Earnings-Based and Accrual-Based Market Anomalies

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  • 8/20/2019 Earnings-Based and Accrual-Based Market Anomalies


    Earnings-Based and Accrual-Based Market Anomalies: One Effect or Two?

    Daniel W. Collins*Henry B. Tippie Research Chair in Accounting

    Paul Hribar 

    Ph.D. Student

    College of Business AdministrationUniversity of Iowa

    Iowa City, IA 52246-1000

    May 25, 1999

    Abstract:  This paper investigates whether the accrual pricing anomaly documented by Sloan

    (1996) for annual data holds for quarterly data and whether this form of market mispricing isdistinct from the post-earnings announcement drift anomaly. We find that the market appears to

    overestimate (underestimate) the persistence of the accrual (cash flow) component of quarterlyearnings and, therefore, tends to overprice (underprice) accruals (cash flows). Moreover, the

    accrual (cash flow) mispricing appears to be distinct from post-earnings announcement drift. Ahedge portfolio trading strategy that exploits both forms of market mispricing generates

    abnormal returns in excess of those based on unexpected earnings, accruals, or cash flowinformation alone.

     Key Words: Market Efficiency, Accruals, Post-Earnings Announcement Drift

     JEL Classification:  G14, M41

    *Corresponding Author. Phone (319) 335-0910; Fax: (319) 335-1956; e-mail: daniel-


    We gratefully acknowledge the insightful comments and suggestions made by Kevin Den Adel,Bruce Johnson, Mort Pincus, Shyam Sunder, Richard Tubbs, Charles Wasley, Greg Waymire

    and workshop participants at the University of Utah and Carnegie Mellon University.

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    Earnings-based and accrual-based market anomalies: one effect or two?

    1.  Introduction

    The efficiency of capital markets has received a great deal of attention in both the finance

    and accounting literature. Research in this area most commonly examines market anomalies,

    which are defined simply as predictable abnormal returns (Ball 1992). Prominent examples of 

    market anomalies include post-earnings announcement drift (e.g. Foster et al. 1984; Bernard and

    Thomas 1989, 1990), the book-to-market anomaly (Stattman 1980), the earnings-to-price

    anomaly (Basu 1977), and more recently the accrual anomaly (Sloan 1996). This study

    compares two prominent earnings-based accounting anomalies -- post-earnings announcement

    drift and the accrual anomaly -- to determine whether they capture the same market inefficiency

    or whether they represent different anomalies that in combination reveal more extreme market

    mispricing than has been documented in the literature to date.1

    The literature on post-earnings announcement drift demonstrates that prices continue to

    drift in the direction of the initial market response to quarterly earnings surprises (standardized

    unexpected earnings or SUEs) for at least 120 trading days following the earnings

    announcement, with much of the price adjustment occurring in the days surrounding the

    subsequent two quarters’ earnings releases (e.g. Foster, Olsen, Shevlin 1984; Rendleman, Jones,

    Latane 1987; Bernard and Thomas 1989; 1990; Freeman and Tse 1989). The results of this

    stream of research suggest that the market fails to fully appreciate and price the future earnings

     1  An example of related research is Greig (1992), who forms portfolios along two dimensions, using both size and

    Ou and Penman’s (1989) fundamental analysis statistic, and finds the size effect dominates Ou and Penman’sstatistic. Similarly, Jaffe, Keim and Westerfield (1989) form portfolios on size and earnings/price (E/P), and show

    that earnings/price is more robust predictor of future abnormal returns when controlling for the January effect.

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    large negative (positive) accrual component? If so, hedge portfolios based on various

    combinations of unexpected earnings and accrual rankings should generate abnormal returns that

    exceed those that can be earned by exploiting any one of the anomalies in isolation. Analogous

     predictions hold for combinations of unexpected earnings and cash flow strategies.

    Our results provide evidence of statistically significant abnormal returns associated with

    quarterly accrual and cash flow-based trading strategies as well as unexpected earnings-based

    strategies. More importantly, the unexpected earnings and accrual (cash flow) strategies appear 

    to capture different mispricing phenomenon. Thus, combining the earnings-based SUE strategy

    with either the accrual or the cash flow-based strategy significantly increases the magnitude of 

    abnormal returns that can be earned. Moreover, there does not appear to be significant additional

    risk involved with the combined strategies in terms of magnitude or frequency of losses. In

    summary, we find the unexpected earnings and accruals/cash flow anomalies, when combined,

    reveal a more extreme form of market mispricing than previously documented in the literature.

    This mispricing can be exploited to generate abnormal returns in excess of those based on

    unexpected earnings, accruals or cash flow rankings alone.

    The remainder of the paper proceeds as follows. Section two summarizes the extant

    research on earnings-based and accrual-based (cash flow) anomalies and develops the

    hypotheses. Section three explains sample selection procedures and provides descriptive

    statistics. Section four outlines the Mishkin test (1983) and hedge portfolio tests for market

    mispricing and gives the empirical results. Section five provides diagnostic tests, and Section six

    gives our summary and conclusions and discusses the future research opportunities suggested by

    our findings.

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    2. Earnings-Based and Accrual-Based Market Anomalies:

    Post-earnings announcement drift -- the phenomenon where stock prices continue to drift

    in the direction of the initial price response to an earnings announcement -- is one of the most

     prominent and perplexing market anomalies documented in the accounting literature. More

    generally, post-earnings announcement drift can be viewed as a manifestation of what Bernard,

    Thomas and Whalen (1997) label the standardized unexpected earnings (SUE) effect.2  This

     broader characterization refers to all market anomalies designed and tested using the SUE metric

    as a proxy for unexpected earnings. Therefore, it includes the literature on post-earnings

    announcement drift as well as the related work on the time series properties of SUEs (e.g.

    Bernard and Thomas 1990, Ball and Bartov 1996). In the current paper, these anomalies are

    referred to as earnings-based SUE anomalies.

    The central puzzle underlying this group of anomalies is that stock prices act as if 

    investors use a simple seasonal random walk with drift expectations model in forming quarterly

    earnings expectations. However, earnings forecast errors conditional on such a model exhibit

    strong and predictable autocorrelation patterns. Thus, when subsequent quarterly earnings are

    announced, stock prices adjust to a component of the earnings surprise that should have been

     predictable given the past time series of earnings. The upshot of these findings is that stock 

     prices do not appear to fully impound the implications of current quarterly earnings surprises for 

    future earnings. While there is some skepticism that SUE-based anomalies truly reflect a

    departure from market efficiency, rather than just an artifact of research design, Bernard et al.

     2  To compute SUE, expected earnings are first computed using either a seasonal random walk, a first-order 

    autoregressive process, or the Brown-Rozeff model. For example, Foster et al. (1984) and Bernard and Thomas

    (1989) calculate expected earnings as: E(Qi,t) = Qi,t-4 + φi( Qi,t-1 - Qi,t-5 ) + δi . SUEs are then computed as thedifference between actual earnings and expected earnings, scaled by the standard deviation of the past earnings


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    (1997) argue that of six prominent anomalies, this group is the most likely to reflect market


    Sloan’s (1996) results suggest the market fails to properly price the accruals component

    of earnings. He shows that the market erroneously overestimates the persistence of the accruals

    component of annual earnings while underestimating the persistence of the cash flow

    component. Moreover, accruals exhibit negative serial correlation or mean reversion tendencies.

    Consequently, the market responds as if surprised when seemingly predictable earnings reversals

    occur in the following year.

    In order to exploit this overreaction to accruals, Sloan forms zero net investment hedge

     portfolios that take a long position in firms with the largest negative accruals (standardized by

    total assets) and an offsetting short position in firms with the largest positive accruals. This

    strategy earns positive annual excess returns of 10.4% and incurs losses in only two of the thirty

    years examined. Although Sloan’s hypotheses are stated in terms of accounting accruals, he

    notes that similar predictions could be made based on investors underestimating the persistence

    of cash flows (p.292, footnote 4). Thus, a trading strategy taking a long position in firms with

    the highest level of operating cash flows and an offsetting short position in firms with the lowest

    level of operating cash flows also appears to generate positive abnormal returns.

