Ecte mobility profile 2016

Post on 24-Jul-2016






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Crete, 2016

Mobility Actions

© ECTE/ Mobility

for Young people and Young workers

for Learnersand Staff

Accredited by National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance of Greece (EOPPEP, ID 2000120), to provide training and guidance in the context of Life Long Learning training schemes.

In the frame of national planning for continuing professional training. ECTE is implementing training programs

1E C T E P R O F I L E

ECTE – European Center in Training for Employment, has been established as educational centre at the beginning of 1994 in Rethymno, Crete. Its main objectives are: the adaptation of the working force to the transformations of the technological, socio-economic and physical environment, the improvement of the existing qualifications and the development of new ones, the exchange of experience and aquisition of valuable intercultural and professional skills and competences through the participation in transnatinal mobility activities.

Backround and Experience

Guidance and Councelling for promotion to employment

Elaboration of researches and studies (training

Business Management Information technology Technical professions Tourism and rural tourism Business Management Agriculture


Implementation of training programs.



Health & care

Culture and event management

Pedagogical professions -Trainof trainers

© ECTE/ worksop

© ECTE/ certification

need analysis, market researches)

Curriculum and training material development.

Planning and elaboration of international European projects


ACCOMMODATIONSingle or double bed room hotel appartments with cooking facilities


Europass, language certification, certification from practice. Daily supervision, certificates, ongoing/ exante evaluation.

CULTURAL & SOCIALPROGRAMMES Excursions to archaeological sites and museums, recreational and leisure activities.

STUDENTS' AFRAIRS24 hours seven days, available call line for emergencies, internet cafe room, discount cards.

“ Mobility is more than traveling, because it fosters the geographic, mental and

emotional adaptability of participants, and they learn and live under unfamiliar

conditions. This engenders personal changes in their attitudes and behavior. ”

LearnersMobility Actions


ECTE's international department staff, has long experience in mobility programs, such as Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig, Erasmus, IdA Integration through exchange (placements for vulnerable social groups like people with special abilities, single mothers, long term unemployed youngsters). Since 2000, more than 600 mobility projects have been implemented, hosting 5.000 participants (see past project list in ECTE website).

TRANSFER FROM-TO-AIRPORTTransfer from/ to airport. Local & trasfer to practice places

LANGUAGE COURSE Language Course of 40, 60 or 80 didactic hours in ECTE school (Greek or English Language course)

© ECTE/ Mobility Department/ reps

Services to participants


Archeology & Restoration

5 star hotels Tasks offered > Reception, administration,

animation, wellness centres, spaa, service,

restaurant, room keeping, logistics,

gardening, maintenance

Small hotelsTasks offered > Reception, administration,

service, restaurant, room keeping,

logistics, gardening, maintenance

Travel agenciesTasks offered > customer service, bookings, e-communication, translations, excursion organiza-tion, administration Private and public tourism information associationsTasks offered > customer service, information providing, administration, touristic Tourism shopsTasks offered > sales, customer service, logistics

Administration & management

5 star hotel

Small hotels

Travel agencies

University of Crete-Department of

international relations

Private and public touristic information


Private schools for foreign languages Real

estate offices


work placementsECTE, thanks to its broad network of more than 300 companies, organisations and institutions is offering work placment, for gaining work experience. Trainees are coming from both national, training, and international mobility programs.



© ECTE / Mobility /administraton

The Archaeological museum of Rethymno, the KTH' Inland Revenue of Byzantine Antiques , 25th Revenue of Pre-Historical & Classical Antiques

Technical trades Carpenters

Big wood factories, furniture making, small enterprises, hotels’ maintenance

Brick Layers, stone masons, Joiners,

roofers, Plasterers

Construction companies, big factories, factories working with CNC, small

enterprises, hotels’ maintenance, plaster enterprises, plumbing companies

Hairdressers & Beauty

Hair saloons, spaa, beauty saloons

Information Technology

Private IT companies, University of Crete, advertisement companies,Municipality of Rethymno.


Social Care,


The public hospital of Rethymno, pharmacies, Emergency Center of Crete,

private & public kindergartens, associations for people with special needs,

associations for elderly people, pharmacies, nutrition health centres,

mental health centre, Vet clinics

Environment The public waste management office in Rethymno, the Municipality of

Rethymno- recycling department, the environmental department of

secondary Education, animal protection associations

Cookery/Bakery/ confectionery

Bakeries, hotel bakeries, catering companies, patisseries, big restaurants,

family restaurants, hotel restaurants

Sports/ Fitness Sport athletic clubs, fitness centre of the University of Crete, 5 star Hotel

fitness centres, private gyms, 5 star hotel spaa.

