Dynamics ax 2012 development overview

Post on 18-Oct-2014






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Ali Raza Zaidi MVP (Dynamics Ax) Advisory Software Engineer At Systems Limited.

Microsoft Dynamics Ax 2012 Development Overview

Dynamics AX 2012 Features and History Modules

Dynamics AX Development Pattern Dynamics Ax 2012 Navigation and

layout overview. Dynamics Ax architecture Overview of X++ Short Introduction to AIF Q&A



What is ERP.

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a business management software—usually a suite of integrated applications—that a company can use to collect, store, manage and interpret data from many business activities, including:

Product planning, cost and development Manufacturing or service delivery Marketing and sales Inventory management Shipping and payment

Completely integrated ERP solution One business logic, one database Easily recognize the dependencies of

business activities Rich functionality

State-of-the-art technology Layer technology Integrated Development environment Three-tier architecture

Suitable for midsize and large organizations

Dynamics AX 2012


Feature and Modules Dynamics AX Financial Management Dynamics AX Requisitions and Purchase Orders  Dynamics AX Expense Management  Dynamics AX Project Management and Project

Accounting  Dynamics AX Supply Chain Management  Dynamics AX Inventory Management and Warehousing Dynamics AX Sales Orders Dynamics AX Service Management Dynamics AX Production and Manufacturing Dynamics AX Fixed Assets  Dynamics AX CRM and Sales and Marketing

The history of Microsoft Dynamics AX More then 25 years in Business application

Invocation. Original Name Axapta purchase of the

Danish company Navision A/S First Version March 1998 as Axapta 1.0 Purchase by Microsoft in 2002 Release

version 3.0 2006 Version 4.0 2008 Version Dynamics Ax 2009. 2011 Version Dynamics Ax 2012 2012 Version Dynamics Ax 2012 R1. 2013 Version Dynamics Ax 2012 R2. 2014 Version Dynamics AX 2012 R3.

Development Patterns In Dynamics Ax 2012

Development patterns are the building blocks of any business application, and they fall into the following categories: Customization

Alteration Extension Enhancement

Integration SSIS BizTalk

External application module development Custom dedicated applications development Report development

Enterprise Portal Web application development


Customization is the development pattern in which you create new functionality by altering, extending, or enhancing the functionality in the shipped product. Alteration to the base functionality are achieved by

changing the metadata and source code of the base application.

Extension to functionality are achieved by incrementally increasing base functionality by adding to the source code in the business logic of the base application.

Enhancement to the application are achieved by adding new functionality originally unavailable in the base application. Typically, an enhancement is larger in scope than an alteration or extension.


Integration is the development pattern that involves enabling existing applications (not written exclusively for Microsoft Dynamics AX) to interact and work with Microsoft Dynamics AX across process boundaries.

External application module development

Custom dedicated application development (e.g. Custom Mobile app, Custom Module development)

Report development (e.g. Out of the box report) Enterprise Portal web application development (New

page to enter the employee time sheet)

Dynamics Ax 2012 Clients Navigational Overview.


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Client Workspace

Role Center

Role center is user page, appear on opening at Dynamics Ax. The role center is depending on rights and role of user. Role center provide dashboards, which helps to user to monitor their roles. This information include transaction data, alerts, links and common tasks that are associated with user’s role.

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Area Page

Area page is the main page of Every Module.

This area page have link to, List page, Journal, Reports, Setup table list, Inquiries and Periodic page.

By Default 20 area page exists for dynamics Ax.

Each Area page focus on one complete module or area, for example Account receivable, Account payable, cost accounting and Administration.

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Common or list page.

These links leads you to list page of any Entities in that module. For example in Account receivable module contains customer list page. Through list page user is able to Navigate every part of data related to that entity.

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Detail From:

Detail forms are primary way to create or update entities in Dynamics Ax like customer Vendor, worker and products. These detail forms can be open by click on list page. By default these pages are open in read only mode. You have to click edit button to open in detail page.

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Transaction detail Forms.

Transaction detail forms are forms that are used to create, update transaction in Microsoft Dynamics Ax.

