
©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love



Dipl. Ing. Rastislav Kmeť .....................................................................................................................4

Dear my friend, ..................................................................................................................................5

What love really is? ............................................................................................................................6

START AT YOURSELF ......................................................................................................................... 12

Do you have confidence? Do you believe in yourself? ....................................................................... 15

DO I LIKE MYSELF? ........................................................................................................................... 17

I VALUE AND RESPECT MYSELF ......................................................................................................... 19

FORGIVENESS .................................................................................................................................. 21

REGRET ............................................................................................................................................ 23

FEAR ................................................................................................................................................ 25

Feelings: I am not good enough and I do not deserve ........................................................................ 28

HOW TO DO IT? ............................................................................................................................... 32

MY CONFESSION .............................................................................................................................. 36

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love


Reading for all who want to find the love of their dreams and for those who want to live in a full and long

relationship based on pure love.

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love


Dipl. Ing. Rastislav Kmeť

Expert in following :

◉ Stress and the syndrome of burning out

◉ Depression

◉ Phobias and fear

◉ Whatever emotions

◉ Mental reasons of diseases

◉ Health

◉ Negative persuasions

◉ Motivation

◉ Visions and aims

◉ Relationships and love etc.

He has hundreds of individual and companies´ clients all over the world. He provides his

services for ordinary people, young children, parents, doctors, lawyers, professional

sportsmen and also top politicians.

At companies´ clients he works at changing of feeling motivation at employees, he helps

owners to find new and key visions, he is like a couch of psychohygiene, a manager in

relationships, stress, etc.

He makes trainings, he teaches and supports people at their way for big visions.

„ Only people, who have big visions, will change the world.“

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love


Dear my friend,

I wholeheartedly greet you everywhere, where you get this information. It does not

matter who you are, how old you are, if you are a woman or a man, what religion.

By this information I would like to open your eyes in questions and topics, which are not

usual. And thus that it is not usual, we are not interested in it. And trust me, that right it

is responsible for that if you are satisfied in your relationship or marriage. If you feel

love and if you feel to be loved.

And so you also belong to people, who want to have full and happy relationship, or to

have a family full of pure love, understanding and pleasure?

Do you know, that this relationship or volume is being built? That we create it? We are

not talking about love at one night. Neither at two nights, or month. I am talking about

something, what when you discover inside yourself, will be forever.

Do you know, that every relationship reflects only what is inside you?

How you sense yourself, how you feel, what you think about yourself, etc...?

Here it does not go about looking for something perfect, ideal. Relationship, which is

ideal, is not perfect, because perfection does not exist.

What you will learn here today, might make you happy, annoyed and maybe... You will


Remember, that everything what you will learn, is written by pure love, happiness and

understanding. And things, which you find here, you incorporate into your life, you

reach everything what you wish in LOVE, but not only in it.

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love


What love really is?

Love is the strongest positive emotion, which we have and know. It is dominant by the

final feeling of happiness and pleasure. It is an inseparable part of a glad and harmonic


It is mentioned almost in all literary works of world and national authors. It is spoken

every day on TV and the radio about.

You can find countless amount of articles about it on the Internet. Surely, everybody of

us knows it and has heard about it.

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love


Do you know it, too?

You should know it.

Do you ask, why everybody should know it?

When we feel love, we are better, happier, more satisfied, more helpful, healthier and

even thinner. We create long and full relationships, harmonic families and we have

happy, healthy and satisfied children.

Right at that time we build a better world for us, our closest and even for all others.

Do you know somebody who does not want love?

Who does not want a beautiful and full relationship?

Want an amazing man or a great and gorgeous woman?

Want beautiful, happy and satisfied children?

Yes, there are people who say, that they do not want it. But when you look at them,

when you talk to them, you realize, that there is something wrong. These people often

defend and say, that it is their decision, that they do not need it and do not want it.

But when they look deep inside themselves, they realize, that they have pain, big fear,

suffering or trauma. And right it caused, that they think they do not want it.

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love


I will say one big so great secret. All emotions are felt, you feel them on your chest, in

heart and solar plexus.

When you say I know, that I do not want love, you say only this:

I think, that I do not want love.

We try to have and get love all life. Even if we do not admit it, it is our nature. We feel a

need to give and get love subconsciously.

Have you thought about the following?

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love


Does it have a sense to try for love all life? To hound it? Or to look for it? Just so, this

does not have a sense. We want to feel love, to sense and live it, do not we?

How is it really?

What should you do to have love, feel it, not only to look for it?

