Education Innovation Clusters

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Education Innovation Clusters


Cricket Fuller Project Director, Education Innovation Clusters @CricketFuller

What we’ll cover

■ Origin and Definition of Education Innovation Clusters

■ Who Participates in an EdCluster

■ Why EdClusters Exist and What They Do

■ How Effective EdClusters Work

■ The Growth of EdClusters Around the Country

■ A 5-Point Maturity Scale for EdClusters



“Innovation Clusters” • “geographic concentrations of interconnected

companies and institutions in a particular field”

• clusters disproportionately foster productivity, innovation, and entrepreneurial activity in their regions

- Michael Porter

The power of networks


What are Education Innovation Clusters?

…local communities of practice that bring together educators, entrepreneurs, funders, researchers, and other community stakeholders to support innovative teaching and learning in their region.

By working together, these partners form a network that is uniquely positioned to design, implement, iterate on, and disseminate breakthrough learning practices and tools.


An Unprecedented Opportunity

We believe that as EdClusters evolve, they will have an unprecedented opportunity to accelerate the

We believe that EdClusters have an unprecedented opportunity to: • accelerate the pace of evidence-rich innovation,

• close the digital learning gap, and

• improve learning for all students.


Scaling a MovementIn partnership with the U.S. Department of Education, DP is working to:

•catalyze, support, and scale individual EdClusters

•formalize a national network of these regional ecosystems

•continue convening stakeholders to share best practices


We believe that as EdClusters evolve, they will have an unprecedented opportunity to accelerate the


Education Innovation Cluster Participants


Community Groups

Researchers & Higher Ed



Funders & Investors

State & Local



Community Groups

Researchers & Higher Ed



Funders & Investors

State & Local



“What kinds of organizations participate in your cluster?”


The Why & What of EdClusters Why do clusters form?

• Close the achievement gap

• Bridge the digital learning divide

• Remake learning

• Prepare students for 21st Century

• Revitalize the local economy

What do clusters do?

• Incubate and pilot ed tech

• Conduct research on product efficacy

• Scale Maker education & communities

• Support personalized/blended learning

• Launch computer science initiatives

• Spur workforce development


An Ecosystem that Supports Brand agnostic: Education Innovation Clusters and their partners have

multiple affiliations and may participate in a range of branded “networks”

Education Innovation Cluster

The foundational ecosystem that supports participation in these initiatives


The How: Elements of Effective EdClustersEngaged Stakeholders

with Shared Vision Diverse, representative participation

that is aligned around impact and community needs

Supportive Infrastructure Governance and organizational models

that fit the needs of participants and define a harbormaster role


The How: Elements of effective EdClusters

Compelling Communications Storytelling content and tactics that

reach varied audiences

Sustainable Operations Funding and operational models that

leverage a range of assets, resources, and human capital


2012: 4 “Clusters”…


2014: Pittsburgh Convening…


2015: Chicago and beyond…


5-Point Maturity Scale

Stage 0: Established

Interest • Early

conversations• Potential

partners identified

Stage 1: Nascent Cluster

• Partners identified

• Central body able to take responsibility

Stage 2: Planning Cluster

• Partners, central body committed

• Strategic plan in development

Stage 3: Operational

Cluster • Funding• Partners run

programs• Completed

strategic plan

Stage 4: Mature Cluster

• Flourishing• Unsolicited

partners join• Central body

less important

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