E.B.I.Audience Engagement Kingdom Style

Post on 10-Jun-2015



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What will be shared in this Presentation: • The Kingdom of God and Audience Engagement • Principles of effective Audience Engagement • Social Media and Guerrilla Marketing • How to start building your audience engagement platform from scratch on a Budget on $50 or less a month.


Presenter: Dr. Navon Lindo, Jr.E.M.E.R.G.E. Business Incubator (E.B.I.)

Kingdom Style

Agenda• The Kingdom of God and

Audience Engagement

• Principles of effective Audience Engagement

• Social Media and Guerilla Marketing

• How to start building your audience engagement platform from scratch

The Kingdom of God & Audience Engagement

How did Jesus engage His audience?

The Kingdom of God & Audience Engagement

The Kingdom of God & Audience Engagement

How did Jesus engage His audience?

The Kingdom of Heaven like Treasure hidden in a Field “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field” (Matthew 13:44, NASB).

The Kingdom of God & Audience Engagement

How did Jesus engage His audience?

The Kingdom of Heaven is like a Costly Pearl “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it” (Matthew 13:45, NASB).

The Kingdom of God & Audience Engagement

Jesus showed the VALUE OF THE KINGDOM

The Kingdom of God & Audience Engagement

What is your VALUE


1. What is the product or experience I want to create or transform in a wow?2. What is the specific outcome you want to create?3. What specific expectations does the typical customer bring to this experience?4. What does failing to meet customers’ expectations for this experience look like?5. What does exceeding customer’s expectations for this experience look like?

Source: Michael Hyatt, Platform

Part 2: Principles of effective Audience Engagement

Your Logo

Part 2: Principles of effective Audience Engagement

1. Understanding who is your Demographic

2. Your motivation in reaching out to them

3. How you plan on building and engaging your tribe

4. Your strategy in reaching out to others like them

Part 2: Principles of effective Audience Engagement

• What problems are your audience facing?

• How can you help your audience do something better or more efficiently?

• What value do you provide?

• What resonates with you? What are you passionate about? How can you share it?

• What unique insights do you have to offer?

Part 3: Building Your Platform on $50 or less a month

Your Logo

Part 3: Building Your Platform on $50 or less a month

Technology has leveled the playing field in terms of the tools that we now have access to reach our respective audiences

Part 3: Building Your Platform on $50 or less a month

Part 3: Building Your Platform on $50 or less a month

Part 3: Building Your Platform on $50 or less a month

Part 3: Building Your Platform on $50 or less a month

Part 3: Building Your Platform on $50 or less a month

Part 4: Steps to Effective Audience Engagement

Your Logo

Part 4: Steps to Effective Audience Engagement

Part 4: Steps to Effective Audience Engagement

Part 4: Steps to Effective Audience Engagement

Part 4: Steps to Effective Audience Engagement

Part 4: Steps to Effective Audience Engagement

Source: http://drgyahoo.wordpress.com/

Part 4: Steps to Effective Audience Engagement

Michael Hyatt, Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World, pp. 74-79

Part 4: Steps to Effective Audience Engagement

“The ones who win are the ones who stay at it after everyone else has quit”


Part 4: Steps to Effective Audience Engagement

Please visit www.emergenetwork to learn more about the E.B.I.

Presenter: Dr. Navon Lindo, Jr.E.M.E.R.G.E. Business Incubator (E.B.I.)www.emergentwork.netwww.drnavonlindojr.com


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