As small children we know, see and feel, that our mother gives us love most. Gradually,

as we grow up, we look for love in pets, toys, even in friends subconsciously and of

course in our relatives.

When we grow up, we focus on people, who are the most congenial for us-do you

remember the feeling „ butterflies in stomach“? This is the exposure of love, liking and


Love means love. Love your friends, husband, wife, child, parents.

And do not forget: love is also to love yourself and can

love yourself.

We can love trees, animals, birds, seas, life. All this can be loved. I am sure you agree

with me. Maybe you call it by other words, but still it is the same feeling.

In love learning runs by a method of try and fault.

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love


It is a normal way of growing up and progress, which we live all life and in all areas. We

learn best on the basis of what we experience. If we evaluate it like something

unsuitable, painful, sad and bad, we say: I do not want this any more.

Attention: This is the most important finding in our life, because thanks to it we define what we want, what makes us

happy and we reach that what we really desire.

In Europe one statement is used: the wise learn at others´ faults. But I can agree with

this only partly. Why? Because if we do not experience some things personally, we do

not know, if they are or are not suitable for us.

Appreciate and value even it what hurts you sometimes.

Appreciate and value even it, that something did not manage according to your visions,

because you know that next time you will do it by another way.

Personal experience can not to be bought.

Come back to love itself. Often jealousy, pain, sadness, suffering, restriction, even

sometimes a physical violence are mentioned with it. Do you have similar experiences,


If you have experienced it, you know, that you do not want to experience it again, do

not you? And happened to you, that even though you did not want it is happened


©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love


And then the same again? The more you wanted to avoid it the more you fell into it. If it

was a violence, infidelity, arguments, simply it happens again and again.

So how to reach to be loved, satisfied, happy and do not do the same


©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love



Yes, you can see well, I will repeat it again:


What do I mean?

I mean it simply and clearly.

If you want somebody to love you, it is necessary to learn to love yourself...

You might answer: but I like and love myself. It can be true, if you have a relationship,

which you are happy in.

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love


If it is not so, than you lie to yourself...I repeat you lie to yourself.

I am telling you surely if you do not have a relationship, which you wish, only you are

responsible for it.

Do you understand it?

If you do not know, what it is to love yourself, then according to the law of attraction, you

attract similar people.

And tell me, how can a relationship work if there are people who do not love each

other...Probably so, that it absolutely does NOT WORK.

Did you understand?

You are saying: OK, I have understood , that I can not find longed and dreamed partner,

until I learn to love myself. Am I true? SUPER. GREAT. EXACTLY.

How to do it? What should and can I do for it?

Wait a minute, patience. We are not at the end yet, we are starting right now.

„You want to say, that I must learn something else?“

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love


Exactly...If your relationship with anybody is to be strong, full of love, trust and happiness,

you must work at:

◉ Confidence – start to believe yourself.

◉ Start to like yourself.

◉ Value and respect yourself.

◉ Forgive yourself and all definitely.

◉ Get rid of regret.

◉ Get rid of shame.

◉ Get rid of fear.

◉ Get rid of feelings like I am not good enough and I do not deserve.

Just working at these things, changes your view at yourself and your life radically. By that

you will change your setting at your partner...

You might said „Uff“, but that is a lot. How to find out what concerns me and what not?

Do not worry. I will give you an advice with pleasure.

Are you ready?

Yes? Let´s start.

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love


Do you have confidence? Do you believe in yourself?

A lot of you say: Sure, I have confidence. I have a big house, a great car, great friends, big

muscles, girlfriends, huge money, prosperous business, or job...

Please, be honest to yourself. I am talking about confidence, which you will have also

when you will not have so much or nothing. I am talking about something, what is within

you, what you have, only to discover it. And we all have it, regardless of it if we have big

houses or cars...

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love



Where do you feel confidence? How do you feel confidence?

Please, answer really honestly.

Answer No.1.

I know that I have confidence. It is so.../you can say something similar/

A Result: Believe me, you do not have the real confidence.

Answer No. 2.

I feel it somewhere on my chest, around my heart. /something similar/

A Result: THIS is it. This is the real unplayed confidence, which will bring you everywhere

you want...

What will you reach, when you have confidence?

You will choose confidently your partner according to your claims and visions. At key

points you will keep your requirements and at the most key points you will not make any

compromises. You trust yourself that your requirements are right, that it is your law and

such a partner exists. You will have what you want, what you feel and what you like.

The next key point is:

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love



To solve this question is very important in relationship and in happy relationship.

Dissatisfaction with yourself causes mainly explosions of anger , sensitivity, apathy,

depression, diseases, sadness, pain, suffering, stress, failure of sexual life, shyness etc.