Transaction is business event that occurs with in company that needs to be recorded in ERP system.

Transaction detail forms have to divided two parts one is Line view and Header view.

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Line View

This shows a few header level fields which are required for transaction. This default view and items are added here.

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Header View:

This contains all most all fields at header view. Most of fields have default values and did not modify here.

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All those page which will periodically access by user

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These pages link to all related which have some functional or finance related journal

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Dynamics Ax Architecture and Layers

Three-Tier Architecture

The client application allows users to connect to the server to access business logic and use the data in the database.

The server runs the application business logic.

The database stores the data.

The following image describes a typical system architecture that includes other components of the Microsoft technology stack:

Presentation tier (clients and external applications) A client provides an interface to Microsoft Dynamics AX data

and functionality. An external application is integrated with Microsoft Dynamics AX to programmatically integrate functionality or exchange data.

The Windows client for Microsoft Dynamics AX is a native 32-bit program that provides a rich user interface.

Supported web browsers provide access to Microsoft Dynamics AX functionality and data through Enterprise Portal.

External applications interact with Microsoft Dynamics AX via services and Application Integration Framework (AIF). Services and AIF provide an extensible framework for XML-based scenarios for enterprise application integration (EAI), business-to-business (B2B), and service-oriented architecture (SOA).

Application tier

Active Directory domain controller Application Object Server Enterprise Portal Enterprise Search Reporting Analytics Services and Application Integration

Framework (AIF) Help server

Application Object Server Application Object Server (AOS) controls communication

among Microsoft Dynamics AX clients, databases, and applications. AOS also hosts Microsoft Dynamics AX services and the workflow system. You can deploy AOS on a single computer or create a load-balanced cluster of multiple AOS instances. AOS is a Windows service that requires a Windows Server operating system. For the current hardware and software requirements for Microsoft Dynamics AX, see the system requirements document that is available from the Microsoft Download Center.

AOS uses libraries from the Microsoft .NET Framework version 4, such as Windows Communication Foundation and Windows Workflow Foundation.

Data tier Microsoft Dynamics AX requires several database

components. The Microsoft Dynamics AX database The business database is a Microsoft SQL Server database

that stores transaction and reference data. This database is functionally equivalent to the principal database in Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 and Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009.

The model store The model store database stores all application elements for

Microsoft Dynamics AX. These elements include customizations. Information about layers and models is an integral part of the store. AOS has access to the model store, handles layer flattening, and provides model data to all the Microsoft Dynamics AX subsystems. These subsystems include the subsystems for form rendering, report rendering, and X++ code. The model store replaces the Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Data (AOD) files that were used in earlier versions of Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Baseline model storeThe baseline model store holds model store tables for the earlier version of the metadata and is used only during upgrade. The baseline model store is like the old folder in earlier versions of Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Client /AOS communication


Environments Morphx IDE

X++ language code is written here. Drag and Drop. Code written forms, Classes and logic

written here Visual Studio.

Any Manage Code will be written here Report Customization and Development. Remote Debugging Tools. Application Explorer (Read Only ).

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Layered Architecture The method used by Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 to

separate and control the updates and modifications made in the application is known as "layering.“

Layers are a hierarchy of levels in the application The standard application is never overwritten

Layer Description

USR The user layer is for user modifications, such as reports.

CUS The customer layer is for modifications that are specific to a company.

VAR Value Added Resellers (VAR) can make modifications or new developments to the VAR layer as specified by the customers or as a strategy of creating an industry specific solution.

ISV When an Independent Software Vendor (ISV) creates their own solution, their modifications are saved in the ISV layer.

SLN The solution layer is used by distributors to implement vertical partner solutions.

FPK The FPK layer is an application object patch layer reserved by Microsoft for future patching or other updates. For more information, see Patch Layers.

GLS When the application is modified to match country or region specific legal demands, these modifications are saved in the GLS layer.

SYS The standard application is implemented at the lowest level, the SYS layer. The application objects in the standard application can never be deleted


A model is a logical grouping of elements within a layer.