    One complication that arises when comparing the earnings-based anomaly with an

    accrual or cash flow anomaly is that the SUE-based anomaly has been examined on a quarterly

     basis while Sloan documents the accrual-based anomaly only for annual data. Accordingly, to

    facilitate a comparison between the unexpected earnings and accrual anomalies, we first

    implement the accrual-based and related cash flow-based trading strategies on a quarterly basis

     3  The six anomalies tested are: (1) earnings momentum (SUE), (2) returns momentum, (3) book to market ratio, (4)

    E/P ratio, (5) Ou and Penman fundamental analysis, (6) Holthausen and Larcker fundamental analysis.

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    to determine whether the mispricing documented by Sloan generalizes to quarterly data. In a

    quarterly setting, it is unclear how long it will take for any mispricing which may be associated

    with quarterly accruals and cash flows to be ‘corrected’ when subsequent quarters’ earnings are

    realized. Because post-earnings announcement drift largely manifests itself in the two quarters

    immediately following the earnings announcement, the primary tests will focus on the two

    quarters immediately following an extreme quarterly accrual or cash flow realization.

    A second objective of this study is to determine if the unexpected earnings-based

    anomaly is distinct from the accrual or cash flow anomalies and whether one dominates or is

    subsumed by the other. We do this by forming portfolios based on rankings along both

    dimensions (unexpected earnings and either accruals or cash flows). The resultant contingency

    tables allow us to examine conditional and marginal frequencies to determine the degree of 

    overlap between the unexpected earnings and accruals/cash flow rankings and to test predictions

    about the abnormal return performance of various portfolio subgroups within the contingency


    If, in fact, unexpected earnings and accruals/cash flow anomalies reflect different forms

    of mispricing and are largely independent of one another, we predict that a new trading strategy

    which takes advantage of both forms of mispricing will yield even larger abnormal returns than

    those associated with each individual anomaly. Specifically, formulating a strategy that takes a

    long (short) position in firms with extreme positive (negative) unexpected earnings and extreme

    negative (positive) accruals is expected to yield larger abnormal returns than a strategy that

    exploits only one of the anomalies. Similarly, a strategy that takes a long (short) position in

    firms with extreme positive (negative) unexpected earnings and extreme high (low) operating

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    cash flows is expected to dominate a strategy that exploits only the SUE or cash flow strategy


    2.  Sample Selection and Data.

    Quarterly COMPUSTAT and daily CRSP data are collected for all NYSE/AMEX firms

    on either the Primary, Supplementary and Tertiary Industrial File or the Research File over the

    years 1988-1997.4  In contrast to Sloan (1996), we estimate quarterly accruals as the difference

     between earnings and cash flows from operations.5  Specifically, the accruals component of 

    quarterly earnings is computed as follows:

    Accrualst = Earningst - CFOt  (1)


    Earningst = earnings from continuing operations (COMPUSTAT #8)

    CFOt  = cash flow from operations (COMPUSTAT #108).6

     4  This restriction is necessary in order to compute accruals as in equation (1). COMPUSTAT reports quarterly

    “funds flow” data based on either a working capital statement, a source and use of funds statement, or a cash

    statement by activity starting in 1984, but these data are often incomplete and/or incorrect with respect to the

    ‘Working capital changes – Other ’ account (Quarterly item #73). Since this item is necessary to compute cash fromoperations we focus only on the post SFAS 95 period for which cash flow data are reported.5 Sloan (1996) and most prior studies that test the pricing implications of accruals use the period-to-period change in

    current asset and current liability accounts, adjusted for changes in cash and reclassifications of currently maturing

     portions of long-term debt, to estimate the accrual component of earnings. Drtina and Largay (1985) and Revsine,

    Collins and Johnson (1999) demonstrate this balance sheet approach to calculating accruals can lead to seriouserrors, particularly when a firm has been involved in mergers, acquisitions, or divestitures. When these events

    occur, the articulation between the changes in working capital balance sheet accounts and the accrual components of 

    earnings is destroyed. Collins and Hribar (1999) assess the implications of this measurement problem associatedwith the balance sheet approach to estimating accruals for studies on earnings management and the pricing of 

    discretionary versus non-discretionary accruals.6 For cash flow statement items, COMPUSTAT reports data for the cumulative interim period year-to-date.

    Therefore, for the 2nd

    , 3rd

    , and 4th

     quarters, the differences between the reported amounts in quarter t and quarter t-1must be computed to arrive at the correct amount of cash flow from operations for the three months ended in the

    current quarter.

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    As in Sloan (1996), earnings, cash flows and accruals are all standardized by average total assets

    to enhance cross-sectional comparability.

    To provide evidence on post-earnings announcement drift and the earnings-based SUE

    anomalies, expected earnings are calculated as a seasonal random walk with drift

    (Bernard and Thomas’ 1989, 1990):

    E (Qi,t) = Qi,t-4 + δi (2)

    where δi is the drift term estimated using a minimum of 12 quarters and a maximum of 36

    quarters. The SUE for firm i in quarter t  is then calculated as:

    SUEi,t = (Qi,t – E(Qi,t)) / σ [Qi,t – E(Qi,t)] (3)

    where σ [Qi,t – E(Qi,t)] is the standard deviation of the forecast error. Note that equation (2)

    excludes the first-order autoregressive term used in Bernard and Thomas (1989). Foster, Olsen,

    Shevlin (1984), however, report no substantive difference from using either estimation equation,

    and Bernard, Thomas, Whalen (1997) use equation (2) in their analysis of the SUE-based

    anomaly.7  Additionally, while the standard deviation of the forecast error is used as a scaling

    variable when replicating prior studies, later empirical tests use unexpected earnings

    standardized by average total assets in order to maintain a consistent scaling variable across all

    variables.8  The final sample of quarterly accruals, operating cash flows and SUE realizations

    contains 41,237 firm-quarters.

    Tables 1a and 1b provide descriptive statistics for the final sample based on quarterly

     partitions of both accruals and cash flows. In Table 1a, quarterly accruals are used as the

     7 As a robustness check, expected earnings with a first order autoregressive term are estimated for firms with

    continuous data from 1976-1987. The correlation between expected earnings calculated in this manner and expected

    earnings calculated using equation (2) is 0.956. Thus, because of the additional data requirements needed to obtain

    stable firm specific AR(1) estimates, the seasonal random walk with drift model in equation (2) is used instead in aneffort to increase sample size.8 None of the results are qualitatively affected by the choice of a scaling variable.

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     partitioning variable. The negative correlation between accruals and cash flows is evident in the

    mean cash flow realizations, which appear to be monotonically decreasing with respect to the

    accrual ranking. Similarly, in Table 1b when cash flows are used as the partitioning variable,

    mean accrual realizations appear to be monotonically decreasing with respect to the cash flow

    ranking. This is confirmed by a strong negative Spearman rank correlation of –0.75 (p-value <

    0.001) between accrual and cash flow decile classifications.

    The SUE variable appears to be positively correlated with both accruals and cash flows,

    although the relation is not linear. This is confirmed by Spearman rank correlations of 0.078 (p-

    value < 0.001) between SUE and accrual deciles, and 0.125 (p-value < 0.001) between SUE and

    cash flow deciles. It should be noted that because of the documented post-earnings

    announcement drift effect, the correlation between unexpected earnings and either accruals or 

    cash flows might confound a trading strategy based on these latter variables. For example, a

    quarterly accrual strategy predicts positive (negative) excess returns for firms in the lowest

    (highest) accrual decile. The positive correlation of accruals with SUE, however, implies that

    there will be a disproportionate number of firms with large negative accruals that will belong to

    the lowest unexpected earnings decile, for which we predict negative excess returns. Thus,

    quarterly accrual trading strategies that do not control for unexpected earnings will likely be

    understated. With cash flows the relation is just the opposite. Cash flow deciles tend to be

     positively correlated with unexpected earnings deciles. Thus, the highest cash flow decile will

    tend to be populated by a disproportionate number of firms in the highest unexpected earnings

    decile. Accordingly, the abnormal returns to a cash flow strategy that fails to control for 

    unexpected earnings are likely to be overstated. Our subsequent joint tests control for both SUE

    decile membership and accrual/cash flow decile membership.

