
Music Video Editing

This was the first edit of the music video. In this video we didn’t have enough footage for the narrative to become clear to the viewer. This video lacked a clear narrative and was confusing for the viewers to understand what was happening throughout the song. I left all of the transitions to be added last minute in the final cut because it would bring the music video together.This video was very in sync with the music

The next edit I made was the run through of just of the performance side of the band. This was benefitional as it would be easier to drag the clips of the narrative “ontop” of the base on the software Final Cut. The only problem there was with this edit, is that the clips had to be exactly in sync with the music.

Music Video Editing

In this edit, I started to place a basic edit of the narrative to see what parts of the performance need to be shown. Because we were editing this on the software Final Cut, it was easier to move the clips wherever and there would still be the performance cut.

Music Video Editing

The changes we had in music video edit, was the precision of each clip.

Firstly, we sped up the reverse speed of the dates that they had. We found that it went on too long and we wanted it quick and speedy as it was meant to be. This technique was inspired by the band Alt J in their video “Breezeblocks”, the whole of the video is reversed backwards in slow motion. This gives a clever effect of a different narrative shown.

Music Video Editing The only problem we had was that we didn’t think the narrative was clear from the feedback from the target audience questionnaire. We overcame this problem by going out a shooting more clips of the couple in the video, together.

I added more of the clips from the third time filming of the couple on a different date. This made it more clear to the viewers that the couple went on more dates together. And to show that they had a proper relationship. The added transitions made it look smoother from the change in each clip. In the reverse clips, I changed the opacity so it would show a variety of the band playing, and the previous clips of the girl and boy. In my research of indie bands, I’ve seen this being done within the editing, and so I think it fits well as a transition and prevents the video to be repetitive and boring for the audience.

One problem we got from the feedback from the viewers was in the performance video; the singer was chewing gum whilst singing. We managed to cover this by adding the narrative clips over the parts where this is visible and obviously seen by the audience. One shot that we couldn’t get rid of the chewing, was this shot. I really liked the lighting in this shot and so I didn’t want to get rid of it.

Music Video Editing

In the final edit 4, we looked at the video as a group and picked out small things to change to make it 100% accurate.

Music Video Editing

Lyrics Match

As we were including a narrative storyline in our music video production, we needed to link the narrative as much as possible to the lyrics.

“Behind those eyes”This was an important lyric that would match the video. It shows that there is a main link between with the song and the video.

“What I’d do to be with you” This is a shot of the girl and boy together to link the lyrics “What I’d do to be with you”. So a shot of them together shows a main link.

This is a screenshot of the footsteps at the start of the video. 0.01-0.12 seconds, this matches the beat to the footsteps.

Shot of the girl

“Hope it goes away” shot of the guy walking away from the girl

 “So I’ll leave, turn the other page”

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