
·: A Blazing SUr) I,Issault Warrior ... althougfJ ~ bizarre. looking the: ~!lJg~ and ro~k~t. Clf/eke.·

" make ·tfiis soldier highly·· t%!pn.eouvicible • .. . ~.~' ; ~ ~hd'th~' war mask is designed 4t,da;/[~

. T; ~ · :e';e.~y soldier,s half to 'deattf! "-:·<. f ~ . .~. :~:... ":


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'~::Ih~~~nte:nt; 'of t~is book ~.~~ .. . .. _". f

.";C~pyrjg:hL© Spartar:l Games.20iO-2011. ' · : ~L:-:~;:·71 ..

. Airr.rgtits re~erved, . . .• t.Y" ., .,. - :.' fune -2cni Print

. /I .;~ . -l "'.~f . _ ; .. :


,;:;L:} ;::,~;':7": '::"-?~;:'" ' { (1~;';:,:· .. :'" ':\ ' ,.:,:: ':".':'l;:;if~~J:::;~f~;~: ~ •. : .,; ' ~' 1:r~ E' SEEDS. OF GlO'BAt WJ\R! . ~ ' ~ " . ~:"'·'1~. BCJt'his 'farriily wou.ld notstand-ior such a' blatk mark UPOI'l ' . ' , '. .. ~ .; :IF: - li Lt6;~~f t~e Pfu'ssian ;Enfp lI-:e ~ an!d ~~~ Kihgj:l'P~: of'~ ';"'t~'~ i f 'hq~~u~, : ~spe€iaIl1 ,hh \ tJ~cle/'a newly I'lrtf;&ted " .... Js ~_ ,;,::, : ...

r:! ~t "'Britan'rit~1> afe , min~d 11'1 ' a ~bIMi:bi :""';a;;·of:;atlr;i£;~Ti'.foi;'} :,C'omri;af1aer: 'IQ thi . impe rial Arm~.' " ldk:p~rs~na(ly .,~", : . :. < ".:~. " • ..... ( ~ "" . " . '0""'4" . '40- ~....' ~ . 6. i J ..... ,, ~ r, i' J ' • - . ,

' .• ~ /' .. ~. e0iJ!:(q{~·(),f.: the , mainland) whilst , ~xpedfti.dniry :r~rces": , ~pp.roashed . the. Er:T1FJ,r.e.S's ·and, begg.e,d ;fot :a;Cl;1a ~!,e ' t.6 ". ~:. .~ '. ''';: '. ,~f.:r .'. cI;:Ish:6lih'on'gst{their colonies, Throughout'the Ratific tf.l ;:) J 'his .family's honoOr by' ~trik i !1.g' 'Ladtagalrfshh~ ' .: ~ :~- .~ .":.

7 ~ ~ .. .r .. f "" .. irlJ ~''''-''''' "' '' 1- ~ ,,- ~ , . .. ~~ ,

J';_: ' .;~ •• ~' •• f~:e~~tEld 'Stjltes .qf Amerj~~ (F~A) and the .Em~ir~. of ~~ un iZi,vili s'ed barbarianS"t?f.the Ea~t,lndia ~~~panY:, ln}l~S~ .-:~ ~~:: ~; ~~ ~ . i r:.. ! ~ ~h~e. Slln (:onti.r,ue therr struggl'e for dominance, . eter[lal yvisdol)1 and 'compassion ' trne Erhpre·Ss .gr~mted ' . ; .. ' :;~ :.;;

. ~ .. . .... t " '~ , . . • ~ • • , ~ ....... ~ . .. , ~ , ~ . ... . )o .... J~ ra'id i rig t he col(')nies of the European powers . • < the cOnimander.bis ,wish, and bestowed on him th'e Third ' .,

• .... ,.. • • f ... ,..·,r ... ,. ~' • . _~' '. ~ ' • . ' _;d 't. ..... l' v... . · ' ,. ' .... .. ...... .. .., .. ..

'. " . ' . . ~: .. ; ...r _ . 'I:5iVisi6h of the' Ser:;ond Imper i'ar AFmy - also named·the .:~. ..•. ..

• ~. It is a time of' uprest, distrust a ~d f'~ar - technoldgy has Wcin{ Tlie command~~ yvas' ff6r~ 'again that daw ,cps~tg'" ~:.: ' '. ~'" ~ .~;: ~; YiJ ~a p~ ,fif: ·b·eyor)d')i:fy0~e'~ , ~ildesi:_ ·im.agin(ngs, ' iss~es off his 'name ur}til h'e had 'aVenged t ti'e sligh~ <;lg9f~st, hi~, ;'::. ~ ~ ', !; .• ' " ;';:~ " , 'of m8t~l lthib'and6ned 1·n4 i:t\ e : p'ursu i t-of ·power.·:Tesla's· : familY.· History would rem;ember,hfrn on ly as' oAf' " ; ," ; ' . ': ': ~~;~' " e l ~~fficrty''::-~ilS" rn'a·d'e· .. life', eas i'~~ pfO;id~ng light : and' ; ,:':'.' ~. -', ' .; , "" , .~~~ ~ . " , <.'

;, '~" ::: ;> ' i ;(mth, bwt. . ..Fl~w ~ I 'so ''p0wers 'military! venicles and .. :'H-;e;· vfclst~~ notime in lea'ding th:e ~~rii to ·srKg~S·or~.;The ' .•• . '., • • • ,;.~ w.~afD(')[i:s. ,~rwin:s .bi'o(ogiP;1 expenm,ents h?ve yielde'd : _city"~eld;9~tf(iJr .a month~ larg~ly.th9J1.k;;estip~ort .of '·,; u.'! ",~, :

-;l i~sto~~1hat {:an.fe~d.all t~etQungry, a5 .\~/ell as m6nste'rs ,,\,}he :~a~Hr1dja c;o~ean,Yi. b.efp(e!a!lin'g. ~ndt ~_t~e. ~ight , • " ";.: , ; ~, ':" t:~pt ,ar.€! all ,too readily ynJeashed upon, th,e .qattl.!)!field ." ~ . of,the;Third Qiyisio.n. Oni ra?~p tr'e,~ i,ty (o,the"grotJhd, yet ' •

•. , Ana th'e . heart of this' technologlGa l inrlOvation: stands ' he felt (losatiSfactioJ1. T~e fa tilJ re of-hrs ~ephewwas not .. ~tl;Jrg~~~ :~ · iJ~';;e'ri! .270, u~ed to 'crea(e' rT\~'t~ls 'ks light ' ' due 'to : S,i ngar:>or~, or t6~ei Q1en' located' tlie nC it w~~ 'dl1~ ' .. ...... .

'. ~as'fa6~ic;-ora's flard. as: di~ monds: ' '-. "', to 1: 1i e:-actioris of file 'East' lnd'ia "CompanY:. blowever;'tne , ',C';' • '::" '. :', ",, ;.: ~. _ . . " • . . ': E~pr~ss. reined hrm: ib before he. eould set oGt to' caus'~ -

''''~ With .changlhtfif)1eS Gbme changing'tactks. Man can(lot ' . more destru'ctiorr,;;; r~~'r(ng-h j rD'QilC~ to. t~.he bo'meland. ,. ' • : ,.' !.:;' -:. ,to'mpete with Hie Jron Behemoths ' that now tread ;. , ; .,:! ; ~ ';; ;. . ~- ' : .. .• . •

• ' '' . . , , ':, '2jcross the ~a~lefield, at least Rot alore, WitR impr.oved :' '. ;Bw{ t!;1e ~~rita~'?ia.~ f~tce~ : ra'd ~ot ?at .i 1'l1y by whi lsrth~'ir­.... commun)~atiQns, · t,nere has been a revolution in , the,:., '~R~rations ' wer!' >di~~qeJed . . Tw.o week~ ~after ~he -Jail.,

.' atmed·forces ·ohhe·wor.ld. Combined are now the OrSIr,lgapore . tlie' 45th':' Expe'ditiQnai Y ·Force .Ia nded .in. • . 'Y(."I .J. " " C" "" .. -' -. >,/'

. ' .. most widely',ac\;el2tect tactics in use, .. despite '5,0 rrLe. die- Maiaysi~, c,?mmangep by«Lorcl: t;>uxfprd, ·an.d a mes·s'age.~ ; 0' . hard comm'ancler~ sti ll sI ubbornly. cI(nging to their old , 'Was , deliver~d to' me Empress 'from QL1e~n~ V i cto~ia :'~'

~a'Ys ; ' . -: " _. . .. . ' ' . " , .. 'It stated 'that' 'th'~ ~~€kf~g. 'ai· singapor.e.';;-as· a;-' act 'of ' ' : ' ." . ,~, r~ . ' . war ' ar:ld 'tliat ' the'~e ' wbu1'd 5e ' tb'nseque'nces . u'ni6ss' ~ . : :. .. .' . ..... /) "'" . . .. ... .. .. ~

FLASHPOII~T SINGAPORE reparations'Were made:l'h~ young Emp· realised the·~. ~:::":" .' . Th~' c'onflict between the great nations starte.d ~ith nece.ssft.Yof. handin~ 9~i"(,)\1ef~b the' E~~E?CI 'itiohary'Fo;:ce- " ' .-:"f.':. '>~ '<" something as minor ' asa tradi~g dispute, back in 1864. ~nd dispatched I:1sr;e~ite~ageAtS to .assassii1ate' ~im. ' .; .. ,; " ' - -" " The East India Company, ~ad been trading in Singapore ' ." '~ .' , ~ . : •• ' . '" , ! f,' ~:!. ... '.l.~ for severat degades, securing their p'Ositiorv as th~ I 'This prq)((!(( tp' be,a f,gtite ,gestur~, qs :whel'l .if]f0r,~atio,n ,: ':;'

I . d' t d "h Id A h l. I. d' " regardi~g •. the. El5Rea.i~@nary , Force reache'd -OnC he ' . - • . ! ' . ; ~a Ing ra ers In t e wor . s suc t",ey.:too" a im. . , '; .. : R" • " . ' .. " ' . , :. ' ::;~" ~1' view of the encroachment of-Japanese trilders intowhat Immediately" tur:re2 .; ~IS !o~~.~~,~ a.r~uod, a'Q d ~a l Led ,to '.t~~,:" ~ , ~',~ they Considered as their turf a'1d made thei'r 0piniohs ' ·,Malays i,a . .T I'\~ Wa(Ji 'obeyed hirp UllElu'esfioningly, hal'tirl/t ~~:!:... I;";'

crystal ' " -: " ;! . r, /" .1 'f~rthin' hj's~judgin~;;t,ar:ldtne~~?pl ~ 'o!the;Empire;haile1l'~ ,;'::~ ~~ ': .. . • . ,. . .. him as· a' hero,"'Se'eirilfnim' as a tired warrior ,(ea rlessIY'--- , :''''

The J'~pa'n~se represeritative 'if~ored t heir t,hre~t~;' ~~d ~I ~~g!!lg 'back ~~Q dange r'for their sakes /' R~~lisi0g:~har~~"' .: - :. , a; sut h W?s caught unaw,ares wlie(l'East India Co'mpa~ny' . to leav.e,0nl to·his fate woulcf resu lt i.n publid lncest; .tb'e~" •• :~,!

forces fell'upon t1'is delegation and evicted him from the ' Empr~ss . rr10b i lis~d he'r. enp re- A1ilitarx ~.nd S'errt it out in :. ' cou ntry" Suitably sharped, the man committe(f suicide support ,of Oni:'s Jhif9 D.ivisjOCl . :rhe: Jmp,erial .Arl]1i~s fell, imd,hl; ~~me was strick.en .from Imperial rewrds. Falture- 'l';y.sia Itke'jI ~ivine \(I(iP9:a l}d wip.ed o'u,t th!? ASEh ": deserved n'Q less . '. ' ... '.:; j rl, ,? rl'2.ttrr of, weeks;. 'llthough. ~o~~ Dl,I 15'wrd ' w9,s" ~.etely . : ,..

. evacuatedfrpm the·are'a.~h;::-, ' ,; .• '..,~ ,.,~;;" . ' . ' : ~ .:: U ' r ~ .~~·io· <}"~T:} ~' d~.~~· ~*" . ·~ ~ ~i~. ~.".;~:~·~·'~· , ,~,.::;

-. ' ~" .... Hh ,, _ ~;:', ..,1 • .;/", ~J;,-~? st\..&, -~ $·W''''~~'''/l ~ ..... ;..... ~ ... , • ., ... ~ ... ~ ... .. ~~. ~ l>\;.4..1 l 3~~,t.{"iit " "';""-: ~:"' :~ · .;~ . ......... #

~ tr • '~:f:n ~~ .... i-&' -,.t~~i·;;~ -r-... "l ..... *,f;tt~u: -~ ,

. .;'~ '?~ ?!~'; :.-v;T ~f~::~ ~:k\ ~" :" . • __ /It'T " "" .... / :":;j.:: .-""~:\ 71 .. · ..... ¥ # ,..

) ;~ • , f . :._ » ~. ~ .. f »",',~" ,f<- • •

: ~: ~ ESCALATION " , " , ' ,~ , h -,,-,,' -'1 »-¥.' '~ .,, ' ,, ' #c-·V '" .,,.' . ~ *' _" " * " (". f*,

" ' -':'~'':'- :Tne w,qrld was'\QQck~d ,at this tt:lrn 9f ,events ' a'nd the ')':;t~ingdem~~f ~rit\l~n!~1 s01fj:IV. a~slar€d war' cih;th~ .Eiil'p'ire ',

,::,,~ dMtle Bla'zing~S'uni deploying. its full rnili;t'ilry:,migtlt to', $ if ~aia~si~l. Knowing her forces ' w(ll;l c1neve~~~ ]~'I~ ) 0', "! s~;'vil7e :the onslaught of ,"he ,en'tire,

- : , 'h"

~ ," \ '." :~' :r ... , " :/ ~'A ~ ,;~. "') .. : .~ . ' Uslr)g.·this sudden' caIFn;i;t'f1e~ 'E,mpH:!s& ~f~th'e : ,Blazing Sun, despite.' ~rot~sts; fnade"deals' with the:AUstralian lDdependents ib' A'8( regr\1u[:lrng. fOT~8'i. "Not·,tp

' ~e del')ied'thei:r rev~~ge"tlll.e:Bd~anAran fd!c~S 'alsp:Rifed. . .tbe Australians to JUJ1 , inte:!erertce :a,m'oD~st me BJazin~:-

~\ ·.it~~ BQlPf6~s:Pj 711yo:ys'19 the Prussian Er:nperqr, ' ;, ~~r;.e,ae[iWGrurji1B!, ~~t!s ,LtnknOWrif :-Vhat .:aweeJl),ent :h!e THE L~NObN. R:Aro , two ·ev~ntl.Jally ta'i:ne to;,;hut a mo,ntnla.ter ;th~ fTusslC!n Fgllowing. the ' declaratian <;If, lII(ar" on .Q.n ,; the ,

' · 'E";;~i~~ ' · l au;~h.eH"· C~~Q(<lr~ateti . as~;:I!~lts ·, :~ga (ns!, ;'aW; of ~N6v~~ ol'!r, ,~870, the , ~~pita'I ' , bf the Kingdom. of lfili;~niar; 'c9I eiJje.s1' e~~(1 r'ia~ffill.~f fQ~,sp·eaJ<~'a " sm~:I: Britanniit':Ya.s!at!:a€k~~; f'i~rngle ~l-Ibm.ersible of; JDrussian

' 'force~ ·into:'.Ldn'don J t,self, t t3"mmanded :c ~y <thelJ:hen desjgn managed to sail up the ,:rhames and launch a ,

·~, < " r " «' ~ h ",, ' t " "'1f "' , " , :./~# \ , .. !.. .. ' ,_ , '1' '< 4,+' '7 4' .,., 4 ;,., ¥ ,

<Coloflel:Stum'l. :,t~ ~ " ft ." . ' . .' darihg' aAd shocking attack;9t the H9uses Of Parllarl1~nt. f th:;;;:.,,,: " N0 i:{:;'. j ' "' ":'.... , ' . , ,:' Whilst 'this 'act was more ~lf'a symbo l :iha.rJ~nY~J r.lj'e ""/ ' ,r " " , " , '\""P" .,j" ,'\ ' ,JI. . <_., ," , ,. ' Y ', ~ ~"' "¥ , , ..

' :~~ ;U:~f~: of':: gils . :We~ pOr;)s;:.'ba,,!e~~o: fn:i ~ :th'e':'~~~rr:i~~"'q~~n~ivJ?" itm~ nageq to}tr(Kfterr~J-~i;nNJ!'J ~ ~h~~ pts 'of ' 4' 'C • • m~Ere a>lastibg impact.upon the ~r~n:Qia<n '..:(0)1erntr.le,(1t; !f' the" 'Bri(cln,riian ' public) 'wh'eri it: emerge<jl'.thar }~ ~~ ?:: wt;)i~ti~as ).oiced. to ;s.ev.7.;al dnt~: armi,es., f~o'~,< ~h~ 'ship'~ in q~es~~n:r1anaged t? sail aW'ay '.t:r\~.etected ..

:, . ~ M' W1 sJef~n~, t/;lEi, ~oxn~19~cj . T~e :yc~ess ,of, thl.s Gripf)ed with fear, : m~ny m~rn.bers 'ilf the. : popula€Ei '. ' olle' ratio.rif pave.d:the""ay for $;tari;rl's rise to po.wer·. fov.Gihinteered for the armeq, ser.vice~: and, tile Bnitannian, ~ , "*> "44>".~" , 0 ''' .'''' • "' '' ' ,.",,, +''@~ -., -/' , , " , :t . , ' ( ~. to.

, '. , . ' . . : ' =roilhary doubled, iO )l:i?e .bver:,th:e pext ,sjx' 01911th,s . • D~r(ng this 'time the' Russian Coaiitic:m maae a pact with' ';~" " $

tbepqljSj1-ilt~~a!'lt<!n cg~~~~n~!~~lth; allowing"'th~ M~;:nwh;le, , in . p!Us'sia" . ,G6~~:?p~~~r;' Stu~r &;i~ , ::Oh

- l' :::t~m%o~e:treeIYthfoUgr~t~e' ~dU!1*tt'Y to.~tt~ck t~e ~~ster~' 4" ~ast~rmind behfnd'the str;iKe.! w..a ~$p,a;s.t~ EI ;as' C) ~~irJ1J'""Y; 4 ,% ,bo'rd:ers ~ofP'russian.;~th'ey:a5sigt1ed their chief general;~ $ of tactics andt'echnology. 'HiS'Sludi:esill .K6rea :haGl

1 paiGl '

J~~~f:Cher~e:~ot,~~··t~istask. :Tbe7 JDoje,s: suj:lPorted this ' ~ff; 're$ultillg in ;he ~roductrdn .6f~~is~~'f,!!, iJa~l~uela ;' :~:" act: ::b~Ad·epl.o,y.iDg J th l:.~e· Hl:l~~ar ~egiOt'l5 ,t9 ~~PlJort t~e ' , \f~e:':capable 'of inc'll'lacitating or el7en'kiIJin~' la'£rd7~h ~~ :

:. :\t.L~i.t~: .f\~*tJly;·:driving. ~eep , j.QtO !?5~ssia!i .te.rritoty before, ,: .. i, whtist leaviilg their vessels uflt,QucQetil;perf~ct fqr , grindiRgl t0~a hal(at the:WqlfgC)'Qg fQ.r!c~s~~s , ,,,,,·,salvage.' Thetechnology,the· g~s@s:a(}:d prGJtEi1c:t

.. ~ ~~~~y n .. * " ~ . ' ' $ ~. ' : ' ., » his owd ,tro;ps.from their~ffec:t 'Q8~be~ 1;I obt~tned fron'! ', :% £~e1<ing torh'aintain their po,wer in Eur.o,pe,,the P[ussians;' tne·~Empi(e 'obr~ .I} [aiiJJg, $u r:tp.",!hp: J<h~w. ,flilll:~~JI> t~e ' ,c~ rrec;T, ~k911'.:a ~cient tfe~~fs " to :drag } he·.Republic, of.' tqr:lsequenc~s Of} g?5 .a;tj:ask 9nunp~epa(e'<i.s,oltJiers. ~ fraiitce;:'cYnd':'t1ie "lz'eagueof It<tliilll States, into t/1,e war, " In retur'n fdr this ,knowJedge, '~turm/;lad I'l r;Q,fnis'ed~the albe'it on tli~ir 'oWf1 , t'efrUs '-'the 'French would deal ' Biazing Sun to provrdi 'rheYn with 'deSign sch~l;11a~c.s

>!With t~e BritallniaQ fQ ~"es whilst:theltali;lns would run ' forbuilCJing .tt1eir (ciwn ::T,e;~I;3~ w~tpqnry,c~menting g~errilla campaig-ns 9ga.fAs~ the .Russians, 'giving Pn,,85ia alliance lietweeri'tli';e: t~.o; natibns. .', time to rebuild ' its strength. tactic'l,Norked, ar.ld the . ' ' . ':" '. ','

, ~lIied Com'~onweCjlth ;f.6rces were forced .. tcHake , up- ANTAij(;TICA patrol and pGUcing'.duties against the. \tatian troops, Tnf~ugh(i)ii't: all

~hilst the Rl:JssiaQ~'.fortifjed .their gains again~t any .;at' in I':lls fayourecl armohafr,: located in ' hi's studfil') 0 ,

:-. Prussian co4ntera~ack. ' }, Antarcticahorne of his new ;nation' . the, Covenant of. I

Anta;ctic; .. and liste~ed .~ith deeperiing 'efe~P9ir atwl'iat , Wifh rh'e gl 0.1;> a I situation rapigly collapsin.& into chaos;' wa~ coming .t,o Pi3S~ in' t~~o'rld ·a~(i)ve.~ Not ol'lly : h~d .. :.

th~ Fed'er~ted 'States of America '(FSA) attempted an ' b . . h t . his aS~4rnpti(i)r5 .. a.b!!lut~ve~tf: e.e9, In ,errpr, t ~ ever E",

invasion of Japan, Wishing. to expand their' eontfol ?ver themselves i:laatranspjred fa rfaste r than he hadthought the. Pacific: 'Dispatching the ~ourth, Fe~era~ed Heet60~sib!e .. Tti~'\ecb'flology tl~ , .had· pro~id~d; was bei[lg und~r . thecomma~.d of. Admiral ~~nngfield, the F~A. perverted to 'b:ett,er rm~ i,m a~d kill, and the mad ~es.s 'It: . PreSident was cJ1lVlnced that by WIPlngou~ 1h: ~~plr~ ' i patriotisli'r hadirifec;ted ey~n his own apprentices: With of the Blazing Sun i:l~ could ear,n a meas\JIe,oflnflue~ce . : the warld'.rapldly ·sliaing ih't6 ':diao? and a~~tr;; S-tu\geQn in Britannia, enou,gh to stave,off anvpo~ential expansion , resolved coact a:ntt~ (:orrecf.huFn~'~itY;5' inisfakes' hHn~elf. into. his domain by Queen Victoria's.forces. . " : ) - ,,' ., I • '

'" "He ~rdet:ed~ the::..@~t!vat1Sln of many ~ ot-1J~/ell£ f7h,.,c~,·c $

However the Fourth Fre~ef ' instead : tame acro'ss 'a prQdlictiClli J acllities, ~nd el.~vated SC,hneicjer . Russian :Coalition fleet' mbb'ilised fat the inV3si:oTi lof' C~s,t9piCjn.,to rhe position of War Mast~r. /;lis en\l~y~~ , the glazing Sun as well, so as: to' earn favour with the sudder.lly turned into well.plac~d assassinS and sf'lles, Koreans. Both sides fj~ed upon each , other, conviAced a~d tt{~ ~es~archers bega'riapplyinE ih~ir;;kno~leQg'eto .

· fcheY were attacki~g a defending Blazing SUr:l .fleeLFour the art o'f war. It would be a\ieaf '~ef9re .thg C'qve'rranf ' ,ho'U~~ 'later bQth.;,sides accus,ed the other ,0J r;>covp~jng ihar~nea ; 'tne. longest ~nd bloodiest year ~o dow~' in 1:h.!?f!J <ar)d PI9mptly we~t to war a~ well}0r,ge~l')g about ":histQ'rY'sb ~far.:' ' the Empire of the BlaZing Sun fGJrthe time' belng. ' ,

... . ... .. ott

~:, r ."- ., . ~ " : I'q~'" •• ~, .. ' ~ r , ... q:r;~:~>~" :;' ·;: .. D6M[N ION:~.~< . . '~:':.:' ' ''', ' . , .~. .." actions. Air Covenant 'ar~ re-£ are' fuUY 'sel(-conta~ed forces, cein:~st1ng, •

::-:... • TAe C6vena nt cif AAt,arctica is' a ,yo u Ail '<In€Lvast~t~ch'nulogi'~ 1 n13tion'" not onJy~f 'va rlol!ls' irHantry' t:eams' '9,l!It 'li lso I~nd-ships, aircraff and" ". ~ ~ ~ " , .. _ ". • ~ r ) '. ...:. <a,.... ' .: '. ,~. J . { ~ ,.' ,. . . . ' ~ , \. • • .. " • • .., "-

sprawled ove r'..the's9'ut~ern ice cap ofth€' Eqfth. ,lt wa~pubiiC ly fOtJf.tded j • • nav?~ " ,. " ,.'" • ': : ,', ' . ;', ." ;- " " • • S~ci ~ in:f850:by Lord e:ar:~~ ~9.~ lYraynes Sturge9ni!w.hen' ~e 'm~nag~d to le~.(:(: . < , ,',,:, . . ~ . . (', I :<., .. ' '.', ;1.' , ,',: ,;.;;

an . .expedi~dn .to: thd ege]idar.v, Vpult a~d Ghos~)o setfl,e ,there';.wlth~: ',~t~;geg'!J :~ C! ~ a'pp6in~~d, j'v1axllT;lilia.n .Sch ~,eW~r ' to. "f~e _pcisiqo.n of V:1p r , . ,',:: ': . h,is:s,~i~n!ific co 11 E;ggU.e.S,. ~i !} i Qg and explorin,g tlie area, to U.nCOVIf~ if~:> ~a;~ter, t.he highestr:r1i lj~qr'y ~ank in"Wells:, c2h a~hi; ,Lt , ~s ~is ' du~~ t~ , , .

' ~ ecr~~~._ 5ve,ntually t~~ yo,!;'fL,was ren~med Wells"Chasm' by .Stu,~&~p.1;. pYe,(~~eth.e recrUi~me~t of ne:w soldie ~sJ f heir, tr<\tfiing:~m~ arf.! i \l~: ~J •• <..; ,. . .. and his ,peop l.e . ~''' ' : , ~'. 'i '" . " •. ' . ,: ,~ testing their loyalty. Massive warehouses 'housec;! beneath the: • o'

"- ", . " ~ t~· ' \,~~"~: P , . ' . . ,'. I . ~ : :'" ~ ice ha~e been conveited to barra'cks ' an'd'trai ~ ing areas,~ t ~~i ~ 6h~rh~ L " "

The cov&:';;':nt QtA'~tcf1ctic~ , official ly formed i ~ 1857, ~overs ;';'ost ~{ ~ontents' :either gone or, dis'm-arit led in the' nam~" bf sC'ie~t~~ " ,t. ~ .. ~:~ I th'e Antafctic, Cons isti~g 6f lj:lb6ratories'; ,wa(e:hous~s ·and ;ct ormito~ies.' : 0 ,.' " . • ,'.

$qme, oh he se.cti.on's of the' i'a'ne!. hover: in' tn e'sky; 'held in t he a'ir with It ;is' ' impossible to, 'accurately, ' estimate t.he n~:r:tib~r:.of ;.soldiers ." ~;:~~ the miracle 6r,sciel'lce; whll?t othe'r bljild i'ng~' are h'ou,sed deep beneath an.d 'vehicles under SCAneider's , c6mrnand, bUjjL"th~ .harsh' weathe; .. '.

" the ice :ifl t~e .fii6zen·gro1llid of the continent. Sturgeon's nation does::: conditions ~nd, lack ' o(reliabl~. , sp~ rce~,'. 9f: r.~~~itfu~~t. lea~cj ~ :rn~~y' ' : ': . .( . not own aAy. lan~ sll:5eyel'il:d "~t:ltarctlca~} cd.nterif f o continue research in ' nations to estimate.the forc'es, of We'II~)Gh~sm toAturht)er so niewh~rfi ; ~;; .~: ..

:. isolati?~ . " ./';" • ":', ,_ ',: .' • >. _,:- ' .' .'> f , . .l;, the high tbousand~ at best :H~W:e~~~, •. thts 1~ ' ~; disadliaritag~ ';";hi~h , , ' ,;-','

,!!!; ";_ " , --<: ::: ... :,<~ .• ,~ . , \ .;' :..... , .:_ ha,s"beeo skilfully negated by th~i~ tra' i ~ irig ~ terrain, ~~~i:~o,~ld , .. " ::::.-: :'~Rl:JlER' , : '. . have fo ? perate 'in' if any ni'ltion,dared .iltta!;k th~ CQl{enant' directly: ' " . ,:. '

' !~f ': .. ·~(~rd:~ ~-8'~;.~a 5~i ><· D~~yne.s .. A_:-" 'r- ~ ' .- ~' ~~,. '.:' : " .. . 'f' ' ~.~-v. . ~" ," # , .. ~, ,. . ~ .. ~.,

t?: r· ... ~: I Sturg~b'~:)..i1as'l:~ f o( Wel ls ' " ~o~iTICS /.: > ,', ; ; , : -, -; ~:r" ;,,' - . .:. ¥ : 5~, ' . .'" < . " Chasn)" " i~ ~ a~. ~iddJ~: ~ag;ct " . Jhe Covenanf is str'uct,Ljre.d .m ~ch lIKe a reseatch' i(1s1:ifiJte, only ' on a -": ",' <

< ,

:.! ..

" '. "

: Britanhian" scil~ ntisL and ' 1119s; h. latger scale. ~;cl Sturgeo'n. hb:ld~ the POSjti 6f1~ oi Master, heinii: ~ ; '" ,: I

: ~ explorer.: 'H~' Is' a rifethodlc~1 tlie ultimate authorjt~Li"ftRe flE~dgllng 'natiori . Servj'ng.b~nea'th him is a~ : ~ ~,:: '" ma n who ulti~ately. sees ;,- cQterie of .scientists ..sped'aliseQ ·il1 various ·branches of a,~ademi'a'" wliO', ,'; :-" hilT;lself not; as ~he serva'nt : ' a nsw~r ONLY to him:'Whils(~1m ila'r' tb t r,, ~' n~otion of a cC:funcif Cldvising a' ! r;~ . ~ "',~

. EJf. any r1ati~n · or, ruler, but .. ': Jeader, as;is th~. nptfTl in the E\,lropeannatio (ls, the' indlvldual s.den~~t~ .; ~ ' : , ~ :_;: : ' as a·'man:of s~ience, swor~ ' ' Fli~r~IY r,eport their fil1d ~rJ,g,s and ,prqfJ~;~~l1e.w" al{enu~sc?f study" .ne.'!..e~~( ~;:: ~ :',:~ to improve -all 'of ·hu,mimiW . : oht e lnfluencjng.the policy of'th,e,Coyenant itself, just their own:'small -:, : ~~ • .

• ~ • . ~ # ... • ~.. .. ..... • - . ... ._ ;, ' . ' • (

it:! any way' poss'ible,. Despite section 9f it . .. " . " ". ' ' :' ,, ' his serious' demeanour he ", ,. , ': ", n... , .. mainta i'~s ar .a·ln)ost chfldis,~ .. , TheJ ea'ders of.Sturgeon's , ~c'ieritific '~;ted~:~ur~;~tIY n:uIT;o~rs '~ ight :' / ;~;~,. , curiosity, willin'g"to ' oe liev:e .. ' .. r., • ' '' . ", .. : .... . , .. ;' in anything as Icing .ds it' is ~~r. Mast~~ schneide~, c'6m~an~~~-f t ~e cov~i1amr:0i ;;fa;y~" [:Jossible : ,; , L,?rd ,U~onidas, Chief pf Physicj; ': . :. ." : .• ,' .: ~ ",: ',..,.. ,; .

Since.the ·discovery of Wells Chasm and all its secrets however, things ' he impossible "'ave bjCome pOSSible, and as such he t")o,longer sees anything as beyond the reach of mat:! - or his sciel1tiS!S" "

la~y Elizabeth,' Chief of Chemistry~ :_· .:.· ~" •. , . , Lord R,ense, <::hief of Biology ""; :;. "~

, Lor,d ,Qleg, Chief ~f Alchg mv .;. ,; Lady Jl;lliannC!, lYIistre'ss,of Politics , , Lord Pennyso~, M~~t~r:~f' Eh~in~e'rs ". "'.. . " .

.. • <t'~ .. ,,_ " • .... t. ' " ! • # ......... . .:...: ..... l' " ••

MllITAR'ySTRUC-TUR"E , .. LadvDrakenbu,rg, CastellqnofWellsChasm ,-~.''':'~:'.':. '"

The arl1]l~s of-the Covenant are s.mall! .~~mprised of hig~ (y t~aine.d" .. '~' , ' , >- " , ~ :, .~ ~ . : .:, -.; , ~:: ~ " ~;~'~ .. ~< " ~' ~.-:~~~':) well-equipped, professional soldiers from around the world, They are Unlike IN? rltl councils, Sturgeon s EO,!ene IS u~erly . unlt~a ,C;I ~d '

.- broken .. down into teams, each com~onent train~d 'to act' in cOh ~~rt de\iot,~d'to th~Fr leader,.fheir I ~yalty,to 'him:rivalle~ only;nytheir 10y~tt;Y .. ! ;···;·:i, 'with one another, and each team in turn has learned to act as part ot' to knGwledge Itself. .. ,#.. ~':' •• :'

a great~r whole. !-iowever des'pite thi s all m~mbers ofthe 'Covenant . ," ,"', ";- ' ''"',, ' ..' •• , ., " ' . : '-!" .!.~.; I .. , military a~r~ trainep .to act-alone, making them possibly more d?ngerous War: l\i1as~er Schneider is a y.E;ters:lL1··,Prussian mer.cenar,~ :having risen HO. '-'"

~~ ~. ' •. wbe rr.scattered th:an ~hen facing them ·in tbe field en·m'asse.. ' ... . tq ~~irence since .fi rst ac~gtri pqriyin,g Lord Sturg~'9n to' Wells C;~asm '. . ~ ~ ' .~ ,;,.: , > ~~ ;' . ' • • ." " .' , .'.'''~ .~~ t~~1.~ · He ~~kes ~i~ .. ~,uti ~~:s~ ryQ~s.'y' aDd is , stj,I,I ,~ !~rmjd~ bl ~-figJiter-<, ""

' ita'd rtrpoper can (ajse 'suppo~t fo'r his cause ih lo'~al poPl:ll.ajio~ centres" d~spi)e .~i s ~g~l ;~n~.~~n .. :t~~? , i(~~~ . hi.m~i}~ ~?"l~§t ,out; ·nr~~L:::.= ::,~; 'infil~rate .~ne IJ1Y) p:o~Tons, silbotage logistics and so: o,n . .stu·rgeon~ ha~ :: :~I~it~!y. ha s~~f,{: ?;vel~t?~j:j .2:}~~~y:o~;;.;~ ?!~~ets. ~n~~ ~9~, .~tS,!t : '~ ,,', name,d his'soldie rs,Commandos. The Commandos make 'up the e fltire ;C~O,s~$t' fneJ1,gs 'I~. bo.rl:fJ.eo~~9~Sr a GreeK P~y~ I ~! st: IN!lO [:Jar:t ~~ ~

• 'C • milit~y ,!;n ig ~t' of t he cOl'ena~t, skilled ' not o~ly in' ope n co~b'at a--;;"d ':Of ~f(Jrgeon's' o'rigi~'a ~}lr?up: of .. lxp(or-ets ,~~6s~i.b'I'Y: ~~~ ft!~s~ ec'c~ntrJc .~: :.,... . • ' : infllt racl6n ·but"al~o· rn ·~~gine ~;.rng" and piloting. They do not:re ly on :msmb~r of' tne 'Coteri-e;; as"'h"€:: is :ofteh. }e~n?d,raVl1i!lg":;lT1~tnematica l ;~. ,I:.. :~. ~~: - . ~o-oper,ati'~n ' t"ro~ ' 5t~e~, military oran~hes, something Stwrgeon has ~ ·f~.f'mul? e on ~ ·ny. av.aj ~a·~t~ s~ rfa~~ - spa r~'pies:~' gj5p:~ir'l;:£j ' ~ '-w~!,J;~rJ' • ~~'~::' 4":t_ • • ', A "~",, ~ ;I" ~ I; <0 ~",, ~'" , ,'. *" I W' ''' " t t' k· .... , t . ~,P t . J! % ~V ,,'-1'4 '*"0 "' )I}i1i1: "+ ~ ... v..,..,.. *!'e'" . suymisea ·to De, the~·ca Lfse of"the great 'delay ' between~otders a nd ':::·'lsas~ ls an s Sin ... Y', ' : "'" ,,,::; ... o:M ,:"I;, f,~1: ... ~":~. ; !,,,. !.~~ •. !. ~:-. . ,,,,,::~ ;'~. ' ;';., " ',.' ~ 90 ~ ~ ?< : .. -:... '. ': .. : ,,: . _ ~ :!~ . ' i. ~ . ~ . "t~~:~ ~ -" '~ ~: ~~!~~:t.:::'~~~:':;. r~~"''' ~'' 1V" \% +fi~.1.7 1i.~! f~i*" -.".'l:..J ~~~-4 . ..... ~tWl.' •• ,.;~ "'-'> ~ " . ., f .... ., .. ~ .. ... .;.-. "I' ." 8 '; . ..... ~ ... "',1.,* .. ~t ... !!~ .: !,: ~"':.ltl~} . ... t~) 4.r'''y ",;~ ·::;~;l 4 ... }~ ''; ,1~J ... '~~ i!~}" · :;,~ ............ -!_ ,,""'i' f ... ,... .. _~~ ••••• :"-: - .. ~ - ,' : .;~cto-""""l' - ~ ",- . . " ! .. ~.:.t: . ~...,.;.&.!c: ..... __ ~1':'l';t~~-.i "" . ~t!i:::.... .:j- ~~.-ri'~-.i'i'~ Mo' ; , to ..... .. ;'" .' l~ .!l¥. 4 ._ .. • "t" .. . . ' • .., *~_ :~ .. : . ...~ t .. .. . " ; .. !''" ~~... , ... , .... ~ .. . ~ .. ;.-:. ~ "~ •. ,. .. ¥;. ;-: ;:h--. .... : )or : "'M,.. .-X:J.r: ... ... . /1", "':... !lE;"';' t

, .. z .. ~.~'l~ ~_" •• -1'"i:;-:~Y!'Vl .t....... ~" .. ~ ".; ..... ~c.,. .. ". ~i._~_ .. :' .. ,. .. t} "'v:t.. ...... ~ .. 'A,.. :p. .... .. .,.l(;;'! .. !...!.& ,. " .£ !' ... ~ .. ) ...... -."l!~~"';'I'-'·:;4~~~& ?1,.

