Early-Late Middle Ages: The Church 476-1500. The Church & Medieval Life ▪ Clergy played a major role in institutions & everyday life ▪ Great political,

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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Early-Late Middle Ages: The Church476-1500

The Church & Medieval Life▪ Clergy played a major role in institutions & everyday life

▪ Great political, economic, & social influence across most of Europe

Political Role▪ Papal States= pope- political & religious leader▪ Canon law & courts

▪ Consequences:

▪ Excommunication- removed a person from society

▪ Interdict- against an entire region, risk of eternal punishment

Political Life▪ Didn’t allow anyone to ?

▪ Ppl who denied the truth/preached unapproved beliefs= heretics

▪ Unbelievers whose sinful beliefs attacked the church; deserved eternal damnation

▪ Threat to the church

Economic & Social Role▪ Participated in agriculture▪ Some were involved in large-scale trade

▪ Family was sacred

▪ Social workers

Problems & Reform▪ Lay investiture– nobles/kings appointing bishops

▪ Simony- buy high positions w/ in the church

▪ Attempted to bring reform; 2 groups dedicated themselves to reform: Franciscans & Dominicans

▪ Friars lived & preached among the ppl

Problems & Reform▪ Mid-1200s, Pope Gregory attempted reform

▪ Ordered to seek out heretics= the Inquisition▪ Confessed to sinful teachings/ practices were forced to perform

penance, those who didn’t were punished

Quick Review

▪ How was the church involved in the political, economic, and social life of the Middle Ages?

▪ What were problems within the church and what did the church see as the problem?

▪ What was the pope’s solution to what he saw as the church’s main problem?

Activity: The Medieval Inquisition

▪ Read the information on the first Inquisition.

▪ Write a speech as Pope Gregory announcing the implementation of the Inquisition

▪ State the reasons these measures are necessary, who is targeted, what the consequences could be

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