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    With respect to the risk proxies listed in Panel B of Tables 1a and 1b, the extreme accrual

    and cash flow deciles on average contain smaller firms as well as firms with slightly higher 

     betas. Table 1a reveals that the mean betas for the first and tenth accrual deciles are 1.08 and

    1.10 respectively, while the mean beta for firms in accrual deciles 2 through 9 is 1.04. Similarly,

    mean betas for the first and tenth cash flow deciles are 1.12 and 1.08 respectively, while the

    mean beta for firms in cash flow deciles 2 through 9 is 1.08. The average size based on market

    value decile ranking for the first and tenth accrual deciles are 6.6 and 6.6 respectively, while the

    average for accrual deciles 2 through 9 is 7.7. Similarly, the average market value decile ranking

    for the first and tenth cash flow deciles are 6.3 and 7.3 respectively, while the average for deciles

    2 through 9 is 7.7.

    As noted in Sloan (1996), the symmetric relationship between firm characteristics in the

    extreme accrual and cash flow deciles results in negligible exposure to either beta or size pricing

    effects when offsetting long and short positions are taken in firms in these extreme deciles.

     Nevertheless, to control for potential risk or size-based explanations for our results, returns will

     be adjusted for both size and beta before computing excess returns

    3.1 Abnormal return calculations

    Previous anomaly studies typically calculate abnormal returns using a companion portfolio

    approach (e.g. Foster, Olsen and Shevlin, 1984; Bernard and Thomas, 1989; Sloan 1996). Under 

    this approach, size-adjusted abnormal returns are computed as:

    AR i,t = R i,t - R  p,t (4)

    where AR  it  = size-adjusted abnormal return for firm i, day t.

    R it  = the raw return for firm i, on day t.R  pt  = value weighted mean return on the NYSE/AMEX

      size decile that firm i is a member of in the quarter examined.

    CRSP computes size decile returns (R  p,t) by ranking firms on market capitalization at the

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     beginning of the portfolio formation year and then dividing these firms into ten equal portfolios.

    The decile classifications are rebalanced annually. As indicated in Table 1, the extreme accrual

    (cash flow) deciles (1 and 10) tend to be composed of smaller firms and firms with higher betas.

    Moreover, the full sample has a mean beta exceeding 1, indicating that on average, the entire

    sample contains somewhat riskier firms (mean beta = 1.04). While there is a known negative

    relation between size and beta, basic exploratory tests for the sample show statistically positive

    abnormal returns for the entire sample of approximately 1.8% over the two years following

     portfolio formation when using equation (4) to compute abnormal returns. This suggests that

    implicitly assuming a coefficient of one on R  p,t in equation (4) may ignore firm-specific

    covariation with the an appropriately chosen benchmark (e.g. the size control portfolio).

    Therefore, to control for both size and covariation as sources of risk, the following regression is

    estimated over the 60 months prior to the month of the portfolio formation:

    where the variables are as defined above. Abnormal returns are then computed as prediction

    errors using the following equation:

    Using size portfolio average returns as the independent variable controls for the well-known

    size effect (Banz, 1981 and Reinganum, 1982). Moreover, allowing the coefficient on the size

     portfolio return to vary by firm helps control for firm-specific systematic risk. Using equation

    (6) results in abnormal returns that are insignificantly different from zero for the entire sample

    over the two years following portfolio formation, suggesting that risk and size effects have been

    (6) )ˆˆ( ,,, t  pt it i  R R AR   βα +−=

    (5) ,,, t it  pt i  R R   εβα   ++=

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    effectively controlled.9

    Abnormal returns are cumulated from 18 days after the earnings announcement for quarter t 

    to 17 days after  the earnings announcement for quarter t+2 (approximately 120 trading days).10

    The hedge portfolio return is computed by subtracting the average abnormal return on the short

     portfolio from the average abnormal return on the long portfolio. Thus, for example, taking the

    average cumulative abnormal return of firms in the highest SUE decile and subtracting the

    cumulative abnormal return of firms in the lowest SUE decile produces the SUE hedge portfolio


    4. Tests of Market Mispricing

    Following Sloan (1996), we use the Mishkin (1983) test and hedge portfolio tests to

    determine whether the market efficiently impounds accounting information (e.g., earnings

    surprises (SUEs), accruals, or cash flows from operations) into the price structure.

    4.1 Mishkin test 

    Mishkin (1983) develops a framework to test the rational expectations hypothesis in

    macroeconomics. We adapt this framework to examine whether the market’s valuation of 

    quarterly unexpected earnings, accruals or cash flows rationally anticipates the implications of 

    these signals for future earnings. Mispricing is indicted if the weight the market assigns to these

    items in valuation is significantly larger (smaller) than the weight that these items receive in

     predicting future earnings.

     9  All primary tests are replicated using both standard size-adjusted returns (constraining the coefficient to equal 1)

    as well as market model returns, with no qualitative change in the results.10

     Easton and Zmijewski (1993), using a sample of 193,283 10-Q filings, estimate that on average the 10-Q becomes

     publicly available 44.7 days after the fiscal quarter-end, or 14.7 days after the earnings announcement date. To provide a conservative estimate of when accrual and cash flow data become publicly available, 18 days after the

    earnings announcement date is used as the start of the accumulation period.

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    In the present setting, an earnings forecasting equation is combined with a rational

     pricing model to yield the following system of equations that are jointly estimated:11

    Qt+1 = Qt-3 + α (Qt – Qt-4) + δ + υt (7)

    CSAR t+1 = R t+1  - Et(R t+1θt) = β[Qt+1 – Qt-3 - δ - α* (Qt – Qt-4)] + εt, (8)

    where θt is the set of information available to the market at the end of period t.

     Notice that the forecasting equation is essentially Foster’s (1977) model of quarterly

    earnings. Conditional on equation (7) being correctly specified, market efficiency implies that

    expected size-adjusted abnormal returns (CSAR t+1 ) should be zero. Therefore, market efficiency

    imposes the constraint that α = α*. This nonlinear constraint requires that the market correctly

    anticipate the implications of seasonal differences for the most recent quarter for updating

    forecasts of next quarter’s earnings. The evidence on post-earnings announcement drift suggests

    that the market systematically fails to do this and, therefore, that α* < α.

    To test whether Sloan’s (1996) findings of the market’s overpricing of accruals carries

    over to a quarterly setting, the current quarter’s earnings (Qt) are decomposed into its accruals

    and cash flow components and the above system of equations is rewritten as follows:

    Qt+1 = Qt-3 + γ 1Accrualst + γ 2 CFOt – αQt-4 + δ + υt (9)

    CSAR t+1 = β[Qt+1 – Qt-3 - δ - γ 1* Accrualst - γ 2* CFOt + α*Qt-4] + εt, (10)

    The benefits of this specification are two-fold. First, decomposing the current quarter’s

    earnings into accrual and cash flow components allows the coefficients on the two components

    to differ, thereby highlighting any differential persistence between the accrual and cash flow


     For purposes of conducting the Mishkin tests, we initially limit the return accumulation period to 18 days after the

    earnings announcement for quarter t to 17 days after the earnings announcement for quarter t+1 (approximately 60days) to parallel the forecasting horizon in the forecasting equation. Extending the return accumulation period to

    120 days, does not significantly alter any of the results reported here.

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    components. Second, allowing the α coefficient to vary between the two equations in essence

    captures the effect of post-earnings announcement drift. Thus, we are able to investigate if 

    accruals and/or cash flows are systematically mispriced on a quarterly basis after controlling for 

     post-earnings announcement drift.12

      If the market appropriately prices the future earnings

    implications of current accruals and cash flows, then we expect γ 1 = γ 1* and γ 2 = γ 2*. If, however,

    Sloan’s findings that the market over-prices accruals and under-prices cash flows carries over to

    a quarterly setting, then we expect γ 1 < γ 1* and γ 2 > γ 2*. Moreover, if post-earnings

    announcement drift exists after allowing the coefficients on accruals and cash flows to differ, we

    expect α > α*.

