghua

University, China

11/23/2015 The Use of Big Data in Disaster


Faculty and students at Peking

University, China

11/20/2015 Disaster Management Faculty and students at Beijing

Normal University, China

11/19/2015 Disaster Management Faculty and students at Beijing

Jiaotong University, China

11/19/2015 Apply for graduate schools in the United


Students at Beijing Jiaotong

University, China

11/20/2014 Disaster Management Students in URPN 202 Building Better

Cities, Texas A&M University


11/13/2014 Economic Development Students in PLAN 664 Planning

History and Theory, Texas A&M


4/15/2014 Disaster Management Students in URPN 202 Building Better

Cities, Texas A&M University

1/8/2014 Economic Development and Economic


China delegation from Karamay,


4/16& 4/18/


Time-Series Analysis Doctoral students in URSC 642

Analytical Methods II, Texas A&M


3/26/2013 Disaster Management Students in PLAN 301 Introduction to

Planning, Texas A&M University

9/26/2012 Economic Development and Community


MUP students in PLAN 601

Introduction to Planning, Texas A&M




Time-Series Analysis Doctoral students in URSC 642

Analytical Methods II, Texas A&M


9/7/2011 Community Economic Development MUP students enrolled in PLAN 601

Introduction to Planning, Texas A&M


10/21/2011 Building Community Resiliency: Spatial

Links between Households and Businesses

in Post-Disaster Recovery

Students at Texas Southern


7/19/2011 Post-Wenchuan Earthquake Recovery

Research: Policy and Urban Design.

University of Washington-Sichuan

University Urban-Rural Integration

Experiencing Team, Sichuan

University, China

7/9/2011 Hazard Risk Management Keynote speaker for the Third Youth

Leadership Social Development

Summer Camp, Southwest University

of Finance and Economics, China

12/6/2011 Economic Development and


China delegation from Karamay,



3/18/2010 Economic Impacts of Hurricanes:

Understanding Labor Market Adjustment

When Facing the Unexpected.

Regional Research Institute Seminars,

West Virginia University

9/8/2010 Economic Resiliency and Impact


MUP students in PLAN 601

Introduction to Planning, Texas A&M


9/16/2009 Economic Impact of Natural Hazards MUP students in PLAN 601

Introduction to Planning, Texas A&M



These are courses that I have taken on teaching skill enhancement:

July 26, 2013, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, University Writing Center, “First Responders: Using Feedback

to Improve Student Writing-Faculty Workshop”, in Evans Library, Room 204E.

November 9, 2012, 12:00 – 1:30 pm, Cindy Raisor, Lecturer, Chemical Engineering, “Using

Student Reflective Portfolios to Facilitate and Assess Learning Outcomes”, in Koldus 110/111.

Faculty Teaching Academy Certificate of Completion (September 2011- March 2012), Center for

Teaching Excellence, Texas A&M University. Attended the following seminars:

September 8, 2011, Rudder 510 — Provost Karan Watson & Panel

October 25, 2011, Rudder 601 — Robert Segner, Construction Science

November 18, 2011, Rudder 301 — Arvind Mahajan, Finance

January 26, 2012, Koldus 110/111 — Courtney Schumacher, Atmospheric Sciences

February 17, 2012, Koldus 110/111 — Nancy Amato, Computer Science

June 17, 2009, 2:30-4:30 pm, Teaching Portfolio, 448 Blocker with Jean Layne (

May 26, 2009, 10-11:30 am, Way Cool 1.0: Using Waypoint Software to Streamline Paper Grading,

Writing Center Conference Room with Nancy Small (




Member, Faculty Senate Education Policy Committee (EPC) subcommittee to review

PSU-Hanban Contract, Portland State University (May, 2019)

Judge, 3-Minute Paper Contest, Texas A&M University (11/2/2016)


LAUP Representative, College Research and Interdisciplinary Council, Texas A&M

University (March 2013- August 2017)


Chair, MURP Admissions Committee, Portland State University (2018-2019)

Member, Faculty Evaluation Committee, Portland State University (2018, 2018-2019)

Member, Urban Studies Executive Committee, Portland State University (2018,


Member, CUPA Scholarship Committee, Portland State University (2018, 2018-2019)