Models help in situations where multiple ISV solutions or projects must operate together.

An element can exist in exactly one model in a layer.

New models are easy to create in the MorphX IDE and are applied when modifying or adding objects in the AOT.

AXUtil create /model:"My Model" /Layer:USR AXUtil export /model:"My Model"

/file:MyModel.axmodel signtool sign /f mycertprivate.pfx /p

password MyModel.axmodel AXUtil import /file:SomeModel.axmodel


Topics • Application Object Tree • Labels • Table Structure and Components • Views• Maps• Base Enums• Extended Data Types• Table Collections:• Projects

Application Object Tree (AOT)

The Application Object Tree (AOT) is a tree view of all the application objects within

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. Viewing Repository The AOT contains everything needed to customize the look and functionality of a Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 application.

Label Files system which systematizes all the labels (for buttons, forms,

dialog boxes, and more) for a specific language in one file; a label file

A label is the text that appears in the user interface.Create New Label File: Tools > Development Tools > Label >

Label File Wizard.

Table Structure and Components

Tables: Tables store data in the system. They are organized in fields. These are assigned to different data types,

depending on the type of data they hold. Data is entered, edited, and deleted through forms. Tables are discussed in more detail later in the section.

Creating a Table:

1. Create a table. 2. Create extended data types. 3. Add fields to the table.

Drag relevant extended data types to the Fields node of the relevant table.

4. Create relations on extended data types. 5. Create indexes.

Table Structure and Components

Indexes :An index is a table-specific database structure that speeds the

retrieval of rows from a table. Indexes are used to improve the performance of data retrieval and occasionally to ensure the existence of unique records. It's up to the database-specific query optimizer to use available indexes to facilitate efficient data retrieval.

The indexes in the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 table definition are the physical indexes that exist on the tables in the database.There are two types of indexes: • Unique • Non-Unique

Table Structure and Components

Whether an index is unique is defined by the index's AllowDuplicates property. When this property is set to No, a unique index is created. The database uses the unique index to ensure that no duplicate key values occur. The database prevents you from inserting records with duplicate key values by rejecting the insertSetting the index's AllowDuplicates property to Yes creates a non-unique index. These indexes allow you to enter duplicate values for the indexed fields and are used for performance reasons.System IndexMicrosoft Dynamics AX requires a unique index on each table so if there are no indexes on a table or all the indexes are disabled, a system index is automatically created. The system index is created on the RecId and DataAreaId fields if the DataAreaId field exists. Otherwise the system index is created on the RecId field. You can see system indexes in the database but they aren't visible in the AOT.

Table Structure and

Components Relations:

Relations are a method that helps secure business rules to enforce existing properties between field values existing in different tables. This is known as referential integrity.


DICTIONARY(Contd.) Data Types – Primitive and Extended Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 has built in primitive and

extended data types associated with the information in the database.

Primitive Data Types

Extended Data Types Extended Data types can inherit either from primitive types or other Extended Data Types, which enables properties to be inherited.

Delete Actions: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 uses a category of methods called Delete Actions to govern how data is handled when a deletion event occurs in a parent tableRelations.

Methods:Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 uses methods within the table node to perform a variety of functions such as contact person and currency name lookup.

DATA DICTIONARY(Contd.) ViewA view is an X++ SQL select statement that is given a name that is reusable in other X++ SQL statements. The select statement of the view can reference one table, or it can join tables. Also, a view can reference other views, or a mix of views and tables. A view can also reference maps.Developers are encouraged to consider using an AOT query element as the source of data for their view.Views are specified at AOT > Data Dictionary > Views.


DICTIONARY(Contd.) Base Enums : Base enums are a list of literals. They can be used

throughout the development environment in MorphX.

Table Types

Regular Table. In memory Tables.

Less then 128k remain in memory ISAM Index sequential Access Method Does not map on any physical table. Initiate only when first insert occur, and

remains until the table buffer remains. Index only when copied from regular

table. TempDB

Stored Sql Servers TempDB.