Culture/ events management /

Leisure activities

The Archaeological museum of Rethymno, The folklore art museum

of Rethymno, The Paleontological museum of Rethymno, Folk art centre,

Municipality of Rethymno

Library Library of the University of Crete, public library, library of Institute for Mediterranean Studies.

Architecture Architectural companies, interior design companies.

Arts Ceramic workshops, museums, The Archaeological museum of Rethymno,

The KTH' Inland Revenue of Byzantine Antiques, 25th Revenue of pre-

Historical & Classical Antiques, Art Associations

Basic English communication skills are requested in most fields

Language skills are requested especially in Hotel reception services.


check analytical description of practice places in ECTE wesite.


ECTE has participated in both rounds of IDA programs (IDA1 and IDA2) the last five years, hosting more than 60 groups from Germany.

Disadvantaged young people, particularly people with no school or vocational qualifications, long-term unemployed, women and workers, especially those with low skills or low incomes and people with a migration background, especially in difficult situations (eg. as refugees)

" ...the program helps participants, because they have the opportunity tocommunicate in a foreign language and make improvements to it. This experience activates and stimulates self confidence. They learn to live alone and to adapt to a different environment, broadening their spiritual field and think differently than before. This is very important. Imagine that for some people it is the first time they get out of Germany and so they are initially feel frightened."

" ... I think that the most important contribution of the program to these people, is that enable them to develop their social skills and develop as people. Of course, many of them are getting very important skills through internships, that make Rethymnon in various companies. For this reason, many of the participants who have completed the program, about 70% have found work back in

Germany. They began studying with the basis of the knowledge gained from the practice here."

Promoting transnational exchanges and transnational mobility allows

disadvantaged people to expand in other EU countries their practical business experience and professional skills to facilitate their entry into the labor market. “ ”

Tutor of IDA groups in Crete, Mr Matthias Burgey, has been accompaning the participants since 2009, describes his


Mobility Actions - IDA program "Integration through exchange"


Hotel Reception Gardening

Customer Services Restoration Carpentry

Housekeeping Electricity

Pharmaceutical Science HairdressingTourism

Laundry Services Cooking

Library ScienceCraft Art Painting

Graphic Design Recycling


Work placements

© ECTE / IDA / Tutor

events &

6M O B I L I T Y A C T I O N S


Cultural activities organised by ECTE are always cobining both educational and recreational. The scope is while introducing participants to local history, natural environment and local traditional way of life and gastronomy, there enriushed with reacreational activities such as swimming, water sports, mountain trecking. for increasing socialisation between groups' members, tutors and local people.

Event management

Sustainable development and Tourism

© ECTE / Euopean projects departmen / Social care

Social Care

Indicative seminars

and study visits

Nursing education and practices

Elderly Care

Kindergarden teaching and management

(study visits/ 5 days)

Educational institutes' staff training is either in study visit, or seminar form, taylor made to needs of the partner.

The everyday programme includes two to three different activities, that are taking place in the cities of Rehtymnon, Heraklion and Chania.

The timetable is from 9 a.m. to 4 - 5 p.m., with a lunch break of 1-2 hours.

Transfer is made by private ECTE minivan.

Most of seminars are based on trainig material developed in the context of the ECTE participation in European programmes.

Cretan gastronomy/ Diet

Agro farms - Organic products

production - and marketing

Wine production and marketing

Wine testing - Sommelier

(study visits /5 days)

Mobility Actions - Study Visits Staff


Tourism contemporary education system and curriculunRural Tourism



© ECTE / Euopean projects department / Tourism

event management

© ECTE / Euopean projects department / Tourism /


Green Energy installations - seminar (GSSKILLS project)

Green energy seminars aim : Improve the efficiency and adequacy of existing training practices in the field of RES applications .

Green Energy

Environmental education

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources

Psyhodrama as as tool in in adult education, seminar (PaTiE project)Experiential learning, Sociometry, Group dynamic, Role Playing, Masks, Conflict management, Sharing

Seminars aim : Improve trainers/ teachers skills in managing a class: use of IT technologies, having better communication, increase collaborative work, handling conflicts and make teaching more efficient.


International training programs, are targeting to staff and teachers/ trainers of education and training institutions and are implemented mainly under Erasmus plus program.