.. . ,",',": .. , .. ~ ~ . ,

~~~~,; .. ::', . .....: • ~ • •. ~., ,:: .~;"';: , . .. 7 .,:... :..::{~ .. 1 :-,,: •• ,:~ ",:: " .... ( .... ,":' '0. .:,.

, • ....: , - .) , \ ~ .... , .. .. 1'" ';1:,,~) ... "!.~',oO>- .. .~/;, : ........... . . <~: '~LadY E IiZa b:fth C!!l~1-pfd·Re,~~: al e t~~~ s, both h~i ~'~ g :!Om;h~ t<i~gdOm of wa·~.· M;aste~ b~e~ created: il f1:d' P.d" a r~y, .cr~~tedf~ r' the' ~e)l ~fit of ;~' •. of Britanllia. They stt:idj~d'ynder ~turgeo'li and becCjme enamoured by. humanity ' an'd· ;;~ i'e nce . ,O,ff!Sia) . a ~co (irits of; Covenant 'op.e rati.o n.s:fl!.~ - '.: :

~. ..,. , '::'h l!). dreams.ot'; tluIB';lh iw. u,nit~d bY:.kl!O,V){ I, .~n~' ~Jed'g-?_t6.~n') s~v~.? • <;j!ffic~lt~t,o~· to.~$;by.. .Th'e highly tra)n~d: 191dl~[s:,i!rE?" <;l bl,~ . to st rike __ .• ! .. ; '~~~~~}t::;t~)iS: b~ttl~--ag~T'ns( igrror~;' Ce:.'We(r-(a·rjl il i a t!ty wl6·:tn~ .. ~?i e'ntist i~~tl enly .and':,Wit'hout 'wa'rn'ir1i: ;'a nisi1i~g ~nc.e their deed is ' done.-:,: ,- • .!i.~~,,';;':t..\N,as se'e'n 'as il fhre at DY '8 riv'ai fam ily/ who drspaichea <i.'a'cly JUlla nna Stu rgeon's fo rces are b~lieve Ef 'to. liave IJElen behiod no fewe'r tha n' 20G)7' _ ·~ v. }l~z: ,~,,·t0;~Fl6L;re;~he t'i~.~~ ti ~d_ ;n~r ixer! ~ryy i nflu\? ri~e 9ver Sturg~'b't1 .. LO~~ sep.arate- attaf ks o n' res~~.rph' i~sti~~es b~ ~~~?in§ t~ all nation s'a'rb~~'d~ ;" "::" \, :.t::::·' ~ Oltlt,'s r.o le was st.mi la ( 9~dere'd by the Tsa r Qf·the Russia n Coalition to · th e globe, particula rly those which we ctre,ngageMn weapon study:. BUt .: , :: "~;i :,,~'p}v'M·Witti .i(1 e · ~~Qr€9t(ed. researcher on ·tP.e ,chance 'thai, he cictuilly r:to,eviGf e.~ce:.exists tldat it ~as CQy~,mmt.fci rces . ~ .. ~' . . " •. .

;i~t~~.~ 9 i ~!~i~c'6ve~.tJrey;a.Uft.' Of~ cotJr~e, . wit t:i :th e. ope I'} i ng. of the Vault.ahd . ... " , " ' " ' . . : , ; ", ' , " • ....,,; ' ~ <./::~; ~:a ll Ci?f its. poteopj3 L19td b'are b~fore th em: boti'l ,Gleg ,and Jalia(lna,:'Cast 'Whilst thearmies:6Hhe C;ovena nt p.erfQrn'l ·6n -m ilLt9r~t ·~ ., ", " t;~(·" . . ~si? e t~e i r ·p ~e)ti9~.~.()rd.ers a nd et)1b~cep the ,~e~ 6r,der~~!.ge() [l yvas : base's .~ nd r~di:Jstrial'.sit.e's , ' see ~r~ ,19: intiinid~te '~ I'J:d S~Qw .d.own .th,e fr "." > ,;' ••

• . , • - crafti l)g for BurfJ<3 riity,. '. ',.. :' " ,;' . . deve lpp.menJs,. St\! rgeol) <;ci ntiflUes. to ply' Wells Chasm for 'its' ~ee~efs , ~/ " " :' ' . ~, .. \ ~'. ~ :, ~::: .. 40 • :., ~"::.'., .... . .. : • < • s; e k!l']g new ways tg enSUre the s?fety.'of 6~'m~nlty fro~' p'~ r~e~t~r . :. :~

Lo rd P~rinys<in .is · fhe you ri~e'st ~membe.r 'oft he ·.Geterie, pro'motec( ' science . With: Markov. and his machim;s' now ·.sw eeping across Eurdt;e ~'~ ~~~ .. . . .,.. • _- • _.. .. • ' . • "" • .. .,. " , t"";,. . \' . ' ~ • .# . '" .' • l."

t6 rorclster of' t hginee,r's .fi:J llowff.\g': Ma rkov's betrayal a nd s ubsequeri~ : arid On'i rampaging 'around 'Oceariia', t he global situiition ;cuntirlUes to ' • ;-',

\ es~ape . ~e·k·ri oV1(S' i iffl~ :as, t~~hy .he: ~~s prdmote~,. tboU~h};e~ ;t ri ~·es ,' . gr~/y.I ':"',~ ~.s<e: d riving 'sciet)tist s to i ~y~nt new~,r a ~'d 'de,adliei' weapoy s, " : :; . to, justi~Y, tt"i~ .t~st~e 'seeh .s hBvini( eeerr pl?,e:~d. 'ir;t' hi~:·~tudiQu s ly :· corrupti !1g'th,e purity of the Know ledge t he Vault had gifted t~em:wft ~. ~ . ~ .::~' re:sea rd~ i r:tg iOle';l(·e r,'iways .. to h'arne ss: -€Qerg,y, i rf,ip~ovg steam e;ngiFl e .< •• - •• ~ ~ ~ ~:.:

• ,'€ffi Gi el:l~Y','v. ana' fnor~ase tlieJethality' of t he .cov.enan+~s We<3p" o r:t's ,as a:' , ' \ .. ,. " " ''';' , • ,. " , ,.... •• ",.f.. / ~ ... ' )' '\' • • . ' l. •• t. I to ',g' .

": ~(ctet~rre~} : ryJ ~~·!an· of ",!~lIs .. Cba,~"" ~:idy Drc~rertb~rg," _~ ". J. ,; ".~ ~ . .. 1 t': ,. ... (, " ", . :"'/ : .~. __ , ! . ':'~ I.~ .• 'O"'!' }~ • "~t. - i5",~,sb r0ude~ ti!$~[~',.:"i):le"':rhose nrigi!:1 sr..e. 0.a i.~ ,a. n'lystery, e,v~IJ.i9. .'tli~L,,:· ' ", LEFT; War. Master':.)VIaxilflili'lA Schn~id!,!r. is .a' " .. .• • • . ":r~,st ~f;t~.i Coterie) f tt~ ~~;.9~, knbWs; hehate!e~!ed ~q ~eep Jsil~e~~~ ;~ . ' " . ,vete ran soJ~ i~~~?ing~~efved for manY' . : .

~ .t he mattj:!r .• Qr.akenbWg bvers~~s the d,efe nces and day tQ'dpy runnin'g'·, .. in t he PrljSSia Fl 'Mil ita rY; ,rising to the.ran k'of _,' ',." o{Wells ChaslT;l, t~e 'la pn:~0Uhti Covenant , a dI:Jty s [1e' : .', .. ' .'" " Ge ne rpl.: Afte~ oeini di~~fr1l r]~h (~~~d by 'th~ . _

, fulfil s 'in da f.Knei~ ahd sile rice. ~ .:. ":; f, '" , leaders~ip o1'th.6. mil jt~ry, 'Schnei'der br~ntbe~ " .:' , ~ :.::, -? .. ~ '.':. • ••• ,- '.~ o ut: and 'fou'nded h'is 'ow~ ·m'ercen~;,y :a rmy.When·"· I.

RELATI ONS":' ~ ~ 't'. ".,". 1 he was hi red b\ll:~ rd Sfu'rgeon ta provide 'se~~ rity :" .:. ' The cover1ant ~pf .Antarcfi~~~s~e~ "no one ' for "his :ex~pediti~n, Sth-n~ide~ 'h'a"a no ' ~ l ue ra's to · " l'

nation as its' fc:.i'e;..6 r:allj,fJug:t o i&'e .belief .' , • ;" hiiw:his;ljfe'0~~~t~, c;nqnge': ' . ' ,': ;', ' ~ystem .. ~prea':~ l bf ,tStu'iieorJ, ' :~emb~r~ . ~.,: .. ~! I··· ... ~ { :~ /. . ~.. ..; : ~

· of the 'Coyenaii~ ~ee a~I ~~l..\m 'l (l s .,ai .t heiL: Fo ur days. a:ft~/ th~ .· expedition fj;>(Hl,d ; ~~ e:.. Y i

allies: an d ignci.ran<;:e a.s ~hE;irJoe.: Of c9,urSe: • Vql!tt; '~c,h ~:~ider fiai;. savag\?f~y ild,a~k' of~ :. ~ · ii:l ~s extends' .to , an WRD.· co,ntil:l ue to -,6e ' "Sn.9W , Cat~, :a: .arJi.trl<;lL tha·t . r?p ms ., . . . . "i~ le(bY i&~o~a :h~ :~~f(Jse ~h~' gifts ' ~L ~:' ,-t he.. frOze n wa~t~,s of ,Antar-ctica. The pack ' •

. :::. ,~!1QWle1:Jge .fhaf"Wel\li., Chas~ p r.omis~~ . , " p'ra'cp ca 11 Y'. tR!~ Scli[1'~;der ' a part:" bu:t : :: ;.~ .. ,.- 0" ' Y~t ~ j'n-c.e 'Ma~rk~v's de'fe .. ~fi~'n~ ~a na the.rapid .; . ~despit~ . this h~ ki!lefi .. Jqur of the savage" .. ~ -. ~pr.e~g; 0! :u~!estedJ~si:l r:910~Y ?r.nQngsC '-a nimals ,before his ' men found ' 'him . ~': . . ' : . the .w.crrJd~~ . nprtons',<'f he; fn ilitary :fqrces' . ' • The' pe lt of:t~e, J~~gest Sno~'./ C~t n?w .; .~ ~

. - :' ,: • : "of- the · t~asm~ hai/e :bee n committed' t o • , . .. : rests or1' ·'s 'shouldersl a ,. -.~,:'

:.., strl~ing' ~t"all wh'o would ':per~ert"th,e gift "constant r.e.rhind·er ·c,f. what / .::.', "' ;-: . ". ,d'f sci.ence . . :. . '. . . . , he rega r.ds a s.; his·perso~al · :.

. " " '" :.' . ' c ' ~ . ~ . . l·.; , ' fdilu[e~Y9u ,can~s'e·~trom ·" . · :_

lit· ... ..

' W"hil:st the ' Russian Co~lition .• is an .. this ; image that War"":"; i :: immediate {arget due to it6 . .J:Ja(bdu ~ing Master:Scl1n~ i~~r .h~s·· . ~ ... -of Marko~, t he Prussian E'~;;ire ' and ' .. b~~n quick t6 ;mp.~1l~e~;··;:.,.; Kingdom "or Brit~ nn ia ji'ave also ' ' the ' '. tech nologies ' . ' .-begun · to suffe r .attaeks, fqcused. of .. the Va'ult; ·. W-itl1 ; primar·ily · .ion <';'I r..esearch -and ~. Lor d. :-. Pennys01'l's':':'::;: productio l;l facilities specia'li sed in . ~ engineers cr-eating . del/e lo ping prototype technologies. ~ a :meGh~nica i '~im ' ... The Em pire of th.e Blazi~gSun has : aho:leg fo:cthe old ;,

until [I OW managed to ,av~id be ing , . sotejie r . . ,' ,.::.; :;', • ~ · the 1~ r:get of Sturge,on's att? ntion, :' ':. ~ ~ , : ~ •.

. though more and more membe rs of : ~ the Covenant are pushi~g for stri kes ~ into Blazing . Su'n terr'itories ' since

" the ir deployme n't of gas weaponry. The' Wa'( 'Master, however; is wary of

, ~':'~ending infiltrators and' troops against "'t he Empress or even General 'Oni, with

the Shinobi sure to counter arw such ; ... 't

at):el'TJ pt. " . ' . ' . . .. "" :> ~ ~ ~

.' .I ... '"; .... , ~. . "':. ".

$~,~/j'J)'5 '+ ~ :-j, *;jj.~' ¥ ~ '>

D9MIN,)b~~~ : ~/ " ,: u<i"' ~ ,f~~ " . , : ,? . " , b;ein& uti (r?ed l,n ~n qff~n:sfi~ capaeitY' ~f\l s~ ~por:f Gf la'rid and rtJarltime, ' : The~ingd\')n:): '~f:"tirl1.niCk'::Vas' tormed tn ~8'Ol: wl:lef\l ,~he Kingddm e~! aetjons, t.h~~gh t~eir~ffeGhivefleSs has beefl ,mixed fOLnow, ::, Gr~at ?~pitain' inVi:ld~ctf:and' cenqtlered ,lfela:lfd, JhitZ"Q~sollElatea ,t;hEt -~: ~' ,,,:,, ,;;'~, , rUlttGf;~f\e':BritiJriiaA;>cifch,',allowing':him to;fb.c~s.bR ~xpa~dlng h'ig~::Pt1tt current 'H.1gh Lor,d '0t tihe 'Ad m iralty':i5 ;tfel'lry JjUirige r,~ a,:~~Ji~wbo

;i.;;d.o01ail;l " He 'mani3gecH9, ~laimmuch of the African coas:t , ~s B~itaY.r~ ia~I');1~ lfa~: risen 'throughtl:le9!fjcef ral(1ks swiffi~it~~rik~~ n " p~rt (o, hi!i i Qiej n territ ory! aJ lpw{[Jg:,t1i~l'forC~s 1~ ·plund~r: t[1e re~,o~!ce, ri'ch h.~artla'n,<;l;t;,.::; !he .cl?aci~cation ef th~tlndia,~" Kin~doms' .'f\~ :Lor~~:gf:.t~e Atdr:!:.i ~~J~Y, hp ,. often COfl)Jhj5 'iFltO cont:licqvith'Prussian settler~ ' and even'Frencb forces commarids the Admir.;:rls ,of each Armada, \¥h,o in turn commaFld ,th'e:

p # '" if ' '' ". % "'>'\ ""'>', " , j . "' *,,,,,,, ' _ • • ' of; ,,,,,, " -,,, ,,' ,, { , ""'A~ > '& #, ' . ' p¥, , " " ", ',' " ,'; ','" '~" -><, .• * " at ~Te5, ,"; . ,:,~ , " L9rd~ 'of~he Fleets, I::ord Tillinger ha~ held !beeffice fer th~ee yea~sa8!;1, ~

' -: ~" 1~{ , " ." . , n ~ s proven him~elf ~ capcHSle :c~mmander, ~wielding the A/mapas ~Tth/;! Yet the' Britannlan ~navy was vast 'a'nd, powerf~t, ~'nd QJanagea to secur~ rWisdom and cautibll; carefully managing the hh disposal and ' Greenland and: paftsof; 0~at i~ :howknown ' ~~ 'Canada iwthe name ensqring1:ttat' 911 areas Qtthe-:King-aom .are aaequat~y:protecte~d, ; ,

})f .their ki'ni;1'Th~ :B r:iia ~ ~cai1 d6rn'inan~e ' of th'e ~~as forced the rival ' " , , / ;~~ :: :~i; " ' ': ~ powers:t.o e!xparidtb,eirlJfrders witi:1in tf\ei r 'O\ll{flGOf\ltinents, resulting The t;hree AElmirals currently ' se.~lIiJ;)g; 11(1 {he.,~~it<in r:\ iah miUtary are in strained: r-elati:o.;S w~th ·tRe Qther,. Eurppe~A 'powers., ;?specially the • ~dmiral Joshua Spen{;er of theNaIYal F.r~~t~; Admiri:il' EdmuQd'JohnSon

: B:ePllbli~of :FrarJ€e:aQd th.a:t;>rus~ia.nEmpire; " " at. the Land . J;leets and Admira l :Wijliam 'l:h'bm~i of: the 1Xe rial Eleeh: '"~;::.::<~ • , ,," . ; .Aqm.iral ·'S[Jen~er is the younge~t, c~rr~nt rY; iJ1 ;e rv;c~, :aJi~{5~~, '~~0h:'!.i :,','

"' , ,;mentor.~d m<~ny of the .offi,cers,thn?ug,houUhE7 Naval Fl'eets, givitlg the ., fo!.ce !he moniker of "Sp~ncer's! dWI1",~fhiS:~ i s in "Stark :contrast~~o, the

" cqfp, ale(jrAd61ira r)ohnson,#wh:olooks~own on allowing'any emotiGlns'",

. in

decade, sn~ has

Wlth'in' fh~ ar;"ed fG~ce's:. citi~g tK~rri :~sa d1Stb cti·dr1 i (o,m,duty. 0<~ ~~ "'" ""i *

if L.lAsur,pri~lnglyi he-nai ,ciftE;lR ,c:Jas,h~d 'wrtfrA(!jmir~Spenc!=r o\t~ r. tertilIF2::;' commar:ld; deci5io~s,~ As, fG~Ar;I;m~~aIT.h0JYlas! he ~s ,the el,~~st, assigned ,; to, ~n~:f~e'shly forme? +X@~iaHleefsd\.le to. his years af 'exp~(ienc:e 'ai ~;~ , Lord'Qftl1,e Na\(all:leets: A believer in the tried and tested ways;;h.ehas ;:'; '

'applied his kn~~re.dge ofnaY~l c.ombat to the skies wit:h sur~ris'i~~"Y ":~, "". " .. ,>"",., ~ Sf"", ~ +, '" , ' , ,;, • '~,' , ' < r#''''&'

proml.slngIesult~" His 'J!~age eH,h,e 1li)' !itrearns :Iik~ the currents' Cif the . • o~eans ha~ led. to man'y~oftt'ie younge'tf2i rots under his comm~:nd, t~

.duo~im"t~h'~ '~Sky Lord", ~': , ' ,. , 4' Y. " ;, I P' ; , y'Y a broodio'g and' impps'ir;1g ,figure, :d'eClicated to , Kingdom's weHa~e, 'She ,'is advised on:-matt~rs '~f state 'Each Armada also has a decticated :i rtfa~.tty ~egiment, Olltlch~larger~ha l'l'''ifv, • by apar:riament, consisti'ng those p~rmitted to, Her lVraje"sty's :Glor'ious )nfanirY, ~mostly d~1:O f~E!';: of fe~fes~i1tatives oJ ' each necessity,M the r.egime , ~,e: pr esent on ,HI si:1ip~ ®fthJ21r~e~p«dtiltE; :Y city ' and country ,in herdornain, The parliament meets four ~m~s a Armadas 'as :9oth de'ferder,s:and b6ard~rs, A~{rdue tq being lT~arp big/;\ly ':,: yea'r and.discusses the curfentstat~ of tr~' Kingdom, though the Queen exp,erimental te€~'ri?JoJ5!es" t~e f\rma~a Regimen~s ~(~i:1e 34th ~8efn1' td~ .;::!:: !::;,,,," , reserves the right to instantly Jail a meeting at any time she d,eems fit;, 6:

h Norfol~ancl .90th Lowlanclers) tend to be the ,best equippe;Cl and, "

M IL.ITARY STRUCTURE , Th~ ,Britannian. military ' is; neavily. dependent upon ' the;'Ad~iralty ; as, b~ir)g, an island Kingdom, ships are .t he only' true way. eXRansion could be possible. As such the title ·of Lord of 'th.e Admiralty :carries

; gr,eat ~eight, essentiallyplacjng one s~co~~j' r; ~omm"and of thear~~d 'forces after the o.ueen h~rself. "

:' traineq; 'a~d often'cy~le'ce~tainp]atci~~; o~ttotrain 6Jhe:rregirne'r';ts~G;~~,. infantry injbe us~" cif speciaTis{g~a r a'ndt~G,hcslilvofItTngtf~~fS ~ r;~qc(:~~(

, r i,#.~. <0 $4'.'1 fu'@"# /",~~:':"~'!:~+':H"", . %' :;+l%y.,.;;

1-lie , typicQ'1 'Britan'nian infa~trymah;r)art 'of H~r,::0J;m(;'!5 w~d~;6U; :;:: 'Infantry, 'is arm£(,j' with' a single' shbt; bre~ch 'lOaded rifle, ~I{d? in t~~" ,typica t red coa~s oftheJ{ingdom, the Infantry 0R~gime~fs Eensi;fof:Aot

, 0~Jyinfantry but'ill,sp artillery, e~p~cially small piecei5:Ucli; as :p~rtaoli. m!l[tar's .-and nia,ehine ,£?;~ns, ilie ~he~Yier . 'artillery. ~egJMgnfs: w~rs}2'

W"t 'h 't:he',: , /i 'Aft · h' I th L d fth Ad ' It ' " h disl:>atlded with the formatiO,r:l of.the"M6bile Ground Ar;';;ada whictt


'I ~ ' " marc", ec e or 0 e mlra 'arge , ' , ' 0 , s s ,.A ', ~~ , if 4 ' , : ,

ofthe.nirrhiiJ'das of Britannia, which ar~ ,~iviEle'd into t/:mi ebroad ,t'Ypes, pr ovided ?!puJ? dtJ:~?ps wl~h sejf-gmp,elled artill~r)l' pleces w,hlch are, " ' h 'fi " " "'h ' ' , ," , , .heavilv 'armoured,aAa <lan relocate If discovered '~ e rsf IS L e,oldest:: NAVA~, 'T~lsen~qn:passeiall sh ~ p~ In ~ervi~e 'tQ ~ 4~' ~':4~(", L 4 ;';, 4 ~:'~ t~" ::" Y 4~ r ' ' 'th i5 ,[]IW'·"" ' r,' r 'n.fln" h,;r, tr",hlnc and .her Will t:oraf'off lanclsf The second ' ' , ':;." , 't.ha:t: are, de~l~v~J in suppo; t

c~aft tg ~ t.h!L G:Olos,s,a t AERIAL arry.,'adas,

1 ' ' -I ~ "" .... ~ . ~ ,;C'; :t ':" . -? ' !l' " .. fi '. ,

f:' .;/~ ~ .. -' • ,,-, ",. . ' . ... ! ....... :~ . ,. . . ~ 1· .. . . ... ~ ,~

f '. ·their ,wealth and co·ns~i'idate tneir power as~ ~asters of the 'major espeCially to 'those ~atio~s :Vliith .dorr(.jnlons mainly on CQriti[l~t1t: sl:Jch" .. -):., ., f: ~ ~'7' ; ",towns' and dties Of1:h:e ' ~i'ngd0m. . . .. .. . ~,s the.:pr~ssia ,Empire and the ,Russia,n' C~ali~Gri. , , . . ;'.. . : :" ,

! ..... : '>4-:"'-~ . ' - ~ ~ .... : ~ .. # . ': :.:f.... .,. 9' • .;~JJ .. -; , . ' , 1 , " ".. • ,..J~ .(~; .... . ' ,. •.• :

I-" .;4 ...... ;-'.I:<!tely, ~wo> s~h·09,1S . 0.f..d; b.ruJgUt "hf..'&I,a.O,ljte ~6 · dOr19ill'~t~ · B ~it?r:tl'l}aA , Wit h, the refo.r,milB0n- of the military . if)'tothe' ti;lree .:Afmadas ' tG'!'?·:" ,- =: ~ 0 ,

f;i::: ;~~:~.~?Ijtics: . ~. that, ,of, a~gr:~~lY~ ~~pa.~~~<? [l , ' ~'l'tn!.';: ~?~ir.i)\iil!iy.e Ji(i~a'nnial1s ilg~i~ 'b~ca~~ a' p~w~ r .to b~ . feared, nqt qn!y at ~ea ~);l~t;; , ... " i ,;, . , . ... ·and' drrvrng th~, enemies of .the . ~ln'gdo11;l Into destructio.n. through. also, on l'Ind 'and,in,the alr. 'Ho,wever, due 'tci the, ~ i ?e of:their ~dqm!nio f.i" ,t, E' ; i' . ; ~:; eco~o'riiic 'a;'d milit~,F~~ me·a~s. and th'at of c0~solid~ting recent gains, it means that ' their 'fon:es are' always stretched and u~der·sLlpplied, , :.~ ", :;: 'r- st're~'g):h,~~i,t)g , iri~\l:~ri'j.a ~· rul.~ ,rn :-CoCl<;iueredar~as' ,to ~r~veJ1t any , m~~ing their, effectiv~ness' l rmlt~d/. »,lt0.'Stu~geo~:~i t~chnolo_gy.. ~hO'~!i~: .

! ~ tI ~r'isi~gs'f(om' destaQilislng tn'::" re:gi(;)n's: Followers of t[1e first iaeology . Britannian 'engineers~' are ' alread'Y :ma.king iolpr'6vemenis ' to , their . • ,'-' ! cali'''tli~mset0'es~t~e' 1:Knightsn'\\' h'ereas}hose . supportin~ the seco~d · ' designs" lt is ohly a:.J{,ci'tter,of ti~ before 't~ce:'Kingdom Of Britahni:cf :"

,: have been';1(~b'f5ed'the "Rooks" , • ,,' ,;: spreads to all the cbrrier~ 0f the woHd. . :' ~-' . ::-~" . ::. ', : '.' ~ . 0 ,i"'-: '.,' '. '.' ". ' ~ , , '.~ :. ', ,',." ,/, . , - " .,:" '_':' • ',' ,. ' : T.he' .politician,Cll rre,n1:ly leading the Kn'ights is Lord, Ba r.tholomew"who " '. _ ".,..:; =_ ' :' :::', ~-: '

. ' ;~.:: ' represent,sfh~<~ ity Qf.M~nihester,; whilst his oppon~f)t i~ tbe,Rpoksis .. , ' v- _ . ... . . " ' .'- :. : ,: ' ~',' Lord'Charlh ,ofDelnf, So: f~;" tfre<ir.gum~ nts of b0tli'sideS'have faiied to ' . " \ ' sway the ·Q.ue';~ 't~ s~'e.tKeir Ii~~~f·' rig, resulting in the Kingd~~ ,

I ," '" . ' ,' . ~ ~ . ~f ~~ri~<!!1p(~ 0~i~d!~!n.i·~~ _ i!~ ~h6~d o'n t~rrit?ii .n;:~r ~:i ~P~t~~d F ~e~.i~ nsl l' w.hil~t r~wiftIY 'expanding in aYfa~, \Vh~re the ' cy'!ancy.,,~f G9,otact with opPOs1ng;imperrali~'.Torces is 'minim<ll, stJch<a~ tKe"Africa'n Statesi,,' I ' . ,

~ . : , ~~1; .. , '>'t:1P:~ ' @' '* '' ' ~;':."""' '':~ . ~,~, ' ' ' . ~'~' ! l' ~. -" 'R'ELATI'ONS ~.~ ~ , ~""*:I' f c; . ' ,,':, ... ' . " ' ," . '

~ . • ~;~:· cu rre.ntiy,· Brit§~~i~# i~!~rv;,;ar ~'itn.· the p'f,'Us~i a'h' ~rripi~~ in.E~rd~e' arid}: · ' ;" J; : '.~ . ~ .. :;', 'th'e' ~mpire 'of tbe~BISlzlng .SI:Q1' in t~~ Pacific , The 'King~~)ni is supp'Qrte<r : , :' ":':: • •

'., i ~ the ,Pacific ' war-,iJWt;he ,f eder-.a,ted States of .A!TIei'ic~, Wb0, provide ~:' ' . , ' supplies a·ri~ suppqrt to BritaA,nian troops statiof.led rn Malaysia and . ,

.: .' ·battlingtJ:J.e' Brjlzlf\g Surt for.ces there,·As weli as 'this, the Lor~ of the ' . . ' .; Admiralty ha';; Sa'flctiohed ,the'use of merceri~ rie's to aid Britanni;,ln . operations in th ~ P~ci'fic, jeClding to th:e,integrati'ng of Austr~lian ' , lridepend~nts 'ihtb the Fleets . • , ,' , '" . . .~. ~. 1:.; .... ~ .; ~'.:.~; .* ( '~ .~.,:::~, .., ' . ~ A great deal oft the .. ~rft~nn'ian · military· nas oe~.r:t~ecalled fro'm .. ~

'.abroad'tb prote,c(41he hol'ftefand'fblI0win'g' a s:~rpris'eas'sa'u'li: . ~by Prussian Enipi ;'~ f orces';"·th'e eapital it~:e,lf. :r:he iO\1aclers:" '. 5h'~akea irito~·the · G~n~r,e:::Jf ,tKe ' c~ty : utij ising ·~.a ,neiiv\i rid '.,ot submer,sl ble"a'nd.le'u'm:he'd ~ tWo' hour, assa,ult ' oh the '


• _ ~ :'1 ~ :Hous:e~ _<?t. Pa~ I,i ~~~I)i. :g.e_SPite ;th~ 'building; bej~g emJ2)ty, '!' , ~: the qar-n~ge caysed. and~ C9SI:J1lI.\ies iri~ictep on,fhe civilian 'o

,' _ '

• J2lopul'atiori th.rb'ug~ : i.rdls&imin'ate ,l:lse qf gas weaponry .Ieft a d~li P. jIJlP(e~~ofj"dn·-th-;·Britannians, le~Oing to th~

. . resignat'io'(r(jnorcr w~st.bury af·the' Homeland' Defence Fleet, .. '">

'As :of now, 'the 'Kingdom :is indiff'ere'n't to !:'he Leilgtle of Italian States, s~eing theni :as of' no importance

~ "."' " with rega !,d s l ~6 ' its bp~ratfan;s "in , Europe. The Russian Coalition, ,t b,ough a potential ,th c:eat dU,e, to its' size and growingpowe~ is ~'lfely eng~g~d i~ a protrqcte~ campaigr against' the Pr~s~i,a·n , . l:Jlee(jing both side,S and lessening the pressure beihg! put : on th'e Kingdom's homeland. However,' Brita'nnia ' (?nnot capitalise on the de'cr~ased ' activity of the Prussians around Western ·Europe due to the mobilisation of the French military/ which has manage<;l to battle the Britannian f\eets,stationed around the Isles to a stalemate. /

MILITARY HISTORY 'The Britannian , military has a long and pr.oud, tradition; primariLY:jl'flchDred on its naval domin'an~e, As a'n island nation ·the Kingdom of Britannia W?lS for ryla'ny ye.ars'

: re,gard~d as the naval superpower of the wo~ld . How~ver, , . ': 'With 'the expansion of its dominion and tHe ' need to

fund ga'r~is~'h du.ties in a'lI its t ~r. ritodes the Kingdom's nav,y has ~ea'ke'ned; allowing'other nations to catch up in .terms of sHip desigh'and,development. '

• • .... "., .... "I • J... '- " .. " .

, .


" ' . .. "1" • ; .. . :) ' ·1 ,

. , .,., . .. ,':. ~ . ,. .6.... ~ ., . . .' .. y • . ...,...

LEFT: A Kingdom of Britannia Naval' " ': , " ;-: . Officer~ ' besp,ite th~ ;"'o'dernisatioo ' " ",

. I... • .' of its':' armed ;fbrc'es by:i:hi$ ' natiof.l', ' "

, : ,' tlie:r{a~v hps'hetd on toW; heritage ff •

. ' aAd"'~{Jlds':ct~ar th~' historY-Df the rriaritime.alid f.lavallegends 'sLlch .

: as Drake, Cool< aDd-f'je ls~n, '.:rb.~ off.jcer,y.ou ~.~e b~rei.s , .

. despite ,his' appearan~e, .:_ • • ~·o . ... , ..

q,essed fot combat; " ';,' his :', om ' and " vi , " P .' P . ' , : , •

.. ,' Cl r cum s tan c e , ..

" 4nbridl~d ambf)gst ~ "~~~. the ya!icius ' na,!ies' ' . of .the werld: He' i.s " '

, sporting a. {0ono,': , : ::: ~ : : • (i)pto·Articu{a~o.r, •

des~gned , tq ' ." " - .. " ' aid his vj sion.'· . ;

during ' ·combat.', " .: ... . :.. ~

situations. ; ,

"": *'" ... , . ~ . / " - ... ,

• • 1 . .. ..

: .. ..... I • \...-.... .

" -. ... .

t...~" • I,." ~ . '''' • 'to ........ I "' "#' ' ......... "' .. ... , .

• • • ~ \ : .... ;, . ~ o .. :.. ... ~. •

, . .. , ---. ...... .. ~ I '

.. ,. 7 "T"'it' •

• M... ,. '" :~ ... ~

,< .. .

Ak 1'1'

,9/,1,:';» j$t ~'&0''''p> of: to' "$' ~.~: '

. ' SJrE! , ~~! l(feC,~~ .;91l)!:l~~~~r~~C(h%e, J rn;p;ip;:'s' ;a~e(ia r, ,-,The, F!! is probably, the-stron,ge$t natiOh'7GO~'re r'\!:!f in ~' de~!aed: by hLs fel)ow~.:sites; · partbl for' I;iswilful fraternisipg'witll .thS 'A

• 9: ~l!~6[l~; :~~;r.;of, tb~ . m~inl~r\(jll w~jt·a~:,!n~;}.!MltC;rT~~~ , lQ~er ;:?nkS; tb~~t mosdy,~u~+ ~O:-~lsc~reireenatur~"~9metQffl~}~~~I~Q: ~~; \ ." of Swea~nahc1 :N5rw;a¥; Jhis Empire s,b'a i\E! s "borders. with :~ra'nce i~;::; :maKe~ oe::lllrig Witn the egGtisftqli a~sb fll capl~(ns, '7 4':-;:'';. ~"

m. 1 /f ,,>ft, • + PlW}$K ;, - »" .''''' .',)'.\ _ / , '. ./ 9 ,,}_>' " pt.. "* 4!~ 0< : , +, ',:-* !{* if , _~ "." "" > ; 0 ,,' ; , : ~l%' ~;:: + t 'lw' , t% % :v·." "''''' Y

. ,.the. west/ the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth-:in the east;· ani:J;ll;l;V:::,"~ ':: ' .v' ., ' v , ," ;;'::'~'~ : , ~ . -:;.: ' -,. ' ~~~ .~ :A<4~ ,.:~~:::(eagu~ cf!' lta,lfa.n, ;~tjl'l:~s 'th '~ne ,south. The trhpe ror al ~'o owns 'ri1iflo~~; Syr~·:Ja.eier: lord of illlit he ,f!rjJss(ah i rlfu:ntrf~sgi rri:~Qf~;"iS ra~i~ IY; Ic)Srng

". , ~~acts ofl~f).d in~ r:e~Arah9',~ F;, ~ t t,hat isthe extent Elf Prussian h9Idiri'h"';'~ 'filvc,'iK with the CGU~~}!: His~ ~afanElia :with ;(e'ga ¥s:'ti:5::th~Ei s~!,!rfty : of';k; beyond %slnce::the>proximity of the Kil1gdom of Br.tanRia his pOsition has· begu n, to reach ,Ieviills~borde.ting on' .psy,elaosis. :OAt~ , . k , " " " t, , '" 4 '" ~ " , '" " '+ s" f ' + " . ' " 4 ' '- 'I. ~ ,4' ,4, / ' ",,,1" \ if t "

Its 'Powe'*'1I:/1ilv~'tTilVe'illw;;lY51.imited the Pr-ussi:an maritime foYces. ::a:. decoriited colonel ,ot the .56;~ ':""ittenbll~g ' i'{.ifie.s, :5ihUaegc:,I~:~i1:iS: .... ~" • .-v; , , . ' ~hrp~e, ~mdmore'~nt<i>' blihd 'pa..D iF; '!'iith efla:h feported 8ucc~1s1>.f.~pICitiec' ;:;:~",,,::

' is, the l!r4~si~ !'I EmRit~, ha~' eidsted:.sin'c'e , the Qegi~ni[lg of th,e ,:St~!Il) ~ ~~~ ,c.urrent fav0ur!:!~'.t:?: ~e~laE~)lin:l. "::;;~~~~~',~~~+ 2~;:. _~ : :,,:~~:~, ceht~'~y,: s~[t£r~/and : ~t4a:ble: El tJ~, ~ith StUq5eOn'~' new te.chnolC?gy <, :h< 0' P:' ,:' ;~:i0l:! : , :;,,~:" , '" ,:'~ 0' ' sweejJing acr.t5ss, the lNorJa, that stability: is now challenged. Curre!1tly; there, are 'over six h,u~~r~~~~ri~~~~Qir?~ ':fgu·r:::h'l.m'dsr~~d: .c,

.J : ' ~ , " ~, <$ , s · , - land"ships and five nund red air sf;ips- ofmi1ii:ci F~~Un:etio~ir;;tJ;e Prussia~

~ ,';'~ ~ .~ 4Y" V t'I

1n:~A::;; '': ·£omrn~arid ~."

rrYilitary:sOrh~times Jcting as sup);1brd6;, Qnn 'f:ldther as w;i'I:~5~t~1:i ' ' :rr'lfa Dhy.:regime~t's, but mor~ iri~r~'a~i,ngIV :b~i~g"d~pldy~d 'in· g.roJJ..R~ ;1~ ~

- 'u,sing ORr:V,tl;e s.hips of one navy; :r~n:iiRg:f~r:-and ~wid;Z;\Ye r:: p~ru~;i:a~~ :' : '~ ~ ""' ,rp,,r'it n r;¥ :ah'G: e ngaging;ahy' en:el1pY4 fG~ees tnsy~ehc0unt~f.: ln a:dditio'n ,v:i

: f(}thi~": Em:per;or Fred.erieknat; reeeotly~aQBgedto aC~1Jjre tMe'.d~tails~.: ,~ F'~!~ !G~Q r\'det,':lo})~' ~!lttn" Em pJ;tbr. ~ , ' f *" i'~" ' , : L, ' " ,ylf,: 't " .n

of 'Stur.gep.n's' tro'n .ME'Q, ~iln.d'. s~yeta l ' varia-ti§lns : f:1il,&e: i31r;.eady: beei'.1" ~;.,!4 UQlike ;. his ~ .rred~6t;ssgr, ErQpetGt · Ptt'07 ~J; red~~iC~ f 19

., 'b f' ¥', ~ t"".0 <,," ' $ ," S4''', ,. " " , ' ,4 ~ '" ::'

•. irtilne~s~9 o:rnh~;..:¥a.~r!"Ji.el!!" 'b.ei~g %US{ 9 al~~$sig.~ ·r~gq l~~~ i!J.fa.6!~\!'.,;:::' forces .as ·wellqs lan·d-ship: navies.~ , " -a much"" rt;LGr e:: :f;ea~Q.n<lble

man, peY~mittl,~g::th,e Teufon r ,.: Knights to, . re;turn _ 'to, -their Jandsr~r;).cetake[l by Otto in ' a~;P:qd fear o(r~bellion . . ",

get mor~%' with a Kindwo;-;'j ; -than wjth 'a threat: Em ' Frederick's • .ip hiitDsopi:ly ,has alrea'dy pai~ great 7:iillidE!nds c; the ret~rn ot'the Teutonic Kl1ights and their willing supp,ort hilS '., · prQvided a great bQoh ,to the P~ussian milit<ilry and research efforts. Th~re has also been a significilflt improv.ement in relations' with th~ Republic of France and,League. of Italian States under his leadership,

l' '


.~ ' : / =,~,: ::"I':: , ~,:

The Prussian m'ilit~ry has lo~'gufllised the traditional forma'ti~ns of war, ' fielding regiments' with specific duties, each split Xnto co;'1pan'i~s. This" type of 'lJrgan isation has been carried over to the ground, 'maritime. ~nd aerial navies, each 'one split into a battle group, brok~n dOWrl. into . Assas~inati~n . :al)d ~

' ~,sQuadrons .. Eacb navy, as well as th-e ~r~y, )s-commanded by a Sire; v, weak and who (eports to the' Master of (he Military, cl rarik, which is today held

.by:, Pie~n~i€b . Grimrh. ' , "t', '\ ",," 4' " . #'

!l.~ ,\ .; ~,#~. " ... ;~ ~*'1 '~~ ~t:"~ '. !! . , .. ::.:..;. ,.:* '\ .. -

, . ' . - -~ ~- .~ '"suc~essfuL The drd~r 'h~lds,mu6n wealth a~d: knowledg~, 'apd secret

i. ":" 'cw~i s'pers p,oi~t to' ~Ae'~, oei.l'1 g tli~ $ource et. tlge·Tesla ,weaponr'y now

• • .!:' . .J. . - ' .. Howeyer; '1"itli the 'n'€w~ that ;tqe " ~~ssian COillition ' has "gained ne.w:

technology thi:lnks ,to .a rogue,$cientist known 'as NlarKQ V"


~ • -. , : being employed by tl:le·Empirs,.a.(1d not Sturgeon:, ... • .; .

'.~ :~:"~;->;~ ~ • . ,~.~ '. ' .. -' . , ,_~ . . ' . .,j.: :.::;~ . ... -.-.. t.:,~-': ... '~/.~ .. ~ • • '_'; ';; ~; ·:: .· '!:4~~LAT.IONS ' .~. :.: ' .. . ~: .h . ,.: : .. ' /< j.: ... . .. .:. .. . A .....

the Emp~ror ha s seen fit . to prepar-e ' his 'natfd r:i ·i.o r ~~":,{' " -, ol'1sla.ught; · all- -the wbile . schemi ng - , .. ":. , wlth' hisall athowto R~sts,~aQiJis8;

Jj .. . v'." r •. . , ";b i .. , t t .... . , "" • ¥~ .. ;' .

~ ~ ~.~ ;t.:::; mnef€l r :pre.der.l ck . ~,fs ' forged Qn ' aUiance with,.the Emoire of .the {).. " • ~ ~ 11 .

~ .. ,,:: h Bla! !ng ~UJ1; c!iv~'rtirig BFitanni af).attenti~h from 't~e Pacific to Europe :

;: '''~ : .;.in~xc~~ngitq: ;e s~~cey anq'p?~entiaJ -t~~~ito r.y am?r;1gst \he .Blazing ; :: •. . , Sti'r:\,s · 99m~hi60 . Ho\'\(eYer, yJith tliesl,ldde n 9ffensiv~ of ~he . Rl!s~i,an -i....... . J-4 .... ... . - $ . ~ ~ • • - " / , ' • ," ' " ~ ' '\ ... '. •

.;;.~.~ .. , Coaljtion ~ fT9' f Commonwe~lth in the e<;l ~t, t~e " ::' : p'n~ssian ErTlpii'e"nas Ii<id to ca ll upon ancient t ce;>ties, 'stored safely'

, in the st rongn6lq o.H he 'Te utonic Knlgh~s~ ti cohvirT~e the R'e'public ' , ~f France ~p~ ·.t~~ ·,('eagl;le Rf Italian States ,to 'support them in . . Europe. _' ,-;.':. I ' f . ' ,~ ' 1;, ", " . ' .

. ~·"·-··~':·£: ii::~:~ "'. '~~'. - :; .. :~:: .\ ._ .. ,~ , . ~Vyith . tl1j ~ ;grand ; E.uroI'H?an,.~ llral'1c,~i ~, placE!, J :mperor :

• /Iederic~ ~as ~?re9~' t,h~::~n~0\edg~ o~ /ro..l) .:f\lJ~n ~p_ ~ , his fel.I ~':0'.:£1~ti~n6, £i!h. !ach. desig~il1~ ,th;!,~ 0~!1 ' " 'c> ' >

.vC)ri<;ltions, w~.i.cli ; a ~e' in' ·turn· ~hared ,witt1 · t·h~. . ', . Prus~sian I:mpt~e'. TAe~tlire'at of t he RuS's ians' in tile ·ea·ir'~M Br'it'a'ri·ritans '·in tnr west Fs' si'fcli '

... ~ .. ,.'". '.~ "'~'"!' ~ " )Io . . ~.. .. ~_ . .... .... .. -' .' . that ',eveh e nit~Vs Ii'ad b'eeh' 'di.spatcohed · to' ' .~ .

. ttie Feder~ted ' State'S" of 'An'leri(;a to earn ' ,:, ~ ,: ~ ~ , . -

t~ei F S\lPPOFt; in wlil'at~ve ,=Jor.m, agair.lst the . .C"Oalition . ' T:lJe Em pire of..;th~ ,!3lazing Sun :" has ~ lr.eq,Qy . p;o~ised ·t~·depl~y t F00PS to " : _ divert Russi~ ~ . ~ttentjo.n ,from',:. .

/ ancj ~eports. are already, fil t!,! r'ing ,' .. in lell i~g ot wh at .had' he~ n ~<

.., -1'111 ........ -- ' ; ;' ,.

t.hought to,.b~, a '~Qg~e a(my rampaging'; . 'Qorthwar9?

' ; ; ' ' .. , from C<i(Tlb*odiil: " .~eadirik : · of' ,,~' ." ·dir.~ ctly ,fot~li:e Rl,lssian y:­

. ~o'alitioJ1 .• '.w: -; ~ :_;-:-,. "

.}~; ~~"~ ~ ~. :~" ,:.;.~ . .. ;-;. ~, -~- ~:,: . :"';:~ ': . ,.,~ ;M ILl l ARY' H-IS:J:ORV: • .:. . ..•.. ... . .. } ~

¥ . • Due, tg ' its ' 'p:ositiori : . ill · . , .. >. . '

. Euroge, -. h·e. 7e4~rer)ti.p!l:lssian. '. ' ... . , . ' · ,' military !\?·s~~~·e .. n;~lot of a~.ti.oii ,:~~risi~!;ibg nOY'-lof some o.fth e

most veteran troops in .the mairi'land . The invasion of France .. , .... .., .. ~. . .' ~ , . " . . iA 1808, whilst it was in the 'midst of a civil war, is still $een as on:~ pf the " m~st q~ick. and efficjeA( takeovers in 'military history . • "

. ' Howe: e'(, Emperis r Ott6's- foolish 'march on Russia G1ui c'kl~ led to .the • coll a"pse of the va'st'holdings p f the' p.russi~n Empire, as their for~~s:had' to retre<;lt in ttie faJ;e of the~Eingef~j White ArmY. 'In the we; t the attack an vilaterlo~ was Similarly repulsed;-p~shing the' Prussian ,troops back to mai~l.a rrd Eu rope. :

. . ~ ' " . To stave off 'any 'a s~aults on the ' homeland itself, the High 'Cound suggested: the res~o'r~tion of sovereig.nty in Fr~nc'e and the. ,form~r. Co'mmo~wealth, using them as buffers against the encroaching arcnies. Emperor Otto agreed tothe idea a'nd in 1815' the Prussiaris pulled out of France and the lands of the Commonwealth . However; the·Poles arid Litli~a n i~ ns would not q'uicklyJ orget the ~ppression th'eY' had:suffered at the hands o(the Prussians, whereas the French were begrudgingly grateful to ~he -Empire for restoring order in the midst,of. their civil war.

. . " .. ~ . . -:-'-

. .;" tlie' rapiclly deteriorating • . sltuatio'n in Eu ;'op·~. . " .

.; .: . . ~ ~ . :

. ..... \

; .. . .. ~ .. ~ . . '

. .... " , :0 ' . ; •••

,. ; ... ... ' '''.. . "

. . • '\ ' 41'

· These fe.eJings came to play an important-part in the c.urrent si t uation ' ! '" , ~ the Prench Republic's willingness to cooperate .wit h the Prussjo,ns, . ; . . . 't- " , _.~

;,a&~ in:t. the ~ingdo,in o.f Bri~annia and th ~' ~~ct yo ;g;d ~etw~e~ t.he. ,, ' , . ,;~ ; '.,~~ . ;. ~; :! Commonwealth ana the Coalition both stem :from 'that tilT)e. The result ABOVE: A Prussia n Empire Luft l ~lDcer, or. 'A ir Lancer', is, a sigAt · .. , "'Is a· secu're ' western flank} but 'a n eastern front that has managed to "" to beh old 'rn com'b'a't~ A~ the Pru'ssian ~ aval ships clos~ in o~v'~.. : :.,)

peh'efrate :aeep lnto 'Prussian Empire territory, grindingt6 a halt at .' t heir ene'mies, t heir TesThi Coi i 'we~pons o pe~ing fi re, t he Lan'cers , " -: . tbe 'Wolfg<;lng Fortre$~es, wherethe giga riti€ Tesla. e mplacements have ' ~ prepare. t he ir' ~achi nerY. Sho'rt T'an£!,! ~?cket ,p.aG~s; PQII\(~red_ ~y: ' '::managed 'to stop t he 'Coalition a~van~e in its tr~cks, 'and replJlsing the'- ' : ' clement 270, pro'pel the lancer 'il'1~'(ftom bat . K sma'll s'tick control' ; ,

Cdfl,'monwealt,hcompfeteIY. ; ' . ' ~ ' " • " aliows th e :l a n c~r' t~ g' \.{(de:·h.· i f.nS~ lft6' a 'sa f~ l~di ng;;'h is Elec;t,ro- "'" • '" ~ #<1 •

.. I .. . . 1,.,: ~ , .. ' ,.: : . " _, , .' Lance!C?liiir~ed .'~ nd .reaoy to stu'n Or-k.j ll a rr erre;""y~Once iJ;l combat, ~ ' - -,:'

' . ' w ' . f • .::' ' . ~~ t;f}eslt roo~s a re 'CleadlV! 1<nqwing!1Q.eq t.fa.I ' i jj:boaF.dihK~C~·o'cis ; · ' . ,_ ,

:~ 'h" ' '; ,/'.:.}: ~: •• :J; ~;:. :.~ : · ' : : -~~;d:~·~ , .~ ~ .;~! • /;' : _:" ' ., j " ::-,; .:.:; .. .., .. -::,t!~4 :; "\ "' -; ~t'!~t";'<;"t:'~~f,_:t:t:-.t ,,"\ . ,,,, 1'''" " ... ~ ... .. ~ ~!. \ .( :r~'~~!": ... · :~~ ~ ~ -.;:. ;,:!~:. ~~:- -y~.1' : !!,! ~; .. '! . . ~.~''' .. _, .. :~~)i:~ 4. ; ..... :"!~_: . ~~7,:.~~ ... 't-:,:1 ffJ-- .... ... !~?- .. u.i.;

.. ~ '6 # <* . ... "':." . ... '"' .. ~ './''' .~ I_~"''''''' .,., .... J)~ ,LI£..:,:. .11'. ~ ... VI ~- • ;t~ .. '" ol"- · · ~); F""''''' .. ...,. .. f"{(~ .. '0 ,),"'..]."" '-!400."'~h~.~' .c v ,'; . . .. - /1

~ rtC.~ : ::#< ~ / ~ ~: ....... ;-. "' ~~ ;.,... ,"';;::':4 .. t 'l',J ':::: ;: ~u \ ~;: ~f" ~ : ... ., . ~~: ~ { ",) ~,~n;.(,,~r*~ ~ f!·r ~~~;~ ~/~~~t: rw );

,~ ....... is.> ' .. '" ..... "' ... . ~ :': ;'''''' ~ ... . :.:::; ....... "'~. ,. ?~ ... '¥X'~~ :1J.IIfJIi .. ;;J,. ~~ •• ~ ... , ". • " .~~. _ .. , .:, .. t _ .... ..,. ,.J " ZI':. ~~~_~'r.I-'''A

~ .... ~ . " ~ .' ~ .. " . 1 .". .. '77'"" -~·,!!",:::z.--"~

" ..

," '. ': ~ ; $; ~ , ~;; : .

• i • • -'.!:- .

'.', : ::.' :/2;~~r i" .:: )" .~;~ ::~},: "i~:~:~ ;,;~" -"! ,~:;?:: :' ' ~. :,(:.: :' .. ::". ' . ~:~:: "c; .':.:' ," '(' Yi~~ ~~: ii.:~~~~ ,D.O,MI N.I'Or,4 . .. " : I .. ' .,.' .. ' -; . .. .... '.::" '.~ other, two ·a:mleswoLiI'dga:ther,t~~atingn~wtroopsto. be· s~Qtoutlo. ,. ~ .. ~- .

, ~The EmRire .of ~he:atazing~ Sun' was =of:fiGiatly .born in:. JiI.-z: )Nrtthh~~> joil\1,t~e ojher 'lmp,eriaJAJ.mier as needs dictated. ' . • ' . .. ~ -:.: :.: ' .:. ' • • f 1'"",,, jIp "' .. :i;' # ,7# ~.... ~t' + ~ -' ' ', ,,' \ I ~ 4 \ '" .. . ... ~ • .• •• )0 __

·corOna.tion-of Emp'res!rMaya~ She ill he r. iteE! 'not 'only 'an island'na!iorn·~~ ...... .. .. ', . . , " ", ". • ~ - ,,-, .r!'" ... j::':;:' :'" "';'·1. 1" ~. ,~ ' .•• but al-sb, a .scatfi~ififl~f:'ferr'itorie.? her Jr~aet~ss.or h~d wr~st.e.~rqtnll;~,·.E-aPj1 ' f'l;t;p~f.fcir· Army; .is ~~mma'ndeCil by; ·ah3i:gn.:G~J;ieraL ea'ch: OIJE? .~ . ~' .• '. t ... ,.. .,. "'".. ' -" .. • t ~ t" ....... 'i," \ ,. I ,/ .. (,) \" f l? ~ '\: .. ~ ... .. '" ..

• _~ •• !the ,hands ofthe, .<:hinese Eederation; as well as" of the' i s'laRa~ '' p,er? ol'1ally .appointed .by' .tht;! Empress arjff'w'eidi!)g a Ma's'am~ne as. if , t>~: . , • ', <' • sf:att:r.ed tnr~ug~,~c4: , th.~.: pacific. She would,. mpve .(0' e~tend · .~h:i s.LmarkQ\~er favotJr; :r.h~Furrent; ~igh pe~~.F~rS ~re''icqIYlapii:hf.\$..tir~/d,:, : h<:.::

"<?nJ)Y .I (lva.ql[1g .Kor~a; though all thi~ wOl,lld ,a~ hif1ve ,u.ltimately , .; Uematsu of ·th~ Sworo and' /(:oii{t'ICI of the 9 rl!cible . ..Hjgh . General ~: , .. • " . is the s~.a.!:r:lci&~of;:!~ I:~'perrar~rmy~:.twjsting it"into ! he force t,tlat it is:' T9~ed'a i.? an ~Id veter~n, ? mC\n:wtlO takes .i1is. d~ty-as t~~ E'mpr'ess" ' :~," :

tod.ay. wj1i1s.i tm~ble to"truly r.iYa.!.the dorni.rjions of other.supeqJowers, . i~i~ld with. all th.e·usn'es.s it deserves imp often i£ives ad vicet~tb.e')· ' .~ ." the EmPire' o(the 'Slaiirig S,uri 'was far ric.her.)'riYerms ot'resources, ' ;o'thef High Generals; b9th cilf which foll 'oi, nis 's~ggestions to th~e'letter, :.: ~ .f"! t ontrolling many volcaij ic' a?eas it.hich gifte'd'tKe 'Ernpress precious arid recogni'sfn'g his superioritY in military matters." , ~ ':., ~ , ' . - ':,: ... ~ .! .~: rareme5~ , ~>, 1: ; i~;,:'" .... ~$'" ' :" • '. , •• , ~ • • ". .. '; . . '. ...~;::; .-~: ,.:.g,," : ..... : . -; ... ... :.;;

r< .... ': ' • ' ::-, ':''-: . : .;' .. - "-:' .' " : , ",~" ' Howev~r, ,Higt:J .Gen~ral UematsLdia s. '0fi:.e.~ ~c!.ai~e'd· wi'~ . TaR·ed.a Qv~e r; . ; > I:' Now th,at. Emp~e~S , ~hiz!llf1'a t.\as;~'een:cf.6wne8r she feels.~it is, duty ~ ·issues · of, tactics, especialiy ·.the focus. between, offence and rcjefence) . :,~ .• : :~~:;

': to bring the:B:IIl~ ill~~lJn fQ[~h. into a .. new w,~rld~ one "",here i1ati~n:s ' .... wl<li!,st H,igh Gerieral , Kojima has kep.t :mostlv.. '.tG" hitnselT; '!i:ng : .: ':'.:: , flag w,ilLfly fh}9Vg/1ql:Jt !..ft~ 'entir:. ~cific .~egim'l . . ; ;:;', ~ . •••. _ '. " .. rarely: wA~ ,the :.others due to . ris; puti~s: often;~~~(1l;!ir}~K ,~~IJl ' ~~ :,P~, ~ : ~ :):

. ' , '". , . ~ l,.... : : ~," ~ .. . ~. }mo:rjg~t th~. trjllnees and ,re.crUltsl f9,rgrng them into men ,t-he other , 'S'EAI OF POW' ER . ,' , , H.igh G,enerals can de, pe.nd ·c;ln . . '. ::'-: .~. ',,:" ::,':' .• ' " '~ " " ~ . :' ~'~:

~ f"'~ . , " . . ... , ,- .; " ~.. .. . C' • • • - •• • -'~ '. _. ' The . Empress . .',:' ' . .{~.. , " " '. ' . I •• :->/ . ... • ,.-. ast~ndedtbtb~·thr~ rj.e ~f ,r Ae A;mi ~s ' thems'ellie!s ar~ each ' split :l~to ·teh~:divi~ ions: .. ea~h ~:,: .,~

. .. Blazing,$>J h. in-1S·Si'Sh'e: was " cbrtfmanaed by a Gen'~ral'ana c6nsisting~of seven 'tho us'and ni ~~ Each · ~ ':."; . only 14,ye,91'5 ofd'a'i: the~ tifue. . ' .. di~isiqn ' is l'1arjied aft~r a: l"egerida/ y c reat'ur~, as.:m~cr tor labelling a~ <.':; ~::-"

Her ' relative, in'experi,ence in ' .' for·nda r~es9ns ; ·T.her'~ ~fe· alsoseveral ·forces . yJnich are n'ot ' ~, : ~ .. : 'c~m~anding : ;3 ; nation' was~ di!ect!y';affiliate~.witJ; ~Me Er'r),press, rTI9st' prominently the cla~n 0f kill.ers :~~ . '

, . ..,.. ~:.,.:ar : b rst . s omething other , ," an'a rperc;enilrl,E;s kMp",,!,,) 'Qnly 'as the' Si:lin0qr.:rhesefigLlres, .sh ~ouO!,!d ~,.: ·: .·. ,:~: n'ations tried to capitalise "in lTJyth, rpqve like' g:h~~~t?)mo,ngst t?e eI!~r1}l!:s of the'Blazing ~un ~Dt! ~.~.~ '::;

.. on, but t.heir ·. ma~hin~ti~~~';· , amon~~t its o)Nn,pe~pt~+~~e:e:dina.o':!..t~~ i!,? ~S a'n~ spies. :.. : ' : ";.< ~~~ ~ we~e shattered against her .. . . • ' . ~ , , ... indomitabte wi".. " , The )mp.erial Nav'ii~5 ·are: fa.voured P'y"tAe , E'meres~ and' thre'e-~tea·t '::~' ~ ,;

navies have ,been 6reared.; on~ att~~h~~' to eac'h Imper'ial Atri,Y' an d :~ ,'~:: Empress Shi;~~a ·:':would directly £Ommand'ed . by ~her High 'GelJeria ls.' Each Arrii¥' has ;atso'bee'rr ; -" ~"·" have her, people ' Ihie . in ' aSSign'e~ an Aerial Ar:ma'da; although. t liis' i ~, like: ~a.nV othe.r.tJ ati~ns, .: : :" ?

peace ana ' prospe,rity. With a relatively yotH'lg~f6rm, of ~a\far~Jor t~e '&la~irig $lIn "t A af.sa1ci:,t.' J&ith' : . --:: t"-; th'e. ·.Kingdom of Britannia the use cif Elem~n.t: 270 the.sC-ientists".of.the Bla,zing 'Sun have rnaCle ,i~ :".,."

:' ».; ... : " : making great gains in the Pacific, alpng with the obvious resentment of impressjve advah~eH}ents/: g nd vast"Sky Fortrgsses ' are-;:comrT..l9n,ptgte ;~'f:t~ '.::, the Koreans being direCted atj Rer island nation, the Empress realise~: .. 'in its Aerial Armadas: . ¥ " , " ',:, : . ':,~:. the ne~essity of expanding her dO'mihion as awarning to a ny,I<6t'e n·tia I • . ' . .. .. ..," .:} .... ".:.::?:.~:~:,~

, 1"" 7 '~ ,,,,,,, " •• 4 . • . . ' :.. ,~ . :t ' .. r~ '.j'\.~i

" . invader. Yetthe chancewoul.d nQtariseuntiJ latein'theyear186 7;w.hen P~lITIC~ , ' .. , ~ _'~'" ,;' "~ : , ' ;:', , ,;{.:,: ,:.';.~. ,!,~~.;~~ :.. .. '., the East India Company, cl neutral ppwer .deSJJite. its affili~tiQns with,: ;he young Empn;ss does riot have ' a council , ot, advfse r&' like~ many' , ,:::. '. Britannia, dishonoured the family of one' of her commanders.. . '6f the 'of her' ruiers of the~time dO. 'Instead s~e nas s.J ven ~'e·n ' each ·


:~~ ••

. -- ' • ' one exception~ r 'and Litterly'loyal; a'cti~g : as ' Ii ; r: dose~t i.t;nfi~ a.At~ ~ :':'~' . ~: -:- LOYAL MILITARY STRUCTURE ' '.. . .... : '. Each 9ne bears a Masamurie, 'a symbol of t h:eir rank as the ll1'ipf'e~s" . :. ' l r

4 ' . ' '" • . .. .". chosen, and carries the title nf Samurai, the name tif an' orde r that was ' ...... " . ":., Witb 'the, Empress' realisation that her natidn VJas rapidly gaining the Y . , •

attention of expansionist powers, she moved swiftly to make reforms , all' buf wiped out 'a czentu(y b,efor e wh:en. ~epelling<3n init~si'o ~;0f th·e,.~ : :. --:;;-• to t'he miiii:~ry: A's7a young girl growing up she had thrived 'on stories ,mainland .. Only the , Empress . ~n9\Ys, th~ identities of all' h~'r Samufai, • '- ~~,.., ';.

• 'of ner.0es, a[i'd leg~nd~;and structureo. her' new militarf along' similar " ~AG,u.g.h fOjJ~ ar.e kn.o';'il'1 ,to.ri.val natio'Q~ - her ;thre~ . ~ i.?A ~Ei nere l;; an'd , '. '.,; ; " • '£lines. Three'~great a'rmies wereformedat'her co III ma nGE one'to'act"as a' ~' pf1 enigmatic fjgur: • .the \9f:~. of .th.~ :~;!1!n9bi,q·h:eq~J1er · '.' •.

' . shiefd,. anotl;ier as ,a 'sworl:l:a n'd the third as a cru2ible. ~', '. ' tAree .M~~~l!!un.e. ':Yi~.d~rs~~te.~~kn.o<'4'n. ~rt: thi~ f!m~vtt1g,IJ~~ ~~,e~e ~; .:.;';~; ' J I. • • + . . •. • • , ! .: ': .reported sigh1iog$ 'of Gene'rat eJ,n'i wie lding a fihe;~ataiila ~~t.1at mil,tt,hes : w·· ~,~

4 "" • ~ "t " .... . 1- , ' #> ..... « . "-.,,,;-.'1 "v: .~ . " .-",,~«{ , ~" . ... : ~ ' - "'-""'6"' ~ -: .. " ",._~ ... t • • 'I"::r~ !:' r,'l •• - • .. ",,:", ' .

Jbe.FjJst, Arm'r was tlie shield, tasked )Nith defending the 'Em'pi r,~ . ,;~er?e~~ r'll'lJ.tjoJl ~ta;IV!~~~~,UP,~ j.a~e. \:-:t, : , .. 4

;; ·'!·;r' ",. ·r~ ... ~ , ' . ": ;.: .-.. ..f . ... ~ ''''.'''. , •• • • .,' " .10.; . "' ... . ... I _~. "::; " <;" .;;'", .. '; " :J~f ~ r ~" v~ . '''.; , .::t~: ' ~~"'1 ........ ~~. ,~.4.s.~~,.. .

. * ._. ; ag,!1J;l5t ~IL thr.eats( from ~Qth wJtrhln an.c;:! .wlth.out. The Second .. VJlis. tO E;? ' .. ~.. • .: , ', ' ~.,. ~/ . .... ' \ •• ' . .:" " .'. ~:"''';,:r.: ... ". . '. : .... ,~ .. , 1':;';, ~" 's;"'(.~r·~, t he gf!ens~vf!. 'might of th,e Er:1'mress,· The Third ~a,~.~orl:ned as -y', EIJl~ress ~hlz~~a h(~s ~c;~pl~'t'~ .;rnd ~tt:~ ~0.n~~o~~f~Q~~",ti~r:~ !,ith:" . ~:: . : .. ..a training a,nd garrison; army where new recruits a nd veterans of tHe . " rlJ.I~ISt~:S ap~olnted1oJ, se\l~!a.~~ a\Jti {s fsuch-a.s t t:a.fl;e';"'A1¥'ka"f.f:lIrS ~rnd .. _~t . ~ ,:;;:. ..~ ' , . , ! . .~~ ;" M>,,! ." '. l,' • • I / .. - -cOmmerce) rel'lorting slrectly': to 'her. t his ·me"al'is1'U!3~:"~nlilr ·· ';;'a'AY .• ,. ,: :.{

~ '!'..: .... • • .. •• • .., I' ~ ~ .:os. .... ,. , ~ IJ' .. ." ~ .. I '" • ~ ~ \: \'t.! ~~ "'.,- t" • t: • .... t

'*l~;:;~.~~~:.~"'; ';.~ "'~";;''''~_:~-: .~ _ ' ;. :,-, .. ,, " ~'4'. " . . ... : '. , ,': ._" . ""'-1 ' ~ tll; ".", ~ ! ' ~ -l~'4~~M ' ~~l ' I. ,, ::t¥ ~~f·!~~~~:"':~~·~ ·J·· tr-~~·S: ~~~~. C!.:::,"!!~ ,[~~:~ .... k;~~.".; ~~ #'~ "';~ .. ~: . ~... ~;J ~I ; ,. ~-, •• :~!;~;(~;t&f' i ~ "':.: . ...... _{J:;~;j.l~:!!;~~~;;~~--,~~ ,. 4~4:1~i13 '-;;;!';~~4-'~)

,"4:'lJll'f t .. # '1 ,.#'Ujt":~ ..... - - \<P ,It ,. ........... " II'!: ~ ... ,"","," f. ..... " : .. ~:X ~'w'> . " 1 .. ... • _ 11 ... ~_.,.. "" Wfl-""oot1""'" ):;' ;... ...... ~~" "" :

;f!"!'!"!:~~~~'''= ... ~....... ,.,¥ .... -"".,. .. _ ~:~ "-. ' .. .-: # ~ ""' • ...... -: .. ,_:~r ~ ,"' .... ..... ... ; .. ~"'!":~~~ ... : ;:.l",.~·"' ~·"~:"~'::~!-4.~" "~!~ w' ·i:t.~i( -v....,~ .4-: l- ~., . . ~~~

~'J; , .. ·tI~ ... ··(:) t' "01 .~ . ~ _ ., -;-"i

•• '~.t~l ~ ~ ' ....... ~:., .. ~c~ • : { '" ' ... ~ ". :~' " " ~ ~ - ~:~.,,:"f.!,(\ •. ,.. .~ • .: t , ... . ' ; . .., ...... .. ... ,. ".; >- . • • -n ~ ~:/~: \ •

. , : ' 'I ; oth.~; ~ CJ'er~, t~e E.l'l1press ·~~~ ~oq1p le~e, ~n~~ledg~ ~fJhegoi ng?~Or.t r • ~ . , , , ; .• '. , .• ): , in her nation and is' ultimately responsib'le tor every ~ov€rn liTletltq l . ,", '

'. ;y '~":.-:,~' ' •• ' .: ~ .. :.:..; ' . ;:.;~ '!;'" ' <>.'~~ <f,;-';:: "" ,~~;~,~", , ~ . ~;:~cti~, ~a:~~~!.~ii~. ~· \~~ .sh~ h:a,s ~~t" .bfa~d..9_ :wit~ h~'r Y~~t~~~~ ':"' . ·," ~.'! .. ",_,~~,::.·",.f,~;.,~ :.r:~,,: ,~;. ~. '.', <~~~:,'.,:',_ ~.' _.: ~/:::",~.~-i~~::;' ~~ ·~." ; · '. . t ' • .... '! {' , "C,' . ,'. ~ .energy, ma.fritaJn-IDg :t~e . smooth ope~(;rtjon ' 9.f her ~ country eo ~lil e":7' .. . • , '~ '" _ ',' ..' .•.. . ,' .. , . . ,:" '-' -- 'H' :ha~d;': whilst .orc.h e:sfrati~~ grandios~ Arate~i~s with ' tie~ .I:ljg,lr -:. X "Hwo.\.' }. ,', .... . .. , ' i " ", . fi '" ;·: (3eneralson,the' ·other. ·' , . '.....-. . ;i;:: :~ " BECGW! Fp.lIQl,'ii'1g P!~\iC~~s tnilitar(~i'ig~gem.ents· in the Pacj c region, . . ' . . '.;' ,'. .. • '!~ :: i~~ 't~e~ rmi~s :of tl'ie Blazit1gSu~ have 'encountefe~ ' a number of hosple' ,:~ : :r'H .. t ~~.', ,":; . ~, ~ :" H'-"" ':~t~fl:;nc5lotffE!s;: ~ost;'nbtcihly t~fus~,of po,fsonciys .gase~. Many veterim ., ,.:' RELATIONS. .: : ';-' , I ~,,~; " : .. , ' ' ';' ;'"

~ ;1.:;' ;:.nrq:O'ps~uffe·re:dtbe .Mfe'cts6fthE;'se gase~ .andmust (low Wear gas masks, .:' THe Empire~(the:Blaiing'Sun i's ·cu (rentl.Y~bndutfing 'a \iif<;l[ 'wit h t he":" :;.i!~ ~·.!tQ aid. fn th~ii" bre.a.tbi.i:1g: . . ' : ~ 'd" , . . . ~~. ' •• : 'Kingdom 'qf Bri(cinnia' (rr,M~(ay'sia;, <} 1.thoLi'gh fbr' nciw'the Empfe~s: '; • • . .. !,' .. ~. }" :' " " . . ' , i,' " ,,~ , :; ,. ' . ..•. . .forces arefglli'ng:.back in ti<1 ~ fa.i::~ · oftl:ie~ B'rit9nriian counterattacJ(:, '-: ... . , .,

"- DUring'\tJe .~Q~U;f, their camp.aigns, tropps~~f the Emp.r!'!s.~ fac.~d to~i~s . USiflg Austraii~n : merce~a r. i es .tb I1rpvicjecsWp~rt. The. j:.~d~;ate~ " '~ . ': ~. __ ~. that)ite~~I!t .~?d~ .n!?r<A2'!J, ~Ir. ~9 1;;on~uS' ~?, ~rQops. Such" trQops. wII.~ States of ~meric~ .(FS:A) .has alsp '9,~c;IC! red war~Qn' the ',!?lazing s~f, .: ~:;~!

' •. , require.the us~ efadvanc.ed r~spi r.atory' ma'sks f~r the rest of th,elr lives. swearing to aip . f;lritan rtra n e~p,r~ . In the' fac~_ of .s~~~ enemies.:' "_~", '~. t··. : l'he na\(~J 'officer y~ u..c;n ··see·6:Et(e' ~ ~~ grown;to liye, with his·,m,.eqical · J the .Eml?ress ,h.?,sJorge.dan '<'l lliance yviJ~ t~~ ~ru~sla,~ . E.mpi ~~, .~~e . ./ · ~ ~-:-' ~ • . -~o~dition ; a ve.tera~ ·oi nUn'fe'rol:Js c~n;p.a igns. BYvirtiJe.of hiS rank h.e is " Iwi<1icl:i, has proven successful so far, dlvertlng Bntannla'n .attgn!j~n" " ' "' • •

" t1ow'allo~ed t6'w,~a'r ci'n brr;crhi'ehtai respirMQ~-tJ !"!signed 'td~si'gnrfy nc?t 'back :t~ 'EuiQPe' a~d -al'16wing t·he" B)a.?irig ~un. t(;prep~a r~. f~i ih~ ',>~~~ . . ' onlilifs .positi~~ i1'!.fhem~l itari but to' t~use ~ea7r '~mortgst · tTi~:en,~?ies ~. ArI!·ericiln?ff(:~0sive> "< .• " " · ,: .. "'c _, ~ ~:~. :: ~..'

.,:.' ,)~ _-0. •

, " ; .' ." ·with the .weakening' .of P'russia'n '~omr1']anc€:!' i,tl' Europe" :Ffo\jlJe~er;;}'~ · ' · , ', ~ " '.".: ~ :""" 1""';:.::~ ;1:h~ ,BlilZi'ng Sun hqs t(pfac~ tne -p,?i~'~B~Ho!:::f~newe~ 'ian : .. t f;, .'

: ~ , '. '> ' • .. :':activity· in the Pildfic.:.(ouple'd· With~ ~r~pbf.t:s, .that the RussiaR . : ... " :

. " ';: " (oaiiti'on fs niakin~;plans: ib~ an i fl y-a.sio~ ~i. t'R'e ':isl<i~d:~ap~n, .i t :i~" ~ .!~.,. oQl!i'ous that .theE~'~ire is iD jl,p.iffic;ult po~ itipn. Yettl)~ re j s' h,?p-~, ' ..• ,'

.. ~ as tA.e agents ~Ia !.'!ted i ~; Wells Cha,sI!1Y~ lltinuE: to pro)(lde .• ':'" i ' ', ,, :more technol0gical data ,. 'e nsuring tpat .the rmp,erial .Ar!nies havev

, ' . I:"

, .. :ihe edge in equipment. :Also~ th!2 ir),c,rease'd aggr,~s~iy_erie~s' of the" ' " : . 'j, . . Russian Coalition .has·'furthe.'r diverted citl'e'ntlorl avlay from t fJ e ) ' ' . " Emp.ire·~f tbe Bla~irig Sun, giVi ~g:tn~;E(l1pr.~s.~''tiiTJe tb: ma:r~ti~li<1e r. " ' •. ':: f~~c~s and 'track down GeAe:rarOni' ~nd,tbe WanL)'-~ " ." :/ :',; .:

',,' .... ~; . • .. :"t~'"'' ; ' ;{. ~ .. '~".

':: ' lVn~ITARy'HIS'rORY .:'~ :'.~';- ; : : ! , ""-; " ~:- J.~ h

.' . . Wi,tb ' the' r~.formation of tl:ie . mili i:.a ~y · folloWing 'tbe . disastrous ~ :.<' , l«or.ean· lNar;· the .Blaz!ng su~.:military~ ti~ ~ few accolade? ., HowE?ver: ,.,. . ..:, , ' . . it is quickly garnerj ng 'a reputation"a's ,a .formidable foe" wilJing to .: . ' -.

, ;employ.. th\~ horrific 'gas weaponry that was, u~ed:against the,m by_:..(.~· ,~ Korea, coupled with ,'l[l ir.o ri will and.obe.cii.en.c_e · ~o 'authority . . The:~: , ,' ~

' . . =~ctjci n s of ,one Clivision have :already ~hanged ' the world, w,i tl:1 : ..... . : :"'J . General Oni and' 1ii ~ :Wani ba'~ing pass~d info legeng:.Yet he an~ " .r< .: .'

his force~ did Iior' fetr~~at frl1rTJ :Maraysia like the rest orth'e Imper'ia!' ,. , , :. - ; :forces: instead ;d~fsli.i!lg: ·int.ct t~'eju~gles~ fr\Jm ; ~hicK 'tHe~ sBIi=!- !"

..... .. strike; ~silen~ atla'Without. warni r.lg , ~ '.: . ,-, •

, #1· ... '"

.' .. ' . "' <:'y;?'!"' .. ~M _ ~ .< ,~ , ~+", ",,' , '" ' ~ : '.," _,.. Whil~t dive rtlniFKfngdom. .of~Britarinia ' attentioJ:l, this was still :ciR

act .of defianc@ agai'n·~t a.utb9;'ity: som8fuiJ:li~I'rt:lO~t inconceivabl e :'" , to the peopl~ of Japa:l] : .~~~inE{ t~ rs, as a po·t~n1i<iUhre.~t to; tb~ ;._ ~ . '. stabilit? of the BI'l z il)g' Sun , l~e .e~pr.ess has, di~pat<;~E29 S\:i J:) o.b!. ' .0;., , ,

-; :ageots. to dea.l witb." .. the. how; rogu~e Genera;i~ not ·(;og ,6 " : : . , ~~ ~ .. tb~t it was! hi ~ u'noridleci 'f.eroe:lty~ that !!2d ,to. ihe ' Ea~t I ~g.ia~ r "';" •

TradiO"g.C;omp. i:l1,y'askirig fi<1'e 'Sritannian's)or: aid': fesufMg , . .. . ',~, ,- '. " ,;' '. ' ". . .''': .. : ~ ~ , ~: ..... ..,_ J' . ';, . .1 • .... : ' •. : '111 her natio,n's curre r:' t. pr~~ I.cament. " . .... _. .

'. .' " : -:. • y ' . .. ,~ .:; :~.l~~!;: : :: ' , • .. .... i\ f' '1 ti: .... ",.; ,* ;; ':i/

, t· · ··.t •. ~.

/" .''' .. ~ ,,0( /.... • '/.

~.. ~ . : ",

, ,

$ '," w/:: $:;':.;; z-:~ . ~ ~ _ , >'

DOMIN LC1~~-; ' ,~:~ _< p • . , ::;~ ' r . ,. ' .

Ihe:F~de~ilt~,*Sf~t¥pf ~"1erita (FSAt i,s a~~lath/e.IY y6ur1g: oari~~but:: chaJlenge ~veJ: unitingAn::er,is~, ,

.i§ qui.C.Kl¥~ ~~fa~bJl~hJ~~:J~~jt' a~ ~ gfobaJ?~~er:Jhe~s.A ·c~tue: ?bou~<, z ;," ' " . ,~;;* A)? . 1 • " ~~='-aft~ the~endof-i1:.h:~G\l(ilWar of~&60- 6.4, w1i'~!'l the States of:th·e . No'r~h' -: ,M l l:l:rARV S-r:RUC'TUR~ : .. " '.; ,:' .. ,'"~ . ; '

, .. , -. .. , J"~ $'+,h'~V ?~' -_ 'f · · . .. ;:-" .. " /'- " ./ . t.: ? y.-",:nk _~*,,_ .+4 ~ '-' - . ,-. ; . - , _ . . : ••. ~ ~ ~* .. \. ':A" '. ~" ,",, _ . '~ 'an:d SoutHengaged)n:~, fierc'e conflict, Tne rule 6f.pre.sident Natbaniel . : ' To<avoid ti:le entire cour)try, fra'gment(n'g':'auc( b;e£:pJ1:1in£ easY;:pce~, t'hr

! V ¥'O£,' " "" .. ~''t''~\ '' - ' ~ ' .. ' , " /~t.. , ." •. , " !'.,, "" j .. i f :" ' . ' .. " " .. - " . '.: '.""y-. -$ .... - J '4 --- "

Ad,ams.e,lS:te.nqs fro~,~We bo~ders of Canada to thefree Lands'of M.exl'cP: , . . anypotential invader, ;oQe' ofP:-eside~~ Ad,ilm'S', fir~~~r~~rs t~:tfie::n.ew1Y y

with an tt~ :r:s~~r:eesof the' federacy at his ;omrnand, ASO~ yet fh~ . ,re-forget! America'. t?a~'to create a. cehtrali5ed7f~def.a1 :.MiH~~!11 Facrj ~~ "SA dGles nGlt .o.wn:,any terrjtones ~broad; content wlth 'rebUlrdmglts state is permitted to have a smatl 'standing .(urce of~ Home'Glfartl "'bllt

ill ""+ .* * ,, ) .. ' ( , -. .. .. , '" . ~.. .. .." """ .. " L '" ': . " : ":""" "' '''

strengtn lfrtterthi!:Gfiti~WaJ; tl1ese,a're intehded for:sel;f-d~Tenc€" The :t~ue mili'tary pf< \~e :~gN'p~re;:~ ,tl'l'e :Fe.deral Forces,

THE PRESIDE:N.T Adaro's'.t js . ~a,A estabi,lishec;J ,, '" Arp~~ica1'1 ,,~~(j:tkiafl," havi'ng

Q~e[l ~.9 ~ "fl.'leF:f:!~h of ",th~ ";te :~e~,?[:.ef~f1,e: '''Y~ (, !3 nd, the : cor.rflict prQv~a

,~ ", \.h -t" "" .h 4'+ ' " 't',? / i:/ 'J ~ , : hJrnself / not ·.only a · slJJ3erb "'m fI ita'ry ,str;3tegi~rDut .~Iso ,a ~ttue : Ie'a:cf~~ :ut :rnen, . During

. tHe years leaatFlg l1P ~tQ tbi Ci;;il Wfor , [le 'tqctgi:lt ;:~ard ·to·:

' try and~f,~-re,\lsnt war, ar,guiJ:\g • that tHe Sfates of the S.ciuth~

" f '4

and , North . MUST unite' ,to ,flJ~therth'e goals of a~ " ' ~Nii.'O'ide9 natib~,He tOdk Ya stance that together a.unitell . • y

America ·coult! become a ' global power;:despite Europe'?' 'stranglehold awung th~ g!qbe,

_ . . 0~+

The 'F~aeral Forces arespU: jnt,o .th~e:~,t9c.c.~S.'~:~~~Tl' ~p:e: ~al€g~df:· th,e ~lr F.orce, ~ach of· Vl!Qlc.h 1~ •. sI?JI! :jf1~Q J~r~~~~q;l~is.ion~[ )fi!-hl(lb :,\,(~~y , ' : depending upon theJorce 'they stem freJm," lOa~h 'farce is

• ", w . " ¥ ~ -"' , ., . ' ' '''' ", ,, 01'7£ : "'· $ • Ji, .,ph ~ t'# 'h 4

, Q.,5e.\ien Star Ger:leral, who ansvJer6 ;only .to ,.th'e~.l'r€sid·ent Rimself, The: . ' : ' S~v~n' ~ta ~ G~enerals comma~d th~, $ihtar Geh';.eh3ls w~6 ,c~~~'~~:d ; :" ~ *fhe ' three :divisions of each ~ F~aeraJFGrce~ .with · Fi~e' Sta;: 'Ge;;er~(s'

i "'~Qm'ma:t1:dinieach regi;rf;)e'rit ~ ',\oVi:thir/)th & " ;division:, This : patter~' : is le"peated'dp\~wtq numerotfs dne ~;t~r .tomfu~~d~rs wh~ 'Qct ~?' squad

, Ijeu-ten:an.ts"tcf'l:i;)e rwo:S~ar Genif.?:I~ 9f.e~oh'4nif, ffill pr~anisQ.!iol1js ~7 :-: ,.~ based upo1'1. elements: of ·the Br~ta1:lniah :Qlilita ~y, trom :which -mar:Ty:ot~; ti:le· FSA·armed:forces,steP1 from, ' : . ~

$ , t, • ¥ '"

'" ' ,' , " ¥

'.Tbe three 'diilrsioo; ot.trne :Ar~~;~ re 'the: Land Ships, tl;lei~fan1?rY, ana .. ;ihe a rii tJefy; a 11 ~c';)~:H';;;;r:lded by Severi' St~r Gener-al Ad~ms (~:o~~ei~:t:1~6~i?~> i '# , -"' *,* 'rf . .;; • .. * 4, "'. , ' .. '" (> " f" . '.% #. '0<", , -, r'* "'>~" i f

, ,to tfle PresjdeJ:ltl/'a miln :who' i:Jas fought for the .past 30 years against ~.:.. , ' " _ . ,,,\ ,_ ' ,'-' _ % - f j ,< ;;:t "'. ' ,'. .*A . , ~i

i0~urrecnonists; llorth~j?ners,.; Me)(:icansJ.rud natives, HiS no-nonsense ":" . appro'ach has<ledhim'IH6eing offi'ciall\/dubbeo'd6enerallron Brftcf/i/s" "by~ his ufiderlin'gs, ·Hi~: ;~t'al. in :the: Navy ls ·S€\1e·~ '5tarC;ene~'H Hi{tJn~': who :started :out in the FederaIFor.c~s ~'s ,a ,ere-w~aD ?~~:th~fFriiat'e: ; .;

. "f:* ._ • ~ w,' ,,~, ' ;: t ' '" ."

Goodwill, which.has sinGe been sur;ik by :R,Vssiar:l, f.()(ce$r'n' has· :tlzl:~ ·

Adams was Senator tdt Mississippi before rising to power as President. l1n~nvia@le task of, ee;lgJ1inW'in ti'l~~ i6ree d'ivjsion{ ol~~ ~Ngll,\! ;:-~ih~~; # It was, dudnghis te~m as a Sen<ltor that he first met ~ 68 ~year70ld ' , ships" ~~ppqrtj~Uc;l ~t ~,e;M¥iD~.~' ,:·Z : ,~::.Lil.; '~~:Y scientist called Benjamjn. Bell, For, a nuinbe~ , of years Bell had been ' ' . ~ .'" y • ", • , ~ " '¥~,;'~~ Yy '-;:'h a researcr partner to a German chemist .c<:llled Martin Klaproth who . ' The task of J<eeplniti h'em inlln.e and u~dJ(; 20htr,ol ,i~ Qne no tr~iV:S;h~ :: '¥;" .

~ • ~ ~ ~f ",_ . ~,>" . ~ ",')0 4_ ' ,.0 "'" 4",. ""'+ +- 4'&>, •. /,.

had disGovered an oxide from a material that was to b'ecome. known . man relishes, t~'i>t:Jgh HiJton d.ges what~he can, ellsllrt[1gtheir oQ~:ctien:<;.e ! < ~ .:. as Uranium, When 'Bell retumfc'd to America he cOfltinued to work ori , byalldwing them 'greafer operatlonaf,and perso~alJ;reedom tha'n:seen' :;' . Uranium Oxide and was i:o eventually discover huge deposfi:~ of it in . in' the Fedetai' For~es, J~e ;iXir farce 'is~tbtnm~a:nd~d :~9Jii1:t~~,~:~~:~I

, • ' ~ r " ,ff ,;,~ .,, : \; · t ,,~, ' :" 4},, :w., " "')" J " '} > p ",', >"' Z

the soft soils of tne Mississippi. cousin, . Douglas, '6e;n'eral 'Dcrl1glas ts. , anpth~ntrofes,:;lo.oa~ <;Qt:t;'~; • 4

, .:trbmtl,{e.s.ame.cI;:>1;h as Gefle'ral Adam81 wn,? se/ ve9in i19f;N~vy befoEe , ;;:' Bell waHo form a Scientific Board for ·Senator Adams; tasked with,. b.eing appointecj ~to ,bis. c,ur,rerit positioh . with fhe btrth,df :~ff.e :FSA .. A:ir, exploring the potential 'of the oxide, qnd working with Bell the wealtl:l ~ Force, T1ge AV, force is, styled similarly to th'e:f\Jait~y, witlLits. QV\I!:.\ stii'ps; .:

,0Uh~ ' State.of Mi~sissippi and its nefghbourj[1g States was to grow sp~ycialis~ ajr-fleets :and j 1,!mp tr60ps;, f , " J % "">::',;:'~ hugel.Y: It was this growth in the southern ' power base that was t.o eventt:JaIIY, )ea'd to the. Civil War, with Adams e~igmaticaily led the sQ~!h~rn~st~tes fo vl~tory, " ' ,

" 'h 7 '"

_" :_ ' ',' ti~ '*' . . . " ' 4 t>

.{\d~1J1s is afa1Jl.ou~rY~Vroud . ands~ubbbrn man:, . one-who . refused t~ accept de!, nu~er6us ·:occ.asidnsduririgthe confliCtb nd lie was to earn the~ trClwor:the King~om of Britannia, who proviCleo mucli

0 .1 -'~ ,\ , "

, .s~ p~§rt·ltio ~~e~ SGl tlth: H;Gweve.rF1il:lere .wasone condition " aci:'e?s ~o : Ur~tliy.1'11,PXJ~e. was t~ :be\mag:e r~adily available, to 'Britannia ~lIies aFt:~,phe: ~war" .~~ ... ~\!e5.-;.~itli th€ ~~ri~'H'Hil i;gl n~ +at

, . . ,

.. _ . .,

The NavY)S,€u'rrently tbe niost exp~'rfelJced of the F'ederal Forces,. Aaving. a.lready clashe'd with the Russians -several ~rnes ~ear, ~laska::, Djffi£ulties .hqve been noted.'in k~epit:lg the giant, paddle , whee;ls' operational in the ice cnoked water,s, leading. to ' the application qfsteel tr'ea.t~d with~ Elem'ent' 270 to the ' wheels, making them stronger, whilst ma,intaining th~ir weigh.t. , --

The Air Force ha's managed ):o support the -Navy somewhat, but most Arne'rican

~r pilots are sti ll too inexper,fenced 1:0 be directly fielded: against the Coalition's fearsome,Steel-interceptors, whilst

.:. . : " . t~e awai~s the clearance --, .: fo begin an amphibious assault

•• 'o~ ~ ifuS,Sia's east'ern , 'coast, pefe'nde'tJ- by a giant wan of cdncrete,

' bu~ke~s;'::'razor.~ire 'and' minefields known simply as th'e' '~ , .. ""',,"

Nikolai's Line,

.: .. ti.;,.'

, , "

' .. '.,.

.. .... ~

....... ! . ~ .~

... - ".;;" .... . ....

" ' ''':- - ~ , ... . ,

"'d : '- ."

". ,{ , ' ,

. , .:-~ .~ --.'" .. .".. .

. ~' . "

.. ;-, . . ' " ., '

, -~

. ", . ",

- ';;. - ~ , ..

D¥STOPIAN BLITZKRIEG The world of Dystopian Wars is one that is similar to our own but subtly different. The year is 1870 and the Industrial Revolution has occurred

, ,*, decades earlier than in our own world. Technology is far advanced, and

I~. ' in many ~ases unrecognisable, which has led to the development of • fantastic vessels, hulking Land Ships and terror from the skies in .. th ~ form of Airships and War Balloons.

Dystopian Wars is a game that is designed around having fun ' with a selection of mocels in a couple of hours. We are big fans o.f Steampunk and Victorian-a, so we jumped at the chance of creating a game of combined arms along similar lines to our Uncharted Seas ami Firestorm Armada games - but encapsulating the aforementioned ge , Dystopian Wars therefore incorporates naval, aerial and land models from the outset,so that you can set up battles and scenarios

':(ri any combat setting.

We supply resin and metal miniatures with which you can roam the high seas, scou r' the smog filled skies of Dystopian Wars for enemy

I flying s~ip s, or .doggedly defe~d the .cities and col:lntryside of your

home nation. These three combat arms use the s?me core ! ulesJor movement and combat, with varying abilities and statistics.

- .. ~

At the ,back of the b,ook are .c.olourful tokens tnat make, recording damage and special effects easy. The rules are o,ptiruisedJpr large fleet actions, so that you can get as many m[niatures ,or;Jthe table as you want and still get· an enjoyable game in an evening. Dystopian Wars is also ideal for multiplayer games, as yo·u get to activate individual squadrons of miniatures from one player. to the next.

The rules allow forthe optional use of a deck of 52 Game.Cards that add an exciting element of tactics to each game .. They,improve the overal l game play and 'inject some add itional eccentric Victorian atmosphere, but you can play without them if you wish . .

~ , If Y0U go to our website :-]-k - you can see our superb range ef models for Dystopian Wars .. Everything else you • will n'eed can be found inside this rule book and permissiof:\ i ~ given to " photocopy 'and use the tokens and templates, 'hCJ1: please remember , that t he copyright always remains with Spartan Ga~es.

. . .

HOW YOU PLAY You will need a tape measure and lots of six. sided dice (06) to play Dystopian Wars, probably 25 to 30 in total. You will also need one eight sided die (08), and o~casionally you will need to rol l a 02 or 03. To roll a D2.or 03 you use a six sicr~d · die. If you roll a 02, a 1, 2 or 3 counts as a 1, ,and a 4,5 or. 6 counts asif2. If. you ro ll a 03, a 1 or 2 c,?unts as a 1, a 3 or 4 count's as a'2, and a? or 6 counts as a 3,

Most, of the time ' however you wil l be rolling a number of dice and counting the numbe~ of hits that you score. Once you: have worked out how many 06 ~ow get t,?_ use, you ~oU t'hem.and con~ u l t th~ To Hit table below: ' .

DIC~~~ROLL 1-3 - .

4-5 6

RESULT Miss 1 Hit

. .

2 Hits a.nd R.oII Again! .. When You·Roll Again, make sure you roll an extra 106, not one of th~ dice . - .

• that counts as a hit. YGU ~eep going until you stop rolling'any 6'5 - we cal l tbi,s an exploding:dice mecQaniE:. Once you have fin ished rolling dice you

• add' l:!Ip the number 'orbits; the T ore' hits·you 'get,.the 'mqre successfu l you are, This exploding dice mechanjc is'a core element of Dystopian Wars. It varie s~only in. that some rules will modify. whicb numbers score,.' I

a' hit~ and, other rules will reduce the number of dice that you roll. Some r'ules might ada +1 or +2 to a die roll; in this "case a modified roll of'G would only score 1 hi!, and you !lO NOT get an extra dice' roll. '

Some r~les will gLve different To Hit numbers, like a 4, 5 and 6 as,opposed to just a 6 - this is most'common with ,combat rolls. Where the To Hit numbe'r.s _conflict with each otner, . use th~ 'set that makes it more difficult ,to score a hit . In other words use the worse set of numbers, wh ich if'} the example ab~ve '''Yquld be a,& (instead of 4, 5 or 6).

~"" . 11"',.... -. , . . ; ::: ~ ~ ' IN SUM !"'ARY , ;-:. ". You have ,un limited opportunities .to ,create yQur own factions within ;~ .. ! th~ world of. Dystopian Wars, a ~' the. Jnitial fleet~ . cover the most ;;:.!:' powerful empi res that struggl'8 for supremacy on the oceans and C:~~! cqntinents. You 'are welc~me to redistribute the territories in whatever ~ • •• :. way mak'es your games and campaigns easier to play. you Gould ev~n ' •• • us~ 'the. models ;of the' ~x;st!ng fleets to represent o~her nations in

Dystopi'an Wars, either as' allies or mercenaries ~ ; ..

l'h~ll'les .provide th~\a'ckgro~ntls and statistics for s~\(era l imperia l fieel s, eacti:'w.ith the same' initial core ships: including Battleships, Cruisers an,d Frigate? These generic terms are simply used'tQ aid in the coflstruction of fleets l;)ya player, and capture the feel of each empire. We hav1t 9n' entire si c.ti'QQ ~devoted to models of eacli 'empire, where

• e,ach.:reoqel i ~ given a pornt v,a.Jue to aid in fleet composition; and a . g.ui-de tohowJo. brganise V9IJJ war fleets ~ •

t " _ ... , _..'1

Q •

In' ta ; dem with these three model types, you will be able to customise your fleets with future re lea~es of new sh ips. Dystopian Wars also focuses.on aerial p;io([el; and 1,9,nd m~d'el s as a cQre part of the g;;lme.

. ' , . . You will be, able' to create fl eets of 'aeria l or 'land models- or even miJ5. : and match squadro'ns, of naval, aerial and land models, Al i of the,se models are categorised in'to size ,classes of ship, wfiich are the ·ia:rYJ.~~ throughout nava~~ aerial and lanq models. These;~i~~ cJasses are 'J:iI'lY~ • Small, Medium, large and, Massive~ Most of the ,rwles for 'these three

- ' .. t-' ''1''''t (

arms of combat a r~ consistent between the differ-ent size classes . • ~: .'

Dystopian Wars- is 6ur th ird game in a series using the same core ~ures thilt have elements that are consist~~t betweer) the sCience fictiun ~p.ace combat of Firestorm Armada and the fantasy >n'allal c.omba1;;of+ the Uncharted Seas. bystopian Wars builds opon th/? same type,of' game ethos as these settings. You ·will be abJe to find ada;t:ional support materials at our website ' • ::-- •

We' are excit ed about the development of Dystopian Wars: it is ~n ej1tertaini rZlg and violent gamef putttrfg you in comma rZl d ~f huge land vessels, giant robots, impressive ~ i'rs hips and ruggea war ships. You ~~ strategies and choices of fleet construction determine the margin,ot' your vi ~tories or defeat. Whether you choose to focus on land, sea or in the air, you hav:e every 'Choice available to you to outmaneeuvre, harass ~ nd dest roy your opponent, : " ,.

fI' . . 4'" '*

~Qy~topian Wars wiIJ fellture a wide nUl;nber of models, ranging from simJ3le, tekens with an abstract of a model on them to a highly cfe'ta'iied' multi-part model that could represent an airfield or-a; Drea~nol!lght pr-some other mechanical behemoth.

This-section provides a list 9f model designs that you can use wltliin Dystc;?!lian Wars,_ including severaL models that are oot -yeC3vailable. As tile game develops we will roll 'out several new ~Iasses of models that faJI into these categories, anct fill out the

• fleet ~ptitJfls. Our i ~teri~1s to release models tAat fit into the 'faieg@rres oelow,- but i! may be that as the game develops newer modelcla,sses could-be releaseQ.

!ThE: bra!;keted -i-nformafion explains firstly \Nh-ether a model 8 d~sjgn i§~ in 10e, ~apJtal t lass, which affe"cts its ability to tire at

It also €xplains what size class the model is, which how -mano~uvrable it is. Most future releases for

o{model should fall into these .categories. AA· ~ "" "" '" ::

, % '7 '\ ~.~ ;,

~,& .Some models ar~ also d.efined by-t.heir function,:wh.ether they are , flying or aiving 4m+odels for examp'le. This affects. how they interact ;"'ith other models, mast of which are called sl!lrfac+e models, t.\;ifi~h;i~:claa~;1,::~;llIes~els and land vehicles_ (~;:rhe s~~~andthe.

.Ja'ri~, bbthG@~nt a~~(tJMh~ sur/ace' .in' the game). %

r",1;"",,,r;,'< of model, which varyb~tween and ai rships, all Of which are The additionai.categoties help"

a submarine inst~ad of a

i filOTE~ ,Some rn6dei;:':tbat ~ a~~ in .the Small model- cfass are; • mbuntedtwo to-a bCls-e (S~all 'TanKs'f(fr example). They still' cQunt'

g· .. . Ji._*' .. ~""&w>* · ~ ~ ""' · .. .. .... @ ... *'* . . W1& .~ . •.. 1"::'*%1" %% . 0, "*1Ilf,* . ~

"·· ;;;;-;;;:as'iTIOaersrritneru[eS,eVerl>thoughlhey are ruountedin:multiples *,. p . 1h. +"'-;;S~ ? " . . q .... 0 'It @" # >" .: ' T + '" >' lilt

~~ oh a predefined base. 4fhe f ioyflyer class tindudirrg AeroJ:1.lane~)

:are refe ~re:d to ~ tokeos.

Fleet Ca rrier (Ca-i?ita l Class, Mlrssive) Carfiers "a re.- sUPI??rt yessels that';: ?upply ' additional Aeropla"nes for _Cl fl"eet: TheV are du r,able and heavily armed, but ,gelJerally .slov,; and cumbersome. Mos( are "conve~te.d " from. existing "de-signs- of B.a!tleships :or

Dreadnoughts, and s"imply have a landing&platform faise€l, above ~ · the supe~structure df the ship. However, c~rt~i n fjleeS, ; as the Empire of the Blazing Sun, have crea;ted cost@m designs fbr th~ir Carriers. 0'"

Dreadnought (Capita l Class, Large) Dreadnpughts are a[1ew breed of advanGed Batt)~ship desigR with superior armllrDent ~nd defences. TheY' are0 less- common and more expensive to propuce, but areusaally bristling withgan

, turrets, ·torpedo tubes ana powe.rfal field geni r,ators. -, d .,'t '" ,ry "

Submarine (CapitakClass, Medium or-Largei~ :; ' : Su!;tmprines are thescbu~ge 'oHhe seas; 1I91e to att51ck rrQCO long

* -range with relatiye: impunJi:y, \Nitfl l orpedoes. They are €I ifficu It t o O~\arget\vith regofar .ordnance, e_veo wh~ri" t l":ley."<tre,OI1 t he' sl:Jrf~c~ .

'00 _ _ . . - *' *" " + * ,

Mhst &sl,lbmatines have traditional we~pon , SY'stems, \vhiGh ,cin b~ebro\Jgh~to' bear whefl a model surfaces:" Not 0ali:tl:atton~ i1a; e" subma'tTnes, "b ~t in the escalating World'war underwater yesse l~4 a ~~.p~ i nfin:c'reaslngly viewed as~crjti-raT~~difro1{t~ ''' * ' ' '''C%-d.- ' '

7 .Eseirt(~m!lm : ~ . ~ . $&scort5· are 'the ' w.eakest class kO( mil(tary vessel, as they are generally ilrrTject wit g Ack $f\<::K, Torpedoes pr 80~ket~ an,d litt le

, else. T~eY:a re deploye~ to provide SI,lPPDft for l~r~e ~ ves5e lsand can become 'vu lrfeYab le wh$en the vesse l mat tAey are, escorting

<& ~, ' " . $' ~ ~,. W NI ... %

Is destroyed . ~ d

$., C~;vette' (Smaltr Corvettes are%t he fastest +sf naval ~ vessels"rnaKini;g ~,them very difficu lt tQ target with ",:!eapo~ry. :They are 'vulne r~bl~ hSlweyer if ~the,y a r~ hit , arlg are: bften destro~ed in ion,e shot. ~

'AERI~i ivldi3ElS ' o/ ~~~·;o!"~~' ~ , G .~. \ QI

% ~ 1,-, ,:;:,;,iJ ~ Sky;.fz.~."tr~s~(E~r>ital'Class, ~as~ille) c + ~,?,Q " . u ; ';:, ~

r .


Mobile Airfield (CapitaLClass,Massive):* Mobi le Airfields : ?re suj:}port = ~vehicl~s + sLlpply Aeroplanes fo~ a. fle,et. l:1'\ey ~re 'dllrilble ¥

. and ' beavily armen, but s.low anc;l ~Gumhar.snrpe. +

"Fheir advantage is th"at they can move. at~j l; :Qnd:" ~ i3Pyance into enemy territo·ry beh ind. S! i (iepJ:lly:,!rTV, mafntiining:

~erialsupportforthetroops~, ~ +++ 0" , ***$ +::i:::,:::==::i:!!

bafld Sllip (Capital Class, bi3rge) ' [ancil Sh ips are Auge~ 'intimicFali ng$ venicles, til@t as 10f;lg~ as a *

Battli~sh i p" bJt often having ~orr{parabl~ fiiepoWEl r ann" eq~al durability. They are the "king of tne battlefi-eld, th,€, ancho;r ~1l;cound which a Battle Grol,lP of Ta 11 K; or.Walkers maooetJVres. :"

0 % $I @ ti ~ _

j)"~tJi--'4"* Q"t+t ~

. ' -:5~y " F9ftr~5ses" are' .suppOl't wCFaft '-r',..: en •• ~ t Ft "" !~

* fu t llat 'supply ,additiona l Aeroplanes ~ · % Burrower (Capita l ~Glass, 'Medium or (1i rge) , '£:0" , ~~ +~-

Bp r; owers ~re l b.e ,,( ou; in ~[th~" subrl1arin~ ~rig!Jtal1y d~¥~~!Pj: cI ' tQ ~exp lo[~ ,the geological :s:trata:of the pla ne.~ T~ey ar~JLeJY%~lol', _ ~:f~ r.;.s:tJ~~t :. They, .are durab~~ ;nd ,,~~avijy armed, but slow .,and

* cum'bE~r'some, 'fhey patrol t~e l:lpger atmm'phere of Elys~opr,nn

thl'!, deA:;e «Iouds, hidden from ~i~W, aQd execl!te sWift; strikes on ;: 'UnsusPe:~~n~ ta~gets below~~ .


.:: A!rshi~nl:;api~a l CI~ss, Meaium"~t~rge) . " • , AfrsAips 7are· tne*primary airbo(rJe) p rce of the Prussian 'Empire,

4< . . 1+ Y . 4111) . . *'~ . " . '" '* ., ' ~ '"

States otAm!!rica~ and pr@vide them with, the their au~h~rity~ov~rJt:le sk1es of I?urope. Airships

~n,.j'Gr" ;; ~l'lpr·«\rTlP but ~tough to destroy jlnd ,

:: h. 4' '" . _

reapital Cl as; , Medium or:;Larglj!1 " , prlmpryairl:Jornefo"rce ofth@J:rflpireofthj:! Blazjpg

wit'h whicfl it s S; ttle Groutrs;patrpI the gn;!at expflnse 0f th!,! 7

O~ean .: G~f~5 'a~t :a~ :s±a trl~ ~w~dPons platform~' an~ Gan ,ciln'ya la~g;e:r:Gi~p l~m@~tof"assau lt tr~ops . •

• DUHhey;arediffiwlt=to farg"etwith regu far srdnance',~verfwherh they are"ont~ e'surfac~,~ wh'en'they 'canbring aJdltional w~apsnrv ~ to bear. '

TOP IIVJAGE: Blazing Sun Tenkei Sky Fortress

MIDDLE IMAGE: FSA Washington Class Land Ship . . _ .BOTTOM IMAGE: Blazing Sun Sokotsu Class Battleship

Heavy Walker (Capital Class, Large) Heavy.lfl/alkers are much bigger versions of Walkers, they are usually multi­legged monstrosities that resemble automated industrial machinery. Where o"ne faction might rely on tracked or even wheeled Land Ships, other~ deploy. the Heavy Walker, which performs the functi~'n of mobile weapons platform to perfection.


Creatu[es This category includes Creatures that walk on the land, swim in the sea or fly in the sky; some will even be able to combine movement between the sea and land. They will vary in size from Tiny to Massive, while some of them will be Capital Class models 'and some will not. Some of the rules determining how you resolve movement and

tr •• combat for Creatures are very different from those for other models. i" .. _ • '* ~

~~b . !' Th'is category includes Rgbots that walk.on the land, float in the sea or

fly in the sky; some will even be able to combine rT\ovement between the .sea and land. They will vary in size from Tiny to Massive, while some of them will be Capital Class models and some will not. Some of the rules de'termillfng how yOu fesolve movement and 'combat for Robots are very diff~'rentfrom those for other models.

Diliing-Model ' , Thi's. category ii:lcludes. Submarines (naval), Burrowers (land), plus • some Creatures aod: Robots. It will specify on the FIG o(a Creature or

RODot whether it is a diving model. The FIG will also specify whether a model- is' "3 diving model (sea) or a diving- model (land), which

•• determi,nes whether it, can lJse the diving rules. in the sea· or on the land. A Burrower functions in the same way as a Submarine and is

I;:: ;;'~i~;~;,;:,::~::i;;~h~~::: :,::,:;:~":,~;::':":" ~O"" e::!~. section ~arlier, plus sQl)'le CrE~atures and Robots.)t will sp@cify on the Il:-'" FIG of a Creature or Robot if it js a flying model. Flying models are • rft " assulll*ecl the aidor the duration of a game, so la;'ding and . W taking .off is~hly accou'1ted f~r with Aeroplanes (Tiny toke!"s) and

• some,specific models, , .• ,

,Fortifjcations - - •• • This category includes gun emplacements, bunkers; installations and

. ,.. fo';-tr~sses, like : Coast~1 Defences pod Landing F-ields. They will vary ~~ in size"from Small to .Ma.s~ive,: and usually have severaL 9t tfJe Model

Assigned Rules that 1are liste€l in a later chapter. Although in most.l 4 ~ ~ r

· cas~s static, F9rtifications, often hav.e greater firepow~r tpan. mg!:>ile vessels, and a~e muot:r~o(e djfficult to destroy. ..• .


DuriAg j:h,e, course of ~ game a mod.el will certainly he damaged or inflict d?~age upon an enemy model. You have a number of ways you .c;an r ecord this, but w~ have created a set of tokens that you can use t ? he[p r'ecor.d suc~ things as weapons-damage, mines, as~ault point~, damage points and. ~ore, ' .

, There are plenty of ,J:okens provided with the rules to make it easy to record damage te your ships and any Critical Hits that they might have sl:iffered, This section ~explains wfiat these tokens are 'used for, " ~~.

. ALL S'I"OP • , .•

, 'T~ese t~ke~'s are 'used to show yvhen a model has haired: If a moael has'an All Stop'token it £an only remove the token Wit 90eS~'l0f move (some models ignore'tfie All Stop rules). Where

" . ' • a rule refers to a model tiaving to halt; place an All Stop token .. ~! w. next to it.

, -:: > '·;:4;~ . . !'!,', ASSAULT DAMAGE : ........ These tokens -? re used to record damage to Assault Points '

(AP), When a model is reduced to 0 'AP it c'annot initiate a Boarding.Assa ult,· " ' . "

BOARDERS GONE ; Thes<e t~kens are used- to record that a model has m;l"de a' Boarpi ?g Assault and is<reduced ~0~0 ~P,

CHAOS AND DISARRAY Th.ese tokens a re. used}o SAOW whel') a model is una ble ·to use ~ its Rockets, 10rpedoesr Bp/J)bs or Mines (if jt bas them), IZ3J


DERELICT These tokens are used 'to indicate that a model has been [#'J'

• captuf!,d, ~hich restr-iGvs its movement ,and firing options. ~ ... . "

-:: DiREGtION ARROW.'. J'hese tokens : are IJsed to show when a, model is movi ng b~Gk""ards , Also US'E!,d. to show a Rudder Critical Hit,

- ~ .;:- ~~ ~.. #'"

GENERATOR OFFLlNE These token,s are used to show that a Generator is bffiine due to a Critical Hit,

HALFAD ' ~ These tokens are ,used to show ~hen 'the fir~ power of a modei ~l i: reduced because of weapons damage, .

,HALF MV These tokens are used to show when the moveme~t of a b~' model is red~ced:because o~ engirl~ damage. -

HULL DAMAGE -These tokens are used to record dam-age to 'Hall Points'"(HP) , When a model is reduced to 0 H'P it is destro"yed,-

MINE TOKEN T,hese tokens show wher.e a model ha~ dmpped a Mine,

OBSCURED These :oken~ are placed next to flying models when they .perform an obscured JTl9Vement, which is when thEW ascend into the (it is always clQydy),

PORTAL ' These tokens are used to show , an energy ' portal is on the tabJe, The energy portals' use Element 270 ,and allow models to teleport from one location to another. ~ "

, " . "

PRIZE TOKEN "These tokens ar~ plaG:ed on a model wh'en' it is captured during a Boarding Assault~

RAGING 'FIRE These tokens are used to sho~ -~h'en a model is Q~ fire. A model CAN bave more than one Raging Fire token on it at any

• givel) time, .

··SHR.mDED DEFENCES These tokens are used to show when the Ack' Ack and COl1cussi@n Charg~s of a model are reduced to 0,-

. ...

This section defines the statistics of models, which are referred to as ability ratings or more often just ratings : They are used to determine what an indivi'dual model is capable of. Higher ratings indicate a more powerful" model: so Dreadnoughts lenc\. to have the best ratings for n'aval models and Aeroplanes usually have the weakest ratings for flying m~dels,

"-In general the number given for a rating determines how many six sided dice you roll to resolve an attack or a defensive m~asure. The catego ries below give an.explanation of how a rating is use~:

ACK ACK (AA) When 9 model is attacked with Rockets, or by a-flying model, or is boarded, you roJra number of 06 equal to the Ack Ack of the model. This determ ines how effective the model is at deterring or 'eliminating· the attack using r<!pid fire $mall calibre weaponry that targets such 9ttac~s. A model can also use Ack Ack against f1y'ing-models within 8" during its ac:tivqtion. '

ASSAULT POINTS (AP) • 'This rating is a measure. _oJ either how many soldiers are on board a

'0 model, or how dangerous a Creature or Robot is in a Boarding Assault. , A Creature or RODot performs an assault when it is in base contact,

but a crewed model C~1n do so within a range of 4", as the soldiers are • •• assumed to be equipped'with rocket packs. .

-~~ ~ . ~ ~~~ ~ ~

, ATTACK DICE (AD) -, -Wllen a model m'akes an attack you roll a number of 0 6 eq~al to the Ar{ of th~e model to s~e how effective its attack is', A rating of 10 AO

exceed in o ~d~r to inflict 1 point 9f hull damage. TAe OR (and the CR) works in the same way whether a.model is a ship, balloon or Creature. A model with OR 3 is quite weak, while 0R:6 or higher is very good .

G EN ERATO RS , Some L~rge and Massive models'have Model Assigned Rules (explained in the MARs Cha'~terLwhich _ include what are called CJcenerators: ~

, Generator is typically some kind of ,Energy Shield or Energy Weapon, which usually Aas its own special rules. . '

G U NNERY ATTACKS These include different types of primary and secondary weapons on' a -model, including Broadsides, Fixed Channel .Guns, Batteries with a 90, 180, 270 or 360 degree arc ana Turrets., Their attacks are re:solved sligHtly differently to Rocket, Torpedo,. Bomb and Mine weapons.

HULL POI NTS (HP) . """....'. This rating is a measure of how much hull damage a model can take before it is destroyed: Ri;d tokens are provided with the rules t6 mark how mwch damage ~ .model has suffereq; if tne sum tot<:ll of the tokens or exceeds t.he HP of the model it is rerri~ved from the table.

LINKED FIRE . This is a core mechanism of Oystopian Wars, allowing some or all of the models within' a.Squadron to fire at the' same target. One model uses itS full AO, while:.the' other mod~ls in the Squadron add hal~ of their AO to the total, creating more destructive itta~ks. ?ee the Combat Section for more d..etails~ :.. #

or more is very g~lOdand 15 AO is excellent, bu.tmode[s,with 5 AO or - MEl::EE DICE (MD)

' iess may need to use Linked Fire to be effective against a larger model. When a mod:el :performs a Boarding Assault y6lHroll a ~ntlmber of 06

" 'equ~ 1 t 0' t~e MO oftbe ri,~od~1 (Targely determined 'tiyit~AP) to see hQw Co.NCUSSION CHARGES (CC) , effective its attack is_


· . •

· ...

· . -.When a model is ~a_ttg<;~ea wIth Torpedoes or by a diving model, you

roll a number .of 06 equpl to the Concussion Charges of the model. This aetermfnes how effective the model is at deterrjng Qr eliminating the ~ttack using va r.iable fuse concussive weaponry that'targets such attac ks ... A model :can also use Concussion Cli~~g~; ' again'st diving

~'- models within 4"-during its'activation.

Most naval mocels h<!ve a, mi(1imum m~ve of 2", w hich me~ns that . 'tbey" must mov"e i" when they are activated, unless you halt them:·' using an All Stop token. Most land models have:a minirourQmove of 0",

,, ~RITICAL RATING~ {<;:Rf • rh~ CR -is t~e iiur:rl~~r thi1t you hSlve to equal to exceed jn order ,to cause a CriticaLHit , which';results in a roll on: the Critical Hin~ble .and, mqre often than not , 2 p(,)ints of hull damage. A model with 'CR 5 is

• quite weak~ while CR 9 or hig~~r is very good.

":, NOT5.,i~An r9 I1SN'{N91:ca~se 'combined OR and CR damage, ~ Once you exceed the OR and e"1ual -or exceed the CR, the model suffers

a Critical Hit i'!stead of rosf~n_ hull point.

• wnich allows them to move forwards·o(. backwards without using the • :All Stop tOKens. Meanw,hile SOrhe aerial-models:have a minimum move· :';::::'

"of 4", Allcof thi:s"infGrmation is h1cluded ori the F:IG for~ each model. ~ ~ ~!.:. • <


-". ,., ... .. ®; .,. I'lftH ~!lt ."'., ..... "'IlI'1lt

.. tfI'"""'" "U&'",:l!S

to \..1 .. i1' t.> . .... ... ~ ............

PORT"A'ND STAR.QOARD · Most FIGs -list-the Port and .Starbo~rd weapons separately. Soine will

v 'specify weaPQ~s ai bE!ing P/s, whi~h means tn~ AD [a~ngs given u'i1der ,DAMAGE RATING}DR)" '.' • ~ the we'appn type'the Port and Starboard a~c)i r \=hannel. All models· J:J aye a OR, which is the number that you have to equal or . ' .. ~ ..

PRIM}\RIES AND SEc6NDARIES ~ The weapons of different models ace ' divided, into what are called Primaries and Secondaries. Primaries are generally multi-barrelled high p(,')wered turretsana Secomlaries aTe usually a battery of small

. turrets, though Secondaries alsoinciudes, miscellaneous weapons like ;;Te.sla ~Coils. They will b~sp~~ifit!d ~n.e~ch FIG with a (P) or (S).

;M~ORTANT NOTES: Primaries ,are at:1 to,hrqon each die roll) against jl!l ~targets in Range Ban~ :l. ~

The PrimarY (P) M'l f'1 TLJrret statistic lines are used for EACH turret.


:l'ne Ral1J; Ratfng determines how many 06 you roll when you resolve :a' ram: agair'lst a: inodel or terrain. The' only models that can perform ~a rim are 'ttrose with~ an RR of l ' or more. If ~ model ~with an RR 'of'O

.' ,

Olo,ve~ into 'base contact with ·ar'lother model it is always ~counted as a collr~ion.

: RA~,GE BAN9S (RB) ~ :T:he numbe~ of d!c~ ~tJ:l~t;y~y':c r~11 when~, model ,mak!'!s qn attack is ~ ~deteunilled I:>~( the 'Range Band:at whic!;! the mOEfel is firing'. There are four Range"Bandsr ea'ch of w hich represen~s an 8" distance measured' tram~ ihe :firin~model, grving 8", 16':, 24'! <l.nGl32".

The CoA may well be one of the most

technologically advanced nations on the planet, but its navy still enjoys

the pomp and circumstance of its


SQUADRON SIZE When you deploy models on the table they are formedirito Squad:rons that MUST comprise the same general type of model (\.lf1! e~ss~ tbi FIG states otherwise). There are minimums and maximums for': the~ Squadron Size that are also listed,on the FIG"which can ofte:n d~terroine~~' the tactics of individual fleets. ~


SURFACE MODELS Any model that is on the- sea of lan,d counts as a ~ sur~adrn,6ael: ~ therefore most naval and land modejs are survface ' models. Diving

~ ~models (naval and lanq) are counted as. being on"t~e surface ~uQless Jhey are submerged; in which case they~'!.r,e no longer on,tM 's'i:Jrface.


Meet Chaplain Josiah 'Hookey'

Montague Smyth, veteran of many

a campaign, and one ofthe

most memorable characters in the Britannian Army.