Tables Created in SQL Server TempDb. Can be joined. Can be either per company or global. Can have foreign key columns. Can have methods, but cannot

override. AOT Queries can be used TempDb as

source. Transaction support.

TempDb limitations

Cannot use theTable browser form. Can not be part of Table collection.

Projects: Projects organize new or customized application objects.

Think of a Project as a reference folder for related objects. Advantage of Projects is the ability to save a project's

contents and state separately for each user by using Private Projects.

Macros :

With the macro capabilities in X++, you can define and use constants and perform conditional compilation. Macros are unstructured because they are not defined in the X++ syntax. Macros are handled before the source code is compiled. You can add macros anywhere you write source code: in methods and in class declarations.

Jobs & Static Query

The jobs node on the application object tree contains small X ++ programs that are executed as batch jobs.

They are useful when developing and testing new functionality for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

Queries ask questions about data stored in a database. The information selected by a query can be used as the basis for a form, auto report.


X++ is the programming language used in MorphX IDE. X++ resembles other popular languages such as C# and

Java. X++ includes many integrated SQL commands; X++ is object-oriented language and provides a clean and

efficient object-based development platform. Data Aware Includes keywords such as firstFast,

forceSelectOrder, and forUpdate, as well as a database query syntax application aware client, server, changecompany, and display

Code Editor Jobs Compiler The Debugger Compare

Development Tools(Contd.)

Reverse Engineering Simplify collection Extract relationships Integrate and view collections in Microsoft Office Visio as UML diagrams

Naming conventions

Naming conventions contribute to consistency and to making

the application easier to understand. {business area name} + {business area description} +

{action performed (for classes) or type of contents (for tables)}


CustJournalPrintOutInvoice PriceDiscAdmDelete PriceDiscAdmSearch PriceDiscAdmName PriceDiscAdmTrans


Single line “//” Block comments “/* */” To do comments “TODO.” To do comments appear in the

compilers Tasks tab page. /// <summary> /// This is an XML comment with tags to distinguish sections. /// </summary>

X++ CONTROL STATEMENTS Data Type Declaration

Keyword Description/Example

String str “any string”

Integer int 2356

Real Real 3.14

Date date 24\11\2010

Enum Must be declared as a Base Enum first

Enum values are represented internally as Integers.

Boolean boolean True/False

Time timeOfDay 15:23:08

utcDateTime utcDateTime 9/28/2008 07:11:02 am

Guid guid Global Unique Identifier, a reference number which is unique in any context

Int64 Int64 A large integer, represent by 64 bits.


Composite Date Types

Variable Declaration:dataType variableIdentifier;

Array Declaration: real realUnlimtedArray[]; // Unlimited index values real realLimitedArray[10]; // maximum of 10 values


Containers: A variable that can contain different types and values of simple and extended

data types, including arrays and other container variables. Classes cannot be put into containers.

container c; // the container is declared int i, j; str txt; ; c = [10, 20, "test"]; // the container has 3 values set print conPeek(c, 3); // the third element is printed [i,j,txt] = c; // Variables being set

Containers There are many functions that manipulate container

conPeek: Returns the value being held in a specific position in the container.

conDel: Removes a value from a specific position in the container.

conNull: Returns an empty container. conFind: Finds the position in the container that a certain

value is being held (if found). conIns: Inserts a value into a specific position in the

container. conPoke: Replaces the value in a specific position in the

container with a new value. conLen: Returns the number of elements in the container.


Operators:a) Assignment operators

Operator Term Description

= Becomes equal to

Assigns the expression on the right of the equal sign to the variable on the left.

+= Increments the variable on the left by the value on the right.

++ Increments the variable on the left by 1.

-= Decrements the variable on the left by the value on the right.

-- Decrements the variable on the left by 1.


