
The Economy

and History of JapanCreated byMr. Raponi


Farmland in Japan is very limited. However, Japanese farmers raise

___________________ of the countries food.

___________________ is when farmers grow crops on every available piece of land. (Terraced fields are an example of this)


Japan produces and exports Steel Cars Ships Computers

Japan’s economy has prospered because of

its _________________. The Japanese people value education and hard work.


Japan has limited

__________________ and must import Oil Coal Iron Ore

_______________ refers to the rapidly developing Asian countries that border the Pacific Ocean

Environment By the ____________,

waste products polluted the air and water, the government urged a cleanup.

Now, Japan’s pollution-control laws are among the strictest in the world.

Early Japan Japan modeled its society

on the _______________ way of life.

From the late 1100s to the 1860s, Japan was ruled by the

________________, the warrior class.

The leaders of this warrior class were called


The Samurai

Modern Japan In the late

1800s, Japan began to change into a

______________ country. By using European and American ideas.

By the early 1900s, Japan was the largest Asian power.

Largest Asian Power

December 7, 1941

On December 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked the American Naval Base

__________________ in Hawaii.

After the attack, the United States retaliated and entered World War II

The End of World War


On August 6 and August 9th of 1945, the United States dropped two Atomic Bombs on Japan.

The first on the city of

_________________, and the second, three days later, on the city of


On August 15, 1945 Japan announced its surrender to the Allied Powers, which officially ended World War II.

80,000 People killed in Hiroshima

150,00 People killed in Nagasaki

The First Atomic Bomb

This is a very serious thing that we just witnessed and discussed.

What do you think, what is your reaction?

After the War

After World War II, many Japanese cities laid in ruins and the Japanese economy was near collapse.

With help from the U.S., Japan became a democracy and rebuilt its economy.

Japan is now one of the strongest economies in the entire world

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