A game.can last anything from half an hour with a couple of Squadrons to a long afternoon if you put lots of mosJels on the table. A game can last until all of the models in one fleet have been destroyed, or until one player decides to capitulate . You could 'also define a number of turns, a flme limit or perhaps a scenario objective that marks the end of thEt game, at which time you calculate Victory Points to determine who is victorious.

Dystopian Wars uses a simple turn based system with each turn broken down into different phases. These phases are as follows : Play 'Turn' Game Cards, Determine Initiative, Resolve Movement and Combaf alternately by Squadron, and then the End Phase. During the Movement and Combat phase more Game Cards can be played to

' eii h ~ r aid a player or hinder an opponent.

$0 ju~t to recap, the sequence of play is as follows:

1.) Pl'ay Turn 'T' Cards 2) Roll i D6 for Initiative 3) Movement and Combat 4) End Phase

In Phase~l e-ach player can use a Turn card to affect the rest oftbe turn

. 1 x Battleship (counts as a 1 model 'Squadron) 3 x Cruisers (is.a 1 x 3 model Squadron) 9 x Frigat~s (splh into 3 x 3 mode,l·Squadronsj 2 x ~'on:ber Mo"dels 10 x Tiny Aircr!lft Tokens

The Battle Group is a good basis on which to start a collection of models for Dystopian Wars.-You can have a good game with a single boxed set, or expand your Battle Group to 1:,500 points or higher; which is roughly the equivalent of two Rattle Groups and a few extra models, There are, three ways to build your fleets for Dystopian Wars, which are outlined below. " •

If you play an open'game there ar'e no·restrictions on what models you · use, you just pick a point value, say.SOO, assemble models to this value and roll some dice. You can use whatever models yo;]' want -. so as lon'~ as the players agree to the f.ormat they can do whatever pleases them.

... If you play a friendly game you pick a pbint value.and your fleet MUST contain at least 1 Squadron of models in the Small size alass, at least 1

. Squadro~ in the Medium size class and at-least 1 Squadron in"t'he Large size class, but you can o! herWiSe fielcj whatever,models you like.

(if they have one) . If you' do no} use the Game Cards ignore t.his phas~ . :. If you play a tournament game your fleet MUST contain the same These ca r-ds affect this.turn and unless the card states otherwise the minimums ClS with a friendly gOl7Je. In addition up to 70% of,your poi nts effect 0f.the card ~ill end when the turn ends. can .be spent on models in the Large size class, but no more than 70% of

, your .points can be spent on.. mogels in tne Massive size class, no more In Phase' Z the players roll 2D6 for Initiative to see in what order they than 70% of your. 'p'oiots can be spent-on mo.dels in the Medium size cao activ.ate their Squa'drc:ins (of one or more models or tokens) . It do'es - class, 'a'nd no mo~e tllan'40%of your polnts cern be spent on models in not matter whether a- model is a Ship, Tank, Aeroplane or Creature, the Small size class. The amount of ;"odeJs or tokens in the Tiny size they a ~e all organised into ~quadron~ i-n this game. • clas's" is -essentially determined by the' models t hat you field - models

In Ph~se 3.the players take turns activating one Squadron at a time in < ~rder of·lnitia~ve , until' the Movement and Combat of ALL Squadrons

• has~l)ee;;: resolved .. AS' the game progresses it is possible that one f'>la'y~'r wJil -end up having mere Squadrons on the table than the other player. As"and when this occurs, the player simply keeps activating hisl her 'a~n 'SqlJadrons until everything has been activated.

'*" ~ _ • 10

In P~ase 4. the Movement.of te'rrain; (if applicable) is resolved, but it cian also be viewed as a 'cle:an up' phase when you combine damage tokens, draw new Game Cards and prepare for the next turn .

• ' ~ .- a ~


~~ The iniB~j ~phase of the game saw a number ot boxed sets for each _q. ,~ w A " ~

J;. faqi<an 'arrive; th~se .are wh~t wej;all Battle Groups. The first Battle . .,. Groups. are focused on oaval . r;nodels, but these will be followed by •

Land_and ~ Aerial Battle Groups. The Naval Battle' Group breaks dowl1 as follows:

such as airfields, aircraft carriers an~, the j ike.

In ~II three types otgClme you 'MUST ;till~dhere to the 'Squadron sizesh


that are ~ pecifiE!d foc,each mod~1 and thej r point costs. In-addftion if dnes not matter whether you field land, aerial or naval Squadrons, you ca~ field any mix of models from the three armed forces.

·r he more familiar Y0l! are ~i1: Fi-tlie Dystopian WarsriJfes the more .you­will find that games will speed u·p.' l'here are several different weapon syst~ms and move;;'el:lt limits to ge(used to, and' a lot of l actiGal options in ho;;".to. use them.;You will soon discover that there are a lof of ·sub.tle d~tails that make for in):er esting strategies in your games; _ .. . ... ,... -

r _ .. GAMING tABb.ES ~ ~

d.Yf "" .k .i · . , f . 7"; ... it'";

Jhe advantage CDf nava l garijes is that a gaming tablE!,c; ilD be as··simple. '. as a blue cloth; or 'a~ 'Zofl, plex as 1iextured tile"s v.7ith:i ac' formed islandt = anp resin sce,nery. In Dystopi an W~fs it is oft,eo easiest tOd~li.nea!~ the land with green cloth on blue, making it easy to lay terrain and move

- me6lels around on it. ' ~ • T .. •



. :

Dystopian Wars focuses on all three arms of combat - naval, aerial and land - so depending upon the type of game you are playing it is impor~ant to lay terrain that allows two or more players to bring fleets to the table t hat are, different in ~oth composition and function. So

, _ long as ships still have plenty of room to manoeuvre on the sea, you • can't gO Wro·ng. You do not have to play all kinds of forces in the game,

but it do:es allow for exciting ga.mes when you mix all three.

It is important therefore that your choice of game should be driven by agreement between the players, as to whether you p"lay a game that emphasises one "type" of battle or a conflict of mixed forces.

Imagine a gaming table with an invasion fleet steaming towards the ~nemy sh.ores, I<lefensive gun emplacements firing at them as they do, holdingj:he.enemy back while their own ships arrive. Meanwhile airships attack fro·ln. another table edge, squadrons of fighters lauhching from airstrips to intercept them. And secretly from the back of the board squadr'ons of Land Ships move towards the emplacements, aiming to destroy'them before they damage the naval-based invasion ships.

.oUlf K iDEA: .Wheo you set up a game divide the table up into four ~uarfers and deploy one piece of terrain into each quarter. The terrain, 'is deployed by' the player whose deployment area is in that quarter.­Terrain is generally defined as islands or landmasses; a land,mass is any aref 6f land that exceeds 8" in size and borders a table edge.

It is up to you what type of terrain to use, but the simplest are islands (on the ocean) and hills (on the land), which should generally. be 4 t~ 8" in length and width (to all()w for easy movement-between theml: "

This is just a quick way to set up a game. You can a~ree to place' more'!:;. :: ~ .. terrain if YO l,l wish, and in many cases the owner of the table may' well , layout a battlefield before the other players arrive·ar.ld set it up with aesthetics in mind more so than str~tegic advantage.

After de,ployilJg terrain each player rolls 2D.~. The player who:gl?j:;; b~~ . highest roll deploys one Squadron in their deployment area, and Wen ' the player with the next highest roll deploys one Squadron ana s6 on: This includes the deploym~nt of Squadrons of Tiny token s separately from their carriers.

, . There are a myria"d of ways you can set a gaming table' up a'nd a great number of ways you can play Dystopian Wars. Y0l;l can play Naval vs. Naval, Ground vs. Ground, Air vs .• Air, or any combinatioQ of the t~ree ,

You could even play a game uSing ALL three types of medels, maybe even on separate tables, with each , table given different objective , parameters, as de~ned 'by a scenario .or campaigh.; The, ou.tcoTe ToL~ lri • one table could have an -impact on a different tatolle, such as the mUGi'I .;. tc" ~ needed artillery not showing up, or th ~ ai r,sl.lpport yoq had counted 6n • : .. <::

' being bogged down fighting its way across another' table. ': 1 .. ' ..

the c~re rules. for Dystopian Wars can be quickly and easily augmented with ~ a separately available deck of 52 Game Cards. These cards are

:·:. j ~tended}o provide a lively extension to the game, taking it beyond a simple combat garPe, introducing the themed elements of chance and weird15cience to the proceedings.

We refer tp these Game Cards as STAR cards, being Squadron, Turn, &~ction and· Reaction cards respectively. The cards are marked with 5, .

1=, A oc R b,ulbs ""hich will be lit up to indicate which of the fou~ core types ·qf card it is.

Ifyol:l only have onedef:k between several players then share the deck between you. ILyou.have more than one deck the .ideal situ,ation is if

&each player .uses·th~ir own dec;:k, but there is nothing wrong with some : play:rs using shariAgdecks.and others using their own deck within the: same game.

+.Some G~arne Cards will · have a Creature (represented by a robGt) or ·Fprrificai!on (representeGl by ~ portcull'is) icon in the lower ,corner,

% ~* which determine: the types of mGdel the card may be used ~ith. You can' Ol'lly use a card on a Creature/Robot or Fortification if the icon

% repres:rnti!1{(j:h~l%type ot mod€1 is on the card ..

» ~JJ .some ·G~me qarasr::located on the left hand side of the !=ard, are ·befween~l anti:3 Sturginiumsymbols. ·The number of symbols jndlcates %how pow%erfultt1e ~card is wl!len used to Count~r (andther~fore negate) a: c~rd: th<~1i also: A<;l$ one or moreSturginium symbols on it. When'a card h negated, boti'l% c.Cj:r:d,s, ~re discardeq a(ld their effects nu·llified. .

"FHE%GAM:E "CAlmS · Cafds OB.n ;b~~I~yed ' Shroughout the game Turn~ and have differing.

effe€J;s% aha -ab~I~~es ., Jhere are .5 different "times when a card may be playeddu*rirfg;~ g;;me <:Iod the highligbted letter/symbol at the bottom of e~cb; card·*wll1 let YGI:l k~0W at a glance when you can use that p;3rtU:uJac:c,aI d. The o,!rMarso ~xplai~ when and,h9lN·they are used.

;$ * '" *

, :; ~ i ", . . \0 "' '* - .:!: ~. "'" 'W " .. ~ 'MPOijT~l\Ir:NQ:r~: .~qmeof the cards allow ¥ou to ignore limitations

Gwithin%ihe 'rul"es and allow '10U;to 'Perform an ac;tionw~h a.model that ea ;;;~~:~tj;~r*wisi Dot aUoweq· in ttl~, rules: In .these circumstances the" text • on the ,card overrl1les tllie text in tne rul~ book. The core types of card "04. * ,arei5;,f.onows;.: " .. :yIut:::*; qUAl \-4>4* 'It v;,

'--::;0., '5 Card (Squadron:Car:d) »

i*' .. %Plqy~o~ 'orre ofVour·Sql1adro~S.i When you"actiltate' a·Squadron as

!~i:~-;;L parJt~~~~rn)~ri~m"~ pjay:;yolJmay~qJs0:play an (SLca~d/ ~whiclJ affects aJl !ii4:of~e ~odels wit~irHhll1iSquadron. +A Squad~Orf cardqm always affect ". ;:::'H.;q!j. 9f,t~~~aQtivCjct~d rr:~eJ s;" whet;her it 15 1. BatfleshifiJ '!-I) th ptt<;le::hel:l

ftr. ~:1i ;~sco.%.rtS,;bf~ 4; Frigat~~; but*only '~q J<'in~. 3. 5 '~. :n.*E't. Sq.u. a .• drJJ. n js "all .•. w. i.thir;l • . j2/ C:Gm~1jn~f>)stance.fY{)U car:! choose to·exelucj;e some mpd.e)5 l r7om the : f~ fl A 041 """"' . 4>"" , ~

Rf t ,p illi ~ f. . t¥

effects of the card it you want: If a "Squadron has' splif then tj'le }S) card %

will oflly affect the corri'!land~d ell.i!ment o'f .the, Squadro.n. , . %'


NOTE: You can only pleY 1 (5) card, on. a ?q,u,adron p'E!r~turl1.

T Card (Turn Card) You can ·play (')oe (T) C3r,d at the start, of turn. Player·s ihoose

their Turn card (if they wish to play one);place it face down' in front of them and then reveal them a"1I at the same time: This stops ~players from deciding not to play a Turn card.because an. opponer:lt 1:1~ played ai:Je.tter card. • "

If a player does not ha~e, a (T) ,carg Gr does l'I®l>w~flt t6 ;play: one, they are alloVved to" skip this phase: The (T) ca·rds are ·resQlvea "in, order or ini,tiativ~ from the pre~ious turn. ' * .. % ~ %

NOTE: In the case of the flrst turn wh"ere initia!:lve .has 091: yet b~en determineo, eve.r"l" player·rolls 2D6"a(1d reso'ves~their ~erd~ ifl or+der qf the hi~hest first to the lowest-last.

A, Card (Aftio~ Car~) »

Play on one ofyour+models. A mod'el CANNOT have an' (Ar cafd · ,played on itif it is part of aSquadrcm thatwhas just been activated 3ncl

' h~d an (S); card pl~y'ed 0(1 it: Effectively \hi~ me'ans that a .mqd~lm.ay, never be a~ected by a"ri (5) and:aR (~):ca~d durrng tne samftu~n.

" NflT~: Yby "C;:A~NOt play m.or;,e than one (A) €a~d on -a Squadron per turn. This means·,that you CANNOT activate a 3 model Sqoadrol'l f0 r' examl:'eand ~1C!ya card on each' indi~idual model." » ,"

% '* ';<

&R Ca~d fRejl~~ell Card) +

Yow·ca;n "play alJ (R)card on o.n.~pf your "models as ta n tht;<:~Gtions .t~~t other players attemp,'1 !():perfor~ wittl't~eipT.o:r:Jels~;;+ ReaCtion cards will only a"ffect a 'single model. You ·can p1av %rnore than,' one"('R) card on the same model 9uCrng the same turn, but:yotl.can' ont'~ play ONE-ReactiGn card"against.aach event. +

%W & ,&

"NQ.TE: AA (R) Garcd onlya"ffects cl Single evel'lt, so a card that" ihc;r'~ases your OR or eR will oOly ~lfeGt: th~ Tniual"atlaCk is playea. ~gaiti1st and does not la~t beY~n·d t hat." ~ 44 ** % :w ~ »0 + .•• ~ 4 ,

If your S/'urfJilJfl:ifn~af~ h~~an ~:~u%al Ar . ~".n+"~ it fo countar th@ otne.r+cara; ann both

thllf1. 5ti!rg! s .C!r;,q t .P.

card, so long as th'e combined v~lues of the Sturginium! atings of tho~e cards are of an equal or greater rating (and all of the those cards are discarded) . You CAN use a Sturginium card Wom yo~r hand) to counter

' ~ Th~p~ . ~

- "

NOTE: "Ehe text that applies to the.S, T, A @r R effects is not va lid when 'a card is u,:;ec}to col,mteLanother card . It OJlly applies when you use the .card as a STAR CaFe instead of a count,er c~rd. .

PLAYING YOU'R'CAR DS At 'the sta ;t of a ga"me"each pl~yer draws 1 random cardfro~ their deek for eVery Squadron: of mol:iels that they have deploy~d on th~ table . ,igu QO .N0T-oraw-cards for Ti~y tpkens (like Aeroplanes) or Escorts,

'-MaKe sUEe that'the deGks are we lt sh uffled before drawing cards . . '

. IMPORTANT NOTE: The maximum number of cards'a player can have • .in tbeir hand is 5, no matter how many. Squadrons they are playing with (althougl1 some Game Cards an,d MAR abilities:will moaify this) .

' Therefor·e.if you have'S Gards in your h~ nd you CANNGT draw any more i:a~ds . • • - - -' - : ' •

as ih'e first rUm .0L a. game begTns the players can start to

'" ~ " '" . ,!" • Example 1: A'da'm has 4 active_ Squadrons on, tAe table €luring Turn 4, wl9ich means ,he can hold 4 Game Cards. During.Turn 4 one 0f his Squadrons is destroyed. He is reduced to 3 Squadrohs· and during the E'nd Phase can only hold 3 cards in his hand. As he sti l) has 4 cards in his hand he has to choose-one to discard. He could still discarq a-s many,as _. he liked an'd draw up to his m Clxim ~m hand size of3. _

I . ~

A player can also lose cards as the result of a STAR carp . Sometimes a . card will specify that you 'trash' one or more' cards from your rand, deck or discard pile. If this is the case, you' remove the 'trashed' Gards

~ • , ;,.. '11

, from the g~me and CANNOT use tbem again until th~ ne~t game. w ,~ .'

NOTE: If you per.form a successftil Boarding 'Ass211j'lt:-~n'd capture an • enemy model, y~u DO N9T" draw an extra card 'lor~ whtr.olling an

additional Squadron .

CARDTAcncs How ana when you .choose to play your 'cards is v; ry important, and players should nOHell-anoth ~ r Rlayer what card ,they are using ,u.ntil they are forced to do sr5. -A great tacticai advantagecan,be gainea by keepi ng your,card de~loyment a sec'ret.. . ",-

use theircards~ ;a:s~s~at~dt~e (T) c:Jrc;ls can b~ used before rolling fOl '- Example 2: ~eil actiVates a BattleshiJjl a~d fi~es :afan enemy Cruiser initiative; the .rnost uS'eful ones involve repai damaged models. c0mmanded by Derri~k;Neil decides to give l1is br~ad$fae more power ·Once the Movement and ,Combat phase beg ins and' players are by using'an (A) card ~alled:Let 'Em Have It. Thisf ard gives hfm +3 AD, altern'ately. a~ti~;ting Squadro~s the (S) and (A) car-ds .kick in. ~ whieh he uses against the Cruiser. In response Derril::k plays al'l (.R) card Wnen a player activates a Squadron he may want to speed them up, ' called Hard a~ Najls which reduces the total ' numbe'r of hits against and whep a model per forms a Boarding Assault its player might m0dify his Cruiser by -2. Neil .and Derrick cannot now change their mind and his To Hit numbers. . ,. play another. cara;-flie"[et 'Em Have It and Hard as Nails eards were

dedared arid ttiat-s~qu~nce of actions/cards m~st b~ resolved . -It'a.Game C:ird specifies pTaying a card on a partic,ular type of

~~'",..."...,, ~ •• "~mo€lel, like a' C:apit~lCI~ss model' for-e~~ mple, yo'u can ONLY play-:. ' f he card on thfO! specifie'd n;lOdel . ' - ~ : ~~ ~

1* .. ..., .... ,..... An'y Game Card th at affe.~ts the,Ab of a m C-lde I CAN be used against a su brl'lerged or. obscured mode,! (expl~ n,eq ' iQ. the Movement ch?pter) ". _ If a Game CaraspeCifies iUs for use on models it CANNOT be used

~ . ~ ~ ~ -- on a Tiny flyer-or other-tokens . •

At the end of the turn during the 'End Phase the play~rs};an elect to discard any GaFds they-dei not-want and draw new o))es~ They CANNOT

• Ii ~wever discard -any new-cards that they draw. unti i the next End 'Ph ase. After doing.thisa.player who has used ca r:,cjs; p.!JJi Qg th~J"wn Will

, want to draw n~w ~~~s to ~eplenish !heir hand. - w :

, . Wlien a player gets to the end of their deck the' STAR -Glrds, are resflUffI~d and yot! Ke~p 61aying ';""i:t'h them - if a game lasts that long.' .. ,... ... .. ... ....

, , LOSING CARDS ~ " As stated a player can hold 1 card per Squadron that is dep(ciyed on the iaming table, up to a-maximum of 5. But as Squadron; a ;~ destroyed

:'50 the numb er otG~[cJs1,RJaY.e r has to pl~y with is reduced. ~

- . NOTE: If you pla,{a' card,that is not valid (played Incorrectly) you can take it back 'into y6ur hand. ':c .'

... #' *-', $""

MUHIRlAYER GAMES In games where-m9[e than two players- are involvec;l V:ou may ONLY play cards to ben~fit your own models and hinder rhe enemy's models. y~u may, not pl iilyc ilfas o~ your allies unlessth'E?c;;ard sp~cifically allows yo.uto do so.

. Example 3: lan-eoula nor :Ioan' his Jolly Good Shot! ca rd to his ally Adam. BofhJ!llayers c~uld play a m carg, but any effects of those cardS:· -could only be,played on.their own models (ex€ept,for events that affect the- terrain or nave ablan~et effect on fhe-d ble,).even if tAey' have the same-faction. '" • -**'lC,_~

If disPlltes' arise ab0ut who plays cards in what order or how. their effects ,are applied, then ygu' should play and resolve ea[ds in the current turn's initiative. order, ..

NOTE: This i ~ ~ Is~ true with regard to St~rginh'Jf11 liilreS. If more than one player is affected by a card, each player can only't ryto counter the effects'on their ,9wn fleet. " ,

WHO GOES FIRST? To determine wh ich side moves first wh~n two or more players are al l fighting each other, each player ro lls 206, wit h the player t hat ro lls the

, higtJest number going fi rst . The players resolve initiative in sequence 'r. of the dice results, with the highest going 1st, next highest 2nd, next

highest 3rd and so on.

Should any players ro lls tie, keep rolling unti l one person has the highest roll and a clear sequence of play has been identified from one ' player to the next. You must determine initiative at the start of eactJ turn a~g then alterhate the movement of Squadrons.

ACTIVATION Once initiative has been decided it is time to move the fl eets. This is done by 'moving ONE Squadron of models at a time, with players taking

, tllrns <!oing this action. Whi le a Squadron is active a player MUST, ' perform. ALL actions w ith the models in it, w hether it is movement, combat and/or board ing.

" When this has heen comp leted the op.p~sing player gets to activate a Squadron and resolve all actions with it, after whtch contro l passes to the other playe·r. Th'is is done unti l ALL Squadrons have been activated, whether they resolved any actions or not. This sequence applies to all 'players,rotating aroun~ during larger multi -player games.

If you have tiNo sides with more than one player on each side you can speed up play with this optional ru le. Once you have determined initiative for ea~h side, .every player on each side can activate a .:

OUTSIDE COMMAND DISTANCE Most Squadrons have a Command Dista~c~ (CD) of 6" and ca ~ operate norma lly while the" are with in 6" .of each other: It is recommended that every model within a SquadtoQ should remain with in CD of another model in1he same Squadron.

If t he models in a Squadron are not with in CD of each.other at the start of their activation t hey are counted as being split. When models in ;;: Squadron are split, choose part ofthe Squadron to be the com~anded element.

When you activate a split Squadron resolve .the. movement of , the commanded element first, and resolve the movement of t he remainder of the Squadron separately. Then resolve t~e 'firing and/or ' boarding of t he commanded element first, fo llowing by the firing of the remainder of the Squadron. ~ "

.. •

A S'quadron CAN be split more than once, but only ONE group of . models selected by the player can be the commanded element ': A commanded element can be any p'art of the Squadron, so long as the models within it are within CD of each other ' A commanded eleme~t does not have to be tne largest group of models in the Squadron ' A commanded ,element CAN be a single model Any model that is split off and outside the CD at the' start of its activation has to make a Command Te?t {'explained in the next ctiap~er) ,

• Squadron when it is their turn . If a Squadron fails;a Command. or Br~ak Test place a Break token next to'it .• lt CANNOT use Game'Cards, Linked fire or Sp lit Fire and CAj'JNOT

Example '1: A Britannian' fleet with three players is fighting a Prussian fleet wif h four players. The Britann ian players roll highest for initiative

, and go ls~ so all three players activate one Squadron each. The Prussian p!~ye~sgo 2~ .arid 'all f~ur players activate one Squadron each.

'Onc~ a ~i~y;r se lects a model and begins its movement it CANNOT be ha lt~d. A .~ I ayer: CANNOT begin a movement, stop halfway through,

'I~t anotner [)lodel move ilnd then come back to the previous model.

-NOTE: A group of T.iny flyer tokens counts as a Squadron and is th,eref~ r~ activated in a similar '!'lay.

r:. player can select a' Squadron and say it is doing nothing at all that turn .• Models that do ndthin,g will drift forward 2". in a -straight line, u ~ l ess dley have h.alted 'using the All Stop action. A driftil'lg model CAN !lJu'f u se· Gunnery Attacks, fire Rockets or Torpedoes, drop Bombs

~ or Mings, and CANNOT use Ack Ack -or Concussion Charges" initiate a B; arding.Assault or use a ~Generator (excluding Snields and Field; ), btl t

~ .. it' fight~ p,ac,k.if it is poarded, ' • • _ " ,

initiate a Boarg[ng Assault. .

• These effects apply unti i . th~ ::"m~pel or Squadron makes a . successfu l Brave'ry· Test at the end of any subsequent' activatioR. (explained in the next chapter)' " . If a model Witla a Break token moves back into ,CD with its commanded element the Break token affects the wtlOle Squadron immediately . If a model with, cl Break token is' within ·CD any other split off models from it:; Squadron the Break token affects those models

• Burrowers, C;:re.atu res, Fortific~fions, Robots~ S~~marines a'nd'Tiny .tokens IGNOREthe Com l}1CJ.n~ Distance rules, the'i DO.NqT make Commandr Break or Bravery rests and they CAN r)ormally still uS,e Linked Fire with:ottJer models In th.ei ~ Squadron ..'

NOTE:: Moving a modelpacJ< into CD of the commanded element"ctoes -n~t- aUow a p l ay~r to' t hen operate the sq~adron norrnaily.,Tnat:bccJrt in"the following Turn, wlien the Squadron is next activated and sta fts'" • the tur~ within CD.' '. .' •

4 '

IN SU MMARY la Choose a Squadron to activate:'

~ lb~ Resolve any Command Tests fot' models that are outside of Command DistanC€!.

~Move a model within~ 'a ~Squad~roD, ,resolving all of the m~ement fO'r that model Then pick ,aneJrher ~model in the Squadronaod follew the same process ' until ALL of the moders~ in the Sq~uadron h~ve moved. This includes any ~ttacbed models! such as Escorts, and TinyFlyers.

'Declare,all a*tta,Gks from the ~ctivating Squadron, then ~ d~clare en~emV c.ounterattacks from Ack ,Ack,' Concussion ~h,arges,and Combat Air PatrQI.

Re:solv~ the use of Ack Ack' (by n:\GJdels) .against flying model! ~ tokEints) that" have declarel '<In ,attack, a[ld Concussion Cha'rges (by mod,els) against 'diving mod~ls ~ ..that have ~. 1

, :declaJ"ed'im attack. ' ~

Resoll1e ' the Ack Ack a,ttacks~ ora 11 Tiny Flye(s on' both sides ¥ 4 > $ ~ *'" " ~ 'W

a~gainst other Tioy Flyers simultaf1e:~usly.

~Resolv~ the Ack Ack atta'cks of all Tiny Flyers on both sides against 'Qtber Flying~ models simult~nep~usly,

'*.4d" v Res 0 tve' the 'AD attacks of all Tiny'Flyers on both sides llgajngt

. ~


R~~olye the attacks of any remaining models in ~the activating Squadron.,

Resolve :any Boarding Assaultsfqr models that are within 4" of any other 'l1lodels.,

' Re$olye )3reak Tests tor Sq,uadrons that have, had one or more ~Gclels:de~troy~d or captured.

;Resolye Bravery 1t=sts for any models elr Squadrons with ,a Break:toKen:from a' pr;ier ,activatien ,

* .. % "" -

ResollYe ;any Repaj~ Rpl[s. Thh marks the end ot your Turn . . ~ ,

• the acBvation.seq~uenc~above, provides YQU with a comprehensive b~eaKdown o(how ,a;1I models and tokens ~in th; :game operate. As

: yo~ :react:t~roug~ t~e hlle book you wtJi become mo~ tamrliar with ter mS; sUl:h' a;~ftnyfly~r, B~arding Assaults and Bravery Tests.

* .~ *"" "%,*0 .% 't


vYh~re : such :things as Tiny Flyers are~ not used, 'or npt "tt"r~'p'1'1 ;tblarger models, entire sections of the cibGJve actillation'

b'e ig"lQred.

Nominate one of your Large or Massive models at the start of the game .as the FI~et c"omruodore's model' and place a Fleet Commodore token on the mode l. You CAN place a Fleet Commodore token on a model with. the Model Assigned Ru le called Icon '(exp lained in the MARs Chapter( You CANI}JOT pla€e a Fleet Commodore token on a Creatur~ or Robot mode l. The Fleet Commodore is the commander, of your force - so look after him!

During the activatien of the Fleet Commodore, yeu can re-roll the dice on ONE of each of the following events, but you MUST take the secong resu lt in e'ach case: a;herous Terrain roll, a Critical Hit roll against an enemy model or a Damage Repair ro ll. Your Fleet Commodore gains

-. these re-rolls ONCE ·in every Turn. .

" ~QMMAND! BREAK AND BRAVERY ~T-hese rl:J les refer .~p Break tokens, which show that a model or Squ,adfOn has lost its nerve after fa iling a Test. The four types oHest are listed below: " ' " -

:; -

A Commarrd Test),s r esolved by n:9d ~ l s in a Squadron tJ1at start their activation' eu.!side of Command Distance (split 2 ft) of their commanded element -

- A Break Test is resolved by a Squadron when one or-more models are destroyed or e aptur.ed (in other words lost)' within that Squadron (aQ,crspfit pffmodeis test individl:Ja lly) - •

. A Breal Test l,s'~ (so resolved wh~'n the Fleet Commqdo~e's model • is lost

. A 'Brave,ryJ:est is' re'solved after a Squadron with a Break token is . • activated , •• "-. • -

other split off models from its Squadron the Break token also affects those models ' ' Burrowers, Creatures, Fortifications, Rob.ots, Submarines and.Tiny tOKeos DO NOT r(lake Comr.nand, Break, or Bravery Tests •

Example 1: A Sq,ua.f1ron of 4'Scout Gyros atta~ks a Squadron of 4 Tanks, The Tanks reso lve their Ack Ack and destroy one ofthe.Gyros, and tli ~n the Gyros roll their Attack Dice and destroy two qH he Tank? The Break Tests are reso lved AFTER the Gyros have resolved their activation~ The Gyr~s reso lve one Break Test for losing a model in ,the Squ<,ld ron, and. the Tanks make one Break Test for losing two m~dels in' their SEJuadron.

Example 2: A SEJuadrQn of S Frigates has separated, group 1 (of two Frigates) is the commanded element and group 2 '(of tliree Frigates) counts as being split off. One of the Cruisers in g oup 2 is captured, the;refore the remaining spli( offFrigates each make ori'e Break Test an'tl the commanded eleme'1t makes one Break Test.

> Example 3: A Squadron ot4 Troop Transports has a 'Break token. One of them is destroyed, but it does not make a Break-Test beGa~se it a l re~ dy has a. tokel). qn~ of them,is then captured in' a subsequent activation, but again, no Break.Test. When the Trucks are activated,'they make a Bravery Test after cp mpleting t~eir_activation.

Ex~mple. 4: A ~Taf1k (that 1~ spJiJ.o.ff! with a Break TO,ken rejoins its • Squadron, that B(eak token now applies to the rest of the models in • tnar Squadron t.h'al -are wi~hin Command ' Distpnce. That part of the

Squadron can however-resolve -a-Bravery Test in an attempt to remove " the 'Break'token,' · ~:" ."" . • • - .

.. " . , .

.. .,. .. ". .. ~

· ~ · ...... ~

If flOe of your SquaElj:Qn~ has lost a model when your opponent has RESOLVING TESTS activatea' <i Squadron, resalve the rest of your opponent's firing CoO)ma'nd Tests are maEle" wh.en you choose ·a squadrdh'to activate.

'a~d boardi ng wit'h th~t Squadron BEFORE making a Break Test . If a Break and Bravery =rests are made when the current movement, firing '. Squadron has lost mo re than one model in the same activation, it only AND Boarding C\ssault'phases have qeen resolveQ, Rol l 306 ~md ign.ore •

makes ONE Break Test. A model DOES NOT make a Break Test if it loses any ro lls.of 1, 2 or 3, while a 4 or S counts as '1 'hit' and a 6 counts as all. ll'tta'Zhed Escort ~o~ef or attached Tiny flyer ~oken. - 2 'hits' with an extra ·diC;e roll for each 6 that is roire-d. f'ri general you

"._ -. ne,ed-'1 hit' to pass a Bravery Test: but there are_modifiers given b elow: .. ' - 4:: .. '

If one 9r more. mod'els ilia Squadron are Irjst, the Squadmn ~UST ruakea Break Test and any split off models MUST also make

~:.::..::J~d i~idual §r~a~:r~~ts . _ ' _. ;;: .~ ~t . - If a Fleet Commodoce's model is lost, every Sq'uadron (and split

off model) in its Fleet MUST make a Break Test, even ifthe Fleet Commodore's model was either obscured or submerged • • If an activating- Squadron has a Break Token it MUST make a Bravery Test AFTER it has finished its activation, and IGNORES the

~,oprevious two reasons to. test wjlile it has the Break token -If a model with a Break token moves back into Command Distance with its commanded element the Break tOken also affects' t he • )IIIi ._ c... • .,.

· ... ...: c....".", ., .

•• )f a Squadron has:lost its Fleet Commodore';sJnQ:del~itAeeds 2 'hit s" ~ ::~:~ 4f '" .. ~ .. . '.. '" 4> t." c.... .. '" '" -.,!2 pass fo~ t he Test of the game (or until the Fleet Corrm9d0r~'.s- · .. ~ .. :-

. • rhodel isrecaptur"ed i f applicable) • • • • • • ".!,:!' •• If a Squadron has'lost hal f (or more) of tne its Squadron • ~ ,,~!:

it,needs 2 ~hits' to ~paSs for th.e. rest of the game (if it has also lost ' ; ;::: its Fleet Commooore it needs 3 '/iits' to pass) ' - .'.~ ' - ~ :::;.

• If a Fleet t0m~modore's ~odel is lost mcfre than 'onGe in a game ' :'::2-(for example captuted" recaptured and c;pt~r~a4again ), ,vo:u 0.0 .

". . ' "l

NOT make any:additiona l Break Tests . . : .~ ~

If ANY moael in a Squadron is wit hin 8" ohhe Fleet Commodore's ,,; ... . - t' ... •

model, measu~ nlrfrom any part of one model in the'Sq l:laaron to cOl1Jmanded e!e,,!~nt _ • ' ~. _ If' a model with ,.a lBre~k teKen is within Comrpand Distance of any r' I

• • ' h '" + jk "* any p'; rt 0f itlE~ Pleet tommo.aore:s moqel - roll;gn addition.aJ Ib6 •

'& " . ;... .' ~. "". • '-. .r

If a model is outside of Command Distance it rolls on'e less 106 • If a 5quadron passes a Command,or Break Test hothing happens

If a Squadron fails a Break Test,p lace a Break token next to it. It CANNOT use Game Cards, ~inked Fire or Split Fire arid CANNOT initiate a Board,ing Assau lt If a Squ,adron with a Brea~ token (gained on a previous activation) passes a Bravery Test, remove the . Break token (you CANNOT remove a Break token in the same ac;tivation that it is ga ined)

Example 5: A Squadron of Scout Rotors attacks a Land Ship, which resolves Ack Ack ag~ i nst them and destroys one Rotor . .They reso lve a Break. Test and fail: and gain a Break token. They CANNOT resolve a B~~Ve~y Test to remov.e,the Break token until a subsequent activation.

iN' s'O MMARY WRen -a .model that is outside of Command ' Dista nce resolves a Corumand/Break/BraveryTest it c!oes so individually. When 'l.S'ql!adron resolves a Break/Bravery Test it does s9 collectively for any models that "are still w ithin Command Distance. If at least one. model in a Squadron '(or c~~~and~d element) is within 8" of a Fleet Commodore's moael,

_ tbe. whoie S'ql!acjron/com.m~nded elem.ent ga ins fhe . boous 106. A" " m€ldelthat' is outside of Command Distance can sti li"ga in't he lD6·bonus

, if it i~.within 8" of the Fleet Commqdore; but goes so iric!ividually. , "

With regard ·to t he activation sequence you resolve movement, firing and boarding normally, then resolve Break and Bravery Tests. That means that if a model is destroyed ' due to a collision, firing attack

• or Boardin'g Assault, y~u wait until tMe end of the aotivatior.l of the Squ~dron before resolving th~ tests. B6th players may h~ve'to resolve Br.ea'k tests, because the activating player may lose models from a colJisi o'~, Ack 7\ck or Concu~sion Charges f:i re; whi le his'opponent is qtlite· likely to have had models aestroyed due to Gunpery Attacks and . Boarding Assaults. .

~ :. .?

_ ' You "<l A' resolve the' Bredk Tests in' aoyorder, but Bravery Tests are • resolved AFTER Bre~ k Tests. It is ONLY the activating Squadron that can male a Bcaver:y Test al'19 remove, a Break token. It is important to reme'mbefthat a Sqaadron,CANNOT remove a Break token that is has gained during the cLrrre"~t activation. '. •

. NOTE: I/fh,en a m@ael yvith a Break token {that was outside of.Command Distance} rejoins its Squadron, the model sti ll cannot use Game Cards, [jnked Fire' or initiate ,il Boarding Assa ult (it can only do so whe~ it

• removes the Break t9ken after a suc~essfu l Bravery Test) .

•• • The moyemel)t of the commanded element is always re"solYed first, , after which the rest of the Squadron is moved. If a split off model with .- ~. Br~a~ token rejoined . the commanded element, t~e corilmande9

element would f herefore! be affected by the Break token frQm that poiOt onwards, . ' . . ~ • .

• " •• + .. .,.,

-.. t·if~·· !

<?,lI;U su rfa,ce,~ ae ri i31 and land models i:1ave a Movement Value JMV) given ~ '1;;cinch~§:~! this ~rs dl e disfance tnat each model can move when it is

% " "" '% '* .activated.cA model' can generally move from between 0" to its full MV' (subject4:o restricBons) although most models have a minimum move~e~t restrictio~ which is explained below, and an option to !:ralt movement entirely by using wh,at is called an All Stop token. The rOlA icmum move and restrictions on halting are found Or;] the · Fleet Iflformatiofl Guide (FIG) of a model.

Unless 'a Scenario or the \lictory C;onditions# allow it; if a model O[ token ~a:ves off the tabt~edge, it is cou'nted as lost/destroyed and is removed· from the game'(t he exception being Tiny ~flying tokens that at

#qimes "an :be mQved, off table in order to refuel) .

NOTE: You can 'pre-rueasure distances at any time. whether it is for ~ovemef)t, firrng or bOarding.

USING HIE TURN :rEMPtA:rE ~Th~£;me '~omes ,with tlll70 different types .of movement template. .;rhec flrsi three ~emplates are 'marked as. Small, Medium and Large TeFl1plates; dnp' ~re' used to measure the turns of naval models. The fourth template has a ~45 degree'turn on it, and is used to ~easure.the f~rn? of ~: Iantl~~pdets:. ~.nd ~aerial models. . ,

%i< ¥" ~ V %

cVQ.u \Vj ll ' rlqte tM U tle fourth tem'plate has a 90 degree 'firing arc'. This placed against either .the prow or stern of t he model and tlsed to

r~iQI~~:cgr€alijJj ri [lg ~:ttaiks . The Combat chapter has diagrams that ;~ illustril.te· lh1 is . I~ a model does not have a prow or stern then place the

".. . "' .., "S ",. *' «"'. m f '" .~

tem (1l late agi3inst ll1e fFOn~!?r re~r cOIn er of the model Cor its base).

4TJ"t"' .. ·.,~ "+'~ ·"''' I ...... ''.,. b:3)I~~ 1" 'diViders that are used to align the side of

or base t9 th~ t~mJ>late. W~en making seve f,al t.'nnnl;,tp, make StJre that you continue to aUgn the side

'i'l i.,hto/·<tY;, ·nr!\ to t he .templatea~d that you u;e the

the model to determine the 'distance rf)oved.

LAND/AERIAL MOD.ELS Most 'Iand and aerial models CANN'OT' make a turn lha:F fs snarper/ greater .than #45 degrees, but they CA~ make any turn> from ·O to 45 degrees'. A turn MUST include a movement ~f 1". Most models CANNOT rotate El r turn without movrng, while moi:lels& iNith a 31;0 degree Turn Limit CAN rotate or turn withoyt moving.

The Turn Limit of a model deter:mines how easy it is for it to rnakea turn. rhe FIG of a 'model will state whaU ts turn limitis and s(1lecify either 360, 0",1" or 2", which are explained .belpw; .

A model or token with a Tu~n Liruit 0(36.0 can mov.e Ln any direction (and rotate) without any regard to the' turning' rules

• A model with a Turn Limit of 0" ,canmaK~ ~9ns~e(;ut1\1e tyr~s (of at least 1"), which means thaf if coulp: twrn &:'~ itnd arrive at the same position , ~ .. ~

• A model with a Turn Limit of 1" MUST move.l:"'directly forwards · :BEIiORE it makes each turn (of atJeast 1.." ) " if

A mod~1 with a 'rurn Limit of 2" . lY!lJ~T mpve 'i' di re ~tly forwards 'BEFORE it 'makes each turn (of at.least 1") 0/ ~

• I

LAND MODELS • Land models in the Small and Medium size cJass can. rotate upto 360 degrees INSTEAD of moving . Land models in the Large and Massive. size class can rotate up to 180 degreesJNSTEAD of mov~ng .

MINOR DIRECTIONAL CHANGES There wiil be times when a model can simply shimmy during its rrrovem~ntto avoid a ram or collision. The'diagram shows how a model

'~an slide between 'other mode'is and terrain, without having to worry ab.out exact tu~ns of a few millimetres. Th is helps speed up play, and as long as fair play is em'ployed you sM9uld not have any problems.

IMPORTANT NOTE: A surface or land model (A~NOT 'end its move in the same position as another model or flight stand, flying model CANfilOJ:' ,end it s move witn its flight- stand in the same position as another model ,or flight stand. . -

The rules ,apply slightl¥, differently with submerged. tokens and Tiny flyers (like Aeroplane tokens) . If a model end? its m-ove in the same

'positio'~ as a token (including resin tokens),. the play:~r that ~ontrols the token(s) ·.moves tnem out from under th~ model by the minimum

.. • 'I'" ~ • •

• distance necessar.y.

' • • - : this is parti~ularly relevant with tMis game b~cause .quite often there~ " -. wiJl be models mo~ing around at three levels of height: in. the air, on


. :ihe sea/tandand unaer the water/ground . . , ' MOVING MODElS When you activate a Squadron and move the models in it you M~ST cempl-ete the movement of 11 model BEFORE you move a second or third model. YOl,! do not ·have to use the full movement but you MUST

. finish all of a m,odel's movement; before selecting a different model.

nierefore you: CANNOT r:riove· 6n~ model 2" for example, mov~ another model '6" and then go back to the first model A model'with a minimum move of 0" (typically Land models) does . " . " . not have to move Mod'el f in a SquadrDn" t;AN move different.. distances and make different'tu rns.;

- ! ... : ... !

' LAND MODElS . ... " :The sea is impClssable to land models, wlifch. ca,use~ a collision if . they move into contact with the sea·(or similar1:errain) and halt. ., . ' This reflecfs bogging damage rather than an actual coJlision.

~ " . . : ~ ' (AND/NAVAL MOD'ELS '

If a model GIn the surface rams or collides with another model or !! .terrain"Lts.move 'stops, it ignores'its minimum move, and resolves

a ram er co llision when its Squadron has completed its movemelll If a s6Ff~ce models tarts an activation with its prow in contact with another model it GANNOT move forward and does not resolve a ra r.rii~~]li~ion " '. ,

If a submerged model rams 1lnother medel it resolves the' ram • • (wh ~ rl it s Squadron has completed its movement) and continues

;; .--. ,moving in a subsequent activation (it moves. over/under itl. <It ""_"..... ' .

NAVAL/AERIAL MODELS " Mosf . naval a ~(r aerial models hjlve minimum mo\(e- of 2", therefore you MUST move such a model at least 2" when it~ is activated, or between 2" and its MV. Some models. bave a tlifferent minimum move, for example 411

, in - wbich case it M,UST move at least4" wherl it is activated.


• Flying,mod~ls/tokens and submerged model/tokenr are .~sumed to move in a ) arger space than surface models. J herefore they

• . .aut~matically moye th rough each other (unless' a ram is declared). • and they NEVER collide (players DO· NOT have the option of ~

accidental collisions). The rules for sU'bmerged models ang obscured models (and'their related tokens) are"explained later" A flying model can move through and past another flyi,ng model, so long as it (-or its flight standi. do~s not end its a~?llatioA occupying the same space (or.flightstand) as aoother mo:tlel • If a flying model rams another model it resolves the ra~ (when it's • Squadron has completed its moverl}ent) and eo~tinues ~oving in a s,ubsequent activation (it moves over/under it) •

... "" .... .. IMPORTANT NOTE: The rules regar ding Jams ONLY. apply to models that have a R,am Rating (RR) of 1 or more, If a model with an ,R~ pf 0 ~ moves' into base contact with another model (atthe;same heighlt level) it is always counted ilS a collision: It is assu[Tied that f1ying' or oJ>sc~ rea models, submerged models and Tiny tokens CANNOT collide,

In general 'f1yers are assumed to stay in the air for the COl1rse of the game, except that Tiny flyers can land on airfie'lds or carriers it is just that they do not use the All Stop toke'n

SUBMERGED MOVEMENT (Land/Naval) Diving mod~ls (like Submarines) h'ave the ability to diye into the sea (or land if it is a Burrower), maki~g, it{mo(e difficult fer other models to ta~get them so that they only get a hit on a roll,of 6, A submerged model meanwhile can still fire at surface mo~els and ~ other diving models '(but not flying. models).

When yow actiYate a diving megel, decide whethe~ Lt will maKe a surface move pR a subm~rgea move BEFORE yoU activate it If it performs a.submerged move you rep/(JJce the model with a S.ubmerged taken to snow that it h<ls submerged into the m~rky depths . , •

A submerged loken can move. through another- submerged 'or surface model/token, so long as it 'do'es' ,not end its Clctivatl·oA. occupying the same space as anottier mbde!/to'ke'n , ." . • ••

• ;rh~ model MUST rem'ain on 'the surface OR submerged for the , ENTIRE activation ~ , YOll (AN deploy a diving model ~ith a Submerged toker:l at tt:re start of a game "

. .. -I· ~

.. --­.. .

.-_ ... -.. Ill\' ....... .

.. . " ...... . A Submerged token CAN m~ve under oth~r" mb'dels and or tQk~n~ ':. ~ ,-,-:;': 'fhe Submerged token is stii! subject'to the mini mum move and .' .'"

· turn limit ofthe divi[1g mode'l : • ". If you' depioy any Subrilerged tokens at the sta ~t ~f t he game you '. : ••• ; can mark,the under~ide to show w~icti divihg model it is ! hat theY'

STOPRING "AND MOVING BACKWARDS represent , ~ - _ 'Iri ' 0 rde r t@ halt a model-with ; minimum move 'of more,than 0"., carry . • . While a ' model~is subme[gedit CAN be fired at (with a modifier)" · ou"t1he normal m6vement with that model and.(before it fi[~s ) declare and suffers dama~e normajly, except that it ignores certain" that it is halting, then place an All Stop token next to the model. The damage effects

.. .., . .. ~ ~.. 1't

m9deJjs-flOI,'I stationary and CANNOT move during the next Turn. . ,.. . • .. " • • . ---: ! , . . • - NOTE: Bear in mina that diving models (naval) CANNOT. move into; : •. - <:~:

In ar:lY Turn that you want the model to start moving again it can :tl1e I~nd while theY 'are sul:imerg~d, and 9ivi,ng ,models ,(landL ,annot •••. pe~io'rm '~~ ~othe r movement other than to remove the All Stop token, • mav"e into. the sea ;while they are submerge d' (unle,ss the FIG states' - ' ,;: .' In the next Turn the 'moa~J can move n,ormally following the usual otherwise) .. Therefore,the Energy YO.r:ex i ~ the OptiOnal Rul es CANNOT, -. :':_.: rules, A:model wit,h :ai) AI ~ Stop token can fire and perfo~m Boarding dra.g a diving ~ode,l (naval) into t~e~la]ld or drag a .dJvi ,~g. model (Ia~d) . .- • • i\ssaults~normally. .. « ~ ... intotthe sea. . , ... , .~

", ' . ' Or,: you can. remove" the All Sto,p token and put. an Arrow token

. . nef t-to the model to show that it is moving' 2" backwards (unless J; top; ed by a collisio.n) during the ~ext Turn • •

• _- • •• In: order to halt moving backwards remove the Arrow token and )Ru~tanJ.l.II Stop token next to the model; in its following activation - it OANNOT move- ~ . .'

A..4~·odel'with a minimum move of 0" can switch betweetlforwards and backwards movement in ditferent-activations, but CANNOT mix tbem in the same activation

' OBSCURED M-QviME,N:r (Aerial.) • FIY-Ing models/tokens have the ability to ascend into the clouds, f11 ~king it more difficult for other mogels to ta rget thert , It is also more'

~.. .. ... - :difficult for an - obs~uEed modeli token to ta rget ar:lY model; in " lJoth ir:lstances Ja [Tlod~l/token only gets-a hit on a:foli -ot t;. wnen the

target or fi rih~ mp,d.el is obscu,red, •

- . i - When you activate 'a' .flying model/tokens you decide whether.

" it will ma'k~ ; a flying move OR an obscured move BEFORE yo~ Some models/tokens will state on tbeir FIG if tney CANNOT move ~

".. ~ackwards ~ . activate it ,; . ' >

.. t .. "" li .. .... ...... ~

:t If a flving model uses an All Stop token itis assumed tooe'hovering,

• Jf it performs an qbscured move you place an 0bs£uretl token 011 ~+'P , the flight stand/to!te6 to show that it has ascended into the clouds .

• • The~ model/token MUS! remainfl'1ing OR ; bscured-forthe E,,!TIRli activation ~

Aeroplanes and Bombers CANNOT halt or use an All Stop token; it' ••• ;P

• Ybu CAN deploy a flying m"deljtoken with an Obscured token at wH~st~te on ofner models if they are similady restris~d ' ,-;;~ *' :./ ¥ ~'"

· the start of a gam,e -.

:Most terrain is a' haz;rdto ~aital and/or·Iand models. An aeria l model ' is assumed to flyover terrain' and' therefore ignores it (except whe're :il cure, such as one defined in a scenario, states otherwise) , When a naval ,or land model moves inte terrain that is impassable to it, it ha lts

• and' resolves' a co ll'isiori: lf a nava l or land model moves into, through or 'out of Treacher9·!Is~Te:rrain ; the~e. is a chance it will halt'and suffer a c6 1 1i~io!.r(explaine(!j in the Movement ch'apter),

., It is w,orth repeating some r~les that fiave already been stated : ... .. "

.If a flying- (aerial:) or diving model (la rid/naval) rams another mOQ~ I :it resolveS ti'!e ram (when it's Squadron has comp leted its

, mpvement) and 'continues moving if,. a suqsequent activation (it over/under. jt) . -

# .. : 1 -

AERIAL MODElS ' • A flying model CAN move through other flyil1g tnod~!s that are ctt

the same height level.withou,t resolving a ram (because th~space% " is much larger) , A flying mode! CANNOT ram/col lide with a surfac..e 9r submerged model (and a surface model CANN.oT ra m/';ollide' witi'! a' flying ·

'lAND'MOOElS' model). • • -, :' "

:T:hesea' is impassable 1:~ land rriode l ~, whic~ .Jesolve a. col lision if • A flying model ,CAN move into base conta~t \N i~tr aj.~rface ' modli: t u

lhe';' m~ve the sea (or similar terrain) and halt. . and resolve a Boar9ing Assaulf, w~hout resoJv ink~ ram or CO~i5'i~n This reflect,.s'bggging difmage rather than' an actual collisi.on '

"'-:. t .. NOTE: Creatures aAo Robofs can move jnt~ " cohtact witt9 t.~NefNAVAl MODElS ,model without performing a ram Clr collision . IfY€lu-move a Creature 0.[; If a m~del on the surf~ce rams or collides with another modei or ' Robot into contact with another model, declare wHetherYQu are goin§- ~ t errain its m~ve stops; it ignores ·its min imum 'move,. and resolves a to resolve a ;am/collision (ifapplicablej'or-just:moxe-into contact ~tti ram 0; collision 'i,yhen it's Squadro[l has comp let~d its movement, res61ve ,a Boarding Ass'ault) . .' -, - *

; .... ~.... ~ ;. i. - • -

:~(;-•. 'IMP-ORTANT NOTE~ The rules regarding 'rams ONLY- apply to models ~ :::::.:. tb~t have, 'a Ra~ Rating iRR)' of 1 or mor~. ,If a m'odel with an ~R of 0 ;:~~~ moves into base contact with ar;1other model (at the same height leve'l) :;;~::; it is al~;Ys counted a~ ·~ ~collision .~ - • ~~~~ ... .: .. ~ . .. . j~ THE' BAsics' .


11 • • -. n' - , '. - , •

.-;!\'!: Th£! Ram Rating (RR) of a model deter-m'ines the number 0106 that you ~ ;; ~:.. ~ ro'n irlb:r~erto'reso l ve'a ~<ffn,$O you would roil 606 for a !:Yl0del with RR

6. The starting Hul l Poii'lts (HP) of a model determines the number of 06 th'ali,'you roi Lin ordeF to resolve:a collision, so"a Battleship witl'i 806

• woulQ roll 806 iO"a collision and wou ld still roll 806 if its remaining HP had b;~r;1 red ~ced -to -2 for ,example"

~ - ~ ::. !! . ''tI ,

There:ir!3 so~e actcUBp(laT r~les to tak~ into acco~nt: •• r ..

" "" ......... . . A r:rlodel,can only rim or.collide with another model if it is at the same h'eight level, therefore they MUST both be submerged; on

• tbe.sC'rface; or o.bscured - • , ,.~

FIRING AND BOARDING There are some limitations on what -a model can de' when it rams"h r 4

collides'wit h terrain6r an~i:her model. If a,model r;ms or coll ides with terra in lt CANNOT' make a GunrleryAttack, use AC~ A~k or coricu'sslon Charges, fire Rockets or Torp~does:drop Bombs ~r' Mines, perform a Boarding Assa,ult or use a Ge,nerator (although Sbie'las and Fields still w~Jrk if it has any):

If a 1]10del ~ams' Qr coll ides with.1il :rp9d~ 1 of a larger site Elass~ it,CAN~01T~ Q1:ake a Gunnery Attack, use Acl< Ack or Concussion Charges,ffre. R0€kets or Torpepoes, drop Bombs or Mines or use a Generator (Si'!ields arid lds still w.ork) , 'For the purpose of the bulleJ.points below, the weapo,ns. listed above are included in the options given below: ~

" A Massive model that rams or colli'des with a Massive. 0r larg~ m'odel CAN fire with.HAlF. dice, while a Massiv~ "model that rams or collides with a Medium or Srpailmodel CAN fire with FUll dice

'. A Large mod'el that rams or : C:;01 Iides with a large or MecliurU m0gel CAN fire with HALF djGe, while a-large m9del that rams or" collides with s:Small model CJ>:N 'fir'e with Fu~i;'alce •• A Medium mci'def that ramS or colliaes witl1: nie.dium or small m~del CAN fire with HALF-dice . " t$ . ;.; ~

• A model CAN perform a Boarding Assault after. a ram or colllsion \ yitti another model (of any ' size class), but: its Melee Dice are. reduced by HALF during that activation . " ,

""" WI $.

lII" ··~E;;:Ple 1: A Battleship collides with a, Cruiser; one of its weapons • • has l~ 'AO, so it is reduced by HALF to 6 AO. This applies to all of its

w~eapons, so batteries. of 7 AO would be reducfCd to 3 AO and so on. ,'Wftle Battleship had collided with terrain it could not fire, while if it

~:c,~llid~,d 0 ith a Frigate it would ha~e FULL dice of 12 AO and 7 AD.

SEQUHJ,CE o.f EVENTS How~ you perform rams and collisior:ls is important and you resolve rams and coflisions as follows:



, Move models from an activated Squadron - any that contact ter~aln or another model (including their own) immediately

' stop moving. Finish any movemenffrom other models in the ~ctivated Squadron. '

~esolve ramming and collision damage - remove any models thatJake enough damage.

E1~~ ~ith any mOdels in the actil,(ated Squadron.

' ChoQse Whether to perform a Boarding Assault with a model thC!t I'le~for~med a ram OT collision.

Resolveu lilreak Tests .for destroyed/captured mod'els and ·B;~~eiy:Test~for the;ac'tivateGl Squadron.

~To rammi6g a model MUST have an RR rating of 1 or mo~e and MUST hita target meClel with the prow (or one or more front corners:

!!ir:l the: case ~f some:oioael? like Tanks and multi-legged ba~ed modelsL oflly this p(trt ' of-th~ modet counts for rammi~g. 1\t thi5 time YGU

res6(ye' ~ny' damage that it cablses usiflg the RR.

NOTE: The rule for ~apital Class models fi0ring .at Small models only applies to firing, it does not j3ffect the ability of a Battleship to ram or collid~ with a Frigate for example, nor does it affect the abil.ity of models to Jam or collide with models that ,haILe the Fast Target or Elusive7arg'et abilities.

You roll an extra J06 for eacli 6 and: keep going until YGW stop rolling 6'5. Count up the ['lumber of hits a~d compare' them to the [lanlage Ratin'g COR) and Critical Ratiflg (eR,) of the targefmodel : Iftne OR' of the target model' is e~ualled or exceed'ed it results in a'rG11 on .the Ci'iti~al Hit Table (as if th:e rol! had equalled, or exs:eEided the CR:of themodel). If the OR is doubled then you roll' twice on,the Critical Hit=Table,: i(it is ~ tripled you toll three·times and ~o on. • • • •

E~ample 2: A Dreadnought with an~R ,of]~ J:ams a;~cuiserh <lnd:roll~ 'i, 2,2,4,4 and 6 (with an extra roll of 4) .• ThiS:aGlds0up to 5 hit~, whieh exceeds the Cruiser's OR of 4, Gausing a CfiBcal Hif(ilJecause it is' a ram" and .not'a collision). If there had been 8'hits it wOblld·havedoubled the p~ of the :Cf\JiSer aod caused two Criticall'lits.

At;j:he same time as the model theJ.t perfQrmed the 'r,olls the dice, the target model rol~s a number of 06 equal h;?its startt(lg HP to resolve an attack 'against the ra'r:nmihtmodeUnhe nilmber of Jl its is equa l' to or. more' than the "QR o(the raroroiog mopel it 19S~S l,HP, it: theY

- are equal to or more i~an the CR rl?1I oF) the CriticClI Hit Ta~le in ~the- ~ Combat chapter to See what, happens to the ramming model.

Example 3: The Cruiserthatwas-ramm~d in the previous example rolls ::4D6jgqi f)s(ihe) 2re"adnotlght .and folrs 2, 6; 17, 6 (with an extra roll Df

2, 3, 'and Sh ):hi5~,!dd~ uJ2 t,9 i hiJ:s; wbich 'eq~uals the Dr~adn~ught'~ • OR/of 7, cal:Jsing ~it to lose.:!: HP:. 1:l1ere i~ 1':lcH;~ituial .HitiA f-his ir:l&tan~Ge,.

pec'!u5s. t6~ C;ruis~t is resoil7in15 a corl tslbl:1i~d~not a rim . · ~ • , 20~ner: (of the model or base) MUST hit the target 4S -degree arc from the target model; if~ it is not witnin

area, ix.counts as a \;9JIi:;IQfl. N~OTE: Th.e rlqle ahout c'au;;ing a ctitical' HLt' by equalling -or exceeding " sf , ~ b the OR of:~ n:lod.eJ 0[11ia,pplies whe(l it.i~ [,am,mea, c.alctlJating~t:ojlisio[1

~' -If a:rt'odel:Jhitst l'ie ~arget ~mbdel with any other part of its' hull then the daTl)ag~ 'is explained Jater.A ram is also more)ikely teGa~tlse m~ltiple ~6denl;si.~ot ~~fumed and has instead collided with the other model. Critical Hits (b.y doublir;}g~the OR). th314:t'n6st other attacks (whicR l::~u~e •

. ' me'ans tha1' YOl'.l * no~* Galcul~te "any darnilge usi~g the model's ' rP~..l!ip1eCr16~al Hlt's ~tdoubling 'fhe C~), .,

$ ~ "-J " " " ""' . i l1~teact 9f~1ts;RR, . ~ .. .

.dock or oil rigfor examp·le, .a model cap it wi1:hout causing a collisiot), e>.<cept that

sfifl count as a ra m. '

MU;l;II~lE 'MoaEI:S'INV6LVED IN A RAM If~ more than' one Olodel Jg -involved in a ram iblst WG~k them~ oLlt. GJhe

' . 'lti ti~e. ~ s~uaa'r®n~ (!aflnot ~perforrn ;q cor:a i:Jined:ra:tn*(oTyCOrnbJned "

\oollision) . All ri1odel~ s~P:s!~~~}~k~*a~tn~~e l'f0rn:a:r~fIJ. ° !., ff NoW .,

J", %"J *' . $. " .%1>4+ ,., 4~

NQIE;::J-fmode-I:that 5~ff~ r;; multiple ram resol ves an* attack· u;i~g Lts,

resolve$an attack ~on ALL of tbe: mod-els* HP a,gai~st eat~~3tta~~i~fl m0d~LaS: tbey.roIlJ~rthei rrarn. The r-ammeq·e .rnlllcor," The RRofa modeL(which is NOT reduced, 9* rnbdel is n.?"n~b~~<:\;~~til"aJlof ~ne ram5 halZebeen/ esolr ,edd' +

of E>6 that you rdl ll,irtordertobreacl'l ~ + • •• * ' .:***·h ~irisGlt the followlng ~tabl e: H 'c:o!fJslbNS ' 9~:'M ., 0 4 i ~.~~

'ItS\.o\(.O :ru(')ge!~ s:oJ lide !ben.l;>bth ·""tll' ta ked~ma~efrblil ·th1:l:,tml1<3ct.l'he;· :~: . ~mo~el~ wtll take4dam*ai~~*h*e:sa ~~;tjme abd:the~ l:a~ t6eofeticall~; u : .

sinkeacli' otl18r. Ydu calculate coifisiori' 9~m<;l(le based~ofl ,tKe ~fqrting::::::r w;~ t l.P the' mogeJ making theattack·.~ Tli1i S: j S; tbe~ numliler oLb6 .that the;;=. ~ 0:1

' !! rh<?9~1 "'!1!I. r:,o'il ~g§l tnstth Ei otr~r~flJo~de:1 invol ved int.he:coD i~i~m, :~;0 ~,! o " ~ 9 \Y"0!'

It isn't always enemy models that are accidentally collided with. It is common for friendly models to collide with each other. If this occurs note that no matter which part of the model hits, it is always counted as a collision and NOT'a r.arY!.

Example 4: A Cruiser has nowhere to move to and collides with . . another Cruiser in its own Squadron. It only has 2 HP remaining, but still rolls 406 (equal to its'starting HP) . The other Cruiser also rolls 406, th.e collision damage is resolved at the same time, but before any firing is resolved (if apP.l icable).

COLLIDING W ITH TERRAIN . The"re will be times when models will ram or collide with terrain, II'Iihether ifisrnan-made or natural. It does not matter whether a model rams or: collides with terrain, it rolls a number of 06 against itself d~termined by the type of terrain that is ~ammed 'or co!lided with .

_ Terrain is divided up into one of these three categories:

Soft (River, Swamp, Sand Bar) 406 Crynchy (Wdods: Reef} 806

: ttard(M0uRtain) 1206


;.:Yqu can easily modify these num.bers to match your own gClmes either by increasing or decreasing the damage that is dished out. Diffecent scenarios' may.bring with them their own special rules.

DISENGAGING AFTER A RAM/COLLISION There will be situations where a surface model starts its activation in contact with another model or terra(n in a su'bsequent Turn after it was involved in a ram or collision'. Its'options for disengaging are explained

. b~low: . . '/

If a model sta rts an activation with its prow (or front corner for models) in' contact with another model it can turn by the very minimun: so that it can move away from the model/terrain

• in tl:le next Tum • If a model starts an activation with any other part of its hull in contact with another model it can move normall'y without

. • incurrlng :ano.ther collision with that model ; •• =.; .... ; .;. A -model/token with 360 degree movement ttiat has been ~!f:X · -::: . involl(ed in a ram or collision can rotate up tp 360 degrees instead .. ~~-~ . . .

. • :.,,:, • of 1J10vlng . .". ,J." .... -"".

If a model somehow manages to turn round so that it performs a .new, ram/collision with the same model, you resolve the new ram/collision norma}ly

, In all of the cases above, the,model can use the rules for moving backwards: iRstead- • -In_ail. of the cases above, the model can fire and/or board normally sub}e~t t o the ,rules·for any subsequent ram or collision

., " """ '*:.' "

LAND/NAVAL MODELS • Similarly a 'subm~rged token that is activated after' a. film can

move through (over/under) the other token involved inthe ram' • A submerged model can choose to move tlirough anotner model

in an activation followinga ram ~:

• A model in the Large or Massive.class size can rotate ,up to 180 • degree' instead of using the disengaging rules .

AERIAL MODELS • .If a flying model is involved in a ra~ it can move through. (over/

under) the model it was involved in the ram with, in its fo llowing activation A flying model can choose to move thr~ugh another model in an activation following a ram ' You CANNOT place a flying model (including the fl ight stand) on top of another model (and vice versa) at the 'end of its move '

• If it is impossible to avoi.d this situation, the model that is moving MUST·move clear of the other model(s) and gains the minimum additional movement necessary ;rh is movement' ignores the turn limit of the model, so that it f an effectively 'shimmy' into a gap, . ,

Example 5: An Airship has a Squadror?' of Cruisers in front of it, and its maximum movem.ent will not get it clear of thOse cruisers where it wants to move to. T~e Air.ship has MV 8, and after moving 8" the flight stand would still sit on, a' Cruiser, so the Airship get!> 2" of extra movement to mQve off the ·Cruiser. .

IMPq~TANT NOTE: These rules apply eqwally to surface -models that end their movement under a flying model. More importantly, i f a model can make a legal move without ending its move on top of another model it should do so. Remember -that tokens are treated differently in this instance, and are simply moved aside.

lrERRAIN t 'Th ~ eff~cts ofterrain vary depending on whether a model is naval, aerial "o{ land b~sed.~ If a ~naval model nio~es into 'terrain ·it usually resolves a~ c~lIision. Th~ excepti~n is ~here terrain includes (or comprises) a clock or oil rig far ex~~ruple. Ip this instance a model can move into base contact witi:l swcl;) a t errain piece Without causing a collision, except that if it~s ;'ovem.~~~ qualified for a rami!: would still be~ a ram.

Flying models meanwhile can pass over other mocl~ls, and terrain, (egacdles~: Qt QOw high the' terrain is. ' If the move~ent of a flying mm:lel ends with 'the model on top@of terrain 'd~~ your best to place it safely ther,e ~ Otherwise put the model to the side 'and J:llacc: a token to iSEmtlfY' lts position.

# .~

NOTE: The dimensions that are given withjn t41is cha:pte;r,anOW:YOUJ~~ place several pieces of terrain quickly and easily, to create a table with a mixed lay~u t, whether at home or at a club. There 'is ~no reallQn \Yh~

~you cannot build any kind of terrain that you wpnt howevf;r, aJtho,ugi:l: the mil)imum dimensions are stiU 1~' sqyare. M 0 & H '

TREACHEROUS TERRAIN Woods, Swamps and ReefS are considered to be'~tre~~her6Js terrain. You can classify other types of terrain ~s t; eacherous it yp u ",?,ish, l i k~@ fhec::lashiAg rocks off shore fcom a~c1lff, a stretch of shallow water along a rive r bank, bmk,en ground or the ruins of a town;. n

+ "'t . $:

A model carl move safely intreacherous tet r,ain at between:its min i"mum move and HALF of its modified MV. ILa model r,no\(es m<:Jre ~1:han HALF *

There aifre 3rcategories of terrain that deterJt:line bQw dangerous it of its,modified MV in ~treacl;)erous t~rraib tD~r~~ iS t~ chaQ~io(~ col{[sj Qrf : . , ' ls, which include Soft; Cru.r)chyarid H'ar9 t~ rraJn~ These categories with the treacherous terrai fl: A s~ubmerged nava l 'mod~ 1 autpmaticaHy';" deter~jne t he 'sfrength of an atfack agai!l1st any madel that rams er suffers a collision if .it moves intentreacheroClSif ferrain, thiS*orl ly apJlilel;" ~e,(lidest with terrain, whicbis listed as .406' for Soft, 806 for Crunchy" to a ~s\:.lbmerged l and. ~od~1 if it ;';vesinto a mo~~.tain·. : : ~ L:

;!Hnd 1286for ·Hard"tertain. ' /" *~ n : if * &* Roj( i06 .when you have Cleblared th~t a mpdef ts: gp~ rlg 't6 ' p~rfq~;p.

Mountains ifancl ~ Cliffs for example are Hard, and have 'an attack of more than a HALF fr]ove, into; thco~uih ' 1206 qg~instar naval or&land model that rams or collides with them. BEFORE V9U actually move it ~nd refer~to the '6l1llet.pointstbelqw: Meuntai~s a~~ Sliffs ~are impassable and block,line of $ight for all naval and land mO,dels.

:R:ivers, L~kes alJd the Sea meanwhile are impassable to most lar:1d rnodels:' Theyt are Soft, and ' have an attack of 406 against any' land •

'mod~lthat rams or collides with them, v;hjch reflects bogging damagE: @ ~qtl1er tha~ an:a[:!ua l cqlJision'. ,;-

A! lnt~rai n;an~ liluiLGlin+gs~M lJST+be at I~as~ 1" square or be mounte~ Qn~a ~1': squate base@4 . Anjstanctorif~ill~ ca'n be !1 to; 8" in~length and/.orwidth

laodmass is'arw :are-a of land that exceeds 8;' ,in size and borders f-<l~le:e;qg~§ k r W

An~slaI'lGl ; hjll or lantlmass shol1ld<irleally have an eNen smtace (to ';,; nallGw fOr easy' movement)

" ' %> + ill

• Some+8uild ings!and'terra intshqeJld b-e allocat~da size; c1a:ssTelative t o m0defs of equiva lent size - sGel'1arios are: a grea't way to ~efine : ehese

, £iz~~.~Th~re.are@ so~e ex~epti6ns where a fnode l~ rnight b.e in t be:Large sj ze ~~la?s~ but! have' a low ~ profileif (like a bunker). The FIG of official

:: ·m~ils:wDritiJ:ff;9 AQW th~ model blocks line of sig;hf in these i nstances. "' . ' ' ''' t

TOP IMAGE: Sovereign Land S~ip/s modular tops MIDDLE IMAGE: Giovanni - Steampunk Artist! BOnOM IMAGE: Prussian A9-V Sturmpanzer Land Ship

Therefore you need to define the equivalent size of your buildings and their type of construction before you sta'rt a game.

REEFS A Reef is a. hidden danger, and c~ n be ten yards or merely a- few feet below the surface. It is a threat to Battleships more than Frigates because Battleships are more likely to collide with a Reef when they pass over it, but no matter what size the model, if it collides with part · of the Reef it can often lead to disaster.

• A cReef is Crunchy and has an attack of 806 • A Reef can be 4 to 12" in length and width

: • A Reef blocks line of sight for submerged models • An area of Reef is considered to be treacherous terrain

SAND; B~RS You can*represent a Santl Bar'with a pile of sand or gravel, or texture some hardboard with clay or .plaster. The rules for a Sand Bar are

!' simple, don't ram it or coll'ide with it. . .

A Sand Bar is 'Soft and has an attack of 4 Collision Dice A Sane Bar'can be 4 to 12" in length and width A Sand Bar'block~ line ohight for submerged models

SWAMPS . , It .is 'assu"med that a -Swamp is a largely featureless expanse of ·wate~l~gged groUl'lo: like wetlands or a bog, therefore it does not block line of sight: If yo CJ have terrain.that resembles more of a jungle then

.:it would effectivel.y ae W9"qds terrain, and therefore d~es block line of sigbt. • •

A Swamp is Soft 'and has an attack of 406 A S~;mp 'can b.e 4 to 12~' in length and width

, ~Swamp does'not block line of sight • , An r rea of Swamps is considered to be treacherous terrain

yotl -ne~d~ to ,define the ~quiva l ent size class or Height Level of your yvoods b.efore you start a game, which determines whether intervening W~ods block line of sight: If a model is inside Woods and with in 2" of its perimeter it can fire out normally, but any model thaffires at it ~~ Iy gets 'a hit,on a roll 'of ~ or 6, If a model is more than 2" within the perimeter :of Woods, it· fan ,only be fired at by another model that is

It also intt:1eWoods and within 2" of iL ../. .

. -c. • . A .wood·is Crunchy and has an attack of 806, ft. WOod .c;ao be 4 to 12~) n I~ngth ang width

, p . -

A Weod>is consid.ered to ,be treacherous terrain

What a model can see and attack is an important component of any combat game. The following -rules for arcs of fire and the effects of )nterveni~g obstacles that block line of sight wiJl explain how to establish if a target can legitimately be fired upon. It will also determine how 'what yd'~ can'see' affects the number of Attack Dice (AD) that you get to roll when a iTtocrlelfires.


on a base, and are treated as pne model, therefore you measure, line of ~ ight from the base of the model, not each' individual tank -


A diving model is either on the surface or submerged, which is refl.ected by the use of s:ubmerged tokens

. There are several size <!:lasses of model in the game, and the difference ' . in siz~ · ciass between one surface model (land or .naval) and another generally determines whether they block. line of sight or not. A surface model CANNOT generally fire through another surfa.ce· model; the

A submerged model uses the same rules as surface' models for firing arcs, therefore its submerged token define'sits,ryri[lg arcs Only Torpedoes (and weapons listed on the FIG as ' firir;jg while submerged} can be fired by a submerged take'! A Large or 'Massive diving model counts as being 'one size· class smaller for the purpose of bl?cking LoS

exceptions a're listed below. ;

• A Medi~m model CAN fire over Tiny models A Large or Massive model CAN fire over Tiny and Small

- . .. .. A Massive model CAN fire over Tiny, Small an'd Medium models . ' • • , A surface model .can ONLY fire over terrain or intervening models_

~that woulp normally block line of sight by using indirect fire

A model can-fire over a(lother model or terrain (that wduld normally blQck line of,sight) with Indirect Fire so long as 'there is at least one Flying mgdel (or token representing a Flying model) from the player's same fleet still on the table that has line of sight to the target (or ,any model with the Spotter ability). It can ONLY do so with it's Primary guns at Range Band 3 or 4, and ONLY against Capital Glass models, Fortifica'tion~ and Buildings. 'In addition it only gets a hit on a roll 'of 6.

, ' Some buildings and te'r,ain should' be allocated a' size class relative to .. models of equivalent size - scenarios are a great way to define these

; .:. v ' sizes. There are ,some exceptions wher'e a model' might be in the Large . , . size class for example, bu! have a low profile (like a bunker or airfield).

The.FIG of official models.will state i'low the model blocks line of sight in these instances.

Most buildings an~l.terrain however should tie allocated a Heigbt Level from 1 to 3. You can use the contours of your terrain to define ~his, or define th'e Height Levels in 1" range bands ,or similar. A model can fire ove'r any other model that is lower ,by one Height Level, and can fire over any terfain that is lower by two Height Levels.

LAND MODELS • . ' The Bombard .clas-s model can use indirect fire with its Primary

;:'.::!:~:: . &uns at ·the Range. Bands spedfied on its Attack Table, and . !:! ... , - gets a hit 01'1 a 5 or 6 (and ONLY against Capital Class models,

Fortifica'tions and tfuildings) while using indirect fire Same' niodels will ,nave the same' ability as the Bombard with a

_ particular .w~ap~)Q; ~wbiCP will be no~ed on their FIG as.a Model Assigned 'Rule" b

Some..modeI5 (like Smal1'1anks) are mounted with two or more ... ~ <" • , "" ' tr.& ~ t o . ~

• A Medium or smaller diving model ONLY blocks LoS for other diving models ' -

• Submerged models/tokens NEVER block LoS ,


The measurement of LoS (and a'rcs of fire) tqr. flying models is from the fligi'lt stan.d to a target ~odel, Of from a firing model to any part of the flight s~and of the flying model .: ~ Flying models are deemed tG be at various heigR~s, therefore. they NEVER block LoS , , , • Within the scope of these rules most flying models remain airborne for.the d'uration of a game (except sometimes Tiny flyers) Lntervening terrain D0ES block LoS for surface models to flYing ~od~ls or vice versa • . •

Terr?in DOES NOt block LoS for flying models to flying models ' Surface, models can fire at flying models that are on terr.ain normally

. ... .. .., . t ~ •• ..." "!t

.. .. . VALID FIRING ARCS' A model can fir~ from all of its firing arcs during its activation so long as it has valid ,targets. If a model has AD ratings for Fore, Aft, Port, Starboard and Turrets for example, it gets to fire from ALL of them during its activation. " .

There are several different types of arcs including Broadsides, 'Fixed ' Channel, 90 Degree Arc, 189 Degree Arc, 270 Degree Arc and 390 Degree Arcs for Turrets. These apply equal ly to Gunnery Attacks, Ack Ack, Concussion Charges, Bombs and Mi6es ~and wiJIJ;)e~ IJsted on th~ir Fleet Information Guide (FIG). ~ ,

In general you measure the firing arc of a 'Furret and the range to it's target from the centre of the Turret. Where the positi'on ofthe Turret is not self evident it will be specified on the FIG of the m\?deL •

... £i t

The movemenUemplate provided at the Back o(ine beaK has a '90 Degree Arc of fire withrn it, which is used to determin~ some of the different firing arcs. The IimitatiGns' of th~ differ,i:!Qt ~rc5 of fire' ancrl their effects onJJne of sight (LoS) are explained in fmtherdetail below ..

y.. " if' .. .


LAND/NAVAL MODELS A 'surface' model CANNOT fire at a diving (or submerged) model that is within Range Band 1 (even if it is in arc), because it is below

' thE;minimum elevation of the surface model's batteries It can howE:!ver use Concussion Charges .against a diving (or submerged) mo~el within 4" A submerged model can ONLY make Torpedo attacks against sIJrface and submerged models (it CANNOT make Gunnery Attacks while submerged), and an obscured model CANNOT fire a~ a submerged model

. AERIAL MODELS A ~urface model CANNOT fire at a flying model that is within ' Range Band 1 (even if it is in arc), because it is above the maximum elevation of the surf,ace model's batteries It 'can however use Ack Ack against a flying model within 8"

:BBQAOSIDE ARCS wrth a 'Breadside Arc (Port or Starboard) you line up the 90 Degree Arc::>f f:he movement template at both the prow and stern of a model

determine the exteA~ of its firjng arc (or its front and rear corners Wh:ettrer it js a model or the b,fse of a model). The model can fire at any

, mDdel that falls between one o,uter arc a,nd the other outer arc. ,

In the Tcase of, ~ :~yihg model, you line up the 90 Degree Arc of the movement 1el1lplate at the centre of the flight stand or base, to determin.~t~e e.x.tent of)tsBroadside Arc (if it ~as one).

If a, tatget ts comr;)letely inside a Broadside Arc the firing model US'leS AL1p(its AD ,r; ;, i'f any' part of the target extends oeyond the eroadside arc"the firing model uses HALF of its AD

··However ~f fhe target extends right across the Broadside Arc, with o/ile.orboth ends ex~endihg beyond the Broadside Arc, the firing

-:,~ model stHIl!ses ALL :of' itS 'AD

*~N0T~; Alldistances *to ,determine the Range Band for Broa,dside " weapoAs: and:flterr*lineoTsight are measured' from the centre of the

T mgHt stand) that'is firing to the closest point of fir.e.d at.

If the Fore or Aft firing channel of tre firing· model crosses any point of the target then it can be fired at normally. The)imitations of Fixed weapons a~e explained below:

If i:he target is inside the chilnnel:use' ihe firing mod.el's F.Ull AD If the target crosses ONE edge' of the firing channel ,use HALF of the .firing model's AD , If the.1:arget.crosses both edges,of.thefiring 'channel "use the firing' model's FUl:l: AD If another model or ter~ain is int.ervening and,crosses ONE"edge of the firing channel use HALF of th'e firing rnodE;l's ,AD ,

NOTE: All distances to determir1e th'e Range Band for Fixed Channel weapons are measured from the closest pOint,of t~e modE;l (or flight, stand) that is firing to the closest poiAt of }he I')1®del that is fired,at:

90 DEGREE ARCS With a 90, Degree Arc the FIG of the moGlet will specif.y whether it is • a Fore, Aft, Port or Starboard 90 Degree Arc weapU!1,;.. You line ,up t:h~r 90 Degree Arc of the movement template at the ppint defi,ned by the FIG to determine the extent of its firing arC. The moi;lel can, ~re at any model that falls within that area.

In the case of a flying model, you ustlally line; up the 90 Degree Art 'of , the movement template ' at the centre of the flight ' stand or base to ,determine 'the' extent of its. 90 Degree 'Arc. ("if it has one).

•. NOTE: All dist~nces t6 dete~~in~ fheRal'lge Band f~r 90 Degree.Arc weapons are measured from, the closest point of the mode'l(or fljght ·

• stand) that is .firing to the closest.poinrof the,l1l:Udel that is fired at (or from the centre ofthe Turret that is firing). Use \h,e. same bull;t points

.' that are given for the Broadsii;le arc tQ p~terrnine whether a medel gets HALF or ,FULL aicE;:when firing'.

180 O"EGR~~· ARCS With a 180 Degree ArC! the· FIG gf th~~,f.nodel will specify whet,her it is a Fore or Aft 180 Degfee "'rc weapon. ¥dQ~plit the model at right angles at the point d~fined b.y th~'P;IG to, det~ltni~e the extent of its firing arc: 'The mod~'1 can fire ' at:any :mo.del1:~ilt falls withiO tr'at area.

In -some cases a model will .have what is caUedan OffS'er180~Degree F Arc. Most' 'r81:) Degree ArtS are oriented· jr:} the Fore arC,. Port or Starbo~lr(l, bu{ the oflJE;t Arci~ ' sJ:e0ecf at 45 'CIegr.ees in rel;tion to tMe mpd'el. %.k • . . % % •

~ 't q:*' s

if NOTE: All distance's:to+ tiet~H1111ll~ {he~R}ll}g~ ~a;Ad+f~F :\~O De~Fe:El. A,;c ,weil-pons qfe measured~fro[lJ ·theCJuse+st 1poi~t@t l;h@ '~odE!l. tD;~fJigtit<,! • stan~drth'a't is . fidn§.~o:the Cl05estpeintbf;tbH~:r:nGaelthclfls;fired<-at (or. '

-"""' .. t"y- y. ~ "k .#' ~. %"~!f~< r '"?,, 1· '4%,,' &0. *' 0t. '* . ®@ . Li' ""*"'* #

fromdhe.ceot:r.e. Of tbe:::ru~rettbat is firjngr. :kJS~ the;sante. b.Ylle~tU'[Qi!11~ !+++ • . $ A'4ft ,": ,' , * .%U'.1k~·*1W:"#' · @0'.%#1i-fl4:fCt . • P -· '+'1$4

that are ~1l1en:~r the ~~~~tde an.; t?~deterrnlfl:e :p'((tJether: ~\!lJpct.eJ g!!5!:~: H~L~ t!rP~~Ldlre when:firlflg .• :

-210 DEGREE ARCS .. With a 270 Degree Arc the FIG of the model will specify whether it is a

Fore or Aft 270 Degree Arc weapon. You measure the 270 Degree Arc from the point defined by the FIGto determine the extent of its firing arc. The modEeI can fire at any model that falls within that area.

NOTE: All distances to determine the Range Band for 270 Degree Arc • weapons are measured from the closest point of the model (or flight

stand) that is firing to the closest point of the model that is fired at (or from ·the centre of the Turret that is firing). Use the same bullet points that, are given for the Broadside arc to determine whether a model gets HALF or FULL dice when firing.

360 DEGREE ARCS A 360 Degree Arc is usually a turret and can fire at most targets that ·are not blocked by terrain or other models. The line of sight from a 360 'Degree Arc is determined by drawing a line from the centre of the arc (or t-urret) to any point on t~e target.

NOTE: All distances to determine the Range Band for 360 Degree Arc. ~. w~a:pons are measured from the closest point of the model (or flight

stand)' tliat is firing to the closest point of the model that is fired at (or .from die centre of the Turret that is firing) . Use the same bullet points

~ that are given fa! the Broadside arc to qeter.mine whether a model gets ' HALF or FULL dice' when firing.

PARTIALLY BLOCKED TARGETS An area of potential confusibn involves calculating the AD when a 'model or terrain ~ge(s in the way of an attack. The rules for Fixed

Channel weapons and pa~tially blocked targets are explained earlier .

• '\iYprki'ng Qut if a mqdel or terrain is impacting your firing depends on -.-. ~. ' the' firing arc an9 its line .of sight. So to reiterate, the Broadside line

of sight is measured from the centre of the firing model, the Fixed cha.nnel li'1e of sight is measured from the closest point of the firing

• model and most ether. line cif sight is measured from a point specified bfth~e FIG (usu~'lIy a lUJret' mount).

..... "'''''''

.If .t,he line can cross the centre of the target WITHOUT crossing :a'notber, model or terrain AND the line can cross either the prow ' or stem ofthe target, the model can fire with its FULL AD and gets

• hits ol'\-a' 4, 5 or 6 .

If: tI;Je lirt~ can cmss the centre of the target WITHOUT crossing an.other model or terrain, BUT the line cannot cross the prow and the stern of the target, the model can still fire. with its FULL AD but only gets,hits on a 5 or 6 However; if theJine CANNOT cross the centre, but can be drawn

• fo any other part 'of the target model WITHOUT crossing any !>f< ':. ~ot'her rrlodel or' terrain, the model can fire with HALF. of its'AD, 'l:J. ... '" ~~ ;), .. ;,. ••• :::.~" regardless cif whether the line-crosses the prow or stern

~ :'!~U 4, ", t:' :-, I(f A" ,

'!~~~ .. ~~;-;~ J. --- "., ... ~

You DO NOT reduce the AD by half in the event of a target being partially blocked by an iritervening model or terrain AND half again if it is also partially outside of the arc of fire. Any other modifiers to the AD would apply. normally, incluging Linked ·Fire (explained in the Combat chapter) and Game Card eJfects.

FLIGHT STANDS The flight stands for Dystopian Wars wiU have the. arcs Of fire etched on the flight stand, so that you can m~asure a Broadside Ar~ or Fixed Channel clearly. In most cases ~he fligh·t stand will simp'ly be :etc~e.d

with a cross over the center spot, but larger flight stands will have mor~ detailed information on them. Turret arcs of course are still measured from the centre of the turret in most cases.

The Shinobil!!

.. .

' .

There are severa l wax.s .. hat a mod~Lcan ~ engage another model in l=o [Tlb at, il)cluding Irroadsides. (Port~ and~ Starboard), Fixed Weapons ~CFore an( Aft), 9~0, 180; j .7cY and ;ipO ~degree .Arc Weapons; wh ich .are collectively ca ll ed ~ Gunnery Attacks. There are also Rockets, Torpedoes, Ack.Ack ,(anti ~f1y i ng/obscured model), Concussion Charges (anti-d i~ing~SUbrnerg~es{mode l ), Bombs' and Mines.

Gunne'ry Attacks, Rockets, Torpedoes, Mines' am! BOn:lbs CANNOT be used aga inst Tiny to~e.ns (such as Aeroplanes) or Boarding Assaults. NOr:le 'Of tnese weapons are effective aga inst t hese tar:gets - t hey could

4 , ' . . ~ #~. '* ;. '* 0'~ ~eohnically Re ljsed to make sQme kind of afta~k, but it is assumed that ·doct ~ine a.nd' training avoids it . The same applies to~ Generators, which ar:e ful ly exp lained in the ,Generators .Chapter. ~More importantly, you C:ANNd~ make a firing attack of any kind~ aga insf a mddel or token in your o-,yn f1~ef (even if ithas beefl captured or .made~derelict) .