Operators:b) Arithmetic operators


Operators:c) Relational operators


Operator Precedence:


Conditional Statementsa) If Statement

Code syntex is just like c#, c++if (condition) { //if true these statements are executed } else { //if false these statements are executed }


Conditional Statementsb) Switch statementswitch (expression) { case 'Choice1': Statement1; Statement2; break; case 'Choice2': Statement3; break; case 'Choice3': Statement4; Statement5; Statement6; break; default : DefaultStatement; }


Conditional Statementsc) Ternary Operator

condition ? statement1 : statement2;


Loopsa) while loop

while (condition) { //statement; }


Loopsb) Do...while statement

do { //statement; } while (condition);


Loopsc) For loop

for ( initial value ; condition ; increment) { //statement; }


Built-in functions: Built-in functions can be used anywhere in X++ code. These functions can be typed manually or accessed by using the context

(right-click) menu in the code editor and selecting List Built-in Functions, or by pressing Shift+F4.

Examplestr letters; ; letters ="ABCDEFG"; print subStr(letters, 2, 4); print subStr(letters, 5, -3);Result : BCDE CDE


Communication Tools: Communicating with the end-user

Main types of communication are the following: Forms and reports which are used for input and

output of larger amounts of data Print commands, infologs and dialog boxes which are

generally used for specific data input and output


Communication Tools:The print command

print "This is a test message."; pause;


Communication Tools:Infolog

Infolog is the most common method of communicating to the user information about how a process has been executed.

Boxes can output a message to a user, but sometimes multiple messages are generated during processing.

Usage Example:Info ("This is an info infolog");


Communication Tools:Boxes Boxes display brief messages to application users. There are many different box types and each has their own

box method. Methods in the box class take the following parameters

• The main text • The title bar text • Help text

Examplebox::info('Main Text', 'Title', 'This is the help text');


Communication Tools:Dialog Dialog boxes are a simplified type of form in Microsoft Dynamics AX. They are generated from the Dialog class.Example static void Simple_Dialog(Args _args) { dialog              dialog;dialogGroup    dialogGroup;dialogField      dialogField;;dialog              = new Dialog("Simple Dialog");dialogGroup    = dialog.addGroup("Customer");dialogField      = dialog.addField(extendedTypeStr(custAccount));if (dialog.run()){print dialogField.value();pause;}}


A class is a software construct that defines the data (state) and methods (behavior) of the specific concrete objects that are subsequently constructed from that class.

How to create a Class1. Open the AOT. 2. Locate the Classes node. 3. Right-click the Classes node and select New Class in the context menu. The new class looks as shown below. 4. A new class named Class1 is created and contains one node: the classDeclaration node. It is empty by default. 5. Double-click the classDeclaration node.

6. Enter the declarations between the two { } braces. 7. Right-click on the class and select New Method. 8. Rename the method. 9. Type code between the two { } braces.

Method Access

There are three modifiers available: Public allows the method to be called

from any code in the application. Protected allows the method to be

called only by methods in the same class or subclasses of the class in which the method is defined.

Private allows the method to be called only by methods in the same class in which the method is defined.

CLASSES AND OBJECTSInheritance: Inheritance is a concept where one class can inherit all the

methods and variables from another class. A child class inherits the methods of the parent class. Syntax:class Child extends Parent { }

multiple inheritance is not support. Use interfaces and/or composition instead.


a) Static Methods Static methods are methods that are attached to a class, but do not need

that class to be instantiated to execute that method. They are not within the scope of the class, so any class variables are not available in a static method.

static void myStaticMethod() { } myClass::myStaticMethod()

Main MethodIt is used by the system when the class is run directly from a menu item and it takes a parameter of type args.static void main(Args args){}Args is a class that is used to pass parameters between objects, for instance, various parameters can beset on the properties on a menu item. When the menu item calls a class, the args class containing those property values is passed to the main method using the args parameter.

Display Methods

Display methods are used on forms and in reports. Display methods return a value.display itemName itemName() {

inventTable inventTable ; select name from inventTable where inventTable.itemId == this.itemId; return inventTable.name;



d) Accessor Accessor methods enable other elements to set or get the

values of variables in a class. It is common that they do both.

str myName(str _myName = myName) { ; myName = _myName; return myName; }


• A place for a table buffer is automatically assigned in a table in classes the new method is used.