Close your eyes and imagine you are standing in front of the mirror. You can see yourself

naked. What would you change at yourself?

Please, answer really honestly.

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love


Answer No. 1.

Did you name anything concretely? For example hair, eyes, breast, teeth, belly, you

should lose weight, etc.

A Result:You do NOT LIKE yourself.

Answer No. 2.

You name nothing concretely, you feel beautiful, that feeling comes from your chest and

you have no need to change something at yourself.

A Result: THIS is it. This is the real feeling, I realy like myself.

What will you reach?

You are satisfied with yourself and there is no reason, person or fact, which will change

your attitude. Who will you hurt by your attitude, that I am nice, beautiful? Nobody. It

will only happen, that it will help you again at you confidence.

Is it clear? Did you understand this topic? Yes? Great. If you do not understand something,

read it again or write me your question HERE.

Let´s go on.

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love



To have a relationship, which works, it is necessary to be equivalent partners, or to come

closer to this status.

Please, understand the equivalence like a balance in the relationship. The balance is being

created on the basis of agreement, compromise and of this what suits you both. And for

this is necessary to speak and communicate by pure TRUTH.

The most important is you both feel good and pleasantly. Happy and satisfied partners

make long harmonic relationships created on harmony and balance.


Do you feel chaos in your relationship? Do you shout at each other? Is there a physical

violence? Do you live an intimate life? Do not you help each other? Do not you say the

truth? Do not you behave like friends?

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love


Please, answer absolutely honestly.

Answer No. 1.

Did you answer at least yes?

A Result: You do NOT VALUE your partner and you do NOT RESPEKT each other. And so,

you do not respect and value yourself.

Answer No. 2.

Did you answer almost at all questions negative /no/

A Result: THIS is it. You respect and value each other. Because you have created it, it is

your part and you know it. You value and respect yourself.

What will you reach?:

You take yourself as you are. You realize, who you are. You make better yourself at your

strong sides and you respect your weak sides. Other people respect and value you,

because you have taught it them. Your partner respects and values you.

Is it clear? Did you understand this topic? Yes? Great. If you do not understand something,

write me your question HERE.

And we continue.

Hold your hats-we are going faster.

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love



It is one of the strongest abilities in our life. Forgiveness is so strong ability, that it can

cure, it will get rid of your pain, worrying and sadness and many others.

After forgiveness you will have a feeling when like „a stone fell down of your heart.“ If

you can not forgive somebody, it always takes you back to you past and you have a need

to solve the same situation again and again.

Without forgiveness you can not build a loving relationship based on the truth, trust and

respect. This statement is a big truth and it is an experience of million of people.


Close your eyes and remember any situation, which you experienced a which made you

annoyed, hurt you or worried you very much. It can be a situation, which absolutely

changed your life. What do you feel, when you remember this situation?

Please, answer absolutely honestly.

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love


Answer No.1.

I remembered one or more situations, which hurt me, make me angry, make sadness or

worrying. Even it is only one situation...

A result: You have not forgiven yourself

Answer No. 2.

You can not remember any negative memory? You can not remember any

compunction? GREAT.


What will you reach?:

No compunction. No comings back to your past. No hate and negative memories. No

anger and pain linked with the past. You live nowadays. HERE and NOW.

Again my question: Is it clear? Did you understand this topic? Yes? Great. If you do not

understand something, please write you question HERE.

The next topic.

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love



Regret is the most destructive emotion, which exists. I understand that you can disagree

with me. But understand, that when we regret somebody, we do not help him/her, but

the contrary.

When we regret somebody, we are telling him/her indirectly: what you do, you do well.

Regret gets rid us of ability to change things. It prevents us to do an activity, which can

help us to solve or change some unpleasant things.

Instead of this, we are angry, we are going to bed and we are sad, melancholy or we are


Let me say, that regret is a disease of the whole humankind and it kills thousands of

people every year.

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love



When you look at an ill person, or you meet a homeless? What do you feel?

Please, answer absolutely honestly.

Answer No. 1.

I can not just tell the truth everybody. It will hurt them, worry, or they will be angry.

They are poor and I feel with them. /something similar/.

A result: Regret destroyed you every day.

Answer No. 2.

I tell the truth and I do not feel something like that. I respect their status and I accept it.

I know, that they are responsible for themselves and for that they are in a hospital, in

the streets. /something similar/. If they want to change it, the will do it by themselves.

A result: THIS is it. You do not know what regret is and it has no influence at


What will you reach, when you get rid of regret?