    Mishkin shows that the following likelihood ratio statistic is distributed asymptotically

    χ2(q) under the null hypothesis of market efficiency:

    2*n*ln(SSR c/SSR 


    whereq = the number of constraints imposed by market efficiency,

    n = the number of observations in the sample,

    SSR c = the sum of squared residuals from the constrained weighted system, andSSR 

    u = the sum of squared residuals from the unconstrained weighted system.

    Market efficiency is rejected in favor of market mispricing if the likelihood ratio statistic

    is sufficiently large; i.e. if imposing the market efficiency constraint substantially increases SSR c

    as compared to SSR u.

    Table 2 presents the results of the Mishkin tests. Panel A provides the results of 

    estimating equations (7) and (8). Consistent with the evidence in Bernard and Thomas (1989,

    1990) and Ball and Bartov (1996), the market appears to systematically under-react to quarterly

     12  An equivalent specification of equation (9) is: Qt+1 = Qt-3 + α1(φ1Accrualst + φ2 CFOt –Qt-4 ) + δ + υt, whichhighlights more readily the post-earnings announcement drift parameter α1. In our equivalent specification given ineqn. (9), γ 1 = α1φ1 and γ 2 = α2φ2.

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    earnings surprises. Specifically, the α1 coefficient in the forecasting equation equals 0.306 while

    the α1* coefficient in the returns equation equals 0.093. The likelihood ratio statistic for the test

    of market efficiency (α1 = α1*) is 43.55, which is significant at the α=0.001 level.

    Table 2, Panel B presents the results of estimating equations (9) and (10) where we

    decompose the current quarter’s (Qt) earnings into its cash flow and accruals component. This

    analysis allows us to determine if the accrual or cash flow mispricing is distinct from the post-

    earnings announcement drift effect captured by parameters α1 and α1*. Consistent with Sloan’s

    annual results, Panel B shows in the forecasting equation that quarterly accruals (γ 1 = 0.234) are

    less persistent than quarterly cash flows (γ 2 = 0.247) with respect to next quarter’s earnings.

    However, the difference is less pronounced than on an annual basis. More importantly, the

    market appears to systematically over-estimate the persistence of accruals (γ 1* = 0.295), and

    under-estimate the persistence of cash flows (γ 2* = 0.134). The likelihood ratio test statistic for 

    market efficiency, which is a joint test of whether γ 1 = γ 1* and γ 2 = γ 2*, is 113.44 which is

    significant at the 0.001 level. Finally, the unexpected earnings coefficient in the forecasting

    equation (α1 = 0.301) is still larger than the unexpected earnings coefficient implied in the

    returns equation (α1* = 0.092). This result demonstrates that post-earnings announcement drift is

    still present after allowing for differential pricing implications of the accrual and cash flow

    components. In summary, it appears that post-earnings announcement drift as well as accrual

    and cash flow mispricing occurs on a quarterly basis. These results provide the basis for hedge

     portfolio tests that attempt to simultaneously exploit both of these anomalies.

    4.2  Hedge portfolio tests

    SUE and accrual or cash-based hedge portfolios are constructed to determine if the

    abnormal returns documented in Bernard and Thomas (1990) can be replicated, and whether or 

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    not the accrual anomaly documented by Sloan (1996) holds on a quarterly basis. We form hedge

     portfolios taking corresponding long and short positions in firms from extreme decile rankings

    for either SUE, accruals or cash flows. As noted earlier, the abnormal returns are calculated

    from 18 days after the earnings announcement date for quarter t to 17 days after the earnings

    announcement date for quarter t+2. SUE deciles are numbered 1 through 10 with SUE1

    representing firms with the most negative unexpected earnings and SUE10 representing firms

    with the most positive unexpected earnings. Likewise, accrual deciles are numbered 1 through

    10 with ACC1 representing firms with the largest income decreasing (negative) accruals and

    ACC10 representing firms with the largest income increasing (positive) accruals. For cash flow

     portfolios, CFO1 represents firms with the lowest level of operating cash flows and CFO10

    represents firms with the highest level of operating cash flows. For the tests using quintiles

    rather than deciles, a similar convention is used with 1 and 5 representing the lowest and highest

    level of the respective partitioning variable.

    To ensure the hedge portfolio strategy is implementable, the entire distribution of the

     partitioning variable must be known prior to the portfolio formation date. For example, the

    distribution of SUEs is unknown until the last earnings announcement has been made in a given

    quarter, and the distributions of accruals and cash flows are unknown until all financial

    statements have been publicly released in a given quarter. To mitigate this concern, the decile

    cut-offs for the quarterly SUE portfolios are based on the previous quarter’s SUE distribution as

    in Bernard and Thomas (1989). For the accrual or cash flow classifications, firms are classified

    into deciles or quintiles based on the distribution of accruals from the same quarter of the

     previous year. This better reflects the effect of the ‘integral’ approach to quarterly reporting,

    whereby certain expenses are estimated during the first three quarters and the cumulative effect

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    which is somewhat higher than the frequency of losses reported by Bernard and Thomas (1989).

    As noted in their study, this loss frequency compares favorably to that yielded by a unit beta

     portfolio, where the incidence of loss quarters is 39% over the years 1935-1968 (see Fama and

    MacBeth 1973). Moreover, for the current sample the most extreme loss is only – 2.1%, which

    is smaller than the most extreme loss in Bernard and Thomas (1989). Finally, losses occur only

    once in adjacent quarters, and the cumulative abnormal return over these two quarters is –2.85%.

    Thus, there is not a sustained negative effect of implementing this strategy over an extended

     period. The sum of all negative quarters is only -11.6% while the sum of all positive quarters is

    approximately 262%. These results corroborate the Bernard and Thomas (1989, 1990) findings

    of post-earnings announcement drift that is not likely explained by omitted risk factors.

    4.2.2 Examination of quarterly accrual and cash flow anomalies

    To provide for a direct comparison between the SUE and accrual (cash flow) anomalies,

    we next attempt to replicate Sloan's (1996) annual accrual (cash flow) pricing anomalies with

    quarterly data.

    Hedge portfolios are formed using quarterly decile classifications based on the magnitude

    of accruals or operating cash flows with abnormal returns accumulated over the two quarters

    after the portfolio formation date. The hedge portfolios are formed by taking a long position in

    ACC1 firms and a short position in ACC10 firms. Figure 2a depicts these two-quarter abnormal

    returns associated with each of the thirty-six quarters in our sample period. The average (median)

    two-quarter excess return accruing to this strategy is 5.56% (5.50%) with a standard error of 

    0.771% (significant at .001). As shown, the accruals-based hedge portfolio yields negative

    returns in only 5 of 36 quarters or 13.9% of the time. Moreover, the largest negative return is

    7.95% and the sum of all negative returns is only 10.7%, while the sum of all positive returns is

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    211%. Thus, it appears the market misprices quarterly accruals and this mispricing can be

    exploited to generate significantly positive abnormal returns on average.

    Figure 2b presents returns to a quarterly cash flow strategy where we take a long position

    in CFO10 firms and a short position in CFO1 firms. The mean (median) excess return accruing

    to this strategy is 3.77% (3.64%) with a standard error of 0.848% (significant at .01). Figure 2b

    reveals that this strategy generates negative excess returns in 7 of 36 quarters or 19.4% of the

    time. While considerably less viable than the quarterly accruals strategy, these results

    nevertheless suggest that the market fails to fully impound into prices the future earnings

    implications of current operating cash flow information.

    4.2.3 Joint SUE/accrual and SUE/cash flow strategies.

    To this point, the SUE, accruals, and cash flow strategies have been examined

    independently of one another. If, indeed, the market’s mispricing of accruals (cash flows) is

    distinct from the post-earnings announcement drift phenomenon, then it should be possible to

    form trading strategies that capitalize on both forms of mispricing to yield even larger excess

    returns than previously documented.