• Fields in tables are public; they can be referred to from everywhere. Fields in tables can be referred to directly;

for example, in a report, whereas variables in a method can only be referred to using access or methods.


• Retrieve data from the database using a select statement Table Buffers: A table buffer is declared like a variable – the table name is

specified in the declaration. A table buffer stores complete records in a variable.Select Statements: Select statements are used to retrieve data from a

database. The pure select statement returns records to a table buffer.



static void Q1_Select1(Args _args){CustTable CustTable; ; select * from CustTable where CustTable.AccountNum == 'BRMF-000001'; print CustTable.address(); pause;}

// To Loop Records while select AccountNum, Name, Address from CustTable { print CustTable.AccountNum+ ": " + CustTable.Name + ": " +

CustTable.Address; } pause;


You can sort data retrieved from the database in many ways. This includes:

Using existing indexes on the tables. Using the order by clause in a select statement. Using the group by clause in a select statement.

while select custTable index AccountIdx { print custTable.AccountNum, " ", custTable.currency; }

Inner join CustTable custTable; DirPartyTable partyTable; while select custTable join partyTable where custTable.party== partyTable.RecId { info (custTable.AccountNum + " " +partyTable.Name); }


while select * from custTable order by AccountNum

exists join * from salesTable where (custTable.AccountNum==salesTable.CustAccount)


CustTable custTable; CustBankAccount custBankaccount; ; while select AccountNum from custTable order by AccountNum notexists join * from custBankaccount where (custTable.AccountNum==custBankaccount.AccountNum && custTable.BankAccount == custBankaccount.AccountID ) { info( custTable.AccountNum); }


while select AccountNum  from custTable  order by AccountNum  outer join * from salesTable  

where salesTable.CustAccount ==     custTable.AccountNum

{  info( custTable.AccountNum+     " , " + salesTable.SalesId) ;}


CustTable xCT;int64 iCountRows; ;Select COUNT(RecID) from xCT;iCountRows = xCT.RecID;


Transaction Integrity Checking It is important to ensure the integrity of all transactions

within the system. When a transaction begins, to ensure data consistency, it must finish completely with predictable results.

The following keywords help in integrity checking: • ttsbegin – Indicates the beginning of the transaction. • ttscommit – Indicates the successful end of a

transaction. This ensures the transaction performed as intended upon completion.

• ttsabort – Used as an exception to abort and roll back a transaction to the state before the ttsbegin.


static void Q13_Insert(Args _args){ CustTable CustTable; ; CustTable.AccountNum = "supposedAccount1"; CustTable.Name = "SupposedName1"; CustTable.insert(); info("Inserted");}


Update:static void Q14_Update(Args _args){ SalesTable SalesTable; ; ttsbegin; while select forupdate SalesTable where SalesTable.CustAccount == "1102" { SalesTable.SalesName = "aaaaa"; SalesTable.update(); info("Updated Successfully"); } ttscommit;}

SalesTable SalesTable; ; update_recordset SalesTable setting salesName = "Update RecordSet", DeliveryStreet = "New Address" where SalesTable.CustAccount == "1102 “; info("Updated Successfully via RecordSet");


(Contd.)Deletestatic void Q16_Delete(Args _args){ CustTable CustTable; ; ttsbegin; select forupdate CustTable where CustTable.AccountNum == "supposedAccount1";

CustTable.delete(); info("Deleted");


CustTable CustTable; ; while select forupdate CustTable where CustTable.AccountNum == "4018" delete_from CustTable where CustTable.AccountNum == "4018";


(Contd.)Queries: A query is an application object in the AOT A query performs the same function as the select

statements, but is a better option as it allows for more flexible user interaction when defining which records are to be retrieved.

Queries Using X++: Queries can also be created and manipulated using X++.

There are a number of classes available that you can use to achieve this.

Two important classes when executing a query are: Query()

The Query() class provides the framework for the query QueryRun()

QueryRun() class starts this framework dynamically.