Member, MURP Admissions Committee, Portland State University (2018)

Coordinator, Doctor of Philosophy in Urban and Regional Sciences, Texas A&M

University (January 2016-August 2017)

Co-Manager, Building Vibrant and Resilient Cities: LAUP Visiting Scholar Pilot Program,

Texas A&M University (Spring 2016- August 2017)

Faculty Adviser, Urban and Regional Science Student Organization (URSSO), Texas

A&M University (August 2016- August 2017)

Member, URSC- URPN Committee, Texas A&M University (August 2008-May 2016)

Member, MUP Committee, Texas A&M University (August 2008-May 2016)

Chair, Departmental Lecture Committee, Texas A&M University (August 2014-May 2016)

Co-Chair, Departmental Lecture Committee, Texas A&M University (August 2012-May


Member, Departmental Lecture Committee, Texas A&M University (August 2008-May


Faculty Adviser, Association of Student Planners, Texas A&M University (August


2012-May 2016)


Professional and Community Boards

Member, Beaverton Committee for Community Involvement, 2019-2021, Appointed

by the Mayor of City of Beaverton, Oregon.

Board of Directors, 2013-2017, (Treasurer, 2013-2015) International Association for

China Planning (

Ad-hoc reviewer for journals

Applied Geography (June 2011)

Australasian Journal of Regional Studies (October 2011)

China City Planning Review (城市规划(英文版)) (October 2017)

Disasters (September 2008; April 2015)

Earthquake Spectra (October 2011; December 2017; May 2018; June 2018)

Economics of Disasters and Climate Change (January 2018)

Environmental Hazards (September 2011)

Growth and Change (April 2012; July 2013; September 2013)

Habitat International (January 2018)

International Journal of Disaster Risk Science (November 2012)

International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters (April 2013; October 2013)

Journal of American Planning Association (January 2014)

Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management (May 2010)

Journal of Mountain Science (December 2013)

Journal of Planning Literature (November 2016; May 2017)

Journal of Regional Science (February 2013; July 2013; December 2013; January 2015

August, 2015)

Natural Hazards (September 2013; December 2013; March 2015; December 2016;

February 2018 (2 papers); June 2019 (2 papers); September 2019 (2 papers))

Natural Hazards Review (February 2010)

Oxford Development Studies (January 2014)

Public Administration Review (February 2012)

Regional Studies (December 2009)

The Annals of Regional Science (August 2012; May 2013)

The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance (December 2012; March 2013)

Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (September 2018)

Urban Planning International (国际城市规划) (May 2017)

Reviewer for federal and state funding agencies

Proposal review for RESTORE Act Center of Excellence for Louisiana, 2017

Proposal review for Washington Sea Grant, 2015

Proposal review for National Science Foundation, 2015, 2018

Panel review for National Science Foundation, 2014


Reviewer for conference proceedings

The 11th International Association for China Planning (IACP) Conference, June 16-18,

2017, Harbin, China.

Reviewer for conference abstracts

The 9th International Association for China Planning (IACP) Conference, June 19-21, 2015,

Chongqing, China.

The 8th International Association for China Planning (IACP) Conference, June 21-22, 2014,

Guangzhou, China.

The 6th International Association for China Planning (IACP) Conference, June 17-19, 2012,

Wuhan, China.

Reviewer for books, book chapters, and book proposals

Reviewed a chapter on Spatial Analysis for the HayWired Scenario, USGS, 2018.

Reviewed a book proposal for Routledge, 2018.

Reviewed a chapter for the Handbook of Global Urban Health (Routledge), 2017.

Examiner for Dissertation

Examined a master’s dissertation of a student in the Department of Property, Faculty of

Business and Economics at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, 2017.

Conference organizer

Co-chaired the 9th International Association for China Planning (IACP) Conference, June

19-21, 2015, Chongqing, China.

Conference session chair or moderator

Chaired Session 1.7 on Climate Change and Land Use of the IACP’s 10th annual conference

in Beijing China, June 30-July 3, 2016.

Chaired Session 5.4 on Smart Cities, Resilient Cites, and Sustainable Cities of the IACP’s

10th annual conference in Beijing China, June 30-July 3, 2016.