~~~~Gunrfer.y: Attacks are fur1:her spl it~ into Primaries and SecoAdaries, ~ . ~liich determioes t he power a'n'd of,th~e gUDs: It al:so a·ffects rules ***! i k~' lhdirectfire and LrnkedF~i re ~(expla i flep later}. The FIG of ~a mod~l,

*wi lldist wAetner a weapon is a Primary of Secondary .and will have a* ~bracketed (P) ;;r~S) after it on the FIG. "

The FIG of a model wil l sometimes specify whether the AD~atif'lgs ·fur t he weapon apply to both th~ Por.t and Starboa(d dTc/channels.JI:J~~ weapon typ~ will specifY~ Pls !31-9,\ldsidefor *example, In which case the' AD ratings ~that~ are given apply to both· the Port and the ~Starboard Broadside arc. Therefore the mode! can fire out of BOTH.tbePort aJld* Starboard Broadside arc with the FULL ratin4g~ given on the weapon~ V'4'

You resolvt!*atiacks made by an activated mode'l AF1JR it has moved~ Wlien you resolve its attacks youJVIUST decJi,lre wHat ta rgets the model * is fir ing at, and declare what weapon systems it is ,firing wlth.,~ EiEFORE # you ro ll the dice. Simi larly ~hen a Squadron of mOdejsltokens fires you 4 MUST declarewhaUargets tne Squadron is firing at, apa' declare~whqt v

~ weapon systems it is firing Wfth, ~EF0RE\~Qu r9111!he 9i~e. '" 1: 4 $ '*

Or:lce you have~ decla-red~ ydu~;; attack(s) you tan res6lve~ tb~tu il1 an¥ 4 order that you want, therefore~ you ca:~ take ~dvan1!a*ge of anvC!a~age that ·is caused by each indivldtlaf attack. wKen it ·comes' tQ*attacks': that are subject to Aok ACk (M ) ,and COI)C\,lssion-(harge' (CC) fir~: you d~(;laJe. your atta~k[sJ and your o~poneflt alrqcllte? AA:aod/or CC agiilinsfyour att~ck(s); B.6f.OR]i yQU rol r ~ice%for~¥our attack. , '} . , ;%,c


,NOTE: A model CAN fire from all of its weapon a.rcs and with all of its ·additiona l weapon systems during its activation as long as it has va lid targets. In both cases you CAN pre-measure the range and choose a ·target that is at a more favourab le Range Band. The exception to thi? is models like Smal l Tanks t hat are mounted w ith two or more on a

< . -:'. base, and are treated as one model. Therefore the AD ratings on the e .FJG app>ly to the collective fire of the tanks, not the individuill models . 'on the base.

WORKING OUT YOUR ATTACK DICE Gunnery Attacks are the most common ranged weapons availa ble to

- t the commander of a mod~1. All mod~ls have an Attack Dice (AD) rating lor their Primaries and Secondaries and th is is the 'number of six sided dice (06) that are ro lled when- resolving an attack.

'The Range Bands .Lised in this game are 8 inches each, therefore Range Band ],js 0-8", Range Band 2 is 8-16", Range Band 3 is 16-24" a nd Range Ban~: 4 is 24-32'~ . Th'e maximum a model can fire is 32" - it is assumed that targeting systems are unrel iable beyond Range Band 4: 'a~'d that· the distances are too great for -accurate' fir ing.

is determine\l by t he type of firing model (flying/surface/d iving) cross referenced with the type of target m9del and whether it is obscured or subme rged . ' .'

The most common match ups for most models involve su.rface models using Gunnery Attacks, so when' they fire at each other consul~ the 10 Hit table be low: • .


4-5 6

'RE'5ULT Miss · 1 Hit 2 Hits and Roll Again! ·

NOTE: A roll of a 6 is ALWAYS a hit and a r oll of 1 is ALWAYS a miss.

When you Roll Again, make sure you ' foil an extra 106, not 'one that . counts ~s a hit. You keep going unti l you ~top-rollin~' <l,nY ·&'s. Once yO),J .

have finished roll ing dice you add up the number of I:lits, the more hits _ you get, . t~e more successfu l you are :

There are some differences to the chances of ~co ~ing a hit , usually r " MODIFIERS TO-YOUR ATTAC;:K D'lCE _ •• depending on whether 'a moc!lel is obscured Qr ·s:ubr)1erged. The full list ;

of to hit fa<:tors are give.n below (remember that surface .model is a cat~gory that indudes naval and land models) :' "

The number of Hull damage token s a model is carrying .wi ll impact the effectiveness of its firing. This simulates crew being killed, wreckage on

the decks. ana d-am~age ,to "tea~onry. A flying ~ode l fi; ing at a flying model or surface model hits_on a

• _ .. J

.... -. ., -~ . ....... !(

• •• «'1>

~ ~ - . So for every 1 daJ,age .token th'at a model has,.its AD is redu·ce.d' by 1.

• 4, 5 or 6 <-.. . ......... . . A This modifier reduces the AD ratings of any Broadside, Fixed Channel, . ~90; 180,.p~; or =360gegree Arc AND its Ack ' Ack ~nd Concussion

;:'-Cfiarge ratings. S61f, a model has 3 Hull damage tokens ·it-would lose 3 -

~., . AD on all of the, ~e'lp~~s from ~he Ji:st above (if it has them).

'"Hull da~ageJPkens DQ-NOT affect the AD of Rockets, Torpedoes, Bombsor M fnes ~ • -

lA sUJface model fi ring at a flying. model or, sl!rface model hits on a 4 5' er 6- " ;

J 1 " '" *' 1"1"

A diving mOlHi'lfiriAg at a flying model or sl:Jrface model hits Qn,a 4,5~r, 6 . ~ _.; .- ' . ~. " . ' - .,

- A mod el tha't ~res, at a~ obs; ured model ; nly' bits 0;' a' £.

. - . The AP rating DOES NOT affect the AD dice - this is because the •

A modeJ.tpa.tfires at a diving -mocel on ly.hi!~ on a 5 or 6' A mOdel that fires at a submergeti model only hits;on a. 6

,marines that r_~flr:.e§~-nJ.the AP rating take no part in the fir ing of. .the model's.guns · :,. , Primaries'are at a -1'1;0 hit (on ALL die ro lls) agairist ALL targets at '

. ~

An obscured model that fires at an'~r other model on ly hits on a 6

A suhme~g~d r~lO.del that fire.s at any oth:~ mo~= 1 0p ly hits on a 6 ' .. Rar ge B~nd 1, ~o a

q die roll of 4 be~6mes ~ 3 and soon

• ,Example 2: A ~~ttlesh i.p ~,nds i t s- movement w fth'i rl ,8" of-an AirSRil'l. It has 1 Hull Da'mage~~ol§e81 s6 ij;s Ack Ack' ratif1g Qf·7 is redl4c~d to Q,

l MPORTANl' N~"f,E: M ~di:fjers can NEVER take t he AD ~ating b'elow 1.

Example 1: A Battleship j's firing at a Cruiser at Range Band:.3, which •• v,;ould give it 8 -AD. to r~ lI. But the mpdel is carrying 3 Hun Da~age

t okens. The 8 AD' are modified down to 5 AD, but its Torpedo attacks , a~e NOT redUt;:ed ~ ,;:;: • '

.! •.. ,.... .-,.~ .~~:: ... :-.. .


u Once. you ~ave measured1:he di stance to an enemy model and worke,.d out how many AD" you have' to play with, it is time to rgUJhem -and

resoJve'Y0ur attacks; f 9Ur G.h.ariice bf scoring a ~it "Yith a G.unn~ry Attack

the r.~tor~ it mlfs~6D6, It 'g~ts i, '3,4, 4, S,an!:l 6 (an1l a1\, ~xtra r~1I Elf 5) ~ . "" , \ . ' ; ?to " , ,£ "'~. • ¥ "" ..... -:..!

and-gets 6 hits, which is eriol:Jgh to cause a CriticaJ Hiron fhe .AirshllD ...... . (which ha s a eR of 6) ! ~: ., ~ ... 4 - .:

- . .. ~ .. '". ~:. -.::::: r • ___ ",- • .r

LAND/NAVAL MODELS.: ~ .. . : .... :: A surface model CANNOT fire at a diving (or submeJged) model~:'::::: :;

~~""'f -... .. ... .,~ ~.. ...... w. .. __

that is within-Range Band 1 (even if it is in arc), becauS'e it is· l:ielow •••• :::n~: 1 t"{ .... :.,... 2"' - ...

the ·minimum elevation of the surface model's' gatterjes .. ... :E: ; ~ N- . ,... ",,· r~

It can however-,ttse. Concussion Charges!agai:nst ,a:diving model .!~~ wifhin 4" ... L 4p~:"

... "'..... 1 ~ n it' Q '"

• • A submerged model can

AERI,G;L MODELS .• • A surface model· CANNOT fire 9t a flying model th;3t is within

Range Band 1.(eve~ if it is in arc}, because it is above the maximum • elevation of the s'urface model's batteries

• . It can however ~s~ Ack Ack against a flying model 'within 8"

Example 3: A Battl~· within ~ange Band :3 of a Dreadnought. At " this riln&e it has 8 AD with one turret; getting 1, 3, 3, 4,:4,5,5 and a 6, ' n i is is 6 hits '(l each for the 4's and 5's and 2 for th.e 6) but the 6 gives

:. an extra r.o"to seE3 if it does more damage. An additional roll of 5 adds 1 more hit and the dice rolling ends. The total is fhe r.eto're 7 hits, Had the second roll' been a 6 instead of a 5, it would have a'dded 2 more hits and given another extra.roll.

, ~QW DO I D~MAGE rJlODELS? • '" ,~ f\:dd up the number : of hits after any r-eduction by Shields, Ack .

• Ack o~ Concussion ' 'Charge,s (if 're levant) ' and compare the total • . " to the Damage RatiQg ,(DR) and Critical Rating (CR) of the target, -

'If you cause enough hits to equa l or exceed the DR of a model·you have damaged it and it los~s 1 Hull Point (HP) '" . If you cause en.ough hits to equal or exceed the CR of a model' yoy get to. roll on the Critical Hit Table .to -see what happens to the model (instead of ' the above) . If you reduce the HP o~ a model to 0 or less, it· is destroyed and

. .... ' rel'T'l ~ved from.the game

. . ./-NOT.E: Any modE~J ~_ith a starting.HP of 2 ' or less is nat affect.ed by

,Critical Hits, If tMe CR oi'such a model , is equalled or exceeded the , . model is destroyed immediately wi,th no r.oll on the Critical Hit Table.

~xample 4: A Cruiser i ~ caught between two Frigates~ which are both at Range Band 2. The Cruiser rolls 4 AD against each Frigate, getting 2, 3, 5 ~ nd 6 (with an extra roll of 2) against one Frigate for·a total of 3 hits, which e~uals its DR and' causes it to lose 1 HP. " . . . .

It then roll ~ 4, ~.o against the othe r. Fr i gate- getti~g 5,5, Sand 6 (with an extra roll of 5) foe a: tota! of 6 ,hits.,This ·equals the CR of the Frigate

··causing it t6 lose 2 lip/ gestroying it. The Cruiser then fireswitt1 4 AD from its, Tor'pedoes at th,e first Frigate, getting a 1, 4, 4, and 4~ out the 4's"do no'i:"colJnt against p' Small Target· so nothing thi~ time . . ~ .. SPEciAL RULE - LINKED FIRE It is po; sible for l i e comm'anders of models to work together in order to destroy-alJ 'enemy vessel. This is known as Linked Fire and allows

.::; '. • ONLY moders' fro m th~ ~~me Squadron to pool their AD from Gunnery r;-;H~ Attacks (imd- other ' att5l,ck-s listed below) into a single at\'ack. The ':Si' .. situations wh'ere-Linjsedtlre' IS' allowed are given below:

A model can 9NlY Link Fire weapons of the same type (Primarie~ with Primaries, Secondaries with Secondar-ies, Rockets with . Rockets, Torpe.does with Torpedoes, Bombs with Bombs) •

• The exception to this is that Tesla weapons, altbough counting as 4 •

Secondaries, can ONLY 'be Linked with 'other Tesla' weapons ' ' • A single model CAN Link Fire a weapon with one.or more of its

other weapon; (of the same type) and then Link Fire with other models in the same Squadron (doing tpe same)

• If a Sguadron uses Linked Fire, the mo'dels within it CANNOT IiRk' the AD of different types of weapons togetherl bu'lIets 1 and 2) · A single model or Squadron CANNOT Link ,Fire and split fi re with its linked AD . - .

• . Tiny flying tokens (for example Aeroplane~) can' Link fire with FULL dice on their AD and Ack Ack

NOTE: Individual models in a Squadron can Link Fire and/or use Split Fire separately, but 'a single model or Squadron can: NEVE~ com,bine Linked Fire with Split Fire in the same single attack, '.. -.

" . The way tha! Linked fire ,works is that orle m'oder (,u~ually,your most effective model) acts as tl:le focus fo the firing. Tlii6. m6del receives its full number of ~D fr~m. a single w~apan, having beel1caiculated as normal from range to·ttie t arget, as well as any 'eff~ci:s of damage it may be qwying or ~? r9s that are played. Sep'!rate cards will tell you' which used with Linked Fire and wh ich:may .not.

, .. For each additioAal model (from the same Squaaron) that i6 included in the Unke"d Fire att~ck with the focus model, calculate its AD as"normal, but then only add HALF of its AD to the focus model's fire - round any numbers down. Thl s will give you one amount ef :Ae that are rolled, which counts~ as a single linked attack against the Qamage Rating (ElR)~ and Critical Rating (GR) of the target.

~ 1he linking models bo NOT' get to use the remaining 'lost', AD on other targets, thQuglHhey would get to make other-attacks from other firing arcs as usual • ','

• A .model rounds its AD down when it adds them to a Linkes:! Fire attack, but if it rounds"any odd numbers down t'O less than 1 AD it will -always add a min,i mum of 1 AD • _.

Example 5: A Squadron ' of Cruisers ends its movement with each model within 8" of aA .Airship. The first Cruiser, has A Ack Ack, with two additional Cruisers'ciGtding 2 Ack Ack 'of ~i nked Fire, for a t()tal of 8 AA. The same rules ~ould apply to using Concussion Ch~arges, exc:ept tha~ it only tI~ s a range of 4". > ' ,

~ .. of" .. '4 Example 6: Two Cruisers have moved to wit hin Range Band 3 of an enemy Fleet Carrie(. At this range each of 'the. undamaged models would re,ceive ' 3 AD. But 'the odas of penetrating tl'ie, <;:arrier's DR at this range wnerJ rGlling' only 3D6 are low. So t he Player elects fo Link Fire and roIl4D6:(3+1;) to improve the odds. If they had been at R;;lnge, Band 2 one model would have 5D6 and the second would have 2D6 for a total of Linke'd Flre of 7 AD.

. ,

Example 7: Two Cruisers-with a Fore ~nd Aft Turret use Linked Fire. A 4s1ngi:e Crujser with 'Z AD on each turret car'! Link Fire with itself for 10 ;.t\R (7+3). if the other Crlliser adds one turret to the Linked adds

. :+3 ~D Jfor a total of 13 ,AD); or it could Link Fire with itself for 10 AD then Firehqlf .of thett with the first Cruiser (for a total of 15 AD).

NOTE: Models CAN 'Link Fire from different ranges. Also, you DO NOT have to Link Fire with all of tne models in a Squadron. With a four moder Squadron for example, you could Link Fire ,wlt,!) two of the

' ~ mb.d,eJs £nd thel'1,the remaining two could tink 'Fire at a different ta~get . or eacR fire' at an individual target.

S,P~CI;I.\L'FtUlE - SPUTFIRE You ' don't ,have to fire at just ohe target. As long as your model can

;. ' s~e the ' t'i3rgets iou want to fire at you CAN aIlQca.t~ your AD from . u0 aFld Secondaries 'ag~inst any number of the~. You choose,

~ h()w toaJ[QCfl!e,Y0Ur A'o !;Jetween those ta'fge,ts ~her 'you use split fire.

A model CAN also split its fire lr6!'h Rockets or Torpedoes %A ·modeltAN also split its ijre from Act< Ack, Concussi(ln Charges ' 'or B~mbs ' •

A moaefCANNOT split its fire at different Range Bands 'A model' CJ\I\INOT split its fire with a Mine attack A model 'CANNOT split its fire, with an attack againsfthe same

; mod~1 or to'ken 4*% % w

EXample 8~kBattlesbip is attacked by four Frigates at Range Band ~, )Nhi2h' ba~ two turrets with BAD. It could Split Fire with each turret at two Fr@ltes (witR 6 AD,ana 7 AD), .or even Split Fire one turret at three

, Higates lwitn 4 AD,;4Ao and 5 ADfand fire the second ,turret with' :&3 . !~=~D ag~inst the fourth FpigS,lte . The Battleship V:;o~ld only score hits on .a

45 o;r ~ a'ga:inQt t~e' Ffrgafes, because. they are all Small Targets. , '

] \, f' '&

;Example.9:'Ti:le Same Battteshfp, ha~ a Broadside attack as well, but the B'roadside is Cl Secondar,y and the turrets are Primaries. Tnerefore the 'BattJeship Fire its turrets (but CANNOT then ~'se Split Eire , .. with;theJinked die,e poolj; but CANNOT Link Fire the tur:rets (P) with

. !:I1~ ,B:rO.adsicle JS). rt,cQuJd nowever use Spliti=ire Y'!i:th'th~ ~rC?~dside(S) , at the.same Frigates, ClHowiFlg,the turrets (P) to fire at other targets.,

4NOJE':'YQO CANNOTSplifl;ire ~gainst the. same mode.!.