    For example, some firms with large positive unexpected earnings shocks may attempt to

    mitigate these shocks by creating large negative (income decreasing) accruals that shift expenses

    forward or delay revenues. Given the negative autocorrelation tendencies for large accruals

    coupled with Sloan’s and our finding of market over-reaction to accruals, these firms would

    likely exhibit positive earnings changes and positive abnormal returns in the subsequent

    quarter(s). Conversely, firms faced with large negative unexpected earnings shocks may attempt

    to smooth earnings and/or make their situation look better by using large income increasing

    accruals. If the market over-estimates the persistence of these income increasing accruals, then

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    these firms would be expected to exhibit negative abnormal returns in the subsequent


      Note that in both of these situations, the subsequent market correction for accruals

    mispricing reinforces the post-earnings announcement drift that would be present in the absence

    of large accruals.

    The results of the joint strategies are summarized in two contingency tables in Table 3

    and graphically in Figure 3. Panel A of Table 3 presents the abnormal returns earned from

     portfolios constructed by grouping firms according to unexpected earnings and accrual

    realizations, while Panel B presents results where firms are partitioned by unexpected earnings

    and cash flow realizations.


      The top number in each cell represents the mean cumulative size-

    and risk-adjusted return earned over the two quarters subsequent to the portfolio formation date

    averaged across the 36 quarters in our sample period. The number in parentheses represents the

    number of firm/quarters that comprise each cell. To simplify our presentation, quintiles 2

    through 4 have been condensed into a single cell, while the extreme quintiles (1 and 5) are

     presented separately. Shaded cells in Table 3 represent cells where both of the partitioning

    variables give congruent signals for future earnings and, hence, would be used in a hedge

     portfolio strategy. This presentation format allows for several insights into the individual and

     joint anomalies.

    First, it is immediately apparent that joint strategies will be more profitable than the

    individual strategies outlined in the previous section. For example, in the unexpected earnings

     15 A similar logic applies to cash flows, although in this case we are looking for firms with large positive unexpected

    earnings accompanied by large positive cash flows, versus firms with large negative unexpected earnings and large

    negative cash flows.16 The hedge portfolios in this section utilize extreme quintiles instead of deciles. The rationale for switching to

    quintiles is that focusing on the intersection of extreme deciles essentially reduces the number of firms in each

     portfolio by a factor of 10 which introduces more variability into the estimates. Using the intersection of extreme

    SUE/accrual quintiles adds stability to our estimates and enhances the power of our tests. Bernard and Thomas(1989) also utilize quintiles when comparing the continuously balanced strategy to the companion portfolio

    approach (p.21, Figure 5).

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    and accruals matrix in panel A, the average abnormal returns to the long position (SUE5/ACC1 =

    5.84%) and the short position (SUE1/ACC5 = -6.11%) are each roughly as large as the total

    hedge portfolio returns generated by the individual strategies reported earlier (6.88% for SUE,

    5.56% for accruals). Thus a hedge portfolio strategy formed by taking a long position in

    SUE5/ACC1 firms and a short position in SUE1/ACC5 firms will earn an abnormal return of 

    11.94% that is roughly double that of either individual strategy.

    Second, notice that post-earnings announcement drift is not present when the accruals

    ranking signals mispricing in the opposite direction. Specifically, firms’ returns in the lowest

    SUE group do not drift downward if earnings contain large income decreasing accruals

    (SUE1/ACC1 = -0.29%, insignificantly different from zero). Similarly, firms’ returns in the

    highest SUE group do not drift upward if earnings contain large income increasing accruals

    (SUE5/ACC5=0.76%, insignificantly different from zero). Thus, the effect of post-earnings

    announcement drift is affected by the magnitude of accruals associated with the earnings that are


    Finally, note that the average abnormal returns associated with the firms falling into a

    given SUE grouping (column) always decrease as we move down the table while the abnormal

    returns for a given ACC grouping (row) always increase as we move from left to right in the

    table. The consistency in the pattern of abnormal returns across cells suggests that the

    differences in returns are more likely due to the mispricing associated with the joint

    SUE/accruals signals than to some omitted variable(s).

     Similar observations can be made for the abnormal returns associated with unexpected

    earnings and cash flow groups reflected in Panel B of Table 3. Consistent with our earlier 

    evidence that the cash flow mispricing is less pronounced, the average abnormal return to the long

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     position (SUE5/CFO5) is 4.10% while average return associated with the short position

    (SUE1/CFO1) is -4.43%. Both of these average returns are smaller than their respective

    counterparts in Panel A. Nevertheless, a strategy combining unexpected earnings with cash flow

    rankings earns average abnormal returns of 8.53% over the subsequent two quarters which is

    larger than the abnormal returns generated by either of the individual strategies. Moreover, as

    was the case for accruals, the effect of post-earnings announcement drift is affected by the

    magnitude of cash flows. As shown, firms with large positive unexpected earnings but large

    negative cash flows earn returns insignificantly different from zero (SUE5/CFO1 = 0.99%) as do

    firms with large negative unexpected earnings but large positive cash flows (SUE1/CFO5 = -


    The effect of accruals mispricing on the magnitude of the post-earnings announcement

    drift is even more evident in Figure 3, which plots cumulative daily abnormal returns over 120

    trading days starting 18 days past the quarterly earnings announcement. The dark solid lines in

    Figure 3 depict the standard post-earnings announcement drift in the highest and lowest SUE

    quintiles, yielding a hedge portfolio abnormal return of approximately six percent. The abnormal

    return plots change substantially, however, if accruals are added as an additional partitioning

    variable. Heavy dashed lines in Figure 3 depict the average abnormal return associated with firm-

    quarters in the highest (lowest) SUE quintile and the largest income decreasing (increasing)

    accrual quintile. Notice that firms with large positive unexpected earnings that use income-

    decreasing accruals to mitigate the magnitude of the positive earnings surprise exhibit

    substantially larger upward drift than the average for all SUE5 firms. Similarly, firms with large

    negative unexpected earnings that use income-increasing accruals to mitigate the level of the

    negative earnings surprise experience a significantly larger downward drift than the average for 

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    all SUE1 firms. Finally, the thin dashed lines in Figure 3 depict the abnormal returns accruing to

    firms in the highest (lowest) SUE quintile and the largest income increasing (decreasing) accrual

    quintile. In these cases, where the earnings surprise is driven by a large accruals component,

    there is essentially no post-earnings announcement drift. Thus, it is clear that the level of accruals

    embedded within an earnings surprise significantly alters the abnormal return behavior over the

    following quarters. As shown in Figure 3, the mispricing of accruals can either magnify or 

    mitigate the drift in prices subsequent to earnings announcements.

    Figures 4a and 4b graphically present the two-quarter average abnormal returns to

    implementable hedge portfolio strategies based jointly on unexpected earnings and either 

    accruals or cash flow rankings across the 36 quarters in our sample. Figure 4a depicts quarterly

    abnormal returns to the joint SUE and accrual strategy (SUE/ACC strategy). As shown in the

    contingency table, taking a long position in firms with positive unexpected earnings and income

    decreasing accruals (i.e. SUE5/ACC1) and an offsetting short position in firms with negative

    unexpected earnings and income increasing accruals (i.e. SUE1/ACC5) earns average abnormal

    returns of 11.94% with a standard error of 1.68% (significant at .0001). Of the 36 quarters in our 

    sample, 32 quarters yield positive abnormal returns while negative abnormal returns occur in

    only four quarters. Moreover, the sum of all positive quarters is 448% while the sum of all

    negative quarters is -22.5% with the bulk of the negative abnormal returns coming in the fourth

    quarter of 1993 (-15.0%).17  Thus, combining the two individual anomalies clearly generates

    additional abnormal returns, with minimal (if any) increase in risk.18

     17  One potential explanation is the change in corporate tax rates in the 3rd quarter of 1993 and the subsequent ‘hit’ to

    earnings induced accrual based earnings management in the fourth quarter of that year (See Weiss 1999 for an

    example).18  Even greater abnormal returns are used when combining extreme deciles, although these are riskier in terms of 

    standard deviation and frequency of losses (See table 5).