Chaired Session 5.5 on Planning and Disaster of the IACP’s 7th annual conference in

Shanghai, China, June 29-July 1, 2013.

Chaired Session 2E on Urban Economics II of the IACP’s 6th annual conference in Wuhan,

China, June 17-19, 2012.

Co-chaired roundtable discussion on “Long-Term Disaster Recovery and Resiliency in

China and the United States: Toward a Framework for Comparative Disaster Research” in

the 2009 China-U.S. Relations Conference: Building on 30 years of China-US Relations:

Looking Ahead, the Office of the Vice President for Research, 2009 (co-organized with Dr.

Walter Gillis Peacock).



The 58th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association

International (RSAI) and 2nd Conference of the Regional Science Association of the

Americas, November 9-12, 2011, Miami, Florida.

The 49th Western Regional Science Association Conference at Sedona, Arizona (February

21-24, 2010).

The 56th North American Regional Science Association International Conference, at San

Francisco, California (November 18-21, 2009)

The Western Regional Science Association Annual Conference, at Napa, California

(February 22-25, 2009)

Southern Regional Science Association Conference, at Washington D.C. (March 27-29,


Service to the field and outreach

Member (2019-current), EERI LFE Executive Committee

Co-Chair (2018-current), EERI LFE Business Resilience Subcommittee

Panelist (2012- current), the Learning From Earthquakes (LFE) panel of the Earthquake

Engineering Research Institute (EERI). The goal of the panel is to develop a resiliency

framework to guide data collection of the EERI’s LFE and related programs.

ACSP graduate student clinic, helped one student at the clinic at ACSP Conference,

November 13, 2017.

Panelist (2014), Business Resilience Case Study for South Napa Earthquake, EERI

(evolved into the LFE Business Resilience Survey).

Member, EERI Reconnaissance on 5.0 earthquake in Cushing, Oklahoma occurred on Nov

6, 2016. Reconnaissance took place from November 14-16, 2016.

Member, EERI Resilience Observatory Case Study of Recovery from the 2010-2011

Canterbury earthquake sequence in New Zealand. Reconnaissance took place in March,


ACSP graduate student clinic, helped one student at the clinic at ACSP Conference,

November 5, 2016.

External Reviewer, conducted external review of Sichuan University-Arizona State

University Bachelor of Emergency Management Program, March, 2015


Organizer, service-learning project in PLAN 647, Disaster Recovery and Hazard Mitigation.

The class helped Granbury, TX and West, TX assess hazard risk and socioeconomic

vulnerabilities to inform their long-term recovery planning, 2014

Organizer, service-learning project in PLAN 647, Disaster Recovery and Hazard Mitigation.

The class helped Marion and Cass counties, TX assess hazard risk and socioeconomic

vulnerabilities to inform their community resilience planning, 2012

Visiting Scholars Hosted

Dr. Tao Zhou, Faculty of Construction Management and Real Estate, Chongqing University,

Chongqing, China, January- December, 2013

Yuanyuan Tang, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China, February- August 2016

Zhiguo Shao, Tongji University, Shanghai, China, October 2016- October 2017

Visiting Artist Hosted

Live Painting Demo by Mr. LENG Jun, Professional Artist of Wuhan Fine Art Academy,

China, on April 3, 2017.



Other Activities Organized

May 29, 2019, Documentary Screening and Discussion, Human Harvest, Guest Speaker:

Dr. David Matas, international human rights lawyer and 2010 Nobel Peace Prize nominee.

Portland State University

April 30, 2019, Dr. Robert Olshansky, “After Great Disasters”, Initiative for Community &

Disaster Resilience (ICDR) Speaker Series- Part 17. Co-sponsored by Portland State

University Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning and Portland State Center for

Public Service, Portland State University

March 4, 2019, Documentary Screening and Panel Discussion, In the Name of Confucius,

Panelists include: Doris Liu (Film Director), Dr. Jennifer Ruth (Professor of Film Studies,

PSU), Rachelle Peterson (Policy Director, National Association of Scholars), and Dorjee

Tseten (Executive Director, Students for a Free Tibet). Portland State University

Certifications and Memberships

American Institute of Certified Planners

American Planning Association

International Association for China Planning

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