Queries Using X++:static void Q20_ViaXPlusPlus(Args _args){ Query query; QueryBuildDataSource qbds; QueryBuildRange qbr; QueryRun queryrun; CustTable CustTable; ; query = new Query(); qbds = query.addDataSource(TableNum(CustTable)); qbr = qbds.addRange(FieldNum(CustTable,AccountNum)); qbr.value('1101'); qbds.addSortField(FieldNum(CustTable,AccountNum)); queryrun = new QueryRun(query); while(queryrun.next()) { CustTable = queryrun.get(TableNum(CustTable)); Print CustTable.AccountNum + ": " + CustTable.Name; } Pause;}


Accessing data from Different Companies:

static void Q10_CrossCompanies1(Args _args){ Container ConComapnies = ['cee','ceu']; CustTable CustTable; ; while select crossCompany : ConComapnies CustTable { Print CustTable.Name; } pause;}


Exception: When code is running, errors can occur due to user input,

setup, data, code, or installation problems. Users need a clear indication of when errors occur so they

can resolve the problem or report it to an administrator or systems developer, who can investigate what went wrong.


static void Exception3(Args _args){ CustTable custTable; ; try { custTable.AccountNum = '54299'; custTable.CustGroup = '50'; custTable.Address = 'Lahore Pakistan'; if(!custTable.validateWrite()) throw error("1. Record Failed during Validation."); custTable.insert(); info("2. Record saved in database successfully, while passing validation"); } catch(Exception::Error) { error("3. There was an error, while inserting the record."); }}

Short introduction to AIF Framework

Usually we have to communicate with external systems with Dynamics Ax.

In many business Scenario, Data is imported from other application or export form Dynamics Ax to external system.

For Data Export or import Microsoft provide AIF or application Integration Framework.

What can we do with Dynamics AX Aif Services.

Encapsulate the Business Logic. Communicate with external systems.

Encapsulate the Business logic: With the help of Microsoft Dynamics

Ax services framework, we can encapsulate required business logic. For example we can create sales order, purchase order, Create Customers, vendors. These custom business logic will be publish as web service through the Application Integration Framework (AIF). AIF also participate in any Service Oriented architecture (SOA).

Communicate with external systems.

Microsoft Dynamics AX Application Integration Framework (AIF) enables companies to integrate and communicate with other systems (External Systems). This communication is based on external business processes and partners through the exchange of XML over various transport media.AIF enables Dynamics Ax to integrate Business to business or application to application scenario.

Types of services

Query service Custom Service Document Service.

Query Service

Publishes service operations that allow execution of existing (static) or ad hoc queries from service clients and returns results in the form of generic .NET datasets.

Custom Service

X++ method can be expose as serviceCustom service artifacts Service implementation class A class that

implements the business logic and exposes it through X++ methods.

Service contract Service-related metadata (no code). The most important service metadata consists of the service operations that are published to external service applications, and a reference to the X++ service implementation class that implements these service operations.

One or more data contracts X++ classes that represent the complex parameter types used for service operations. Data contracts are not needed for primitive data types.

Document services

document services stems from the reality that businesses need to exchange business documents, such as sales orders and invoices Axd documents:

API document-centeric application interface. For example sales order service include create sales order, read order, Update order.

Useful in those scenario when, validation is extremely important, Response time is not critical, even not important.

Document service artifacts Service contract Service-related

metadata (no code) that is stored in the AOT nodes under the Services node.

Service implementation An X++ class that derives from AifDocumentService and implements the service operations that are published through the service contract

custCustomerService Class for customer

Axd<Document> class An X++ class that derives from AxdBase. Axd<Document> classes coordinate cross-table validation and cross-table defaulting. There is one Axd<Document> class for each document service. For example, AxdCustomer is the Axd<Document> class for customer. The AxdBase class, among others, implements code for XML serialization.

Data object An X++ class that represents a parameter type and serves as a data contract. The parameter types that the Create New Document Service Wizard generates derive from AifDocument and represent business documents. For example, custCustomer is the data object that is created for the custCustomerService.

Learning resources and references http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/

library/gg852966.aspx Book, Inside Dynamics Ax 2012

Question and Answer.

top related