
our eLearning platform

Our school domain

Our new web-address

You need a code for your first log-in. Our code: 7n5zs7


Click here to access your library of resources.

A new place to access your resources!

LibrarySelect your resource to add to post by clicking on it.

Click ‘attach’ to upload this document to your post.

LibrarySelect which resources you want to view.

Click here if you want to add resources to yourLibrary – no more usbs!

Click here to share a folder of resources with a group.


Click this icon to create a new folder

Hover mouse over the pencilwhen you see this menu,click ‘settings’ to share a folder

Edmodo lets you share entire folders ofresources with your classes – they can accesswhatever they need whenever they need it!

Share folders

Select which classyou would like to share with.

Read-only groups/individualsIn your list of members you can elect to make you whole group ‘read-only’ or make individuals ‘read-only’.

Don’t want kids to ‘chat’? Student being inappropriate?

Click the drop-down and select ‘read only’ for individuals.

Click for whole-class ‘read-only’.


Want to know when students haveposted to yourEdmodo group? Check one of these Boxes!


Sick of asking to ‘connect’ with random teachers?Select ‘Block Connection requests’.

Don’t want randomsseeing your posts? Check this box!

Help – user guide

On the homepage and click on ‘Help’.

User guide

On this screen, click on ‘Edmodo User Guide’.


Click here to load an assignment your have used previously.

Want to re-use an assignment you set and don’t have time to re-write it?Use the ‘load assignment’ feature!

AssignmentsJust click on the assignment and it will automatically load as a new assignment – just select the group!

CommunitiesWant some fresh ideas from fellow teachers from around the world? Join a community!

Under your spotlight edmodo suggests communities for you

to join.

Underneath your groups shows the communities you have joined.


On the homepage and click on ‘Communities’.


There are HEAPS of great communities to choose from!

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