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    The abnormal returns accruing to the joint SUE and cash flow strategy (SUE/CFO

    strategy) presented in Figure 4b, while significantly positive, are less dramatic than those

    observed for the joint SUE/accruals strategy. Taking a long position in firms with large positive

    unexpected earnings and high cash flows (i.e. SUE5/CFO5) and a short position in firms with

    large negative unexpected earnings and low cash flows (i.e. SUE1/CFO1) yields average

    abnormal returns of 8.53%, with a standard error of 1.46% (significant at .001). This strategy is

    negative in only 5 of the 36 quarters suggesting no increase in risk over the individual SUE or 

    CF strategies reported earlier. Moreover, the sum of the excess returns across all positive

    quarters is 324%, while the sum across all negative quarters is only –31.9%. Again, the largest

    single loss occurs in the fourth quarter of 1993 (-16.9%). Thus, the joint SUE/CFO strategy also

    appears to be viable, although not as impressive as the SUE/ACC strategy. This suggests that the

    market mispricing of cash flow information is not as pervasive and/or as dramatic as the

    mispricing of accruals.

    4.3 Regression based portfolio tests

    A comparison between the individual and joint strategies can also be made in a regression

    framework. To examine the hedge portfolios using a regression approach, the following models

    are estimated:

    CSAR t, t+2 = α + β1 SUE1 + β2 SUE5 + β3 ACC1 + β4 ACC5 + β5 SUE1*ACC1+ β6 SUE1*ACC5 + β7 SUE5*ACC1 + β8 SUE5*ACC5 (11)

    CSAR t, t+2 = α + β1 SUE1 + β2 SUE5 + β3 CFO1 + β4 CFO5 + β5 SUE1*CFO1+ β6 SUE1*CFO5 + β7 SUE5*CFO1 + β8 SUE5*CFO5 (12)

    where SUE1(5) = 1 if firm j is in the lowest (highest) SUE quintile, zero otherwise.

    ACC1(5) = 1 if firm j is in the lowest (highest) accrual quintile, zero otherwise.CFO1(5) = 1 if firm j is in the lowest (highest) cash flow quintile, zero otherwise.

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    The rationale for equations (11) and (12) is that the indicator variables pick up the mean

    effect of being in a specific quintile. Thus, by taking appropriate linear combinations of the

     parameters, different hedge portfolios can be examined. The benefit to this approach is that

    additional factors posited to affect the excess returns can be added as control variables to rule out

    other potential explanations for our results.19

      Furthermore, because the regression equation

    examines the effect of SUE, accruals, and cash flows simultaneously, estimated abnormal returns

    can be computed after controlling for the correlation among the partitioning variables.

    Equations (11) and (12) are estimated on a quarterly basis and the mean values over time

    are reported in Table 4. To mitigate potential bias, t-statistics are computed using the sampling

    distribution of the parameter estimates over time, and p-values are computed using a t-

    distribution with 35 degrees of freedom.

    The main effects that are presented would be the same as the accrual hedge portfolio if 

    there were no significant interaction effects (although based on quintiles instead of deciles).

    With respect to the accrual and cash flow strategy in Panel A, the magnitude of the joint SUE

    and accrual strategy (11.94%) is comprised of both SUE and accrual main effects. Moreover, as

    indicated by the β6 coefficient, there is a significantly negative interaction effect of 

    approximately –1.89% for firms with large negative unexpected earnings and large income

    increasing accruals. Similarly, in Panel B the magnitude of the joint SUE and cash flow strategy

    (8.53%) is comprised of both SUE and cash flow main effects, and there is a significantly

    negative interaction (β5 = –2.10%) for firms with large negative unexpected earnings and large

    negative cash flows. We also see a significantly negative interaction (β7 =–2.00%) for firms


      As a robustness check, the natural log of the ratio of book value of common equity to market value of commonequity is added as a control variable. This variable is statistically significant in both the accrual and cash flow

    regressions, however abnormal returns accruing to the individual and joint strategies are essentially unchanged.

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    with large positive unexpected earnings but large negative cash flows. Thus, it appears that

    significant post-earnings announcement drift documented in earlier studies is mitigated to a large

    degree when the mispricing associated with accruals (cash flows) moves in the opposite


    5. Diagnostic Tests

    5.1  Sensitivity to the choice of a starting date.

    As mentioned previously, 18 days after the earnings announcement was chosen as the start

    of the accumulation period. While this is a conservative estimate, there may be some concern

    that the returns to either the cash flow based or accrual based strategy are earned by trading on

    information before it is actually known. If this is indeed the case, the bulk of the abnormal

    returns should accrue at the start of the accumulation period when seemingly unknowable

    information is being traded on. To explore this issue, daily cumulative abnormal returns for the

     joint SUE and accrual strategy are plotted over the following two quarters. The results (not

     presented) show a smooth upward and downward drift that appears unaffected by the starting

    date chosen. Results for the joint SUE and cash flow anomaly are qualitatively similar.

    5.2  Continuously balanced strategy

    A problem in formulating an implementable trading strategy arises when using the hedge

     portfolio approach. As noted in Bernard and Thomas (1989), implementing this strategy requires

    taking new positions in size control portfolios on a daily basis. This raises the question of 

    whether the abnormal returns would remain under an easily implementable zero investment

    strategy. To address this concern, Bernard and Thomas (1989) also use an alternative to the

    companion portfolio approach. Specifically, they compute abnormal returns using what they call

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    a continuously balanced approach. This approach begins by identifying all firms that announce

    earnings on a given day. If firms in both extreme SUE, accruals or cash flow deciles report

    earnings on the same day, appropriately weighted offsetting long and short positions are taken in

    these firms. If firms from only one extreme portfolio announce on a given day, then no position

    is taken in these firms until an offsetting match in the other extreme portfolio becomes available.

    Buy and hold returns are then computed on each individual hedge portfolio from that point


      To investigate this concern, the individual accrual strategy and the joint SUE and accrual

    strategy (based on quintiles) are replicated using the continuously balanced approach.

    Untabulated results show 120-day abnormal returns of 7.84% for the individual accrual strategy,

    and 12.91% for the joint SUE and accrual strategy. These returns are of comparable magnitude

    to the returns accruing to the equally weighted hedge portfolio approach reported in Table 5.

    Thus it appears that equivalent abnormal returns could be earned using a much less costly



     Returns around subsequent quarterly earnings announcement dates

    A final robustness check examines the three-day returns surrounding the subsequent

    quarterly earnings announcement dates. Bernard, Thomas, and Whalen (1997) argue that

    abnormal returns clustered at future earnings announcement dates are less likely to be due to

    omitted risk factors and more likely to reveal a market anomaly with respect to accounting

    signals. To examine this issue, three-day returns beginning two days prior to the COMPUSTAT

    earnings announcement date are computed for the following two quarterly announcements.

    Results show that while the earnings announcement period constitutes 5% (6/120days) of the

     20 For the most restrictive strategy (i.e. the joint SUE and Accrual strategy), 90.5% of the time a match becomes

    available within 3 days. For the individual accrual strategy, a match is found 98.5% of the time.

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    total accumulation period, 22.0% of the abnormal returns for the quarterly accrual strategy and

    21.9% of the abnormal returns for the joint SUE and accrual strategy are earned in the three-day

    windows surrounding the next two quarters’ earnings announcements. While these percentages

    are lower than the 40% reported by Sloan (1996), the difference is likely due to the difference in

    sample periods and the rise in voluntary pre-earnings disclosures being issued by firms in recent

    years, particularly when earnings are expected to fall below analysts' expectations. For example,

    The Wall Street Journal (June 23, 1997) reports that earnings guidance rose from around 250

    firms in 1994 to about 2000 firms in 1996 (and more than 700 firms through the first quarter of 

    1997). Given that our sample spans 1988-1997, earnings announcements during this time period

    are more likely to be preempted by pre-announcements than in Sloan’s sample, which ends in


    As a check on the validity of earnings pre-announcements as a potential explanation,

    returns to the long and short portfolios are examined separately, as it is more likely that bad news

    is disclosed early (e.g. Skinner 1994; The Wall Street Journal 1997). Results show that on

    average, 46.3% of returns to the long position are earned in the three-day windows surrounding

    the future earnings announcement dates, while essentially zero abnormal returns are earned in the

    three-day windows for the short (bad news) position. Thus, it appears that voluntary

     predisclosure of information by management, particularly for “bad news” situations, may be

    affecting the returns earned at the earnings announcement date.

