

Cesca Haig

The first thing I did when editing this picture was straighten it out as when I took the original image it was slightly crooked.

After straightening the image out I changed the hue and saturation of the image, I heightened all the blue in the image to make it stand out more.

With this image I wanted to make the building stand out slightly more than the original image and also add a slight hint of purple to make the image a bit different to look at, I did this by changing the variations of the photo. I added more magenta and blue to the images which made the sky and the sun stand out a little more.

The last thing I did to the image was change the brightness and contrast, by doing this I was able to make the building stand out more against the water and sky. I took the contrast to the highest setting and only moved the brightness up slightly, as if I had put it up any more the sun would be the only visible thing in the image.

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