• Torpedoes that are,fired b,y' a jand:model:model CANfir.etnroug~ other l)lnd models and' terrClin 1theyhave no effect on flyi nej ,or , obscured' models~ but they do affect land models) 4

• Torpedoes that are fired by naval models slnd' flying mo'dels h$lve no effect on land models and Torpedoes ·fired by, I(jQd~ rnpd6l1S °

have no effect on naval or flying m~d~s 4 4 .

Models are a~sl!med to have an Indefinite s\J~Pf~I~~ Pt Bos:k~ts~ i1n(l Torpedoes, in the same way that Gunnery Atta'cks nave cll'1 il'ldennit(1! : supply of ammunition. ; . , , t "

' Rocket ,attacks :ca"n: be negateSJby Ack Ack; a,nd ,Torp"edo att~cks: ckn be negated by CQncussion ,Charges, 'both ofwbich are,expl\'3!Oed n~X1:; "

'* ~ 4:. ¥ "\;,,


The firil'1g arc of Ack. Ack and Concllssion Ch.afges, i£360 witbin for Ack Ack arid witi:lir:l 4" :for .contllssiorl 'CHar,gM' l'l1;) 'eff(1!c;;t , beyond that range. It is. measured frot)'l the dose.stPt1jp~'oft;ne:mdder that is firing to tRe closest point of tMe model that fs' fired at,!'or,vlca.

"$ . % " .~~ . ,St . '# 4~ : t

versa. ,. ,w

The AckAck andCoricussibn C;:Rarge rati.ngs06f a:!'h'ooel 'A:REreduc.edby; ~;:,: damag~J bl:Jt a model has a minimuf!1 of1 Ack Ac~;nd 1 Conc~ssi0n vQ.t Charge after damage reduction. If a model had o AckAckorCQncussiorl'> c~ar,~e to ' begi~ "'(ith, ' it 4s~lI , ha5' Q Ack Ac;:I<;c;~mc,Jssron Ch",!g: ~~ff~; : damage reduction. A .mo,del CANNOT use ,1\ck AGk or Con.GussJOJl 0. Charges:while it 'is st1b0merged. ' 0' ';" k"

Ac;:.k Ac;:.k p.rotects "a model "against !Rockets and f1,yingmoders,wbife'" , Concussia~ 'Charges prC?~ect a model agaiFlstTC?rpedoes and diving , ~

models (whether on th.e surface or submerged). Ack Ack arld Concussipn: CnClrge. attacks a;e superior to 'Gun.neryAttacJ<s:: ,against their specifktargetsj, ~nd one or the other can also ftte .atTtny, f1yers ,· .. and, ~ines, and is used agCJinst PQClf,der:s,Qn }h~~firsttt!rll 01' a, egarqil1g-':':0 Assaulr(whicn Gun.~e~'i fl.ttSlGKsCA"iI\l'GT fireat). % . '-;:- 4 °

Ack Ack/Concussion Ch:arge an active weapon (jse€l 'ia't"th~ as other we!lp:ons when It ts , wJthin rang\'! :of flving or divlr:lgvmo.c!els· and Mines. You resolve your GUnnery Attaclts and Ack.AckjConcossitm Charge attacks in a'r1yorder: ' , .

• If a model uses Ack Ackfire.against a flying 'Or' obscured "~~de'r Itg~ts'; " , t·, . . r

' hits on a'4, 5 or 6:, • • If Cl moj:Jel u.s0~s·Ack A~k fire agaiFlSt a Scnall,flying model or Tiny flyil;lg: , tok!=n it ·~e~:s Iqits·on a ? Ol" ~ , , , . , " . * "

, . • If a model u~e~ 'Co1iclission' CI1a~gefir'.eagainst a, dlving,or:,submerged Q

&. _ . " '# *_$1 '*'~ . " JI ~ .• ,+

model it gets hits on a ~, 5,or 6., " , 4 • If a moGiel uses ~Concus~ioA Charge, fir~ against a Small mvin&nJ.odel or :ril'lY diving token it gets hits on a S orR P $ I!

NOTE: The to hit riumbers given here for Ack Ack or Concussion Charge , , _ fire against Small or Tiny' models, applies to any model that fires at a

Sn:all or Tiny model (and not just €apital class modelsY.

> Ack Ack or Concussion Charge:; is also used against-Boarding Assaults .and Mines, but only gets' a hit on a roll of 5:or 6. The rules for these attacks are explaineQ fully under the ' sections detailing the use of Mines and wLthin the 130arding Assault chapter. ' .

'A model can split its Ack Ack or Concussion Charg~fire at different )a ~gets eR Link Fir,e its Ack _A~k or Concussion -Charge fire with other ,models in the same Squadron agair)st ooe of those targets • A moael·(ANNOT Link Fire its Ack Ack or Concussion Charge fire, witA' another model(s) AND then split fire with,its. combined Ack Ack ~ r Concussion Charges ~ -_' A model that uses Linked Fire with Ack Aclt or Concussion Charges

• doe:s so with HALE of tile Ack Ack/Concu5sioh- Charge ot each ac;!ditio(1al model that adds its Ack Aek/<;oncussion Charge to the poolofaice '

-. NOTE: Ack Act< and C,Oncussiori Charges are usecl ~ against ' ALL· applicable att~ks th~t are made i~ a turn. Tlierefore if ,a model is

.;fi'red at wI th Rock ets' by' one Squadron, then firec;l at with. Rockets by a-;'other Squadron, then attacked by Tiny flyers and is then the target ()f a Boarding Assault, it could use' its FULL Ack;Ack rating (reducecj QY ~amage) against each separate attack. ' •

E~ample 10: A Battleship with 8 Ack Aek gets 1, 2, 3,.3, 3,_4, 6 and 0 (and two extra rolls, of' 1 and 6) agains.t 5 Tiny flyers, The first two 0 '5

each destroy one Tiny flyer, and the extra rotl of '6 also destroys on -more Tiny fixer from the same Squadron. If any 5's had been rolled it would cause an Abort result, which is explained fully in the Aeroplanes


ACKACK Ack Ack is used when a flying model or token ~s.ElS an · AD attack (Gunnery, Rockets, Torped'oes, Bombs and Mines) against a model Of

Sfluadron that is within 8" of the models performing t he attac1.

• If a m'odel is,atta.cked·by a flying modeJ/s you (esolve its Ack Ack fire FIRST, as it interwpts-the attack ~ • Any models from the same Squadron 'that are within range can use Ack Ack against the firiDg models using,tEle rules explained earlier under Ack Ack and Conc;ussion Charges. - -. Therefore rnodels from the same Squadron CAN useJinked Fire with Ack Ack ~or fire separately) but models'frol11 other Squadrons CANNOT use ACk Ack-when anotJ;ler -moqel' is attacked . -,

.. " -"" '" ~~... ,,1 .. 1 ~ Ack Ack is 'also used when a model suffers a. Rocket attack-(from any

Similarly if a rnodel~is fi; ed at by -g flying mod~l , the farget can use Ack ~ck' againsfth E; fI¥ihg.modeC and tben use Ack Ack again if that flying model fires RoCkets at the target. These. rules-apply equally to the use'

kind of' model) . Th-e' attacking player declares a ny ~plit andj or linked Rocket attacks; the defending pJayer then a'llocates any split and/ or linked Ack Ack against those Rocket attacks. You then resolve the Rocket attacks to determine how many hits are causecl, and'resolve the

- Ack Ack to determine how many of thos~ "hits_are cancelled>,

o( Concussion.Charges and -Tor~ednes. . - > ..

::::~ , NC>TE: Be~ause firing attacks a're declared at the same time, multipl~ ; +"'t -tz... .

- :;.;-: AD attacks DO NOT t rigger multip-Ie uses of Ack Ack and Concussion --. • Charges. Therefore, a model:can only,use Ack ~ck once against multiple

'attacks by ·models in the same Squadron. .: • , _

Wfien a·model or Squ; dFEfn ' uses 'Ack Ack .fire against a Squadron 6f _ Tiny tokens, a NATURA~ roll, of 6 results in an extra die roll .against any ether Tiny tokens in·ihe same Squadron tharare in range. '

# .. . '" • *

--- - -

, ,-NOTE: A mode O~ t6ken CAN use ACk Ack fire against Tiny tokens that -a re 9n a model! ca.rry sucli tokens,. like the deck of a Fleet Carrier or the landing strip: of~an Airfield (but only if it is,of an equal s ize~'class qr'greater, or at a greate'r Height Level), The exception is if the model that the ffrlY-tb kens are on has the Covere'd Decks ,ability.

! ,., f" fl -; '! v .

, • If a model use;s·Ack-Ack fire against a Rocket -attack it cancels 1 hit on a roll of 5 and nms"ol'l a roll of6 (and rolls an extra -ro6for each 6-that is ro lled) • Any ~odels from :the same Squadron that are within range of the target of the' attack and/or the firing models can link thei r AA fire against the Rockets" (Qr fire separately)

Example 11: i.. Dreadnought makes a Rocket attack 0( 8 AD against a Cr~iser and gets 7 hits: el'lol-'gh to get a Critical Hit agaiflst the Cruiser's CR of 6. The Cruiser ha,s 3 Ack Ack, and another cruIser in ifs Squadrofl is within 8", so int aclds its Ack Ack against tRe; Rockets it becomes Linked Fire for 4 Ack Ack (3+1). The two Cruisers rpll ~,4, 5 and 6- (and an extra roll of 1) aM car'lcel 3 hits, reducing the 7 hitsto 4, which still causes 1 damage to the Cruiser.

NOTE: A· model CANNO:r use Ack Ack- against a mo.del that is just moving within 8" 6f: it, . it only uses Ack Ack again~{ a direct threat. For exa'mple, if a model makes a Gunnery Attack or fires Rockets at a model, it is considered a di rect threat against th'at particular model (and its S!iu.adron) . ·" ' -

CONCUSSION CHARGES :.Cohcussion·Charges are used when a diving model(s) uses an AD attack

'" tG an[1ery, Rockets, Torpedoes, Bombs and Mines) against a model or SquadronJ is within 4" of the models perform'ing the attack. If all of dYe dLvjOg (qr.submerged) model(s) are outside of 4" when·they make one of ·these· attacks the,Conc;ussion Charge has no effect.

. ; •• If a,.,fl'lodel is attacked by a diving (or submerged) model(s) you resolve its Concussion Charge fire FIRST, as it interrupts the attack /S:.nY ,models from the same SqLladron that are within range can

• use' Concussion Charge against the firing modelsusirig the ' rules . eXjSllained earlier under Ack Ack and Concussion Charges Therefore models Jrom the same Squa.dron CAN use Linked Fire with Concussion Charges, but models from other Squadrons ,C.l\NNO'f use ConcusSion Charges when anoth~r model is attacked

zConcuss.ion. Charges are also used when a model ;;uffers a Torpedo fit ;!~~att~ck$(-frl9m any ~ind of model). The attacking player declares any split ~ ntl70r· linkea Torpedo attacks; the defending player then allocates. i my ,split an'd/~rlinked Conc!lsslon Charge fi re'against those Torp~do

.: ~ttac~t You then ·r~solve the'Torp~do attacks to determine how many !vnits iire.caosed, and resolve <Re Goncussion Charge, fire to determine

how many oHhose hits are cancelled. '

;If '<irUb£lel . ,us~s~ Concussion Charge fire <lgaiQst a Torpedo aftack it cancels 1 hit' on a roll of § and 2 hits on a roll of 6 (and rolls an extra 106 f9'r e~ch 6 thati~ rolled) , Any models. frorn· th.e 'same Squadron that are within range ' of, the: tatg'et$ at the :at1;aek and/or the firing models can link their Concll~sjon '<;ha'rge :fjre (even over other models and/or terra ilJ)

"uagal nst;th.e TQrpedoes (or fire separately)

Models are assumed to have an infinite supply of Bombs • A flying model CAN use Bombs on ~flying m:odels, but ONLY models

.of the Large or Massive size "class (b'{ flying over them), b.ut onl\( gets a hit on a roil of 5 or 6 .

Bombs ignore the line of sight rule? ab0ut interverif1g rno<:lels aAd terrain. They still count HALF dice for mODels that are only partly in arc, but;tt:ley ignor~any intervening A"lodels,and/9JJ erq:lin Iiletltv~~n:"he ~ft of tht; model and.:its'get(s) .

Eltampl~ 13: Al.n Airship mflkes a BO!]b att~ck against a B~ttleship, ~ncL has 10 AD., lt rolls 1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, ~, 6 and 6 (with an ,ext:r~ 2 an'q another 6 - gil'ting an additional 4) for a totar of If hits. '

MI NES . A model that is equipped with Mines can drop 1 Mine tqken eac;n time that it is activated, and places the tokeH, next to t,he stern9f the.model during any part of its movement (MiAes are assumed ,tQ tJe at surface level rega~dless of ;;"'hat model drops them). they ns~ ttTe same' to"l'l~t , numbers as Gunnery ·Attacks, except that: the AD of a Mine ,attack is 1'Iit:>T, reduced by damage. The AD of a #Mine h giveoin ,brackets in .the " Range Sand 1 C';qluriln"tCl denote its redJ.!~eq activation r ange.

If Ai\I't h)odel moves" -within i " 0f the centre of a Mine on · a • subsequent a(:tivqtion (at any" poil;1t of' its move) tre Mine,

expl.odes -,place .q 4" ,diameter temprate" centred over the rniddle "of theMiae token,a Mine that is dropped on a surfaGe mD'del (or" a flying/obscLlred model) ~~pIQdes immediately

.'*" .. " ..... ,,", L·· l.and 'rMdels CANNOT use Concussion Charges against naval

moa~ls~ an'd vi~e l1e~Sd , •

# ?~ :fl\tjng mpdel CAN u~~~Mines 'on flyIng moaels, bl:(t ON~Y mqc;!~!~ of ~he Large' of Massive" size class (by flying over themJt:byt OAli getS a hit on a roll 0f S or" (and' DOES NO:r use the temfllate)

i>P 'IVA' $ 9 ";'" . ' .. _ . , : 2Y .. "" .", ":

Resolve the attack using t:he AJ:>"ratiflg of the Mine ·and apply the tota ( nambec of hits t~ every model&that is,partially or i ull'y wLthih' . ,

~E.xample ~.Z: A QreadnotJght a Torp~do attack of g ~Dagainst a L Gruiser. ana gets h,.hits, en'ough tO,get a Gritical Hit against the Cruiser's

,e;~ i:R:. oi 6 ~"in ;; CrUiser has' 2 Cons:tl s~ion Charge, a~d another Cruiser in Its sqtrad ~dn t?Witnm4", so if it adds Lts Concussion Charge against the f<ir:pedoes it be.comes L.inked·Fi re'for3 Concussiol.l Charges (~+1). The

i\vQ:c::rl\i~~r~ rqp, 4 a r::~:s.::and cancel 1 hit, reducing the 7 hits to 6, iifwkliGh is s~".en~ugh to get a.critical Hit 'on the Cruiser.'

j be ·template (aFldeither on the slJr:face ,or submerged) excludl Og ,. mqd~ls that ;?fe·col'Tl~le!eIY bloe:~~d ,on 'the" otF1e:r; s·iQe: 0f SerIaj!,) ~'~ anEl/oriHri@8eF(~) " # :" ¥

'W "" - , '" ,~ ,

El<ample 14: A'Minewith~ rat:ing,df 5'ba~ h~erJlaid within ]:" of two.:-* Cj'uisers.:When one o(th.e. Cruisers ne>.<.t O1Q),Ie<£ 1he"M) o.e 8f:tivates ~md toffs SDfj, ge,tt1Qg'4h'its.;Bothof t~;e' Crl,liser; therefqre$stlffer 4':hits,v ' as tbe..dam:age is not"s'plTt, causing Y Htul r damage tb 'ea ci1l Cruiser.

~ /

J\,IQTEi Amodel,CANNC)l: use C~ncussion Ghar~es against a mGdenhat? ,;. ~s,juSt movAlllg wifhih 4;' of jt, it ONlY~uses Concussion Charges against !' 8t direct 'threat.; For ~xample; if 'a model makes a Gunnery Attack or

. ~' fjr;5 TO rjSleEloe:s ''!t a mpde.i, it i; cbnsidereda direct threat agaif],st)f)at .

: p~~cl,l l~ modsl;(ar!d its Squadron).

1f a , Min~~ is attivat~PI : ~<1IIHDI) fQi' .~(lch' other f)IIine tKat&iswitRjn:: the ' ternplate, JNSTEAD~ ot JoJling ' for damage against it: ,On a ·roWof:

5 or Q" th,e .l')!Ij Cl!'! is, a LS9:~a,Cn'!lltep regq rd 1S!,Ss :Qf 'whTCh. 'f:lee~ d;rQl?p~cj ~ it, ~ol!,!Atielly ·ea.~?IAt~! ce's~~~~ pr a~v~~tqrLf*he}

o · separat~ly, CANN~tLif.1kj;j ~e::

Cencussion Charges are also used when any model ends its move within 4" of the centre of a Mine, hJut not within 1" of the centre of the Mine.% This ishJecause the Mine would activate (at 1") BEFORE the Cencussion Charges can be used (assuming that it is a surface model).

4 If a model uses Concussion Charges against a Mine you 15nly get a hit on a roll of 5 or 6; if the nu~ber of hits equals or exceeds the AD of the Mine it is destroyed Any models from the same Squadron that are within range of the Mil1~ can link their Concussion Charge fire against it (or fir~ separately) If the Mine is~ not destroyed by Concussion Charges fire you do not mark any damage on it.

Example 15: A .La~d Ship enqs its movement within l" of a Mine with a 0/ ~at(~g of 5, not close: enougl:J to activate it, ,but the commander elects to ,try ar:ld destroy it It has a Concussion Charges rating of 6 and rolls 3,

% '44: 5 '5 and 6, whie:h,is 4'hits and one extra roll. It needs 5 or more hits t~de;tr6y the Mine, but only ge~s a 4 on the extra roll, fails to de;;troy

o/theJVline and thS! (hits that it rolled Cl re wasted.

Ti-I~ CRITICAL HIT TABLE rf'the 'CR of a model is equalled or exceeded by the number of hits

# 0 i~fli~t~d f;~~~ a:single attack ti;Jen something dfamatic has happened. Ihqquld be ~that\h'e 'br:icjg~ was destroyed or the engine rQorf1 was wrEickeGi. You DO,NO:r rcillfo~ Critical Hits against models with a starting

0 1'11" 0(2 orl~s~,~th~y Just ~~ffer 2 Hull damage.

cFitical ~i.ts. will require some record keeping, but this is minimal. ~4!i;:: .']:i1'ere<lre'se~eraUokens that will aid you in this. Some damage from a

"'; :: tritlca'l 'Hl1! ca~ :qe re paJ red ar'rem ove'd. Some of the Game Cards are I!lseful,fdr dealing~ith Critical Hits.

'0", .. ."* ""''''''* $I , " ' $,. !> 'V'tMW '4Il: '" ,". %. 4

ccalculating the hits against q model its CR is not ~f eX,Geededr :but it is doubled or trebled. For each ·

roll on the Critical Hit Table again.

NOTE: Because players may affect your ,damage ~ anciJ : critical rqlls by using Game Cards it is importaht't6 calculate your ~t6tal hits and damClge' eve~ if you think you hav~ done en~ugb to' destroy a moGlel.

CRITICAL HITS' The effects of a·Critic;al Hit are the same whether the model is a naval, land or aerial.model, Creature or Robot. The Critical Hits aTe therefore~ generic and apply equally to any type o~ model, ~though some plodel;; ' will have ,a specific Critical Hit Table induded on their·FIG.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If a model (exc!uding 'models with starting HP:of 2 or less) has 2 or less HP left and ,suffers a Critical Hit,(which ,would probably destroy it), you still roll on the Critical Hit Table; JUSt in case you get a Magazine Explosion' that has additional effe~ts '(Break Tests) on other models. "

Exampl!,! 17: A Sky Fortress has been red,uced to 2 1::11", and suffers a~

:Cfitical Hit, which would usually reduce it' to 0 HP destroying it. The player that ' caused the Critical Hit still rolls on the Critical Hit Iqble though an.d gets a 12, resulting in a StuFginlum Flare, and the model is removed.

RAGING FI~t:rOKENs If' a Creature Of RobotJhat j:;Ja~ ~ Raging Fire Tqken(s) an it ~ubmerges, the ,tbken(s) are automaticallyremQved. ·If a Submarine or Burrower s:ubmerges, the tqkens are ()I:'JLY'remov~d with a successful Repair Rcl'l (the fire is ~assume~ to,be inside Nle model). , ~

If a submerged Creature or h~bot (Iar:ld 6r naval) .suffers~a Ragir:lg Fire dueto aCr'i&aH'Iit roll, ignore it and :roll~ again#until\/ougeht result 0/

that.i<npt,Raging Fire. c • ,


Some of the CriticaL Hits. can be repaired. Ttlisinesolved th~ nexC time that a damaged modeHs factivatecj, ' QlJt AFTE~ the m0de:1 has Rerform~d any actipns, ,s,\J~ch as ~ovin~,Jirjngpr.~oar&ling.)f yD\.! fg,rget


to"'make fa (fice roll to r~pair a ~Critical !;lit wnen you activa;te a macer ,and Y0ur apfiJonent D~as fin'ished activapng his (lext ,Squadron, · YOGI! CANNOLreverse the sequence to{) make the die reil.

The; actip.n of fe~~irfl)g :c!q111 crg.e: h: .r~soJVeq :q,'l ro'I~Clg ':1;96: wmeQ meQel is activa~ed .and ~efe.!'ringto the tGritiE~ll'Ii~Ta!lI'~, tile various op'tlbns f0f,tepairing a' Critic;all'lit: Some Gi3me

~ YOl:J 0 to r~ltajr q:in6al:(jgmage 'a utol)'latfpalIy,' er 'l\' a9difional roll. Cn2atures"and'~~Qbots ~CANNOT refiJair ,a Cr,itical nu. .. \lI" UU~I". lI ";art;~;:Ji'0J~ltdging:F:ifei:iij~ris.a~ ahb~~}." :W;::4ffiffi

1b llb, h U' ' :::: 4 c· '4 +~' ''' '' hV4&' b 1k .*,*

+ With atcri'ticar~ll~ffe~fma-r~ed with a (*:) r.oll ~1:n,,,: . 1" ""';; %* l1ext:a~ti.~atEid;AFTEIUthas· beM activated. On a 1, 2 'It''tIK,,' rI '''I';';''''''&A ~

-;' '%

-. ~/ihbugh d~{j;nejj fprfhe fields of Europe, the ~brmouredcgr(jun(j ,u:nits of the Prussian EmpIre

f'i~b"-".~;;; all wa/.ztJi7eS, ~6· matter how hostile, Here an Armou;~d Battle-Group prepares itself for

"Ill*,: #': ~ '" •

b:at against Covenant of Antarctica forces . ---:" ... , .

is repaired and the token is removed, on a 4, S ?r 6 it is not repa ired . _ V\l,ith ,<!. R.agi[1g Fire, the model also loses 1 AP or] a 4, S or 6 (and also ga ins another Raging f.ire token on a 6), and rolls 106 for each Raging Fire token that it has. You DO NOr get an extra roll on a 6 in this case.


Example 18: A Mobile,Airfield has two Raging Fire tokens as a result of Critical' Hits, it is activated later in the t urn and ro lls 106 to repa ir each Raging Fire. It gets a 2 on the first token and repairs/rempves the ' token, but gets a 6 on t he second token and loses 1 AP. Another R~gi ng

, Fire toker;) is also placed on t he Mobi le Airfield, but it does not 'roll to repair that token until the end of its next activation.

NOTE: Ack Ack and Concussion Charges attacks are .resolved slightly differently, as .you use the same to tiit numbers for Ack Ack and Concussion' Charges regard less of wh~ther the firing model i< Cap ital class or not. Therefore' they ignore' the Small Target, Fast Target and Elusive Target ru les in the Abilities chapter . •

~ .... ~

CONF[lCTING'.rO !:l IT ROLLS Some of t he ru les will give different sets of 'to hit' numb,ers for firing and boarding. Where the 'to hit' numbers ~onflict wi1.h ~~fh <?t~e.r, 'k!?e the set that makes it more difficult to hi~ a model. In,other words use" the worse set of numbers.

NOTE: Creatures and Robots can make a Repair Roll to remove a Raging Fire token, but they CAN NOr otherwise make a Repair Rol l against other Critica l Hit effects, unless their FIG states otherwise. They sti l

Example 19: A Battlesh ip (Capita l class) is firing at cl Corvette, which is . :. ' :' a Small model, therefore it hits on a S ana 6; but the Corvette has the Fast ~bility, where it is only hit on a 6 by 'Capita l class'mopels. The 'to ' hit' ro ll of 6 (for Fast) Is worse than a S or 6 (for Small Target), 'so the • suffer the ongoing effec! of Corrisive damage, but CANNOT repair it .

• ~APITAl MOOElS Throughout'the ru les and qn ;;ome of t he Game Cards you wifl fi nd'

Capital Class,models. These are the main fight!ng force of your Battle.Groups.

( If a' model is classe~ as a Capital Cla~s ~cidel it wil l say so on its FIG. There are some sp_ecific ru les that apply on ly to €apital Class models '

, and some that apply to all other. types. Most models that are Medium, Large ,or Massive are also <;ounted as being a Capital Class model.

,. ~ /" ~

S9me of ~he Ga n3e.Card~ can orily be used by Capital Class models ., or .will [:lave different 'effects for different types of model. As the~ • miniatures ' ra'nge 'expands so wi ll the variety of models avai lab le and

ea'ch' Qne will have full detajls on its FIG.

Battlesh ip on ly hits or;! a 6 .

Example 20: A Land ' Ship js firing at a Medium Ja.nk that is iA some .Woods, it woold nor mallY 'hit o~ a 4, S Of .6, but 'a !arget in Woods is only hit on a S or 6. TMe '{o·hit' roll of Sor 6 (WoodS) is worse than a 4, S or 6 (standard), so tHe Lamf Ship only scores hits' on Cl S or 6.

NOTE: Bear in mind that the Ack Ack and Concussion Charges 'to hit' values supercede other weapon options whEtn used· against flying models or diying mod~ls . This means the 'to hit' numbers' in the Ack ' Ack and Concussion <;harge~ row?' on the Fast Play Sheet DO NOT conflict with the other ~ows' when, for,example, the model might use Ack Ack against an obscured mo'de l or ,Concuss'ion Charges against a diving model. • ,. .

. ~

CARD MODIFIERS SMAll TARGETS , '. 'Som;e Garme' Cpr~s;' ?pecia l rules and partic~ lar classes: of'model wil l If a·Capital .Class model uses a Gunne! y Attack (includ ing Tesla Coils), modify the attack rolls. If this is th~. ca seJ a NATURAL roi(of 6 alwaYL

• • Rockets, Torpedoes and Bombs to target a Small model it is more cOljnts as ,2 hits with an extra dice, roll • difficultto hit.-Tli ls represents the smaller mod.el zipping arou~d and .

• : "being tricky for gunners to target effectively. Therefore, if AD rolls are modifiE~d by +~, a ro ll of S woul.d become a 6, f " in this case you would, em ly score 1 hit, but you DO NOT get an extra

If a C!,pifal Class mo~del fires at a Srrall target like a Frigate, Escort, di ~e roll. Alterna~ve l yj if AQ rolls:are -1~ ~! roll zuf"6:wou ld ~De5troyer7 Gervefte; ::ranR (Small) or Wa lke r (Small.) then it can b~come ,Cl S, but' it stil l.Gouhts as 2 hits, with an extra dice roll. only, hif it orn.!.S'dr B . - ,~ ;,-

• A NATURAL roll: ofs: i till csunts as 2 hits however and still g!ves . an extra dice rQIJ·

j. ~' ,Some models have the Fast Target ability, w hich means that they are only hit o'n a, roll 'Of 6, and/or the Elusive Target ability, which means that all model~ can only hit them on a 5 or 6 '\ .

~ • • p ....

~ -_ ... \ .. _ ... W,J} ._ ... .,..



2 Magazine Explosion The model is destroyed in an inferno of fire a,nd s.hrapnel.· Br~ak Tests c~use9: by the loss of; this model ONLY get hits on a 6 "

3- ' Shredded Defences .* The model loses 2 HP and CANNOT use its Ack Ack or Concussion =Chal'ges

. 4 .. , Fire 11< , - The model loses 1 AP and 2 HP; put a Raging Fire token on the m0gel I

5 Generator Off1ine * The model loses 2 -HP and CANNOT use a Generator chosen by the player (wnen the Crifical Hit occurs) whose model suffers the Critical Hit - •

• 1 • The model reduces the AD,of its Gunnery Attacks by HAlF and lo~es 2 HP

The model loses 2 HP and 2 AP

The model reduces its Movement rating by HALF and loses 2 HP

The model loses 2 HP and can 'ONLY move}t:l a straight line,' it CANNOT turn"

The model l.ases 2 HP and 106 AP _

, 'The model loses 2 HP a!1d CANNOT use its 'Roe~ets, Torpedoes, Bombs and/?r Miri~s,

.:rhe model telepor:.ts into the eth'er; re,move the model, it CANNOrretllrn

.*' ~Indicates' that a Repair optioj1 is available~ for this Critical Hit . effect

Roll1D6when the model js next activated, but AFTER it has moy ed, On a 1-3the damige 1s " rep.aired. and the token is removed, With a .RagCng·Fire, the model also los~s i 'AP on a roJI of 4-6, Creatures and Robots can ONLY make ~epair Rolls in order to rembv.~~. Raging Fire

. . .

RAIYIS . . . ~ .. ~


.. ..... .. <- • •

" .




token - unless their FIG st9tes ·otherwise .

. .. . ......... WEAPON AD REDUCED BY; !:lUll DAMAGE? ..... ----. . -


Y • Y Y N N N . N . ,. .~ ..

-...I w C C!)

. ~:

. l!l. Z ·



OBSCURED 6 6 6 6

FLYER . .6 4,5, 6 4, S, 6 5,' 6 · 6

. SO RfACE 6. 4,5, 6 4,5, 6 5, 6 6 ,

DIVER 6 4,5,6 4,5, 6 5, 6 6

!iUBMERGED 6 6 6

ACK A<':K 4,5, 6 4,5, 6 S, 6 5, 6 5, 6

CONCUS~ION 4,5, 6 4,5, 6 5, 6 5, 6 5, 6





S, f?


. S, 6


A Boarding Assault is carried out by marines equ!pped with combined ! _. rocket/diving packs, crowbars and blow torches. Most models have a

complement of marin~s and the larger the model is, the more marines it has on board. Creatures and Robots however do not have marines,

'. tlut all models have an Assault Point (AP) rating to reflect their combat effectiveness, whether they have marines or not.

It is assumed that the crew of a model is unwilling to fight, therefore

.. , Creatures ang Robots ~ANNOT perform a 4" Boarding Assault . Instead, they can move into base contact with,another model without causing a ram or collision and "then' perform a Boarding Assault. 'rhey·can also ram a model and board it (but ONLY if they have an RRof 1 or !110re) .

AERIAL MODELS lA model or ' token (of any type) CANNOT perform a B.oarding Assault against a Tiny flyer (Aerpplane)

• the~e is no rating for the crew, and a model that has no AP is therefore • An obsctlred model CANNOT perform a Boarding Assault against very vulnerable to a Boarding Assault. When a model performs a a submerged m~cIel • Boarding Assa'ult you choose how many AP to commit to the assault, • A Creature or Robot that initiated a Boarding Assault with a

surface model can be fired at with Gunne!"y Attacks within Range therefore the model could be in a position of weakness if the assault is ngt resolved quickly. NOTE: Boarding DOES NOT require Line of Sight.

. . Some of these rules refer to using a Boarding Assault to recapture or rescue models in your own fleet from the enemy. It is important to peint out toat a model CANNOT initiate a Boarding Assault against other-models in its own fleet (or an allied fleet) just to reorganise the proportion of AP Between different models.

I BOARDIN~ ~SSAUL"FS The Assa'ult POint. (~pr rating represents 'a model's marines/fighting crew; the crew- itself has very little fighting capability and is easily defeated. The marjnes are able to use their rocket/diving packs to perform a B'oarding Assault against ONE model within 4" (at most height levels), measurefHrom 'any point of the model to any point of the target model (ard DOES NOT require Line of Sight).

Band 1 until the end of the turn in which the assault is completed

. Example 1: A flying Cr~ature has initiated a Boardi'ng Assault against a Landship. The Creature is assumed to still be flying; tl:1erefore surface models CANN(n ram or collide with it, but it IS'lQw enougr., tha.t Gunnery Attacks can affect: it at Range Band 1.

Example 2: A Battleship has in'itiated.a Boarding ' Assault against a flying Creature. Its rocket marines have swarmed around it in order to

. shoot and stab at it. The Creature is the target of a Boarding Assault, therefore only models or tokens thaf are enemies, of both the. Creature and the Battleshig can fire at the Creature.

Example 3: A Squadron of Gyros have initiated a Boarding Assault against an Airship. Their marine's are breaking into the con'fines of the Airship,-therefore.modets in,the same fleet- as the Gyros or the Airship

..: . :?_ A ~odel CANNOT pe'rferm a Boarding Assault after a ram or CANNOT fire at the Airship. because it Ls t h'e scene of an ongoing ·collision l,Nith terrain ~ Boarding Assawlt. - ~ ,

H A model can ONLY' initiate a Boarding Assault against a friendly ' _ . .. - --" ,: -. "model if it is the 's~~ne of an ongoing Boarding Assault • SEQUENCE OF EVENTS

•. A subf!1ergeo model CANNOT perform a Boarding-Assault aga'inst 'The oFc!er in wRieh- yb-u' r~solve a Boarding Ass~ult is .important; it an obscured model . follows th!s sequence of events :

;:-::.!! A model C;-AN pgrform a B'oarding Assault after a ram or collision ::.:;!' .. ' with another ~odel: but its Melee Dice '(MD) are reduced by

. :;i:~;-:, · ... H.AL(quring thafast!"atjon :~-: . A model CANNOT fire afthe model that it is boarding (its rocket .... ,," marmes are i n the wax), and its firing options are limited Quring

that ac.tivation '(explained in the Rams & Collisions chal'lter)

fir e at the .target-of! the Boarding, but they are the only

1, M.ove models from an activated Squ·~ dron . 2. Resplve any rams or c~lIi;i6ns as ·neces~a fY . 3. Fire with any models i.n the activated Squadron-:

' 4, Choose whether to perform a Boarding' Assa:ult. 5. Resolve AC!k Ack' fiFe against the boarders~ 6. Re~olve one rQub,cto{the Boarding As~ault.

~~ Other mO,dels irithe -sam~ ~guadron as the boarding model CAN .

'~ :l .. } , models that can g~ ?O, (and only on the firs~ t~rn of the <jssault) RESOLVING ASSAULTS :. " ~ .• " ~~::: . , In subsequeFlt activations m.odel~ CANNOT fire at a model that Choose how many AP to use in tlie Boarding Assgule This allows you to !:i;jiH... . is tbe. scene of an' Qngoing Boarding Assault involving friendly -:. maintain some cjef!;nce on a model if you are not lik~IVto reGov~r ,your t:::::~r troops; whe~ the' ongoing. assault is resolved the model fan be b~arders. Pla<;e af! A~ token(s) on. the boarde€l m@qel: showing how

eiil ..... !. '-fi ~ed at normally ~ .. .. • many boarders areon it (place a Boarders Gon,e teken on tbe boarding t_;,; : If a Creature or Robot initiates a Boarding Assault, other models ; model if it uses all of Lt~ AP). NOTE: CreatureS/Robots MUS;r'use ~LL of • e •• .,.!'i:1! CAN fi 't d' • b t' It ~ I:::'i<~.-"- , re at I - urlng a su sequen ongoing a,ssau their AP, but DO NOT place AP tokens'on the-boarded,model.

• -::'. A model tha1:performs -a Boarding Assault CAN move away f.rofu ' • -<. - " ••• ' ,

.. .. .

-.. ,

, ... .

-. .......

- .... ...

,.. 4,;1.... • ,",. _ ..

, the boarded model, but if it is further than 4" from the ,boarded • -tJ1,9pel when t~E(assault is ~ver it CANNOT recoVef,itsJI,P '

~ r

If the boarcl~d rnoqel. h~s at). Ack AC~ rating it wlls a-;.QwrT1Qer of dice equal to its Ack Ack against boa[ders from surfa€e'aqQ flying __

t· ," ),

models (a model CANNOT use Ack Ack fire against boarders that have come from a diving/submerged model) Ack Ack fi re only gets a hit on a roll of 5 or 6 against boarders A Creature that is performing a Boarding Assault is hit on a 4, 5 or

" 6 ~(by Ack Ack fire) and the tota l number of hits is compared to its D~and CR as normal Any models from t he same Squadron that are within ra nge of the target of the attack and/or the firing models can use Ack Ack fire against t he boarders (or fi re separately)

Example 4: A Dreadnought initiates a Boarding Assau lt with 8 AP ¥ ~agains( a Cruiser. The Cru iser has 3 Ack Ack, it gets a 3,4 and 6 .. (with

'a'n ~extra, 5 from its additional roll). In this instance the roll of 4 has NO ~.ffect because it is Ack Ack. fire aga inst boarders, S0 the Cru iser causes 3·hits. T~is reduces the 8 AP of the boarders by 3 to 5 AP.

ExampleS: A flying Robot initiates a Boarding Assau lt with 6 AP against a Cruiser. The Cruiser h~as 3 Ack Ack, it gets a 3, 4 and 6 (with an extra roll of 5) . 'BUT in tl:1is instance t he 4 DOES count as a hit aga inst the

i Robot bec~use Pit is Ack Ack aga inst a flying model, so the Cruiser N~causes 4 hits. l;bis is equal t6 the DR of the Robot, so it loses 1 HP.

~an'ce 'the Ack Aok fire is resolved, the remaining AP of each model • determ i;{es: -h~;~ mahy Melee Dice (MD) they roll to resolve t he

Boarding Assaujt. T~ey work in 'the same way that you wou ld ca lcu late darnage :from a Gun~nery Attack using the To Hit table below:


* J.-~ 4-5


RESULT Miss f Hit 2 Hits ar:ld Roll Aga in!

V'Wherf y ou ' Roll .~~'!Lfl mak~ sure to roll an extra 106, not one that * $ counts .as a ~i1: . Keep going unti l you stop rolling any 6s. a.nce you have + finished r.olling the dice ygu add 'up the number of hits, and reduce t he

~ AP¥(M B) irwolveG in tAe Boarding Assault by t he number of hits.

s'GIf<ilC;;;~ , ftying and submerged models CANNOT normally initiate ~ :~~~NI(nft Ass~ult a,gainst.a submerged model (nava l)

~ A; 5LJorherged 'Sr;e;~t.ure~ or submerged Robot (naval) CAN initiate 0*.a,B6atdihgAssalJl!ra:gainst a submerged model (naval) normally r A:5U;Gmergea:m®8eHnava l) CAr-JNOT normally ~n~itiate a Boarding

'% ' '''-'*''*'*':>'* ++0i>. . . + #' •. ~ ~~''::!~:''''' * ~~saLJlt'a,gainst'a surfa'ce or flying model

:su '!f8t~' 'fl1in-g ¥a'nd submerged models of amI' type" ca n'~ N&\{ER i iilit'iafe 'a ~ Boarding Assault against a submerged model (Iandl

If a model has been boardefi it CANNOT perform a <Sunnery. Attack, fire Rockets or Torpedoes, lIse *At k Ack, concussion Charges, Bombs dr M ines

If the Boarding Assau lt is ongoing arid the boarders score more hits than the ta~get model, the boarders «3re ab le'to sabotage t h~, t arget model. They ca; also d~th i s during the firSt turn oh BOilrding Assau lt if they score more hits.

If this occurs.the boarders can roH :ZD6 on the Critica l Hit Table. This rule ONLY applies to boaroers that 'are ;n ~ Capita l 'Class • models

Example 6: The Dreadnought from Example 4 now has 5 AP remaining, and therefore has 5 MD to be used aga inst the Cru iser's 4 MD. The Dreadnought's boarders get 2, 3, 4, 5 and 5, causing 3 hits reducing the M D of the Cruise r to 1 MD. The Cruiser's mari nes get 1, 1, 3 and 4, causing 1 hit redu~ing the MD of the Drea.dnought t9 4 M D. The boarders scored more h~its (3 versus :1,) and'can use the sabotage rule to roll on the Critical Hit Table.

Example 7: The Dreadnought from the earlier example is activated • again, before the Cruiser. The Dread nought .can moye an,cl/or fire : norma lly, and continues to resolve, tile Boardi,ng Assau lt t hat it's marines are involved in. It has 4 MD of boarders remaining on the ~

Cruiser, and gets 3 hits, killing the rema ining 3. MD of defenders on the Cruiser (whicn gets no hits): , ~

W,""O W INS n lE ASSAULT? If the AP of the boarding party is~ reduced to 0 they are'kiflea; i n ~ lII!hich. case the target model wins t he assau lt, it'both are reduced to 0 A~ the same app'lies, 'as the model din stil l move'arid fi~e normally with' O ft:1? If the AP of the bearaf;!d ~odelis reduc~d , to 0 duringtbe Board~ing: .~~ : Assawlt it is defe~ted, in which case the uoarding party wins the assatllt ~ 4

and captu resthe model (Ieaye.the modelgn the,tab lej. ~ .

When th~ AP of; bean;led mode l. ~s redLlced to 0 and the boarding party sti l l, has i or more AP the$9ar~etl: :rnodel is ca pture'd. If a 0

Cr; at ure or Muot is red~ced to 0 AAanJrh~ b'oa;di~g~R~ ;:tY sti ll has 1 , or more AP the Creatu~e/R:oQot is rfestrgyed (it can~not be capfured). ,. Thes.eres:ults pnlyapply.du fii\g,a ~o,ardil'lgAssa:uJt; ffthe APof a'model is reap'cea; !6 0 a,s· a resul{ :6~, a , GLlnn~ I'Y Atta cck" Reckets, rorpedoes; ~ ' E3bmbs,~ Mines, ~arn; col~si on, Generator effect oJ.;CriticaIHit ef;fect it

:continues to rnove a ~~iir,e normcrlly. .

,' Wh~A' a 9o'l r,de;'d .Epodel is c:aRtur,ed ~o ~ ~recaptur~d/rescued) tl:1e, CONT1NUED AS$AIJ l:TS h boarElers can, retam ~to :th'e mOdel· that they came fr£lmsif i( is',

~. : 6.Dt:e::a ~boaFding pJarty has landed ~o:n ilnother model, it is activilted at withirr 4,1 oJthe;boaJPed I)1pdel; ot'tlerwise. tl<ley M\JSZJ;!-emain on '*'" t he sarTJe Fme~as the thodel from which tl:le boarding party originated . w. ~ttfe boaraedmoClel ~ w , :;,? "AA 4~ $~0 G

:::~Q~etirhes ,a. BoardinK ~?? not immediately resolvea~ ' ir:; this. ~: '. ,~ ;;;~uc?~~ ~I~~~~ :¥:retu rzo nhr!e, !;omJ pdJI( of ~.Ms!'f:e 'yo y, con!i~nwe ;fo 'roll MD !~ the boarders and boarded model. you pnly get Ofl~ .ch-9 r;) ce:to:recov~i;. thefll~; :s;rtec th\lUg~Y::r~[D il ili:~:

~e;ver~ time~it\er the boarding pa'rty ol"t,he boarded modeL is activated. ~on t~e aoarded· I'l1~~1.url'tiHfl~eiJ~ 0qf:tl1l~:g~riiin~~~~ (1l:NI\l~r ! t ~.: ,,'~ & ~ A later'tr~nsfeno ariett'l~ m®delt·& ~, .,::;: &0 ($*

' m Odel cas be~n ooar"ded [t CA~ .spll. fllove on its. hext If a ~Iil'rb'dlel p~r;fOFm6~aBoa(cling Ass~ul;t: £l gil ll')~'t' q fr~nd l.y nLQde '. rcti'l1atilon. unl~tiit h:a,~ ~:nll. AIISfop Toker:l next to it, and it CAN Jb~rrs~~e"do:e~e::~f;;-r1 opg'O i r'lg ;aisaul~, afld'thatg()tlrGlfn~ ~~~~ttlt~: .

d·Lt..,d .Geserator ~ isr€sQrve if, 'the sa'me rules frDm the prevlous tw~o ;El t:lT l etssti:J!'''fp'pI'{ " ift It' ViI' ""#4 1t iIfu$' ,+ ';-11' \1& ".; ;


When a model is destroyed all of tlie boarding parties that are on the model are killed If you capture a model it becomes a de-relict J,,\"Creature or Robot CANNOT be captured A Creature or Robod:ANNOr:caRtGre another model A model with 0 AP BEFORE it is successfully boarded is automatically ca~tured

IMPORTANT NOTE: Wh'en a Boarding Assault has been resolved, the maximum AP.that a model can have on board is equal to it; starting AP rating. If a model ha; 'AP in excess ef its starting AP rating, the excess AP MUST return to th-e model that they ~ame from (if within 4~') , 'if they are npt within 4" of the .model that they came from, the excess AP is re~moved from the game.

MULTlplE,ASSAULTS . -If models from. the same Squadron perform a Boarding Assault they can combine tneir attack against it. The boarded ' model CAN allocate itS Ack Ack against one Qr mo're of t he atta'cking boarding parties before a Boarding Assault is resoived in any way. .. - , .. - .. .

- Onc~:this ha~ be; n resQlved add up the c~rrent AP of each attacker (it is not h'alved as with Linked Fire) . The. boarded model uses jts current Ai> against the-boarders and CAN allQc~te its AP against one or more of 't.he attacking boardil)g parties in any way.

-if ther.B are multiple, boarding Rarties from different ~quadrons on a model you roll MD for all of them every time ene of thel")1 is activated. A boarding party can cl}oQse to attack one set of boarders and not attack others ('assuming that some are allies). If a model initiates a Boarding Assault against Q m~del that is the scen~ of an ongoing asi al!lt) nvolving se"veral enemy boarding parties, it C~ (1 allocate its MD in any,vyay againsUhose boardfng pwties.

.:. :Gi.ven that a Boardi~g, Assault can continue over several activations,

.: -~ ' there will be occasions when a model performs. a Boarding Assault ";: ' against one of its o~n' 'models' in order. t~ recapture/r~scue it. The

Qoarders skip "the ~ck Ack 'phase of the Boardin'g Assault because it 'CANNlOT use ~ck Ack while it is bqarded brderellct~ • ~ '!.. .. ;t

Example 8: ThreeTanks beard a Land Ship with 3 MD each, t he Land Ship. can allocate its 7 A'Ck Ack in any way.-Once the Ack Ack is resolved, (which in this case reduces the boarders to 2 MD eacb), th-e Land Ship can allq(l!at e its 6 MD against one or mor-e of the boarding parties: It

. could allocate 2 MD against each boarding party, or 3 MD each against tW? of the boqrcjjng parti~ s and so on.

DEREI:.ICT MODELS ,. iN:h~IJ ~ a: mod~ 1 is captJ..l!ed or recaptured it becomes a derelict. A d.ereliet, ~dr ifts ( e~cluctirig , Fortifications), moving forward ' 2" (or its milJLrfl,uP1 move if th~t ~ lesser/greater; than 2") in a straight line each turn when the boarding. party that controls it is activated. If there·is no boarding partV on board it is / ctivated during the End Phase .•

- A' ,

The only option available to a boarding party is to ha lt the mosel when they are activated (at the same time as the model they originated f~om) and place an All-Stop token next to it.

A derelict CANNOT perform Gunnery Attacks, use Rockets, Torpedoes, Ack Ack/Concussion Charges, Bombs or Mines, and CANNOT u~e '';' Generator or perform a Boa rdi~g As~ault, regardless of wh'o capturesl recaptures it. If a derelict has no boarding parties on it, the first mede.1

. to board it captures it, skipping the resolution of MD attacks.

A derelict remains a derelict until the end of the game, even if it is recaptured it DOES NOT return to 'normal', as the cre,:" have lost the ir

, nerve. If enemy poarders remain onboard it is 'a 'captured derelict, if • . friendly boarders remain on board it is a recaptures derelict, and -if there are no boarders on it, the model is just a derelict.

NbT~: If a model has no Ap' because it has committed all of its troops ' to a B6arding Assault against another 'model, or its AP has 'beer) reduced to b because of a Gunnery Attack, Rock~ts, Torpedoes, Bombs: Mi.nes, Ram, Collision, Generator Effect, or Critical' Hit effect t he model continues to move and fire. norrn~lly. This is n6t ,the same as being red,uced to 0 A~ as· a res4Jt of 1gein'g boarded, which ,generally res.4lts i!1'a capture. • > •

:: ....... CAPTURING PRIZES W,hen the AP of a 'b~arde9 model is reduced to ~ and th; boarding

. party still has 1 or more AI? the model is captu\ ed. The f(1odel will still" -, h,ave non-combat Cfew that survives the BoardiAg Assault, bunhey: : surrefl~er t; the.boarding party.

~ -'

• When a Qoarding· party capture!i a model they claim it ~s a Prii e and a Prize token is placed on the captured model to show that it. has surrendered. If all of the boarding party returns to the mOd~1

.,. that they originated from the Prize token is lost A captured mopel is left o'n t he table, leaving you with a choiGe of whether to. defend it (and the Prize token)' or recover your boarding party -

" • If that model is subsequently destroyed, or is ~ecaptured by its original OWAers the 'Prize token is lost

." If boarders fnDm 'a different Heet capture that mod'el they kEZep • the Prize tok~n, so long as their boarding party remains on the

mosel • You score double Victory Points for any captured models that you.

still contro l at the end of the &ar;ne; if you have AP on the mod~1 (and nobody else does)'you control it

Note: By capturing a model and the A evacuating it, a 'player effectively takes it out of the game. If that pJayer leaves < AP on the model, Gr movesAP onto the model later in the game he would -score double the va'IIJe of the moael for Victory Points . .

. "

• ',Ai( W.<frfare is a new, exciting and lethal addition to the military arsenals • of tb~J}ysto~ian Wars nations. Since the invention of the aeroplane,

sdeat;st~Lana ' e,ngineers have been refining this new method of 'destrl:Jction. q7he rulEls rn, this 'section apply to Tiny flyers and the tokens t~at represent them, which at this point encompasses Fighter Planes, Dive'Bombers, ·Torp~do Bombers and Reconnaissancj'! Planes.

lJAles5 a' scenario or game situation tells you that you cannot, yqu can *also· fie'ld 10 Tiny flyers for free in addition to your ne et, which are assumed IQ fly .in' from an off-table airfield in support of your main ,military force. Not only do these Tiny flyers. cost


0 points, you dei not need to 'fi~ld a canjer in o~der to deploy them.

'fou deploy these Tiny flyers at the same time as the rest of your fleet. these ·a(e your opti;nsto determine the composition of these 10 Tiny


Composition 1 ' 2 :$ql.Jadron~ of 4 tiny flyers (either Pighter Planes, Dive Bombers a~d/0f Torl?~do J3ombers) v

2 fqyadFons oU Recon Plane

Composition ~ l.Sq~u'adrono(4' Tiny flyers (either Fighter Planes, Dive Bombers, and/or'Torpedo B5rhbers)

• , 3 'S~~~df(;>nS: d(3 ~Tin~ flyers (either Fighter Plane?, Dive ~omber~ ' and/or lbtpedo B~ombers)

:Comllositfoe 3 . z: Squadrons 9LS ·Tn'lY flyers (either Fighter Planes, Dive Bombers ; ,flllcJ/Q[, t~~R~dc;>Bomhers)

category that iF1c1udes aflY model that is.capcible 0f~arryiQg"Ony flyers . This can also·include some Large and Massive models of other classes, and actual statiZ airfiel~s. ' . " '~

The FIG· of a model will specify hew many Tiny'f1yers it !;:arrie~~; these tok€ns are includ.ed wfthin the FIG cost;offhe model ana are essentiall{ free. MO~Lcar'rie~ models CHn carry 6 Tiny flyers and adhere to , the limits given. below., ~

A carrier can only carry 1 ReCOh.Plane The Squadron size, of Recon Planes is 1 The maximum number of Tiny flyers in a Squadron is 5· The Tiny flyers in a Squadron Musr all be'of the same type You CAN~NOT change the composition. gf a ,~qU~arQn during' rhe game Jhe ,Squa,dron size of Fighte~ Pla'n~es,. ~qiv~ )i\~mbefs

Torpedo Bombers is3 to 5

NOTE: You CAN also'deploy the Tiny f1yer.s t,haJ:come wjth ·yourcarrle.r5; . ~ sepa~ately from your '{:arriers '(at ·the ~tart eifjne:gameJ if Vow want. to: •

ACnVATIQN AND MOVEMENT , Squadrons 'Of Tiny flyers are activCjted du~ing 'the turn in the same way. as Squadrons' of other models" with each' player activapng ene Squadrofl' qPinyf]Y8Is;QB:ooe SquCJdron of modElls alternately.

* '" ~ " ~ ~

Tiny f1yers: in ~ tfi~ ~same Squadron ignore · the rules for Command: ~ Di~tanc~ ~ a,nd ~ao fj*~t; .na~e;!0)l:~Y witl':iln: [arfge~f either their carri~r~ or other ~ Tjn~ f1V~rs .Ln :thJ3, same. Squadron. niey count ~ as ' ~eC~g • com!T:Ianl";led elelrrents;:So ahhcrugh ~th'eY are ~activated as a 5.q:uadron ~t sal1)e~time; it: ·C[o~s nat l11~tteJ wh:~r.~ th'ey ar,e on · tb~ table. When you"acti\'iate ;n'.'ly' f1yeFs, Y{)l:J ,~ar'i ,f'.'lov€ diem aroundtjle table: indepeadeDily. Q'fe,adi bther,~resolvrng Cllfferent tasks ..

'" ,"" ~' '''" ''' ''''"* &""",, ¥i ~"<4 .W· ~*, "" 0~'"

* .. '* ~ 4 : :::~ ~$ ::t . . ..:

JheFe is.npcrninimull);rnovementJorTiJiMIYers, they h;ave 360' ~eg~l:le ~ . '9 .. ~ t' ~ ?* w . , .:;

mo:Vement, Tney CANNOr halt oruse i he:Ali ~tgploken (theyCI1:NNOT hOller), b!Jtlhey CAN I~na ,;n· any carrfer *qr'airfie;I~: i r;1=1:heirfleet. They caO~I1}{)¥ei~ any directioh· ~(1d m~kea~ !nal)'d~In~:as~t:t1~i 'i'!aiil~ Qj~rin'g ,

C , ' ( I). Sk "'t ( . 1) M b'rl A··rfj' ld ' ~ CJ ;, :w'h}cb r:efIe;cts. tneir gr.eater ;spe.8daila. 0.a~ilill.¥, ral:. ~e r' thilfl: a~ ' ~lrfler Flava r y ror re ss pena or q e.;.1 e ,. " . . '., . :. :;. .. #:~ ::t : W' ~ Y ~ ' 0 ; .,.;@ . ' .' 4b * . ¥ • # '#M

'; (limd): y6u. \Nillalso get to Relcj R number of Tiny f1yefs that arfiwe: as .abl:ilty to move sld~w~,Ys:, 41!il.~: fy~!~ a~~ :~av.~ 9~~f;!Q:[}egrE1~var~~?f {ir~,. '$!~::~4!t~n~1:!;;mb~~I's ~9~po~ition. Tlilese three models are~all ':eClrriers', a ~ s,Q. lJ:, doe~J1Qt matter "Yhat1:lIrectio~ tJ\~Y;; ~eIA: 11il. * •

IN SUMMARY . '. la Choose a Squadron to activate. '

, s, \

1b- Resolve any Comman'd Tests for models that are outside of Command Distanc_e.

, 2a ' Move a model within-a ?quatirbn, resolving all of the movement fo( ~ thar m,odel Then 'pick ~nother' model in the Squadron

. and follow the same pr.ocess until ALL of the models ' in the' Squad~on have 1)10ved. This in(:ludes any attached models, such as Escort~, . and iiny Flyers.

Resolve any Rams/Collisions resulting from movement.

Declare all atta~ks from fhe activating Squadron: then declare enemy counterattacks from Ack A~k, Concussi~n Charges, and Cb.!!l!?at Air Patrol.

ReSblve the use of Ack Ack (by model!?) against flying model! token(s) that have declared an attack, and Concussion Charges

. (by'models) against diving models that have declared an attack.

R.esolve .the Ack Ack attacks of ;It Tiny Flyers on both sides -against other Tiny-Flyer~ simultaneously; .

'Resolve, the Ack Ack attacks of all"Tiny Flyers on both sides against 'Other Flying ~o'dels simultaneously.

Resolve-the AD attacks of all Tiny Flyers on bGth sides against surface:m:odels sjmultaneously.

Resolve the a~atks of any remaining models in the activati'ng Squadron.

Resolve any Boarding Assaults for models that are within 4" of an-y other models.

Resolve:Break Tests fQr Squadrons that have had one or more models pe:stroyed _or captured. '

7b Resolve Bravery Tests for an'frrfodels or Squadrons with a Break token from a 'pri~r ;;lctivation: . .

~esolve any R~pair Rolls. This marks the end of your Turn.


~UNCH AND LAND ~Whe.n you -a(tivate a 'c~!rier' you can EITHER launch ()NE Squa~ron

• OR. I ~lnci QiStt:.SqdadfOn of Tiny flyers" When you launch a Squadron of Tiny f1y~ rs you deplGy them v:,ithin 4" of the carrier, and they CANNOT move again .d0r;.ing the same turn. A c::arrier can launch Tiny flyers at ~l'Iy pojnt pf'it's mo~~m.ent or ilctivatiO(1, buf a carrier CANNOT launch

• ~ ':in;y flyers i~ ! he same, t l{rn as .it makes a Gun'nery Attack, fires R'ookets, ~se~ ~ck ~c~ gr a Gener~tor. . .

Q~n'ce. :a. ·Squadlron of rirw flyers has 'launched it EITHER become~ a se~~;at~ -e~ty"f;'0m ,the.' carr-ier (.and activated indepen.dentIY'l, or it can:attach to t~e Garrier as Combat-Air Patrol (CAP). The CAP rules are

.e~plained in tM~: f;lext section.' - • -t ..... <it %' 0 "'{ .... :: /":,: ;., •

A carrier 6ar/EhHER laanch one Squadro n OR land one Squadron, it :'CANNOT do' both. J)1e' excerltion is a carrier with the Double Decker . .

ability, which ca'n EITHER laun~h ~wo Squadrons, or land two Squadrons' or launch one Squ·adron AND land one Squadron. A Squadron 'can land on a carrier so long as it sta rts its activation within 4" oft,he carrie r-. . . . , A Squadron can do this on' any carrier or airfield from the 'sa";;e 'fleet ­but the carrier/airfield MUST have the capacity t6 accomrn'od; te th " Tiny flyers. A,. Tiny flyer that has landed on ; carrier CAN be targe.ted . with Ack Ack fire (but only the firing model is of an equal size class or

. larger, or at a greater Height Level) the exception being a Tiny flyer that has landed on a carrier with the Covered Decks abi lity. ~:~.

! 'i. '"

When you activate a Squadron of Tiny flyers you activate and mo\(e them in the same way as any other Squadron. .

NOTE: You need to think ahead in regards to launching and landing 4

Tiny flyers . In particular '!'fhen landing, you need tc! po;ition a Squadron so that it can land· on the fo ll.owing turn, ,and Qfte~ you will neeq t9 activate th~ Squ.adr~n before the ca'rrie~ in case it moves out of range .

BINGO FUEl/AMMO • ~ • Tiny 'flyers have a fuel limitation,, ~h ich you mark. with a ri umber;a •• -token. When you deploy o.r launch Tiny flyers place'a~ rriicr0:dice/f6ken • ~extto each Tiny flyer with the 6 face !;I p. A Tiny flyer can hClJ9Pil't move ' «

around the tabl~ m<Jking HALF ,moves or less, and DOES NOT lose 'Clny fuel. However, you.reduce the fuel dice by l :pOint in e;:tch, of the situations listed belqw:

- Jf aiiny flye r. makes more than. '! HALF move - If a Tiny flyer: m?kes an Ack Ack, Concussion Charge or AD attack • ~ Ff.:a Tiny flyer suffers an Abort result (~1 fuel per -hit )

IMPORTANT ~OTE: YO \! reduce ' the fuel of each· Tiny flyer on an ' .• ~ individual basis, therefore there might be situations'when each Tiny fly"er in a Squadron has a different amount Of fU,E:!lleft, •

. Example 1: Three Tiny flyers make a full move (·1 fuel) and attack"-a Land Ship, which uses Ack A'ck against them causing 1 Abor,t re~4It, after w.hich tbey resolve their attack H . fuel). Therelo~e two of the''''~ Tiny flye'ts are reduced from 6 to 4 fuel, and the AbQrted Ti!1y flyer is reduced to 3 fuel. ' .

If ~ Tiny, flyer is reduced to rfuel all it can do is move HALF C1r less it CANNOT deliberately use ' up its last point of fuel (by Jiiring fo; example). If a Tiny flyer is reduced to 0 fuel (by combat) it ditclies and is destroyed. If a Tiny flyer landson a carrier or a,irtield it? fue.! is returned to 6 and it can,launch in a-subsequent activati~n . -. o.

• If a Tiny flyer moves off table (NOTE: this MUST be the-same table edge as you/ deployment area'), it landS on its next activation an'd its fu·el . is returned to 6. It can tlien launch 01'\ a subsequel"lt a~tiVation, and can m~lVe lnto your deploym~ot area from the sam~ point .of the) able edge (as your deJ3loyment area) during the same t i-.lrn. Any .']:iny flyer can r,efuel using tbis method. '. ..: • " ,

" . ".' . .. !,..

· 1\t.

COMBAT AIR PATROL When a Squadrori of Tiny flyers is .Iaunched it has' the option of attaching to its' carrier, on subse.quent activa'tions the Squadron can be attached to othe~ models' subject to restrictions. You can attach a Squadron of Tiny flyers to a Large €Jr . Massive model (or a Squadron of Large m0gels}:This ONLY applies to surface -and flying models, you CA~N(;)T attach Tiny flyers to a diving model.

. .

The Tiny flyers MUST b:~ within 4" of the model or Squadron to be attached, and are:P{~sequently activated at the same time as that mode.J!Squadron. The- t iny flyers MUST remain within 4" of the model/ SquadrQn when they are activated, unless you ch.o.ose to detach ·them. They stil l ignore the rules for, Col1lrT),and/Break/Braver'yi Tests however.

. . . When a model in a Squadron is activated you can move a S'quadron of Tiny fly'ers tfiat is attached·to it (or its .Squadron) at tHe same time, but if you d.o so you CANNOT exceed the maximum movement of the attached Tiny flyers during the same Turn .

::!. " ~ IfTinv. fiyers start thei,r 'activation attached to a model ,or Squadron you can detach them and move normally, but you' CANNOT exceed the

. ~ rriaxi!num m0;'erflE~ntD(the. detached Tiny the sam1:! Turn. You " tANNOT attach ~nd detach Tiny flv,ers during .! ne same·Tu;n . .,

< • 4 1-

You can on ly ever attach ONE Squadron of Tiny flyers to a Large-or Massive modet or,a Squadron of Large models You CAN attach a Squadron of Tiny flyers to a Large or Massive model that also has attached Escorts

Example 2: A Squadron' of T'iny flyers is attached to a Sky Fortress. Over the c6u(s.e of two turns -fou'r of them are destroyed'., Whi le

, . . tbe remaining Tiny flyer is still attached, no 'other Tiny flye rs carl be- ~ attached to the Sky Fortress, because.that single Tiny flyer counts as • the 1 Squadron limit. ' _ ' .. ' Apart from the advantage of activating at the same time as the'ir attached model or Squadron, iJ the-Tiny flyers'remai n within 4" of that ' model/Squa.dron, they can p'rovide a Combat Air Patrol (CAP) . •

If the combined Squadron is.attacked, all of them can attack -back if they have applicable weaponry . If the combined Squadron makes an attack, all ofthem can resolve an attack (and use responsive Ack Ack) ;

. .... 1)<

You CANNOT use Linked Fire between the mudel/Squaarbn and the attached Tiny flye ~s • . • Tiny flyers that are proviaing Combat Air Patrol CAN use weapons with an AD 'rating aga-inst the activating Squadron (thi; is an exception to the normal rules) . • . . ,

Example 3': A Squadron of 5 Torpedo Bombers is llyi~g CAP for a" Dreadnought. The Dreadflo\Jght is attacked by a: Battleship at . Range ~and 1, allowing any of those To'rped6 B'ombers:~it}iin:Range, Band 1 •• of t:he Battleship to use their AD againj t it."They re~!Drve their attacks at'-the same time as the Battleship. •


NOTE: When Tiny flyers are attacked, qr th~y are attpched to a mode! . o r Squadron that is attacked, they can use weapor;t~ with an AD rating against the activating Squadron (so long as they are in range). They make these 'atta<;ks simu ltaneously ~ith the AD ~ttacks of any Tiny ., flyers. attache~ to the activating Squadron. This is ;n ~xception to 'the normal rules.

£xample4: A Squadron of Fighter Planes is flying CAP for a Dreadnought, wFHch ts attacked by a Gyro, with a Squadron of Dive Bombers flying CAP. The~ Dreadnought allocates ifs Ack Ack in any way between the

'Gyro and. the Tiny flyers. Then the Fighter Planes and Dive Bombers : r~50Iv~ their Ack Ack against each other. The Fighter Planes resolve their 'Ack Ack attack against the Gyro, and the Qive Bombers resolve th.eir .AD attack,against the Dr~acjnoughr Lastly, the Gyro resolves its AD attacks.