    6. Summary and Conclusion

    This paper provides evidence that the market systematically misestimates the future

    earnings implications of the accrual and cash flow components of current quarterly earnings.

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    The market’s over-estimation (under-estimation) of the persistence of accruals (cash flows) leads

    to mispricing that can be exploited to generate significant positive abnormal returns over the two

    quarters after the portfolio formation date. The accruals/cash flow mispricing appears to be

    largely independent of the post-earnings announcement drift phenomenon widely documented in

     previous literature. Thus, trading on the joint SUE and accruals (cash flow) signals earns greater 

    abnormal returns than trading on any of the individual anomalies. Moreover, there appears to be

    little or no additional risk associated with trading on these joint signals.

    Our findings have several important implications for extant research and suggest a

    number of areas for future research. Information content studies relating security returns to

    accruals and cash flows assume correct market pricing of earnings components. Yet evidence in

    Sloan (1996) and this paper suggests the market systematically overprices (underprices) the

    accrual (cash flow) component of earnings. Thus, studies demonstrating a stronger 

    contemporaneous association between returns and accrual earnings relative to cash flows should

     be reexamined in light of this mispricing. Future information content studies should explicitly

    control for this mispricing by allowing for possible price reversals in the research design.

    Much of the extant earnings forecasting literature relies on time series models that

    extrapolate past earnings. Our findings suggest that one may be able to exploit the different

     persistence properties of accrual and cash flow components of earnings to improve upon extant

    forecasting models that rely exclusively on past earnings.

    Understanding sources of intertemporal differences in market anomalies is largely

    unexplored in the literature. Our results also show that post-earnings announcement drift is

    exaggerated or mitigated based on the level of accruals embedded within the earnings surprise.

    This finding suggests that intertemporal differences in post-earnings announcement drift are

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    likely due, in part, to intertemporal differences in the magnitude of accruals contained within

    earnings surprises.

    While our results suggest that accruals, in general, are mispriced, we do not address

    whether there is greater mispricing for certain types of accruals (e.g., current versus long-term

    accruals) which warrants further attention. Moreover, investigating whether the discretionary

    component of accruals suffers from greater mispricing than the non-discretionary component is

    another interesting area for future research. Finally, understanding what causes the market to fail

    to fully impound the future earnings implications of current accrual (cash flow) signals is a

     perplexing question that deserves further investigation.

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    Wilson, P. 1987. The Incremental Information Content of the Accrual and Funds Components of Earnings after Controlling for Earnings. The Accounting Review 62(2):293-322.

  • 8/20/2019 Earnings-Based and Accrual-Based Market Anomalies



    Table 1a.  Mean (median) values of selected characteristics for ten portfolios formed quarterly on the magnitude of accruals. Sampleconsists of 41,237 firm quarters over the years 1988-1997.

    Quarterly Portfolio Accrual Ranking

    I ncome decreasing I ncome increasing  

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Panel A: Components of Earnings

    Accruals -0.105(-0.073)










    Cash Flows 0.082(0.069)










    Standardized Unexpected Earnings (SUE) -1.39(-0.066)










    Panel B: Risk Proxies

    Beta 1.08(1.08)










    Mean Size Decile 6.6 7.4 7.8 8.0 8.0 7.9 7.7 7.6 7.3 6.6Median Market-to-Book 1.70 1.80 1.86 1.84 1.78 1.74 1.74 1.80 1.83 1.81

    Accruals = Earnings minus cash from operations, scaled by average total assets.

    Cash Flows = Cash from operations, as reported on the statement of cash flows, scaled by total assets.SUE = Seasonally differenced quarterly earnings divided by the standard deviation of the forecast error.Beta = firm specific coefficients from a time series regression of the individual firm return over the risk free rate on the corresponding size decile return over the risk free rate. Regressions

    are based on the 60 months prior to the month of the earnings announcement.Size Decile = average decile based on classifications of all NYSE/AMEX firms, where 1 contains the smallest firms and 10 contains the largest firms.Mkt-to-Book = Ratio of market Value of Common Equity to Book Value of Common Equity, measured at the end of the prior quarter.

  • 8/20/2019 Earnings-Based and Accrual-Based Market Anomalies



    Table 1b.  Mean (median) values of selected characteristics for ten portfolios formed quarterly on the magnitude of operating cash

    flows. Sample consists of 41,237 firm quarters over the years 1988-1997

    Quarterly Portfolio Cash Flow Ranking

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Panel A: Components of Earnings

    Accruals 0.053




















    Cash Flows -0.060(-0.046)










    Standardized Unexpected Earnings












    Panel B: Risk Proxies

    Beta 1.12(1.11)










    Mean Size Decile 6.3 6.9 7.4 7.6 7.8 8.0 8.1 8.1 7.9 7.3Median Market-to-Book 1.61 1.54 1.52 1.56 1.66 1.81 1.94 2.09 2.17 2.22

    Accruals = Earnings minus cash from operations, scaled by average total assets.

    Cash Flows = Cash from operations, as reported on the statement of cash flows, scaled by total assets.SUE = Seasonally differenced quarterly earnings divided by the standard deviation of the forecast error.Beta = firm specific coefficients from a time series regression of the individual firm return over the risk free rate on the corresponding size decile return over the risk free rate. Regressions

    are based on the 60 months prior to the month of the earnings announcement.Size Decile = average decile based on classifications of all NYSE/AMEX firms, where 1 contains the smallest firms and 10 contains the largest firms.Mkt-to-Book = ratio of market Value of Common Equity to Book Value of Common Equity, measured at the end of the prior quarter.

  • 8/20/2019 Earnings-Based and Accrual-Based Market Anomalies



    Table 2.  Results from non-linear generalized least-squares estimation of the stock price reaction

    to information in current financial statement information. CSAR is the cumulative size and risk adjusted return following the release of financial statements; Qt+i equals earnings for quarter i;

    Accruals equals earnings minus cash from operations; CashFlow equals cash from operations asreported on the statement of cash flows. Variables are scaled by average total assets to ensure

    cross-sectional comparability.

     Panel A: Post-Earnings Announcement Drift Specification

    Qt+1 = Qt-3 + α0 + α1(Qt - Qt-4) + vt+1CSAR t+1 = β0 + β1(Qt+1 – Qt-3 - α0 - α1*(Qt - Qt-4)) + εt+1

     Parameter  Estimate Asymptotic Std. Error  

    α1 0.306 0.005


    0.093 0.033β1 1.819 0.001

    Test of Market Efficiency   α1 = α1*

    Likelihood ratio statistic 43.55

    Marginal Significance level 0.001

     Panel B: Decomposition of current earnings into accrual and cash flow components

    Qt+1 = Qt-3 + γ 0 + γ 1Accrualst + γ 2CashFlowt - α1Qt-4 + vt+1CSAR t+1 = β0 + β1(Qt+1 - Qt-3 - γ 0 - γ 1*Accrualst - γ 2*CashFlowt + α1*Qt-4) + εt+1

    Parameter Estimate Asymptotic Std. Error  

    γ 1 0.234 0.006 γ 1* 0.295 0.037γ 2 0.247 0.006

     γ 2* 0.134 0.037α1 0.301 0.007

     α1* 0.092 0.042

    β11.776 0.058

    Test of Market Efficiency   γ 1 = γ 1* and γ 2 = γ 2*

    Likelihood ratio statistic 113.44Marginal Significance level 0.001

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     Table 3.  Abnormal returns for a holding period of two quarters based upon quarterly rankings

    of unexpected earnings (SUE) and either accruals or cash flows. Quintiles 2 through 4 have beencondensed into one cell. Mean values reported are computed as a mean across 36 quarters. The

    number of observations per cell is reported in parentheses and is based on the total number of firm quarters in a given cell spanning the years 1988-1997. Shaded cells represent observations

    that have congruent signals for future unexpected earnings.