Education methods and tools system for persons with special educatinal needs

(study visit/ 5 days)

Teachers for New Competencies: Personal competencies, team working, IT usage, e- learning platforms (study vist 5 days)

European Qualification Framework and ECVET ( seminar 5 days)

© ECTE / Euopean projects department / Solar En rgy systems

(seminar/ 5 days)

(study visit, 5 days)

Solar thermal and PV installations, seminar. Contemporary developments of solar energy and future trends, Hot water uses and space heating calculations, Thermal storage techniques, Panel types and operation principles and obstacles (seminar /5 days)

(study visit/ 5 days)

(seminar 5 days) Geothermal installations, seminar. Contemporary developments and future trends of geothermal energy, Low surface geological principles and earth heat exchange basics, Fluid dynamics basics Geothermal heating, Thermal storage techniques (seminar/ 5 days)

The Vet educational system in Greece: institutes' management \\curriccula\\ IT applications\\labs (study visit, 5 days)

One of the best experiences ever. Wonderful place.

Try to live with Cretans because it's the best way to learn.Spain

Mobility is a daunting task at first, and it seems much more scary before you go.

Give yourself time to settle in and you wont regret it! Such an amazing experience, ask anyone who has done it!


Mobility broadens your perspective. Really recommend it!UK

Enjoy every last moment of your time here in Rethymnon. Be open to meet your neighbours and other foreign

students, and then this will be one of the most worthwhile, challenging, growning, advancing, overwhelming and

enjoyable time of your life!!Finland

Go for it! Best period I ever had. Belgium

Try your best – you can easily integrate with the Greek people

and the culture. France

Always maintain an open mind and don't get too disillusioned with things: they

usually work themselves out. Bon chance!


If I had the chance, I'd do it all over again – an absolute experience for anyone


Testimonials from Erasmus+ mobility participants

Rethymnon, located at the heart of Crete, with wonderful weather, picturesque coastline and countless historical sites, attracts tenths of thousands of guests who want to see the priceless heritage of the past and enjoy gentle sunshine and beach rest. Base of the University of Crete, is a vibrant city which hosts numerous of socio-cultural events and activities to meet the varied interests of Erasmus participants.

Why Choosing Rethymnon, Crete

as Erasmus+ participant

"Rethymno is a very beautiful city, next to the sea, big enough to offer you a lot of choices and small enough so you can reach every part of it on foot or by bike. It is also very convinient for visiting places and citites all around the island"

The student life in Rethymno is fantastic! It's a city where students are

more than the local people and that means that it's full of life! Students use

to spend their time at cafeterias drinking their coffee and playing

"tavli" . Almost every night their are out in places like tavern where they eat greek "meze" (like tapas), drink

wine or the traditional "raki" and at the same time they listen to lovely

bands playing live popular greek songs. In these places young people use

to drink and dance a lot!

There are taverns that are full of students, in which you can eat, drink and dance spending a very small amount of money. Most of them have live music every Friday and Saturday night and there you will listen to the temporary greek music and dance mostly "tsifteteli". For alternative music you shouldn't miss the chance to go to the bar named "Figaro" . There are also a lot of clubs and cafe. Discover which one is full of students in the period you will visit the city. They are different every season.

Matteo Scarcia (Italy)

Celeste Conacari (Italy)


Katja Palén (Finland)Mikael Nummi (Finland)


LIVE in this city! Walk a lot eating ice-cream, looking the beautiful sea, the people, the old houses. Just don't miss it!!! Saray Magdalena (Spain) Carrillo Barea (Spain)

ECTE DETAILSPIC Number: 949851937Full legal name (National Language) ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΟ ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΚΑΤΑΡΤΙΣΗΣ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΑΠΑΣΧΟΛΗΣΗ AEE Full legal name (Latin characters) European Center in Training for Employment SAAcronym ECTE National ID 800383764Department International DepartmentAddress Papanastasiou 3 Country GreeceRegion CreteCity RethymnoPost Code 74100

Website www.ecte.grEmail (project contact) Telephone 0030 28310 42428

ProfileType of Organisation: EDU-VETCommercial orientation: For profitPublic body? NONon-profit? NOLegal status: PRC S.A (Anonymous Educational Company) Scope: Educational servicesSize (staff) : 9Size (learners/trainees): 700/ year

Legal Representative - Signatory: administrative officer authorised to commit the company/organisation. Title Mrs.First Name StylianiLast name Androulaki Position in the company PresidentEmail direction@ecte.grTelephone number 0030 28310 42428

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