When you feel that something must be changed, you will do it. You create your life, you

do what you want.

Soooo and again, is it clear? Did you understand this topic? Yes? Great. If you do not

understand something, please, write your question HERE.

And now there is something really important. Concentrate.

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love



Fear is the opposite of love. It is the strongest emotion, which all other negative emotions

come from. Everything what we sense as bad is made by fear. I understand, that you do

not have to agree with me.

Fear is responsible for hunger, for mental pain, for that we destroy the planet. It is

responsible for our fear, for wars and also for terrorism. And again I understand, that you

do not have to agree with me.

If you do not see it like this, it does not mean, that it is not so. You will find it out, when

you get rid of fear.

But think about the following: how can you have full relationships, when you have fear?

Fear causes, that you lie to yourself and all others. You have fear to name the truth what

it is. And then you can not do the right solutions.

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love



Are you able to say what you feel for all circumstances? As you sense it?

Are you able to tell the truth yourself?

Please, answer absolutely honestly.

Answer No. 1.

Well, it is not possible all the time. It can not be. This can nobody

/similar answers/.

A result: You have fear. It is in you and it influences everything in your life.

Answer No. 2.

I say only the truth according to what I feel. Even if it sometimes brings me small and

bigger challenges /a similar answer/.

A result: THIS is it. You do not know fear. You do not follow it.

What will you reach, when you get rid of fear?

You will live in the truth. You will communicate and live truly. You will live more active,

happier and fully.

You will have new friends, love based on true love and the truth. You will feel light, you

will feel harmony and no stress.

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love



This was one of the most important passage. Concentrate, if you understood

everything, if you were really honest to yourselves.

So, is it clear? If you do not understand something, go back or write me your question


Dear friends, please, wait a moment, we are coming to the end.

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love


Feelings: I am not good enough and I do not deserve

We call these sentences persuasions and there are a lot of them. But these two influence

your life the most negatively.

We call them persuasions, because they come into existence in our head. We persuade

ourselves about our inability on the basis of our own weakness.

Everybody of us has some weakness. But if you are interested in them too much, you

create your negative persuasions. And this has been happening since our childhood.

They often come into existence by situations or words which are said by people, who are

sensed like authorities. Our parents, teachers, coaches, classmates, etc.

The result is you feeling, when everything what you do, you do not do well or is

inadequate. And these persuasions are linked with everything what we do. They are

linked with a job, prosperity, money, love, health, etc.

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love



Imagine, that you see a man of your dreams, or a woman of your dreams. You can see a

great car or a house. You can see beautiful pictures of a beautiful holiday resort in a

luxurious magazine. What is running in your head?

Please, answer absolutely honestly.

Answer No. 1.

This is not for me. He/ she does not want me. And why so beautiful house or car? I do not

need them. And the holiday? Beautiful pictures. It is not for me. I do not need to relax. It

is enough when I am in a corner café. I can not afford it. /something similar/.

A result: You have your persuasions in you, which block you in your life.

Answer No. 2.

You say hello to the man or woman /because you do not have to meet him/her anymore/,

wauuuu great, what a beautiful car and house. I will buy it immediately if I want it. You

will call to a travel agency and you will book a holiday. Simply, you will do what you want.

A result: THIS is it. No persuasions can block you.

What will you reach, when you get rid of negative persuasions?

You will understand and feel, that you are the best. You are the best at what you want.

You will feel, that you can have absolutely everything you desire, wish and want.

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love


Dear friends, readers... You have come up here. I hope, you

have understood everything, or most of what I wrote.


◉ distrust in yourself

◉ you do not like yourself

◉ you do not value and respect yourself

◉ unforgiveness

◉ regret

◉ shame

◉ fear

◉ feeling: I am not good enough and I do not deserve

block your abilities. Your life is shallow, despite of it could be.

Imagine, that you have a person, who loves you and you love him/her.

You attract each other, trust each other and you will build a amazing family with beautiful

and healthy children, who you will teach what you know and you will be their examples.

Do you like it? Do you like this idea?

Do you really want it?

What are you able to do for it?

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love


Only you know this. But what can I tell and guarantee you is, that all is able to reach and


Are you asking how?

By working at yourself, your life, your visions and desires.

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love



There are a lot of fiction books, magazines, newspapers, articles on the Internet. From my

experiences, I know it takes years, until you reach everything what you want, because it

depends only on you.

It depends on your will and on that you must learn it.

I have read a lot of books and I have been working at myself. I can tell you, yes, it is

sometimes really hard but it is worth it.