The rl:Jles for attached Recon Planes are slightly different. A Recon Plane ignores rhe re~qllirement to stay within 4" of the model/Squaaron that it iS~ GlhGlched to. If a Recon Plane is GlttGlched to a model or Squadron, it: eoAfers a +1 to hit modifier for that model or Squadron if it uses indireetnre with a Primary weapon(s). Check below:

.Ih~ +1 to hit modifi,er ONLY applies if the Recon Plane has line of % sight tQ the target

A modeI/Squa9ro~ ~CANNOT have more than one Recon Plane ~ Glttached t9 it

.NOTE~ Be· careful of where you place your Tiny flyers in relation to, ,the moi:lelthey are GlttGlched to, because your opponent cpuld take ,adVahtilf?ie {)f their ~posiiion. It is possible to make an attack without triggeriTIg a, r~.spor:se by a Combat Air Patrol.

TIN.Y,HYER <::OMBAT ~The , most important rule about Timyflyers is that they. Link Fir~ ' with F.Utt dice, otherwise they declare their attacks normally (after

4 c6mplel:fng their:~~\(e~ent) and enemy mod~ls can choose how to ~a!lpci:lSe t~~ir Ack =A~k:" Resolving a combat that involves Tiny flyers ',an,d a Squadron that they have been GlttGlched, to appears ,

use tne sequence below to resolve such combats: '

,-my flyer~,haye·a 360 degree arc firing~ but they only have a range of 4" v.Qtl;1 'AckAGk"therefore in most cases ifthey attack enemy Tiny flyers

, tnatare prbvidin'g CAJ1 support theywrll be within the 8"'Ack Ack range ::; 9t~ri;;Dr:mtlre 'mod~ls'th~t ~are in the ~GlttGlched Squadron.

Bombers get a hit with Ack Ack i.nst

, the same Squac;lron can also use A~k Ack .against attacking%Tim{ flyers,' if they are not beinf?i'attacked themselves they can c::hoose which Tiny flyer(s) to fire at.

When a mOdel, token or Squadron uses Ack Ack fire aga[nst "]:inyflyers, a NATURAL' roll of 6. results:inan ;extra dic~; roll against' art 0fherTiny flyer 'in t.he same Squadron that are in range. JHis is an exc:eptipn to the previous. rule. p

Example 5: A Squadron of Cruisers each witb 3 Ack Ack fire at 3 Tiny· flyers in a Squadron of 5. They get 1,·2, and 5 against the first Tiny flyer, ~,4 and 6 (wtn an elS1:ra~ roll 011~) against the second Tiny flyer, 3, 3 ~nd 6 (with an extra roll of6) the third Tiny flyer. The first Tiny flyer suffers,' an Abort result an~d the second 'Tiny> flyer is destroyed .. The third Tiny flyer is also destroyed, and the extra 6 destroys another Tjny flyer In. the same Squadron of 5 Tiny flyers. .»: %

• A Tiny flyer/token is destroyed 00 a roll of 6; therefore \(OU ignore the 2 hits result %

• Any other type of 'hit causes an'Abofnj:ighter~lanes hit on'~~+) and stops the Tiny.flyer from completing its attack 'u

• If a Tiny flyer is Aborted .this prevents it frornattacking :ahother, model or token with Ac~ A,ck, Concussion Charge's' or AD:' A Tiny flyer CJ:\N ~suffer more than Abort result' H.a Recon PI~ne i; Aborted this also prevents i1:from conferring its ,+1 to I:!it,modifier , ., A :riny'flyer is' Qnly A'iJorted for;,the durati09 of the activation (not the:tl!rn)

'" 'it % 1: t f

Example~ 0: A Fignter Plane witn .. 2 ~ck Ack attack~ a Dive Bomber and: gets 3. and' 5, which~ causes· 2 hits:Th~ Dive' Bomber loses 3 fu~el, one

.for:each hjt '(whicb ~alL count):ls an Abert~ result) ~~d% 1 for using 'ACKACk ' a,ttack'agciinst th€!;Pighterjllahe,

't % ~~

Examp/~ 7: Three FigFiter Planes each with. 2,q.ckAck attaaK ti'lr.eeDive Bombers, The Fjghter gets 1 and ,~ c;ausin~g l ' Abprt re~ultbn %the ' first tlom bert The3ecOnd Fighter get;~J;:an:d3~causing 2Ab;rt'res~lts Old '

the. sec;ond BClmBer, The tl:!irdFighteFg~t~~4 ai:;}o , :destroy[ngj:be third% Bomber Cso,fhe Abort is wasted), but th1;l:5;giVes an extra roll of 4, tnat cau~e's an.other~b~~t're~~It.o~ 0fl.e ofthe~first two B'o.mbers~()Nt:lrch aCe ·

%intbe5:ame$qaa:'droo):.. 9' ,» %~,. , 4$ $ &f '*

% 9

*':: !\' t:: ¥. '& s , <~'

Most Tiny flyers (partiGl:llarly Figbter Planes) have an 'Ack Aclh'aftng if

:thaf they use against QtQer Ti~y fiyeh ,anq ;fi~ing modelS within When T16yfl~eF~ i'lav~N ~~~jt~!~g:(~~lrrrove:ment ,and deaare'd atta€l<; thevbeCGmaa~direcfthreat. -

% * " fr · '* '" ""

Dive Bombers can' attack flying mQdels; but ONLY models in the FASTER TORPEDOES Large or Massive size, and only g~ra hit on a roll of 5 or 6

Torpedo Bombers fire Torpedo~s within Itange Band 1, when they have completed their mDl7ement and declCj ~e 'their ' attack they become a direct threat, They use the-sar.n erul~?;asforTorpedoes, except that the NATION: Blazing Sun Torpedo ,Bombers t arget ( ~ln.d its Squadron) can fire Ack Ack ~gai n st the Torpedo Bombers BEFORE they make the-ir ~ttack, and can then use Concussion Charges MORE MACHINE GUNS t9 calJc.ei out the h,its that the Torpedo Bo'mb-ers cause, ' ,This token increases its Ack Ack rating by +l.

Torpedo Bon'ib~rnegister a hit with AD against ' surface models . (naval enly) ona 3; 4, 5 or 6

• SUPERIOR ENGINE After~ ~aking 'an AD 'attack (not an Ack, Ack or Concussion Charge • This token increases its Movement r~ting by +2".

· attaCk),. ii Dive Bomber or Torpedo Bomber MUST return to its carrier ' , • . or mov~·off table via your deployment area in ~rder to'rearm, using the • . NATIO!,!: Britannia Dive Bomber:s: and FSA Torpeq~ Bombers same rules as refueUing. A Recon Plane can often confer jts +1 to hit • • mo&lifier throughout the game, as it is unlikely to need to r.efuel unless SWARM TACTICS •• Lt i~ attacked. • • When a Squadron that has Swarm. Tactics uses' Lrn ~ed Fire, the

.. : COMBINED attack receives (a maximum) of the Linked FirE! • Example . 8i ,A Squaqrpn .of 5 Torpedo Bombers iL attacked by a total: whether it is an AD attack, Ack Ack fire gr Co,!cussion .!;harge

Batttesh1p at: Range Band 1,= allowing' anY: of those Torpedo Bombers fire. , within Range BCjnd 1 of the- Battleship to use their AD 9gainst it. Tney

.;; •• !" resolve their attacks at the same time as the Battleship. • NATION: Blazing Sun Fighter Planes '* ... .. .. " . ., - - - _ .. . .

• AEROPLANE MODEL ASSIGNED RULES Some Tiny Fl.yers will have their· own Model Assigned Rules, which are ' specificto ' individual T:iny Flyers in individual.fleets. These are listed here, _ with .the Til'lY Flyers (of particula ~ factions) that they .apply to giv~n in brackets. Some 'Tiny Flyers will even have abilJties taken-frorp the MARs Ehapter.

,. ...... :-:: ~~~: .. ACROBATIC 'PILOTS :~£: If this tbke~ su'ffers orre; or,more destro'yed results, it can roil 106 per g:;;.~ ~ Elestroyed reswlt to ca~cel each of th'em. The hit is canc~lIed (ignored) :::;.- on a roU of 5 or,6 (witliout an extra 'roll for the 6) . A roll of 1,2, 3 or 4 !!;" has no effect. • . .

..... ! .. : t· .. ~· l;~", !t

">" •• "" ...

. . NATION: (SA ~ighter Planes and pruss.ian Empire.Fighter Planes

~ BIG FUEL TANKS . ~ .. ,

Iftil is t6ken 's1Jffe[s one=or more Abort results, it can roIJ1D6 per Abor,t ;esult to;c;ahc~ 1 each Qf,them. The hit is cancelled (ignored) on a roll of

· S ~Qr 6 (Without all. ext~.a roll fo( ti'le 6). Aroll of 1, 2, 3 or 4 has' no effect.

NATIONS: Britannia FighteTPlanes and Blazing SunJ'ighter-Planes ..,. ... ";, ~ ~ - ..


;.<0 .... ' •

NATION: Prussian Empire Dive Bombers

NATION: Prussian 'EIJ1P'ire Fighter Planes

You can attach 1 to 3 Escorts to each Large or Massive model BEFORE ' you start a game. The Escorts are part of that parent model's Squadron lmtil the model is removed .from the table . Thev are activated at the same time and MUST stay within Command Dis.tance (CD) where possible. If the limitations of movement ~esu l t in an Escort being out of CD, it MUST move back toward CD using its FULL Movement rating on the subsequent Turns.

•• 0 • Escorts DO NOT count as a Squadron for the purpose of m inimum fleet composition

' Escorts DO count toward the maximum number of Small models in a fleet You DO NOT get a Game Card for the attached Escorts You CANNOT field a.Squadron that is just Escorts

, An Escort CANNOT Link Fire with its parent model An Escort CAN combine with its parent model for .Ack Ack aga inst

, Rockets, flying models and Board ing Assaults, or Concussion Cti~lrge fire against Torpedoes, diving models and M ines

• • If the parent model is removes from the tab le the Escorts have limited. • options. They fAN NOT operate on their own, therefore they MUST ~move tGlwai'd the neares~ friendly Large or Massive model (by the s~'?ftest ro.ute where p.ossible"j from ybu.r fleet whenever they are activated using their FULL Movement rating until t~ey are within CD of that model (and are then attached to it).

, . • When the parent model is removed you lose your Game Card for

that Squadron as normal, even though you might have remaining Escorts ' •

• if there are no more eligibl.e- moaeJs, from y~ur.f1eet left on the tab le, the Escorts MUST move off the nearest table edge using their FULL Mpvement 'rating • Wnen they move toward a.nother parent mp.del (in· order to get within its Command Distance) the' Escorts CANNOT make a ranged attack (except to use Ack Ack o'r Concussion Cnarges.) They CANNOT initiate a Boar'dlng Assau lt, but they get their remaining AP ifthey are'boarded . ' When the Escort~ are attached to a n'ew parent model tney CAN perform the actions ·that were excluded since their previous, parent model was destroY,ed .

• More than 3 Escorts CAN be attached to· Hie sl'lme parent model if their previous parent model/s have been Glestrdyed .

Your opponent DOES NOT get Yillt ory Points J'~i- 'destroying (or, capturing) your Escorts. '- "

NOTE: Although these rules apply to spetific Naval model,s, there will ' be Land m6dels (ana other Naval models) in the future which use the ' Esc'ort rules. It wiil state on the FIG of such a model it:th is is the ~ase .

,GAME CARDS :As~ described earlier, Game ·Caras are handed out 1 per Squadr~n ~excludini Tiny tpkens or Escorts) up to a maximum of 5 cards per Fleet at ~any given time .. At the end ~of a' Turn a player may draw a card or cards to replace . .the ones that have been used in that Turn. Sometimes a player will not h, used any cards during the turn, if] which case they wil l have none to r'eplace .

& As you lose Sqaadrons you remove cards, at a rate :of 1 card per ~SqtJ~dron lost, but only if ·you have less than 5 Squadrons left ;y~~ ' (;)Q, NOT draw .cards for any Tiny t<?kens (Ifke AeroplaQes) or EscciWmodels A.pla:yer can discard cards during the End Phase ~an.d :then draw new cards:AHER discarding

~ A playeY~a~ ONLY discard ~Glr({s that they started the Turn with [f You, ha;e more car,d5 ti'lan your hand, ~t;e &allo;ws (typically 5 carl!is)ymJ MUST""discard the exc;ess cards, and can cho05e which I::~ ~ds to disd rd . ~ ,

When it come~ to using your Game Cards players have 'the choice of ~sir)g a deCk' o~ card5 each OR sharing a de~ck . Eith nJethod works ar:d there is bo rigbt or wrong way of doing this. If you share a deck you wlll work your way t~rou'gh ' the deck more rapidly because two players are using 52 cards. The inverse* being trL\e for a deck each.

1r:l, larger multipJayer game;; we Tewmmend that you use mor,e than one getk; p'e rh'lRS qne deck per side, oth~rwise the ~decK will be

" ~rained ,!ery.quickly·and iNith players hglding 5 cards e ach for roost of • the game the~e will" !'lot be"that' man'{ left to draw.

$,.:' w * '" '* ~TEMPLATES AND TOKENS ,

~~'Tok~As : a fe use'd :to:""mark seve:ral factors during the game, whether ' th4eY ~te~ternp~rCi ~y ("aging Fjre) or perman~nt (Dere lict). At this point ~sure that every rh:oa~rl\las the tokens that apply to: it; as sometimes :Wey ge(feft benind when. a~ model is moved, and remqve any that

, ! i'l~ylg ~9?~f]g~[be in p!~y. 4' "4U 4*' ''''

»~ w # ,,*' p . .. ~

is lNotfh .a~tqinK UP. some of the .AP and HP damage tgkens a~nd

r;eplacing ·the n; :-with a ·token tbat is;equal to. the total ~value. Also make "4. ~ ,

'sure t h(jt the right. tGke~s :are located next to Jb~: right models. it 9 %

RIGM;r~~F\etKrngdo.noy~rftannia MK 11 Medium Tank is ~'4H+*+4,*t% ;' $ ~ $~,*$i"P~ . *'

c~~~ ~tl:l e.w:b:l:.kJ:! b:rse?.ol' tl:lis natil1J:Il's mechanised land forces .. Its '4"* ",,,'" S "'%M ,' 5,\1&:-' 4 0;0 f *'.4

A • .uh'iverS'al,ch::tS'siS dE;sign has been used to create several ~ , ·10 " '1 ' '+ *,./% . . ' ,

s v€t;siGffis:efihis"t ank, rncCLlding Recovery Vehicle, Scout Tank,

:B ~fdgefaye r:ar.tdEI~ rn~throw~r Tank. Tne cn~ssis was also

, t(i~d W:.the:·f>~ $t~ f~!;.tbe .Britafln ran~ Cramwel f Bombard. '4' Gi ' . 2:4& ' v;+,' 4

• t?U0 d' · ,

k ~ &

You could also create your own Battle Group Roster sheet, whkh yo~, can write n~tes on for your models, as some playerst3refer·tb ha,ve " tokens on a gaming table. How you record th'e game 'is you, but the End Phase is a good time to take a short break and, stock of the game.

VICTORY CONDITIONS Some scenarios define victory conditions, such as youJ llust dest roy .. half of your opponent's fleet (in terms of points value~ :o;: youoee::a ;·, to get half of your fleet off a partic~laHable el!ige t-o sec:ure a victory, The End Phase is a good time to tota l uPNour points so far to £eel1ow~ ' well you are doing and to. m'ar k dOlll(n wh~t Turn it is, which n:~y:have:. oearing:on when the aame eA~s :

HOW TO WIN GAMES As with any ru les there"are several ways that you can win a game. They iriclude achieving objectives defined by a scenario or by w inning more Victory Points (VP) than your opponent(s) . If there is a time limit or a turn limit on the game it wil l create some unpredictability as to who wins the most VP the quickest. In other words, whoever has 'the most points when a time limit (such as 2 hours) or a turn limit (such' as 10 turns) exp[res, wins the game.

This section will define the w;y you win or lose a game determined by the VP 'yo'u gain, usually, for destroying and capturing enemy models. On each of the Fleet Information Guides (FIG), there is a point cost for each model which is us.ed to determine the VP using the list below:

You score the FULL pOint cost of enemy models that are destroyed during the game You score the FI}LL point cost of enemy models that mC!ve off of the t ,!ble (as they do not return and are considered lost) . This counts whether a model'is moved off-table on purpose (excludihg Tiny flye ~s that do so to refuel) 'OR accidentally due to bad seamanship or a Sturginium Flare '{ou score HALF the point cost of enemy models that have been reduced t6 .half or .Iess of their starting Hull Points (if any such models are clestroyed ·or. captured you score the VP given for those .result~. in-stead) . You score DOUI;3LE the point cost of enemy models that you have Pri~e.d;Capt lJ red (and still control) that remain on the table at the

, emd ofthe game •• If you finish a game and a model. has a Critical Hit -on it you DO

NOT make Repair Rolls (this can be useful when playing Campaign • Setti ~gs) • Yol'] DO NOT Eet VP f~r .destroying Tiny flyers or Escorts Yo~ DO NOT get" VP for enemy models that are' dest~6yed by terrain : -, ."

---@nee yo~ nave ca ltCl late d,how many VPs each player ~as, you compare the determine the degree of victory that one ?r more players

- have ach iexed over anqtfler.

If y~u . scoj e 50% riJ?re than your opponent's VPs you get a Crushing-rriumph , If you score 30% more than .'your opponent's VPs you get a Resounding ViEt9ry If you score 10%' more than your opponent's VPs you ,get a

- ~~:.::~~ u ~arginal Success . " ..::;~' . ..,If you score equal points or any.tlling less thar:l 10% you get a Draw

ltt:t. " , .~-r"'. For examp'le, Evan and .A:le~±a re playing a 6 Turn game with the former ~. choosing an Empir.e of the ;Blazing Sun Ba1;tle Group and the latter a

' Ki '!gdom of Br-ita "1I1~J6r'ce.:B01)~ fiei ded a standarc;l boxed Naval Battle . .. ~"!I - ?

Group which consists .of l ·x Battleship, 3 x Cruisers, 9 .~ FriKates, 1 x Bombers and,10 x Tiny flyer tokens . '.

At the end oftheir garT)e the follQwing models have been lost/captured :

Evan - Empire of t he. Blazing Sun - Lost/Captured Battleship Sunk 180 1 x Cruiser ~unk 60 S x Frigates Sunk 1 x Cruiser at 1/2 HP

For a tota I loss of:

Alex - Kingdom o(Qritannia - Lost/Captured Battleship at 1/2 HP 3 x Cruisers Sunk 7 x Frigates Sunk

For a total loss of:

125 30

395 ,Points

90 180" 175

, 445 Ppints

~ Alex has a total score that exceeds- Evan's s·co ;~ by more than 10%, therefore Evan 'has gained a Marginal Success. If Evan had sunk around 540 points of Alex's Battle Group he woulCl have gained a Resounding Victory and s,o on.

OUT OF THE BOX EXPERIENCE , TAe sets of models-re feased' ;or this game focus.on .Naval

~ Battle G ~6UpS. Othe(s,.such a~ Groul'l(;l Vehicles, w ill follow. In'9ide each box is, th,e beginnings of a force: the building: blt?Ck that car:l .grow to incltlde,more' naval~ rriodels, aerial 'mo-dels"and also grounc( vehicles. All th~ m0gel s haVe :tPoints Value ,and it is thi~ which is used by players

·to balance a force. .

'The'Naval Battle Grou~s are valued as follows: -'-, : ~ \.

The total cost of a King!'lonr of Britannia Battle Group is 705 points, including 180 points fDi' tA~ 1 Battleshjp, 180 points fo.~,'tj,e 3 Cruisers: 225 point~ f<;>r } h"e 9 Frfgate? and 120 Roints fO~!~~ 2 Bh mb"ers. "

.. J '4' ~ }-

The total-cost of a Prussian. Empire BattJe,Prp upjs 700-points, i,nt lud'ir;) g 170(points for the 1 Battleship, '195 'points for the 3tFLlisers, 225~ points • • for the 9 Frigates and'110 paints for the 2 Bombers. •

. ~: .!:;~:~~:.~ ~ ~ . .:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. The total cost of a Federated States of America Battle Group is 685 points, i ncludi~g 170:l3einfs for the 1 Battleship,180 points f or the 3 <

CrUisers, 2Z5 point; for't Ae 9 Frigates a~d 110 poi~ts forj he 2 Bombers . ...... ! .., A- - •

,. "'''''-t • ..

.Jhe total COS! of a Empi[Et oUhe Blazing Sun-,~attle·G~~';!p is 7Q5 pOints, • incLuding 18p~p()ints.~tor th~ Battleship; 180 points tor the 3 Cruisers" 225 p'oil'lts foftllfi!:.9' Friga! es-arid.120 points-- for the~~ jl0mber~. ,

• ...... ' -.

-. , ..

One of the-gre(jt advances it] technology,has been the discovery and 'util isatio'n of Eleme'1t 270 ir-itlie developmenf of machinery, weapon'ry :C!nd energy manipulation-. It has-led to the' creation of huge Generators ,that are fi tted ,to Factories, Battleships ana Land Ships and even some aerial models.

, The Fleet Information Gui<;le (FIG) ' of a model will specify whether a model has the option of fitting an ' Up'grade and/or (ej)lacing a turret with an Upgrade. T-h)slist covers the upgrades of mC?dEl ls within the

_ FIGs of each fl ~et presented in this book, afld .includes upgrades of . : models that will be released in the future. Please note the following: .. :. - -.. .. -.

" The effects of a,Generator are NOT.reduced by da mage to the Hull Points of a model -

"The .activation of a Generator DOES NOT tr igg~ r Ack .Ack. or Concussion Cha'rge fir~ (in the siJi.(ation 'where::a=tlying/diving

- mosel makes an attack with a Generator) . ,., '. ' The' normal rule~ : of JiriRg always apply; therefore a model.

CANNOT'fi re cl Gen"erator against a model that it is about to board~ 'A Generator CANNOT.use Linked Fire or Split Fire, altho'~gh some of -their'a~ ilities a re resolve a in a similar way •

. ,

Ultrasonic Pulverising Generator (UPG) -The creation of Or Otto Ze7insky, one of Markov's prote!fjes, the a thing o[ sick and almost comedic ingenuity. It utilises Element '270 to propel a compound cQntaininljJ various chemicals at a target, which then p'rocee9s to re.get vigorously with the surface, draining pway certain substances ... This ·Ieads to tbe target losing much of its rigidity,

• A model CAN fire a UPG/Calcification, Generator AND make Gunnery Attack in i:he same turn ,.

A model recovers from the effects of a I1PG Gen.erator in the same way as removing any Critical itlit, by making !l successful Repai r Rol i a~ the end of a subsequent activation. But CANN~T recover AP.

Camouflage Generator "' • .;. Ships with this generator are c;mmonly rejerr~d to as Chqmeleons, on. account of their ability to blend into the lanilscap-e. Originating ' from Wells Chasm, the camouflage generqfJr does:n()t turn its target invisible like mqny people believe. Insteqd, it disrup ts-the,outITne of the vehicle ana those around it, making- them appear like ghosts to thQse some distance away. In the confusion of)JafJ/~,; t~ese .are often dismissed as stress-induced daydreams; allowing-tne vehicle witn the generator and its escorts to close with the enemy.- .~~

.~. "'."" The first versions of the ccirnouiage genemtor were deployed il'l Mex>iG5-~" '~~:i by Covenant forces "against the Fede fdted States of Americ~. Whilst " ;:n the ship cdrrying the device was lost in a cata5I:ropfiic~mlJlfunction·. i:::: after a prolongea MmblJrdment, Master Schneider deem"ed it an - ,­accepta.ble loss, the device having performed admirqbly. ~

This Generat~ r can-create a distortion efl ight a~d perspective.when it is actj\(ated . It' ailows you to place a 4" di"ameter template so that its centre' is with'in 8" and line of sight of the model using this Generator, at the end of its ~m@ye!nent . ;..

'" its surface becoming r~bber;y to tjJe-touch. If used on a hUman, the • The model caR do this BEFORE or AFTER tiring ,/ "' .. J "

target vibrates violentl¥ il)side its own skin, and the loss of structural - • " "Support leads to- the internal collaps'e of a Dody, The human target . '

literally ends ~p 100Mnfj like. ""·ke;rubberch/cken.

You CANNO'r place any part of the template on another model Models CAI\I~OT fi re into, thfough or out of this l emplate The temp l a~e i ~ removed Quring-the End Phase -0

• Whilst the" output of,th; gen~raforis still e;ratic, the terrar value of this weapon_ has proven invaluable i~ subjugating- settlements " with little military support. The generator is also highly complicated to build and mai; tain, requiri",g~e..normbu~ levels of power.- . , .. ~" '" ...

A reil of 4 r~sult~ J9 -the Shredded Defences Critical Hit effect A/ oil of,S 'th~ Chaos and Disarray Critical lj it effect A' rollof 6 res~ lts in the-loss of 106 J,XP - . In all three af~rementioR~d'cases the attack DOES NOT cause Hull

Disruption Generator . , -Since the giftiog of-generators to all nations as part 'of Sturge0!l's fiJlan for humanity, thf? /rrachine has risen to eminence as' 21 tool of creation and destructipn .. With their increasing use on t~e'efield, Sturgeon tasked Markov with creating a countermeasure. The disruption gef/erators are t{Jf:}ruj(oj his labours, mC! wlljch emi.t electro .... mogne,tic 'signals-which interfere ,with the re6lctiol'lS of the opposing generators, denyll'lg the· enemy their use.

Since Markov's defection, he has de.v.eloped f! lI.en bettec ge';erators capable of disruptinljJ' enemy activity, increasing not only.their ran!fje, but alsopoweroutpue The latest versions can oot. only disrupt enemy gener?tor:, but 'a/:o disal]Je them. permanently. " •• -,_ .. : . This Generator has the power to. shut down o;he~r: Generators; it is activat ed AFTER moving and BEFORE perforn'1ing '~ Boarding Assault: ~t can affect ~v£y mGdel withr~ 8" of the cen\r~: 0f the firing rl')odel

~ 4

flI: ~ (rri~cli:HjilJg your own models but excluding the model that activated the , Generator).

you rolllD6 against every model within g" :A roll of 4, ~ or 6'shuts down one Generator on a model; the player ~that cont~ols tile model can choose which Generator is offline (a roll or6 also causes the loss of 1 AP~- without an extra dice roll) ~ model CAN fire a Disruption Generatpr AND make a Gunnery AttClj}k :in the same turn

A model retovers from the effects of a Disruption Generator in the ; s~m.e wax as removing any Critical Hit, by making a successful Repair Rpll at the end of a subsequent activation.

Field Generator th~reJ!!f~ many generators currently in use, each type with its own unique oRerating frequency. A field generator is capable of mimicking such frequencies, making it and all nearby generatars appear either

' weaker:or stronger than they actually are. This tool of deception was developed in Prussia, by an engineer named Schmidt, a member of

'Sturm's ~retinue. The prototype was used with a camouflage generator ,'io oIlQw~ a'subm~rsible to sneak into London via the Thames. After the

;sud;~s~ ·of the ofgeration, thi'field generator was f[1Gss-pr:oduced by Prussian fo/:ces, and gifterj to the Empire of the Blazing Sun as part of the alliance!iJetvy~~~ fhe two nation$: '


:~This~ Generator alrows you to roll dice to cancel ' hits and ignore the~ ~'effects. ca'use:d Generator (but has no effect on Gunn.ery'

Attac~s: Rpckets,: "forpedoes, Ack Ack, Concussion <;harge~, Bombs, Mines, Shi'elds: tLnyflyers or Boarding Assaults).

Assault. A Generator CANNOT accumulate mo~e tban 10 FD, but it CAN' hold 10 FD until the PQi~t at which the model fires the Generator.

• When ·the Fury is fired you split the FD ~evenly to ANY models at the same height level within' gl1, including models in your own fleet (you ch'oose'whe~e spare EO is allo,cated : YO'u measure the g!' from the c.entre Gf th'e firing .mOdel to any pa~t of a target model Otl:1er models DQ NOT block the. €;iffects of the Fury,. but models on the othe~'side of ter!"ain that is 2" high or more are unaffectec!l The FD are not reduced ~by damage tothe Hull Points of the model using the Fury Geoerator You put 1 Raging Fire token on a model for each 4 or 5. that is rolled against it, or 2 tokens for each 6 that Cs rolled against it (and' roll again) The Fury Generator does no damage a'lcf [)0E'S NOT rolJon the CritiGal Hit Table, it just startsfir~s

Kinetic Generator· The kinetic generator is one of the few geoerators tcJh(Jvf! been modifiep­to fit on all kinds of veh;cle~, from the largest land-ship'S 'to the smalle~t: aircr:aft., Developed 9Y an raCing team, the Klnelfc glinerator· is capable' of increasing (file horse power of a vehicle to the-extreme. It was ~wiftliseized by the FSA military, and converted to a militant use. The first engine of war to utilise a ~inetic genf7.rfiltor ~as the FSA Rob~rt Lee, a third-generation naval battlesnip, deployed in the Gulf ot. Alaska to guard against possible,Russian Coalitiqn e.xpanOjion. '

. At the ,device fUlrctloned erratically, not having been designed,: to operate in the t.rigia weather'of Alaska. Russian spies fnanqg;d t o: sfNuggle tfie ·arit!Jl~al generatai; designed for p race car, out :~f tile

:{G Lt ~GJ I I:2D6 for each Field Generator , c6untry'.in' ti:Je sClmmet oj 1865J a.nd in pn act of treachery, reJf:as~ " A rori o{ 4; S:or 6 c;.qnfels the ~ttack or effect of a'Generator against J the, information4 ~to fhe :wf(rld, fG;the,';' thdn exclUSively to the tH is rnodel~ it ~D0ES NOT cancel any damage or effects caused by. orlgi(lplly or.dered~Why~fhey' did ffiis 7s 'still unknowFl.

Gen'erator on~othe'r ~od~ls ,. ® 0 ' ,

, I,t does"not ;;:;~tte®rwb:oW: many hits a Generator causes, the whole' This Gen'eriltor·gives the·model a b00st il'l movement? When the model ::~:'!.t!aa!i ; ca~~Ce:lted ~ is acti~~teg y6u :Gcfn ctlOose to roir t!i)li. iHO gain +J.D6"of.mQ,(emen.t ;®®

:arid®MI:I5T make at least a HALF: meve in any aeCivatien that you' l;Ise:' ·the Ge'l)eratbr: Boil BEFQREmoving tb'~ rn.odel..~ rrfod el: CAN N ClT use .Il'lore.ttlan o'ne Kil)etic (j~nerato; dUring th,~ s:ame activation; 4

Pulse GeiilercHor ' P(1ft of thr: repson w.hy f;ftWn.Dib pide}J, the ,A"roetLc.a.n.F; "er;ation tj~'iDg

'the Civil War vias c!I:Je.f:9: U'fi pro:rnisr: at access£toqfqnium:d~poi[t?, 11 ' 41. U h

Britanniaii stienfist Dj! r:i:Je{J'alhe djHaF('tEvGmiJ had beenexpi?rimeiitiRg®' '::;:::~ witr the us~e. :;j® dt:~~ta;;;~:tlf . .gi n:; ;afe 8'enerh ar the tlrn.e, J:Uid l,i~~ 4;:=::;;~ research was sh~~ pr;ornise: With the (:reotion {J/t/JeFsA:' :iiiii

J md thf1 1€J~fJ~~4GaJe:}f:@9i~fJ'9fClrcrr1i';!m':with=BiH'anhla., .~is res6r1r:oqf)a~ ¥'~1~;'H:: ' finally bvrn-e.jr'.Uit., The 'pulse. iJene~atot: js a maonine capabre .ot. usihfj :®:e ~ ~!': ' cold fusion to:generate m::rssives e~pI05ions,~ d1i:hQugh it,reqoites 'til'n~F"::: ~~~tj to b:tii[Ct vp~iQo(;gfC £;lle!~iiP F£;t~ulY.. ;]f.f®cIi~2 :/b~c.clie.. f/i~nr~rgeQ'i£?y';::::~ ~ w ••

howeve.i~! ~l!1ri: ~1tJctivati.d ~efQ~~ fully cirQrgl'1g:tci.. f;Jrq~fiii' i:.':Y.,! "~ m uchsma7ler exj:Jlosion:, ,. ,

4.",;; w ? t:t'*;:~':'~;:n;


,anoth~r 2 PD each time that ft is activated, and can fire the Pu lse Generator with its accumulated PD (Which reduces its 'PD to 0) AFTER

, moving, INSTEAD of firing and BEFORE performi~g a Boarding Assault , A GeneJator CANNOT accumulate more than 10 PD, but it CAN hold 10 PD until the point at wnieh the mogel fires the Generator.

, . When the,Pulse is firea the accumulated PD are roll ~d in a single attack that affects EVERY, model. within 8" (including models at different height le'!E?ls) , You measur.e th~ 8" from the centre of the firing model to any part of a targ~t mci<;Jel ' Other models .DO NOT bJock the effects of th,e PUI~e, but models oh tne other sideofterrain that is 2" high or more are unaffected

-The PD are not requce,dj )y dama'ge to the Hull Points ofthe model using the Pulse Generator , The Pulse gets hits,on a 4, 5 (1 hit) or 6 (2 hits),- iivithan extra roll for each 6 rolled " . .

Shield Generator

be able to disorient those nearby. War Master Schn.eide[ )mmedi~teiy · saw the potentJal for military use in the device; a chance, to"fight an enemy in a non-fata! wa.y, and commissioned the creation of several ·Land Ships armed with the generator, as well as permitting the release of the designs to the wider scientific community.

This Generator has the powe'r to disorient the crews of other models; it is activated AFTER moving and BEFORE performing a Boardi ng Assault, It can affecr every model within 8" of the centre of the firing model (including your own mo~els but excludingt~e model that activates t hE!: • Generatorl; .


You roll1D6.agafnst every model within 8"(excl~ding submerged '" models) ' •• " .,.

A roll of 5 or 6 results in an affected model Los ing 2 AD (on every w.eapon), 2 Ack Ack, 2 Concussion Charges and.2 MD:uAtil the end of its ne~t activation • .:. : ~ • A f!lpdel CAN fiTe a Sonic Gene'rator'AND ma.k~ a ,Gunnery Attack in the same turn

Probably the 1TJ0st 'f{deLy ,us~d genera J ar in , the:~wd!lp, th? shield . • "_' •• ".! , ~'. - , • ::.: generatdr I's :responsible for -saviAg mo(.e-lives on (he .battlefield. than If a 'model ' fired its -S~A ic. Generator before ,a.ny; other attaGks, a .r:a

the lat~st deve10ptnents in medicine. Affectionately ref~rrecU-o as tHe s.ucc,essful hit would reduce the Ack Ack and ' COl:lcussion Charges of, _'::: .. .. t "I '% . ' • , '" • "'" ~ W\ ~ " .......

• ~ ::bubble dome" bY'land-shipcieiNs, the shield created by the generator. the targeUt c9uld then fire Rockets gr Tdrp~doe!i i?ni:l have a greater .:::-:::: is an unstable ... and amGu:phOU5 dome that surrounds tne vehicie -fhat- chance of 5uccess/-becatlse attacks are resolved j n sequence . : .. ;'~ol

. house; the g; nerator. It 1unct(ons by slo";ing do7tvn aU incoming < , -. • ., " v ' __ JP!: projectiles, as robbing them of their velocit}/ also robs them of m uch of Tesla Generator ",. • :;:,::.. their penetrativ; power, meaning that the Cessel'~ armour deflects the Even before StlJrgeon embarked on,his journey to disc.over tfie leg~ndqry slowed 'shell without any lasting aamage. The' first shield generators V(JUlt, Tesla ene"ifJi wa,s being used if} numerous wgys, fl10Stly benign. are believed: to have originated in. Wells Chasm, and forfnea the basis Created by the mg~nious Nikola Tesla in 1833, ' fIJ~ :bra'2d of energy

~: piall future generator research. ' was seon disi;overed to have the ability to 'interfere with the power of nearby buildings and factories. This discovpy was applied to' the

This Generator all15iivs you: 1:0 roWiD6 to cancel hits caused."by a battlefield in 1856 by,the East India Compariy: seeking a wayi'o st@f,J .. Gurmery Attack:, "Cis well 'ClsRockeis~ Torpedoes, AA, CC and T.iny flyers' pirpte transports ".jithout destroying them and tHeir pr~cloL!,s cqrgo, ' (bwt Dot Boarding Assaults; Bo~bs ~nd Mines or the effect; of other Thj s Te~a generator has since been sold to all nations that co'u7d afford

1 ;J .. : •

You roll 2D6 for Shield Generator ' A Fe ll of 4 0J S.cancels·1. hit, a roll of6 cancels 2 hits and you roll aga in for e~ad1 6. foil e.d " although a roll of 4'has no effect against Rockets~ Torpedoes or Mines ' .

In effect, a Shi.eld ,GEmerato[ reduces the number of hits that a model suffers, H a Battleship' with eR 9 suff~rs 12 hits and the'Shield Generator cancels 4 hits: the att,rck is: reduced, to a total of ,S hits.'This is lower than 'the CR,ofthe B~itlasliip , so it,would avoid a Crifid31 Hit,

~ '" ' ,. ~

Sonic Generator

• the East India Company's asking price, and is 'now a relative c;;ommon sight on the battlefield, being used to derail enemy critical systems.

This Generator has the power to short circuit the viral- systems of other models; it is.activated AFTER moving and BEFORE performing a Bcia~din.g Assa'ult. It has a 3 60 Degree Arc' measared from the centre

, of the model, and caJ1 targ~t ONE model within ,8'; of the centre of th~ firing model. - •••

• • You rolllDEj aga inst one model withi\l,8" .. . ,~...,

, . - Julianna, Mis·tF8sS of Politics at 'Wells Chasm, has long been a •• devotee of the,arts, particu ladY of music. She onc'e appmached Markov, 'the Chiejof Engine;er~; to;deveiop her a machine to emulate the sounds

A roll of .~ Of ~ results ina roll on m e 'Critj~~t Hit T!li 1Ie, 'although the target DOES NOT lose any'Hull Points as a result of the Critical ,Hit effect . If a Magazine, Explosion or Siturginium Flare 'Is. ro 11 ed on the Critical Hihable, roil again until you get a diffe'rent resuJt

ota tull philharmonic orchestm in her study. Intrigued by the request, Markov obliged, and begun developing a machine to make it possible.

.• ,Whilst Julian,nq's origina(r.equest was never fulfilled, the research and dev'elopment,of·the· project 'led to the creation of the ,sonic generator.

• Whilst the music}{bY t he wmachine is awful,. it is also so loud as to .,r-

A modei CAN fire a Tesla Generator AND then make· a Gunner,y Attack in the same turn

A model recover~ f rom the effec'ts of a Tesl·a Generator in,tire same way - ... ~,.,' ~

as removing any Critical Hit, by making a sU'ccessful Repair Roll at t he end of a subsE?quept activati~n , But CANNOT rec~ver AR .

• K •

. This chapter covers what we call Model Assignep Rules; and are also .referred to as abilities throughout the rules. They are simple to use enhance.meni:~ to a !}lodel that give flavour when in battle . Some models have one, some have several and others have none.

rile Fleet Information Guide (FIG) of a model will specify if a model has ar;! ability and will also specify when an ability is only applic'lble to a particular weapon system. This list covers the abilities of models within the FIGs of each fleet presented in this book, and includes abilities of models that will be released in the future .

AIR HUNTER (weapon) All attacks from this weapon against a flying model receive a +1 to its Attack Dice rolls. A 4 becomes a S and so on. . . ALtiTUDE SKIMMING. Ihhis model is obscured and has an All Stop token, it is ONLY affected·

- by Ack Ack(htt on ,a roll of 6 instead of 4, S or 6) or Boarding Assaults.

XMPf llBIOOS CAPABILITY This model can move on water and land. But the model's movement is

/ . • halved 01'1 water from the number stated Or;! the FIG. If a model moves

Bands specifi.ed on its Attack Table, and gets a hit on a S or 6 (a'rid ON.LY

aga inst ~apifal Class models) .~hile us ~ng .i~direct fire. ' • •• _ . ... . t' •

COMBUSTIBLE CARGO .. . If this model is destroyed any models (includirig your Qli'm) that are within a.4" radius of the centre"of the model (and at the same height level) are attacked with a number of 06 equal to DOUBLE the starting Hull Points of the d'estroyed model. A destroyed ;;'ocfer with 8 Hull Points would therefore make an attack of 1606. This dam~ge CANNOr.. be prevented . This explosion has no effect on models that ' are at different height levels from the destroyed model or on the other side 6f solid terrain that blocks jit1e of sight. . .

CONVOY DUTY . . This mod.el can have up to one Squadron. of Tiny flyers attached to it, . even if it is not in the Large or Massive size cI ~ss .

.~ -"' ~

COORDINATED ASSAUlT If two or more models from thE; same Sqlladron are' boarding, the same 'target model, they each receive a +1 MQ for each model in addipon to the first (but ONLY if any MD survive the Ack Ack) .

on water AND lan'd during the same activation, use the lower of the ' CORROSIVE (weapon)' two ratings t.o determine its movement (if it has 8" move on land and If the n~mber of hits from this weapon equqls or exceeds the Damage 4" on.water it can only move 4" if it moves bel:l.yeen both) . Rating of a target yoC! plac~ one Corrosive token on the target; 'if the ... ". ..... rumber of hits equals or exceeds the Critical Rating~ of a targef you ,L\QUATIC: MARINES ' ,/, place two Corro; ive tokens;h tHe target (INSTEAD of one) : Rolr 1:06 at This model can initiate a Boarding Assault against a submerged model the end af each subsequent activation of the model. If you get a' l, 2 or

.. (0"4t not \ n bbscwed model); likewiSE; if this model is submerged it can - 3 remove· the Corrosive t oken, if you get a 4, S or 6 the model loses 1 ini1'iate a BoardiAg ~ssault against a surface model (and skips the Ack ,: additional Hull Point (you DO,NOT roll arL~l5t ~a dice on a 6). After rolling, .. Ack,phase of the surface model). In both cases the model scores a hit forthe effects of the Corrosive token fs), a model (excludi~g Robots-and

• - o~a 4, S or.G: ~~rmally. ' ' _ Creatures) CAN make a Repair Roll to re~6\.te each Corrosi,{e token. .. ' .... . "t ~

.. • .. ~ T

~ .. ~ '* -. ARIYIOURED BELLY 'COVERED bECKS .... ....

A Tiny flyer that has landed on this model CANNOT 'be targeted witn Ack.Ac~ fi re. ' • : '

'~'1h1 ~ modei:ha~hea'yy 'lrmour on its underside, This model receives +1 to it~ Cl incal Rating against all attacks from non:flying models,

~ -. "- . -: ... ; : ; *:.:::: • ~ARM6URED,TOPsIDE DAS/iI .AN-O ELAN •

This model has heavy armour on its topside. This model receives +1 to When this model initiates a BOilraing Assaul~ it r eceives +<1 ; dditional • its Criticai Rating against all attacks from non-diving models. - Melee Dice during,eve~y round ~fa Board ing AssaLj lt,;1.;bis model DOES .. . .. ~

,, : ~ ; • receive the bontls if it'was boarded by ,another mosel. " . ..;~: m ,," • ~ ' If • . ",

• ASSAULT WEA'PON (weapon) • T~is Creature or Robot m~del can initiate a Boarding Assault at a range DECK,CREWS '

;, 0f ,up to 1", the targ€t til f the attack CANNOT respond (artd rolls no Onee per game this model can recover 1 lost Gr d.estroyed Tiny flyer •• "} ' Melee P ice). Tn.e 'OnJy exceptior.1 is if,the target of the attack 'has an (from any Squadron in its fleet) aM p"lace the model/t6ker.1 on this·

Assaul Weapon~ as weil, in whrch case it can take part in the Boarding '" ,mo"del, so 10,ng as it has the capacit y to do so. If there is n; space, alii • As~ault. r his.model CAN fire its weapons while doing so, but CAN~1.0~ , the n} QQf,'1 tlie recovered Tiny flyer is desy oyed. l:~db gd if I is' involved. in-a BoardiAg Assault while in base-contact. .! •• . •

~ ;~ .. .... ,.. ~

. .. . "

if the roll had equalled orexce~deGl tli~ fri!;ical ~ating of the model). FEROCIOUS 'Vou otherwi~e resolve damage for this we'apon normaljy.

DE\lASTATI~G ORDNANCE (weapon) . If this weapon gets any 6:5 on the FIRST roll of the dice, you get to roll 2 extra cjice for eadJ' 6 that isr611ed (iiiSl"ead of 1D6). If this weapon gets fliGHT CAPABILITY

"any 6;'5 on s:u6sequent rolls, ·they ONLY get an extra 106. This model can move in the airand'on land.

'DIE HARD CREW' This model rolls}n' additional die on All Bravery Tests.

DOUBLE DECKER This model Cqrl .EITHER launch two Squadrons, gr land two Squadrons,

... (j) Cl auAc;~:on~ SquaGlron AND la~d' one Squadron.

EARTH~I'IUNTE~(weapon) All attacKS from this weapon against a diving (or submergectfmodel

~ (land) re~s~i~e a +1 to its Attack Dice rolls.·A 4 becomes 'a 5 and so on.

ElEG,TRICAlJ~~FENCES , ' If this modef is the target 'of cl Bocl'(ding'Assaulm g~ins +3 Ack: Ack' (~f 4.elec;t;i€~ r dan:JSlg~l:agai~st enemY:'boardeJs d~rlng the Fl.RST turn. of

GOmoat. · •

The~Assault. l?biRts of tbistDpdel receives a +1 bOAUS:tO hit on their £Mel~e Dice ' r~'iIIs in every round of a Boarding ASsault. This abilify is, ,~Iso called Ferocious where it applies tp,Creat:ures at;1d Robots. •

ELUSIVE TARGET - If:q 'Sruall crass model use.s a G\,!nnery Attack, Rockets:, Torpedoes or ' Be~bs tof:j;e at thls model, the!) it c;an only hit it on a 5 0r 6.

can deploy tilTs l;.rloliel at.the 'start of the game ANYWHERE on the ., place ' it within the deployment area of any

'(\jther this-means that you can deplox models o~ land and sea, ' which assumes thaFflio'se~t:hat are deployed on sea are on foundations :(1::oastalnefe'~ce~ cari be' deployed ~n land'on the assumption that

, :th;ey r;epresent a bunker). Vqu deplpy the model during the·nopmal:pre" • garnesequenc;e of aeplo,ying-SQI.ii:llSlrons, • " .. .. '

_ ffi , '" m .@HI""* ~,

EXPERIEl\iC~[;)'EN"GrNEE'RS ' l'his'mpdel m~.kes· a;successfuI8eparr RoII' on a 1,2, 3,orp.

R0@kets, Torpedoes or bef:ltt.on,a 6 .


This model can have a maxim,um of ~>ne Recon' ti'ny flyer attached to its • Squadron, even if it is not in' the Large'or Massive size class . •

FUEL RESERVES I{ this model suffers a Critical Hit roll, lDp; if you get a 5 or G place l ' additional Raging Fire token on .the m~del (~bU DD NOT roll an ~xtr~ l::Iise 'on, a 6): ,~~


l GROUN&H:lAMps , , 1 ' This modeL can use the All Stop token~ to iRd1cate-that clamps to the grol-ln:d.>vlt6en itdoes 'so, U;; ,;r;locfel CI~NNOT~moveDosr; be moveo. If it sl:J#ers an Engine ~orRudder 6itlca:1 f'iit, rotl:agail'l ~l1;;til

"~ p ( . ' "'*' '@ '.;# .. + $ uS . %4, . ,, 4 ' .\"

you get.a 'different Gritical Hit. If 'it S'uffer:5'a' StgrginLum fiart! iYDU,£S ' !, .. I(:)He~leport, instead the.model ~is destrG!ye.d: It alsp r,ec~ives a; .... J; tQlits Attack Dice rolls while ~it b~'s 'attached elamps. It removes the All Stop

,. .~ '" y .. . fr, . W .. ! t-dkeR using the normahules,. an~'thenloses theseadvantage,s.

HARD IMPACT: tweaponj: +

Ita mo~:I.~noses J or, L11ore Hull f10ihts from a IfI attack by this weapon,St is knocked l'l~ck jdirectly away'from th"e $ou~ce of ,the at!tJck (p,l1:t:.c;)t..tI;.'{ it: iftne target Il'ilodel is In a size class). Moaels~that are onesfie class,sm;.II-er are knocked hack'l", tDpdets that are two o¥rmo~e'~rz~ classes smaller a;~ kn~c~~<!pgfT<2:~. ;f6iS m.ay~ cause cbllisionsto qC~rJ~.:~. If the,mode/;(::ANNO'J: move '(®F CANNOT mov,e:tj;Je fr:rIl,amo,uot);: i1:;stiH • ca~se's~coITisrol'l damage a~ if'it 'we~e a:r;!ew centac1:. + . %. r 0/ _, 'Jp

!:lUll RIPPER +-'~ 0 +

If this rnodelperfGrmsargm and equals or e~@eeas t~e~~iRcal Rat!~g of: t/;le :ta:rg-et, the target lose~ ' ,f)03 additionctll!l[JJI:Points'. :~taee this~ model with'its rea~ end touching tRe'o~PQsite:sjde:Ot;ttre ta(getmode~:;*~ as , ~f l{01:J had jl!~t p.assed +an~er~~atf:l it j') :astr;aiffit+DClf4 6yt:~QP$ touching any other m®Glel or solid te~t;a:in.lf:tttere; i:s,nbt rC)orhJo~praCe $4

fhe mod~l, yp:u may N.Onlse Hull Rippen~lbe Mditionql ,mq~erbe'l1:t;;;~ '" '9', . . + ' . *' "'$ .. :e~

,!<"4 ,-- ¥

from the Hull Ripper rule CAN allow this. model to exceed the normal movement rate.

'HULKING This model counts as being ONE size class larger for the purpose of determining line of sight.

ICON If a model in your fleet is within 8" of this model, measuring from any par-t at' ci'ne model 'in the Squadron to any part of this model, roll an additional 106 when resolving Break and Bravery Tests. If this model is lost, every Squadron (and split off models) in its Fleet MUST make a Break Test, even if this model was either obscured or submerged . This ability DOES NOT stack with the extra 106 on Bravery Tests provided by a Fleet Commodore in the same fleet, or another model that has the Ico,n ability.

IMMOVABLE • This. model CANNOT move or be moved. If it suffers an Engine or Rudder Critical Hit, roll again until you get a different Critical Hit. If it suffers a Sturginium Flare it DOES NOT teleport, insteCld the model is

-destr~yed. This model also ignores the effects of Energy Portals.

IMPERVIOUS " 7 If-a model initiates a Boarding Assault against a target that has the

Impervious ability, it redu'ces its Melee Dice by HALF during every round of the Boarding,Assault.

. ,

INCENDIARY ROUNDS (weapon) If the number of hitS from this weapon equals or exceeds the Damage

t .

Rating: 9f . a·'target you place one Raging Fire token on the target. If more than· one model with Incendiary Rounds uses Linked Fire, the target ONLY gaiIlS a maximum of 1 Raging Fire token .

INDESTRUCTIBLE If this modei i; destroyed you DO NOT remove it from the table, but you stjll) core Victory,points for destroying it. A model CAN still perform a Boi:lrding 'Assault 'aga,inst this model (if it is destroyed) and capture it.

, H~ ~ffEfcts that affe~t Assault Points still apply to this model if it >' is 'destro yed (aRd it contains boarding parties) . :-;. ..

INVENTIVE SCIEN'TISTS If this mode'l uses·a Generator, it can re·roll O~E of the' diCi:e that it rolls t ; 'r~sol\1e the effe'cts of the Gienerator, but it MUST take th.e second

• result instead.

I~VINCIBLe' This.. iTlQd~ 1 is immune to attacks by Torpedoes and Rockets (and any MAR abiljties that they might have).

, .' • ' IRqN RAIY',. .... ~ ;'When tniS"model performs a ram' (and only models with a Ram Rating

of l ' ~-; more can do so}, it. reduces the number at 06 rolled against itself; by I'IALF. If it wOl;!lp normally suffer. an attack ?f 406 (from a. Cruiser' with 4 Hull' Saints), it- only suffers an,att?ck of 206. This rule DOES-cf:JmiY: to a )11 od ElI\h"aY'ra m§.,.terra ih.

• . tL .. ,

JETTISON DAMAGE This model can recover. 1 lost Hull Point once per game when it is

activate~, but it gains the Vulnerable ability.

LETHAL STRIKE (weapon)' . If the number of hits from this weapon equals·or exceeds the-Damage Rating of a target; the target loses +l·additional Assault 'Point. If more than one model with Lethal Strike uses Linked Fire, the. target ONLY loses a maximum of l 'Assault Point: . '.

LIMITED RESOURCES This model only gets hits with its Melee Dice rolls on' a 5 or 6 when' it . performs a Boarding Assault; it ,?till gets hits on a 4, S or 6 wlren it is boarded.

LONG LEGS This model can move over models, terrain (includirigr.ivers) and tokens that are one or more size classes smaller (and DOES NOT activate Mines while doing so) . It still CANNOT end its movement on top of another model 'or token however. -..... " • <.

MAGNHIC MINES' • If this model has laid any Mines, Vou can m'ove them up tQ 2" on every subsequent turn when you activate this model. If you move a Mine

. within the 2" activation range of another any point of its ~ m6ve) you re'solve the attack of that'Mine. Resolv,e ti1e movement and a~tivation of eadl 'Mine one at a time. •

MANOEUVRABLE If this model has an All Stop token; it-can rotate up to ·90 degrees dur ing its next activatiol) INSTEAD~of removing the All Stop token. Rotate t he m~;Jel from its c~l'ltre point:

MJNEFIEtD~ ·.. • .' • • You can deploy S Mine token~ (with an.MN 'ratil1gof S) anywhere withit;l .12" of d,e centre line of the board AFTER play~ r5 h.ave deployed their

Squadrons..f.or each model i ~ 'Iow Bef!Jnat has the Minefields abili~¥. .. ......}. ... - '"' "'~ ~ ...

" PACK HUNTERS (weapon) • • • When a Squadron of moders that has Pack Hunte'rs uses Linked Fire, the combined attack receives otl 'AD to the Linked Fire total ~~r each model in addition to the first.

. .....

.." ........ . ,... .: f'1t:.~ it" .. '" ~ ..... I

PANIC DIVE • ~ •• t' ::::"'

After -a~ AD attack or rjlm ! his:model C~ 1.l roIl1D6"t~j)erform a Panic "·::!'" Di~e . If 'You get a' S or"6 this rrledel manages to slip beneath the waves . :' IMMEDIATelY aft~ r, its' attack. You now use tbe Rorrna L5ubme~ged •

rules for resolving firin.?~ ~ nd bo~rdiJ1g ?gainst'this ~~d,eJ ; " . """'4'\4 +, __ 4

QUICK_ LAU~(it M ~ . <" . ,t,, ;., ~ it' ::~~ .... -; ~44&4 The Tiny flyers 0n 'this l1ilodel can maKe up toa full may!' without 10siAg 4

l ! tJel , b,:,t ONLY wh~n they ~aulJ€~" - ~. ..

increased by +1, and can therefore eXEeed S. This ability DOES NQT stack with multip le models that have ~adio Network.

RAPID FIRE This model can make Uj3" to 2 re-rolls. when it resolves Ack Ack and ,Co,ncussion Charge dice rolls. during its activation -and during the activation of other m6~eI5, but MUST use the second result.

REASSIGNMENT ',f' multiple models from the same Squadron win a Boarding Assault together or col lide With each 6ther, they can r.edistribute their

• remain ing Assault Points among th~mselves ~ but no model may exceed its original Assault Point rating. Ariy mo'del reduced to zero Assault Points by ~eassignment can move and fire normal ly.


SPOTTER This model can function as a Spotter for another model Qr Squadron that does not have line'of sight to its target. The other model/Sq~adron can use ind irect fire aga inst at a target that the Spotter has line of sight · to. It can ONLY do 50 with Primary guns at Range Band 3-or 4, and ONLY against Capita l Class mo<;iels. In addition it only registers a 'hit OR~ a roll on a S,or 6. This also a'pplies to Bombards (or weapons with the Bombard ability) in which case a Bombard using indirect fire with a Spotter would register a hit on a 4, S or 6. '

;::: STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE If this model is captured or destroyed your opponent gains additional Victory Points. The amount of Victory Poihts gained will be specified in brackets, for example St~ategic Objective.(SO) . These Victory Points are added AFTER any other modifiers (like ha lf/double) .

This mOc;lel only reduces its AD by -1 for every 2 'Hul! Da;hage tokens STREAMLINED HULL tharit has·. If it has 3 Hull Damage tokens you would on ly reduce its All This model receives +U o its Movement; 'se long as it DOES NOT turn . by -1 (instead of -3). Sometimes this wi ll !lPply to pa'rticu lar weapons on the model, it w ill specify if such weapons have this ability. STURGINIUM BOOST

You can rol l 1D6 when this. model is activated,)f Y0l! get a S or 6 it RUGGED CONSTRUCTION' • ' . / , receives +a to its Movement. Roll once if y.otlhave a whole Squadron

, j..ny model o~ tok~n .w(hat makes a Gunnery Attack, uses RockE:ts or. that uses a Sturgini'um Bo~st. Any or n~lne of the models in a Squadron 'Torpedoes, fires ACK Ack or Concussiol'l Charges or drops Bombs against · can use the Movement bonus and can use part or all of it .

.. t his medel r.ed~ces its AD by ~1 (BEFORE ca lculating Linked. Fire). " ' •

SECURITY POSTS • If this model is board'ed by an enemy, it loses 2 I'ess Assqult Points than - t he number of Melee Dice hits rolled for during t he first round of the : Boaraing Assa ult (during' the ih itial activation).

SHA~PSH(jO'rERS • • • At any pOinfcl u~i~g its a,ctivation, this model can make a Sharpshoot~(

d.-attack against one I"DQgel th~t .i s ' with in 4" (excluding Creatures, < Robots, submerged 'or obscu~ed models, Submarines and Burrowers") ~~. ' in addjtion to a ~1 other atta.cks. Roll 10 6; if you get a 5 or 6 the model

loses l ·Assault Point.(ygu) ;lO NOT roll an extra dice on a 6). .

SHALLOW' WADER This model can move on laRd and water, and does so safely so long as it remains wit~in 4"-of ~ n island or landmass. It does' not .reduce its.movement if it .mov?~ .on both terrain ,types in the same turn. Th is model t reats 'open water', "anything that is more than 4" f rom an island

" or land'mass as.Treacherous Terrain.-.... '" ~ ... ! ..

lit ......

~ .. ~ ...

SILENT RUNNING .' If this "model is submeriep and also has an All Stop token, it is ,ONLY affected by Concussion-Gharges (hit on a roll of 6 instead of 4, S or 6) pr Boarding Assaults:

::~: •• _ S¥A~L TARGET • •• ., •• If a ~apita l class mO.del u ses a Gunnery Attack, Rockets, Torpedoes or

Borubs to fi're a.t this- mddel; tgen it can on ly hit on a S or 6. £. ' 01:+

SWIFT ASCENT After an AD -attack -or ram this model can roll ·lp6 to perform an emergency Swift Ascent. If you get a ? or 6 this model manages to rise into the clouds IMMEDIATELY after its attack. You now use the normal obscu r..ed.rule,s for resolvin.g firing and boarding against this ,model.

TELESCOPIC ZOOM ~weapon) • This model has an increased range on one or 'more of its weapons. Th.e FIG will SRe~if'i. whid,} weapon is affected '8.rrd what its range is inc;:reased to, for example Telescopic zoom (Ack Ack 16").

TERROR WEAPQN (weapon) If the number of hits from this weapon equals or exceeds the Critical Rati,ng of a.tar,get you place one Break token o.n the model.

TOWERII')IG Tnis m9P~1 CAN p.erform Gunnery Attacks against flying models (excl uding obscured models) that are with in Range Band 1. The line of sight of this model is only blocked by other Towering medels and terrain of a hi~he r :Height level.

.... t ...... . ........ -... ~ VULNERABLE If your opponent rolls on the Critica l Hit Table against this model, they can cho9se to re-roll both dice, but he MUST take the second resu lt instead .

At the~startof:a~ game you could place a <;ouple of terrain pieces on the , ta ~Ii=, m' use the taeles below to see if you get any terrain and where th$af t~r(a] n is $placed. First roll 106 at the start of a game to see how

'pieces of terrajA there~ are; if you get a 4 there are 4 pieces of terra ltJ !IN.l so QA. Then roll 206 for each piece of terrain ana refer to the taol~ below,

Energy Vortex Reef or WQods Building

~ Sandba~r or Swamp fortress

Qnce V®eJ have~ dete;'mined what t he terrain is, divide the table up into ~6, i=qual, seGtions 'and number tf:lem as 1, 2; 3, 4, 5 and 6. Roll 106 to

;:ee'te'rmine whe~e tQ pl!lce the terrain;Jf you get a 4 place the terrain in ~ J that. s,e~tior:l ~and :Sp <jln,. If te ~rain is allocated to your half of the table, * '$You choose wne're ta plac:e. ft. You CANNOT place terrain so that it rests

in more than or:l~e SetEtioA: ~ , " ' f ~ } <

be placed on sea or land, as a Building or easily be sorpe kind of naval installation.


4l1;::;;'~ ]fyq~ :cr~:rcirh~a~~i ~~del S'to refDresen~ certain types of terraiQ, you can ~~=~ eftn;:e! ;roll :again,?rllSe ,an is[and (pr ~1Il) instead. If you uSe an islana or:

You deploy the first portal on any isJa nd ~ or l<;l ~{jmass, any subsequent port<;lls must be deploy~p~oR am~ Island or la ~dm~ass that does not yet, have a pOJtal : ' .~

If all of tbe i~ lancjs andJandmasse~ ~al ready h~ve 'po~tals~ yo~u can ~deploy subsequentportals on any island orlandrnass If the entire ~ table is one laridmass: y;~ can deploN the poctal~~ ilnywhe;t; on the table, in whtch 'c~se they RrQvJ9Et o'utflanking~ opportl!loities Energy Portals block line of sight:for ALL surface models Models CANNOT fire thrQugh o'le po~tql: qncj'Q~N:>f !lnother poPta1 (with ,any type of weapon or Gen~erat0rr, anGl ,CANNQT launch a Boarding Assault through a p~;tal e~ ~'~ %

, \ ~

A model can enter a portal from arw side"anci a utQ.mafualIy d0esso if, any part of the model touches the portal tokeA. It t llen exitS ';n~th€'( portal inany dire~tion yqu wafl1!the model to. The IiJroblem is~ tb~at you,,, cannot guarantee whicfl por'faI you wilJ e5<lt~ frorn. ' ~

" ~. ~ q;& *'

When a mociel 'qr a Squa<;lron !i! nt~ r~ a port~l, roll ~l;Q6 to determine which porta l the model or Squadron exits froh;) (if a:l1¥ mod~ls · from a Sgt,JadrQnfajt to~ent~r }l~ ~@rb31 :(he~J1 re~l ~ffbeh1ndL ~

• Qn ·a .a: Y0,,(place~t:he ~mbd'el or,S€luaGlron to one s~de ohhe table and rolLagain ~ nexttime tl:le mAdel' is;ac1;jvgted {w.his:b win issues' over ·Comma~ncf Disti3pce) ,

• On a 2 ~yout apf?onent~ chp(~y;s whic~ po~rtal~ ~the ~model * ~ ~ Sqwadro'h exits from and in which direCtion h *

.~ : Qn: aj,~ 4, S:or~6 ~yoLl rh:o;;e~wilrc~h: ;;ort;Cthe modeldr:Squadran exits from and in which i:lirection • 0 & %

• ~Wl]en 'a mo?el or ~~qlKadron e~its a PQrtal it~can cpntl~ue·1;p~ QlPve '~ wi1ih its ~erriaining 'movernent, and if ifca'nnet move elear of:t.t1e , portal it re tej~es el1ough ~addiq9r;1.aI .~ovement t o,ffo 's~L . '

• If a' qifferent model o r SquaoroCCl11ovt;S ir1to ,a port~6in~ s;ll fferer1t • • 0"' '" " .. 0 ~< * .. & q if.*, :1:' ,"" 7 "

~~g~~i~:: :zi': .!:':~. :: . ~ , + ,~ + ,~ • • activations, you 'roll for each·model;or S€luacjron. ?eparately:when . 2;r;;~::;;:§I\I:~RXS¥ PX>RTAfS.z;. ' theY,are a~!iv~tec;J

i::!1it!:! ~hi ll ~~w:rr1 be 4 tt1ljl!i r;teogtl:Landta' width ~ ,

. ~t;, lm+d~TIl.€ ifct~?a a6"..W;?~f9.r;mi l\.eid 'forces bfnallal, aeriaLand land models, and . • " 'S*i:VctJr'tabTe..Jayqt.1t::?tlcli ulc;J: allow for depioying na~~1 ami laRd rnodels. "N91'E: TheT~. i.s no rea.son :why you c~ nnot de~loy EJ1er~y:

A:e rial~~md'd.eWGaiii mclve over any terrain' ar.1yWay bUf .yo'"u h~eied ; ' o<;egn ~ ar~S, In ~the <:j lr or: below the, grol!lnd cor::sea, tOI' g~dd mi~ of islal1ds, ~1~J:1dmasses and ocean. You als~ need faiTl~wide :mo,d~ ls ' 1ilicit move, it:!tO a fDo ~tel are·~0tT1ly~ eve·r telf por1ea':V~~n

~;~1~~n;J::o,ear:l .t9 a~loMl ~~[g~ ~ana rI2I1s;;ive models pler:lty of roq:~l for : . i>o~tals tlilat are Qr. tRe,same terrain .{land ~o r, sea~ .a:~d ? ~t~h~same he'lgbt level (subtrrerged, surface, flying.and obsci,tre:d). 11:1' whifh ,Ci)Se

portals defl lc;!,{ed;at'cli1'teren~t ~~i;gpt levels )!Xq'!lld ploGk HnAe 0t sl ght:'{ofA. nt<?d~1S ~na~ ~£~_at,t~~s~ fne :nelg~t level;- •

&41 ,""'* %':'<:: .. $" &'nW0<+0JjH$'''*l ,, ~ «

!t;}e adelition 'ot ~L"dfarheter ,HAergy PtJrta~ gives you more flexib1lit¥* . fo'LrE!':deQlely1ng' l!lnd rno&el~ ' and Crossing ocean areas withbJ.1t :t~ e:%

t<x. :;,n~;:r'···:( ; p .... .. : . . 4 ,."'_*" % * ~ ~ - ' '' *'''''-- ,,~ of· a , ~ ri c:l ge. 4"hese :portals occur randomly due to the . I ed:kage ~~li!tJ'e~t:2~O fromsbiRs7IaQdshipJ,RMactories. ' % ~%

Mines _and derelicts (that are in ·range) automatically llJove toward the . • vortex during the End Phase and Min~s ex.plode as soon as they move within '2" of any model (or the centre of the vort'ex). Terrain, Emplaced ·models (like most Fortifications) and Energy Portals are unaffected by the pO,wer of the vorte~ . Energy Vor.texes ·block line of sight for ALL ~odels at EVERY heignt level.