     Panel A: Unexpected Earnings (SUE) and Accrual classifications

    SUE Quintile

    SUE1 SUE2-4 SUE5






    Accrual Quintile





















     Panel B: Unexpected Earnings (SUE) and Cash Flow classifications

    SUE Quintile

    SUE1 SUE2-4 SUE5






    Cash Flow Quintile





















    * Significantly different from zero at α=0.01 level

  • 8/20/2019 Earnings-Based and Accrual-Based Market Anomalies



    Table 4.  Regression-based estimates of size-adjusted abnormal returns over the two quarters

    following a quarterly earnings announcement. Portfolios formed using extreme SUE and Accrualquintiles, ranked on a quarterly basis. Return accumulation begins 18 days after the quarter t

    earnings announcement date and ends 17 days after the quarter t+2 earnings announcement.Parameter estimates are computed as the mean estimate across all 36 quarters, and t-statistics are

    computed using the sampling distribution of the parameter estimates. Significance levels are based on a t-distribution with 35 degrees of freedom.

     Panel A: Joint SUE and Accruals Regression Parameter Estimates

    CSAR t, t+2 = α + β1t SUE1 + β2t SUE5 + β3t ACC1 + β4t ACC5 +β5t SUE1*ACC1 + β6t SUE1*ACC5 + β7t SUE5*ACC1 + β8t SUE5*ACC5 + εt

    Parameter    αα ββ1   ββ2   ββ3   ββ4   ββ5   ββ6   ββ7   ββ8

    Mean Estimate: .0009 -.0265 .0298 .0160 -.0166 -.0066 -.0189 .0114 -.0065

    (t -Statistic) (0.19) (3.99)** (4.20)** (2.95)** (3.32)** (0.55) (1.66)* (0.802) (0.60)

    Accrual and SUE hedge portfolio: 11.94% (t=7.13)**

     Panel B: Joint SUE and Cash Flow Regression Parameter Estimates

    CSAR t, t+2 = α + β1t SUE1 + β2t SUE5 + β3t CFO1 + β4t CFO5 +β5t SUE1*CFO1 + β6t SUE1*CFO5 + β7t SUE5*CFO1 + β8t SUE5*CFO5 + εt

    Parameter    αα ββ1   ββ2   ββ3   ββ4   ββ5   ββ6   ββ7   ββ8

    Mean Estimate: .0001 -.0187 .0345 -.0044 .0061 -.0210 .0017 -.0200 .0004

    (t -Statistic) (0.01) (2.65)** (4.94)** (0.75) (1.23) (1.90)* (0.16) (1.67)* (0.05)

    Cash flow and SUE hedge portfolio: 8.53% (t=5.83)

    * Significant at α = 0.05, one tailed** Significant at α = 0.01, one tailedResults are based upon 41,237 observations.

  • 8/20/2019 Earnings-Based and Accrual-Based Market Anomalies



    Table 5.  Cumulative size and risk adjusted returns accruing to hedge portfolios. Means are

    computed as a mean across 36 fiscal quarters over the years 1988-1997. Individual strategies are based on taking offsetting long and short positions in the appropriate extreme deciles. Joint

    strategies are computed using intersection of extreme deciles as well as extreme quintiles.

    Hedge portfolio partition 1Q – Abnormal Returns(Standard Deviation) 2Q – Abnormal Returns(Standard Deviation)

    I ndividual strategies: 

      SUE 4.24%*




      Accrual 2.76%*



      Cash Flows 2.09%*




    Join t Strategies :Accruals & SUE

      Deciles 9.35%*




      Quintiles 7.05%*




    Cash Flows & SUE

      Deciles 5.83%


    (7.23%) 12.73%



      Quintiles 5.05%*




    * Significantly different from zero at the 0.01 level

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            8        8

            8        9

            8        9

            9        0

            9        0

            9        1

            9        1

            9        2

            9        2

            9        3

            9        3

            9        4

            9        4

            9        5

            9        5

            9        6

            9        6

            9        7


       A   b

      n  o  r  m  a   l   R  e   t  u  r  n

    Figure 1. Two-quarter abnormal returns to a strategy taking a long

    (offsetting short) position in firms with the largest positive (negative)

    unexpected earnings. Based on 36 quarters over the years 1988-1997.

    Mean Ret


    Sum Pos


    Sum Neg




  • 8/20/2019 Earnings-Based and Accrual-Based Market Anomalies



    Table 1a.  Mean (median) values of selected characteristics for ten portfolios formed quarterly on the maconsists of 41,237 firm quarters over the years 1988-1997.

    Quarterly Portfolio Accrual Ranking

     Income decreasing1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    Panel A: Components of Earnings

    Accruals -0.105(-0.073)













    Cash Flows 0.082(0.069)













    Standardized Unexpected Earnings
















    Panel B: Risk Proxies

    Beta 1.08(1.08)













    Mean Size Decile 6.6 7.4 7.8 8.0 8.0 7.9 7.7

    Median Market-to-Book  1.70 1.80 1.86 1.84 1.78 1.74 1.74

    Accruals = Earnings minus cash from operations, scaled by average total assets.Cash Flows = Cash from operations, as reported on the statement of cash flows, scaled by total assets.

    SUE = Seasonally differenced quarterly earnings divided by the standard deviation of the forecast error.Beta = firm specific coefficients from a time series regression of the individual firm return over the risk free rate on the corresponding size decile r

    are based on the 60 months prior to the month of the earnings announcement.

    Size Decile = average decile based on classifications of all NYSE/AMEX firms, where 1 contains the smallest firms and 10 contains the largest firms.

    Mkt-to-Book = Ratio of market Value of Common Equity to Book Value of Common Equity, measured at the end of the prior quarter.

  • 8/20/2019 Earnings-Based and Accrual-Based Market Anomalies



    Table 1b.  Mean (median) values of selected characteristics for ten portfolios formed quarterly on the m

    flows. Sample consists of 41,237 firm quarters over the years 1988-1997.

    Quarterly Portfolio Cash Flow Rankin

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7Panel A: Components of Earnings

    Accruals 0.053(0.049)













    Cash Flows -0.060(-0.046)













    Standardized Unexpected Earnings
















    Panel B: Risk Proxies

    Beta 1.12(1.11)













    Mean Size Decile 6.3 6.9 7.4 7.6 7.8 8.0 8.1

    Median Market-to-Book  1.61 1.54 1.52 1.56 1.66 1.81 1.94

    Accruals = Earnings minus cash from operations, scaled by average total assets.

    Cash Flows = Cash from operations, as reported on the statement of cash flows, scaled by total assets.

    SUE = Seasonally differenced quarterly earnings divided by the standard deviation of the forecast error.Beta = firm specific coefficients from a time series regression of the individual firm return over the risk free rate on the corresponding size decile r

    are based on the 60 months prior to the month of the earnings announcement.Size Decile = average decile based on classifications of all NYSE/AMEX firms, where 1 contains the smallest firms and 10 contains the largest firms.Mkt-to-Book = ratio of market Value of Common Equity to Book Value of Common Equity, measured at the end of the prior quarter.

  • 8/20/2019 Earnings-Based and Accrual-Based Market Anomalies










            8        8

            8        9

            8        9

            9        0

            9        0

            9        1

            9        1

            9        2

            9        2

            9        3

            9        3

            9        4

            9        4

            9        5

            9        5

            9        6

            9        6

            9        7


       A   b  n  o  r  m  a   l   R  e   t  u  r  n

    Figure 2a. Two-quarter abnormal returns to a strategy taking a long

    (offsetting short) position in firms with the largest income increasing

    (income decreasing) accruals. Based on 36 quarters over the years


    Mean Ret


    Sum Pos


    Sum Neg











            8        8

            8        9

            8        9

            9        0

            9        0

            9        1

            9        1

            9        2

            9        2

            9        3

            9        3

            9        4

            9        4

            9        5

            9        5

            9        6

            9        6

            9        7


       A   b  n  o

      r  m  a   l   R  e   t  u  r  n

    Figure 2b. Two-quarter abnormal returns to a strategy taking a long

    (offsetting short) position in firms with the largest positive (negative)

    operating cash flows. Based on 36 quarters over the years 1988-1997.

    Mean Ret


    Sum Pos158%

    Sum Neg




  • 8/20/2019 Earnings-Based and Accrual-Based Market Anomalies






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