I have managed to do it. I was a homeless. I lost more than 2mil. USD. I nearly commited

suicide and nevertheless I am here. I am writing, that if you are in the same situation as I

was, you can manage it. It is possible.

If you are interested in where I was, what I experienced, what I reached, you can read it


But you have two big advantages. You have an ability of a big leap.

The first big advantage it is ME personally.

A person, who wrote this all here for you. I can be your mentor, teacher, therapist, simply

that who can help you.

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love


Your second big advantage is to pass the method MYL- a radical change.

Because I wanted it to be easier for you, I share and promote the technology of the radical

change MYL /milestone of your live/, whose working and principle I understood by that it

„came“ to me.

More details about the technology MYL you can find HERE.

I discovered principles, which can help you in short time. This way can save you years and

years of your life, during which you would be still looking for something new, you would

be trying it and the most important is, that you would not live your life full.

I will teach you these principles by a way, that you can share them with other people and help them by this way.

By this technology You and I, we both together will find the confidence in you, THE REAL

CONFIDENCE in a few days and weeks. You will get rid of fear, regret, sadness and

everything what you wish.

It, what you do not want, we will take away in your unconsciousness, it means, in that

part of your brain, which is stronger and faster.

And by this, the most effective and the fastest computer in the world will start to work for you- your brain.

After using the technology MYL and the next couching, we will teach you how to dispose

of your life as you have never dreamed about it.

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love


You will get what you wish. You will be there where you want to be. And you will be the

person you want to be- you will understand the principles of healthy, happy, rich people

and you will start to live according to them.

Only one thing is required from you: WANT

Is something like this really possible? How is it possible? It looks like a magic.

It is possible only when you work at yourself and you work with somebody who knows it.

He-she knows how it works and lives according to it. You will be led and become a master

of you own life.

And if you really want love, a full relationship, a family and children –

you will get them.

It is only up to you.

Now you have to move.

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love


Because health, happiness, wealth, love, prosperity are results of our activity and working at yourself. It is naive

to think, that you will land there.

HERE you can find all information about the technology MYL.


Rasťo Kmeť

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love


MY CONFESSION /who is Rasťo Kmeť/

I have always been thinking about how to be happy, glad and reach that own right „nut“.

I have been looking for it in a back round which often judged me as a „black sheep“. Just

this back round invoked a feeling within me that I am „another“, not good enough, you

are not normal, I am „ill“, demanding, etc.

Given that, I am a man and I had a hard upbringing, I built strong even extreme ego and I

was very bad, hard, feisty and vain. Gradually I had to learn to manage my masculine

essence, which was associated with the amount of pain, misery, sorrow, diseases, losses,

farewells and disappointments.

I have always been doing active sports, comparing myself, proving and competing

whether at the sports /football, ice-hockey, combat sports/even at work /from

representatives to executive directors and managers /. I have always belonged to the

bests at achieving aims, at power but however I was not happy.

I was attending hundreds of courses, couching, trainings, individual interviews to be

happy and to be cool. I was improving my education even by studying MBA and...again

nothing. How is it possible? Why? I was asking myself again and again. Because I have

everything, what a man may want to in the world today- business, health, women,


These are my priorities in 2000

1. Money

2. Carrier

3. Physical love

The first key turning point happened in 2000, where I lost absolutely everything twice:

job, relationship, all money, friends, I lived under a bridge- I was a homeless.

In 2007 the next key moment came for me, I lost 3 mil. Euro / 2 mil. SC were my own/.

And the hardest mental moment came in 2011, when I was thinking about the essence

of my life and about its unnecessary...

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love


You are asking, why you should just listen to me? Well, just because it is ME... The man,

who has a balanced life, has giant visions, says the truth, has absolutely pure intentions,

knows to listen to, cares about to live HIS life and at last can give professional advices, can

motivate, because he passed through many extremes. I love to make people happy, glad

and I feel it like a „business“ with gratefulness. And gratefulness is inexhaustible.

What are my priorities today?

1. Peace, happiness, harmony, health, family, love and they are all equally important for


I want to and I live a life full of happiness, love, sincerity, self-possession and harmony. I

love life, my wife Monika, friends, clients, nature and people.

I know what I feel and I know how I have achieved it. Also you have the possibility to feel

the amazing feelings like love, peace, satisfaction and endless happiness. It is only up to

everybody if he/she wants it. Choice is up to you.

©Rasťo Kmeť, 2014

7 Reasons, Why You Do Not Find The Real Love


I want to change the world and I am changing it by that I have changed myself and I help others.

„Everything is possible.“

Rasťo Kmeť

+421 905 883 902

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