If a model i s affected by more than one Vortex, resolve the effec~ on the model's movement and any applicable attacks for each Vortex in an order chosen by its player ' . -If a model is moved by the Vortex into anotber~ model or~ter[ain,. " this will result in a ram or collision, but you <;;ANNOr ~esol"'~ a ,

~oiE: A Vortex DOES NOT teleport rrlodels or tokens using the Energy Portal rules. It .OOES however exterid into every height level and affect ALL ' models 'at every height ' Ievel (submerged, surface; flying and

"' ,: "' obscured).

A. vor:te~ starts the g'lme as a Sm~1I Vortex and can grow and shrink duri'n'g the game (but doesn't disappear). Roll 106 dl.lring each End

. ~has~.f~r_the vortex; if you get a 1 it grows into ,the next larger size', if you gehl,2, 3, 4 or 5 it stays the same, and if you get a 6 it shrioks into the. next'sm~ lIer size, " .

A Sma1t Energy Vortex has a diameter of. 2~' and-affects models within Range Band 1 -

•• • . -4 Medium Vortex has .a diameter of 4" and affects models ~ ;;:;.:: ~ -~ .. - ,within Range-Band 2- . :.; ... , ... "':~ .. *11- "' . .. .~, .. ~ .. :"' .. : ,., . , KLarge Energy' Vortex has a diameter of 6" and affects models .... ~ .~ '" .. .. ~ ~ .: • ~ '. within Range Band 3 .:. . ... :A Massive Energy Vortex has a diameter 'of 8" and aff~cts models '

~ithin Range Bana 4 . , 1'...... ~.

Roll 1:1:>6 for any- model or token ' that er}ds its activ'l.tiqQ within the Range ' B~nd which a. vortex ' has an effect (the vortex DOES NOT teJeport models) .

• Lf yo~ have actil[ated a Sm?II' or Tiny sized model and' you get a 1, 20r 3 rotate themodeL45 degrees.tQward the Vortex and move it 106" toward the VOJtex , ;: • If you have activated-a Medium sizea model and you get a 1 or 2 rotate the model.4S degrees t?ward the, Vo!'tex and move it 106" teward the Vortex .

. If yo~ have actiYated a .Large or Massi ve model and you get a 1

. .. ' ::- : ' _.tfi vor.tex template,growsJarger into a model, or a model mo~es

". y ~ /

~intb-a Vor'tel< ·tem'plat~, the model suffers an attack EQUAL to its "~ ". __ "' ~,," • ,own-Hull P0iAts - • ' ,

• I.f any part of ? model [lJoves into, through or out of the centre .. -,.~~....;~ .; • 'point of ~ Vortex~ it ~uffers an attack efjual to DOUBLE its own

• .Hull Points,

Boarding Assault

FORTRESS This is neutral installation, the crew of which will fire at any modelthat comes 'close enough, If the Fortress is des~royed or c~ptured Victory Points are scored for it normally and the rules fQr captured models and 4

derelicts apply normally, Ideally you need a model tKClt is to 2 to 4" in .' length and width,and at least 2" high to'represent th.e· ~ortress, •

The Fortress is a Large Capital model and blocks line of sight for 'a 11 surface and diving models, and is Heig~t Level 1 •• •

•• It has Gl!lnne(y Attacks of 12 Ap (RB1), 10 AD t~B2), 8 AD (RB~) . and 6 AD (RB4) in the Fore, Aft, Port and Starboard arc, all. of which are Broadside arcs (the Fore/Aft are not Channel Arcs) •

• It has these core statistics OR Z, CR 13, MV au, HP 15, AP 15, RM Q,

AA 6, CC a, is immune to Torpe'does and Ming,s a'1d counts as HgrQ The Fortress hgs, these MA~; abilities: Empla:ced and Towe~ing!

. Indestructible and Redoubtable, j,mmovable an<iJ Invincible • It is activated during the End Phase, and targets th.e closest mocel

~ . 4 _ . in each arc mea?ured from any part of the Fortress to any part of the_clos~st target ...

In 1867 a decision was taken by the Government of the Kingdom of Britannia (KoB) to form a combined military that was led by one man, a singl ~ guiding hand who could rnarshaL ti;le staggering technological advances being "m~de ,

with mach"i~es of war, ~nd create a·miJitary that acted' as a single weapCln that could be used to strike down insurrection around the world, whether it was on land, sea or air.

To thls end three military Fleets were formed: Naval, Land an"d Air. Each of these is led by a Lord Admiral (a rank the Queen likes!).and in overall command is the . High Lord of the Admiralty, who in the year 1870 is the most esteemed Lord Henry Tillinger. A( first there was' some resistance from the military old guard, mainly to the naming policy of Fleets, but Tillinger's experience"shone through.

The small island' nation of Britannia has many things·it is proud of, but its naval might is sometf)ing it has held onto throughout the centuries. Since its creation in 1400, to command fleets that would protect the lands from raiders in the Northern and Western Seas, the Navy has held sway with the monarchy.

Queen·Victo ria places hjgh favour in her. Navy, and the current Lord Admiral is Joshua Spencer, who is as popular at co~as he is capable'of commanding the Navy. The KoB currently a little over 500 vessels ih active duty, man,! of whicill api serving in far flung. locations around the world. A large number of these 50g vessel~ -are ·Battleships and Dreadnoug~tS.

Engineers are working on new designs, "an ihitiative Her Majesty is most excjted by, and alth(ll:lgh.~he likes ofthe Prus'siah Empire has a larger naval.complement,

' the KoB"has always held~a lofty position, deemed by many fo be the finest and ' ~esHr~ined . Indeed, if naval might was selected on' th.e pomp ora uniformj:hen the.KoB would rule thewayesfor many:decades tp come! , .. . 1-he most.powerJul Naval Battle Group (NBG) is the#one operating in the Non:i:l Sea. i Re constant threat"hI mtlit~ry conflict with Prussia ana concerns oJier raids by Govenant vessels, keep the Norfh Sea NBG in il 'state.of constant readiness: «~ \ ' ' 0 ~

Despite its srnafl size the: K~'B# ha? controlled va;~ swath: s of l and around the globe, a period of massive Empire building seeing the KoB ?ettle 0,n every land mass. To back up tn is expansionism, the military elf the KoB lJeededl to be more than jyst a powerfu l: Navy. It# needed an#Army that ~ King or Que en could be proud :oLOver the.centuries the land forces of the ~oB have fought campaign after campaign around the world, rarely losing. The current Lord Admiral of the Land Fleet is Epmund Johnsoh, a seasoned veteran 01' numerous campaigns,' having ,started his military career in the Nijvy before being chosejl in 1867 to control t~e La(1pJ leets.

The y'0ungest of t#he:FleetS' is ·the· Aerial Fleet wnick is led 'bjl. Adrii inl l.William %

Thomas. The Sky. Lord, as /'i is pilots have dubbed him, 'know~""th at much' ' ~xl'lected from his newly formed fighti~g i orce. Bllt his' v i~oO r 'an'd belief

,t'heimpact Air Warfare can have oFl .the wprld allows i'ltm to rfse: above"d; risory comments from his Pee~s, no pun' int e"lJded, il nd as tf)e milita ry of the KoB #

,cojliinues tp stretch itself around the globe, Lord Thomas believe,s hi6 pilbts'and machines bfwar will:one day be the' most powerful "fighting;ass'et th~ 'KoB has.

. .

It •• • . .. , .. . ..... ... .. ., .. .. .. II • ~

\Ye . " .. -


Ru ler Class Batt leship 6 10 6" 8

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 Cost: 180 'Points


Main Turrets (P) 9 7

pIS Broadside (S) ,

6 4 .

PIS Torpedoes • 7

Fore Torps 7

This is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model It uses the LARGE·template for moving

5 ' 2 AP

~ 6

6 5

6 . 5

If moved, this model MUST move a minimum of 2" during its activation Op to 70% of your points can be spent on LARGE CLASS models Britanni.a Battleships are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model

, ..


Attacker Class Frigate 3 5 11"

RANGE BAND 1" 2 3 4 Cost: 25 Points

Fore Turret (S) 4 3 . 1 - AP AA CC . .. '" . ~ Aft Turret (S) 4 5 ' 1 - 2 2 1 -- _. -_. . pIS Torpedoes -

. ; ~ 2 1 "-

Fore Torps - . ; , -.. ... - .. . .... .,.,- ; . -

Th'is' is a SMA~L. C~~S ~odeT ' . • If u~e~ t~~ S~'!:N~ terA~late for movihg .' If mpvecj, thi!; mdtiel MUST.mav],;<\' ~i'l!in~m of 2" during it.s activation

'Up to 40% bfyour pOint"oi!!;,~pl:~t on SM:AU CLASS models ~ritannia F;'i~ai~iarE;d~~~te~;n:so.ClI).DR0NS 0(2 t~ " mo.dels .






Model Assigned Rules Experienced Engineers

This model CAN replace up to TWO turrets with Shield Generators for Ne points difference.


The Main Turrets have a 270 degree Arc of Fire, while the .Torpedoes al l have a Fixed Channel.

This model has FOUR Primary turrets, each of which uses' the Main Turret (t') statistic·line . •

.. .


Triba l Class Cruiser 4 6 8" 4

1 2 3 . ; 4 Cost: 60 Points r.:

Main Turrets (P) 7 ', ~ . 2 AP

PIS Broadside (S) 5

PIS Torpedoes 6 5 ~

Fore Torps 6 . 5 g '

This is a MEDIUM CAPjTAL CLASS model It uses the MEDIUM template for moving If moved, this modeJ MUST m~ve a minimum of 2" during its activation Up to 70% of your points can be speh t on MEDIUM CLASS models Britannia Cruisers are deployed in SQUADRONS vf 3 models

Model Assigned Rules Small Target

The single Fore and single Aft; Turret each have a 270 degree Arc of Fire, while the Torpedoes have a Fixed Channel. '

Model Assigned Rl!les You can give a Squadron pf Crujsers the Experienced Engineers ability _ f~r a cost of 5 points per model.

This model CAN replace up to ONE turret with a Shi<:ld Generator for NO points difference .

The Main Turrets have a 270 degree Arc of Fire, while the Torpedoes all have a Fixed Channel.

This model has TWO Primary turrets, each of which uses the _

,Main 'rurret{P} statistic:.l!ne.

' .


Avenger Fleet Carrier 5 8 6" 9

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 Cost: 155 Points

Main Turrets (P) 7 5 2 - AP AA CC RR

pIS Broadside (S) 6 4 2

PIS Torpedoes - 7 6

Fore Torps - 11 9-

This is a MASsivE CAPITAL CLASS model It uses the LARGE template for moving

- 6 5 3



If moved, th is model MUST move a minimum of 2" during its activation _ Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MASSIVE CLASS models Britannia Fleet Ca rriers are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model


Model Assigned Ru les Experienced Engineers Carries 6 Aeroplanes Fuel Reserves Deck Crews

The Main Turrets (under t he Rort : and Starboarq flignt decks) haile a 90 degree Arc of Fire, while l~e Torpedoes all have 11" F. ixed Channel (the Fore Channel -is ' equal t cl the width of both hulls),

Thi, model has FOUR Primary turrets, each of which uses the Main Turret (P) statistic line,


Majesty Class Dreadnought 7 13 6" 10

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 Cost: 230 Points

Main Turrets (P) 9 7 - 6 4 AP AA CC RR

Beam Turrets (P) 9 7 6 4 11 8 8 7

Fore Torps - 9 8 7

PIS Broadsides (S) 6 4 2 - . ..... - -.


Model Assigned Rules ­Experi~nced Engineers ' Elite:Crew Iron Ram

This-model CAN be fitted with up tp TWO. Shield Generators, These are costed at i10-points each :

Br:itannia Attacker C/iifjS Frigate


NOTE: The Maih turretS' of this model have a 270 degree arc.of fire. But the Beam Tu(rets -(2-turr;,ts on the side decks) ONLY have ~ 180 degr,:e arc of fire facing Port o r St.rb'oard, , •

. , : ;yhile the Torpedoes have a Fixed Channel.

It uses the LARGE template for moving If moved, this model MUST move a min imum of 2" during its activation Up to 70% of your points can be spe~t on LARGE CLASS models. Britan ~ ia Dreadnoughts are deployed in SQUADRONS " f ~ model

- .


Swift Class Co.rvette 3 4 13"

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 Cost: 20 Point s

Fore Turret (S) 4 3 1 - AP AA CC "

pIS Broadside (S) - - - - 1 2 1

PIS Torpedoes . - - - -: ..

Fore Torps .- . " - . - - . ~ .

' . • ,.......,. f'",, __

• • • ••• T.~i,sj s a SMALL CLASS mpCt", [ •

~ : ~ i~ i i . It.us_€s the SMALC\e .. niRlate. for moving- ~.: .... .. '~ ; .. ,,,' •• I!:move'd, th is model ryrUST, '!!olle a mini Q1J1tn,of 2" during its activation :':H _ Up to 40% q~y.our ~oints can be spent o~ SMALL CLASS 'mode'is-:::: . :. ~~ritannia~ Cii i'vel!e s: a re deployed ih ~QUADRONS of 2 to 5 models .~" + t r;'''' "" & 4(

tt 4<* '" 10 , .. • .~






Model Assigned-Rules Fast Target Elusive Target


The single Fore T~rret has 'a degree Arc of Fj re,

.Th'iS m odel has SIX Primary turrets, four of \v~ic~ uses the Main Turr~t (P) statistic lin~ ;and: two of .which use t he Beq"m Turr~t (P) :statistic line: •


· · . ' · ·


Bastion Class Escort 3 5 9"

RANGE BAND 1 2 ~ . 4 Cost: 25 Points

Main Turrets (P) - - · - AP AA CC

pIS Broadside (5) - . , . -. . 1 3 3

PIS Torpedoes - - · -

Fore Torps .. - - · -

This is a SMAll,(LASS model It use~ the SMAll template for movin'g If moved, this model MUST move a minimum of 2" during its activation Up to 40% of your points can be spent on SMAll CLASS mod els Britannia Escorts are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 to 3 models

• ~ • 4 ..

~ Agi~~lr~~~s~~~hiP DR CR Mv

4 7 8" ..

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 Cost: 80 Points

Main Turret (P) 7 5 3 . AP AA CC

PIS Broadside (S) - . · - " 6 4 4

PIS Torpedoes . 7 6 3 '

Fore Torps '- ' 7 6 3 . ~ .. . .. . . . .. ..









. . " ,';

• Th,s is a MED}UM CLASS CA'PITAl rnoclel

Up to 70% tOf ybtJr pOints caj, b}:Spei'lt 0n> MEDIUM ClASS'models B(itanniaGu nshiRSl aJe dE'ploYM,n S:ql!JADllONS of 2 to 3 models

, l, ,- t r l 't" .. ,

1VJo~efAssigned Riiles:' Jbe M~1n Turrets have a 270 degree Arc of _ • Fi re: whi l~ the Torpedoes a ll have a Fixeq .! Chsmnel. , ~4.,. ...

.. < ~"! ~1i isjnbdel :hasl:!WO I'{imarl\ ~urrets, each of

wb.i~h Dses l he MaIn TiJrret (P)statistic line. + + <l ,

Model Assigned Rules Small Target Elusive Target



. .. ,..,

~ BRITANNIA Orion Class Destroyer

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4

Fore Turret (5) 4 I , 3 1 -PIS Broadside (5) - - . . PIS Torpedoes - - . -

Fore Torps . 6 5 3 . .

This 1s a SMAll CLASS' m~del -


3 5 11" 2

Cost: 40 Points-


2 2



, '-.. ... ..,



It uses tlie SMAll femplate for-moving ' • If moved, this model MUST rnoy,!! a minimum of 2" !l'uring its activation

U'p to 40% of your points can be splmt on SMAll ClASS models • Britann'ia Qes'troyer~,are deplbyedI~ SQUADRONS of 2 to 4 models

'" If. ,

':' .. ~

Model Assigned Rules Small Target Pack Hunters

o : t~e ,~ingl'e fore Turret has a '270 , _. <'degree " Arc . of Fjre, while' thE;

Torpedoes: l1ave a Fix~d Channel. ...

" <


MK 11 Class Tank 4 6 7" 3

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 Cost: 40 Points

Fore Fixed (5) 6 4 - - AP AA CC RR

PIS Side Guns (5) 6 '5 2 - 3 2 1 0

Special 1 - - - -

Special 2 - - - -

This i,a MEDIUM CLASS model This model CAN move 0" straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn This mod~1 has a minimum move of 0" if it is moved Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM CLASS models Britahnia Medium Tanks are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 4 models

The PIS Side Guns have a 180 degree arcs of fire facing Port or­Starboard and the Fore Guns have a Fixed Channel.


Cromwell Class Bombard 4 6



RANGE BAND 1 2, 3 4 Cost: 60 Points

Fore Guns (P) 9 7 6 4 . AP AA CC

Fore Guns (5) - - -. - 2 1 1

Special 1 - - - -Special 2 - - - -






This model C~N move 0" straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn This mocel has a,minimum move of 0;' if it is moved Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM CLASS models

, Britannia Medium Bombards are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 modelS.

Model Assigned Rules Bombar.d (Fore Fixed) Forward Observer

The Fore-Guns have a Fixed Chan!"el. ·

B~/tann[a Sovereign Classl.aria Ship'wit;h HQ

m?dl!/~ fitted.,


Sovereign Class Land Ship 5 8 6" 7

RANGE BAND 1 . 2 3 4 Cost: * Poi nts

Main Turrets (P) 7· 5 2 AP

Mortars (P) B 7. 5 6

piS Broadside (5) 10 8 5 2

PIS Torpedoes

This is a LARGE CLA.S,S CAPITAL model This model MU.sT move' 1" straight ahead befor-e making each 45 degree turn This model HAS a minimum move of 0" if it is moved Up to 70% of your points can be spent on LARGE C·LASS.models Britannia Land Ships are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model

Different Variants *. This model can EITHER have FOUR top mounted Primary 'TCrrets-(ciifSet 180 degree Arc of Fire for EACH turret) for 125 Points OR a 'Mortar 'PI~tfdrm (270 degree Arc of Fire for the entire mortar battery) for 110 Points. TI1£ mprtars.CANNOT Li'nk' Fire with any other weapons. If the model is fitte,d with the Caif.,edra~ MQ'top it .ests 90 Points. If the model has the HQ top it also gains the ICON ability - See the MARs Chapter for details. ' •

NOTE: The statistit line that is listed for the Mortar Platform represents the collective fir~power of the Mortars. You therefore only us~ the: ~tatistic line once per shot.

NOTE 2: You use ' the Main Twr!"t (P) statistic line fer EACH of the FOUR turrets.

Model Assigned Rules Experien~ed Engineers Impervious BombardJM5Jrt-ars) Icon





Don caster Class Bomber 4 6 10" 4

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 Cost: 60 Points

Fixed Aft Bombs 8 - - - AP AA CC RR

Fore Torps (Fixed) - 7 6 · 5 4 5 2 0

Special 1 -- - - -

Special 2 - - - -This is a MEDIUM CLASS FLYING" model This model MUST move 1" straight.ahead before making each 45 degree turn If moved, this model MUST move a minimum of 4" during its activation Up to 70% of yo~r points can be,Spent on MEDIUM CLASS models Britannia Bombers are deployed in SQUADRONS·of 2 to 3 models


Eagle Class War Rotor 6 8 7" 8

RANGE BAND l ' 2 3 4 Cost: 130 Points

Main Turrets Fore (P) 9 5 , 2 - AP AA CC RR

Main Turrets Aft (P) 9 5 2 - 8 5 4 0

Fixed Aft Bombs 9 - - -Fixed Aft Mines (5) - - -

This is a LARGE CLASS CAPITAL FLYING model This model MUST m.ove 2" straight ahead before making .each .45 degree turn

If moved, this model MUST move a minimum of 'Z!' during its activation Up to 70% 'of your paints can be spent on LARGE CLASS models . Britannia War Rotors are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1.model

Model Assigned Rules Swift Ascent.

' NOTE: This model's torpedoes ONLY work against neval mod'els.

, The Main Turrets have a 270 degree Arc of Fire. This model can

drop 2 Mine tokens ins.tead of 1 token when it is activated.

Model Assigned Rules , Maneouvrable

Experie~ced Engineers , Ar moured Belly

Limited Resources Cannot Halt Cannot Move Backwards

BRITANNIA III Hawk Class Scout Rotor

RANGE BAND 1 2 :3 4

Fore Turret (S) 6 : :5 2 -

Fixed Aft Bombs 6 - - -Fixed Aft Mines .(~) - - -Special 1 - - - -- -

" "

This is a MEDIUM Cll>:sS CAPITAL FLYING model


4 6 10" 5

Cost: 75 Points


5 4 3 0


This model CAN mave"O" str~ighfahead before niaking each 45 degree turn If moved: thi; model MUSl move a minimum of 2" during its activation Up tq 70% of your:points can lDe SPent on MEDIUM CLASS models Britannia'Scout Rotors are deployed' ih SQUADRONS ef 2 t?' 4 models

, - . "

I .. ..

. ,

This mod~1 has TWO Primary turrefs, each of which uses the

fI(Ia i ~ !~rret (P) statistic line.



' RECON PLANE 16" 0 . DIV£ BOMBER. - .12" ' 3


2 . 1






·Model Assigned Rules~; ...... f0an~ouverable_

The Fore Turret has a 360 degree Arc of Fire.


• HAVE 360 DEGREE,MO.VEMENT Experienced Engineers Altitude Skimming. Spotter '

" .


Brune i M o b i le A irfie ld 6 9 6" 9

RANGE BAND 1 · 2 3 4 Cost: 150 Points . Fore Fixed (P) 1.g~ . 10 -7- 3 AP J AA CC RR

* ~~ :! " ) ; . .,

Main Turrets (P) 5 " • 2 7 7 4 -'.'

PIS Broadside (P) - - . . - - . PIS Torpedoes - . -. -" , --. . . - ..

'rhis l s--a MASSI~~C:tASScCA:PfrAL ' '';odel " This mQclel ivllJ.S:fJnQ~e, i" ~tF<f;ghtdheail befpre making each 4S degree turn If move\l, t~ i s mb!:li4 MU~T rnoV~:;'~mlnimurn of 2" during it,s activatien WptG> 70%'ofyour'~qiillts!ci.~ ~;;p~~tan MASSIVE CLAS~ ma"dels Br.itaflnia MQbile:Aitf:J~~~¥;eJ:Jf'p"'vecl in SQUADRONS df lll)ddel

to e.... .'. J~'= i .t ~ f • ... • • ., . .... ,. ... 4i'.4'

Model AS~lgned Rules. Destructive Ordnance (Fore Fixed) Experienced Engineers Carries 6 Aeroplanes Fuel Reserves Spotter

Th'e Main Turrets have a 180 degree Arc of Fire' facing Port er Starboard.

This model 'has TWO M~in Turrets, (P) each of which uses the Main Turret {P} statistic line, The single Fore Fixed {P;} weapon uses its own ' • statistic line.






If this token suffers one or" more Abort results, it can

rol1.1D6 per Abort resu lt to cancel each Qf them, The

"hit is cancelled (ignored) on a roll of 5 or 6 (without

an extra roll for the 6). A roll of 1,2,3 or 4 has no,



This toke~ increases its A€k Ack 'rating by +1 ~


This token increases its Movernent rating by +2", , +. . ' ~ - . ~



: ~ ,


Comms Tower 4 6 0"

1 2 3 4 Cost: 40 Points



Special 3 ~-

Special 4

This is' a MEDIUM CLASS model (Fortification) Up to 70% olyour points can be spent on MEDIUM CU\SS models Brita~nia Comms Towers are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models

Mode!" Assigned Rules Emplaced & Indestructable Strategic "Objective (50) Radio Network Immovable & Invincible






Shield Tower 4 6 0"

RANGE BAND 1 i Cost: 60 Points

Main Turret {P} 10 8 6 4 AP

Special 1 4

Special 2

Special 3

This is a MEDIUM~~ASS 'model (Fortification) Up l @ 70% of your pOints can be spent on ~ MEpIUM CLASS models

Britan~ia;Sniela Tower~ are deployed in SQUADRONS 01 2 to 3 models




. ~

Model ~ssigned" Rules Empla~ecl 8. Indestructable Immovable & Invincible

NOTE: This model " has" a single Shield


l he single M~in Tur'ret (P) has a 360 , ?egre~ arc,of fire.



Bunker 5 12 0" 11

RANGE BAND 1 2 ' 3 4 Cost: 120 Points

360 Turret {P} 9 .7 P 3 AP AA CC RR

2.70 Turret {P} 14: Jl 9 6 6 4 0 0

Special 1 - . - -Special 2 j-,; ~ , - - ,

I LARdE\. r:C:<r"DI~h ~: . ' . ' ~ , . ~ ~ . '" be' $1'11t 00 j,.!!IRqE CLASS models

BUllg~~!t(e:dejJlo'led In' SQU~eROf\lS pi ~ modei


"TherE' is ONE Main lurret (P)

* w ith a 360~ ~~g(ee, Arc of Fire and O!llE :Maifl "Tuffoet (P) with

:a27Dj:le~~ee Arc of Fire.


, This is a MEplUM CLASS model (Fortificafi0n)~ Up 1(0 ZO% bf your point~ can h'e' s')Jent on MEDIUM" CLASS modeJs~

BritanDla~FlaKTowers are deployed in SQI:JAD,R~I)I? p! 2 ,to ~ m~dels , + % ·1if ,,%

,Mode l:8ss~ned Rules Emp' acM ,& Towering

Telescopic Zoonl (Ack Ack lE>") " ' " ~" Indestructao!e

Immovab,le 8. Invinc(lil ~ "

.. , ....

::: .. .



Vanguard Submarine 4 6 6" 4

RANGE BAND 1 ,2 3 4 Cost: 55 Points

PIS Broadside (S) 6 4, 2 0 AP AA CC RR

Fore Torps 0 6 5 , 3 4 2 0 6

Special 1 0

. H .

0 0

Special 2 0 0 " 0

This is a MEDIUM CLASS CAPITAL Diving model tNaval) This model MUST· move 1" straight ahead before making each 4S degree turn It moved, this model MUST move a minimum of'2" during its activation ' Up to 70% of you r points can be spent on MEDIUM CLASS models -Britannia Submarines are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models .


Landing Field 5 9 0" 9

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 Cost: 90 Points

Emplacements (P) " 7 5, . ' 2 -, . AP AA CC RR

Special 1 0 - . · o , 5 6 0 0

Special 2 0 . · .

Special 3 0 . · 0


This is a MASSIVE CLASS model F~rtification'- coOnts as Small for Lines of Sight This model's Aeroplan esl'tart a 'game deployed within 4" of the landing Field Up to 70%'of your J:joiots can be spent on MASSIVE CLASS models

, . Britannia .Landing Flelds- aredeployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model .! . " .. '.. . ~

Model Assigne~. Rul es ,The weapon ,Em placements on this model are Carries 4 Aeroplanes abstracted i'lto 0;'" 'single co~bat rating. The Fuel R~serves ' .Empiacem ents, have a 360 degree Arc of Fire Inde~t!uctable •• , ., ',' • • • around the model. Immoyable & Invincible


Left Turret (P)

Mid Turret (P)

Right Turret (P)

N0TE: All range measurements will be made from the edge of the physical model to the

target model.


Coastal Defences 6 14 0" 12

1 . 2 3 4 Cost: 150 Points

, 9 7 6 4 AP

9 7 . 6 4 · 7

g', 7 6 4


The Left ansi Right Turrets both have .a' 90 Degree Arc of Fire, whi le:the Mid Turret has a 180 ' •

degree Ar.c of Fire,

Model Assigned Rules Experienced Engineers Ignores Command Distance Rules Hull Ripper Panic Dive

The Torpedoes.use th e Fixed Channel.

I:!o ~ BRITANNIA I": Illustr ious Class Sky Fortress

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4

Main Turrets (P) 9 5 2 .

Fixed Aft Bombs 12 . · .

Fixed Aft Mines (5) 0 · 0

Special 1 . 0 0 0


6 9 6" 10

Cost: 130 Points


7 6 6 0

. - .. , .

•'a MASSIVE CLASSCA~ITJ\h FLYING model' This model MUST rlJ0YI' 2" straight ahead befOre makihgJ;at p '45 degree turn

. .,

•• , I(mo.ved: tn is model MUSl'move a minim'um of 2" duriQg its acti'lation.· · Up to 70% bf your points can b.e spent on MASSIVE CLAS~ models .; ;

~ *., ..

. . , . ,

, Britannia Sky Fortresses are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model

Model Assigned Rules­Expe'rienGed Engineers Car-ries 6 Aeroplanes EI~~tr[;;al Defences

, • Fuel R,eserves, ,

~ ·

The Main Turrets have a 270 degree Arc of Fire, This model can drop 2 ' Mine, tokens instead 'of 1· token'

wneQ it-is:activat~'L • .. This-model has 'TWO Prima;y

tu r.rets, each of which use~ the '

• ~ainTurrets (P) sfatisticJiJ1,; ' • ,



Terrier Class Small Tank 3 5 9" 2

RANGE BAND 1 . 2 3 4 eost: 29 Points .,.,

Fore Fixed (S) 5 3 1 0 AP AA CC RR .. PIS Side Guns (S) 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0

. Special 1 0 .. 0 0


.... ~ " .

Special 2 .. . .. 0 0

-::- . TAis is 'a SMAll CLASS model

This mo'c:lel.has 36~ degree 'mo'Vet®l1t ' ,This medel has a minimum move of 0" if it is moved

Up to 40% of your po ints can be spent on SMAll CLASS models Bfitannia Small Tanks are <!eployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 5 moaels

Model Assigned Rules Small ;r,!, ~get ~

EIQsive.Target • •

THE PRUSSIAN MILITARY The land forces of the Prussian Empire are the most powerful in, Europe, seasoned troops having had decades of warfare to hone the ir skills. The military commanders in charge, of th~ Infantry, and n~w the new Mechanised Divisions, are old men with war after war of experience behind them.

"~ "

Technological breakthroughs by Prussi:an scientists have seen the creation of inFedible machines of ' war. Tesla technology has become a mainstream weapon on ground vehicles, and if you look at th~ current crop of vehicles in this EOuntry's weapons arsenal then Tesla coils are pervasive. The pride of the Mechanised Divisions is the A9-VSturmpanzer Land Ship. This hulking mo'nster of a vehkle can· crush all before it, four giant turrets bringing major destructive power to bear on the enemies of Prussia.

Sire Sigismund, a Prussian commander with' much to prove, controls the ground vehicles of this Empire. He understands the significance of technologica l advjlnce, and he pushes hard to ensure his vehicles .of war are designed using the very latest of deadly technologies. The Prussian military can assemble a massive contingent of ground vehicles, with over 3,000 vehicles ~t ' its disposal, 400 of v.;hich are landShips. ..

The Navy is STill the pride of the Prussian military and the favourite of Emperor Frederick. In command ofthe,Navy is.5ire Tannhauser, whose military achievements' on behalf of his Empire are too numerous to list. It was his

,bravery onboard the former flagship of the Navy, SMS ~reis~hutz, that brought • :r~lAnhauseno, the attentism of the Emperor.

Side Note: SMS Freischutz was an old style DreadnoJgh( that was the flagship of the Navy. It was sunlZ in an engagement with :t<ingdom ot Britannia (KoB) Battleships north of Scotland. -The Frei'sch ut~ played cat and mouse ·with 5 Battleships for 3 days before eventually being ~unk after its rudder was

Jlestf oyed by a flight of torpedo bomb'ers. ' • '

Janrih~user's Navy has over 60Q.vessels in it and 9v~r t~e la,st decade a' ma; slve refit of the Gore ship classes has been taking pl~ce. The chietmaritime 'designers have created some of' the Illost advanced naval 'fighting ships to-ever sail the seas and oceans of the world. The Em pe ro()r Class,BattleshiR, Rej~e~ Cla~; ~ruiser and Arminius Class Frigate represent the latest in ship develolbment, with Tesla­based weaponry. making its v.;~y into·the core di?sign of the shi ps .· ~· *

Like all ptner nations the use of flying weapons of war is a relati;~f;new thing for the Prussian l11i1itary, and something that not that m!lny takese~i5usly. Sire He'lbrecht, commander of t~e Aerial Armada of the Prussian :Empire, is oft~h' mocked by his ·rivaJs. But the perceivea power of the Aerial·Armada';s not-sometiling that is mocked by the military. "

However, the aerial war machine to truly impress the militar,{ is t~e Imperium Class Carrier. The idea of taking an .• air~hip and turning it, into a ~i:arrier was, initially dismissed, butwhen Professor ErnstJ~rockmauer finished the prototype of ~ .S,ky 7;6t;tress Airship, ridicule turneGl to respect: ln its first military action an Imperium Class Carrier was uSeQ to attack th,e ~hores of the KoB. A military

, installation;in Margate., Kent was bombed and se.veral squadrons.Of the KoB's latest Lang Ships destroye.d. It was:a major blow for the KoB ~ili~ary, -and the 'Prussian High Command-revelled in their,success. i . - .

PRUSSIAN Emperor Class Battleship


Main Turrets (P) 11 8

piS Broadside (S) 6 5

PIS Tesla Coils (S) 6 3

Aft Tesla Coils (S) 6 3

"(his is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model It uses the LARGE template for moving




6 11 7" 8

4 Cost: 170 Points

2 AP


If moved, this model MUST move a minimum, of 2" during its activation Up to 70% of your points can be spent on LARGE CLASS models Prussian Battleships are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model

Model Assigned Rules Lethal Strike (Tesla Coils Qnly)

This model CAN replace ANY SINGLE turret with either a UPG/ Calcification Generator, Shield Generate" or Tesla Generator, for " NO points differe~ce.

The Main' 'rurrets· have a 270· degree Arc of Fire ..

NOTE: Tesla Coil weapons on this model use Fixed Channels which are the WIDTH of the facing of toe model.

This model" hdS" 'THRE~ Primary turrets, ' ~;c'h of Which . ases ' th"e Main Tu~~ets ep) s·tatistic Itn~ . .

PRUSSIAN Reiver Class Cruiser


Main Turrets (P) 9" 6

PIS Broadside (S) 6 ,3

PIS Tesla Coils (S) 4 2

Aft Tesla Coils (S) 4 2

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL (LASS model It uses the MEDIUM template for moving


6 10" 4

If moved, thJs model MUST move a minimum of 2" d"uring its Bc\ivation Up to 70% of your points can be' spent on MEDIUM CLASS models Prussian Cruisers are deployed in SQ.UADRONS 6f 2 to 3 models


Arminius Class Frigate 3

1 2 3


5 13"



Model Asji8ned Rules Small Target

The single, Fore Turret has a 270 aegree Arc of Fire.

NOTE;: Tesla Coil weapons 00 this; model use Fixed Channels \Yt1 (r:h "

o ~re the WIDTH of the facing cif the ~ ______________ +-~~~~~~~~~ __ ~ ____ L-__ -L __ ~ model. #

Model Assigned Rl:I les You can give a Squadronnf Cruisers the Lethal Strike (Tesla Coils onlyt :" ability, for 5 points p~r ~fdel.

The Main Turret has a 270 degree Arc of Fire. ' . NOTE: Tesla Coil weapons on this " model use Fixed Channels · which ar,e, the WIDTH of the facing of the ' ')'lapel.

This model has ONE Primary turret, whi€" ~ uses th~ Main Turret? (P) 5tatfsti~ line.


Rhine Class Fleet Carr ier 5 8 6" 7

RANGE BAND . 1 2 3 4 Cost: 125 Points

Main Turrets (P)

PIS Broadside (5)

PIS Tesla Coils (5) 12 6 .

Fore Bombard (P) 11

This is a MASSIVE CAPITAL CLASS model It uses t he LARGE template for moving



8 5

If moved, this model M UST move a minimum of 2" during its ac!lvation Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MASSIVE CLASS mode ls Prussia n Fleet Carriers are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model


Blucher Class Dreadnought 7 13 6"





RANGE BAND 1 2' 3 4 Cost: 235 Points

Main Turrets (P) 11 8 6 5 AP

PI S Broadside (5) 12

pIS Tesla Coils (5) 8 6 3

Fore Coils Tesla (5) 9 6 4 2

This is a.LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model • It uses t he. LARGE t emplate for moving

If moved, this model MUST move a minimum of 2" during it s activation , Up t9 70% ,of your points can be spent on LARGE CLASS models

Prussian DreadnougfTts are dep loyed in SQUADRONS of. 1 mode l



Model Assigned Rules Lethal Strike (Tesla Coils Only)

Carries 6 Aerop,lanes ,Fuel Reserves Deck crews Bombard (Fore)

The Fore Bo';bard fires in t he Fixed Channel, '

NOTE: Tesla Coil weapo~s 'on this model use Fixed Cha nn eJ~ which are the WIDTH of t he, facing of the mo'deL

Model Assigned Rules Letha l St rike (Tesla Coils Only) Elife Crew •

Iron Ra m

This model CAN ADD up to TWO Generators to its design, It can choose from a UPG/Calcifi ca tion Generator, Shield Geoerator or Tesla Generat or, The Generators cost 20 'points each, •

The Main Turrets have a 270 degree Arc of Fire.

NOTE: Tesla Coil weapons on th is model use • Fixed ChaQnels '~hi~h .are t !;le WII) Tft of the

fac ing of, the ~odeL .. :

This -mode l has ~OUR Prj;'ary t urr ets,: each' of which uses the Main Tur~ets (P) statistri", line, '

. • * '" .. '$ ~. '" : •


Saxo ny Class Corvette 3

" CR Mv HP

Model Assigned Rules Fa st ~~ rget' • ."

Erusive Ta rg~t , 4 15" 2 ~ ______________ -. ____ .-__ -. ____ ~ __ -+ ____ ~ __ -L ____ ~ __ ~ '

'2 • T5~ si~gle: f ore Tug-et bas a ~70 . .3, 4,. degrp", AI~ 0f. Fir.e. _ '


Fo re Turret (5) 4 3

Broadside (5) . \

pI s Tesla Co ils (5)

Aft Tesla Coils (5)

This-is a SMALL ClASS.m~C!el·

... .. .... .. ..... "

." .. '


Wachter Class Escort 3 5 13"


Fore Turret (S) 5 3 ' :[

PIS Broadside (S)

PIS Torpedoes

Fore Torps

This is a'SMALL CLASS model It uses the SMALL template for moving If moved, this model MUST move a minimum of 2" during its activation Up to 40% of your .points can be spent on SMALL CLASS models Prussian Escorts are deployed in SQUADRONS of a to 3 models




Stalz Class Destroyer 3 5 13" 2

1 2

This is'; SMAtL CLA-SS' model It uses th:e:S-IIIII~L~.t~mpl;te for moving If moved; thjS;mcJde'1 MUST move a minimum of 2" during its activation

to 40%of¥ciUr:p.ajntecan be spen"t on SMALL CLASS models Destroyers:a"re.d·· SQUADRONS of 2 to 4 models

Model Assigned Rules sm;II'T'arget .

. pack ~uQter"

• The Fore Guns have a Fixe.d Ch~nnel.

Model Assigned Rules Small Target Elusive Target

The single Fore Turret has a 270 degree Arc of Fire. , .


Hussar Class Gunship 4 7 10"

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 Cost: 85 Points

Main Turrets (P) 9 6 2 AP

PIS Broadside (S) 6 3 1 7

pIS Tesla Coils (S) 6 4

Aft Tesla Coils (S) 6 4

This is a MEDIUM CLASS cAPITALmodel It uses the MEDIUM template for 'moving " If moved, this model MUST move·a minimum all" during its activati~n LJP' tb)OY. of'ybur fJ?ints can b!, speiii on MEDIUM CLASS models Prussian Gunship, are de.ployed in SQUA!?1l9~S pf2 to.3 models.


Model Assigne"d Rules Lethal Str:ike (Tesla Coils Only)

The Ma'in Turrets have a 27(') degree Arc ofFjre.

This model "has two Primary "turrets, each of whic"h. uses " the Main. Turrets (P) statistic line.

NOTE:,\ Coil weap.ons .on this mouel: ~se ' Fixed Channels, which are tbe WIDTH of the facin& pf th.e ,

, i:n:oael. '


A6-V Med ium Tank 4 6 7" 3

RANGEBANO 1 2 3 4 Cost: 40 Points

Fore Turret (S) 5 3 1 AP RR

Aft Turret (S) 5 3 ' 1 4 0

PIS Broadside (S)

PIS Tesla Coils (S) . 4 1

This is a MEDIUM CLASS model This model CAN move 0" straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn This modell:lAS a minimum move of 0" if it is moved Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM CLASS models Prussian Medium Tanks are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 4 models


5 8 6" 8

2 3 4 Cost: 150 Points

Main Turrets (P) ' 9 6 2 AP RR

Fore Tesla Coils (5) 9 6 4 2 8

PIS Broadside (5) 6 3 1

PIS Tesla Coils (5) 8 6 3

This is a LARGE CLASS CAPITAL model This model MUST mOve 1" straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn This mO'del HAS a minimum move of 0" if it is moved Up to 70% of your point. can be spent on LARGE CLASS models Prussiqn Land ships'are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model .

Model Assigned Rules Lethal Strike (Tesla Coils Only)

Experienced Engineers Electrical Defences Impervious

:rh is model has FOU.R Pri mary •• turrets, each of whicn uses the Main • Turrets (P) statistic line.

The FOUR Main Turrets have an Off Set 180 ~tegree Arc of Fire.

NOTE: Tesla Coil weapons on this model use Fixed Channels which are the WIDTH of the facing of the model.

The Turrets (S) each have a 270 degree Arc of Fire.

NOTE: Tesla Coil weapons on this model use Fixed Channels ' which are the WIDTH of. the· facing of the model.

PRUSSIAN B3-S Medium Bombard


Fore Guns (P) 9 '7 5

PIS Side Guns (5)

Special 1

Specia l 2



4 6 6" 3

Co~t: 60 Points

This model CAN move 0" str?ight ahead before making each 45 degree turn This model has a minimum move of 0': if it is moved Up to 70% Qf your points can be spent on MEDIUM.CLASS models • Prussian Medium Bombards are deployed in SQUADRONS <Of. Ho 3 ,!,odels

Model Assigned Rules Bombard (Fore Guns) Forwa rd Observer

The Fore' Guns'u~e the' Fixed Channel.



Geier Class Bomber 4 6 10" 4

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 Cost: 55 Points

Fixed Aft Bombs 8 AP RR

Fore Tesla Coils (S) 7 5 ' 3 •• 2 5 0

Aft Tesla Coils (S) 6 3 1

Special 1 ~~ ______ L--L __ ~-L~~~ ______ ~

This is a MEDIUM CLASS FLYING m~odel

This model M.UST ";ove 1" stra ight ahead before making each 45 degree turn If moved, this model MUST move a mjnimum bf 4" during its activation • Up to 70% of your points Ciln be spent on MEDIUM CLASS models Prussian Bombers are dep loyed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models


Pflicht Class Scoutship 4 6 10" 5

1 2 3 4' Cost: 65 Points

7 5 3 AP AA

6 ~ 3~ 6 4

9 ' - ~

Special 1

This isa MEDIUM CLASS CAPI1AL FLYING 'model This model MUST move 1" str!light ~ hea'd, before making each 45:degree turn If moved, this model MUST move a minimum of 2" during' its activ.alion Up to 70% of your points can be ~p:ent on MEDIUM CLASS models Prussian Scoutsh i ~s "' re deplpyE!d in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models

Model Assigned Rules . Letbal Strike (Teslo Coils Only) Air Hunter (8roqcfsid~s 'QnjJl)'

: Electr";cal Defences

NOTE: ~esla Coil weapons on this model use Fixed Channels which

·are the WIDTH of the facing of the 'model.


Mobile Airfi e ld 6 9 6" 10

1 2 3 4

9 6 4 2

8 6 3

11 8 · 5 2

Tnis is a MASSIVE CLASS' GAPITA[ model " modelll(lUST rnoye 1~ stra ight ahe,ad before making each 45 degree:tu;n,

:! ' Ifmoyed. this model MUST move a mjl)ilJ11lm of 2", during its activation • , -Up 1,0' 70% of,your points Gan' bS'speQt OQ MASSIVE CLASS models

'! - " : prussian Mobile.AfrfieldS'are d~ployed inSQtJ-?-DRONS of 1 model

Model Assigned Rules Swift Ascent PRUSSIAN DR CR Mv HP

Limited Resources Cannot Halt

Walze Class Small Tank 3 5 10" 2

Cannot Move Backwards RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 Cost: 20 Points

NOTE: Tesla Coil weapons on this model use Fix~d

Channels which 'a re the WIDTH of the facing of the model.

, , " .



, ,. . .. ..,

Fore Guns (5) 4 2 AP RR

PIs Tesla Coils (5) 4 · 2 2 0

Aft Tesla Coils (5)

Specia l 1

This is a SMALL CLASS model Thismod~1 has 360 degree movement

This model has a minimum move of 0" if it is moved Up to 40% of your points can be spent oQ"sMALL CLASS models

Prussian Small Tanks are deployed in SQl!AD.R.O~~ of 2 to 6 models

Model Assigned Rules The Fore Guns ha've a Fixed Channel. .

Small Target Elusive Target


Non: Tesla ' Coil wl"apons on tAis­model use Fixed Channels which are tlie WIDTH of tbe facing of the model. The Fore Guns also use the

Fixed channel.


. Move Ack-Ack ' .. . ,

AD -' -FIGHTE~ PLANE 16" ,0 2,


. 12" 3 . .1 . . r ~ ~ •

TORP~DO BOMBER _ ' 12:' .

3 r .~






• . IGNORE- BRAVERY Rl:JLES , . PRUSSIAN Tmv FlYER MAR RULES ACROBATIC I'l,IJOTS (f;irJhter Planes) . . If this token ~;ffers" bile or more destroyed results, it can r0111D6 per

destroyed result=to cancel each of them, The !'litis canc,ell"ed (ignored) o n a roll

of 5 or 6 (without~ a ~ extra-roll for the 6 ), A roll of 1,2,3 QT'4 has no effect. '

VERTICAL DIVE fOive Bombers)

.. Modei,Assigned Rules • ~he Main Turrets have a 2,70 degree Arc of Fire. If this token makes an AD att~ck against a model, and that model uses Ack Ack

.fir~ against this token, the model MUST re-roll'all of its Abort and destroyed - , -L'ethal Strike (l:e~ la Cojls On ly) • - ~ - - " : ;;: Carries 6 AeropFanes ·' '. P . I\iOTE: Jeslil" Coil weapons on this model use

.. ;FUel Reserves • - • ;, '~.' ' Ei~ed 'Cbannels which a're the WIDTH of the Deck ' !.:., : . ~; .~ ... taf:rngYot t he"mpdeL . !' W • 1+ ",;~ *1 ..

, • • results (and take the second result) ~ga inst the token.

WELL TRAINED (fighter Planes) This.token can De deployed within 6;' of a carrier when ~t is launched, and can

land en a carrier so ~Iong as it starts its activation wJthin 6" of l'he carrier. -.


Gewitterwolke Airship 6 8 7" 8

RANGE BAND '1 2 3 4 Cost: 110 Points

Fixed Aft Bombs 12 AP RR

Fore Tesla Coils (5) 9 7 4 2 ' 7 0

PIS Tesla Coils (5) 6 3 1

Pi S Broadside (S) 7 5 3 1

This is a LARGE C;LASS CAPITAL FLYING model This model MUST move 2".straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn If moved, this model MUST move a minimum of 2" during its activatiqn ' Up to 70% of your points can be spent on LARGE 'CLASS models Prussian Airships are deployed in SQUADRONS of· 1 model


Imperiu m Sky Fortress 6 10 6" 10

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 ... Cost: 120 Points

Fixed Aft Bombs 12 AP RR

Fore Tesla Coils (S) 9 7 4 2 9 o PiS Tesla Coils (5) 7 4 2

Special 1

This is a MASSIVE CLASS CAPITAL FLYING model This model MUST m'ove 2" straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn

. If moved; this modei MUST move a minimum of 2" during its activation

Up to 70% of your poin:ts can be spent on MASSIVE CLASS models Prussian Sky Fortres~es are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model

Model Assigned Rules Lethal Strike -(Tesla Coils Only) Carries 6 Aeroplanes Fuel Reservies '


NOTE: Tesla Coil weapons on this model . use Fixed Channels whkh are the WIDTH of the facings of the model.


Metzger Class Robot 5 8 8" 6

. 1 . 2 3 4 Cost: 90 Points

Left Arm Cannon (P) 11 8 5 2 AP

1i ~ ' 6 . 3 8

Fore Turret (P)

Aft Turret (P) .. • ~ . Tl1is is a LARGE CIASS 'CAPITAL model

.:!~: - This model b'!.s 360 degree' nicivement -... This, model has a minimum move of 0" if it is moved •••• , Wp to 70% of yo, ur points ~;,;- b~ spent on LARGE CLASS mode, ls ~tt. ~ ~; -: pru~sia.n Robots are deployed \n SQUADRONS of 1 to 2 model

;~:: Model Assigned Rules The Le frArm Cannon and Right Arm

!!:;'! ! .«. : Ig'!ores Command Djstance Rules Tesla 'BOTH have a 270 degree Arc

11>==:. H ~'ethal. Strike .(Tesla-Coils Only) of Fir~ . 'A.mphi~i0US Capability •• Water Runter (Cpnnon only) Wnen this Robot has entered the lfowering water it o~ly move~ at a SP~~~ or 6".

Prussian Empire A6·V Medil:Jm Tank'"

Model Assigned Ruh:!s Lethal Strike (Tesla Coils Only) Air Hunter (Teslo Coils Only) Rugged ,Construction '

NOTE: - I Tesla ~oil weapons on this model ' use Fixed Cmannels which are the WII'lTH of the facing of th:, model.


Comms Tower 4 6 0" 4

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 ' qdst; 40 Points

Special 1 - AP AA CC

Special 2 5 2 0 , .

Special 3

Special 4

This is a MEDIUM CtASS' ''';; del (Fortification). Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM CLASS models

Prussian CommsTow,,,, are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models - ,. ...... .... .

-. -. . .... ~; , ........ , .--..

ModelAssign.ed Rujes ! . ~mp"3ced & Indsst.ructal5le , .: .. .. .. .

Shield Tower

RANGE BAND 1 2 3' . 4

Main Turret (P) 8 6

Specia l 1

Specia l 2

Special 3

Strategrc Objective (50):! - Radio Network ' ,

. Imrflovaple & 'Inv'incible •


4 6 0" 4

Cost: 6Q Points

• •• • This is a MEDIUM CLASS nl"del (Fortification). C •

,Up to, 70% of your points can·be~spent en MEDIUM CLASS mo'delS'

• . P.russian Shield Towers are deployecJ in SQUADRC}NS",f 2 ~o ~ models . , -Modef Assigned Rules ' Emplaced & IQ <!e,.si·r~cta ble

Immovable $cln~incible,

~".t ...


Land ing Field 4 8 0" 9

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 Cost: 90 Points

Emplacements (P) 8 6 4 AP RR

Special 1 7 0

Special 2

Special 3

This is a rY!ASSIVE CLASS mod~1 '. Fortification, counts as Small for Lines of Sight This model's Aeroplanes start a game deployed within 4"of the Landing Field Up to 70~ofyour points can be spent on MASSIVE CLASS models Prussian Landing Fields are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model


Coastal Defences 7 12 0" 10


left Turret (P) 11

Right Turret (P) 11

Tesla Turret IS) 7, . 6 4

Special 1

rhis is a MASSIVE CLASS.CAPITAL m"del (Fortification) 70% of your pOints.can be,spent on MASSIVE.CLASS models

. Prussian Coastal D~f;n:~s~ are deployed in' SQUADRONS' of 1 model

Model Assigned Rules • Lethal Strike (Ie;lo Coils Only) Empl'!(I .& Mi,nefi~ld Security Posts & &xtended Range' Indestructable & Req~ubtatlle: Immovable & Invincible


1 ' 2 3

11 8 6

15 12 S

Special 1

Special 2 "


6 10 0"






::~ .~ .... .. .. ....... ~~~ • • , ~;::. This is a ~RGE ClASS GAPI:rAL mo<J~IJFortifi~ation)

• •• Up to 70% cryour t'~ ints can b.e spent on LARGE CLAS~ models ' Prussian Bu.nkers a e <;IePJo\(e'd. in Sct;J~l>RONS of 1 modef

• •• 'There. is ONE Main Turret (P) H ;with-- a 360 degre~ "Arc ;f Fire

<v+o".40>1-.»,";,;';: lPn<:LPN"f Main Turret (P) with a .~-27(J de8r~e i>.rc of Fire. • tr ., 't ~

Model Assigned Rules Carries 4 Aeroplanes

The weapon Emplacements on this model are abstracted into one single comb~t rating. The Emplace'ments have; 360 degree Arc of Fire around the r"00del. Fuel Reserves

Indestructable Immovable & Invincible

I f

' I

. -.

NOTE: All range measurements will. be made from the edge ofthe physical model.



Flak Tower 4 6 0" 6

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 'Cost: 40 Points

Special 1 AP

Special 2 6

Special 3

Special 4

This is a MEDIUM cLil:ss model (Fortification) Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM GLASS mod'els

" Prussian Flak Towers are qeployed 'in SQUADRONS of i ·to 4 models; . . . . "-Model Assigned Rule~

~E!TIplaced .& Toweri'ni . f .... •

Tesla Tower

.1 - , 2 • 3

Fore Tesla Coils (S) :~8 . 6 . '4 . PIs Tesla Coils (S)

'. s fi ' 4

Special 1

Special 2

Telescopic Zoom (Ack Ack 16") • i • :.


Indestructabie : :. Immovable & invincible


. . .

• a MEDIUM CLASS model (FortiQcati0n) Up t030% olyour points can be spent on MEDIUM CLASS models .

~~u~:i~ ~ Tes~~ ~o~e;s ~r~ deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 4 m??::s.

:resla 'coil .weapon; o.n· thi,s' • model all us.e:fh'e,' Broadstdp arc.,

Mode~Assigried Rules •• Emplaced.& Towering' ,

Lethal StriRe (Teslq Coils Only) Ind'estructable

l~m9vable & Invincible

doubt due to the fact that Commodore Douglas, head of the Ai r Force, is the cousin of Adm iral Hilton.

. The end of the Civil War led to a period of great transition for the F;derated '. States of America (FSA). One of President Adams first orders was the fOrmation

of a unified mil itary, a Federal Military with wh1ch the I,mds of the FSA.could · be protected. ..' , ', ' Due to its relatively small size, the Navy ofthe FSA be flexible . Modular

., . "hulls have been d~s'ig~ed for toe core Naval Battlesnips and Crufsers., with the The location and size of the· FSA, with its huge borders, makes it vulnerable to' - ability to remoye a ~entriil hard point and add .in a .choice of technologies. The attack from many enemies, . but the lack of any significant ' outpost anywhere standard fitting for both·these sh'ip types is a Rocket Battery, but this can easily ' else in the world does mean that the core of its military is located domestically. be s~apped out arYd re'jJJaced by a Shield Generator or Kinetic Generator. However, five NilVal Battle Groups are currently patrolling the waters in and ~ • around Hawaii. The decision to send such a large force of naval vessels towards. The last arm of the FSA military" is cO[1trolled by General V. Adams - the the Far East was the brainchild of Admiral Hi lton, Chief Naval Olficer in charge Army. It is sp'lit into three Divisions: Land Ships, Infantry·and. l\rtillew General , of the FSA Navy. Adams is an old fashioned warrior and, a-stick ler for tradition. He's not a huge

Hilton's distrust of the Empire of the Blazing Sun (EotBS) is seen by som.e as a character flaw, often because it manifests itself with heated debate when he visits Washington to talk to the President. Hilton advocates an all out invasion and destruction of the EotBS, whereas the moderates believe that a more passi\(e aggressive stance will ke~p the EotBS at bay., Hilton is almost disinterested in the Russian Coalition, despite one of his fleets being almost entire ly wjped out by Russian}orces. f,

The FSA's Navyis on.e of the ~maUest, having only 360 ships at its 'disposal, but , an aggressive manufacturing progr~inm~ is seeing new vessels arriving monthly:

Lots of emphasis is being placed on Carriers to t ransport and launch the new aeroplane's that have .oecome so important to the FSA military .. The Navy and Air Fqrce of the . ~SA are in close synchron isation with each other, which is no

fan of aeroplanes, but can see their use. He views the Navy as a serv iG'e to get "his boys to battle, then the guys in the pretty unifo(ms can step to o~e side." His nickname of Ge.nerallron Britches is well earned . •

Scientists in ·the FSA are working closely with the military. to create new Super Weapons with. which to catapult the FSA into the position as a world '_. superpower. The first project to see t he light of day was.operatio·n Thunderclap, • which created a gjant Flying Mech"anised Warrier (FMW) ..• Ghief scientist fot the pr-oject, Dr: Franz Qppenbaum, was sadly kiJleq when :a finger fell off the

• rob6t during weapon ' testing and crushed him, but after swccessful trials ·th'e Thunderc/;p 'FMV is now fully operation~1. • ¥ A . . .

FSA.scientists and military j:Jerso~nel now refer to giving someone the. 'finger' when' in disagreement with each other. . . ' " "

. -.

. , .......


Independence Class Battleship 7 10 6" 8

RANGE BAND "1 2 . . 3 4 Cost: 170 Points

Main Turrets (P) '12 , 10

P/S Broadside (S) 8 5

Aft/Fore Guns (S) 4 3

Rocket Battery '.5 .

This is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS moele l It u'ses t he LARGE temp late 'for moving

8 6 AP

3 9

6 7

If moved, this model MUST move a minimum of 2" during its activation Up to 70% of your points can be spent on LARGE CLASS models FSA Battleships are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model

This model has TWO Pri mary turrets, each of which uses the Main Turrets (P) statistic line.


Augusta Class Frigate 4 5 12"

RANGE BAND '1 2 . 3 4· Cost: 2S Points

Fore Turret (S) lL .. ~ AP

Aft Turret (S) :tI. . • 3 2

P/S Broadside (S)

Rocket Battery

l'his is a ~MALL CLASS modei " . -It uses the SMALL template for. moving ·If moved"t~is;model MUSl move.a minimum of 2" during its activation -Up to 40% bf ydlJJ pa i nt~ ~an besp"ent 'On SMALL CLA~S moqels FSA Friga("r a're deployed 'in SQUADRONS of 2 to 4 models

.,. Uf W tr $ Z ;.' ..







Model Assigned Rules Sharpshooters Manoeuvrable

The stan\lard configuration of th is Battleship sees a Rocket Battery mounted to t he centre section of t he superstructure. This can . be

The Main Turrets have a 270 degree Arc of Fire, t he lore/ Aft Guns have a 90 degree Arc of Fire that c9mbines both guns, and t l\'e Roc~ets have 360'

• replaced with EITHER k Ki netic Generator OR a Sh ield G: nerator for NO pOints .di~erence .

Degree Arc of Fir" .

, , . '

Model As~ig~edRlil~s Manoeuvrabl~ . Small Ta rget

';he single Fore Turret (S) and single Aft Turret (S) both have a 270 degree (l.rc of Fire.

Lexington Class Cruiser


Main Turret (P) 9 7: 4 ,

P/S Broadside (S) .' ~ l ..... ... Aft Guns (S) 4 :~ .

Rocket Battery T "?1




5 6

..... . .. . . " . .





' Cost; 60 'PointS' .

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS medel 1t u,;;es the MEDIUM template for moving

If moved, th iS model MUST move ~ minimum of 2" d ~ring ItS activation • Up to 70% of your points can b'e speot on MEblUM CLASS mapet,

FSA Cruj~ers are aeployed in SQUADRONS of i to 3 motM s' . Model Assigned Rules


NOTE, You can,give a Squadro-;' of Cruisers the Sharpshooters.abili,tV,

fer 5 points per m~d.e!-

'The standard' co'nfigu ratien of this c r.uiser ~eJs' a Rocket Sattery.mountE!d to the centre section'

: ;of1:jJe ~upestructure, :rh is can be [eplaced • ~ith EITHER A Kinetic Generator OR a Shield

Generator for NO points differe~ce.

, J he Main Turre£has a 270 .degree Arc of Me, , • : (he Aft G~ns have 90'degree.Arc of Fi ee, a~d:.

the Rockets h~ve 3pO degree Arc of F.irE;.: ; Thismodel has ONE Primary turret, which uses '

t he Main TJrrets (P) stati,stic Iilie"

< . , . . . 0- , . ..

. ! •


Saratoga Fleet Carrier 6 8 6" 8

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 Cost: 95 Points


Main Turret (P) - r

PIS Broadside (S) ,8 5

Aft Guns (S) 4 3

Fore Guns (S) 4 3

This is a MASSIVE CAPITAL CLASS model It uses the LARGE templale for moving

- - AP AA CC

3 - 6 6 5

- -,- - ':


If moved, this model MUST move a minimum of 2" during its a,c¥ivation Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MASSIVE CLASS models FSA Fleet Carriers ,are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model



Reve re Class Corvette 3 4 12"

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 ' Cost: 20 Points

Main Turret (P) - ~ - - AP AA CC

PIS Broadside (S) - - - - 1 2 1

Aft Guns (S) ~ - - -Fore Turret (S) 74 ' 3 - - "


~ihishis ,a: SM~Li €izASS medel

4> 4 It~;~ th:e;~~~rt~!![l1plat: !Gf mo\£ing ~ tf IDqv!"P, tt}is model MIJSl' mov~ a minimum "U'll:lu,gng its activation

tJR to 40% hO! y,?UY Roi'!t~ 1:;'2 beo sp~rt o~SMAL~~SS~?!~ , ES1I:cOIY~tt<::s:'lr~ ~~pl!,Yed in 'SQUADRONS o'2to "models

~~:~* :!!'tz,tt0

. *' #0%







Model Assigned Rules Sharpshooters Carries 6 Aeroplanes Double Decker

j Fuel R€serves

The Fore/Aft Guns have a 90 degree Il,Fc of ~ Fire that combine~both gunL

Model Assigned Rules Fast Target ElusiveT",get ~'l'1qe;Uyrilpl!t

TAe '.iingle:Fo~e fJrn?t (Srh;s a ~~o degree Arc of Fire:

, ,


Enterprise Class Dreadnought 8 13 6" 10

RANGE BAND '1 2, .3 4 Cost:; 2'40 Points

Main Turrets (P) 12 '10 & 6 AP AA CC RR

PIS Broadside (S) 8 5 3 .: 12 8 5 6

Fore Rockets

Aft Rockets


' w Ji , 7 8

1;, : ~ ~ : ~"' ,::;

. , - 8 -, " "

This model CAN add up to TWO G~Mraftirs to: its'cfeslgh~ I~ can;choose f:rom,a,Ki~etiG!Denerator o~ athield'Ge"erator: '

" :rh~ GeneraiGr~ ~~st~9 poi!,!~ ~C!i~: ': Thi:; mode! has THREE' Prima(,yJ:ilrretS"eacQ"ot wllicl1:Uses : " ,

the Main:TAJrrets (pi <tiil1<1-fc;linp;


Springfie ld Class Escort 4 5 10" 2

RANGE BAND 1 ,2 3 4 Cost: 20, Points

Main Turrets (P) - - - - AP AA CC RR

Port Rockets - - - - 1 3 1 0 ,

Starboard Rockets - ,- - -Fore Guns (5) - - - -

This 'is a SMALL CLASS model It uses the SMALL te'mplate for moving If moved, this model MUST move a minimum of 2" during its activation Up to 40% of your points can be spent on SMALL CLASS models FSA Escorts are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 to 3 models


Main Turrets (P) .. Port Rockets

Model Assigned Rules Small Target Elusive Target Manoeyvrable

FSA Gui lford Class Destroyer

1 2 '3 4

- - ,- -3 4 5 -

Starboard Rockets 3 4 5 -


4 5 12" 2

Cost: 30 Points


2 2 1 0

Fore Guns (5) 4 3 -, - .':- :'''-':~~


~ FSA . Princeton Class Gunship

RANGE BAND • 1 2 3 4 ,.

- Main Turret (P) . 9 7 4 -PIS Broadside (5) 5 3 - -



.. . This is a SMALL C!:ASS model ' It uses the SMALL template for moving ' If moved, this model MUST move a minimum,of 2" during its acti'vation Up to 40% of your points can be spent on SMALb CLASS ';'odels FSA Destroyers are dep'loyed in SQUADRONS of 2:to 4 models


7 8"



-, .

Model Assigned- Rules Sharpshooters Manoeuvrable

Cost: 75 Points The TWO Main Turrets each have a • 270 degree A~c of Fire, the Aft Guns have a 90 degree Arc of Fire, and the Rockets have a 360 degree Ar~


7 5 3 -

'. : 0

FS!l Springjield -Class Escort

Model Assigned Rules 'Small Target •

Pack Hunters Manoeuvrable

The Fore Guns have 90 degree Arc bf Fire, while the Port and Starboard Rockets have a.normal Broadside.

Aft Guns (5) 5 3 - -of Fire. .

FSA, Fighter Toke~s

Rocket Battery - . 4 5 7 .. - . 'r-::: , a~E!?lUM CLASS CAPITAL model

- It uses!beil/iEQIt;lM template fo~rj16Iiing ' I f> mov~~,:tbis,mo ~I MUST move a minimum of 2" during'it" activation

• • •• -. Up. to 70% ot your points can be spent on MEDIUM CLASS models ;;:;. - FSA Gu'nships-are deployed in 5QUADRONS of 2 to 3 models ...... .. ~; . .. .....;: . . !:;~ ........ This rnoq'e-I"has TWO Primary turrets, each of

-: ";hicb useJ the Ma1Ajurr~ts'(P) statistic line. *'#' . .. , . ,


Trenton Class Tank 5 6 9" 3

RANGE BAND 1 ,2 3 4 Cost: 40' Points

Fore Turret s (S) 6 5 3 - AP AA CC RR

Aft Turret (S) 6 5 3 - 3 2 1 0

Special 1 - .- - -

Special 2 - - - -~

This is a MEDIUM CLASS.model Tftis model CAN move 0" straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn This model has a minimum move of 0" if it is moved Up to 70% of your points cal) be spent on MEDIU~M CLASS models FSA Medium Tanks are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models

~ ,


Yorktown Class Bombard 5 6



RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 Cost: 60 Points

Fore Guns (S) - - - ; . AP AA CC

Fore Bombard (P) - 9 7 ~ 2 1 1

Special 1 - ~ - : -Special 2 - . - .- - .


;rh)s is a MroIUM'.CLA§S 'CAPITAl model





This ·model CAN mov.e'0" .5traight ahead before making each 45 degree turn THis modelllas a minimum move.of:O" if it is moved Up to 70% of your"PPlnts can be spent on MEDIUM CLASS models

: f;SA:Medium Bombards are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models

:!' . ': t~: c . "


Washington Class Land Ship 6 8 7" 7

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 Cost: 130 Points ,

Main Turrets (P) 11 9'" 7 4 AP AA CC RR

PIS Broadsides (5) 7 :~ 2 - 7 4 2 -Special 1 ;-, . "c 1. - c' -


- ~ - -, Special 2

1\ 01 7**'"

1n)s \s;a; CAJtGe;qA~$ ~l\PI-r:Al ~odel , Ih.i{ ([ll;>g~U\'1U~t (n;dy~ l"~ straight aheatJ ·befo!~ making each 45 degree turn . ,1hl~(noa~I:lfas:a miblrMrbmove elf 0" if it is Moved

LARGE. cLASs. models are{jepro';e(j :tn,SCt(Jj!,DR:Q~IS Glf i model


Model Assigned Rules

Tne Fore and Aft Turrets each h.ave a '90 degree Arc of Firethat combines ' both turrets.

Model Assigned Rules~ Bombard (Fore/Aft) Forward Observer .

The Bombard on this m0c1el can fire into the Fcir~ or Aft Channel, but' it CANN()T ~ fire Into' b~th dla~nels sif!1ultaneou:;ly. "

FSA John Henry , Class Robot ~,

This is a SMAll~ C~S~ mojlel T~is ' '''00el has 36Q degree movement

• THis model lias a"~i';:i~um mov~ oio" if iUs m6ved Up):o 40% 'of¥o~r:~,!ints ca~ be ~R"nt:on 5M~Ll CLA~? FSA S.mall Ta~~ar; ~ep l!,yed in S.QUAD~QI\IS

~ A-17 Class Bomber


5 6 8" 4

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 Cost: 55 Points

Fixed Aft Bombs 7 AP RR

Fore Torps 7 ' 6 5 4 0

Special 1

Special 2

This is a MEDIUM CLASS FLYING model Th'is ';'odel MUST m.ove 1" straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn If moved, 'this model MUST move a m'inimum of 4" during its activation Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM CLASS models FSA Bombers are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 4 models


Lee Class Scoutship 5 6 8" 5

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 , Cost: 60 Points

Fore Rockets 3 4 5 - AP AA CC RR

PIS Broadsides (S) 7 5 '3 - 5 4 0 0

Fixed Aft Bombs , 6 - - -

Special 1 - - - -

This is a MEDIUM CLASS CAPITAL FLYING model This model MUST move 1" .straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn If moved, this.model MUST mo\(e a minimum of 2" during its activation Up to ?O% of you'r points can be spent on MEDIUM CLASS models FSA ~C!)utships are deplpyed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 4 models

1\Q9del Assigned' Rules The Rockets use the Fixed Channel. _, Sharpshooters

, _ Ar.moured Topside

JettisonJ?'l,!,age _;.-" ~potter ' •


Mobile Airfield 7 9 6" 9

2 3 4 Cost: 150 Points' ,

11 9 5

5 2

5' 6 • 7

-Special 1 • • 'L7~~~~ __ -L~~~ __ ~~L-________ ~~

:' ~,; ~ - : Th;s i; a ·M~SIVE CLASS.CAPITAL-model ; _ ' $". . ":This' rn0qel MUST move 1" ~traight ahead pefore making each 45 degree turn

• _. :ii o,ovM, tnis mo'dei MljSTmove a minimum of 2"~cl'urTng its activation

'" ; :lIp t~71f~';;f yo~~ points canJ'e: spent on MAS§I~~ fLASS .':lOdels FSA,MobM:l\itfieJcls are d.eplb),et;l in,SQUADRONS flf 1 model

t.., ",, ' !

Model Assigned Rules Swift Ascent Limited Resources Cannot Halt Cannot Move Backwards

The Torpedoes use 'the Fixed Channel.

f ,












AD Ack Ack

0, _ 2

0 . 1

3 1.

3 t

. If this token suffers one or,more destroyed results, it can roIl11;>6' per '

destroyed res'ult' to c~ncel each of t hem, The hit is cancelled (ignored) on a roll

of 5 or 6 (wi"tAou1; an extra roll for tne.6): A roll 0(1, 2, 3 or 4 haS I)Q effect, ' ••

MORE ,MACHINE GUNS (Torp-edCFB~mbers) This toker increases its ·Ack Ack ri\tjl;f~ by ;!:L ;

SUPERIOR' ENGINE (Torpedo Bombers) , ~, This token-increases its Movement 'ratin~ by'+2".

The Rockets have a 360 degree Arc,of Fire.

.. . . . t.

FSA A-17 Bomber;

with Fighter Escort


Va lley Class Airship 7 8 7" 8

RANGE BAND ' 1 2 3 4 Cost: 130 Points

Fore Rockets 5 6 7 - AP AA CC RR

Fore Rockets 5 6 7 - 8 8 0 0

PIS Broadsides IS) 9 7 5 -Fixed Aft Bombs 9 - - -

This is a LARGE CLASS CAPITAL FLYING model This model MUST move 2" straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn If moved, this model MUST move a minimum of 2" during its activation Up to 70% of your points can be spent on LARGE CLASS models FSA Airships are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model


Savan nah Sky Fortress 7 10 6" 10 .

Cost: 140 Poi~l:s RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4

Fore Rockets - - - - AP AA CC RR

PIS Broadsides (5) 12 ·8 4 - 9 9 0 0

Fixed Aft Bombs 12 - - -Special 1 - - - -

This is a MASSIVE CLASS CAPITAL FLYING model , This model MUST move 2" straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn

If moved, this model M UST move a minimum of 2" during its activation Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MASSIVE CLASS models FSA Sky fortresses are del?loyed in SQUADRONS of 1 model

Model Assigned Rules Sharpshooters' • Carries 6 Aeroplanes ·

• Double Decker Fuel Reserves

. .


John Hen ry Class Robot 5 6 10" 4

RANGE BAND ·1 2 3 4 Cost: 60 Points, , . Left Arm Cannon (P) 9 7 4 - AP AA CC RR

Right Arm Rockets ··- S' '4 -S - 6 4 0 0

Fore Turret (P) " - - -. Aft Turret (P) - . - - ,

Th'is' is a MEDIUM CLASS fLYING model , • This model MUST move 'l'''straight ahead'before making each 4S degre.e tum

If ';'oved, 1:6is model MUSTc,{,ove i mInimum of 4" during its activation Up tp 70% of your on MEDIUM CLASS.models

FSA Robots ar't dep l~yed in SQ~ADR?NS of.2 to 3 mo~e l s

!.VIqdel Assignep Rules ' - • • -, • .J.e.ttison Damage

~Air-Hunter (LC!tAn:r( Can/1On) ,(annqt Move Backwards, ' l~noreS"eommand DistanceHules

The Left Arm Capnon and Right Arm Rockets BOTH have a 270

. degce.e Arc Qf t ire. Measure from -the l:niddJe of the' model for Line. of Sight and Ranges.


Model Assigned Rules Sharpshooters .Armoured Topside Rugg!!d Construction

BOTH the Rockets on ' this model have a Fixed Channel.


, , ,


Comms Tower 5 6 0" 5

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 ' . Cost: 40 Points

Special 1 - - - - AP AA CC RR

Special 2 - - - - 3 2 0 0

Special 3 - - - - -. _. Special 4 - - - -

-This is a MEDIUM CLASS model (Fortification)

Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM CLASS models FSA'Comms Towers are deployed in SQUADRONS of;2<to 3 models

. - .

~ FSA Sh ie ld Tower

. RANGE BAND - 1 , 2 3

Main Turret (P) 10 8 '6

Special 1 -. - - -~ .. -. .

Special 2 - - -Special 3 - , - - ..


Model AssiglJed Rules Emplaced & Indestructable

Strategic Objective 150) Radio Netwo!k •

I mm0~ab!e_ & Invin.cible ,.


5 6 0" 5

Cost: "60 Points


- 3 2 0 0

o ' . . . -

.' This is i' MEDIUM CLA~Smodel ,{Fortification) Up 1070% of your points can'be.spent on M6DIUM CLASS mod'el~

FSA Shi~ld Towers are'deploye~ in SQUA9RONS 9f? to 3 models

NOTE: This model has a Shield,Generator. Model Assigned Rules Emplaced & Indestructable

Im;no,vable & Invincible

This model has-ONE Primal"y turret, which uses - - the Ma}n Tur~:t-" (P) statistic line,

... JOt .. .

... .. ':::;.

. ... . .. . " .'


Landing Field 5 9 0" 9

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 Cost: 90 Points

Emplacements (P) 7 5 2' - AP AA CC

Special 1 - - - - 5 6 0

Special 2 - - - -

Specia l 3 - - - -

This is a MASSIVE CLASS model Fortification - counts as Small for Lines of Sight 1his model's Aeroplanes star~ a game deployed within 4" Up to 70% of your points C,ln be spent on MASSIVE CLASS models FSA Lan'ding Fields are deployed in SQUADRONS ?f 1 model


(oasta I Defences 7 12 0"





RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 :Cost: 1~5 Points

Left Turret (P) 12 10 6 4 AP AA CC

Right Turret (P) 12 10 6 4 8 5 0

Broadside Guns IS) 8 ' 5 4 2

Special 1 - - - -This is a MASSIVE CLASS CAPITAL model (Fortifi cation) Up to 70% of your point's can be spent on MASSIVE CLASS models FSA Ceastal befences are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model

• Mod~1 ASs ign~d Rules Corrosive (L eft and Right Turret) Emplaced & Minefield .

. Security Posts & extended Range :: ,- :;. Indestructable & Redoubtable:

I : Imniovable & Invincible


The Left and Right Turrets both nave a 90 degree Arc of Fire.


~ Bunker 6 10 0"





, RANGE BAND il 2 3 4 Cost: 130 Points

360 Turret {PI :12 10 6 4 AP AA CC RR . . 270 Turret (PI 1:4 12 8 5 7 5 0 0

Specia l 1 - - - - .. Specia l 2 - : - - - ..

-, .. -

Model Assigned Rules Carries 4 Aeropl anes

The weapon Emplacements on this model are"bstracted into one single combat"rating. The Emplacements have a • 360 degree Arc of Fire around the model. Fuel Reserves

Indestructable Immovable & Invincible


.. . ..

NOTE: All ra nge measurements -will be made from the edge of the physical model.


Flak Tower 5 6 0" 7

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 Cost: 40 Points

Special 1 - - - - AP AA CC RR

Special 2 - - - - 4 6 0 0

Special 3 - - - - .. Special 4 - - -. - ~ ': .

.. • This is a MEDIlJM CLASS mo"~ I ' {Fortification)

Up .toJO% ol your points can be spent on MEDIUM ~LASS mOdels . FSA Flak Towers are deployed' in SQUAD'R~NS of 2 to 4.models


Fore Broadside IS)

PIS Broadside IS)

Special 1

Special 2

.; ""'" '"

FSA Gun Tower

1 2 3 - I{ 8 5

Model Assigned Rules Emplaced & Towering

Telescopic Zoom (Ack Ack 16") Indestructable

. Immovable & InvirnCihle •

.. . .... ....

. ... OR CR Mv HP

5 6 0" 7

4 Cost: 50, Points .


8 5 4 ' 2 4 3 0 0

- - - -. .. ":"1' - - - - .

'. . , This is a MEDiUM CLA~S model (For-ti ficanon)

Up to '¥O% of your points can be spE\nt on MEDIUM CLASS'models • fSA Gue ;ow~rs are depl~yed iD SQUADIlONS o<ito 4,models

Model Assignt!d Rules EmplaQed & rowering •

Sharpshooters Indestructabre

Immovable' & Invincible

. .

The Empire of the Blazing Sun (EotBS) has a simple military structure, perhaps '. the most simple of all of the military powers in Dystopi<;ln Wars. Three Armies

protect the empire: one acting as a shield to protect, the second as a_sword to strike out a~d the third as a crucible within which to fo rge elite soldiers. Each of these Armies has a Navy a-ttached to it and also an Aerial Armada.

When the· EotBS took the decision to create its Great Navies, fleets that the Empress would be proud of, the finest engirieers and scieritists of the land were gathered together. At the head of the proje.ct was Yoshiro Nagasumi, chief. technologist of the Empire and a mathematical genius. Nagasumi's SOKUtSU Class Battlesbip design was audacious and broke away from the usual naval doctrine of ship design, but his favour with the Empress was to see his ideas turn into a reality, despite major resistance by the EotBS Naval Admirals . .

Nagasumi went on to design the EotBS Nakatsu Class Cruiser in the wake of critical acclaim for his Battleship design. The €iensha-inspired [dens ha = train] vessel does not use a turret for its main weaponry; rather it boasts broadside . weappnry, fore torpedoes and a series of Rocket Batteries that hurl deadly incendiary projectiles at enemy vesse ls. Nagas'umi wanted a streamlined hull design to allow the Cruiser to literally cut ilireugh the waters' 'Of the seas and ocear]~ aroul1d his Empire.

Noted physicist Hironari Aratg was tasked with constructing war machines that the empire could use to further it; expansion into neighbouring territories, extending tbe .reach and effensive power of its Armies. Initially Arata focused

• on four core land vehicles: Ke-Ho Light Tank, Type II Chi-Ri Medium Tank, Ho-I

Mobile Bombard and 0-1 'Taka-Ashi' Heavy Walker. His work has created a HQ versio'n of tlie 0-1 and his. team of researchers .are working on Walkers that dwarf even the mighty 0 -1 in siz;" • .

i " . The original designs for the O, I'Hea'vy Mechanised Wal~er were plagued w.ith . problems- and their first" military action in thina s,aw o:ver 30 of the, gigantic • machines destroyed in ODe d;y of b; ttle, mainly due to'structural failures - the

. Iegs kept falling off! But Arata' kept.refining tbe d~sign al)d eventlla' lIy, with the aid of Element. 27.0, anrl' a fo r.t 't.rltous laboratory accident which saw a container of zinc fall into a .vat of steel and Element 270, a new metal comeound' was created by the scientist. Superlight and immensely strong the metal has altowed massive advances in Walker te'chna'logy, leading to a shift away froi'ritracks for large war maGhines. .

With disputes ~ommon between China and the R)Jssian Coalition, the EotBS created its Tenkei Sky Fertress as an aerial strike platform that caD strike over land or water, its cargo of fighters, fig'hter bomeers..a nd torpedo bombers Dnto an enemy from. above. A major breaktbrough ;in' lightweig~t metals" all formulated -in secret using Sturgeon's new found element, allows mas~ive prope:llers }O keep the Sky F?Jtress in the sky. ' •• -: •

The Aeria l Armadas,of the EotBS are growing in both num'~er aod pr~wess . Yeung pilots are being trained and' regular engagements with forces-from China an~ the Rl!~sian Coalition are weeding out "t.he 'weak. Th~ ,DFA-170-Bomber i,s proving itself to be a very effective aerial tool, and many more airc.raft,designs are coming out ofthe EotBS. '

: ;;:: .~ .

...... l'

., . -. ....... ..



. . ,


Sokotsu Class Battleship 6 11 6" 8

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 Cost: 180 Points

Main Turrets (P) 13 8

PIS Guns (S) 8 7

Fore Torpedoes 6 5

Rocket Batteries 5

This is'"a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model It uses the LARGE template for moving

6 3 AP

5 2 10


6 7

If moved, this model MUST move a minimum of 2" during its activation Up to 70% of your points can be spent on LARGE CLASS models Blazing Sun Battleships are deploye"d in SQUADRONS of 1 model

Model Assigned Rules Incendiary Rounds (Rockets Only)

This mode l IS fitted with" either a Disruption ~ Generator OR a Shield Generator, for NO points differe~ce.

The Main Turrets have a 270 degree /l:.rc of Fire," the Fore Torpedoes and the Port/Starboard Guns "have a' Fixed j:hannel," and the Rock~t; have a 360 degree Arc of Fire. When firing the ~ Rockets" measure from the middle of the rTJodel ~or Li~e of Sight and'Ranges.

This model has ~ TWO Primary turret's, each of which uses the ~Main

~TQrr~ts (P) st~tistic line . •

.. ' .

~ BLAZING SUN Uwatsu Class Fr igate


3 6



RANGE BAND 1 .~ 2 3 4 Cost: 25 PQints

Fore Turret (S) 5 3 1 - AP AA CC

PIS Guns (S) ' 4 ,

3 1, - 2 1 1

Fore Fixed Torpedoes - - - -

Rocket Batteries I: - - - -

MUST move a minimum of 2" during its activation be,pent on SMALL CLASS models

___ ~~ __ IA .. "-' in SQUADRONS of 2 to 4 models,







Fore Torpedoes

Rocket Batteries

Blazing Sun~~okotsu

Class Battleship


4 7 10"

Jhisjs,a lVIEDIUM CARITALCLASS mod81 ~ , It uses the MEDiUM template for moving

If moved, this moae l MUST move a minimum of 2" during its activatio~ ~Up to 70% of you r peints can be "Pent on MEDIUM CLASS'~od;ls

~ BI~~i~g i;~~ C; ujsers are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 4 models

The Fo~re Torped~es ;rid the Port/Starboard Guns'Have a Fixed Channel. The Rockets ha~';a 360 degree Mc'of

iIt ;Fire . ' W~~tlfiring the;,Rockets measur-€ fh)mlthe midd le ~:tr 0' ;:>f ~hem~del for "In,e of Sig~t;afld Ranges, ,

Model Assigne(lRules You can ~ve a~Squadron of C;uis~rs,ihe Incendiary

Rounds {ReGkets:Onlyr ability, for 5 points per model.


. BLAZING SUN E Kiyohime Class Assault Carrier


Main Turret (P) '1~ 8

PIS Guns (S) 8 ' 7

Fore Fixed Torpedoes 6 5

Rocket Batteries - -

This is a MASSIVE CAPITAL CLASS model It uses the LARGE template for moving

3 4

6 3

5 2

4 -

- -


5 9 6" 7

Cost: 130 Points


7 5 4 0 , ,



If "loved, this model MUST move a minimum of 2" during its activation Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MASSIVE CLASS models Blazing Sun Assault Carrie rs are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 models

Blazin.g Sun Type 11 'C;hi-Ri' Medium

Tank M odel Assigned Rules Carries 4 Aeroplanes Fuel Reserves Rugged Construction

The single Main Turret has a • 270 ,degree Arc of Fi re, the Fore

Torpedoe,s and the Port/Starboard Guns have a Fixed Channel.

E BLAZING SUN Hachiman Cla ss Dreadnought

RANGE BAND 1 2 '3 4

Main Turret (P) 13 8 6 3

Fixed Aft Mines (5) - - -Fore Torpedoes 7 6 5 -

Rocket Batteries - 7- . 8 ' 9

This is a LARGE CAPITAL cLAss model


7 13 6" 10 .

Cost: 235 Points


12 8 7 9 - - . . -.--'. - .-;; .. . .. . ., .

• + *",

Model Assigned Rules , Incendiary.Rounds (Rock~ts o~lyj Dash and Elan Iron Ra m

This model IS fitted w ith eit her a Discuption Generator OR a Sh ield' • Generator, for NO'points difference, •

The 'THREE ' Main Turrets have a ~ 270 degree Arc of Fire, t he Fore Torpedoes' have 'a Fixed ·Channel '

• and t me .Rock"ets have 360 degree :,

It lJses the LARGE template f9r moving •

• Arc of Fire, When firing the Rockets •

meas~ re hem the middle ' of the model for Line <If Sight and Ranges, If moved, this model MUST move a minimum of 2" during:;ts a!:1j~pp.n

Up to 70% of your points can: be spent on LARGE CLASS mMels Blazing Sun Dreadnoughts are deployed in' SC!UADRONS-of 1 mo'del

. ..-:;; " • Th is model has THREE Primary

• •• ' • tu rret?, each ofw~ich uses the Main Turrets (P)·statistic line,

, t • ..

BLAZING SUN Mv HP Model Assigned -Rules

1--+ ---4--+---4 . FastT~rge.t · OR CR

Fujin Class Corvette 3 4 15" 2 JJusive Ta:

· , ' . The single Fore-Turret (si has a 270 I-R_A_N_G_E_ B_A_N_D __ -+_-1 __ 1-_+_+---'--.,:_=--r __ ,.-"--=-j ' .d.egtee Arc of Fire, 1 2 3 -4' • 'CQst:.20 Points- ,

Fore Turret (S) ' 4 3' 1 - AP AA CC RR

PI S Broadsides (S) - - - - >, 1 1 1 0

Fore Fixed Torpedoes .. " . ... -... .

" - -. - - . . ~

I---------~~~~-+---+-~, ... . ..... . ... " r'l ..... ••• • ...

Rocket Batteries , • : ...... - ~ • ' ~~: "CL:::::::: ThiS IS a SMALL CLASS model It uses the SMALL temp late fo r mQvj~g ,. 1# i ")1 ,.

" s' ' * If moved, this model MUST move aminimum of 2"duringits activatior]; Up to 40% of you r po i ~ts ca n pe spent on:9MAlL CLASS models Blazin~ Sun Corvettes are deployed)" SQI!JA,DROillSp f 2 to 5 models

... : ...





Kitsune Class Escort 3 6 9" 2

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 Cost: 20 Points

Fore Turrets (5) . - - - - AP AA CC

Port Rockets - - - - 1 3 1

Starboard Rockets - - - -Fore Guns (5) - - - -

This is a SMALL ClASS model It uses the SMALL template for moving If moved, this model MUST mov.e a minimum of 2" during its activation Up to 40% of your points ca n be. spent on SMALL CLASS models Blazing Sun Escorts are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 to 3 models

Model Assigned Rules Small Target Elusiye Target



Blazing Sun"Bomber

- .


Tanuki Class Gunship 4 8 10" S

• RANGE BAND 1 - 2 3 4 Cost: 80 Points

Main Turret (P) - - - - AP AA CC RR

PIS Guns (5) 9 6 . 4 - 6 4 3 0

Fore Torpedoes 6 3 - -Rocket Batteries - 4 S 6

This is a ME[jI~M CLASS CAPITAL model • ; It ~s~s th,,-MEDlljM template for moving .

~;:: • ~ ~ ~It ~O~~df th is model MUST ;'o~e a f!1inimum of 2" during its actjv.ation : _ Up to 70% of.your peints can be spent on MEDIUM CLASS models • •• .Blazing.Sun Gunships ~ re deployed in SQUADR,ONS of 2 to 3 models

"'. " 1, ,. Y~ Mod~i' AssignedRules .. ;'" .. The Fore Torped~es"and ; he Port/

. d' R ' (R k ~ I ) .• - Starboard Guns ·have a Fixed Incen ,.ary o~nas __ ~c ets o:>n r . Channel. When firing the Rockets

• measure from the middle of the 1)10del for Line of Sight.,n~ Ranges.




. Move ' AD -Ack Ack


-DIVE BOMBER 12" . 3' 1


TORPEDO BOMBER . 12", . 3 1







BLAZING SUN TINY flYER MAR RULES ' BIG FUEl TANISS (Fiflhter Planes) •. If t~is token suffers one orri:lOre Abort results, it' can roll . 106 per Abort

result to cance l each of them. T~e hit is cancelled (ignored) on a roll of S or 6

.(Without an extra roll for the 6). A roll of 1,2;,3 or ~ has n? effect.

FASTER TORPEDOES (Torpedo Bombers) If th is token ma~~~ an Ai) attack against a model, and that model .uses

Concussion Charge fire aga inst its Torpedo' attack, the model MUST re-rol'l all

of its hits (and take the second resu lt) against the Torpedoes . • : '. . ~

SWARM TA~TleS (Fighter·Pli:mes ) • , • _ When a Squadron that has S.warm Taeti<!s uses Linked Fire, the combine'cj •

att~ek receives \a maximum) of +'2 dice to: the Linked Fire total; wheti<ler i t is-an

AD attack, Ack Ack fire or Concussion C~arge fir,e.



Yurgi Class Destroyer 3 6 12" 2 .

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 Cost: 30 PoiQts

Fore Rockets 3- 4 S - . AP AA CC RR . . ~ .,. . Port Rockets 3 4 S , 2 1 1 0

Starboard Rockets 3 4 S - .. Fore Guns (S) " - - -.

This is a SMALL CLASS model, It 'uses the SMALL template for moving

If moved,Jhis model MUST mo; e.a minimum of 2" during its activation. Up to 40% of y~ur'pojnts Clln be spent on SMALL CLASS models

Blazing Sun Destroyers are deployed in SQUADRO"!S ?f 2 to 4 models

Model Assigned Rules Small Target .

Pack Hunters

The FQre,Port and Starb'oard R.oc~et::;:U$~ ttie; Fixed Channel! . •




Type II 'Chi-Ri' Class Tank 4 7 8" 3

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 Cost: 40 Points

Fore Turret (S) 6 5 2 - AP AA CC RR

PIS Broadsides (S) 5 2 , - - 3 3 1 0

Speciall - - - -Special 2 - - - -

This is a MEDIUM ClASS model This model CAN move 0" straight ahead before 'making"each 4S degree turn This model has a minimum move of 0" if it is moved Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM CLASS models Blazing Sun Medium Tanks are dep loyed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 4 models

The single Fore Turret (S) has a 270 degree Arc of Fire,


Ho-I Class Mobi le Bombard 4 6 6"

RANGE BAND 1 2' 3 4 Cost: 60 Points

Fore/ Aft Bombard (P) 9 6 5 4 AP AA CC

Speciall - - - - 2 2 1

Special 2 - - - -

Special 3 - - - -.

-Th i",is a MEDIUM CLASS CAPITAL model This model CAN move O'~ straight ah'ei3d before making each 45 degree turn Thjs'medel lias a minimum-move of 0" if it is ;;'oved Up to'70% of YOl'r Pllints can be spent on MEDIUM CLASS models





' Blazi~g SunSI'Ieditlm Bombards are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models

__ M()d~1 Assign.ed Rules Bombard (Fore/Aft Fixed) Fqr.ward Observer -

The Bombard on this model can fire into. the, Fore or Aft Channel, 'but it 'CANNPT fire into both<:ha,~nels simultaneously,


0 -1 'Taka-Ashi' Heavy Walker 5 9 6" 7

RANGE BAND r 2 3 4 Cost: 15.0 Points

Main Turret (P) ~ 15 ~ 6 , AP AA CC RR

! Knee Turrets (S) 'T - 5 2_ - 8 4 3 I -q

Rocket Battery - Pr 7 :8

Speciall ~ : ':!, ¥ - - ~ , ~ ASl4 ¥ ,



, 4 ,


Ke-Ho Sma ll Tank Base 3 6 8" 2

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 Cost: 20 Points

Fore Fixed (5) - 5 2 - - AP AA CC RR

pIS Side Guns (5) - - - '- 1 2 1 0

Special 1 - - - "' -

Special 2 - - - . This is a "SMALL CLASS model

This mode l has 360 d~gree movem~~t This model has a minimum move of 0': if it is moved

Up'io,40% of your points can be5pent on SMALL CLASS models Blazing Sun Small Tanks are deployed in SQUADRONS?f ~ to 5 models

-Model Assigned Rules

, -' If ,the 0-1 Class is fitt~d with HQ' lower it gains : Icon ability The model ke~ps Its ~nee _Turrels and: 1l.0oke1> ¥

* Battery weaponry. It does, however, lose its Mai~ 'rurreb : !\}'~~pon, and is B? points cl'leaper. 4' . fi' '" '*

, .

-+ ,

! ;


DFA-170 Class Bomber 4 7 10" 4

RANGE BAND ' 1 2 3 4 Cost: 6q Points

Fixed Aft Bombs 8 - - - AP AA CC RR

Fore Rockets 3 5 7 - 4 6 2 0

Special 1 - - - -

Special 2 - - - -This is a MEDIUM C;LASS FLYING model This model MUST~move 1" straight ahead before making ea ch 4S degree t urn If moved, this ~odel MUST move a minimum of 4" during its activation Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM CLASS models Bl azing Sun Bbmb~rs are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3'models


Inari Class Scout Gy ro 4 7 10" 5

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4, Cost: 70 Points

Main Turret (PI 8 6 3 1 AP AA CC RR

Fixed Aft Bombs 8 - - - 5 4 0 0

Port Rockets 5 7 '9 -Starboard Rockets 5 7 9 -

Thjs is~a~ MEpIUM ~CAPITAL CLASS FLYING model This model MUST move 'l" str"ight ahead before making each 4S degree turn If moved,.this moa,,1 MOST move a minimum of 2" during its activation Up to 10% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM CLASS models Blazing Sun Scout Gyr'os are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models

Model Assigned,Rllles Ince'l€lia[y Rounds (Rockets On1y) Maneouvrable ;

The single Main Turret (P) has a 270 degree Arc of fire, and the Rockets have a Broadside Arc~

'Altitude Skimming 'Sp6fte,_


Tsukuyom i Class Wa r Gyro 6 9 7" 7

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 Cost: 1"50 Points

Main Turrets (PI 13 8 6 4 AP AA CC RR

Fixed Aft Bombs 8 - - - 7 7 0 0

Port Rockets ? 7 9 ~

Starboard Rockets , S 7 9 - ~;;

*' ' '''' "" .- -'" "" " '"

ssraight ahead Before making each 45 degree turn Alove.a minimum of 2'~ durjng its,activation

IU'",~OT 9(}Ur.nOJnIS tan be spent on LARGE ClJ].SS mbdels lAAJ,",'dyr<ls,are deploy~li n SQUADRONS of 1 mode l , ,

+ ,; The: TWP Main~ Turrets have a 270 degrel':Arc of Fii';,:"iid tneRockets hava

. a Broadside Aro

This mOdel ha~ TWq Primary tlllrFets, ~ . each ()fwiJico Ui;<;5;tr<': ~aJ~T';rr!'ts (P)­

statistic line', kln ~ - .;, ¥

Model Assigned Rules Swift Ascent limited Resources

, Canno.t Halt Cannot Move Backwards

The Rockets ,'use the :Fixed Channel.



Comms Tower 4 8 0" 4

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 Cost:. 40 Points

Special 1 - - - - AP AA CC RR , Special 2 - - - - 3 2 0 0 I ~

Special 3 - - - - +

Special 4 - - - I· - ~ -~

This is a MEDIUM CLASS model (Fortificatio'l) Up;to 70% ~fy_ou~p~int; can bespent on MEDIUMCLASS models;

Blazing Sun- Comms Towers are deployed in" SQUAQROI':IS of 2 to 3 rnoc!~fs'


E BLAZING SUN Sh ie ld Towe r

RANGE BAND 1. 2 3; 4

Main Turret (PI ~o' '8: 6 :4

Special 1 , - r: . - ---;c

Special 2 - , - -Special 3 I , ~ . - - -

Model Assigned Rules ' Emplace~d& trrdest ructable

S(rategic;objectiye l50) ~<fdio Netwotk ;

Immovab!e.& I nyinflb!~

DR CR Mv HP -4 8 0" 4

Cost: 61;1 Points


3 2 0 0


Tnis is a MEDIUM.CLASS model tFortific<ftiorr) ,70% of your points' ca~ be spent on MEDtUI\II CLASS model:;

Blaiing ~Sun. SAield Towers are deployed in SQUADRONS at 2 to 3 models '

NOli&: This rnodel .ha" a ,Shield Generato-r: "

Model Assigned Rules Emplaced & fri~dest.uctaDle

Immovable & Invin€ipl~ ~

* ,

E BLAZING SUN Tenkei Sky Fortress

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4


6 10 6" 9

Cost: 130 Points

Model Assigned Rules Incendiary Rounds (Rockets Only) Carries 6 Aeroplanes Fuel Reserves lDeck Crews

This model has l'We Prima;Y"'· turrets, each of which uses the Main Turrets (P) statistic line.

Main Turrets (P) 9 6 3 ,

Rocket Batteries -, S 6 7

Fixed Aft Bombs 10 , , ,


8 8





-The· TWO Main Turrets (PHlocated in the front left and. right co,ners) have a limited 90 di~ree:Arc of Fire, and' the ·Rockets have a 360 dl'gree Arc of Fire. When· firing the Rockets measure from the middle of the model for Line of Sight and Ranges.

Special 1 , -, , ,

This is a MASSIVE CLASS CAPITAL flYING model This model MUST move 2" straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn If moved, this model MUST move a minimum of 2" during its activation Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MASSIVE CLASS models Blazing Sun Sky Fortresses are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model


Mobile Airfield 6 10


6" 9

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 - Cost: 135 Points

Main Fore Turret (P) 13 8 6 3 AP AA CC RR

PIS Broadsides (5) 7 5 2 , 8 6 5 ,

Rockets , 6 7 8

Special 1 , , , ,

This is a MASSIVE CLASS CAPITAL model This model MUST move 1" straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn If moved, this model MUST move a minimum of 2" during its activation Up to 7-0% of your points can be'spent on M~SSIVE CLASS models Blazing Sun Mobile Airfields are deployee in SQUADRONS of 1 model

Model Assigned.Rules Carries 6 Aeroplanes Fuel Reserves

This fitted with either a Disruption Generator OR a Shield Generator, for NO points difference.

Incendiary Rounds (Rockets Only)

Ground Clamps The single Main Turret (P) has a 270 · Degree Arc of Fi re, and the Rockets have a 360 Degree Arc of Fire. When firing the Rockets measure from the middle of the

Rapid Fire

~model for Line of Sight and ,Ranges.


Mechanicallka [Squ id] 5 10 7" 6

1 2 3 Cost: 100 Points

Model AS~ig~ed RUies • ! _

Ignores Command Distance Rules . Rugged Construction Armoured Topside Ferocious

1 10 AP RR The Fore GUns use the Fixed 3 +---------t--+~-r.-_+-__I--+-_t--+--+ Channel.

(5). 9

• • •• Fore Turret (P) .... Aft Turret(P)

This is a LARGE e~PITAl CLASS DIVING ROBOT model (Naval) • ~his model has 36o-Deg~ee movement. ••• -

This moderHAS a minimum move of 0" ifit is moved ; '. Up te 70% of your dOi!/~s:c.?n bE> sp.ent 0)1 LARGE CLASS models •• ~ Blazing. Sun Mechani~al;!i'luid&aredepJqy.ed irlSQUADRONS of 1 to 2 models

4. '" '''I." .~" ~,. . ~ .... ill.... ,.


Land ing Field 6 8 0" 8

RANGE BAND 1 ;Z 3 4 Cost: 90 Points

Emplacements (P) 8 6 4 - AP AA CC RR

Special 1 - - - - 6 5 0 0

Special 2 - - - -

Special 3 - - - -This is'" a MASSIVE CLASS model Fortification- counts as Sma ll for Lines of Sight This model's Aeroplanes start a game deployed within 4" of the Landrng Field Up to 70'Y~of your points can be spent on MASSIVE ClASS models Blazing Sun Landing Fields are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model


Coastal Defences 8 12 0" 9

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 Cost: 170 Points

Left Turret (P) 13 8 6' . 3 AP AA CC

Right Turret (P) 13 8 6 3 7 6 I 0

Rocket Batteries - 6 7 8

Special 1 - - - -

This is a MASSIVE CLASS CAPITAL model (Fortification) Up to 70% of your point. can be spent on MASSIVE CLASS models Blazing Sun Coastal Defefices are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model

·Model Assigned Rules Incendiary Rounds (Rockets Only) Emplaced & Minefield . Security Posts & Extended Range Indestructable & Redoubtable Immovable & Invincible

.. "

The Left and Right Turrets both have a 90 degree Arc of Fire, while the Rockets have a 360 degree Arc of Fire. When firing the Rockets measure from the midd le of the model for Line of Sight and Ranges.


Bunker 7 10 0"





RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 Cost: 130 Points

360 Tur ret (P) 1~ 8 6 3 AP AA CC

270 Turret (P) 14 '11() • 's 6 6 5 0

Special 1 - - - - .. Special 2 -- - - ~

,; ... : This'is aJ.AR~ CLASS CAPITAL model (Fortification) Up 1'070% "fyour paints can be ~pent on LARGE CLASS models Blazing Sun:ll~r kers are depl@yea in SQUADRONS 6f l 'model .. :.~ ~ '" ". ""':",l!'" it>

Modef. Assigned Rules: ONE Main Turret (P) has a . Er(1Pla~e_cf ~!,-" inefie ld • ' 360 degree Arc of Fire and .S!'curity ·Posts g; Exte~ded Range ONE Main Tu rreL(P) has a 270 Indestructa):ile & 'Redoubtable degree Arc of Fire.

_I;'rlfovable~ l nvi'1.cible > *+ 9'% ..

- d'*44tv Q $ $+++



Model Assigned Rules Carries 4 Aeroplanes

The weapon Emplacements on this model are asstracte!d into one, single combat r~ting. The Emplacements have.a

Fuel Reserves Indestructable Immovable & Invincible


" ,


360 degree Arc of Fire around the model. '

NOTE: All range measure:menls will be made from the edge of the physical model. '



Flak Tower 4 8 0" 6

RANGE BAND 1 2 3 4 .. Cost: 40 Points

Special 1 . . - - AP AA CC RR

Special 2 - - - · 4 6 0 0

Special 3 . . -- - . . , . Special 4 - - . ·

I ,~ • This is a MEDIUIVI CLASS model:(Fortification) 70%' of your points can be spent on ME!jliUM :CLASS model's Blazing Sun Flak Towers are deployed in SQUADRONS 01,2 to Ilmodels,

. , - ' . .

Model Assigned Rules Emplaced & Towering.

Telescopic Zoom (Ack Ack 16") • • indestructallll, '

Immovable &;invincible

.. .


Rocket Tower 4 8 0" 6

RANGE BAND 1 "2 3 4 . Cost: 50 Points

Fore Rockets (S) - 5 . 6 i ' AP AA CC RR

Port Rockets (S) - 5 · 6 7 4 2 0 0

Starboard Rockets (S) . 5 . 6 7 " .

Special 1 - - - . . -- ' - .

'This (s a MEDIUM CLASS model (Fortification) : ~ - Up to 70% of your.poi~ts can be spent on MeDIUM CLASS models Blazing ~"n Gun Tow~rs are depl,?yed in SQUlmRONS ~f 2 to 4 models

The' Rpcket; on this mocfeJ,a1l use ttie Broadside arc.

Model 4ssigned Rules' • Emplaced & Towering

Ince~diary Rounds (Rockets Only)

Indestructable Immovable & Invincible

. . .


2 Magazine Explosion The model is destroyed, in an inferno oJ fire and shrapnel. Break Tests caused by the loss of this model ONLY get hits on a 6

3 Shredde,d Defences, * The model loses 2 HI' aAd~€ANNOruse itS: Ack Ack ?r~Concussiol'l Charges

4 Raging Fire * The model loses 1 AI' and 2~ HP; pllt a RagingJire token on the model:

5 Gerlerator Offiine * The model loses 2 HP aAd CANNOT use a GeneratP:r~6Iiiosen by the player (when the Critica l

6 Weapons *

7 Hard Pounding

8 Engines * ,9 'Rudder *

10 Fusion Leak

11~ Chaos and Disarray *

12 3turginiurri Flare

,* = Indicates that a, Repair GptiQn is avai ~~b l€ fQr this Critical Hit effect

Hit occurs/whose model suffers thet:ritica l Hit , ~

rhe model reduces the AR of its Gunnery Attacks by HALF and loses 2 HP

The model loses 2 HP and 2 AI'

The mode.! reduces its Movement rating 'by HALF and loses 2 HP

The rnodelloses 2 HP and~ can ONLY move in ~ straight line, it CANNQT turn

the modell €lses 2 HP and 106 AP

The modellos~s 2 HP an,d C:AN:NOT }I,se its R~ckets, Torpedoes, Bombs andLQt r\lOrl~s:.

The model teleports into the~ether; remove the model, it CANNOl return~

Roll 106 when the moael .is nexr activated, but~AfTE~ it has moved. On a 1-3~the da~age is repaired and the token is removed. With a Raging Fire, the l1)o~deLalso loses 1 AP ori a roll , of 4-6. Creatures and Robots (Cm ONLY rrlal<~~ Repair RolI~ in order:to Temove a Raging Fire token - unless their FIG s'tates ,otherwise. ' ' ,


N y y

"ACTIVATION SI;:QUENCE: 1. Resolve Command Tests for models that are outside of Command Distance 2a. Move all models in the Squadrot:1 one at a time, including any'Escorts or Tiny Flyer tokens attached to the Squadron 2b. Resolve a,nY,Rams/Collisions resulting trom ~ovement 3. Declare all attacks fr~m the activating Squadron, then declare enemy ,counteratt,acks from Ack Ack,Concu~sipn Charges and Combat Air Patrol . 4a. Resolve tne use of P.~k ~ck (by models) against flying model/token(s) that, have declared 'an attack: arid COllcussion Charges (by models) against diving models that have de~lare'd .an Bttack 4b. Resolve the AckAck att.a~ks of all Tiny Flyers on both sides agains~ other Tiny· Fly~rs sim\Jltaneously. ,· . 4c. Resolve th.e Ack Ack attacks of all Tiny Flyers on both sides against Flying models simultaneously 4d: Resolve the AD attack~of all Tiny Flyers on both sides against surface models sirilultimeously 5: Resolve the attacks of any remaining models in the activating~ Squadron 6. Res6iveany 'B~~rdi;;g Assaults J'lerforme1fby the activating Squadrpn 7a. Resolve Break Tests for Squadrons th~at have had one or more models destroyed or captured tb. Resolve Bravery TestsJor any mod~ls C!r Squadrons witi:l a Bre~k token from a pcior activation 8. Resolve 'Repair Rolls '

'* .. * 9 i

3. I(you can draw a 'Clear$line to the centre of the target ANB either .the front or rea!, the shot gets ,FULL ~D 4. If you. can draw a clear line to the centre of the target PI'IILY, the shot gets FULL AD but only:hits Ofl'<l 5-1; , 5. If you caonot draw a line centre to centre but can 'Qraw a line tO, some other part of the target, the ~shot gets HALF'AD 6. If the target is both partially in arc and garfially blocked, you'only HAlVE.once

~ -' ~

9FF~NSI.VE ACK ACK OR CONCUSSION CHARGES: ':1. Ack Ack hits on '4+ against Flying/Obscured, O( 5+ against Small/Tiny models 2. ConGussibn Charges hit on' a 4+ .against Qiving/Subrherg.ed, or a '5+ ~against Smalllfiny models

3. Ack Ack c~n be used against Boarding Assaults', but only hits on a 5+ '4. Concussion ChilrgesCcan be I.Ised against Mines, but only hits ~n:a 5t

DEFENSIVE ACK ACK AND CONCUSSION CHARGES: " 1. Only models in the targeted Squadron, attached Tiny Flyer!; al:1~ ;E;sfort~ may particfpate using the normal Linked/Split Fire rules :,* 2.JVlyst be' with!!] c~nge: W' for AckAc~ (4"forTiny model,?) or 4" for Concussion Charges (2" forTiny;models) 3~ 5+ cancels a~ AitBgainst Ro€kets (Ack Ack) or Torpedoes (Cimcussion' Charges) 4. Tiny:F"7ers~r~ onl~ 'dest~oyed on a 6 ~ith Ack Ack, with an .exti rqll 'agaiQ9t any other Tipy Flyer in the sa~me liquadron W .


> 1. Modelsmust~ be at the same height level in order to ram or collide. Flying or ,1.:ii~Y Fly~s can :Cih k Fite ~ith EULL AD or Ack Ack (exc~Rtio~'to 'ii'1e~rl;jles) Submerged models,pass over/under eadyother unless,they choose to ram (and ,. 2.Tjny Flyers can riia.kl', '!'responsiveattack with AlYlexception totnerOles)

* they Nl:VER collide) . 3.·lt ~6sts oneTuell'lointJfyou:: move"more tnan HALF speep, mak.e:,!r] attack. ~r * 2. Only models with a Bam, Rating (RR) of 1 or 'more can Ram, any other base suffer an Abort-(-l fuel per hit) ~ontact on:the surface' (navaro~ rand) is counted as a Collision -:*~ ~ '

,,3. Contact b.emade with,the front (prow_or corne"r) of the model (or base) B~OA~DING RESTRICTIONS: .' * ~t a angle or less to count as a.Ram ~ i: S'urface, flying aod submerged*models CANNOLinitiate a Boardi[lg , :4. If a model, Ra ms/C.o11 id.e's l"itl"r a ~arger target you CANNO:r fire, equal to or agai~st a submerged model (n'aval) , " 0'"' * *

'~one size smailer~than:yourself you CAN fire with HALF dice . 2. A submerged Creature or submerged Robot:CAN' initiate a' BIli:lC<:!ipg Assault· , . '"5'. If ~m;;Jell~un~he.s* ~ BoardHig Assault after a Ram/Collisiofl witli another against asubmerged model (naval) *

1l10c!~1; Y9u~ lVieree Dice' al-e.reduced to HALF during that a~tivation only ;3. A submerge'd mod~el *(haval)CANNPT inifiate a. Boarding 'ASsavit againsta . sl{rf~ce.or. flYiF1g model · 4 4

) . . ,lit ,{!!' ::1, *' ~ , .. 0< 0+; w %

'4. Moc!~lsufSlny~typ~ can NEYER initjate aE}oan;l(Qg Assault againsta s~brnerg!id .,* 'model (laAq)

FIRING RESTRlCTWNS: • 1. Surface models CANNOT fire at Elying'lObscured models or Diving/Submerged models in Range .!fand 1, b~t can us~ Ack ACK or .Conc~ssion Charges :

> 2. NSubmerg';p rnodel CAN billY make Torpedo attacks. Torpedoes CANNOT BpARDING ASSAULT SEQUENCE; ' :targeI Fll,rjng or bl;>s~un~d'rpodels 1~ 9.ecLare -SeardiQg A~~~u~s~nsfhq"l! ·rpaflY ~R to ' use' (Creatures and 'ROIDgts

3. ,An OtJscbed model ~CANNOlfire. at a Submerged model must useall~ot:their!AI') • :fl. ~c5nly Ack Ac~ and (0!:l~~iori Char~es can be used to attack Tiny tokens;, or * * ~: Re~o!l(~ A,c~:~cR fire;agai"st the:~oarpers ,. ,: • * , > ~"Ack Ack agaiAst [iloaraingAssaults ' . " '; 1. Ack Atk hifs·bdaroets on:<i. 5+, 'or a 4+ versus~C~eatlJ"res/Robb1:s ' 5*. A mqd~I 'CANNo:f~re ~t ;n~~get that is engaged 'in il Bo~rding Assa~lt with '!;A 4"Fi~n1rone round ofthe Boarding ~~satJlt,.cor;·!in1Je i(riecessa'ry pn·t'he boarde\l::; *

·;.;):riei:1oly Al> aDoard • . 'mbtlel's next acfil(ation (.and,tne:next,activatiollOf the bbarMrsT . ' $ , * 0/ 5:lfthe ~rtackecs score more hit~ th~n 1:h~ ·defend~rs Of] a Capif~lrne'del; i:h~Y '

can perform a·Sabotage:actibn:- ,you,r;!6w~ wll.,()n:tlie Critical Hit tatJle · • lnf·p""pnina terrain blocks LoS .fo"r :Surface to Surface: surface to . Air, ,or 6; A model fighting;~ corltinuedBo~rding Ass:;lUlrce*n'm'ov~, bUl'CANNOT fire.

Submlen,ed to Ai~ ~tt~cks ~' $' • .;;~ .. * 0/ . ': ¥ . $ • $ • .. • $

~.Surfilce.rn~Qels blgck-L95 for other Sur~ace ~odels, Flying and l;ubmer~ed COI\IIM~ND/BREAK/B!t~~E~Y .li~s:rs~: : . A' ,

. <,:o~rnaO~,T!'lst:, T~ken When (jut of (onimand Oi~tan~e~ (typjcaIL~ 6'J; 0/

M8IS:;t:Ve. atvtng, mOOi~t counts as being :qoe siz~ smaller for A:~e Br~a~ Test:. T:i'kE.m W·hen¥9~~~ o*r*more mOdJelsin tJle ~quadr~n ar€lost' ~r a cleet · $

' nlrr.{i.",;,'oiFdi'fp,rminirll' eqmmqqqro/e;s mO,Qel is 10,51: fQrt!wfir:;t1irnlr ~&; *

is ' :,'

terrain ·should D.e assign~ed il ~ize class or H.e,.i&ht' _'#4 % ,""- ~ , ".

_,,,-l,,t· ,,,,p~ net ha~e tes~rtcan sbllljse:fndir.e;ct Fire with Primaries '* .' $M ""'':'l0/' S

.:.~ ... ~':6jiACK~KiODiI=IERS:;' . : f?'~Z:6~".1IM~· ' .+4" , 4 .• - _$'*.* ., . . ' . .. *" . ' . ' +s.$$ w . , 4.lV,

*+,. '4 . IfJ\1e~t~r~~;m~tI~1 !?~~olty insl~e yo~( ~t;! .Q.r3=XteFl9~ at;rOS~ f~e entire

Brave~ Tes(: TaKen to retover~riorinal stMl1s'by" a Broken model6rSquadtM . . ' ~reak·;fok~m!iqcr~~N.NeT'uSe·(3~rn.~Cilrd, :Li~~~d Fire, ~gl;~ ~ire,% r 1~\Jnl=h*~ *~

Boarding>AssaUlt;: ::~ * . *

CQMMAWND/BREAK/&RAVERY SEQUENCE: , 1: Roll 306, couat 4~ asl hit-and li as~2 hits ane~a~rerQ(1. i or mere hitdo pass

2. IfJh;fleetJ,:q~.nio.c!qt;s~;.d.~strpy~cl7cqpturecl, '~!~Res 1 ~\<t(a !"tit t9. P';~$ ! ~

A.WHOLE WORLD TO CHOOSE FROM Dystopian Wars is a tactical Victorian Steampunk wargame that you play on a gaming tab le. But· what exactly does that' mean? The game is set in an alternate HI70 date with a changed time-stream. The world that was does not exist; instead we'have huge military machines in the sky, on tlie water and roaming the lands of a world that is embroiled in a deadly World War. Every continent has been drawn into this conflict and that means that any form of terrain (scenery) can be used.

There are three definable areas of play in the game: air, land and sea. You can choose to play one or all of these areas, and if you feel like the cha llenge you can even play all three together. What it boi ls down to is the time, effort and cost you want to put behind assembling an em/ironm~nt that your models can be wargamed in .

NAVAL A water·based board that plays host to' a nava l action is the simplest environment to play if you want it to be, or it could turn into a very

complex gaming table. To play a naval game you really. need nothing more than a blue"cloth (0 denote the sea "and .away you go. There are .Gompanies out there selling 'sea/water cloths' or .you simply could go to a fabric st@re and acquire a blue cloth that suddenly becomes the Atlantic or North Sea.' .

A different route to take JS that of making your own water boards. At Spartan Games we. use several gaming boards made f~om MDF that have been sprayed a blue colour to represent the sea. We use MDF because it can have an uneven absorption rate for paint, \~;hich means we can end up with a simple, mottled effect on the board which looks great for a water effect. A coat of gloss varnish over this to give a sheen ' effect and a simple piece of MDF turns into any o~ean/sea you want.

The next way to enhance your water boards is to add island ~ and 6ther obstacles, such as reefs, shallow water, rocky outcrops and t o on. Your decision here is to have th~se as static pieces, which is co~monly the best '!'lay to go for a perfect lool<ing .gaming table,or, m9du lar and


. . .,

moveable pieces. Given that a board needs to ideally work for multiple settings a[ld scenarios we 'recommend a modular approach to your gamingtab!e. Future products from Spartan Games will include clear acrylic shapes to represent shallows .anq resin scenery to help dress your gaming table.

let's now imagine that it holds a strategic significance in 1870. One of "the primary nations has taken the island aQd'built a military. installation and airfield. The airfie'ld is being used to launch bomber attacks on nearby vital supply/convoy routes, as w~ 1I as importa~t land-based targets. 'Tarpwa must be neutralised at all costs ...

A simp le and fast r9ute -/le have fOl!nd for-making islands is qmm MDF 9ur ~ ma'p shows the shape; of Tarawa and gives an idea of wh"ere ' . for a base, with the edges chamfered down. Be carefu l with this as bunkers c0uld7~e' placed, shows shallow waters around the is)and and MDF can have a sharp edge to it, and dust from sanding MDF shou ld " most notable is the.airstrip. Sever'! I type~ of game can be played on not be breathed in,so take care and work in "'cl well ventilated area , The this table : islan'd can b,e made out of polystyrene that has been formed int~ a shape you are happy with.

NOTE: Dystopian Wars uses land vehicles so it may be worth thinking about. making islands with ·plenty of flat space for t~ese vehicles to operate on. You can imagine a military base somewhere in the Mediterarnean, a coastal battery lOOKing out to sea, its huge guns search inj5the horizon for enemy vessels . .

A naval game can easil{be playeq with no terrain on the table other than something blue, a~d your ship.. models of course . However, introd,ucing such things as islands, coa'S'tline, rocky o~tcrops in the water, shallo0 water,',sand banks and more, make for an interesting game. Also, such things can 6e incorporated into a scenario setting.

LAND Just ·as a cloth can be used to denote the water so a green cloth can become the farmlands of Prussia, C!lr a dirty brown cloth a stony desert , in Africa. Roads, trees, rocks, rivers, buildings (ruined and intact) and mus:;h more can briog a gaming board to life. Things like buildings, such as a banker or·coastal gun battery, can play a pivotal role in a scenario,

,or just act as an objective for a game. Capture the bunker by Turn 5 and~ain double' Victory Points, fail to capture it ,by Turn 8 a~d;lose half

·yourVictory"Polnts. - .

.. -Aircraft vsAircraft . You could have attackjng fighters, bombers and airships' m,oving in to destroy the island. Defending it could be flak towers, bunkers, land vehicles and fighters on the airfield i:h ~t have to take off before they are Qestroyed .. Tarawa could become a hotly contested target and a • de,adly aerial ~rena.

Ground vs Ground During the night an amphibious assault saw gr.ound vehicles put ashore at ta~aroqgo Point. The force has one objective -'- strike up the islan'd and capture 'the airfield, 'destroying all enemy positions along. the way, avoiding the: deadly minefields and Securing 'Tarawa. -As you drilrg up 'the islahd ' y~ur air force cou ld be bo~hi~g 'military targets, your airships striklpg at the heart of the enemy's position and your aircraft dog-fighting with enemy aircraft that have just taken o.ff from the a'irstrip. . .

Novpl Bombardment

. ., .. Your navy arrives at' Tarawa, your 'wmmanders confident that you've

-ca Light the enemy off guard. But then 'your radio operator announces ' that an enemY' Battle GrouR has be~n 5ight~d steaming towards 'the " islana: Just 'as-yO"u hear this coastal ~defenGe guns open fire, a cruise~

,iD your port side:erupts into~a giant !:lall of destruction. The' island that­you thoughf w(')uld se:a walk in the' ~ar~lust turned into a hell h,ol'e .

• r . A flat gamingtable that features noth,ing more than your land vehicle,:; -- is-a sim[lle game, anl still enjoyable ~e gam~, but a game with hills, MANY, M.ANY OPTIONS .

canyons: rive~s, wooded. areas, rocky ground (impassable to Me€hs or As YQU can see from 'this t ext the options open to you ar~ many and th~ : 'Walkers). soft boggy marsh ground (impassaQle to gian't Land Ships). ~Xcit~ment levels high in DystoRiim Wars. The game- uses a com~on '" and oth'~r hazards ri~ake's fgr 1'1 superbly interClctive game. Terrain' .. :(')re engine for all models, be it a' Bat€leship; Airship or'Land Ship" but .

becomes part of the scenario can impact a game's outcome a~d adds - each, has its own way to, fight and games will differ depending o.n~which • ,a different,dynamic tQ'your games.' tneat~e of war you ele.ct to fight. •

AIR _ ~ltOne thing that' does hold true is thancenery/terralri, is an important

T/;Jis isM preaably the' lTl:qre complex scenery to model in any way other aspect to the w'lY tha.t. a' Dystopian Wars gam~ wjll play out. l;his thai1~thE; oroad op~n' skies. But it is not impossible. You could have the ' doesn't mean ~th?t you need to fill ·a taBle j~S1: te play a game;, i09 top 'Of a mo uotain ra ~ge (we'll the peaks anyway!) anq you could even ~ , mucD terrai.r" ,coul~ bog a g(lme d0~n and r~sult1n ·an unsatisfy.i!:lK · uses omething liKe cott~n wool on flight stands to Elenote dense cloud experience. ' : c6~~~ .. Aerial ga;;'es af~.l~ r~at fun, a'n,d a table, full of airships, gyros, fighters~ b6maer,s ahd .~he like makes for great entertainment. - ',' ..

~ ,

This a~spect of Dystoptan' Wars is where things get exciting and truly intJr; stigg .• Tal(~ a look at the map, we Iia~~ included of Taralllto Islo[ld

. in the'Far East. Tarayva has great historical signi.~ cance during WWII, so .

If you: look to' t f;!e River. Crossing J'!1,ap you will see a proposf!d 7"x 5'

gamlt1& tarnle. TnCs. is: i3 ' larger'! ha f 'r5ormal table }o.r%&aming Dystopia'r ~: Wars, which j? easily p,layed.on ,a '5' x 5' gaming table, but play~ye~'Y . well 00 a 6" x 4,i tasle. In. the Cressing game 'you have a wid~ number of terrain.featuresin play:.fuultiple levels of hills, large wooded areas, a river, .butlt' UP. areas and ~~ads .


. ... ' " .

.. ~

If you were to write a scen'aricdor such a map you could have players facing each Dther across the riv'er, with one player tasked with getting across to the other side. Various objectives could be set, such as capture the built up areas, which are marked as Objective 1 and Objective 2, and hold them for 2 :rurns. Military targets blue, red and gre~n must 'be destroyed·be!ore your) orce can begil:l to cross the river, and so on. _

If the river is wide enough you could potenfiaJly introduce the idea of, smaller ~raft, say Gunshies or Corvettes, engaging land vehicles. Aerial ' uni1:s can harass targets on the table and right in the middle of it all you could ' have a huge Jank battle taking'place, giant Limd Ships' firing deadly broadsides at eac,h other, medium tanks zipping aro!Jnd hurling deadly o'rdnanc~_ <)t each'otner. .

The river crossings could be bridges, possibly with a lirnit!on' the size class of models that can cross them safely. They could ,equally be fords, wh ich models could move through at half spe:ed, or yDu CQuld simply say that th't:! water levef.of the river is low eneugh that any model can cross it, except that it counts as treacherous terrain,

}N ~I:JII{IMAR¥ , ';. ,. , .' ;As we said at. fhe beginning of this, sectioFl, t;he setting withJn whicb .you:fjght your Dystopfan Wars games cart be,as simplEFor as complex· as you want it to be. With t&e time and 'r~source Jo hand, a .gaming 'table like River Crossing oecomes ah exciting corner of Europe or North A.merica. Tara.wa Isla~C1 . ij'ecomes a key island. objectiv~ somewhere in the Far East, or a differently shaped island could be.come, a' critical obj1~tive in a Mediterranean campaign. '

~ . " . . ..

ACKACK 55 linked tire 53 60 boarding 66 ramming 39 critical hit table , 63 damage reduction~ 52 split fire !i5 ,. ~%!.f1eet commadore re;roll 34 'derelicts 67: ' repql r r'olls 62 escorts .. , 74 -BRAVERY TEST ~4 '·

ramming 39 in summary 9 35~ 'CRtrlCtAL RATI'NG 26 split /ire 55 tokens 25 criticdFhit table 60 terminology 26 daymgge calculatiofl 53

" 57 34 ·t:~;mirli5logy 26 to hit rolls BREAK TEST "lerslfs flyers 57 tokens 25 -:: versus rockets 57 DAMAG E-RATtNG 26 weapon matrix, 63 CAPITAL CLASS 22

. ,damage calculation 53

playab/~ game cards 31 tf!rmir1O}ogy 26 ACTIVATION 32 small targets 6; in-summary 33 67 moVing mof1;~/s 37 COLLISIONS 41 captured


• 67 terrain 41 tokens, 25

AERIAL MODEL 23 disengaging 41 -" DIVII'4~JIJIQP~L: boarding 64 " 24 collisions 37 32 disengagi[1g 41; command test 34 ,ESCORT ' 74

;-Yfiring limits 53- 34 fine of sight 45 COMMANDTEST movement. 36

, resolution 45

[qmmihg 39 48 :COMBAT

36 ' attack dice 4~::fixed chann0fi/: ••

38 damage calculation firing options 25 linked fire 90, deg;'e~ orr; 4 46

split fire ~86 degree-ar~ . 46 52 to hit rolls 270'degree, ar~ 48 265 tiny tokens ; 36GJ:degre.e OI:f 48

weapon matrix 64 34 26 25. o damage reduction 66 derelicts '

escorts 64 ramming 665 spl[tfire '. -'lS terminology °

y 32 to hit rolls

GUNNERY ATlACKS damage reduction lerelicts combat firing limits

. linked fire ramming split fire terminolQgy~

weapon matrix *


INITIATIVE order of play*'

LAND MODEL wllisions disengaging fir/m] li'rrJits ~ line ofisi~ht movement rammiag: rotati(5Jn '

(INK;ED FIRE fQm~a~d test !ail we ~terminology

M EI.i'~ ~~ P:I~CF teF~Wvlo{jy

• +

MlISI:~S * damage reduction d~reILcts~ ramming firing p~ f'fiIin{!s,~ %


sF 67 51 52 53 39~

55 26 63

26 25

32 28

23 37 41

, .52

45 36 39 37


53 32 26

66 26

58 Ji2 67. 39 60 25 63

movement ramming

OBSCURED line of sight playable game cards t(fJkens

PRIMARIES combat linkedfire terminology

PRIZES­tokens victory points


RAMJY,IING damage calculation disengaging

. movement multip/~ models ·terminology what counts as a rem

RANGE %BANDS terminology


ROBOTS boarding bravery test

• break test captured playable game card'5 : ragingftre tokens


38 45 31 2~

27 51 53 27

60 ~




STURGINIUM (AR:DS u~ing game cards

SUBMERGED line of sightl!)(ldifier~ plqyab/~ game cards tokens


~ terj7JinologJj


but subtly different. N~w imagine the year is It510 ~nd the: ~ than'in our ownwoild. Technology is1ar advancect anu'iJ;thP:Irty~~,!>es~,~

led towtn..e development of f;;tntastic naval vessels, hulking land: B'bi~s ~and~~rrQl;'1! tlie skies in the form of airships and war balloons.

TheDJI~t9Pj:"R:;-WaTn ttilleS:al"e set in a Victorian Steampunk woilqand desig~ed to ensureatungame~i1ih a: ,~ , ~'lige '~~W:HQiit~o!§igl\~i}itY' models in a couple of flours: The rules support Naval, Ael'ial tU'ld LaFld m<i>dels Jti~m ~~~'<:>ut$~t 35' thaf y'~~can set up battles and scencll:ios ill any combat.setting. DystoJ?ian Wars ,£ea~r~! highl~ :det'ttleflr:@~1J:13 ~ild1J?ewter miniatures with which you can roam the high seas, scour-the smog iilleti

\! ~~i;esJQ.~Np:~ ;(Q~ :e~rrt;y:tL)dng ships, or doggedly defend the. dtIes :a:udcountI:yside d£~ur, home nati:dh ~ * * 9 0&: - + ¥ using giant Land Ships. ¥ *

'Of;)MnsE;:d for large fleet actIons, you ml!'l: get as many miniatures on. the table enjoyable game in an afternoon, oreverring:Oystopian Wars is also ideal £or~

"1!IIllJ:it~la:yoi:!:t r,'CLLJ.'~""f UG"""u,'~<;; rouget to activate intlividva:l sq;ua~ions of mirUatures from :one plctJer to the the l;Ise<:>f a deck of 52 Game; i:~f~ht trnt ~d an +exdting tag IJ! ~r elemBrtt to.

# '* f! ~ , game.

top related